Half-elves Fall in Love

Carlwin rebirth 3

The next morning, when I woke up, I was sleeping somewhere like a room.

Warm left and right.

"... mmm"

"Shh... Shh..."

On a simple but clean bed, Apple to hold his left arm, Luna accompanied him to nod his face around his right armpit (but not his arm).

After confirming that, I drop my head on the pillow again, reminding myself of yesterday when it was all over like a storm.

And now that it's all done.

"... go home... you can go home, huh?

I squeal.

I waited for the day it all ended, but suddenly I felt strange to be able to go home.

"Whatever, you're going home. Leave the rest to me."

To my whining, I get a reply from the darkness.

I looked up gently, but I was going to wake up Apple and couldn't move any further, judging by my voice and returning the words again.

"Mr. Deane.... I'll take care of it, huh?

"It's supposed to be my fault for everything about Carlwin. You must have just connected me till I got back."

"... oh, yeah... what the hell"

"You go back to the polka a little faster.... As usual, it hurts too much alone. Your body, your mind."

"... some guys got hurt deeper than me, and I'm an outsider, so I can't believe my heart's broken"

"You're misunderstanding"

Mr. Deane says only with a gentle, enveloping voice.

"It's not just time for people's hearts to be beaten and robbed of anything.... when a kind person must jump into an unfriendly reality, make decisions about the impossible, endure irrationally, and diligently understand the incomprehensible madness. That mind can't be at peace either. Can you let your mother or my child taste the same horror and make the same decisions that you have until today?

"... it"

"I don't remember the pain, not because I don't have a scratch. Sometimes pain is commonplace.... It hurts, you are now. There is an unreasonable impatience seeping through my face that I have to do something, driven around by the phantom of sadness and responsibility. It's like seeing a soldier who gets hurt but strengthens, 'We're not the injured when we can move'"

"... I didn't mean to"

"It's forbidden to come back here before I can heal that arm, reassure Selene or Jeanne or your mother, and say 'I have to train a blacksmith' again. Don't worry, I can rebuild this country much better than you."

"... well, I guess so"

"But it's forbidden, too. … saving a human being, a town, a country is not what happens in a hurry by yourself. It's going to last for years to come. So don't think about it in the subject of 'self'. It's" ourselves. "Trust your people, including me."

"... I can't believe you left Mr. Deane here"

"What, if the dragon protects the country from the demons, the only thing left is people's problems. It's not such a long story because it's only a matter of being able to develop people who can be entrusted with it.... and if you don't clean up more and more of what you can clean up, you won't be able to accomplish your purpose for long, will you?

"My purpose...?

"You're still asleep.... Weren't you supposed to make Naia a female slave?

"Oh... yeah, I was"

"Naia won't pull me into the polka with you unless she thinks she has to be in this country."

Mr Deane says in a teasing manner, but that is true.

You won't be able to let Naia live in the polka, keeping her worried about her hometown.

"I'll make sure Naia comes to the polka. It's a job for that.... It'll take some time to build a system in a country with nothing, but you'll come and see Mame, won't you?

"... I think I just got a restraining order."

"Whatever, I'll wait long enough for you to grow an arm and take a breath"

"… as soon as possible"

Make it, this guy buys all the hard work and gets out. No, I suppose you feel responsible for me being supposed to confront all of Carlwin's Gotagota.

But I'm convinced I'm beneath someone else because I'm such a Mr. Deane.

That happened because no liner could admit to standing above himself.

It's important to have someone you can respect.

"Well, it's time for dawn"

Mr. Deane groans and opens the window wooden door.

In the eyes accustomed to the darkness, the sky of the herd blue immediately after dawn shines brilliantly.

Dawn light does not fall directly on the bed at an angle, but the light that hits the walls and Mr. Deane's skin makes me imagine a fresh morning sun that tells me that a new era has arrived in this world.


"Nah......, Huh"

In conjunction with that, Apple and Luna finally wake up, too.

"It's morning. Both of you.... Come on, get ready to go home!

Mr. Deane made a breakthrough on both of them as he narrowed his eyes to the sun.

The dignitaries of each country are of course sent back to their home countries quickly.

To that end, we sent many of the dragons, including the Silver Dragon, and on top of that, when we returned to our home country, we were to have as many free carriages arranged as possible.

It's a vehicle for immigrants.

Exactly what you will be carrying in dozens of portions, but the psychological load of long distance travel is out of step between being normally transported on a dragon and riding a carriage.

Karlwin was also sent around ten deputies and technical instructors each from Trot Celesta Renfangas to work together for the time being in an effort to rebuild.

Supporting Carlwin while they consult, and getting him to develop his spare capacity, will help him serve as a base for the Demonic Territorial Peace Project in the future.

Using this valley as a base for investigations and creating modern labyrinths as appropriate, the demonic land situation should improve.

Though it's a very long story.

"So... how about Princess Sterna?"

Cleric Duke, once again, the King's deputy asks for the opinion of His Majesty Ulysses, who is beginning to make his way home.

The predecessor left the discipline to Ector, while conceiving for a while.

"It's a good idea to add to the first arrow of immigrants"

"Ha... that mind is"

"If you lose your authority, you can't do anything. But all I've ever known is a life of repression. I'd still appreciate a flag for the people. It's a great way to get people together in immigration."

But that's not how you resent being thrown out by the royal palace.

"At best, you should resent this old bone.... and after thinking of the powerlessness of a king without a people, if Smythson is flexible, he won't have a hand"

"Oh, is that me!?

