Half-elves Fall in Love

Morning Shot [Christie Jeanne Laurie Marone and others]

The next day.

Sleeping with Irina and Millil in her arms, the door was rattled open and a sign that someone was coming into the room.


Blurry and Grandpa Dan, I think.

I think it would be a coincidence if I were seen, but I would take the liberty of concluding that if Grandpa Dan was supposed to be well aware of the commission, there would be no such thing. It's still cold in the polka morning, so they're both hanging up to their shoulders.

"Good morning, Mr. Smythson"

"Wake up."

but it was Christie and Jeanne who came in.

There seemed to be several in the hallway as well.

"Oh... hey, both of you, in the morning"

The fact that people are getting together just doesn't seem like an atmosphere where you can hold a girl and pretend to sleep.

"We'll get it done in the morning. Yeah, we lured them together."


I can't see the story.


"This is what I was saying yesterday."

"Selene told me. I hear the female slave decided to let her dick go in once a day."


That's a rare idea born of Catalina's very cramped eclectic circumstances and Tess's young, somewhat rampant mood.

"Um... are you sure you want to do this?

"Don't you?

"I've already brought everyone here, though."

When I woke myself up, across the entrance to the room were the cat beast daughters and elf daughters with exciting faces. There will also be Maia because I saw Lyla's length a little bit.

"... take them all off"

I was a little sleepy, but when I said that while scratching my pompous head, I cheered and everyone screamed to take it off.

Speaking of me, I'm still in good shape this morning.

I had Elmo and the others make extra the other day and I can afford the size of the bed, so I can't leave Millil and Irina as they are and there's not enough room.

Mozomozo out between the two still sleeping, sitting on the edge of the bed.

"We'll decide the order ourselves. And I'm not gonna do it until I ejaculate. It's just going in the back."

"Is that satisfying?

"If you don't have enough or you want to have more fun, you can move to full jerk at any time you want. That was the rule Mr. Hilda set over there."


Kusssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss............... No, I don't wear underwear, so when I tell you to take it off, will that be the momentum? The clothes you're wearing, the one piece or the robe.

Inspired by that, or Jeanne, who likewise strips it all off and exposes her little nudity like a child, and her subsequent daughters, who somehow strip it off even above in the atmosphere.

"It's tough when you wear it if you don't tidy it up properly."

"If you're a cat beast, I'll put it together. Excuse me."

Apparently Oregano and Marone are each picking up undressed and scattered clothes.

A line of naked female slaves who were able to do so stretches out in front of me with their penises and seats.

"Bye, from Christie. If you go in the back, pull it out and you're done."

"Yes...... Now, excuse me"

Dye your cheeks and gently stroke the only collar you wear before proceeding out, Christie.

Put your knees gently next to me and slowly lower your hips in the right seats opposite me.

"Huh... is, uh..."

"Quite a bit, you sketchy bastard"

"... I was expecting..."


"Do you hate sluts......?

"Of course I love it"

At the time of sticking to the deepest part, gently hug and kiss. The idle body warmed up as well as the morning air, and the kiss was the thick best as soon as it tangled its tongue.

Then Jeanne.

"Eh heh. Long time no see."

"No, you haven't been jerking off since I got here."

"Huh. Come fuck me whenever you want. Yeah. Second man, let's plant it."

"I don't think I gave birth to one... this body"

The exposed Jeanne's body is also Dwarf-specific in size, and remains a toddler at all.

Even though nearly six months ago, I still find it a little surprising that I conceived one baby and gave birth safely.

"Do you still have boobs?

"It's not going to be that easy. You want a drink?

"I'll have it."

"I'm gonna put Andy's cotch in before I do."

"Wait, wait. It's hard to stay in."

Jeanne is small, so when we hug each other, her head falls below my chin. You can kiss me if you round your body a little, but it's a little harsh to take my mouth to the nipples.

"It's jammed. I'll do it after I've done it. I can drink milk while I cock my other daughters."

Jeanne says that with a bitter laugh, while expanding her labia herself and putting her cunt in her narrow vagina.

As narrow and tight as ever, he relentlessly gained momentum and dropped his hips, so he reached the back of his vagina where he gained momentum a couple of times.

"Eh heh.... I'm gonna go deeper, okay?

"Yes, no, deeper than this"

"We're going in, right?

"Don't run into deep moves in the morning."

They can penis it all the way into the womb, but if I do that, there may be a kid out there who challenges me and me.

No, it won't be that easy if you try, but if you get something like a uterine injury as a forceful one, you don't have an ex or a child. Everyone has to have my baby.

"We'll have fun at Omako again."


Tickle and stroke the little Jeanne's head, supporting her sides with both hands to lift Jeanne's body and pull out her penis.

Jeanne's appearance, which is even more than usual, and the holes in her groin that are pompous to this thickness are unbalanced, which is why she's still happy and grateful and comfortable trying to have one child after another.

Jeanne stood beside me and pressed that whisper-swollen breast against my face. When I smoke the cucumber, what a gentle flavor spreads in my mouth.

The next person to show up before us like that was Laurier. Unwrapped naked with only a collar by way of example.

"Your husband. Mind the taste of my coco."

"Wow, I know."

"It's only natural to go to the dick."

"Mmm. Jeanne, I feel weird affording..."

