Half-elves Fall in Love

Summer Spirit Festival 5 [Knoll]

"Knoll is somewhat of a sleeper with a boy in Nori, but he's also a man of honor. You always keep what you promised him once."

"Well, that's natural, isn't it? I usually spend my own money as I please, but if it's decided to be money to buy something, I don't spend it on my own. That's all."

"Heh heh, it's an analogy to feel like a big merchant lady But isn't there a lot of guys like Nor who say," Be my woman "?

"I'm here... but unlike my brother, most men try to bind me, and I can't go out with them."

Mr. Knoll says a little dissatisfied as he cutely holds my hand around himself.

... er, does that mean that I tolerate wandering (or don't think I can catch it) is working positive?

"You're mine alone, and you feel more like you're a geezer."

He groans like that, but Mr. Knoll smiles in return for my eyes.

"Isn't that what you mean when you believe in women? I feel like someone who loves" Me Dancing As My Heart Is Where I Want Me, "rather than getting caught by a guitar, is watching everything about me."

"Ah, uh..."

... I want to be with them at all, to have a life with them, to see all aspects of them.

That's the general affectionate relationship between a man and a woman, natural emotions.

But not necessarily in her. Is it because of her character, which loves freedom, or because of a long-lived species called elves?

It seems to be her ideal as the partner she seeks to have only her "priority of the part as a woman" and to entrust everything else to her heart.

Even men do, don't they? If you can do it, you're doing a cool job. I want you to look behind me. "Throw away all your work and your hometown for me and stay with me forever!" I'm not always happy to be told.

"Of course, it's not like you don't want to be with your brother, is it? I'd like to go to a place called Polka someday. But that's how you love me, and I'm gonna love you so much that I burn up every second I meet you, and even in the morning like this... I don't care if you rub my tits or grab my butt... I think I can get my dick in my head and get pregnant"

"... you're so willing to get pregnant"

"I am, in good or bad ways, not bound by anyone. I never want to be with someone I don't like, and I wouldn't shy away from anyone who wants to be with me. I don't want to pull back when they're full next door. So if you really care about Sono... even if you're someone who can whisk your eyebrows off to other families, you'll be as sweet as you like and you'll do something nice."

Kissing him in a slightly impossible position around the top of his cheek, Mr. Knoll whispers.

"I'm gonna have a hard time, brother. ♪ Your dick is... whimsical, persistent, nasty and mean, because your womb likes it."

"You know, Mr. Knoll."

I whisper back to my long ears in a sniffled, tickling time as I disrupt her dreadful semi-transparent clothes and expose her brown skin to the brightness of the desert city sky that plunges through the window.

"Sounds like it emphasizes how bad the tachi is... there's only a reward from anywhere, it"


"My dick is too busy to say it myself. I can only look forward to Mr. Knoll loving me in a different way from the female slaves with his own sense of distance"

"... Ugh, you look good after all"

Mr. Knoll narrows his eyes like he was drunk and takes off his messy clothes according to my hand.

"Nor, would you be pregnant before me or Deane? You're gonna give it up to Deane, the hard-working guy, right?

"Such a spiritual summons. Don't shy away from sleeping in a womb that's so much more mated than I am..."

"Mnh-mnh. Andy, can you give me a break? Deane, you're losing money."

"I just feel better in front of you."

Mr. Hilda's appeal...... I'd consider it if I could, but I can only say that all this depends on your luck no matter how hard you try to make a child.

But in fact, Mr. Knoll has an atmosphere where he's going to get pregnant a lot if he cares about it. Do you think it feels like you're only going to rush the oily spot without any particular difficulty?

"Well, if Mr. Knoll's gonna be late for the two of us to jerk off and try to semen life in the polka, that's very welcome."

"Wow, if I did that, you'd ruin the sense of distance I like you too."

"I'll respond no matter how you jump in. It's not a bad idea to entertain Mr. Knoll at the closest range (in range) of my specialty."

"... sloppy temptation. I feel so edgy right now, I think that's good too..."

It's nice to get tangled up on the bed, but take care of the tourist, Gloria, and let him stand back by the window.

I'm away from the motherhouse and around getting ready for the Spirit Festival, but I can still see round the top from the waist. Some of the guys in good positions could take a peek all the time.

With such a large service positioning, I start hitting myself naked in the morning.

You may be seen, but you don't speak to each other, making it the firewood of excitement. I love the way you get along with such a nori-focused Mr. Knoll.

"Wow... won't they see me?

Mr. Gloria can rush to his waist to see if he should take any action, but closing the wooden door is a lot of hassle, and there is no curtain whatsoever.

"It's okay, Nor. You and Andy even had a grand sleep rape in the courtyard."

"Uh... at home with such a large family...?

"They're both hot. Ma, if I dare to be invited too, I could be on all fours in front of the whole family with one soapy collar. "

Mr. Gloria really does the same imitation that you pull, but, Mr. Hilda, that's no good.

My body immerses itself in sex with Mr. Knoll while putting a scratch in my heart alone without putting it in my mouth.

Mr. Knoll is a good length among his sisters, Mr. Deane, and his legs are very long.

