Half-elves Fall in Love

Himitsu Base Under Construction 2

"Flash Sword!

Naia tries to eat and hang on a flashing sword, pulled out of balance by the back hair grabbed by me, and goes into the river.


"Well, the story is...!

"Do you hide your mistakes? [M] I was even going to ask him 'what if' during that battle with Orn."

"... but that's..."

"Are you going to entrust Carlwin's future to him while you mislead yourself? What kind of morality do you intend to use to move him, to disgrace and hide even the sins you have borne as a brave man?"


Naia leans down and pushes silently.

The way she took off her clothes for a bath and went to forget to hide herself was supposed to be very colorful, but it was kind of painful that she stood up to it.

"Excuse me. Shall we continue?"

"Wait. Nothing. I can't really be a brave man waving a flashing sword, and that's it, Naia..."

"You know me, Andy Smythson.... I want you to know. It's something Naia shouldn't be carrying alone."

"... what the hell"

"There is also justice in that country. It's not your own life, or your children, it's a ruthless justice built to keep something called Carlwin in the future. Faith that justifies it as if it were nothing, even if a man filled and ate a man. Everyone tells themselves they have no choice but to look and pretend they don't see."

"... doesn't that mean it's all painful?

Do you really think so?

The flashing sword's voice erases a little of the floating color.

"Thirty thousand people build a closed society by job, follow the king's rule, concentrate their defensive and police powers on just five warriors, and live side by side with death while breeding distorted in lean lands. Sometimes you just listen and you'll be convinced, or you won't pinch your mouth to a harsh reality that you don't understand."

"Flashing Sword...... You are"

Naia whines in a grumpy tone.

A flashing sword just saying what I've been talking about. That, as if to ask even incredible facts.

Put the flashing sword down for a beat.

"But as you find a relatively safe area like this, the demonic realm is never a sea filled with demons. While people are firmly believed to have perished, it is a well-known fact that dragons still exist. Still, let the small lean cultivated land stick up a tiny bit of the public, let it constantly produce critical food, let it neither improve nor expand, nor give it the opportunity to learn anything other than its job title. Under the pre-construction emphasis on quality, a system that obviously makes you protect with a few defensive forces, or even with the knowledge that you can't get around to it.... Don't you feel uncomfortable, Andy Smythson"

"... Mm, even if they say it's hard, I'm in trouble. I don't want to learn."

"I want you to answer the question. Don't you think it's funny?"

"I think so. I think I only know about the land I've been looking at, and I don't know where to go and what's gonna work."

"Still, I don't mind.... Let's just conclude. Something's wrong with that country."

The flashing sword assures me.

Naia is breathtaking.

"Flashing Sword... You, Carlwin..."

"Is it strange to say something that lacks loyalty? But I'm a relic a long time ago. Whoever names the king, whatever law he decides, it's not enough for me to be respectful. Look, Naia. I am the sword of the brave. It exists as much as possible under the will of my friend Grance as a weapon of those with the power and determination to protect the people. … and on top of that, I want to tell him"

The rainbow light, the sword let it beat.

"Your mistake. to him with values other than yours.... Like, Naia"


After a long silence, Naia quietly.



"There were certainly many demons around that valley, too. The exorcism of it was also an important task... but what the Royal Palace entrusted to Naia, who became a formal brave man, was the strengthening of security. I mean, it was an execution."

"... and execution?

It suddenly flew from the word enhanced security to extremes.

"There is no lengthy punishment for Carlwin. Just more nonworking food support if you put it in jail or something. The same goes for punishments like smashing eyes, chopping off hands, etc. First of all, the very basis of a national law called Karlwyn is that it doesn't let you consume extra food."

"… a clear example of this is execution."


Whoever commits a felony will be slain greatly in show.

It's not particularly unusual. Effective crime control.

But there are significantly fewer stages of punishment in the Karlwyn kingdom, mainly because "people eat while serving their sentences".

In other words, if you sin, you will be killed. Behind that system, which is extremely simple, there are also circumstances in which there are not enough brave men to execute it.

Only five of us were in charge of protecting the land and also punishing the sinners, and we can't be fooled by one thing.

"Those who hurt their neighbors with wheat thieves and fights, rape, escape... lightweight sinners of all kinds, Naia slashed. Let the brave do it first. So that the people may fear that evil cannot be done as long as there is a brave man, and to make the brave man himself understand his mission. I'm sorry I ran into the current criminal, but I can't kill him."


The death penalty is everywhere.

The executioner is still everywhere.

Although the job is necessary, and its executor doesn't mean what's wrong.

When I hear that Naia has been defrauded, I still can't do it.

... and somehow I can understand Naia's strong attitude towards misguided extremists at Wangdu University, which she showed one day.

