Half-elves Fall in Love

In the Silver Ice Sky

The kingdom of secrecy is just a few moments away. On that sky, more than ten silver dragons lag behind.

"What do you mean... no way, that's all"

When I shrugged, Lyla also nodded with a face that she had lost a little room for, and still snorted.

"By some things, bye. My lord the owner is reluctant, but there can never be a rider who can obey many dragons. But... I've never heard of twelve heads."

They had twelve heads.

"What are you gonna do, Deane?"

"If you're here to bump into me, you're broke. But that's the final stage. A dragon would make sense. Maia, it's a negotiation."

'What can I say?

"You'll say hello for now. And good for you. He said he had come to return the local 'brave man'."

When Mr. Deane says, Maia barks in a tall voice outside.

"Oh, I wonder if we're having a conversation with that"

"Don't worry. People's language varies from region to region, but dragon language is all over the continent, and that's the same."

Believe Lyla's commentary and watch the ringing exchange in the air for a while.

but after a while Lyla suddenly grabbed my arm.

"How about it. Grabbed, my lord owner. The others are close."


"It's not a negotiation. Eliminate this one. Run, Maia."

Lyla puts a hole in some of the floor coverings with a piercing hand to the extent that her fingers go through it, and leads my hand to grab it.

At the same time, the carriage is suddenly tilted and centrifuged, and everyone who was inside swings.


"Apple, grab it"

"Oh, thank you Luna...... HI NO!?

Leaning again, swinging, and suddenly the body floats. Falling, I realized.

"Oh, hey Lyla!?

"In a steep descent! Be careful not to be thrown out the windows or your podium!

Everyone sticks to what's close by. After decelerating to be tapped, he made contact with the ground or somewhere, and he heard one wheel smash scattering.

"Damn, what happened..."

"Deane, buy my time. In the meantime, fall back with Maia."


"Ho, this isn't the first time I've done more than ten on a boulder... but I have to make you regret what you've done to us"

Lyla jumps onto your podium, builds momentum and jumps outside.

At the next moment, a new low roar emerges outside.

"Damn... we can't do anything with these numbers of dragon opponents"

Mr. Deane groans remorsefully.

We should have built a must-win strategy, but that was simply after expecting Lila's fighting power as a dragon. In fact, the Black Dragon of the most powerful species in the Fire Dragon system, Lyra, who calls herself a rare strength among them, would have been able to beat even two or three enemies.

but it is unexpected that the numbers will be this high.

Would it have been different if Asti had at least followed me?

"What purpose are they… there's no way they're just going to get rid of those who get close"

Says Naia as she grabs him in the chair and stands up. At first, it sat properly, but the heavy manoeuvre just now caused it to roll into the aisle.

"I may be going to use the dragons to continue my clandestine country completely... but sometimes I don't know when I do. Could Reiner Excelisa have followed this many dragons for a short time since Naia disappeared? Or has this been the case for a long time, and the braves didn't notice this air defense net?

"Perhaps the purpose is to tailor me. Maybe they thought it would be bad if we went back."

"Then you must have had a chance first. How the hell are you doing this right now..."

"Deane, Lady Lyla's gonna get hit like this."

Chibi Maia interrupts.

"... how's the war going?

'Tough. I'm fighting good as Lyla, but in the sky. Oh, and if I'm surrounded, I can't resist... I'm frozen one wing. It's melting with braces, but in the meantime again......'

Chibi Maia's reality brings me back to life when Lyla stretched her body out of the Holy Beast to protect me, and when Bonaparte's old man hit me and fell.

"Maia. Let's leave everyone here and go back"

"Andy, wait. Orders."

"If me and Maia go, we can stop it. I'm a dragon rider. The dragons shouldn't be able to attack directly."

"That's a hopeful prediction! Think about it if it was an evil dragon!

"You can't have Lyla murdered at will. Just me and Maia..."

"I'll go, too. Let's see how they get out."

Naia wore her hat deep.

"Then we'll all..."

"Tess, calm down. I mean, it doesn't help anything else to come."

"Do, yah......!?

I deflect my eyes from the stunned Tess and open the door on the side of the carriage.

Maia was slowly slowing down and trying to get the carriage down in the middle of the wilderness.

"Not to mention useless until I do, Andy"

"I'll have Mr. Deane wait, too. There's nothing we can do if the dragons come after us, but if even demons show up in this wilderness, Tess can't protect them."