Female slaves have many daughters with smaller bodies, so when I make them stand back, the height may not stabilize until I bend my knees slightly, but as for Mr. Knoll, instead of being able to challenge his big ass upright while his tightness, Mr. Knoll spreads his legs slightly and feels like he finally fits the height.

You're getting a good looking hipster, grabbing your naturally cum upward butt with both hands, leaning against a brown back that shows beautiful curves under your silver thread hair, and I grind my hips wide as I try to keep my weight.

"Mm-hmm, yeah, yeah, strong... wow, no..."

"My first brother-in-law dick in a long time... is it tasty?

"Wildly, you poke me in the mouth of my womb... ♪ I'm falling in love more and more rough, baby."

"Mr. Knoll's cunt was a lot of covetousness too......!

"Shit, since I saw your brother in the dining room... his lower body was in mating mode..."

"Even our female slaves are a little more patient.... What about my sister-in-law (huh) who's more subdued to dick than a female slave?

"Because... because I've been patient with you... even though I didn't think you were there, but you're suddenly there...! My body got into a dick love mode first......"

"I'm really happy to have such a humble seed juice beggar dancer as my sister-in-law and lover."

"Eh... ♪"

When did I ever become sadistic, I let Mr. Knoll wave at me and satisfy my self-esteem, which even makes her close to contempt, and enlarges.

To meet that, Mr. Knoll strengthens the grind on his hips, gives my penis a dynamic stimulus, and dances just as hard a seed juice begging dance.

While doing so.

"Love... people..."

Repeat the new words I casually uttered, as I felt.

... Speaking of which, you've only been a "sister" until now, the way she took her place.

Though I blur about that, in my head, I burn with a desire to burst swollen pleasure into her womb.

Best beautiful woman, best dancer, best sketchy my sister-in-law, lover.

I can only see her once in a while, but her burning passion and inferiority never beat the female slaves, the goddess of active beauty who gives birth to my children.

I love her presence like that with my skin, taste it with my groin, my eyes, my ears, my nose, my tongue, I feel it all.



The feeling of thick cloudiness running through the urethra, nearly half solid, runs, leaving behind the feeling of her vaginal hydra swollen tortoise head pushing apart once and for all, and the cloudiness bursts through its vagina.

The amount does not fit into her vagina by way of example, pushing her lower abdomen wide and giving her some momentum to swell, eventually spraying momentum from this gap between her vagina and her.

Desert summer, albeit in the morning.

Now more aware of the sweaty self and her, she savors the pleasure and the feeling of being somewhere far from reality, relaxing to come back here again.

"No... I wanted to turn it into a porn scroll without the hineri..."

Mr. Gloria roars.

As it was, me and Mr. Knoll continued to pose by the window until World War III, and now that we finally have a sign that Mr. Knoll is feeling better, we are on our way out of town again.

It's still early at noon. One or two places by then, it feels just right for sightseeing.

"I think you're smelling a little crazy. Do you want to stop by the nearby oasis?

"Oh, good. Hey, Gloria wants to see Talk's Oasis Culture, too, right?

"Uh, that sounds kind of amazing. I mean, is it just us? I kind of have zero toothpick, but I guess I'm fine."

Though I didn't make it clear what the teething was, I can also see Mr. Gloria's fluffy concerns. This sisters are horny with the momentum that Mr. Gloria has to turn to in acknowledging the porn industrialists. And Tulk culture.

... and I looked out the window laughing bitterly at how it was... surprised.

"Ha! Ha! No more!

"I'm going high! Ho, ho!

"Last!... brilliant!

In the middle of the garden for some reason, Luna, who was thrown a plate from three directions, caught it brilliantly in the air, supporting it with her hands and elbows, shoulders, tail and one leg to stand kashi.

Something seems to have completely succeeded in the arts, and I am greatly applauded by my surroundings.

"I can, I can! This is the real deal!

"Do it. Even if you're a cat beast, you're rarely this athletic."

"Mm-hmm. I messed with the training ground."

It was some sort of familiar dark elf ladies I was throwing.

"Oh. Something's on my mind."

"Mira and Seema, you're Lucino. I thought I was hanging out with that weird elf girl last time, but I don't know if you liked that cat girl."

Speaking of which, you didn't show up for breakfast, so you forgot about Luna...

Hi Luna seems to be strangely familiar with this house, and the last time you came here, you were suddenly in the sun in a weird place.

Is it surprisingly compatible with Mr. Carlos' face?

"Oh, Andy."

And Luna notices this way, and she runs as she lays the plates on top of each other and throws them away around.

And the three sisters who were her opponents so they could be caught by it.

Sister Hilda, Sister Knoll.

"Are you going somewhere? Play?"

"Hey, Naris, you're not here? When's the next one coming?

It's tangled over here without giving in.

"I'm taking you, Andy, on a tour of Tulk..."

"You guys coming too?

Mr. Hilda and Mr. Knoll invite them as they look down through the window.


"If you want to sightsee, I'll take care of it!

"You've regained local attractions since your last reflection."

It's what I've been looking for for a toothpick, and it's just fine, right?

(cont 'd)

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