Half-elves Fall in Love

Beatrice's Future

Spend a few days or so in a sloppy day.

Walking flunkily through the city of Polka, he was flirting with the cat beasts and female slave sons he met there as often as he had a light cup of tea, but generally the days go by when the sun goes down without a big deal happening.

Something keeps happening all the time...... my heart slowly becomes familiar with everyday from the days I can chase like that, every day like that.


Beatrice's gorgeous voice echoed in the Smythson family living room.

If you put something on your face, Beatrice has an inappropriate stuffed animal in her hand.

The sturdy canvas was stitched together in cluttered seams, and the length of both hands was chiseled, and the eye height was subtly different from left to right, making me wary of what it would be like to be served with a pong without saying anything, but that was the first "piece" Beatrice had ever made while receiving a clue from the Naris.

"Did you do it?"

"Huh... hey, what the hell"

When Beatrice admitted to my appearance, she hugged the stuffed animal so she could hide it with both hands.

Nobody's going to take it. No, you thought you could even complain about it.

But before this, a girl who only knew how to wield her sword at the mercy of power made one thing, one thing at a time.

Don't say anything wild about it.

"Making things takes time, but it's fun."

I draw water from the water bottle, put the pan on the leftover fire in the kitchen, and boil the water.

"... I don't laugh or anything. You know, childish."

"You. Kids' clothes, kids' toys, and, of course, stuffed animals, are made by good adults, right?

"... but that's true"

"I'm a blacksmith, so I don't do much sewing though. I'll never forget the excitement of being able to make whatever I want with my own hands, and I'm still savoring it."

Once upon a time, my father used to make various things out of iron shards.

It's something exciting to see broken metal fragments of no value become beautiful knives and forks with my name on them after a day, buckles and little knight statues, and I wonder if I'll be an adult who can make anything like this when I grow up too.

Not long before I left the polka, I would have made a gold hammer grip with my father if it was about a paper knife.

Somewhere outside of me, somewhere I can't see, there's something I only thought I was making in a way I don't know… I can produce it from my own hands or from the material in front of me.

From the moment I found out about it, I stopped wondering if I was going to be a blacksmith.

... Well, it was the soldiers who ended up.

"I may not be able to make what I thought... but you made one. You are a man who can make stuffed animals. That's so much better than you were yesterday."

"... ugh, yeah"

"Congratulations on completing the first. Make more and more and you'll be able to do better."

I make tea in boiling water and recommend it to Beatrice.

It is a sugar magically produced by Tetes from silver pears, the specialty fruit of the forest, an elf wild grass tea with a sweet and gentle taste.

Of course, it doesn't contain exciting ingredients that Christie drank before and went crazy.

"... Oh, thank you.... and I just tried to make it for now, so I don't know if I'm going to make the next one."

"I hope we don't have to hurry. Life is still decades away. There's still plenty to make."

"... you're a weird guy"

"Oh my God, all of a sudden"

Beatrice hugged the stuffed animal and sighed small.

"That's how I say things that seem weird and reliable... and you're weak and you're half-witted about anything, then there's something you can't do, and it doesn't seem like it."

"That's a lot of credit."

I laugh bitterly. Does it look that way from a young child's point of view?

... Oh, I just naturally thought about "young kids" or something. I hate it when it's like proof that I'm old enough.

It's not like you can't cook.

"Well, if you're an army cook..."

"It's about a blacksmith, so you can make a lot of things out of iron. You can't even sew."

"... if you don't do it yourself, it'll cost you money."

At least in the Crossbow squad, everyone was doing it to save money. There were a lot of guys who weren't good at Auga, but that's the kind of guy you'd be asked to do for about a penny.

"I never did it all."

"... there are quite a few people in the trot who don't have experience with XV or anywhere else."

"Build a house, 'cause that's why I'm going to do it... fight and do business, maybe, when I have to, you know, anything I can do"

"... well, maybe not many people can ever do that in that sense. But we all do. You may think you're different, but aren't you just trying?

"Ugh... thats how I can say sarah..."

With the lips I buried in my stuffed head, I heard him whining a little "cool......" or something, lighting up and my cheeks getting hot.

It's not just me. There's nothing anyone can't do.

Human hands can't just hold a sword. The human foot is not the only place to go.

