Half-elves Fall in Love

Spring is the most cat colony festival 2 [anise]

Spring desert is clear today.

The sun shines white through the sandy waters of the Russell Desert, and the sky even looks relatively blue and black.

In the meantime, dozens of young daughters are bare aprons at the nori in the cat colony at the foot of the pompous prominent Rock Mountain.

Of course leave your underwear... what an asshole naked apron. A piece of cloth on a soapy pong.

It's a porn festival just for me, approved by Grandma Donna, the parent of this colony.

"Master, how are you? Am I?"

"Have fun"

Tanya and Anis, who provided me with a neat amount of time just now, also take off their clothes in front of me and wrap themselves around an apron.

To Luna's cousin Linayuna sisters, Nellie, one of the colony's best warriors, and Mr. Deane also wore the apron naked one after the other.

"I just don't feel good when I dismantle the meat naked. Aprons are a good idea."

"You should also raise your hair, Mr. Deane. It's troublesome when it comes to blood."

Nellie gives Mr. Deane a (...) string. Take it honestly. Mr. Deane summed it up quickly on the ponytail.

... The apron is nothing but an eclectic costume for a flat, bloody look. Yeah.

Well, still, Mr. Deane and Nellie's butts are a really nice sight to be sticking out in line to snort the Hellsbore.

And the supply unit, which is deployed separately from the meat squad, arranges dishes with tropical fruit and dried meat somewhat narrowly on a large table brought out to the square at some point.

A mixture of kids I know and kids I don't know. More than 10 people work like that, but every kid is really cute.

I guess the expressive and bright temperament draws more appeal than that, not because of the shapely edges like the elf system. And my ears and tails are immense aids to cuteness, needless to say.

"Master, do you have a drink? Ha."

My daughter, who has spoken to Frank, remembers seeing it at the polka before this. Instead of greeting me, I reached out and stroked my butt, and I was surprised to hear my tail react loudly with a picn.

"No, if you touch it, leave it in the water or I'll spill it!

"Then water it down. Put it there. Let me touch your butt. And boobs."

"Huh... no hesitation..."

"No, 'cause you're butt porn. Hopefully not."

"Nor... no"

She laughs a little embarrassed and laughs, and she lets go of the water and rides sideways on my lap. I rub my tits softly as I stick my hand in that ass.

"Huh. It's sloppy, Tia. I'll do something with your husband, too."

"No, Mana. We need to feed your husband well before then."

"Ohihihihihama, ha-ha"

A flattering cat, a working cat in embarrassment, a cat who tries to feed me by mouth with an idea.

I start eating as I slip my hands one after the other with bad habits on their bumpy asses and chests.

"I'm getting a penis burger."

"Eh? Do you?"

And the cats reacting sensitively to the swollen groin.

Do you eat slowly and then get more and more violent, or do you pinch the cats and daughters as you pick food?

It's really troubling.

"Your husband."

Eating the fruit from the mouth transfer, while carefully squeezing my daughter who has done it (don't hesitate to rub the front because the apron was only of the lower body type and chest exfoliation), Anis brings me a plate with both hands.

Looks like it's hard to balance out on a big plate, but I wonder if cat beasts are more muscular and okay than humans... I don't know what to expect, but the food splashes on the ground properly.

"Nha... ugh"

Annis, I rubbed my knees off because I was a naked apron, and I wasted my cooking, tears eyes.

"Oh, I'm sorry... your husband"

"Oh, I don't care about me. More injuries than that, okay?

For one second, I take my hand off my mouthjob daughter's tits, get up and run over to Annis.

Visit the other daughters to follow up with saying something like that. They don't have ghosts yelling at you like you're about to cry, Annis.

"A scratch... palm and knee? I could have gotten a little cured if Selene was here."

Medical photography is an inefficient technique, so it's tough to use for major injuries, but if it's about abrasion, its immediacy comes alive.

Nevertheless, the selenium is now preparing for the birth in Polka. Looks like Mr. Deane was a doctor of a different lineage than that, and the dragons that seem to be easy to use for similar techniques are now on the other side of the sky.

... and when I was bothering Annis forward, who was seeping through her jittery tears, Mr. Deane approached me softly and held up Annis.

"What are you doing? I would have told you to wash the affected area first if you got hurt, Andy."

"Mr. Deane."

"I'm too used to healing with magic and spiritual springs. If you forget the basics of first aid, you'll have trouble when you have to."

Mr. Deane sits Annis in the chair where I was sitting, watering her down with jabba jabba and washing her wounds.


"Good boy. Don't cry."

Naked Apron Dark Elf gives first aid to young naked apron cat daughter. Mr. Deane's boobs can stick out of one apron because of the huge boobs he held people and the original boobs, which is a bit of a surreal sight but reliable.

"Medical optics is just a boost to a person's ability to heal. If it is applied in poor condition, it may leave marks. In Polka, it's hard to notice that because the Spirit Springs combine washing and healing, but don't forget the basics of medicine in the field of medical magic."

