Half-elves Fall in Love

Spring is the most cat colony festival 7 [Emil]

It's not like you don't rest at night when you're a cat beast man.

Or because the nocturnality of the beast has its disadvantages in moving during the day, and because it has its own advantages at night.

Though the night is wise and physical abilities are improved by the influence of the moon, cat beasts are not particularly tied to the management of such beasts.

The cat's eyes look darker, but brighter is no different, and warmer is easier to work with than colder. If you shift your life at night, you'll need extra fuel than you do during the day.

In the end, creatures are more efficient at working under the sun.

So whatever the difference is a little late at night and late in the morning, more or less the Cat Beast Man is moving during the day.... Apparently.

"Evening -. Is there a girl in this house who can get laid?"

Time is also past midnight and just as common households in cat colonies are more or less past bedtime.

Many daughters will be high just after the full moon, but many villagers are falling asleep without the tension going on because the peak was yesterday.

Therefore, having washed my body after plenty of time, I say a really out greeting (relying on guidance from Nellie and Emil) to visit my daughters' house, which I will have dissolved with anticipation during the day tomorrow.

But the mother cat who came out with the candle on wasn't even stunned by it.

"Oh, your husband. If it's us and the girls upstairs... well, the triplets downstairs are still twelve."

Exactly. Is twelve a little bad? If you're an elf, you can look like that or you can be OK at your age, but you shouldn't be so impotent to the cats......

"I don't know when your husband will come next, so I'd rather have him seeded today, just after the full moon"

"Oh, hey, Nellie!

Nellie, who has followed me naked, says that in her true face, and the mother cat in that house thinks a little.

"Well, maybe... even if it hurts a little, it's going to be Ariel now."

"Yes, no, I won't let very young kids force me unless it's a special emergency. So I'll put it back out again!

"Oh, no."

I tried to withdraw from the house, but on my leg I returned the crease, a few hands shrugged out of the darkness of my mother's and cat's feet to catch me.


It's a little horror.

Nellie took me where I was about to fall, and I've been trying to pull me into the house as long as I try to regain my posture, and it's very bad for my heart as a normal person who can't be seen in the dark.

"Hey, hey, hey, wait for this. Help me."


Mother cat kicks a pussy, a pussy and something at her feet with her strangely accustomed foot moves.


There was a girl's voice. Two.

Then they also let go of their legs.

"I'm sorry, it's the kids above us..."

"Oh, uh, surprised"

Me trying to stick to Nellie's nudity and manage to get back on my feet.

When I looked closely, I did have two young cat daughters, holding their heads down and crouching. Both naked aprons.

"I almost got away with an opportunity..."

"This is what you had to do because you wouldn't hold back."

"So suddenly you can't do that."

... Cat beasts tend to get their feet out more than their hands, but do they also do household cages on their feet...

"Excuse me. I'll scold you often. Please seed our children again tomorrow."



Daughters who get their ears pulled. But I don't know what my parents would say about "please seed it"...... yeah. That's a little short.

"It's not the grass of your choice, is it, seeding..."

"No, depending on the case"

Nellie looked strange to me. But I don't feel like I should be able to theorize in detail.

Return to the square.

Either way, there's daylight tomorrow. It wasn't so much of a rush to seed, and even if I didn't have to visit and walk around, I just had to work lightly on Nellie and Emil and turn it around tomorrow.

... but there was an aeri in the square.

"Wasn't it too late"

"Ah, Aeri"

"It would have been time to cut the line. Can I wish for you, too?

"... that's what I was talking about."

Honestly, I kinda forgot. Sorry.

"Wow, I'll go first"

Emil asserts herself to get in between it.

No matter how many cats, he's a lot of gunless kids, even though he's mostly on the dragon. Well, it's not like Aeri's in her bloody years, and she's just laughing bitterly.

"Emil, don't bother your husband too much."

Control Nellie trying to embarrass you.

"No, that's fine....... Airi"

"Ha. Accepted"

As I glanced at Aeri, Aeri nodded with a bitter laugh and then held Emil up.


"It's not bad to have sex with you"

"Nha, nya!?

Emil can sleep with me at the table while Aeri hugs me.

By the bonfire, the two skins, boobs and buttocks, illuminate in orange.

Rich and white aeri flesh, meaty is a thin, slightly darker, Emil flesh.

Well, the blue dragon is just exceptionally white, and Emil's not in extra sunburn.

Smiling like a prank, Aeri turns her hand around Emil's body, opens that buttocks and shows it to the night sky and me.

"Well, Lord. Taste my baby bag first, or devour this girl's hole... at your disposal"

"Nah, nah..."

Raging Emil, but there's no way it's going to get to the dragon's arm. I twitch for a while and then weaken.

"What's the matter, daughter, didn't you want to mess with the Lord first?

"Well, that's it... duh..."

"Hehe, I didn't expect to be held back and offended without the art of exchange...? But the Lord does a lot of things like that, depending on his mood."

"Don't spread the misunderstanding"

"Hmm? That's what I asked Maia."

"Yes, no, I do sometimes, but it's"

I tried to excuse myself with my girl-side needs...... but sometimes I can't say enough so I can't say it strongly.

