Half-elves Fall in Love

I can't stand exotic [Maia]

When it was ready, regular flights carried by Michela were set to rise.

"If you're going to focus on treatment, it's better as soon as possible. First, guide Becker and Kingfisher to the hot springs. I'll do the other business as late as I can."

Copy that, Su.

This time, besides me, Lyla, Maia and Naia, General Kingfisher and Mr. Lucia, Special Agent Becker Hundred, and Boyd.

The reason Boyd was chosen was bathing aid. If you have an auga arm strength, you can move a normal grown man with one hand.

Gort would have liked it, but since his furniture making arm is above Boyd's, he decided to let him focus on servicing the fort.

And Mr. Hilda herself stands by at the fort until the next flight.

Why, it's a matter of the size and durability of the carriage Michela brought.

The carriage we have been using to move is made of Celesta and is quite sturdy, and it is also a substitute for the "cabin dedicated to flight", which was further reinforced by the hands of Jeanne and the others during the crossbow squad's big move last year.

But the carriage that Michella brought was that it had been levied from the silver clan. I'm not really starting to get much speed either, and the road isn't very rough. It's something I use in my elf territory, so I'm a little uncomfortable.

I could afford the size, but if I stuffed it too much, I might feel scared along the way, so Mr. Deane decided to wait quietly for the next one.

"I'm coming."

Announce that Michela will fly. From outside the car.

It does sound good when it's the dragon's voice, but it's a little loud.

"Ho. Either way, you don't have to make a fool of yourself. In this way."

Lyla used magic and flew a phantom over Michela's nose tip... Apparently.

"You just have to let him hear it in the phantom. Talking sounds normal in itself."

"I see."

Michela's phantom appears in the middle of the car.

Or General Kingfisher and Boyd were stunned because they didn't reduce it to a flat palm size, like Lyla and Maia, and put it out in equal size (whether naked or not) as it was.


"Oh, you know, you can't weave something from poison in the eye."

Me pointing softly at Boyd's protest.

"That's all right."

"No, uh, ten Smythson chiefs!?

"Tits are justice"

"No, you don't! I mean, even if I feel weird, I'm not a killer. S!

"Apprentice the Horny Brothers a little. They burn it in their eyes and turn it into an occassion."

"Apprentice those two... hey"

"... yeah. I said impotently. Sorry."

Those guys don't just sneak in and hide. They make them occassions directly on the spot. Apprenticeships are out of sorts.

"Ho. If you miss milk, I'll put up with it. You can rub it or shave it."

Lyla sitting next to me pulls her clothes tight, exposing her to those rich tits and pressing them.

"Maia, you should adore the owner's delicacies."


And Maia hasn't hesitated to reach for her pants either.

but control the two of them.

"Stop. If you only have female slaves, I'll let you fuck them thankfully, but not now."


"... Too bad"

Two people who pull their hands.

I sighed like Mr. Lucia and Naia were obviously relieved that they were putting themselves up to a sudden erotic expansion.

"And Michela. Sure, it's poisonous to the eye, so here's some more... shrink my phantom to a flat hand size. Because that doesn't bother us all."


Shpong and shrink to become Chibi Michela.

Now it's settled, let's go, though.

... Lucia was turning bright red on the first word she heard.

"Meh, female slave..."


I've been mildly clouding my words before, but I accidentally used them.

"What... uh, what is it, Mr. Smythson?"

"... it gets longer when I talk to you"

"Ho. I'll explain it to you. Good. It's a long way to fly in silence on the road"

Lyla's irresponsible incitement makes me reluctantly framed to explain it.

... Will you trust me?

It's a dragon flight leaving in the evening, so by the time we get to the polka, it's after midnight.

"It's quiet..."

Softly disembarking from the carriage that landed on the snowfield, Naia whines small.

"It's a polka. Rennesto and Catalina are always moving."

"... Yep. Right.... I feel like I'm kind of new to this quiet and gentle evening"

Naia raised her hat spit a little and looked up at the night sky.

... Is it the result of my mood swinging from the appearance of the liner? He seemed to have a new emotion for Polka, which should never be a place to get used to.

Until now, the title "The Brave" would have separated Naia's mind from the outside world like a single glass. Perhaps that's what it feels like for the first time, cracked and chipped.

"... meh, female slave... Celesta is amazing..."

And Mr. Lucia was turning bright red and confused by the relationship diagram I described.

"No, Celesta, but that's rare! They're usually rich or famous people who can surround their daughters and daughters every once in a while! That's crazy!

"... right? I'm glad Mr. Clay and I are not really values at all."

"It's okay, Dr. Lucia. I'm not such a lustful monster without a vision."

It was kind of titled awesome on its own.

but I wouldn't dare protest because I think if I saw me now in my virginity, I would definitely snort.

