We're all going to the countryside... before Naia tells us to do the magic.

"Let's disguise ourselves in the dirty wind. As I thought during the Craftsman's Village, the people outside look too small to be suspicious to the general public."

"Surely we were all lame..."

Apparently clothes are distributed once a year, some from the center, in exchange for tax payments.

That's about 30% new, and the rest are just redistributing the artefacts of the dead, which means the clothes of the people of this country are basically old.

There is not much need for gorgeous clothing in this country because there is no such thing as the aristocratic class, and the textile artisans are less numerous and less well-treated than the armorers, which gives a glimpse of the current situation in this rough country.

"Well, clothes don't have to be pretty to die... I knew it would be better to be beautiful to have room in your heart..."

Apple stares down at him as he deliberately fades and casts a phantom on himself to become a flaky bore.

"Mr. Apple better go wild with some more hair. I'll snap you into one."

"Oh, but Mr. Tetes is better"

"I'm a hedgehog, the style is not flashy, so I can just put my hair down a bit and have a spicy look that I can't get enough of. I still know a little bit about this as an intelligence agent."

Tess is dashing Apple's hair. On the other hand, I'm not that superior from time to time, so if I wore a coat that was somewhat dirty and plain color overall, I could have met Naia's standards with it.

"... Mr. Smythson"

"What the fuck?"

"Um, that might be rude... but it really feels like a commoner, doesn't it? Do you say it's not shining?"

"That's really rude!

Naia makes me admire the completeness of my poor camo because she feels like "wow".

Yeah, that's right. Because you're a common man.

And Tess snorted in the back, too.

"In fact, it feels like Mr. Maia or Mr. Lyla, clothes aren't free stuff without questions, even if they're out of shape. Your husband is a brilliant free thing."

"Don't compare me to a dragon!

"No, you must be a dragon rider."

"I've told you many times, don't you think dragon riders have to be better than dragons?

That's right. Don't be impotent about glowing in the beauty of dragons and elf standards.

"Should we defile too?"

"All right, Emma. Give me the dirt there, but let's rub it against your body."

Somehow even the silver brothers and sisters started trying to camouflage, so they rushed to stop.

"Because you guys just have to leave!

Unlike Lyla and Maia, who are indifferent to their clothes, they wear pretty good clothes, so I'm too sorry if they get dirty with that kind of nori. No, I guess they say it's something you don't have to worry about.

When we're ready, we'll be transported to a dragonized ray, and we'll head upstream to the village.

The number of people is only six even if Emma is put in, so it gets delivered in his hands.

And the flight took less than 10 minutes.

"It's a day's walk away..."

Naia just looked a little complicated. Maybe he thought it was too easy.

Anyway, the countryside upstream of the valley was just as colourful, poor and gloomy surrounded by air as the other Karlwyn villages we've seen.

"... is someone dead... or something"

A village that hears nothing but the river sounds echoing the valley.

I can't hear the children, the adults singing or talking, such silence.

That may be due to a funeral like the one we saw in the craftsman village, and even though Apple looked at Naia, Naia shook her head gently.

"Maybe he's dead, because that's not very unusual either"

"... er"

"It's always like this. Whoever works has pride and pleasure, and I think the countries out there are really happy.... Even children can't play around. Even adults can't stay away. Everyone works hungry and sleeps and just waits for tomorrow to come. That's the country's countryside."


Naia reaches a house and knocks on its door.

"Mayor, are you there?"

"... who is it? As you can see from the field, the wheat has not yet been harvested."

"Naia Grance...... no. It's Naia with cotton wool."

"... oh my God"

rattling, and pulling the drawer, a lean elf emerges from the house.

Naia took her hat and gave him a mild rendition.

"Long time no see"

"... Naia. No, Master Naia."

"The brave man's seat has been taken backwards, so" Dear Sir "is no longer needed."

Naia introduces us to him after she smiles at him.

"This is my village of birth. And here he is for fifty years, Lord Vixen, who will continue to head the village."

"Are you..."

"With the introduction of Lady Naia, I came from downstream. I'd like to show you a little bit of farmland."

Tess bought an explanation for the situation instead of me. I mean, that's a mouth-to-mouth.

