Welcome in the morning and have Grandpa Bolton's eyes examined by Mr. Hilda. I asked him to go out and do that.

I may come here again in the future, and Grandpa Bolton is the lord of the big inn. He's the easiest person to take care of. It would be a bad way to put it, but selling favors and keeping connections would be one way to go.

Well, if the eye disease is to the point of being out of hand......

"Uncle, were you blacksmithing when you were younger?

"Don't say anything, Grandpa. It's only 150.... Oh, I used to do blacksmiths. I stopped being talented."

"The damage to the back of the eye I took at that time is twitching. I don't feel it. And I wonder if it's cloudy... some parts of my eyes are getting weaker."

"What do you think, healing or not?"

"It heals, but you can't fully care for the decay caused by aging, can you? If you're free, it's best to come to the Polka Spirit Springs."

"I've heard of Polka Spirit Springs a long time ago if it's just rumors. Everything healed. If it's true, the doctor's a businessman."

"That's the truth, isn't it? Well, it's the easiest place to go, and it's the best neck."

"... is that true? Or your eyes."

"Eyes, too, huh? It's a miracle fountain to go back to those days when everything was better than the crowd, whether you're hungry, heart or penis. "

"What, you've been there before? I hear it's deep in the trot, but it's not an easy place for dark elves to go."

"That's not it. I'm already a resident there."

Mr. Hilda sums up the diagnosis even as he talks at a mild rate, whining "I'm going to be a little invisible for about five minutes, but don't worry about it" and doing some magic. It would be anesthesia of sensory blockade by phantoms or something.

"Ho, are you sure you're okay? It's still dark, isn't it?

"Can't we really wait a little longer? Good adults don't fool around."

"So, but hey... I'm opening my eyes, right?

"I can't seem to meditate. Yes, don't move your mouth anymore. Shut up."


Tetes, who plays an adjunct on the side, holds Grandpa's head and chin. I can't talk now.

In the meantime, Mr. Hilda chants the spell quickly as he scratches and strokes the air around his temples with his fingers, practicing one different sorcery after another.

"... Yes, end of treatment. This should make it easier, at least, to read at night."

"Seriously. I don't see anything yet."

"So you'll be able to see it in a little while. It's the Dwarf's fault."

"Is Dwarf trolling you? Relax, I'm only digging stones in the mine, don't hang with the country dwarf or something. I'm a metropolitan congregation, so far... I can see a blur..."

"I don't think he's the innkeeper who lets you sleep in the daytime and check in at night."

Grandpa Bolton kept his eyes open for a while, loosening his hands in the universe to touch something, but from a certain point on, his vision seemed clear, his movements suddenly firm.

"Oh... oh, I can see... wow, I can't even bother at all. I don't even have glasses."

"So far. After a year or two, I'll be suspicious again, because I'm getting weaker muscles to focus on because I'm old enough."

"Right. I don't want to get old..."

Between joys and bundles, Mr. Hilda still laughs at the stingy old man.

"So you should come to Polka. Yikes. That kind of decay will heal a lot over there."

"... if you only have this arm, shut up and visit. Oh, you'll fumble as much as you want, you will. If this city is like you, there are as many human beings as you want to have."

"Enough making change. Now I'm a woman who lives in love."

It's so cool to be able to say this by healing people brilliantly, but it's so awkward considering that the relationship with that other person is an affair.

I don't know that kind of insight. All right, Grandpa Bolton squeaks with a smudge and a look at his hands.

"Polka... When I was younger, I could say I was healthy, but whatever I did, when it gets tough, that's what interests me."

"It's getting easier for Celestas to get there now, so if you're interested, you can talk to someone at the Onyx Chamber of Commerce and you can step it up."

"Onyx... oh, not very popular here, but you know what I can talk about. You're related."

"My brother's got a partition. We've been working with Polka and the rest of the Elf Territory for a long time, so we should be able to work with the Merchant Corps."

"Well, you're Onyx's ex-tight family. See you then..."

Make your home right, Grandpa Bolton.

Looking a little far-fetched at that, Mr. Gloria glances over his shoulder and looks at me sideways.

"Onyx sounds like the nicest name for Bolton... not quite, this organization"

"'Cause it's gonna be tough..."

I put my finger on my lips. Mr. Gloria laughs sarcastically.

Former Narcotics Patients & Baws squad, led by Special Agent Becker's hundred chiefs, could normally take the town's boulevard inn without any particular problems.

Thanks to Lyla and Bawes being able to talk ultra-hearing separately over long distances (even if they talk normally, they can see the voice of their opponents on the other side of town), they met up pretty light.

Special Agent Becker hundred sighs as he scratches his head.

"I'm famous for the special circumstances here, so I thought one of you knew."

"Unfortunately, there was no one in the east..."

For once, Lila knew, but that's knowledge from a hundred years ago too...

"Special Agent Becker, I'm sure you know a hundred people in the country."

"Intelligence brigades are half the work of domestic insiders. It's not a rock. It's a tough country."

"This one undercover too?

"Northern Legion Command Stuffing. No, it's a bad way of saying it, but it's idle. Bonbon general candidates gather in place of schools. But if you're free, you don't know what you're up to."

In relation to the Trott Corps to the north, where they mix with Trott troops and place their strong troops on heavy stones, the Northern Corps is considered a relatively safe corps with no immediate threat to the Quartet. And then so is the Oriental Legion, protected by the Blue Snake Mountains and free from the worry of massive enemy forces.

For this reason, General candidates studying command strategies will be positioned in the South or the West of the Affilm Defense to prepare for threats from pirate counter-piracy and the Southern Great Plains, while others will build up their careers in the North or the Eastern Legion.

but the Celesta army is characterised by some room for regional valves and pedigree. A strange group of ideologies is formed from a young general candidate to whisk the central order... what is unfortunately not a rare story... Apparently.