"Dear Andy, something weird is being said, don't you have to shut that tri up?

"That's a compliment in a way."

"... Really?

I'll tell Maia that, too.

... Well, keep 20 female slaves surrounded. I won't talk about him in line. Beyond the fact that you actually have a female slave as your sex partner, you can also think of that assessment as a sign that you deserve it.

"Better than that, let's get you both to the hot springs as soon as possible. Sure, you can go in the hot springs at night."

Hold Special Agent Becker as Boyd would hold even a cat, and ask for my instructions.

"Oh. The bonfire's probably out though. Let's go then."

"Ho. I'll light my man's water with magical light."

"I appreciate it, but I'm not staying long in the hot springs."

"I know. Maia, just in case, you should let the Baron guy know. Whatever we do, we need the birds and their daughters' beds."


Maia flies away.

We step on a thinning snow carpet and head to the polka hot springs.

"So here we are."

"Oh, I'll make arrangements for the inn, once in my usual room. If you can't take it, I'll make sure you know where the arrangements are."

"Got it."

Salute Boyd as he holds the Secret Service Hundred.

Well, I don't think there's anything in Polka that I can't get an inn like that. At worst, you'll be fine if you rent the corner of Isaacs' quarters.

... Speaking of which, I think it's time for Isaacs to make their way home.

I haven't been out in Renfangas that long, so I don't think things are going to be moving suddenly.

I'm heading to the Baron's mansion for now...... just as I will after nightfall.

"The house is managed by the Michelas."

"Yeah. Sometimes cat beasts and elf daughters bring food, alcohol, and they clean it."

"What about Grandpa Dan and his mother?

"The old body of that dwarf remains in the city. Colonies don't need to worry that much because they have a lot of peers, he said... Looks like your mother was taken back to town by Asti."

"... well"

Well, my mother is also an adult. If there's a life, there's always a relationship.

No matter how cute Peter is, he won't settle over here as he is.

I wonder if you'll come back to this city sometime.

"How about the Lord? The city also has Aeri. If you want, Aeri and I..."

"Uh, sorry, Lila and Maia booked ahead tonight"

By the way, Michela, I knew I'd walk naked and leisurely down the polka wild road at midnight.

Even though no one makes a scene because it's Lila and Naia who are following us, exposing walk play, depending on what you think. It's a little exciting.

"Ho. Discipline. You don't have to hurry, you don't have to hurry."

"I want to do it. I want to do it."

"That's too bad. Can we have it any time?


I stroke Michela's ass all the time, grabbing those tits gently, shaking them, and kissing them in a stomach.

Bare she does not reject it as one and accepts it.


"Thank you for your cooperation on the scheduled flights. We'll have plenty of time to fuck you."

"... I look forward to it"

Michela also returns a chubby kiss.

That's Naia pulling her hat and pretending not to look.... I wish I could see something else.

After a while back home, Maia returns from the Baron's mansion.

I couldn't sleep without hearing that report, so I waited while I gently hooked up the liquor Michela served me in the dining room.


"Welcome home, master."

Maia wasn't the only one.

Starting with the fennel of Celesta's desert merchant-style appearance, Sevory wrapped around an evening dress, Oregano in a hunter-style costume, and Laurier in a robe like Irina.

All four daughters don't see much. Eat with a good look.

And Maia herself was kind of dressed like a girlie with lots of pretenses.

"... for what?"

I thought I saw it wrong because my eyes were a little blurred with alcohol, me rubbing my eyes.

"Hey, I was playing dressing all night in the Baron's Hall in a costume made by Oregano and Serene..."

Sevory scratches her cheek like it stinks.

There was no usual sidetail, and Serene or Oregano would still have tied it, turning the elegant fine knit made in his ear to the back of his head, he had a ladylike haircut.

Impressed completely differently.

"... why all night?

"If it wasn't midnight, we wouldn't have had the time."

Oregano also honestly flushes her hair, which is usually intricately tied, for a normal straight long. Surprisingly long.

Active attire was still completely different from the image.

'Cause they all work part-time.

Whether Laurier is the concept of an elf's own traditional costume, or not so flashly altered in image, it is still well mysteriously put together, such as ear decorations for a clan council that he has eared, and jewel forehead decorations.

"That's where Maia came from... it was such an awesome outfit, and at the end of things."

Fennel is a costume with a fine patterned vest and feels like a chest-wrapped cloth that boldly shows the chest and a deep waistcloth with a slit on the heso. There's plenty of atmosphere with the turban wrapped around it. Maybe Selene or Jeanne proposed it.

"... these clothes, they're hard to move"

"No, no, it's cute, Maia"

"... eh"

Maia is basically a monotone dress. Overall, it features elaborate frills.

Sure, every time I move a step, those frills move. I can't seem to move, but it's fun for my eyes. And Maia originally had plenty of beauty to match her beauty.

