Half-elves Fall in Love

Summer Spirit Festival 1

The female slaves. The opponent's pornographic water games lasted until the point of whether to be in the evening.

No, I mean, it's always cold to play with the water, so I ended up going up a little up instead of non-stop, and I had lunch or something that Lyla made me come out of a restaurant in town on the way.

Of course, there was a suggestion that an arrogant millionaire would sit back and let a female slave soak in a water bath and let another child carry the dish in her mouth... but the spill of food was inevitable and dirty falling into the water, and you should still eat it calmly, so you ended up in a room with a proper chair and table.

Beatrice was instigated by Mr. Hilda, who ended up letting him break into my face between my crotches without ever trying to wear one, and was technically mentored by handjobs and fellas, and trying to figure out if he could somehow insert a mango from under the table with an acrobatic attitude, but well, that can't be helped. I made up my mind earlier, but I'll be responsible for educating the female slaves about her.

Now, even while we were doing that, Lila was patiently dealing with the greetings of the city merchants, sometimes out on the street and showing a little bit of the dragon body. No, the inhabitants would have been more pleased with the human body that took off economically before and after that.

And what was going on with Special Agent Becker's Hundred, Bauzz, and Mr. Eupha and the others, they were spending a whole lot of time using a different room because it was such a big mansion, or leaving for the Blue Sky Tavern.

The escorts were two men's hands, but the people of this city can't keep them down who are part of Lila's line. That's what they treated me like I wouldn't put it down there anywhere.

"It's not like a city that big, but the atmosphere in the city is bright and lively, and because of the vibrancy of the gendarmerie, there are few gorots. There's plenty of primary industries on all sides, and once again, it's a city of good character."

"Don't feel like there's not much room in the city I've been stopping by. It should be called the prospect of rising."

Special Agent Becker Hundred and Bauz, who returned to the mansion, praised the nature of the city by saying so.

"How many women are going to stay here?"

"I know now. About three of them.... When I said I was going to Tulk, more kids showed interest that way. It's because Conne is fat over there. It's safe for me and Dr. Hilda to talk as much as they want."

"Oh...... sure"

Mr. Hilda, or Carlos' Onyx Chamber of Commerce, does a wide variety of businesses. If they intend to live independently in talc, from normal work to night work, they will have a strong backup.

... I can't help but make it clear that the first place to get over drugs is work at night... but what I'm going to do with my life restart is not something I'm supposed to talk about. When it comes to a job where a woman can make money on her own in Talk, there's no way she's not aware of you.

I think that Carlos would consider doing the most honest job possible.

"When it comes to Special Agent Becker's 100-man mouthpiece, is it the military after all?"

"Well... there's a garrison over there, and I'm certainly an ant for military service and enlistment... but one of my daughters-in-law is Talk's best man."


No, I probably never heard of it in much detail.

"It's just, well... because there's a kina smelling part there too... you might not get as beautiful a pity as Carlos' husband"


"No, you're that daughter-in-law orga, aren't you? Didn't I introduce you to Tricorn's?"

"Oh, uh... speaking of which"

Winter Spirit Festival six months ago. I saw it then, like.

Surely the other was a dark elf, wasn't he?

"When it comes to being an orga leader in talc, that's it. It's pretty predictable."

"No, me, when it comes to that thing over there, it's only about Mr. Carlos partitioning..."

"... well if it's Northern packed like you are. Tulk's Auga has two large commercial groups based mainly on civil engineering, but there's a lot of blood-smelling disputes going on. It's not just central Talc, it's roughly a mess. It's too gutsy, and clearly enough, the military doesn't like to stick their hands in it either. So, our Rose was born at the top of that one-sided house in those two big Auga coalitions"

"... princess?

"Well, if you insist, there's nothing I can't say. So, I hope you're somewhat facial because of that... toko that makes me feel so sorry for a drugged woman, huh?


To ask, sleigh, or dye your hands about black, too. Yes.

Nevertheless, I do not intend to condemn it with all due respect.

I wish drugs hadn't disappeared from the world...... but not enough to bother rubbing it with an unrelated opponent here. It's not a situation where I should stick my neck in.

Though it's amazing how many Secret Service chiefs have popped a lady in such a complicated house. No, I guess I was just convincing enough to screw up the glitch because I'm a superman about this guy.

"Talc felt like a paradise, but I knew there were a lot of hassles..."

"If there are a lot of people, that's all there is to lose. Some guys have that much difference in the starting line if history is long. If the race is different, food, a place to sleep, what you want, none of which is going to be equal. Still, I think we're doing just fine with the skirmishes."

"But there are also places where you can feel free to take them where there's a spark of strife like that,"

"There's no place without a spark. Even Polka doesn't know when to start rubbing elves."

"I'm not going to let that happen..."

"That's what everyone thinks of every land. It doesn't make sense to prioritize your aspirations and ignore the possibility that you can wake up."


Special Agent Becker's hundred men, whether hooked up at the Blue Sky Tavern or with a sickly eye, sit down by the window somewhere and watch the evening sky.

