Half-elves Fall in Love

The circumstances of the Silver Dragons

"Can we talk about this here? I can't leave my people too far behind."

"Ha.... Now excuse me for standing up"

Under the moonlight, on a cliff overlooking a desolate valley, a few dragons, led by an old man with silver hair, slowly stood up and stared at me.

"Thou art... using the black dragon, and the blue dragon, two different dragons of the genus"

"Right. I guess it's rare."

"Not so much. There are not many riders who can follow more than one dragon, and we can say that choosing and following each other without edge or itch has changed."

Black Dragon and Blue Dragon. Flaming dragons and ice dragons.

Though Lyla and Mr. Brohl had some faculties, the flow may indeed be difficult to understand. Both Lyla and Maia are relatively young dragons.

"Dragons will trust the eyesight of their peers, especially their own clan. So do you know that you may offer a contract following your blood clan?"

"Oh, there were a few Blue Dragons who wanted to sign with me."

"... Lord Reiner was offered a contract in the form of three heads in the process."

"Well, I can generally imagine. But that's it?

I'm pretending to talk casually, but I'm actually pretty full of it because I care if I say something inadvertently, and I'm talking to the liner as he regulates himself to be even more prestigious and yet not too light-hearted.

It's a moment when I feel like I'm basically on the bottom line. I can't naturally take this attitude.

"We must not think that there may be mistakes there. Lord Reiner was a man with a vessel... and I don't think he followed me with a blind heart."

"Is Leila here?

"Let's just be Shario. What makes a real decision about him? Corti doesn't feel guided by Shario. Leila, Corti's sister, had doubts there, but she couldn't make a difference."


Shario, the first woman we recognized as the "Dragon of the Liner".

Suppose she was wrong.

That's what the old man says.


"If you decide to follow the extreme values of a dragon rider, isn't that inevitable again?"

I entrust justice to one Fae. Many dragons without riders follow it.

Neither could they have known before that it was so dangerous.

"Master Left, but it's good for us to suffer."

"A dragon is the most powerful creature. The cause of judgment will destroy you, and your strength will be lost. That's good.... but. It would be pitiful if our mistakes harmed the small lives of this valley, which has seen hell for generations."

"... sympathy for civil grass, you mean? You don't look like a dragon."

"Better than the former, the Silver Dragon is never a quality of belligerency. There is no room for sympathy for the little ones three hundred years ago, who perished in the runoff of the demons, but then we even have a sense of respect for the people of the valley, who endured for three hundred years. If one day a dragon dealer will appear in the land and use the power of the dragons for the people, I will gladly help this fang, this wing... I thought so."

"If that Ate might have come off, I want to entrust it to you... that's the point, isn't it?

"Ha. Because many people still can't give up Lord Reiner, I'm saddened that it can't be the totality of the Palace."

... I see.

To some extent, doubts have spread about the liner's behavior, but are you saying that only a few of us here are so discerned as to stand out and move?

Not a single rock anywhere. It's a hassle.

"Thou canst follow two dragons of the genus. And even in my previous actions, I feel that I have the courage and the courage to just use dragons at the bottom. They see you as the one who will save this valley."

"That said. Reality is a good prisoner. You guys can lift it up, but that doesn't mean you can cross from the front with the liners, does it?

I wouldn't dare say "that's overrated".

In the first place, I don't want to save so many inhabitants of this valley, I don't even present any reality.

Yes, I just want to save Naia. Everything in this country is overwhelmingly low priority for me so far.

But you can't help talking about me like that.

The point is to replace me with a liner. That's impossible with my efforts, and I guess not if they only agree with only a few of the Silver Dragons.

I'm not strong, and I don't have any secret backgammon to overturn the situation, because I'm just a dragon-reliant Zako soldier.


"… if you are going to escape to a southern country, you are ready to help. Non was still called the elder of the clan. We can also contain the dragons of Palace who may be disturbed."

"... is that okay?

"I can't help but think of Nong et al as a secularly neglected fool. But as it is, I understand that there is not much you can do. … You know that if we have to change this country, we need to save the people of this valley. Even if you can't do it as it is now, one day you will be able to gather the strength to do so and step on this land again. I will not do anything to expire when. Let the people of the valley make few sacrifices by then, but still better than hope that you are sudden and lose your life."


That's right, something like a long-lived species...... I was a little out of line.

I think a lot longer than I think.

For this matter... I'm Naia, and I can spot the first thing. Right.

But, well.

"It's a fascinating story, but you can't do that"

"... ho"

"Through such impossibility, you will probably be solemnly cleared by the liners. It would be a one-time emergency. Besides, I can't read the sincerity of a liner or a king. You can't move in a hurry yet. Above all."

Find a worrying shadow near the border with the artisan village.

"... I'm sure Naia's insistence on running away without Carlwin now is unacceptable. No, I can't stand it."

"... brave Naia. Are you the protector of this country?"

"He was a protector.... I'm here to fulfill that child's wish"

Look straight back at the old man.

"To me, this country is an approximate country. But Naia's trying to save a girl like that by herself. So all I have to do is keep that will. It's not a good idea to throw this country face to face right now and just let it get confused and get away with it.... so I can't leave yet"

"I see."

The old man snorts.

"... Indeed. Sure, the right dragon rider. It's no different than it used to be. You're a nostalgic messenger."

Looking very emotional, I looked up at the sky.

... Uh, it was crummy...

I'm just trying to tell you that unlike you guys, I'm only moving for Naia.

From behind the old man, a young male dragon advances and combines his hands to praise him.

"We, the Silver Dragon Presbyterians, are not numbered enough, but let us martyr in your righteousness. Not when things happen."

The other dragons will thank him as well.

He kind of touched the harp line.

"Yes, no, I'm glad to hear it... but don't be too reclining. I mean, what about Leila? He's the one who's in danger."

"Leila made me leave right away. As you can guess, it's also dangerous to let them go too deep. It's a form of enlarged interpretation of Lord Reiner's phrase," Try to give him some convenience when he sees things. "

"... Oh, my God"

As for Layla, she took into account both Reiner's orders and presbyterian requests...

It must be in the form of a critical rebellion against a liner that shows no sincerity......

A young dragon instead of a falling elder, and a silver-haired girl who looks about the same age as Maia advances.

"I'm Ray, this is my sister Emma. We'll be in charge of your perimeter protection and contact the elders in the future."

"If you give me a shout, I'll be sure to rush.... If you're a dragon rider, you might not have to explain it."

"No, okay? Don't let the liner stare at you."

"It's not something we learned when we were staring at each other without clearly expressing our intentions. Now he's not the only dragon rider."

Strong, you brothers and sisters.

I mean, the role is in charge of Maia, so it seems a little muggy.

"Come on, give me an order now for anything."

"Shall I send you to the temple? Let's hunt three or four beasts."

"No, you don't have to be uptight like that."

"I'm sorry. At a time when young dragons and their children have a dream of running the sky more than good riders."

Brothers and sisters who don't even light up on the words of their elders, but rather turn an exciting face.

I'm glad I got a reliable collaborator.

(cont 'd)

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