It takes Corti to take the lead and the other dragons to search for the liner in a way that follows behind them.

Sometimes we don't have a lot of personnel, and the carriage left. With the exception of Corti, if you have four heads, you don't need any tools to carry ten people or them there.

... The carriage just wants me to go after it when I try to hit it.

"Don't be alarmed, Lyla."

I urge Lyla to be vigilant while Mr. Deane rides with me.

"Ho. I know. But when we fly together, I really regret that my perception reminds me that Ice Dragon is one step worse."


"Fire dragons dominate in body ruggedness, but ice dragons seem to have strong properties there as long as they are made to withstand rough weather. You might as well leave the vigilance to Maia."

"Whatever it is, I want Maia to be very careful. I don't want to be targeted by Andy over and over again."

"It is. This time it was on the boulder, but it's not about staying stuck, it's about reassuring."

Mr. Deane's direct escort while being held by the dragon. There is no more vigilance than this.

"Ha... it's not funny"

Angelos, who was right next door, sighs small.

Naia and Sharon were also put into Angelos to protect me in the out-of-house battle. Normally, it was an excessive amount of escort, but as a result, it could not be said to be sufficient in front of the liner.

"You guys did enough. I can only be satisfied with the fact that no sacrifice was made as a result of this to an opponent outside common sense"

"Yes, but if I take a wrong step..."

"Fighting is not 100% what you want to do. Last time, it was the defeat of the liners who failed to achieve results there."


"Don't be sorry. Don't feel it. It's a vicious circle when it's a gap.... If the results don't work, then sometimes I just have to 'choose' the interpretation I need the most. Sooner or later, if it's time to reflect and train in a safe place, now's not the time to look like you. Wouldn't you?

"... right"

Angelos gets back on his feet with the kind words of Mr. Deane.

Around here, I think Mr. Deane is an old man, after all. The weight of the two-hundred-year-old's life experience had made him persuasive in his thinking skills.

"What do you say, Corti? Do you have any idea where he might be?

I give voice to Corti, who flies a little further, even in the sense of changing the subject.

There's a distance, but if it's dragon hearing, it's fine, and I can fly a phantom over here.

"Maybe you're not going to run any further. I feel close."

"On the contrary, is your presence also perceived? Maybe he doesn't realize you're working with us."

"I don't know. I don't think your sister and Shario are that optimistic."

Heading to the phantom corti that flew in front of us (usually equal in size, unlike Lyla and Maia use), Mr. Deane conceives.

"Is it just too much to expect that there is a counterintention and I haven't dared to inform the liners about this approach... Or maybe he's hiding the liners somewhere else, acting alone, waiting for us."

"What do you mean?

"Whatever you want to hear about this one, whether you intend to intercept it, that would be the best way to be safe"

How does Leila get out?

We're getting closer to the place, even as we raise jitters and anxiety.


Discover a beautiful silver dragon sitting flat at the top of a small, tall rocky mountain, which can also be seen from a distant place.

"... Corti"

"I know. 'Cause I'll convince you... don't touch me."

That's all I'm saying, Corti's phantom disappears, and Corti, the dragon body, leaves us to go down to the ground.


"You were safe. Relieved."

"... it's not weird when they kill me. But your sister's still different."

"Right.... I mean, that's what you've been talking about."

"That's right. Sister, my sister is thankful for that dragon rider over there. In the meantime, stop fighting. You said you didn't know about the liner."


Leila took out Corti's persuasion.

"You know that, too. That the covenant of power is not something that the Lord could destroy in such a way as to be wrong or different from what he thought."


"Besides, Corti.... I certainly didn't understand Master Liner. But now I understand."

"... what do you mean?

We wonder if the liner used any suspicious medication or technique to rule Leila.

But Layla's voice was only calm.

"It was mediocre, that guy. We haven't been able to see it right the whole time."


"He was strong as a man, the words were ambitious, and carried heavy objects, but that man just dreamed of happiness. I was about to have the happiness of spending time with Shario and us, undisturbed by anyone, without giving in to the customs of the society of those who faded.... the idea, the desire, it was mediocre. I didn't need to see what I was thinking in depth. There was no way anyone who grew up in a country with nothing could have had a deep, big idea unimaginable to a dragon.... We made a pact with someone like that and tried to assume that he was a great guy. That's all."

"Then that's fine! If your sister finds out she does......!

"But we took an oath. To help someone like that."

... Just a little, the silence flows.

Pick the next word for each other, say it with the thought that if you don't pick it, it will hurt and hurt you, for a few moments.

"We know that people change. The unwavering will is a temporary thing, and we know that people are going to turn into different beings, even in a time when they can't even get old for us. Still, make a power pact"

"... yeah. My sister used to question the elders about that one day."

"The elder said this to me then. 'If you want to martyr in the same thing, you don't need a rider or anything. All you have to do is make and faintly enforce even the Eternal Law. If only we were just part of a mechanism called the order of nature'.... you couldn't tell me any more, and you were leaning on your neck."

