At the end of the nude show at the water bath, I'll gather them together and make sure.

"Sure enough, Rants, Gort and Special Agent Becker Hundred. Instead of blaming me where the female slave took it off, she'd send a compliment, and if she sucks, she'd tour with her thumbs up even if she started having sex in front of her."


"Ho, it's in my eyes"

Mr. Deane and Lyla nod as they wiped their backs off.

"But don't take the basics off the tag in the future. Especially Lyla and Maia, if you don't wear it or not, you shouldn't be naked."



Oh, they looked as strange as they thought.

They are followed by Sharon and Almeida.

"I was wondering if it would be the basis of my daily routine to refrain from being naked by my side in the future..."

"Or I won't have the body shape to fix it anymore. Aren't you going to line us up and offend us all the way around like we always do?

Yeah, I was originally just having some serious chastity notion. It's broken more than I need a fait accompli.

"Then it's colder to watch! Anyway, it's not a good climate to paradise naked all over the place while Lyla boils the bath!

"That's right. Enjoy it when it's warm."

"Don't even get warm! You're in trouble with Boyd or Naia!


Or just those three nerves that you can see and enjoy someone else's porn paradise is unusual, and if you think about it normally, it's messy awkward, that's the situation.

... Cairon didn't dare mention it. I'm just taking distance, not enjoying a peek, not accusing him. He's got a neat idea.

He's decided not to get involved because it's troublesome. Though the line seems the strongest.

"Basically the same as before. Dress normally and live normally. But I don't blame you for being present in the water bath. And let's do this shit to the point where we don't show off any more jerks."

My tentative policy gives me a subtle sigh of disappointment from Aurora and Apple.

"Don't you show them? You want to see it, and it doesn't seem like a problem."

"Ko, you can reopen it more than I've shown you so far..."

"For once, we're not here to see you. I'm here in a dangerous place for the benefit of Naia and all sorts of countries. Porn has to be about the fun of the night."

I also think it would be more enjoyable to have a good amount of merriment after all than I have a job to do.

... or something. Tess staring at me and shrugging her shoulders.

"I don't think you're the sex pride who made me dedicate my womb to this face, do you? Even though I'm just flirting with the rotation, the sun goes down."

... well, that's true.

"Ho ho. The Lord is going to be able to do this in his seeding life these days from morning to evening."

Lila's words are probably right, too.

"... maybe that won't bother anyone"

The words Luna said Bozuri work as a jitter.

Yeah. Right. The female slaves probably don't have more trouble with Cairon or Rants than they did originally. The goats will do the carpentry work, and the exploratory mission will be fine with Lila and Mr. Deane, right?

I don't need it, kid. I doubt it.

"Shh, cheer up, Andy. Because your policy is not wrong. Look, Luna, that's too much. Apologize."

Angelos will follow you in a hurry, but it's hard to be honest.

Everyone wears clothes and goes back to the board wall room they used as their bedroom.

Naris and Naia, who did not join the paradise bath, also took a breather.

Mr. Deane slowly stood up and looked over at everyone.

"Tomorrow, we have to go to the big city to raise supplies. Catalina...... No, do you want Rennesto? Andy's with Maia, and I need you to turn the request over to me. I'm going to go to the polka once with Lyla to negotiate."


"It's a consultation of supplies you can turn from the elf territory and a step to have the Blue Dragons come and contact you regularly. It's part of a one-off operation. You have to be in good shape."

Copy that, sir.

I also wanted to go see the daughters I've left behind, but it hasn't been a big day since I left Polka. Is it too early to be selfish?

If anything goes wrong, Mr. Deane will let you know.

"It takes a little while to come up with the exact number of supplies you need. It's free time until after noon. Tess and Sharon need your help if they can do that kind of affairs."



Tetes and Sharon write out the proposal with a tablet and chalk according to Mr. Diane and begin to boil it.

"Wow, I've been in quite a position on the film, too."

Almeida, who wasn't called, whines a little dissatisfied, but Naris pounds that back.

"You don't bother to go ahead and undertake a difficult job. It's best to leave it to the smart ones."

