Half-elves Fall in Love

Or one x-day two.

Felios was transported as is to a nearby clinic and was diagnosed with full healing for two months.

Slowly tightening the front door of that clinic, Berga sighs.

"Mental damage won't heal in about two months..."

"If you're my brother, I exaggerate."

"... Sharon. I hated to marry you. I ran off Arcus for you. Take a little of Felios' feelings."

"They were all meant to love each other."

"... well, Felios would have reacted the same way, even if he wasn't a human race, sooner or later... but then a woman like you said female slaves, etc."

Berga's novel was extremely sincere. Well, that's usually what you say.

So, there Mr. Deane pinches his mouth.

"That's the thing.... Andy's" female slave "has strong implications for Trott's measures to combat the rule of law against polygamy. In light of the laws of other countries, we can call it a side chamber."


Berga, no expression.

Sharon gently hides his mouth by saying, "Oh."

"So... even if I were to report to Felios, I'm glad I started dating."

"Well, that's... it might be"

Felios, the suspicion that the impact effect caused the damage to jump.

"Mmmm...... but nevertheless make it the princess of Arcus and the black-arms. Ah ho ho ho ho, go ahead himself and descend to the civilians of the human race etc. If that's all anyone asks, it's a graduation."

"You should let anything narrow fall as much as you like. Mr. Smythson is a civilian in his capacity, but what he has done so far is not strange enough to be taken up by nobles in some countries. The Northern Forest clan council never conspired against us."

"Yes, no, I don't think that's it, do you?

Even though overrated, Mr. Deane pounds on the back.

"Come on, get used to it. Sure, it was a lot of help, but it turned out to be your handle. There's nothing good about being modest at a time like this."

"... is that right"

"Remember. That's what handwriting is all about. Apart from how many soldiers defeated each other in the operation, the Commander will be praised if he brings victory even if he has not defeated a single soldier with his hands. You may not be a general or anything, but if everyone admits that the handle is yours, it's never a fiction, it's a real handle"

"... ha"

"You defeated Lucas, calmed the Holy Beast, saved Trott's great hero, and even the Great Invasion helped Renfangas greatly. I took the elves inside and out of the woods and saved several bodies from hopeless injuries and illnesses. No matter how little you estimate it, it's worth what Sharon says."

After all, what Mr Deane said was often a little difficult to admit to my own work.

But, well, if that convinces Berga. No, if you convince me that's why girls love me, including people outside of Berga, I think that's okay.

"... I see. Again, some parts of it are hard to understand... but perhaps that clan meeting is more than silent on your own initiative, including Princess Aurora and Irina, which is not Sharon's misconception. but"

Hmm, and Berga sighs.

"What's wrong with Felios?... that's the Great Knight Chief. I can't leave you confused."

"It... guts me to persuade you"

"No, Sharon or the guy there might as well stay away. … difficult, but I'll follow up"

Exactly the only master of this sibling, he seemed to care meticulously.

Return to Celesta Mansion once.

The next enemy in distress is Sir Buster.... Well unlike Felios, I don't think there is any bloodletting down, but the response should be overly cautious.

If it's petrified, it won't be easy.

"My greeting to Sir Buster is... Shall I use Sharon's reflection? In the meantime, call Lyla too for an operational meeting..."

I'd stay here.

Walking down the front hall, Lyla appears out of nowhere.

"Just fine. Lyla, talk to me..."

"We'll talk about that later, Deane. I'll have the owner lend it to me."

Borrowing.... do you even talk about things Mr. Deane shouldn't listen to?

No, I don't think that's even possible in the first place. Lyla is not the type to do such a smart thing, and she has a strong trust in Mr. Deane.

... So, what do you mean?

"... ok. Don't take too long."

"Ho, you can have a cup of tea while you sip"

Mr. Deane pushes my back without saying anything.

I step out to Lyla without knowing why... I notice that Lyla looks strangely serious.

"Hey, is something wrong?

"Ho.... hang out a little"

Lyla closes her eyes a little and takes a breath, then runs her open eyes small, left and right, takes my hand and goes outside.

I was brought into the garden workshop.

"... so?

No way, it's soundproofed. It won't be porn here from now on.

I encourage Lyla to talk.

"Well.... earlier, I questioned Tess"


"... it's quicker to look. Calm down."

Lyla poked her finger at my forehead.

They intend to pour their memories directly into them with phantoms and let them look like they are.

I honestly entrust my heart to the illusion of Lyla.

"Oh, my God, my lord and my lord Naris seem to be deceiving me."

"Yes? Deceive?

"Stop laughing that whitey way. Who do you think I am?... I'll tell you what, I can't forgive you if it's for the Lord. Because I liked it and not because I spoiled it. Because that's what my Lord would have wanted. If you intend to fall into the Lord, it will not hurt your heart to wipe out charcoal."