"... you're right"

"That's it, right? If you want to leave yourself to the Lord, you have to get used to being rattled without question."

"Well, nothing like that... your husband generally says something prestigious in his mouth, but he doesn't hold it down so much."

"Heh heh. You might, huh? Because there are so many people here, the Lord's Palace is not able to tease one person like that, but you naturally pour in about five degrees and six degrees in a row.... There are only three of them now, including me. As you should, I will continue to pour it into your child bag over and over again, forgetting me and continuing to seed it without worrying about your fainting...... oh my god it can happen"

"... well, that's... but neither you nor Nellie..."

"I have another opportunity because I live in the Lord's home. If the Lord's Hing is on board, I won't disturb you... Well, the Lord who just missed a new prey could be obsessed with your vaginal meat...?

Aeri says, sending a flicker and a glance at me.

... provoking.

Because of this, you mean do it.

I decided to ride.


"Holy crap..."

"Shall I ask you to go out with me? … until morning."

"Funya...... Ugh"

Into the vaginal hole in the narrow space of the butt meat that had been opened with the hand of Aeri, breaking into it like a rush.

"... ahhh..."

Getting in is not a problem in itself. This is my daughter, who has been held by me many times before.

That in itself sounds comfortable.

but I grab it with both hands to wrap its thin hips and whisper in her ears as she starts to taste the inside of its warm abdomen, the comfortably narrow meat hole.

"This is Aeri's request. … try your best to see how many shots you pass out"

"Holy crap... oh, no"

"Let's go, look!

"Huh, ahhh...!?

It seemed to crawl. Accelerate the movement of your hips all at once.

Emil's voice went high all at once.

I refrain from waving my hips at this speed here, where I have a lot of unfamiliar daughters.

Not so much a handful. Waving at this speed quickly makes me itch, too, and I can't enjoy my flirting time with the girl because of it.

If it's a premise to fuck over and over again, this is fine.

"Look, Emil... the first shot, I'll get it out...!

"Nha, ha, ha... wait... ha"

Emil, regardless of his will, was confused by the pleasures that came to keep him standing.

Under the influence of the moon, the body wants pleasure. But I'm not skilled enough to find my place in the pleasure of leaving control.

Flirted by an abstraction that's even selfish of me, and I shake my hips as I ejaculate.

Squeeze the spitting semen with your own tortoise head with momentum close to the piss, push it into your uterus, or even swell your vagina, let it squash from between you and your vagina, but still grab your hips relentlessly and repeat the penetration to the back.

"Oh, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey... hey... hey, hey, hey..."

It would be sexy beyond tolerance for a cat beast man who was sensitive enough to feel stunning with instinct just to get ejaculated.

I dare to give it away while the girl's voice loses its meaning.

My female slaves generally all drag Emil into the world they know and swallow.

Repeat ejaculation twice and three times in the imir, which has been itchy many times, until its cloudy consciousness is smeared, as if the hunter were to chase the rabbit around, snatching away, and...

The sixth ejaculation drives you into stunning.

"... that's too much."

"Isn't that a good idea? Sooner or later, the Lord's belongs to the same woman."

"No, well, you know... it's not a good idea to assure me"

The fact is that I can't even take responsibility for my children.

I shouldn't call it my own, but this is how I wield pleasure with my children. So it's still necessary. No, I just need a child, to be exact, so I want pleasure and affection to sprinkle the child comfortably.

But it's a little hard to draw and control that.

And, Nellie (who has been watching me on the side the whole time) follows me as I faint and worry while sleeping Emil of Becho Becho Becho on the bench with semen.

"I think it's a good idea to call it your husband's. Your husband seems to care that you can't catch everything with your own hands... but now they're all happy to conquer you as a 'woman'"

"Hmm... but I was wondering if it was a little irresponsible"

"You don't have to take on anything. As a man, you can teach us the value of being a woman… that's all we admire about you with your husband"

"... I don't know. You look a little cowardly."

It may be cowardly in itself to care even more about this kind of thing now. Because it's pleasant and fun, it's already a fact that you can't move the wheel into the harem state of every village.

But Aeri whispers with her arms around my neck.

"Hehe. Nothing to worry about. I don't know what to say, but if you're not impudent, someone might take it from you later. Even a more irresponsible and evil man has no choice but to admire it if you pull your hand. A village without a man would do so without himself."


"That's the order better than the ex. Then you won't be able to help worrying about value standards born outside. Though it seems somewhat amusing for dragons who live outside the law of men."

"... well, yes."

"As you wish, be entertained but good. Repentant and troubled and caressed, the held side won't enjoy it either. Don't you just want to bring happiness?"

"... I knew the dragon was different"

Look at things from the outside and tell me.

I don't even think it's necessarily right to be there than to live in a people's world.

I guess she's right now.

The night is about to dawn.

"... just getting sleepy"

"I'll get you a bunk."

"Heh heh. I'm glad you can take my share of the apron when you're off."

"... shall we sleep together? Nellie too."

Pinched by the tits of two samurai on the prepared bunk, I walked into a break in the meantime, looking at the dawn sky.

(cont 'd)

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