"Naris, don't you think I'm pretty stupid, too?"

"Oh, but... aren't there other people who do clerical work, people who always do it? So it's like," I'm finally here, so please go to a ceremony or a fight. "

"... so how do you know about Robs' guy? Sure, he strangely cleaned up my job..."

"Hey, no, I don't know what Almeida feels like."

...... yeah. If Almeida was in a decent position, we wouldn't go around without someone to do that separately, would we? I wouldn't lack this much prudence if I were in the military doing my managerial duties normally.

The Affilm Army knew how to use Almeida very well......

Maybe Almeida couldn't get to the road because it would be systematically harder to follow up around there.

I can't help but accompany the other crew to Mr. Deane's to Polka, but Rennesto deserves to go besides sourcing supplies.

Blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah Even if you're in a fort, it's about making furniture and painting walls, and you don't have a job that needs a rush.

"Naia, Rennesto, why don't you go?

"Uh... hey, why me?

"Why are you so vigilant?"

"No, the..."

Naia looking around with a flicker while trying to hold her hat.

... Oh, are you wary that the female slaves are trying to get themselves involved with Nori because they were so tense?

"I hope I'm not going anywhere else. Sometimes I wonder if I'd like to eat street food."

"... I'll go"

Outreach Lightly breaking Naia. Or early decision when food is involved.

"Oh, take me with you, too. I want to shop a lot."

Tess also raises her name as she turns her back and makes a fresh letter of request on parchment paper.

"If Tetes is going to leave, let's go too...... so all the celestas aren't going to leave?

"I'll make a bed."

"I don't have anything I want at the moment, especially in Rennest... though I would go if I were King Trott or an officiating lade"

"Special Agent Becker says he's gonna train outside... and he doesn't have any money."

"Because I, Deane, have asked you to do it."

"I fly in the sky too often, because I'm dying mentally..."

Each of the ancient sen slave groups is diligent or something.

"Andy. I think it's okay because Maia's here, but don't get caught up in anything weird."

"Wow, I know. I mean, I didn't even bother to get in trouble."

Although I'll argue with you once and for all, let's note that Angelos is definitely pinching at a high frequency to the extent that he also knows exactly what it's like to stab a nail.

The men decided to get them to work seriously.

"Then we'll be out soon, too. I'll be back early and around the day after tomorrow, but I'll leave everything to my sister and Cairon while I'm away"

Copy that, sir.

Give me back my salute and I'll get in Maia's carriage.

"Hasn't it been so long... I think there's a lot of room in this fort because we built it."

"Right. With more places to calm your hips, it kind of feels like things have moved on with Dawn and relative time has passed."

I enjoy the floating feeling of the carriage taking off as Naris and Tetes chat side by side.

Naia also looked out the window as she held down her hat and once again sighed at the panorama of the fort.

"Ha... this in ten days if the dragon is serious... what is it..."

"Lyla is amazing."

"... I didn't even think about it. I can't believe the dragons built people's fortifications..."

"... you can do this..."

Naia's eyes.

It reflects it with a somewhat different, complex look, both praise and vision, and retrospective.

... Speaking of which, does Naia know the Dragon Palace near Carlwin?

"If the dragons could help us, Carlwin would have found out sooner too... Think about it?

"… Dragons do not consider (shudder) human circumstances. I know that. But..."

Without mouthing ahead, Naia sits back in her seat and shuts up.

It was over the "Celesta Mansion" while Naia's thoughts were being taken into account, as it would not take so many hours to reach Rennesto.

"Dear Andy. I'm coming down."

"Oh, oh."

I snort when I hear Chibimaia.

"Requested documents first. Turn it over to Celesta's office and take it directly to your brother."

"... Tetes, you're starting to say something casual about your brother."

"Huh? Because she's my sister"

"I used to say," Buster, "

"... well, that's good"

As Tess looks strangely illuminated, Naris snaps her neck with a weird face.


"What's up, Naris?"

"Hmm... I don't know if you're like Tess... no, but in a way, I wonder if you're like Tess"

"Tell me so I can understand."

