Half-elves Fall in Love

Himitsu Base Under Construction 6 [Lyla Aurora]


The dormitories are also available, so I'm supposed to be able to stay outside of Mr. Deane and the others as of today.

Nevertheless, I can't stay in a lacquered room, given the possibility of inadvertence, as I'm a little allergic to spending some time in a room I've just wall-painted (which seems to wear out if I'm forced to dry fast).

In anticipation of that, Mr. Deane had prepared a room that was slated without daring to paint the walls.

"A wooden wall in a dorm like this quickly becomes a fire, and the gap breeze is easy to pass through and lacks simple sturdiness. It's only a first aid."

"Don't you have the magic to overcome it?"

"No matter how hard you try, you can't use magic as a prerequisite for equipment operation because months are the maximum effect."

"If you have engravings... it's a little impossible to apply engravings to all the walls..."

"That's the thing. Given the maintenance, the special technology is also shackled. After all, in the long run, magic and engravings are overwhelming."

"... you're right"

Even if you carve engravings to create walls with special effects, if some of those marks become damaged due to physical destruction, fire, etc., the effect disappears.

I also need special knowledge and taste to repair it...... I can't talk about it. The technician always has to take care of him.

Military installations in particular are rough to use. If anyone cares about it, I can fix it. I've never been over it.

It's better to make common sense, even if it's a little tricky.

"That's just a little narrow for everyone to sleep with."

"Do we have to use carriages and warehouses?"

"There's no roof, there's no snow, and it's heaven compared to the people who tent and build fortifications."

There was only one room pre-plated in the dorm, so the guys who can't even tell the girls to "let me sleep with them" go out with it.

Or more than ten women alone, so it's pretty narrow when it comes to going to bed.

"Tippy on the table. Hehe, I'm a little disobedient, but that's fine."

"... I don't mind, Naris, but unlike the bedroom, it's not framed, so it's gonna fall"

"It's okay, because it's not a dat or a hatchet gauntlet!

"I guess I'm under the table."

Tess and Naris were in bunk bed using a table just the right size. Sounds fun.

"Almeida, where are you going?

"Knight chief. No, it's a little cramped, so I thought I'd sleep in the hallway..."

"You can't expose yourself to such defenselessness because you're a woman, right?

"I never said that to you as a soldier."

"You're a female slave now, so don't mess around."

"... Yes"

Sharon is catching Almeida.

You want someone to talk to because Tetes took Naris. Almeida seems easy to talk to because she's a subordinate and an elf.

And, the gauntlet group is reluctant to go to bed, but contrary to that, it's the Celesta group we're all starting to work on something.

Or the ancient ginseng female slave group.

"Maia and Luna gather the leaves.... If it was a town, I'd have gotten straw anywhere."

"It's a blind spot. There's no livestock here, and you don't even think about straw preparation. But we really need it for incineration or something, and you should have us split a mountain, right?

"Right. It's not something that springs up naturally."

Mr. Deane and Mr. Hilda were beginning to sew together a large cloth. It wasn't a conversion of clothing, it was brought in as a living stock.

"What are you doing?"

"Bed making, though."

"I can't sleep in a harder place all the time from now on, either. Nevertheless, I can't hope for a cotton-padded muffin. So far, I can collect dead leaves and cover them with cloth."

You want to make it in the first aid?

"I mean, we're all happy wearing blankets, but then we should all do it."

"We'll all be tired by now. It's going to be work there, and not all of us can get it together at once. For today, I'm only gonna make it for you to sleep."

"Because sewing is a waste of cloth if you let a bumpy person do it. Dr. Hilda is very good at sewing and cutting."

"Don't say it like you're just good at it, sister. You don't think I'm good at it."

"Haha, of course Deane was in the same business."

... Oh, is that because you're a doctor? I did get Mr. Deane to stick his legs together, though.

"Actually, I'm good at sewing too."

The technology is indispensable as part of making small items.

"This kind of thing is a woman's business"

"My wife's job."

"I'm not sure if it's my wife's job."

"I don't know why it lights up there. Deane is. Now, Andy, do I question your position as your daughter-in-law?

"It's not like that...... yes, I'm confused when I'm suddenly shaken"

I also enjoy seeing something a little rare called the scene in which Mr. Deane panics, but I don't think Matt Craftsman is in the industry of women.

"Can I help you, too?"

Angelos comes by, but Mr. Deane shakes his head.

"Better than that, you guys come and take a bath. That would have been just dirty."

"Yeah, yeah, that's right... bathing in the water?

"There's got to be a build-up of water in the water bath over there with the tap I just made. Lila's warming it up."

"Oh, that's already happening"

"You should go. Most likely, Becker and the Rants will take a peek."


I'll stroke Angelos' head, which hardens a little.

"Then you're coming with me."

"Oh, Andy."

I'll help you wash your hair.

Trying to use the same excuse I told Naia the other day, Angelos shook and nodded happily with a tingle in his ear, even as he seemed a little embarrassed.

The water supply made of wood (Mokuhi) was flowing loosely as it snaked through the fort, washing as Aurora and Apple grabbed water in a bucket along the way.

"Mr. Andy. And Mr. Angelos."

What can I do for you?

The two wash dishes without stopping their hands.

"Why don't you take a bath with me? I mean, the water bath, it's at the end of this tap, and Lyla's giving me hot water."

"Oh, that's good..."

One moment, please.

The two of you clean up the rest of the wash quickly.

Um, when I took the three of them to the end along the tap, Lyla was half bathed in a shallow stone pond.

Nobody can blame you, of course, so dignified and bare. The light of the moon and night is floating its white nakedness.

"Ho. Finally here"

"Are you warm already?