While explaining that, Mr. Deane lets Annis offer his hands and knees, smashing the spell small enough to activate the sorcery.

... medical optics.

"Diane could have used medical optics too..."

"It was an evil reason, but I learned it later."

Couscous laughs.... So, you know, I've been learning until Selene thought about the art of nourishing Zamen and letting me have infinite sex.

"... wow, I'm back"

"Hehe. Well, Andy would be distracted by my injured daughter. It would be just as pitiful if they were made 'festival' losers for that reason. Though... I'll get some fine food too."

"Ah, go ahead"

It's a pretty tough technique to scrape from yourself, but it's also medical optics that can unexpectedly be used to change the way you convert while nourishing yourself with food.

Mr. Deane goes around stir-frying dried pork liver and matabi liquor that should have been served to me, but nobody stops him.... Well, it was originally too much for me to eat.

And to cheer up my cured anise, I put my hand in the side and lift it up and put it on the table.


"I decided to have the best sex of the day with Anis...... that's good, isn't it, Tanya?"

I get confirmation from Tanya (who was cooking in a private kitchen around the corner) when she heard the noise.

"Ah, go ahead... if you anise already"


Anis opens her crotch according to my hand, under a mixed gaze of jealousy and envy from around her.

The young body is linear and, to be honest, still not enough to say feminine, but it is filled with the charm of the late.

Tanya, get mixed up.


"It's not nice to see your daughter pregnant with your husband's dick"

The surroundings recommend Tanya to join the fight. Is it the same older generation as Mr. Tanya in tone, though he has not turned his eyes?

As a dozen cats surround the table and try to see my first sex this time around, Auntie and Tanya approach me trying to offend my own daughter and make a loud, clothesy sound.

I wondered what I would do, and the apron was throwing aside as I hugged him on my back.

"Ha... Master, could you conceive my daughter with me..."

"... I think it's a lot wrong."

Reverse your neck and whisper in Mr. Tanya's ear.

"I'll take care of my daughter and grandson."


A beautiful mother-daughter cat beast obeys herself in the midday outdoors in a crowd environment and begs me to occupy her womb.

On second thought, this is the only situation where the average man doesn't think of it as anything but a dream.

... I'm paralyzed, but I really think I'm a man who's been surrounded by more than a lifetime of happiness here lately.

"Anis... I'll get pregnant, I'll make you"


I remain excited about that tyrannical situation.

In the afternoon square, offend Anis, with Mr. Tanya tangled up on his back.

Turn the apron around and shove my penis into that vagina.

"Nah... ahhh..."

Anis raising her voice to the extreme. That dementia is in this little world, and it's not hidden from anyone.

Exactly now, they're made of children.

He craves semen in his womb and lets his love fluid shine to raise his voice of joy.

Played by my penis, the girl sounded nasty and ravaged me about everything as a woman.

"Ha... O, O, O, O, O, O, O, O, O, O, O"

The young charm blooms and blooms beautifully.

I feel terribly comfortable being a party at this moment.

And this time when my daughters, waiting to be flowered by me, are now or now watching, calls pleasure to a strange part apart from the sexual pleasure I taste in Annis' vagina.

Whirlpool, flirting with unspeakable pleasure.

"Nah, aah... aah"

Under the clear sky.

Into Annis' vagina, as usual, pour a large amount of cloudiness and overflow it.

"Ah, fu... ah..."

Lying like a main dish on a table lavishly colored by food, Annis is weak even when she is pulled out of her penis.

Even when exposed to a vagina that raised her forehead with a little prank and refluxed cloudiness puffy, she just smiled like a jerk.

"Something... like Tess said one day..."


Mr. Deane turns to my monologue, picking fruit on my pace.

"It's not 'virgin only'... but something like this is going to wake me up to offend a young girl and make her a woman"


Mr. Deane grinned bitterly like trouble, but Mr. Tanya whispers as he wipes my penis with his hands from behind.

"Isn't that good...? Colonies have kids who grow up every year..."

"Oh, uh... er"

My daughters, who looked like they were half-expressed, concur with Mr. Tanya's words.

"I wish I could fuck my next year."

"Master, you can rest assured that if you're a beautiful person, you'll feel better when you're older."

"Maybe it's a good excuse to come on a regular basis"

"My sister's daughters are old enough to have sex if they work hard... and it would be nice to have your aunt make a code for how many years your husband eats a virgin."

What an amazing ride. No, but.

"Oh, what are you going to do with it!?


"So... you and your husband, eh?

So you haven't thought about the possibility of inconvenience at all...

"Well, it's Andy who does it anyway. You should decide for yourself whether you want to do it or not.... Ngu"

"Have you stopped joking about the whorehouse district dedicated to me..."

"You want to throw it out even if it's just Andy?

"No, it's not very vague in itself to work hard against the riding kids."

"I thought Andy would say that."

Mr. Deane is flat.... but I don't know what it's going to be like to be my only harem in earnest following the polka... this can't be picked up.

Yes, okay?

(cont 'd)

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