Laurier was burning a sense of confrontation at Jeanne as she spanned me.

I mean, you're getting along to the point where you can say that.

It also inserts well into the elf daughters and becomes the turn of the cat beasts.

Waiting were Marone and Cute, as well as Azel and Rizel.

"... neither Azel nor Lisel are female slaves."

"If I asked you out, couldn't you?

Marone looks sorry as she joins hands in front of her well-shaped tits.

"No, it's not that I can't..."

The kind of rhetoric that drives me back the girl who took it off and waited for me weakens nature and the narrative because of all the problems.

So Mucky woke up Irina joined me.

"It has nothing to do with seeding, because it's a ritual that encourages female slaves to become aware. It's not like I'm gonna get a child, and it's not like I'm gonna let you get involved in this."

"Oh, that's the thing"

Ride an ass horse.

Well, actually, just penetrating from the girls' side doesn't really make much sense, and if there is, it's just spiritual. Irina is perfectly right.


"Marone and the others are fine. Can't we just...?

Azel and Lisel seem sorry. I can't. I can't.

"I just have to get my penis in. You're going to be a little craved, and that means only female slaves..."

"Female slave, okay......"

"Sounds fun."

You guys are a little too light.

"Kee, I'll let you in today, but it's a hassle to come here every day. You want to make it right when you do."


"... nya"

I don't think I'm convinced.

"Um, you two can't add him to the female slave..."

"Marone. You mean female slaves, right? So basically you're just gonna live for my dick in the future, huh?

You can't be a female slave with that sense of playmate.

"So-so. You'll have to do what your husband says for the rest of your life."

Cute also teaches Azelrizel a bit greatly.... the same age, you guys.


"Hmmm... can't you?

"No, it's normal!

The troubling direction is different. I mean, I'm just wondering what kind of education you were getting.

"The athletes are here to take your husband's children..."

"Why not -..."

... Maybe it's a little too late at a time when I don't have any doubts about that kind of situation.

Nevertheless, I'm only letting you in today, so I'm going to let Marone and the others take their seats.


"... Marone, what is this"

"Uh... Oh, is this it?

Numbers familiar to the inner leg. 005.

Written in a colorful pigment that looks like a roasted brown mark, that's the same one I wrote on my four elf daughters' socks at dawn yesterday.

"Mr. Oregano taught me yesterday... so I hope Mr. Sevory also told us about the cutie, and because of that, we're with each other"

"... Oregano, Sevory"

In a low voice, the two men, still naked and looking at each other, turned a blind eye with a half laugh.

"Oh, don't make that one-of-a-kind play stuff popular! My personality keeps getting suspicious!

"Uh... but it was fun... right?

Sevory says like an excuse, but let me resolutely protest.

"It was fun! If I could find out that kind of stuff around Phaser, I'd be a real nose knob! They're gonna tell me you're trying to sell me off after I've taught you absolutely everything!

"Uh... that's him"

Sevory convinces me. Yeah. Is it time to be famous?

Fennel's troubled face while wearing clothes beside it.

"He, is it time to do something..."

"No, you don't have to do something about it"

When I impose sanctions again, it makes me look like I'm genuinely trying to get rid of what I'm doing.

... and he's the one who's lived his whole life to Maia, so there's something to be sympathetic about. I'm still young as an elf.

"But I'm glad that this kind of Cirsi feels a little like your husband's stuff."


Marone and Cute smile as they stroke each other's inner legs.

"Isn't a collar enough..."

"You can remove the collar if you want to..."

"Irezumi, baking marks, I feel like I can't go back."


I just became a female slave from myself, and are these two such dependent m aspirations strong?

"But I like beautiful skin kids, so don't put tattoos, baking marks, or anything wrong."

"Yes... ♪"

Marone kisses like a prank and buries her penis on herself.

Azel and Lisel stood side by side and watched. I'm concerned that it's strangely quiet.

Afterwards, when he took a break and then showed his face to the afternoon liquor store, Secret Service Hundred and General Kingfisher, as well as Boyd and Mr. Lucia, were surrounding the table for lunch.

"Hey, Smythson."

"Secret Service Hundred. How's your arm?"

"It still hurts, but I can hold hands now. Awesome place. It's the first time I've ever felt hurt."

There was no pre-coma shadow that was mentally unstable, and it seemed like he was completely back on track.

"Heh. Peppy, to that extent. Nah. That's why Temei's an ace night for 10,000 years."

"Peppy, you're the one who said it, Kingfisher. I heard everything. From Boyd."

"Ah!? Want to do it!?

"Please don't, both of you. If a hundred men knew, they'd break it."



Two warriors at hand losing momentum in Boyd's arbitration. I mean, Boyd, I know how to handle it.

"It's amazing, isn't it? Here. I've only heard rumors...... I can't believe you have such a miracle resilience. If Valerie advertised it, there'd be a lot of people coming."

Mr. Lucia did not admire the contention between the two middle-aged men, but let her eyes shine and expressed her surprise to me.

In a way, this guy is also very nervous.

"Isn't it impossible because it's far from Valerie? I mean, we're not even trusted domestically at all, the effectiveness here."

"Becker, are you jerking off on Dr. Lucia's idea?!?

"Please don't."

Somehow, it's a good balance of conversation for the four of us in the gathering.

(cont 'd)

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