However, it's hard to say that in clothes like the usual less attentive cloth cut, it firmly brings out the appeal of such an appearance.

"It's good for a girl to have a cute outfit"

"... Dear Andy, don't we all prefer to be round naked?

"I love that, too. Girls have a lot of cuteness. It's great to pull that out. Above all."

"I have a problem bragging about naked kids, but if you're such a cute fit, you can brag to people in grandeur. He said he's my cute girlfriend."

"... ahhh"

I think that was the persuasion there for what I said with my drunk head.

"Besides, that's the kind of accessory I make."

"... well, I guess..."

"Lend it to me."

When she hands on Maia, Maia casts a small spell to pom and decorate her hair in the space.

I'll put that on Maia's head.

"Look, be like that. Hey, Lyla."

"Ho ho. Sure, it's not that bad."

Lyla is the usual just cloth-wrapped outfit without matching those other girls, but for some reason Lyla makes it feel weird too and has a strange vibe that doesn't make her look inferior to the other stylish daughters.

"... Is this so good?

"It's beautiful, Master Maia"

Mya looks at her clothes strangely.

"Hey, Oregano.... Can I offend Maia like this?

"Oh, my lord... it's the same now"

For once, put a no on Oregano, who would be the producer.

Oregano laughed bitterly and nodded even when he said "someone in trouble".

"Oh, Dear Andy...?

Hold Maia all the way, kiss her.

Pull it up on your lap and put your hand inside that skirt you touched. Wearing stockings for business, is it an elf-collar cloth because its smooth touch is unlikely to belong to a polka soaking garment store?

Reaching underwear as it was, Maia slightly wandered off, remaining kissed.

"Wait, Dear Andy... take it off properly..."

Did you care that the costume you praised me for being cute gets dirty?

"Look, Laurier, take your pants off"

Make sure I block Maia's hand and pull her skirt so she can point Maia's ass at Laurier.

Laurier glanced a little into Maia's eyes and, broadly, reached down those pants.


Cute ass, showing up in the middle of a group of transvestites.

I stroke that ass and stare into Maia's eyes.

"Hey Maia.... let me ejaculate in your womb."

"... n"

I dare say only the final purpose directly to my daughter, who is deciding on a beautiful fit.

In that situation, Maia is adorable, blushing but honestly nodding.

The frill-laden skirt is filled with four daughters.

Maia swallowed her own penis slowly over me, fluttering in the chair.

"Phew... ugh, oh... eh"

"Feel it, Maia... I'm excited for you, too, my penis... eh"

"Ugh, yeah... ♪ Dear Andy, even for such a good girl... I want to get in there, I want to be... ♪"

"Wouldn't it be great to flavor a pretty girl with plenty of my penis in her womb..."

"You can be bare..."

"It's naked, it's cute, it's adorable to wear."

"Maia, swallow the salmon... drink a lot of my semen into your stomach... and after that, you'll look cute again. I can't wait to think that these kids are wet with my samen."

"Yeah... fine..."

Maia nods heartily and begins to use her hips violently as her four daughters support her skirt as she kisses me.

Intense, deep, boring hips strokes as if a well-tamed dog rubbed his body.

He shows it violently as the other daughters keep an eye on it.

"Ho. This is hot. I don't think it's an ice dragon."

Lyla looks at it with a glimpse.

Michela, who emerged from the back, also stroked her cheek, "Oh," and smiled.

In the meantime, a rounded Maia's lower body was swept up with a fierce samen infusion.

"Ahhhhhh... ahhh..."

"Ugh, uhh..."

From Maia's little vagina, it flows backwards. There's plenty of evidence of myself in that inner crotch. Rub it with your fingers, and I'll let Maia go.

"Ha, ha, ha..."

"Mm... ♪ dude"

Maia dipped into the top for a little while, then came down from above me and took a few steps back.

Make it look like it stinks and think a little about what to do.

"... imitation of Aurora"

Pinch the skirt softly and let it gracefully thank you for lowering one leg.

The work was strangely cute again, and I still couldn't wait for the overflowing semen to fall out of my skirt.

"... Maia"

One more time, it's sex.

"... hehe"

Hang on, Maia.

And four daughters who will have subtle air.

"Um, we were wondering if we could get away with spills."

"Well, you can do a lot of" bitchy "stuff."

"... It's been a long time, so we should do something equal to everyone first"

"Laurie, we can't all do this. You must be tired from a long journey..."

"Everybody says they're going to fuck tomorrow. It's Maia and Lyla's appointment today!

"... you know, I seem to be getting rolled over more and more..."

"Michela said she'd fuck you right too!

... I was wondering if I could get Selene to adjust.

I mean, asking an exact bloated woman to do that right now is another terrible story. Normally.

(cont 'd)

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