"... I knew the dragon wasn't Dada"

"Sort of showed an interest in pleasure, and my Lord responded well to it. So far so good. But my Lord is never clever in his sexual moves. You may have thought that you would be confused and deluded by some coincidental, pleasant, obsessed elves and exasperated cats, but not so sweet that those with such a status and purpose dedicate everything at once to rolling into slavery. That conclusion is too early.... too unnatural. Any objections?"


"I don't need any extra deception. Well, if you're going to plot it, that's good too. I wish I had the confidence to put a dragon in its mouthpiece after 200 years.... As I said earlier, I'm also thinking about wiping out the charcoal. Be quite prepared and choose the next word"

"... it's true that you thought you could be a slave, right? No, I still think so. Chief Smythson Ten is sure to adore me. Maybe never this way, ignoring sword arms and birth altogether, I think you'll be thoroughly adorable as just a woman. Then you can give yourself up. He's a happy guy who's never been in my life before."

"Go on. There's got to be something ahead."

"... right. And beyond that, there is."


"The ten Smythson chiefs are kind within themselves. I'm sure if anyone in a female slave asks, they'll always focus on everyone around them and fight for them."


"... Al, Chief Sharon, and Naris aren't really Renfangas people, are they?"

"Apparently, but I'm not particularly interested"

"It's just me. The Born Lenfangus.... then it would have to be me. The surest way to put all this power around the Smythson Ten on Renfangas's side is for me to be inside that guy. That's all worth it. … it is not expensive to dedicate my whole life as the female slave of that man in the future and equip this country with the power of a god of war and several knights, two dragons"

"Chip, it's a smart account."

"I like that a lot about the Smythson Decathlon. I don't think it's that bad of a sexuality that wants to be surrounded by naked girls. For the rest of my life, I gave myself up convinced of a contract where I would get fucked all I wanted and have lots of kids. I can't do this by cutting it off. It's not like I don't like it for a purpose. Just..."


"It wouldn't be a rare story to call it a political marriage, to give oneself to someone as powerful as a sacrifice, even if you knew you'd be made a comforter, would it? I... then I can be convinced to give myself up. I can help Renfangas. I can ask my brother to forgive me for this. It's just called eclectic and mission one stone two birds. Look, Smythson, you're not cheating on the Decathlon, are you? We're just calculating a little bit further, right?

"... I don't know. My Lord... do you think so?"

"Haha. It's something nobody cares about if you keep quiet. I'll be good for my country in the future, and Chief Smythson can actually offend me to the fullest... and nobody cares."

Wake up from the phantom.

"... this is the exchange I had when I was away. I know you've been careful about being bugged by witchcraft, but until my memory, you seem to be distracted."

"A phantom can make up as much as it wants. It doesn't prove it..."

Trust is the only way I can trust this to be an actual event.


"What do you think, Lord Owner?

"... I don't care"

"Ho. I thought I'd say"

Tess wasn't just joining the female slaves for pleasure and affection, she was willing to sacrifice herself and make them promise support for Renfangas.

Every once in a while, we gave ourselves the stain of failure.

Even if there were some positive emotions there, that would be bitter for me.

But you can't blame it directly. In fact, Tess is right, I would have given my support to Renfangas's pinch at any time, naturally, if I hadn't even seen this phantom. Tess's calculations are not wrong. It's just the difference between being conscious or not.


More than I've seen, it doesn't seem like I'm going to keep reporting to Lord Buster and properly talk to him and take on Tess.

"... Lyla"


"I'm taking Tetes. Mr. Deane or Maia make him wait. Let's go to Lord Buster."

"What are you gonna do?"

"Well, if you're dying, follow me"

"... what are you thinking?

I didn't answer that, I just desperately calmed down my palpitations and left the workshop.

Deane, a hundred people told me it was for personal use.

Lord Buster said Mr. Deane had been left to revisit us, so he accepted our visit.

The castle, which was about to collapse, was undergoing a lot of repairs, but it still didn't seem to be entirely back to normal, and the castle was full of endings and like a maze.

In the meantime, Sir Buster puts us through one of the reception rooms.

"Are there Tetes as well?... So, what can I do for you?

"Oh, Lord Buster"

I grabbed Tess next door and pulled the collar glitchy to show her.


"Tess, because you made me my bitch slave."

"... what?

"I'll have Tess be my meat potty for the rest of my life. Instead, Renfangas is going to protect you with the power of a dragon. It's not a bad story, so let me get my hands on it quickly."


"Su, Smythson Ten Chiefs......?

Tess looks up at me with a surprised face.

I laughed Niyaniya as I stroked Tess's ass.

