Half-elves Fall in Love

Famous Hero Statue

I'm not sure what it is. Maia is a lot wet and Jen-royal before the three unusual people.

I'll have Juline wash her body on the side of it. It's great to wash my boobs as soon as I tell you I don't have the color to grate with a washcloth.

No, that's anyway.

Maia, get out of the hot water once it's wet.

"It's okay to get wet. Spirit Springs Hot water won't freeze, and it won't solidify, so it'll dry out in time."

"No, that's not the problem... if we're talking about it, we can even stay out of hot water, right?

"Dear Andy..."

Somehow, I'm really curious to see that Maia's clothes tend to shake in the puffy water. Mannerly.

I guess Maia would be a priority to be able to interject you, Gash of Lizardman.

... And even if I say clothes, in Maia's case, I don't really care about jumping around and getting dirty. Honestly, it's a little dirty.

"Or take it off, Maia. I'll wash those clothes."

"... wash?

"I figured I'd be a little concerned because you could be a snowman on Baron's roof like that."

"Oh, there I am too..."

"Juline, wait a minute. You're still good at laundry."

No, if it's not a male crossbow squad, I'll have to do my own washing, and I don't like it, but I'll improve my skills.

"I wonder if it's that dirty..."

Maia takes it off in the first place. I saw that, Mr. Gash, flat out. And he opens his mouth to me.

"Oh, you dragon suddenly take it off or something dirty! Don't you have a mon that's a little shy!

"Stop it, Gash. To my mind, the dragon refers to him as his master. I wonder if you'll be seen as disrespectful."

"Hey, are you saying Dragon Rider is in such a trot de country!? Besides, such a young guy..."

"Wouldn't it be nice in the middle of the city?

"Well, that's fair enough."

Somehow, Mr. Bright, a dark elf like Mr. Knoll seems quite calm and familiar with the dragon.

"You can see the dragon's human body a lot."

She laughs softly as I wash Maia's clothes in a shared tarai around the corner.

"What, simple reasoning. Her appearance is a brilliant big jump. It also flew from a certain direction downhill. If it wasn't a Dragon human body, that would be the physical ability of Ace Knight or Master Knight, right? He doesn't even look like a beast."

"... well, yes"

"And I thought it seemed that way around not paying much attention to the common sense of the human race. The magically odd feeling is just the last deciding factor."

"... I see"

Still, I feel like it's usually something to think of as "No way a dragon in a place like this," but I guess he's someone who can't be trapped by that stereotype.

"So, is she actually a dragon? I haven't gotten that answer yet."

"… correct. And then Juline over here is a dragon."


Juline smiles and puts a bottle of Tulara in one hand, instantly letting her make it and throws it into the hot tub with Po.

Seeing it melt, a white elf-borne child named Healy seemed - much more intriguing, and you, Gash, lay flat over here again.

"Ugh, ooh! I don't know what it is. I'm sorry -!

"What are you apologizing about, Gash..."

"He's having trouble coping too, calm down a little."

"Well, 'cause it's a real dragon!? Oh, my colony says even the old master has never seen the real thing!

"Psychology that's so peppery to someone I've never even seen, I don't know."

Bitter smile at the odd temperature difference between Lizardman and the other two.

"Dragons come and go here a lot. One black dragon and one blue dragon."

"Meh, rare... su, I heard that ice dragons and fire dragons are basically nawabari different"

Mr. Gash using weird salutations.

"It is due to the morality of the Lord."

"No, I think it's like a coincidence"

"... unexpectedly dirty, you're leaving..."

Me, who lightly disagrees with praiseworthy Juline, and Maia, who peeks into my hand and looks in trouble.

"Yeah, well, shit, I can't make a big contribution or anything right now, you know, I gotta make some money."

"You're telling me to calm down, Gash."

"How does Gash make money here..."

She kind of really wants to show her obedience. Beautiful girl burning her hands at Lizardman.

What a weird three to three.