"They're the ones who choose. There are many people in convenient land. There's not much trouble in the country, but there's plenty of life. I can only choose which one is better for me.... you helped them as a morality. That's a fine thing, but you want to push the happiness you want until you control the life ahead?

"... when they say so"

"Then take care of it. You're just a lot of people who have to spend their lives being happy."


As he nodded, Special Agent Becker looked sideways and shrugged his shoulders.

"I didn't even tell Gala.... from here on out, talk to yourself, listen up and forget it."

Special Agent Becker, the Hundred Man, fell apart like he was turning his back from me.

"I'm being shaken by Captain Deane. You haven't made Captain Deane happy, but don't put him behind you any more greedily."


Well, do you even want to say that at this rate...

Yeah. Excuse me.

Where to celebrate the Spirit Festival.

It wasn't a bad choice to stay here for a few nights and let everyone in the city serve up and be the star of the festival, but we chose to fly to Talc.

"At least stay until the festival..."

"Ho, it's good to know everyone's good luck. I came here on a journey, so forgive me for rushing ahead. I'll pick the nearby sandworm later. Don't worry about making a scene on the day."

"Ha. Thank you"

With that said to the mayor of the town and the captain of the gendarmerie, Lyla took off her clothes lavishly and dragonized.

Then Emma, Maia, and Bauz dragonize too, and we take off for Talk as we are grandly dropped off.

I asked the heads of the separate chambers of commerce, one by one, to take care of the people coming down here.

The new life of one woman will be somewhat disabling, but at each chamber of commerce, it will take care of each face.

And fly for a while to arrive at the evening tulk.

Even Talk is very busy preparing for the Spirit Festival, where residents organize their evenings and stages throughout the city, which will be its venue.

Since the Augs are originally a myopic species, there is no difficulty in fine work even at night. The same applies again to dark elves.

We land softly in Mr. Carlos' courtyard, hiding ourselves in a phantom... four heads at any rate.

Even though the entire courtyard is made into a venue so there's not much space, the four dragons are a little too big.

I don't know what's going on.

"... we can't all land at the same time."

To the confusion of Chibi Lyla, Mr. Hilda put on an arm and looked out the window.

"But I think there's room for a critical carriage or a ship or something, and while you put it down in stuffing, it becomes a human body in turn. How about getting off?

"It's cramped..."

"I can't even tell you to come at a time like this and leave the place empty."

"It wasn't even dragon majesty."

Lila lowers our carriage as she says so in a sigh.

And not even a meter away, a boat brought by Bauz will also be placed in the form of a stuffing, and Maia and Emma will also leave the carriage with them as they hover further.

And when we got off with my wife, I finally noticed a passing dark elf here.

"... Huh? Who?"

"... oh, guys, thanks for your help"

To the young man who looks like he's eaten, I'll meet him gently in awe.

On second thought, I don't feel or feel inappropriate.


The young man looks at me and tries to walk away as a jerk whether he thinks it's a vendor or something in and out.

There Mr. Hilda nuzzled out in front of him.

"Ha, ha. Brother Clint, long time no see."

"Uh-huh!? Hih, Hilda!?

"... why is that reaction to me?"

"Oh, what, why is Hilda here now!? Are you sure it was my wife?

"Mm-hmm. It wasn't about 70 years ago that I got married."

"Oh, yeah? No. Uh... that? No, I'm not."

He seemed kind of confused, so he had no choice but to cut the story out of me.

"Uh, excuse me.... can you get Mr. Carlos or Mr. Nancy to follow you?

"Come on, you wait a minute, I'll call the person in charge right now if you're a vendor in and out."

"No, not in and out, me... er"

Yeah. Brilliantly, I'm not considered "Mr. Deane or Mr. Hilda's lover". I don't know if I'm impressed.

"It doesn't bother me. Shall I interrupt?"

"Oh, you... Mr. Becker"

"Good evening. I arrived with four dragons. I'm a little nervous."

"... What, Dragon IV...?

Brother Clint, who is pompous.

and a dark elf with a nudged moustache appears behind it.


Special Agent Becker's hundred rarely and hastily pointed fingers in his face.

The dark elf on the top of the Buddha pushed Brother Clint all the way out and snorted muffled.

"Well done. I don't think we found Deane."

"Deane, you're still Carlwin, aren't you?

"I see. That's good"

Mustache Dark Elf...... Minister VI Ashton.

Rarely was he in the main house, he breathed heavily and pulled out the sword he had been raising on his hips cheaply.

"I'm going to die for now!

Suddenly he cut me off.


I'm in a hurry to backstep. Barely escapes a blow.

I shook up my sword even more and blasted Minister Ashton, who jumped biggly, without reading the air at all, slamming a lateral kick into my flank and blowing it away.


"Oh hey Beatrice!?

"... hey, what's this"

"I'm a minister! He's a super tough guy, Celesta's!

"... is it okay that a crazy guy is such a great guy?

Say terrible things. No, I sure don't care what you think.

But if all three of my beloved daughters are eaten by one man, so am I... will I?

I'm a little unsure though.

(cont 'd)

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