"If you were a people who decided to save them, wouldn't it be stingy to try to be convenient to move them around?


This ancestor suddenly spins the bowl, doesn't he? With a face like naturally.

I can also nod that I was feared during my active life, but I think it would have been hard for me to date you. Enemies and allies.

"Bye, Naia. I got this place."

"Brian, I still do too... at this important time"

"I'm fine because Lord Deane is here. Besides, you've been out of the team for over a year now. [M] Don't worry, come rest with Beatrice first."

Naia was to go to the polka for now in the form of Beatrice's escort. It would be all kinds of harsh for Brian to accompany us on his own.

... It also feels somewhat more distracting than that.

A dozen other artisanal village villagers diagnosed by Mr. Hilda and determined to need early treatment, as well as members of the Ace Knight squad who were injured in the battle, will accompany me on my way home from Polka this time.

"Lyda, I asked for it."

I'll take care of it.

And Lyda asked me to bring all the elders waiting to heal their injuries at Crystal Palace to Polka.

Dragon injuries also heal if polka. I won't let you suffer forever.

"It was a flashy festival, but the fight ended up being the most annoying smell of cleanup"

"There is no battle for battle. Of course it is because it is important to go beyond that. Besides, nobody expects you to clean up, Annette."

"That's right. Nah, it's over. It's over. - Sorry about the yay."

Annette Grand Knight and Lister Grand Knight are also sighing about what an easy situation it is to be sorry for as they prepare to be transported to Safr.

A large circle like Ogayama is not a rolling one. There are problems ahead of us from there, and we don't lose sight of those who strive.

... in a way, I think it's the most of them, Renfangas.

"If you can spare some time, Chief Duke... please also come to Polka to represent the King. I'm sure that leg will heal."

"... Looking forward to it, but for the time being, you don't seem to be free"

To my farewell greeting, Chief Duke replies with a bitter smile.

"Well, cure it, Andy."


Next to Chief Duke, Mr. Deane pokes my deco with his finger, and then he kisses me and sends me out.

Mr. Deane, too, was able to do this naturally in public, how dare you, when you let go of your face, Chief Duke coughs while turning his back blatantly.

A gentleman.

And then a dragon flies out of the backyard of the royal palace in three ways, returning the heroes to their homeland.

After we see that, Maia, Lyla, and Mr. Brohl will cross the Blue Snake Mountains in formation and take the road to Polka.

I arrived at the polka around midnight.

It was already dark when I wanted to see the nostalgic town, and the bright ones were about the Baron's mansion and the liquor store, and the remaining hot springs of the bonfire.

"Sorry, Boyd."

"No, that's all I can do."

Get off the carriage in the meadow near the woods and get Boyd to bear it and cross the meadow while listening to Naris and Cairon make the argument about whether to go to the liquor store, inn, or hot springs first... If I fell without one hand, it would be terrible for my eyes, so they made me sweeten it.

Finally, Beatrice is carried by Naia, not Gort...... They're both small, so I'm a little smiling.

Irina is following us somewhat on the run.

"Should we go straight to Breakcore now?"

"No, I'm tired of moving, and I'll do it after one night. It's not a good idea to push it at night."

"Breakcore's not supposed to sleep."

"Breakcore is good, but all of a sudden if you push it with a dragon in it, people like silver and red will be surprised"

... Well, somewhat around there, conveniently.

"I'd rather go to Selene's."

"... I see"

Baron's mansion.

Boyd rebacks me, speeds up my legs, and then loosens my legs after a little while when I realize Irina is having difficulty.

When we arrived at the Baron's residence, Jeanne and Fennel were the first to welcome us.

"After all, were you all"

"I just saw something come down that way. So, did Andy save you?"

"Right here, right here."

Because of Boyd's big body, I couldn't see from the front.

Still, I don't see how the sky dragon looks at night. That's Dwarf's night.

"You're safe. I'm a little scared because the Hundred Chiefs say something funny... what's wrong with that arm!?

"Uh... uh, I'll have Blakecore cure me tomorrow"

I have Boyd put me down and he notices an anomaly in my right arm, but how did this happen, I don't talk about details.

Explain that only after taking the time to do so.

"More than that, I heard Selene was giving birth..."


"... Ugh, give birth... you did, didn't you?

Yeah, well, I'm kind of anxious about Jeanne and Fennel reacting subtly when I think they're going to eat up.

"... uh, now... you should stop. Yeah"

"... oh, hey. No way."

I didn't doubt it at all until now, but suddenly I get anxious.

Births are not entirely safe even in this polka. There are stillbirths, and sometimes the mother dies.

I was trying not to think about that possibility.

But all of a sudden when you say that so you can get cold water.



Jeanne mumbled, I tried to grab Jeanne's shoulder with both hands... I knew there was only one hand so I shook her with one hand and tried to ask her.

"... Andy,...?

I hear Selene from behind.

Good, Selene is at least safe... or so I turned around.

"... arms, what is it...? Who, did you do that?

She looks like Selene with a smile and a rattlesnake tremor as she holds her adorable baby.

I mean, let's leave the question behind.

"Shh, Selene, calm down! You're gonna be cool anyway!

"Oh, you know, Mr. Selene, you've been a little emotionally unstable since before and after childbirth!

"Not only Mr. Andy's legs, but even his arms...... Um, Mr. Deane, what's up? Did you kill him properly?

"Oh, hey, really, relax, Selene, because I did this myself! Hey, what's going on?

"Mr. Andy was too short," according to Selene, who later regained his peace.

... heh, shortages make it oh.

(cont 'd)

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