This is rural. Unlike the workmanship, the craftsmanship village close to the brave ones, it shouldn't have conveyed anything about dragons, etc.

Then it becomes a delicate question of who we are.

The only thing left to come here is a taxpayer and a merchant, and then a brave man. I can't explain anything where I insist on being a royal guest, and they disbelieve me.

"Farmland...? This village has no strange philosophy whatsoever. Something to see, etc."

"It's okay. I'll look into every village the same way."

Tess, you lie to me about the expulsion and deceive the village chief. What's amazing about Tess is that she doesn't look like she's thinking about it at all or lying about it.

Well... I feel like I can dignify it, but I'm going to sprinkle a spark here right now.

"Okay. I will tell the villagers....... Naia than that. That you're dead."

"I wasn't dead. A year ago, I wandered far from the valley... and was saved by a dragon."

"Oh, my God. To the dragon."

Naia also tells lies. No, it's a critical lie.

Getting far from the valley is true in itself, and it is true that the dragon played a certain role in her return. I'm not connected directly, though.

"Is the village any different"

"The van and the rug are dead. Heavy rain last fall crumbled the cliff and one house crumbled.... That's all, not in a year"

"Really? Too bad."

"Oh. I guess Altres didn't remember well"

That's all the village chiefs and Naia say and pray silently for a while.

And the village chief smiles at his skinny face and turns to us.

"This is the return of Naia because of it. There is a slight build-up. Let me invite you to dinner."

"Village Chief"

"Let me look good for a little bit, Naia"

That's what the village chief says, but from that lean state, poverty is not the same thing.

What's the matter?

"Then I can call you. We have souvenirs, too."

Tess smiled again, saying things that Sarali did not remember.

"So. Mr. Ray, Emma, I'd like a couple of beasts that could be eaten, please."

"Are we here?"

"It's... but"

He was Tess, who had so diagnosed the Silver brothers and sisters at the exit of the village, but the siblings of the day looked puzzled.

Tess looks strange at how those two are doing. I was so cooperative, and.

I can't swallow the two of us a bit either.

Ask Maia for an explanation with a proper eye. Maia looked at the two of them like they were bored, and she turned her gaze back on me again.

"Dear Andy. You want me to do that?

"Will Maia do it?


and Emma rushing in between there.

"What, I'll do it. I'll do it..."

"A woman who doesn't understand things. Out of the way."

"Well, get in the way!?

"Just go away."

"Blue Dragon Ha... you have a really bad personality!


... I'm starting another meaningless fight.

And that's where Ray opens his hand to me and complains.

"We are only following you. If you want to do it, let's fight our fellow countrymen. But is this girl's request really on your mind?

"Oh...... I see. That's what I'm saying."

"It's important."

The dragon moves by one heart, one justice.

Never take sides in the community.

Is Tess's suggestion my will or irrelevant? That was a serious difference for the dragon.

"Please. I don't want the poor to starve any more for us."

"Accepted. Emma, I'm going."


"You get ready here in case."

That's what Ray said. He flew all over the cliff.

And after we drop it off, we make steps under the cliff to see the sprawling wheat fields.

It looks rich and fruitful in the long run, but it just seems that way because I'm not agricultural experienced.

"I see.... no, this would..."

Tess says she's doing a bunch of magic and is working on the investigation to make sure she responds. From the side, I have no idea.

"It shouldn't be that hard...... I wonder if it would be different if I were to make other crops. Or, but if my master is right..."

I turn to Naia with the question I just had, flanking Tess, whining and writing.

"No, Naia, what are you, cotton wool?


"Look, to the village chief"

Said it when I named him.

Naia turned red and lowered her hat's tweezer, shy.

"Oh, um... I still do, but when I was a kid, my hair was more stylish and floating than it is now... it was my nickname."

"... maybe."


"Were you often missing in the field and not looked for aloud?

"... hey, why did you do that"


Such a sight of Naia's beautiful blonde disappearing in dislocation in a golden wheat field.

Somehow, I felt like I could see Naia's childhood like that, looking at a wheat field that rocked her ears healthy while on lean land.

(cont 'd)

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