"Young kids change so fast... I thought they were harder at the root."

"... it's Obasan's mantra, it"

"Become!? Hih, if you live a hundred years, can you say 15 or 16 Co is a young Co! It's been a hundred years, and I'm a lot less than Almeida or Chief Sharon!... Sure."

"Don't argue with me like that for real, Naris. It's okay because you're an elf."

"That's right... uhh, is it annoying when my uncle tells me ten Smythsons one step ahead of me with a bee"

"Oh, my God!"

It's getting a little gusty. Damn it, for a hundred-year-old.

Let's get some errands done first, so we head to the castle where Sir Buster is.

"Well, I also know Naris has weird feelings. Your feelings for Lord Buster, I didn't even feel a little close to faith."

"Well, hehe... well, you didn't have that part when they said that... but"

Tetes laughs strangely cute as she walks.

"Much more than I thought, he... said it was my brother... because I thought it was then"

"I may not be a decent family, but I'm definitely the only one for me. But that guy... I think he assumed it was a little colder and farther. But maybe that just didn't know how to treat me...... haha, it's closer to saying daughter if you think about it. You naturally get a weird attitude, don't you? But I didn't get it."


"Besides, of the ten Smythsons... because thanks to your husband, I feel like I could have had another self.... because now I really think that maybe it's a great thing that someone really means it, holds me tight and tries to keep it their own, and can be sweet about it. So I feel comfortable reviewing what happened to my brother."

"... you, come on"


"I'm scared to be young..."

Something's making a lot of sense, but in the end, this guy feels gullible.

The sensibility of converting the life of a foreigner in front of Osama, who is not very strong or great, who is offended by being developed in both holes as a female slave side by side with other women, into a "great thing" is not decent, at least as a human race.

Or very dangerous.

Maybe there's something close to a half elf who ends up affirming it and becoming dependent on it, even if it's sexual rotten affection because of the lack of a place to go.

I don't know what to tell you.

She stepped off her feet beautifully, not to mention her lack of immunity to values... isn't she a pitiful child?

"Young... the way you say it, you still smell like your uncle, don't you?

"I'm angry when Naris tells me, but Tess can tell me."

"Hey!? Isn't that discrimination!?


I was walking laughing, but I realize that Fufu Naia hasn't followed me.

I look back in a hurry. Like Angelos told me, trouble or something.


Naia stopped a few steps back.

The face has a look that I rarely see.

Following that gaze, there was one man standing there.

A young man. The body gave the worker a distinctive sharp shape, but it is not unusual in Rennest.

but when the guy looks at Naia and laughs lightly.

"... for a long time, you look fine. Flash Ride."

"... you are... after all!?


Looking at Naia, she leaped herself in the alley huffily... as she was, erased the signs.

"Tetes! Can you chase it!"

"I'll go!

"What!? What's wrong!?

Aside from Naris, who doesn't seem to know very well, and Naia, who doesn't move like he's relieved, he jumps into the alley with Tetes... but nobody, there was just a trail.

"... phantom?

"I don't know... Either way, I don't think I can go after him anymore"


Nod to Tess and go back to where you came from.

Naia was relieved.

"Naia. Naia"

"... Yes"

"What was that, that..."

"... acquaintance,"

"I know that..."



Naia's, you know her?

Someone you know who calls a "flash rider," not a brave man?

"... Huh...!


Naia pulled down with a trembling hand on her hat.

"What!? What do you mean!?

"Um, can you explain?


And to the voices of Naris and Tetes, I get lost and shake my head small.

Still, I can't explain.

"No... something just surprised me a little atmospherically"

The word of deception speaks.


"Um, that's... no, that's fine"

Naris said he went in, but Tess seems to have guessed something for me.

...... I know Naia.

The name Naia's Flash Ride has been overwhelmingly named fewer times than the name Brave.

There is also little point in calling that name, aside from the name of the brave.

If so, when distinguishing it from other "brave men".

I mean, do you know any other "brave men," or...

"... Impossible"

Naia was small and shrugged.

(cont 'd)

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