"Both the asshole and manhole were brand new, but it feels good to remember exactly how my dick tastes both ways. When you're as stuffed with cutting feathers as Renfangas, you'll be looking for help until you let such a young and talented daughter devote herself to manga. I hope you made me think good."


Sir Buster shut up and took a deep, deep breath.

"Let me continue to pour in the samen forever..."

"Shut up."

I said in a low voice, stuffed a few steps away in an instant, grabbed my chest barn, and let Tess go away to pay off.

"Bye, Buster Ho! Um, stop..."

Tess panics.

I was grabbed by the chest barn and looked down at Sir Buster as he was lifted, letting him try to nibble further in his vanity.

"Is that okay? You tried to cut it off, Tess. It spreads its crotch for the dragon and it's been poured in so many times it's already overflowing. You're wasting it?

"Give me Renfangas... don't lick it!

I was thrown as I was. Lyla takes it on the verge of hitting the wall.

"Ho. Good courage. You're gonna piss me off, bald head."

Lila also had a fierce grin on her good looks.

Lord Buster dews his anger as he hands this way with me thrown.

"I don't need your help. We have always defended this country with the power of men. Don't get on with it. That's not what I asked you to do. Who told you to protect me?"

"Wait, Buster, I'm from myself..."


Lord Buster also grabbed Tess's chest.

"You're tarnishing the pride of the gauntlet."


"We... Renfangas, we certainly can't lose. It sure is painful. But, Tess. We... no, I'm not going to be weak enough to sell my family and want that kind of power. You were about to be banished because it was your fault. I did an imitation that would stick you out because you should have been brought to justice.... but I didn't sell it to you. Sell your body, dragon, contact your buddy? Who asked you to do that? Don't be ridiculous, our gauntlet is a vow to fight with both of those arms. Shame on you for the sake of your country with the imitation of a whore!


Tess had tears and a blue face.

"Andy Smythson. I don't need dragon power or anything. Give me back Naia, too. We prioritize pride. Even without Special Agent Deane, the demonic realm will be calm one day and Naia will be sent home. Return to Elf Territory!

"... kuku"

"hehe...... haha"

"What's wrong!

Sir Buster yells. But me and Lyla couldn't laugh at each other.


After all, as I thought... this old man is strong.

"'Cause, Tess."

"Hi... ah, ah..."

Tess is grabbed by Sir Buster in the chest and groans as he pats his legs.

Sir Buster looked weird and let Tess go, and Tess went in and started crying in tears.

"Ugh... oh, sorry, sorry...!!


"Sorry, ooh, ooh, ooh... ooh!!

"Ugh... oh yeah... yeah?

Sir Buster, I can't swallow things. Weird face.

"... Is it important, my lord owner"

"Ma, yeah."

I was ready for a moment when I was thrown at the stone wall with idiotic power.

"... I see. Tess is up to something like that."

When Lord Buster heard the whole thing, he frowned as he stroked the beard he had grown around his mouth.


Tess is shuddering. I guess one generation of my own, exactly the honor recovery operation that risked my life, was cut off as unnecessary by Sir Buster, and I just can't be more worried about it when he says it's embarrassing.

... Think big about that, but I knew I was still a girl.

"I'm sorry. I made a scene."

Lord Buster apologizes.

Now that I think about it, I guess I've been aiming for the hands-on of a relationship between a man and a woman... or something like that since before.

I guess I pushed a little too hard.

"No, well, I haven't noticed this one before, either, or there's a little bit of a cute girl like Tess who told me to stay on track..."

"Well, even if it's Tess, she's surrounded by too many women."

"Don't say anything extra"

Makes it easier.

"Tetes is going to strip the Knights of their righteousness. Let your head cool once. It might have been too soon to let a kid like this do a knight."

Lord Buster roars.

...... Tess's rank keeps dropping.

"Ma, wait, oh, brother... brother?

"... I don't care what you call it, but I was wondering if you could just nash the questioning system"

"Then brother up. Um, uh... Knight, it's good to stop, but in the direction of not stopping the mission!

"... what the hell?

"Uh... specifically, could you keep the female slave in the same direction..."

"... hey"

"Oh, you know, I don't think weird anymore... but I had a lot of flirting with Chief Smythson, and now that I'm badly deadbeat, it's a real loss, and I mean, it felt really good, and even if they held me for the rest of my life, that's not a lie... and the slavery contract was decent in front of Elf's Clan Chief or something, so again, the"

Sir Buster, don't stretch your hand this way. Now grab your forehead.

"Hey. After all, where is the play from?"

"Yes, it hurts, it hurts"

"Yeah? Answer me."

"... what I did is pretty much intact"

Tess is in tune.

"To, I swear meat potty..."

"Ho. You're a female slave."

"Doesn't that make a big difference?

"Hey. Can I hit you with all my heart? No magic enhancements."


(cont 'd)

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