Half-elves Fall in Love

Brave Choice 1 [Naia]

Naia was trembling with unintelligible whining and screaming for a while, but when she held him tight for a while, she calmed down, and her body tense and breathing slowly slowed.

"... Smythson,"

Naia finally puts her hand on my arm, although she's still somewhat trembling, she just stays held tight.

That wasn't a "Enough" kind of operation, but there was no force in it, and when I didn't let go while I loosened up my power, I kept trying to pull it together.

"… warm,"


That's all I'm saying, Naia, taking deep breaths over and over again.

And finally, it makes me sound like I'm back to normal.

"... it's really... nice to have someone to do this to, isn't it?... that I'm not alone... I can feel it, not reason."

"Right...... maybe the sketchy heart I put in my weak Naia"

"What more do you say now?"

Naia, with her armor in her cape, honestly doesn't feel very comfortable holding her.

I would have passed on my temperature a little more directly if I had been a suit armor in Craftsman Village, but I wouldn't let go of my approaching cheeks.

And Naia pushed my arm away and stood up and took off her cape.

Then he takes off his armor with a little hassle, puts his flashing sword up against the wall, covers his cape, and sits down again.

On the bunk.

"... if you mean sketchy, you can't just go over the armor... right?


"If that's what you're going to do, not joke."

Naia smiled with a slightly sad eye.

"Can I say my prayer once in a while?... he wants you to need him. I want you to realize that you want me."

"... I don't really like being a jerk and jerk"

"If you don't want to, that's fine. Because I'm not in a position to say that I can't. But..."

"Oh, already."

I feel complicated, but I go next to Naia and hold her.

Now it's not over the gotten armor, really little, girl's body.

"I don't like that, just this once. From now on, it's love love sex."

"...... hmm. Yes."

I want warmth.

I want to think I'm connected to someone.

I want to make sure you have a reason to be here.

... I can understand how Naia feels.

I don't want to bring something too serious into sex, but it's not enough to deny it just because of my hobby, even though the girl's asking me to warm it up.

Kiss Naia slowly at first, then slide your hands around your neck and shoulders to your chest.

As much as he invited me from himself, Naia did not resist slightly.

Instead, he looks up at me and asks me questions.

"Is this what you've been doing lately?

"You know you can't afford that, right? Girls are better than me, though."

"... you can tolerate it, fine"

"I'm telling you, I was just a virgin soldier until less than two years ago, right? Because if we don't have sex all over, it's gonna get ferocious, or something like that, right?

"Well, yes... but as for all the female slaves, wouldn't that be more convenient... hmmm"

Why not?

... No, I figured it out for a second.

On the contrary, what a convenient presence for a man if there were, for example, "girls who get emotionally unstable if they don't have sex regularly".

Even as female slaves, it would be easy to jump in if they had the big nickname "It's for me".

I'm freaking out when I do it, but it can be pretty much done if I want to be patient, which may be a bit lonely.

"If I was the kind of guy who would be upset if I didn't have sex once a day, would Naia have helped me too?

"... if it's okay with me, naturally... well, if it was Mr. Smythson like that, I probably wouldn't have let him in the first place"

"Oh, yeah."

Take off your clothes, close your flirting and lips. Aye, smile bitterly in such conversation as you wander around your breasts, buttocks, and areas as you wish.

I can imagine getting my hands on a girl without seeing it myself right now, and I don't think of her as such a complimented personality... but it's probably too soon to be caught loving when she's that greedy.

"When you're serious, you're serious. For that matter, I'll drown as many women as I can in my spare time."

"Heh heh... right. If you see it was so icky, both in Polka and in Celesta's Cat Beast Man Village... you must be right about that. But that's it."


"So now Mr. Smythson is going to lose the very position that makes him serious, isn't it?


I get laid when I don't have to be serious.

I mean, you just have to be in a position where I can't help being serious...

Dragon Rider, there's no scene where I have to get out, which is only a good thing. But it also means that if that number of female slaves were to wait for their turn every day, they wouldn't even seriously be allowed to soldier or craftsman.

"That's a lot of trouble."

"You have to be careful. But even Deane, I'm trying to spare you a hundred people."

"Right... seeding machines for the rest of my life seems boring"

Sometimes I wonder if I'd like a situation like that by doing a completely naked village or playing with a cat colony, but it's kinda something else I wouldn't do for the rest of my life.

But as a female slave, I'd rather deal with a lot of them.

"Naia wants me to get laid as often as possible when she becomes my female slave, Kuchi?

"... it's a secret"

"Secrets are nasty."

Naia remains wrapped up in my arms without a single thread wrapped around her anymore. Naia sounds sweet and stuffy when I mess with Couchu Couchu and her vagina mouth for answers.

"Ah, ah... ha, uh... secret, so..."

"Tell me."

"... fingers won't break my mouth..."

Naia enjoys herself with her exasperated eyes.

Somehow, you know, it's kind of a mess to find me trying to roll back by caring about the first time I said, "Don't get laid with a jerk".

Direct him from a little chat to tickle into flirting sex. I can do quite a bit now.

"Then it's interrogation because it's gotten worse than fingers"

I ride Naia's invitation and take it off.

In response to Naia's fortified yet feminine body and, above all, its adorable provocation, my penis is naturally a bin.

I don't know because I wasn't really deadbeat here. Both Apple and Maia seemed busy doing it.

Tess didn't ask me out, but I couldn't get to it because of the bad times.

"Well... interrogate me, please..."

"Okay... be honest, Naia...!

Naia's hairless vagina hole, where she drips a lot of love fluid, into the back seat state.

The truth is, I don't care what kind of answer Naia has anymore.

I just want to be greedy. The impulse that was heightened sought a place to go, and...

Into the vaginal canal, going in.

"Eww, mmm..."

"Naia... is, ah... Naia, let's go, let's go, let's go, let's go...!

"Yes... go ahead, give me..."

Little brave nasty vagina.

The pleasure of ravaging and encouraging servitude in my selfish penis.

And the pleasure that Naia wants it too.

Lifting Naia gently, she waves her hips as she makes her leap over her hips, poking her love fluids out of her wet omen and offending her to scratch them out.

In my arms Naia raises a woman's voice of joy. I lay my hands on my hands grabbing my chest abusively, and I wave nasty hips myself if I don't let go.


"Naia... it's time to go...!

"Sh, smh, smythson, eh... let it out... it seems eh..."

"Oh Naia...... I'll get you pregnant, here it is......!!

"... nha, aha, aha..."

Extremely impressive, puncture Naia's vagina with plenty of accumulated semen.

Of course, semen that can blow away in large quantities without getting in. Feeling it tremble as she pulses, Naia lets her gaze wander into the universe as she relieves herself.

Then for a while, he fell over with his weight on top.

I can't do this forever, but I wonder if I can do it one more time... I'm worried about what greed I should give or not.

but Naia got up all the time and caressed her underbelly looking important.

"... Becoming your female slave may also be a happy future for me"


"No, while held like this...... the dream of spending all the time beside you just seemed happy.... but"


"Mr. Smythson. … I have had enough of this dream"

"... what are you talking about, dude"

Naia turned over her shoulder and laughed happily.

"So please help everyone. … I go to the royal palace. That's all you and everyone here have to do to help."

(cont 'd)

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