Naia went to pick up a late lunch.

It's not as good as "cooking" originally so fine, and unless someone is mean or mean, it's not going to be hard to make sense.

I flush my body gently in the water bath (well naturally I don't even look at horny brothers) and then climb up to the lookout tower with Maia.

"... so expensive, you're going to fall right up and down when you're a little tired"

"Dear Andy"

"Tired. I'm sorry we're all alone, even though we all seem to have fun."

When you go up the ladder and stand by the sky (top), on the tower two meters square at most, you both have trouble putting yourself in a place. The hammock, seen from the bottom, is stranded on the diagonal, and this may also be the cause of the disturbing odor that seems narrow.

"But you won't need to watch. If you're a dragon perception, you realize how strange it is outside the fort to sleep in a dormitory if you want to, right?

"Yeah, I know to some extent. But I can still sense the farthest away, because it's the eyes"

"Isn't there something so alarming about it?

"Alarm is not a good idea. Besides, it's the dragon's job to work for the rider. Whether you're happy or helpful on the lookout, it's not much different if it's for Andy."

The dragon says it's abnegation.

When it's sweet, it's sweet, and unlike Lyla, she doesn't want to leave me, so Maia has a childish vibe.

But when she makes these declarations... somehow, I still don't think dragons are normal, or anything like that.

Well, I know that not wanting to stay away or being sweet isn't something out of the "want to help me" mindset.

Maia's great.

I'll give you my head.

Maia squinted her eyes. Not a very big reaction, but I know you're happy enough with that.

Put one hand on a crude railing that is likely to break lightly if you kick it, and see the far-sighted view from the fort.

Though cut open during construction, beyond the coniferous tree trees, which are still alive if they are few dozen meters away, there is a wilderness that is constantly razed by demons and not allowed to be born in the woods.

This fort is situated in the middle of a lightly exuberant mountain, making it ideal for looking over the wilderness.

On the far side, like shadows, we can also see the towns apart from each other. Catalina's Anttsuka is also close to being able to discern it.

"For once, you do farming too, in some lands... but farming in places like this is amazing."

"People can't just be alive if they don't run something. Even if someone lets me live like this country, I don't rely on it and try to get something for myself. Freedom to get by having something, whether it's money or power. The thirst for it makes people even hang their lives"


"... hey, what?

"No, I thought Maia was surprisingly difficult."

"... Master Andy forgets a lot, but he's older than me, the Baron, isn't he?

Speaking of which, I was.

Fortunately, Maia keeps whining with a far-sighted view next to me again, not even the wind that cared about my rude words.

"When I look at people, I think sometimes. I wonder if freedom is worth so much"

"Yeah? That's what you have. It's better to choose than not to choose."

"... yeah. But I don't think there's that many things worth choosing to do."

Maia said something difficult.

"What do you mean?

"Get the money, get as much free time and food, alcohol, or women as you like. Using that up as much as you like is generally the best result of human thinking, right? … more or less, to that extent"

"... even to that extent"

"Let us dragons say, it is similar to the livestock a man keeps. Livestock is fed and fattened as much as it pleases, and the connection is appreciated, and he lives happily among his peers without knowing anything about his role until a 'useful day' to visit one day. I'm sure it just looks slightly different from the end of Sake Pond Flesh Forest's life.... maybe even if people put their lives up, use their heads, get desperate and free, it doesn't change what they get greatly that they were left to the flow"

"... from that point of view, I guess so."

What a common story, for example, of a bad girl whose identity devours her wealth by catching the best beauty as her partner.

That's also not true if it's safe to compromise. From a very large point of view, it would not be of great value to have the freedom to choose.

No poor free time, it's hard not to eat or eat, but I also know now that the rich are free and relaxed...... not so. More than a certain amount of money comes with status and responsibility. It is by no means uncommon that a person who, in order to protect his property, to protect his status, continued to run in pain until just before he became old and died….