As Chief Grants said one day, there's not one thing you can do.

"My female slaves have a cup of kids with all sorts of skills, so I hope they teach me all sorts of things if they are. I'm sure it'll help.... because you can be anything now. That's what Carlwin is like."

"... anything?


I don't want to be seen cheeks that would have turned red, reaching over Beatrice's head and stroking her a little cluttered.

Something might make me look like a father now.

This is what my father would have done if he'd gotten a glance of respect from me.

I realize now that a parent caresses his head while blocking his gaze when he lights up.

"... uh"

Beatrice accepts his hand as he tries to tickle a little.

And then spin the jaws and the words from under your hands.

"... to your wife, too?

My hand stops all the time.

I suddenly feel ambushed from an unexpected angle.

No, let's calm down. Beatrice was in a country without a clear marriage system in the first place.

It's usually an approach if you say it this way in a scene like this, but in this kid's case, it might be a little different.

"Oh, ma'am?

"... you see, the... you know, I have a kid... that, you know, you say your wife"

"Ugh, yeah, well"

"... I wonder if I can, too"

"Well... when you get married, you'll be your wife."

"... hey, kon"

Beatrice puts it down and frowns.

Can't you think of them... No, I haven't really felt the marriage system in the first place, so maybe I can't imagine what that act would mean.

"... you had a child, didn't you?"

"Ah? Yeah, I'm here."

"Are you married?

"... but I didn't"

"... that's hard. A guy who's not married even if he's got kids... isn't he your wife...?

Oh. I see.

Are you interpreting "wife" as "woman with child"?

Because mothers are Karlwinians who are not immediately linked to "women who raise their children," they want to distinguish them by the expression "become wives" rather than "become mothers".

The point is that the existence of raising a child with one's own hands may be disconnected from the word "mother".

Well, should I slow down and learn the difference in that nuance?

"You can be. If I were a woman, I'd be more or less my wife. Especially a pretty girl."

"... oh, shit"

Beatrice nods with a little joy.

"Well, I... want to be that"

"Oh, uh... yeah, I think I can be. of which"

"Of which?

"That's why we're getting married, normally. Somebody, promise to stay with the guy all the time... then make a kid. So we grow it together. That's your normal wife."

…… You said you weren't married... you didn't promise to stay with the woman who made the child all the time?

Beatrice following Zubali and my weakness.

That's right. That's crazy, isn't it?

"Meh, because I'm making a promise as a female slave... and now that I'm in the trot, only one civilian can admit his wife. I'm... a lot of people."


Beatrice's questionable gaze hurts. Ouch.

"Shit, you can't help it!? We all like it! Everybody tells me marriage doesn't have to be in shape! There's also a suspicious existence to be recognized as a marriage partner in the first place!

With the dragons and the breakcore?

"Why are you angry..."

"Wow, bad."

"... I mean, I don't care about that. In the end, what should I do? He said he'd be your wife."

"Gohon.... it's not a good idea to ask me for an explanation, so you should ask Naris or... Naris or something"

I tried to put out other candidates after Naris or something, but realized I couldn't put out a candidate.

'Cause Tess is going to say something strange intentionally. Almeida and Sharon also have questionable values. The dragons don't seem interested in "wife" either. People in common sense towns don't make sense in the first place.

"Okay, but... why can't it be you?

"As much as I can't do, there is...!

Only a convincing explanation on this matter is unlikely to be possible.

Who I'm flirting with today...... no, I guess I'll see you, what a walk, I saw a dragon flying through the sky.

When you gaze at it, you can see that its body is blue and brilliant.

Someone from the Blue Dragon, I guess. I wonder if it's also for someone to go somewhere, I wonder, the giant grew up watching, passing over town and flying off to a meadow out of town.

I'm interested, so I'll go after it.

Return from the dragon body to the human body to see who the dragon is.

Her limbs were full but neutral, apparently airy.



It was the old Dwarf who let her down.

I rush over.

"Hmm. Nushi."

"Grandpa Dan!

"I thought you were picking me up late. Oops, but I hear you've made a lot of noise again. I heard from this dragon."

Dan Klux.

Jeanne's grandfather, the great blacksmith, stepped down to Polka again.

(cont 'd)

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