I soak in hot water for a while with them struggling with a weird sense of distance, and after a while I get up out of hot water where Grandpa Harry came in without a sound.

"Oh, yeah, you said you were local."

"... yes, but"

Gash, you stood up with me.... You have two penises, a Lizard Man.

And I was impressed that my tail was cut off in a weird place.

"We, a guy told me... that we recently started to get into the Elf Forest from this city? Where can I talk to you about getting me in?

"... no, there are times when I do get in. Why do you want to come in?"

"That's a little... unlikely you'll believe me"

"You say that after a bath with a dragon...?

"I'm sorry, but I can't even talk to you. Anyway, we want to get into the Elves."


While dressed in a dressing shed, I try to think a little into that demand.

...... Lizardman, Dark Elf. And a white elf-borne child.

"That healie is a child of the northern clan... don't you"

Does having a girlfriend bother asking me how to "get in" have nothing to do with the northern clan or the outcast who was severed? Or... a half elf that's not even supposed to be welcome.

"He's a half. There's a little bit of a situation."

"What's the situation?

"... Either way, there's no such thing as a twat."

He won't tell me "what's going on" for the sake of flattery.

I taught this one once... it's like that. About 20% of the family situation.

"For once, in the baron's mansion is the chief of the family of the white family and the name of the family of the cherry blossoms. But I don't think you can let me in without any tweezers."

Even though it has become relatively open, it is hard to say that the junction of the forest is still easy to get into.

We also know the concerns of nervous elves. Life in the woods is comfortable, too comfortable, and probably burns easily if you throw in even one fire.

Though not many of the elves are strong enough, they do not have enough mothers. That can't protect that whole wide forest from malice.

I would never do a detour in the woods, I would need something somewhere to give that assurance. In my case, the credibility of dragons, holy beasts, and polka itself are taken in quality.

But where can I find it about these Lizardmans?

The race is completely different. I don't know with anybody anywhere. If they make a case in the woods like that, and get lost and vandalize around the woods, there's no effective defense.

"There's a handful of them I've been able to get into. It's not going to be that easy."

"Well... I can't help it then."

Lightly, Gash, you pull back.

"What can I do for you?"

"I'm looking for something. … it is important. But you don't know it's always in the woods. Besides, healing springs aren't so bad, I think this could have worked out."

"... I hope so"

A strange combination of threesomes.

I broke up with them and headed back to town.

When I went to the Baron's mansion, my mother was working fast.

"Oh, Andy."

"Mother. Can you do your job?

"There's only a big mansion, and it's gonna take a lot of time to see the lights in all the rooms... some of the rooms in the back have to use the lamps from daylight"

I disassemble one lamp with a bitter laugh and maintain it handily.

Is the boulder a former blacksmith's wife?

"But after a while, the atmosphere has changed here, too. The most important thing is to have an elf lady or maid."

"The Baron is taking the lead and trying to create a friendly mood."

"But if you don't, even though it's a narrow polka, it must be hard to change them all. Well, your wives are going to use the" bad kids are going to be exposed to elves. "

"... it's quite a problem."

Well, you can't get too excited about the friendly mood to lighten the elves, so I guess I'll have to leave some of that "I'd be scared if you pissed off the elves too" feeling.

"But I wonder why you were bothering me... I'll lose you from seeing Irina and Christie."

"Well, that's because those two aren't everything elves are. Me and my mom aren't all over the trot."

"That's true, too. I wonder why it's never been easier to just live together."

What my mother says, well... I think so, too.

There are still a number of different opinions in the North Forest, and if anything, there is a danger that friendship will be turned upside down.

Both the Baron and the Elf Territorial side are making strenuous efforts. It's not easy to accomplish.

That's something we need to think about.

I thought about it slowly and tried to say it and there was Irina's voice from behind.

"Friendship is something that only starts with believing in the other person. There is no faith, no righteousness, and we cannot just hold hands together. It wasn't Apple who inspired it, it was your son."