"Just the right place. Don't hesitate to come in."

Lila with a glossy grin over her back gently.

... I don't think that's a bit of a heat source that's heating up this big water bath there enough to make the hot air smoke.

"Let's at least want a shed to take off..."


"Either way, you expose yourself naked in a place like this with no enclosure. You just have to think it through."

Though inside the thick stone walls of the fort, Angelos and Apple showed some hesitation in taking it off outdoors where they didn't even know where it was being seen from, but Aurora hung the burst and quickly took off his clothes and hung it on the rock (pieces of building material) around it.

"Won't you come in?"

"Then excuse me."

Neither did I think that I could dare to do this grandiose outdoor mixing bath on the Renfangas side. A little hesitant.

Well, still, nobody has a problem with being seen naked (not to mention the girls, even if Special Agent Becker Hundred or Horny Brothers was watching it, it's not a big embarrassment), so they take off their poms and go into the water bath while they see the Apples expose themselves naked first.

... a little feverish. But it feels good to have a "bath".

Lyla was at the construction site (this way), so I guess I haven't had a chance to soak up hot water lately.

"Ho. How about a drink?

"Before you do that, let me indulge you in a swinging bath for a while"

Phew, and I want to entrust my whole body to water irritation.

Alcohol is good and Lyla's tits are good, but the pleasure of soaking in hot water won now.

"Ah, uh... ah, but it feels good heat"

"Bucket, do you want to use it? They say when you sprinkle water, your body gets used to it."

"Please lend it to me."

The Angelos also give themselves up to the water one after the other.

This bliss is seen nearby with no less beautiful girls happily entering the water.

A demonic realm that really shouldn't be able to stay at peace, a happiness where you can enjoy hot water as you look up at the moon and look at your tits on the asshole side.

"Uh, happiness"

"Ho. You look so happy."

"Lila, can I touch your tits?

"I don't even have to say no"

Float the ceramic liquor in the water, reach out to tease Lila's arms enjoying the liquor in a small cup, and try to rub her tits.

Lyla embraces it with a warm eye for a prank child.

"Lyla's tits are still worth rubbing"

"You gonna adore me sometimes, huh?

"Someone might be peeking at me, though."

"Ho. I know that. Then I have no reason to care."

"... you did, you're the guy"

"Ho ho ho"

Lyla laughs and pours more booze in the meantime.

So the Angelos stopped by to cut the water.

"Oh, Andy. By the way."


"... I didn't do the example today"


Zaba, and Angelos stood up, holding himself and cruising a little.

Aurora also woke herself up and coughed up as she glowed her wet body into the moonlight.

"Meh, it's a female slave duty."

"... Obligations"

I thought of it after I said it.

"... maybe stick it in the mouth of the womb once a day?


"That's it."

Angelos and Aurora nod at the same time.

Lyla heard it and made a cheeky, pleasant look.

"Seems like you started something funny without me."

Don't you know Lyla?

"... wow, I get the feeling that we're female slaves... and if you get a chance to get a good penis in once a day... because that might set Mr. Andy on fire"

Apple explains, Lyla nods Hmm.

Then you can assume that I have a duty to you.

"Yeah, yeah."

"Right or right. Then the owner's lord. My womb will stick out before the end of the day."

Lyla laughs at me and gets up in front of me.

The three of us were just trying to protest that it would be sloppy to go sideways when we saw it.

"By the way, I have something to peek at right now, okay? I don't mind, but if I do, can I show something else where I can be pierced?



Consolidating Angelos and Aurora. Apple is also worried about holding or loosening the hand she tried to put on Lyla.

Couscous and laugh, Lila pulls my hand and lets me sit on the edge, spanning.

"No matter, you can enjoy it until you pour in the seed as it is. … it's also a pleasure to show off…"

"You pervert."

"Ho. A man who wants to get his dick in but catches a black dragon under the sky says so."

"... well, yes"

"Reflect. I haven't done anything."

Blink, and drop your hips and tremble at this feeling of mine, Lila narrowing her eyes.

"... well, I didn't... Kuk, I'll deal with you as many times as I want"

Angelos, who was behind him, protests violently at Lyla, who pushed her hips perfectly.

"Chip, don't get on with it, Lila! We're here too!

"Oh, yes! … If this happens, take it and stand."

"Mr. Aurora!?

"I am also the one who aspires to be the best female slave. It's just a confirmation of what's known from what we've seen."

"Ho. Nice work. If you say so much, I'll take your place."

Lyla laughs niggardly and hips up.

Aurora takes his place there, crouching in and giving up my penis in her own female hole.

"Oh, hey, Aurora... weird mean"

"It's a good opportunity and it's what I call... let's see your readiness as a female slave..."

The beautiful princess of Yu Qi Kaori Elf finally welcomes her penis into herself, while being aware of the crowd.


I get drunk on that fact myself.

Um, my dimly intoxicating eyes are strangely seductive that I pushed through one wall and through it.

"... Oh, Aurora"

"Ha... ♪"

"Finally, let me go inside...?

"... hehe, everywhere, we'll be with you"

Instinctively, I can't wait to get that body dirty and I start waving.

◇ ◇ ◇

"... su, wow... fuck you with dignity"

"Even Special Agent Becker, a hundred men. Is that your first look? We've seen it before if it's just Mr. Lyla."

"Yay, let's do it, Smythson. Ten Chiefs... Is this the guy who teaches rumors?"

"Oh, uh, hey... it was my bunk... hey, hey, what are you rubbing...!?


"Quiet, Mr. Naia.... This is just our life work. Never mind."

"... Ugh, I should have honestly slept with you guys..."

(cont 'd)

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