Many people suffer from irrational realities that they cannot choose from. And there are also many who could have chosen but thus continue to regret it.

What a funny world the "human world", viewed from the extremes of abnegation and objectivity, must be drawing (cum) to make such a trivial difference.

"... Am I one of those boring human beings who's struggling for such boring freedom?

"Master Andy is different."

To my words, which somehow became corrupt, Maia returned a clear denial.

"Master Andy doesn't use the freedom he gets that way. I don't even try to get more than I have to."


"I'm sure Master Andy sympathizes with those normal people, and I know he doesn't even think he's different. But Master Andy isn't. So I'm sure Andy's choices are worth choosing."

Maia's words, like encouragement, like self-defense, don't really make me feel.

Just somehow.

"... I wonder if what Naia was saying has anything to do with this..."

And I think so.

I miss you because I'm trying to save Naia.

Does that mean Naia wanted to give up her options?

Just like livestock. Does that mean you wanted to be forced to be a female while being flushed by the force majeure of an impulse: lust?

"... I don't know much about him, though"

Maia tells him to keep looking at the distance and whine.

"Dear Andy, you're not used to this."

"... as, well"

I can't believe you persuaded me with sex if you ask me... it's basically not my idea, no matter how many times people urged me to do it right.

If Naia is untrained that sex feels good, fun...... like the other female slaves, if her instincts as a female outweigh her sense of duty as a warrior.

I know Naia isn't that kind of mental structure just because other people are special to me. Still, Naia is dating me because she also helps quite a bit with her sense of benevolence to me, the "lack of ahead" as the flashing sword pointed out.

Naia's sex nowadays with all sorts of motives involved just makes complex emotions creep up and can't push through in one direction. Besides, they spotted that my emotions weren't pure desire...

Oh, well.

"... I'm not used to it. What?"

Somehow, I fell ston in my chest.

There are too many excuses.

I want it because I want it, and if I'm honest, I might have room to throw everything away irresponsibly and drown.

But you're having sex with each other with a double, triple excuse, and that's impossible.

Only it "pretends" to entrust themselves to pleasure like beasts to each other.

No matter how good you feel, you realize it when you wake up. If their desires are not serious from the bottom of their hearts and play with another purpose, it's chilly that they're the only ones there to lose pleasure, abandon their rumors and follow their instincts.

Naia can't abandon her way of life with that. I can't move my axis foot into my relationship and lighten my way of life as a brave man.

"... I don't know if I can do it." to enslave Naia as a female. "

"It suits you, Master Andy. I don't think so. It doesn't mean Master Andy sucks, because after all, Mr. Andy is someone who doesn't stand on top of a woman."

"... you mean not your real husband"

"Like that."

Yes. That's where I was wrong from the beginning.

I can't make Naia a sex slave. Even I've never thought of myself that way.

The relationship between me and the female slaves is only a affectionate one, expressed in abusive terms.

It was just pre-construction, but at some point the awareness was drawn there.

Maybe there was no eye for success there from the beginning.

"... ahhh... what do we do"

Very depressing. Shocked.

The only strategy to unleash Naia from the shackles of the "brave" is to return to the shake.

But it's not strange when Naia's return to her homeland is made anymore.

Maia narrowed her eyes just a little again as I held her head in the spring breeze.

"... hey, why are you laughing"

Maia laughed clearly at me when I resented her.

"... yeah. Not Master Andy."

"... what?

"Master Andy is not a livestock.... so we'll be your wings"

That's what Maia said, pulling my hand and making me stand up.

"If you don't give up, you'll get it. Even before, it has been."

"... I hope so"

No plan from here on out. I just have to go with my determination not to let go of Naia in front of me.

At the end of the wilderness that spreads beneath my eyes, can I save the girl?

The power of the dragon is reliable, but the opponent is one nation and the strongest alliance of brave men.

You can't force yourself to take it away morally or by force.


"We make the future that Master Andy chose. That's all."

Maia's words were very reliable.

(cont 'd)

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