"Mr. Irina."

My mother makes her place right.

"Sure, once we put our hands together, it's never been easier. The presence of Lord Smythson was essential in order to convince the ancients of the woods that there was nothing more to talk about than mutual gain. … the answer is yes. There was no Lord Smythson, so we had to stick together."

"... Andy I still can't believe I could have done something that amazing, though"

I don't know if it stinks when people say it like that. I don't even feel like saying that much.

"There is certainly a part of it that can only be said that heaven has taken sides. Even if Lord Bonaparte and Deane were the only ones on that Holy Beast battlefield, friendship with Polka could not have been born. If it had been six months since the dragons liked us, they would have exchanged nothing. The Baron stands on his arm, but he wasn't in a position to make decisions that would allow him to receive the blessing of an elf on that occasion. And if Lord Smythson wasn't born in Polka... the focus on friendship would still be blurred. But Lord Smythson was there with everything, and he did it."


"It makes sense for us elves to fall in love with each other."

"... maybe that's not the same again... hmm"

Still, my mother says Irina and the others are in love with me. They haven't broken the fold on the status quo. Perhaps by Irina, these explanations or things like love have been repeated over and over.

"I thought Andy was cheating on something..."

"If we get here, we'll rather be fooled on purpose. Let's feel the problem with the elves, Mother."

"Why are you blaming the straws?"

Even if you give up a hundred steps and I make a bad decision, don't think you usually avoid contact at a stage where nearly 10 women are surrounded and insane. Yeah.

When we talk about that in Selene's room, both Jeanne and Selene laugh bitterly.

"Well... there are a lot of kids in situations where you can't have a normal relationship, around Mr. Andy"

"I feel like there's a lot of reopening going on with the factors around there and the" even if it's an exclusive because you're a hero "thing. Especially the kids who've been stuck around lately."

"It also has the effect of someone spreading the word about a tutor."

"Hmmm...... I'm talking about whether I can finally convince myself by taking into account everything to the area. My mother can't help but understand..."

A very complex reason is to tailor me to a hero in the Elf Territory, and make me a liquor pond flesh forest around me.

It will take a lot of time and effort to explain all of this without misunderstanding.

... Again, I'm glad I didn't shark explaining it to that Lizardman.

"Well, don't you have to be understood? Originally, if we're happy ourselves, we don't care about institutions or understanding, which is the only way to keep Andy around."


"Well... yes..."

At the end of the day, it is the only way to do so.

If you go to Celesta, you get 10 or 20 daughters-in-law, which doesn't make any difference, but you can't do more than work hard at polka.

If we're going to live here with the female slaves, at least we're going to have to cut off from marriage and other institutions and live outside the general understanding.

I'm talking about where I'm going to fold... at least I want my mother to tolerate me until I'm not blessed and not worry about interacting with my grandchildren who will be born here.

"As for leaving aside the problems that don't solve that kind of pah, right?...... Mr. Andy. What can you only do now, won't you?

Selene laughs nicholly.

"You can only flirt with me in this belly right now, right? I don't know when I'll be pregnant next."

"Hey... wait, it's not bad."

"Mr. Hilda's tattooing me."

"Drink Atashi's milk and treat Selene's belly to milk."

"Ah. Because I don't like to just suck on Jeanne, do I? I've missed Andy's nasty tongue-in-cheek boobs lately because it's just Peter."

Pregnant and young expectant woman pulling my hand to bed as I say.

"... you know"

I sigh.

"That's what I'm saying, I'm gonna go up against Peter, really."

"Mr. Andy's a 'polka boy who loves tits', isn't he?

"Big and Nighty are the perverted husbands of their favorites."

The martial bone collar on the two necks sways lusciously.

The vagina that follows its plenty of puffy tummy and the chance to bury your penis as you wish in the young body that drips breast milk.

"I'll prove you both plenty."

I declared invincible. Probably sounded more guessy than invincible, but I don't care.

(cont 'd)

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