"... say business"

"I'll do anything for reflection later. Now I'll do anything to help Lyla."

It was nearly two meters to the ground, but it jumps, and jumps on Maia's unloaded hand.

Naia followed me from behind and followed me into Maia's hands.

And looking sideways at Mr. Deane looking up from the carriage, I command you.

"Maia, go. Break it in front of Lyla."

"... if the braces come, get as small as you can and hide behind your fingers"

"I know."

Maia hits a big blow at the wing that was slowing her movement and returns to her original airspace with a wind that could blow the carriage she had placed on the ground.

Lyla was in an airspace dominated by the silver dragons, working alone.

Lila strips her fangs to intimidate her surroundings, spits her braces all around, and tries to get her hands on the silver dragon nearby. But the Silver Dragons move more supple in the air than Lyra, slipping through Lyra's attacks. Then another dragon from the top on that lila sees a blow to the kick leg, a blow to the brace, increasing the scratches.

I wish I could concentrate on one of them and aim at them, but that doesn't come true either in a situation where the others are going to massively count and turn to obstruction while Lyla narrows her aim to one. Massive passivity was an overwhelming difference in power than literally.


"... stupid, don't come back!

"Shut up! Don't you decide!

I yelled at Lyla half the time with a real feeling, and the rest with a performance.

I also had the aim of appealing to the Silver Dragons that I was Lila's "top" presence.

"Stop fighting! This guy's my dragon! Don't let a dragon without a rider get your hands on you! I know it's against the covenant!

I barely scream out of duty, whether I'm a bum or a bee. I don't know the exact content of the covenant and the dots, so I might get stuck in the opposite direction. But if there's a rider, he'll show his face.

The Silver Dragons stop the attack.

"… the rider……"

A big silver dragon speaks fluent Northwestern to suit me.

"That's right. I'm Andy Smythson. Lord of Black Dragon Lyra and Blue Dragon Maia! I'm here to deliver the brave Naia Grance! And what is this disrespect?


The Silver Dragons are slowly winging and hovering, not to argue.

In the meantime, Lyla dissolved the ice cubes on her body with a brace and lined up right next to Maia as she healed her body's wounds forcefully.

"Don't be lame."

"Lyla, stay with everyone. Apparently, the covenant makes sense."

I order Lyla to do that and arm her over Maia's hand.

What you're wearing is a military uniform for the Celesta army. I can't help but be shoddy, but just make the pose look great.

"Tell me why. What do you mean? I didn't expect you to have it while you let us name it. I thought the Dragons were a more rational species."


The Silver Dragons patrol.

I'm not used to making myself look so great with dragon opponents in the first place, so I wait for a response thrilled on the inside.

... or I've figured it out somehow in response.

These guys, they don't seem to be the direct subordination of the rider.

If you are wearing a rider directly, you will challenge other riders without being frightened, like Safr or Bauzz.

Again, it's not like Mr. Deane or Lyla were wrong in their calculations. Wouldn't there be so many dragons that have to fight directly?


"Excuse me."

Suddenly, I heard a voice from above.

As I swirled up to Maia, a silver dragon stood slightly apart from the twelve who were there at some point.

If you weren't hiding in the phantom, would you have seen us come back and taken off after that? If you're going to take the top unnoticed, you're going to have a lot of flying skills.

"They're my friends. It's been a hassle since there was a rumor outside. There are lots of dragons flying in the mountains."

"Though I have to get rid of that"

"Not all good dragons, either. It's my duty to protect this valley."

Slowly, the silver dragon comes down to the height of our gaze.

I'm on that head... I saw it one day, you know.

"Liner Excelisa......"

"I guess I got famous out there, too."

Not the look of the plain atmosphere I saw in Rennesto at that time, but the man who wore something of the same type as the intricate armor Naia once wore around him.

A slender silhouette but gorgeous outfit makes you feel somewhere shady sharp, with such a man looking down at us with his hands on his hips.

"Welcome, dragon rider other than me. And... long time no see, flash rider"

"... Long time no see. Liner"

"Will it be a year and a little?... Fine. Shall I accept your visit?"

Thunder Ride, Liner Excelisa.

He was intimidated with his eyes.

Don't think you can leave this valley to the power of one or two dragons to touch whatever you want… and with the herds of silver dragons around you.

(cont 'd)

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