Naia was a profession that had to do so, and for Naia, that extremist's actions were an incredibly evil imitation.

"Among them was a man who said the same thing as that daughter named Naris.... That was an elf. What did you say your name was?"

"Evans......, was"

Naia whining her opponent's name in a spicy way.

"Same thing, what do you mean?"

"It was in his settlement that we were to send the child to the neighbouring settlement. But the kid was a half elf.... He was the only elf in his settlement who had a child at the same time. That's why he tried to help the child. It's a felony."

"... felony"

"It's like stealing food for a neighboring settlement.... he screamed as he was drawn. Same thing."


"'I have no regrets. What's wrong with protecting your child? Sure, we abandoned our kids today and tomorrow. We might be able to support them, but there's no way that's going to happen until 10 or 100 years from now. You want me to make wheat for the king and brave men to eat until they grow old and die, frightened by demons, without whom to entrust the future, without hope to be entrusted? Don't be ridiculous, can you live with that convinced'.... Naia stopped. But that was it."


Naia stays on her knees.

"Naia was urged many times by the king, and at the end of the day he dropped his neck. His son was sent to the settlement next door as planned, needless to say.... Oh, yeah. Naia couldn't make up her mind. Reminds me of Faria's last appearance, and all I could do was slay him, even though I thought he was right."

"... I Ha!

Naia screamed sharply as she slammed the river surface, and stood up...... without being able to do anything, she nodded.

"I... as a brave man, I meant to do the right thing... If you forgive him, it's..."

"Others will forgive, as a reality, Carlwin doesn't have the production capacity to feed all of it... yes, you want to say it"


"You thought it would be courageous to leave it to the hearsay reason from the royal palace to break the irrevocable murder, Naia. You are."

"But what should I do... what should I have done?!!

To the words of the flashing sword, Naia cries out.

I also think clearly that the flashing sword's rhetoric is impotent.

"Hey, that's as much as it takes..."

"Andy Smythson. What would you do? If you were me, what could you do?"

Suddenly they shake me, and I harden.

Think about it for a second...

"... that's irresponsible, no matter what you say"

I return a slightly escaped answer.

Even if some other possibilities have been considered, it is in the end a theory of results. Saying it under what Naia did would only hurt Naia how she saw it.

"Shall I change the way I say it?... What would you do if Naia sued you like that?"


Imagine coming with Zokri.

"Will you kill Naia? Can you shut up about Naia's baby being roasted and eaten?"

... There's no way I can.

I thought it wasn't a good idea, but I thought it was bad for Naia, and my head was starting to calculate on its own.

Do something about it.

"... Naia would surely have killed it in the end, crying, whether it was you or Faria. Andy Smythson. What are you gonna do?"

"... buy time. Earn..."

Consider a number of means. Change places for a reason, pretend to have killed them and hide them, or confuse them. If the dragon is nearby, it is possible to negotiate asylum.

... I can't help but think about this later. I have to say it from the same perspective as Naia did at the time. There is no point in assuming.

I know that, but the moment I thought I had to execute Naia with my own hands, I put my thoughts around every possibility I could have for myself right now.

... and while I don't go on, the flashing sword loosens its tone as if relieved.

"That's right.... Oh, they're not wrong about my prospects. You're the person Naia and I need."


"Naia is now trying to fight her fate. Carlwin is about to change his destiny to remain a future perpetrator, to rise in darkness. As a decision of those who have been called brave, I am trying to make a decision to connect a new path to the country rather than just return and defend it. But that's all Naia's got."

"... that much?

"We can't guide new answers any further. That's the price Naia paid for living as a brave man. Naia can only live as a brave man, sin as a brave man, and die as a brave man. Naia can't even think about what you just thought. The consciousness of the brave man stained in me won't let me do it."


Naia makes a bewildered voice at the words of the flashing sword, her ears hanging.

"So, brave man. Remember that. I believe in your thoughts. [M] I want you to understand Naia and do it. Some things don't arrive just because of Naia's courage born in that Carlwin. You are a man who can do anything to save whomever he wants. Just for that matter, he would be a man who could cross every wall and authority. I expect you to be that way until the end of this journey."

"... Flashing Sword"

When Naia squeaks like she's been drained of poison, the flashing sword turns off the rainbow light in a hoot.

"... I was expecting you"

I stroke Naia's hair from behind again, which feels pompous, and I try to put it aside for a moment.

"Oh, you know, flashing swords are the only people who end up giving advice, so you don't have to be so serious about it"

"No, you work hard when you expect it for you.... Well, I'll do what I can."


When I quickly rubbed Naia's tits looking like she didn't know how to react, Naia seems to have finally realized she was embarrassed.

"Hih, hih!?

"I'll wash you up here, too."

"Because it's not dirty!?

(cont 'd)

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