That's the end soldier, and that's completely irrelevant to us cross-bow squads who were under Mr. Deane's protection as a special unit.

"Many times I've been framed for impersonating a famous detective against a bong opponent. A general candidate for cadet education and a family of big merchants are decided. You can't just kill me like that, and when you have to, you try to push me with money, and if it stinks like real trouble, you don't."

"... I'm sad for you"

"Oh I want you to spare me that kind of assignment... I guess when I'm not old enough to break out on the front lines in the future, that kind of job will become the main business. Oh, no."

Special Agent Becker, who shakes his head, a hundred men.

Bawes, who was arm-wrapping behind me, pinches his mouth.

"Leaving aside public discourse, what are we going to do after this? It might be nice to give these women some leisure time to sightsee, but your female slaves seem uncomfortable in this city. If you're leaving soon, I'll get you ready."

"Oh...... hmm"

I brought him here on my own. Should I give the girls in your squad some chance to sightsee too?

We wouldn't be in so much trouble if we were in a suburban neighborhood, and I think that might be okay...

"I don't know what to do..."

When I came up with the answer, Irina came all the way in.

"How are your daughters doing? You want to take a look around and you're gonna be a wuss."

"No, you don't. Looks like a lot of daughters find it hard to breathe. No one is very aggressive towards humans... but it must be the atmosphere of the city"

"Atmosphere...... Hmm"

From what I can tell, harmonium is calm and never feels severe.

Not as green as Klabes, every road is wide, wearing the Northern Legion Command on the loose hills of the town centre, the neighborhood, created like a few steps of staircase, is crowded and does not feel insecure.

"I feel like I'm doing too much."

Irina hides her mouth and narrows her eyes.

"Is it too much?

"The town's texture is too harmonious. There is absolutely no vibrancy here that was in the back streets of the Fae. … Is the stare of the army overactive?"

"Uh, there's gonna be some of that... but it's the guys doing this compartment."

Mr. Gloria, who was silent, opens his mouth.

Special Agent Becker, a hundred men, gestured to me, "Who?" I showed a bare gesture asking, so I introduced it lightly.

"I'm a painter in the suburbs, Mr. Gloria. Looks like an empty gatekeeper."

Mr. Gloria picked his ear only when he heard the sound of a "broker," but that's all he continued to talk about.

"The Springs Chamber of Commerce is overwhelming. Almost all the shops and services in this town will get there once they get there."

"... ruler of shadows"

"When I try to live here, I have to bend my knees to them somewhere. Except that's the army.... the administration doesn't have to know, and it's a little hard to imitate that everyone lives with their tails gripped by one organization."

"Oh well..."

A major hub of the human race forces within the Celesta.

Then, naturally, there will be a large merchant in Celesta who intends to do business.

In Talk, while Onyx was the biggest, multiple forces remained vibrant by competing, whereas here one force has taken hold of everything.

For the better and for the worse, a place where there is competition evokes criticism of each other. It may only be a mud throw, but it promotes purification and reform as a whole.

Conversely, where competition does not exist, there is no compelling need to turn into something better, and neither purification nor reform takes place.

When that happens, the thinking of the inhabitants also stalls. It will no longer be better than maintaining the status quo.

"I see, that's breathless..."

"Anyway, if you grew up in the country, it wouldn't be an interesting atmosphere for a guy who's used to a more lively place."

Mr. Gloria spreads her hands gently.

"Once this happens, it's hard to even open a wind hole.... just a bunch of guys who are happy with what's going on here."

"And Mr. Gloria?

"Sort of.... It's a stick-out treatment, but I can only live doing whatever I want. I can't go further than that because I'm a broker."



Blurring, self-derisive, there is sadness in her words telling me to cut and throw away.

As for her, the broken past is also her pride in living to her liking. I guess that doesn't mean I should be more sympathetic......

In fact, I guess I can't even hope to be happier than that to the elf who became the broker.

So the only thought I'm feeling right now is extra sentimentality.

She is ready for everything and in an unreachable position for the rest.

I don't want any help.

... So if you're going to force yourself to reach out and touch her there, it's not about "helping" her.

"Right.... but aren't you tired of it?


"If this place has stabilized and only the same routine as it is now. If I have to draw just like I do now.... don't you want to see something new, Mr. Gloria?

"... right. I'm tired of screwing around just in my head, though. But I have this place..."

"Let's go see a lot of things together"

I look into Mr. Gloria's eyes and say,

"I like what you draw. If you're having trouble breathing, I'd like to help you get some good air."

"... that's quite forceful. Did you have a crush on her?

"There's that too."

I'll be honest with you.

"Sex with you was amazing good, and I don't deny the side that it's a shame to let go"

"I'm waiting in order."

"Let the others wait a few months"

"... dude"

"We're going to all kinds of places. With the wings of a dragon, I'm sure I'll go somewhere I wouldn't have imagined from this town. I want to see it and see what kind of picture you make of it"

"... if you're going to dictate, don't you have a way of dictating more women cum?

"I've never really dropped a woman myself.... but I don't think you're the one who has to live in a narrow world."


"Give me a few months. Come with me. If you still think it's best to come back here, I'll bring you back. I promise."

"... ha, boy. She's a good old girl and she smells blue."

Mr. Gloria laughed bitterly.

"... Fine. Sure...... no matter how many more decades we do the same here, it doesn't matter what happens. Let's take a little vacation."

If I were to reach out to her now satisfied, that would not be "helping" her.

It would be a determination to "get it".

... But no one denied it.

(cont 'd)

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