"... yeah"

"I know now. I don't need strength for the same thing. I don't need value. We don't want to defend such eternity. Whether it changes or makes a mistake, we dragons lean on it to change a cold fate that does not allow us to make mistakes. I'm here to protect what comes before me."

Layla slowly, the lagging liras... I mean, swinging at us.

"Just as he changed his destiny, so do I. Even if law and order deny the Lord, I know the Lord will change even from there. For one day the dragon vows eternity. As the last ally of the world, with"

"But, sister, then...!

Leila spreads her wings.

"That's my answer."

Tell Corti to put it down and jump up.

"So I can't go with you guys!

The looming Leila.

Lyla confronts it and roars low.

"Deane.... I'll take care of you both"


Before Mr. Deane finishes his reply, me, Angelos, and Mr. Deane are thrown out into the air.

And then Maia follows us down, and we see Lila and Layla, very similar named black and silver dragons bump into each other in the air as we are picked up.

Lila roaring in a low voice, Leila storming with a tall voice.

Of those two dragons, the real battle is everywhere ambitious, spectacular... and fantastic.

But the difference in power between the two heads is severe.

It was Leila who applied it to the blood and fell to the ground unbroken.

"Sister! Sister, that will be enough!!

Corti, who has become a human body, takes to Layla, who lies a worn silver giant.

But Leila never becomes a human body, but still raises her gigantic body.

Whoever sees it, Leila has no chance of winning. That was obvious.

The battle as we scratch each other's nails and fangs many times in the air and continue to heal it with temper.

But Deep Hand obviously bore more of Layla and was shown Lila's offensive power and high level of combat skill.

"On a one-on-one basis, I am no less than anyone. None of the most powerful black dragons in the Fire Dragon has sent me down."

"... just sayin ', there is..."

"My Lord does not wish to kill you."

Lyla says so, but Leila ignores it.

While neither the epidermis nor the wings can be healed, only the deep is blocked so as to repair the physique, and again he tries to turn to Lyra.

Not surprisingly, Corti dragonized and seized it from behind.

"Stop! Stop it, sister! Am I or Shario enough to risk my life for such a stupid thing!?

"... let go, Corti.... I'm fine with this. This is my first time... fighting for him..."


The sisters are spectacular.

Each one of them prepared to die in a different way, for a liner not here...... no.

Think about it.

Shario, the leg of a favor, has broken wings and is not something he can escape from.

For example, while Leila is so mean, she's taking measures to regenerate her death...?

"Is there a liner nearby?"

"Don't be."

Mr. Deane nodded as he moved his ears.

"If you don't even get surrounded, you still have the offensive power to snap down any opponent. They'll be after me or you in a flash."

"... you can't perceive?

"I'm looking... but as far as I can tell now... Huh!

Mr. Deane looked at the sky.

"There you go...... guys, up there!!

With the sun on your back, something falls.

Winged dragon. It's Shario.

I should have broken it.

"Dragon slayer wounds can't heal."

"You broke your wings firmly?

"... it's a human body, I just hit it on the back"

"Then maybe it was shallow."

"... you mean you've been hiding that so far!?

Such an idiot...... can I also delude myself into the wind, which is deeply injured by phantoms when I think about it?

Got hit.

No. But now.

"Everybody, intercept!

With the exception of Lyra, three heads, Lyda, Maia and Mr Brohl, react to Mr Diane's words and run up into the sky.

but what a swing of his forefoot Shario played three heads in three directions.

"You're lying!?


Was that such a hell of a strong dragon!?

... No, then there must have been a battle going off the palace first.

It's a bracelet.

"Naia! is that bracelet with that figure!?

"You must be wearing it by the human body."

"... Ant, no"

"More than that, Mr. Smythson. Stay hidden."

A shadow that zangly lands behind her at the same time that Naia says so.

It was Reiner Excelisa.

"Naia Grance.... Shall we call it a final battle"

"Shall I?"

Naia takes the hat and gives it to me.

I was sheltered by Mr. Deane, behind her back.

"Angelos, Aurora! Becker and Kingfisher, too, cover Naia!

"Not required"

Naia declines support.

"Please be fighting Mr. Shario more than that. I'll take down the liner."


"Don't worry about it."

"Just because you don't have a bracelet doesn't mean you can take me down by yourself."

"Of course.... Flashing Sword"


A flashing sword in Naia's hand runs rainbow light.

... Hey, no way. Are you willing to use that in a people-to-people match?

"Naia, you"

"Liner. Let's hear it one last time."

Lift the sword straight with your right hand and poke it.

"Are you still a brave man?

"It's a worthless question"

"Really? I'm relieved. … because it is troublesome to state the law for the sake of justice"


Naia giggles.

"Just a duel. That would be fine."

"Kukuku...... I see. Sure, I'm tired of pinching a fine theory already."

That's what Liner says, carrying Shario behind his back and pulling out his sword.

"I don't like all of you. That's enough!!

I don't know the liner.

Naia said... the flashing sword can cause Shario to disappear from the scene, regardless of his maximized arm power if he wants to.

(cont 'd)

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