Half-elves Fall in Love

The winter break dawned.

Gasha Gasha and Sharon, Naris, Angelos, and Naia carrying the armor I made into the carriage.

If you're going away, it's normal to wear it because of the convenience of transporting it, but if it's transported with dragon wings, you don't really need to worry about that.

Suddenly I get dropped off and fight instantly...... I don't even have to think about it, I can rather say a luxury like "it would be hard if I sat in a hard chair wearing it and the paint hurt in vain".

"Is this a double ride?"

Speaking to Mr. Deane, who was overseeing the take-off preparations, she laughed bitterly.

"You won't have to bother to feel cramped.... There was actually talk that one of the Blue Dragons would help me carry it."

"You should stop..."

"Oh.... just having two heads is an emergency for the average person. It would be safer not to bother showing any more mobilisation."

... Again, we feel the difference between our awareness of the dragon and our general perception.

We're pretty much opponents of every wheelchair favor we can make, but if the third or fourth head shows up, now Lord Buster will hold his head, too.

"Don't say anything extra about Tess, either, okay?

He also stabs a nail at Tetes, who was just nearby waiting to be loaded.

"Haha, it's okay. Don't you trust me that much?"

"... because I've been fooled with all my might."

"I'm already a slave to you."

Tess stretches out and kisses me.

"Front and back, it's your Zamen hole, right?

"... don't stir it from the morning"

"You don't have to be shy because it's morning, do you? What do you say we butt out a little behind there?

Tess whispers in a whisper. but Mr. Hilda cautioned me when I was listening nearby.

"You know, Tetes. Andy, it's nice to get hammered by your flirting with me, but not without a lot of sight, huh? I have to separate my work from my private life."

"Yes, sir."

That's very reliable advice for Mr. Hilda.

"Better stay out of trouble while you're at work and try to be as fertile as possible."

"I see!"

"No, that's not the problem!

I knew it was Mr. Hilda.

Although we didn't call yesterday's collar ceremony, there are still a few groups in Polka that we have to take responsibility for.

"Azel, Lisel, Milil. I'm going to Renfangas for a while... I think I'll be back in about a month, but in the meantime, if you want to go home to Celesta, tell the Baron or Irina"

It will be difficult to easily ask Asti and the others, who basically live out of contact with the Blue Dragons.

I asked the Baron and Irina to adjust the area. Fennel, more of a silver family to be exact, enters the intermediary, well, leave it alone.


"Aren't you coming home much?

"My grandfather's doing well, so I don't mind waiting."

The three apparently aren't willing to give up their pregnancy and return to the desert on their way.

... Pregnancy, especially the two below, feels like they're standing first, and I don't really seem to feel like I'm making a gutter child. That's good for me.

"I'm not going home yet... you want to tell Barbara too?

Tilt your neck a little to Azel's words.


Um? Who was that?

"Look, uh, I'm here with the sickness group the other day, and I'm living with the Marones."

"... Ah, Keel's girlfriend"

"Yeah, that weird kid who likes his uncle who doesn't look like him"

"... please don't tell him Keel is your uncle or anything"

I'm older than him...

That's my uncle compared to Azel Liselle.... I mean, Cute and Tess usually call me uncle. Me.

"Your husband!? Look, Azel, apologize, your husband's hurt!

Millil is in a hurry, but it would be more unnecessarily hurtful to be apologized for. Stop.

Otherwise, finish greeting the crossbow squad and familiar stores lightly.

"Really, you're flying in a dragon... it's not realistic with these eyes"

Blue and black dragons lined up with two heads on a snow-capped plain with ice deckers. I look up at that, and my mother sighs.

Drop off barons, Irina, mothers, grandfathers Dan and a few others.

Our departure and return is not so uncommon anymore, so we don't make a fuss, but we have townspeople and crossbow faces who are watching us take off from the city at a distance.

"I'll tell you first. I'll teach that orgy kid a while longer and then I'll go home. I don't think we're gonna be next."

"Oh, you can let it go. That's why I asked Aeri."

"Leave it to me"

To my conversation with Grandpa Dan, Aeri will contract me a hot tub of long clothes (a traditional polka costume, but oddly enough for the dragons).

"Also, when I calm down, I'll take Jeanne to see you"

"Hmm. Nushi also has a lot to teach and stuff. I'll be ready."


... no less than the parent of Thread, maybe he had a good teacher.

"Lord Deane. Best regards Andy. Now he..."

"I don't even need to be told.... Andy is needed, and this land, this era, is starting to move. Originally, the abdominal cumulation to be my husband. There are also two dragons who pledge allegiance. Never give a hand to anyone, etc."

"Well, you've rarely even included the royal nobility, such as the hard-working ones."

I also felt the way Irina said it was exaggerated... well usually the royal marquis nobles don't have dragons either.

Plus Angelos and the others, ace nights and gauntlets. There is certainly no more reliable escort force when it comes to reliability.

"Thank you for your help. Hope to see you again......"

Naia takes her hat and says hello to the baron.

"Come back anytime. Thanks for waiting, Polka."

"... yeah, if possible"

Naia laughs a little sad, trying to hide her face and put her hat back on.

I wonder why you look like that.

I've already defeated the demon god, and if Mr. Deane's operation continues like this succeeds, national traffic will be established and there will be no obstacles to his coming and going. Even Carlwin, full of misery, will be easier. Either way you should be able to come to Polka at any time.

... I wonder if they don't trust us, us.

"Yo, Smythson. Savory's not good."


Gashy is shouldered by Special Agent Becker Hundred from behind.

There's basically nothing to work with when it comes to savory. Gort and Boyd are still carrying work on the men's carriage that Lyla carries, but the other men should just be watching on the side because they are also allergic to interrupting.

"... do you care about the brave, Smythson"

"Oh, well... it seemed a little pessimistic"

"Don't get around to the look on the woman's face for nothing, you.... If this is the only time a woman has cheated on me and Park Min-jin still cares about me, I won't laugh."


... I wonder if that's what you've been pointing out. Does that mean the Secret Service Chief has any conjecture?

"Do you know anything, Secret Service Hundred?"

"Hmm? There's no way you know. The other guy is unidentified, and no one on Koch's side knows about the mysterious kingdom."


"Yes, you have to know.... That's why, Smythson"

"Keep your eyes open.... I didn't tell you, but those are heroic eyes.... the eyes of a guy who ends up being called a hero, dying for something other than himself"

"Please don't tell me it's not even on the edge"

"Captain Deane said he wanted to help that one. The captain rarely cares about a guy who doesn't have to help.... That's what the captain says to that strong daughter."

"... Special Agent Hundred, do you know something after all?"

"Don't say it again and again. I don't know. It's just a question."

Pomp, and slap him on the shoulder. The Secret Service Hundred leaves.

I get used to peaceful polka life and find myself surrounded by female slaves and optimistic about something and everything.

... Careful, tighten up.


"Oh, master - ♪ Play because you're free ♪

"So, Tetes, hey!

"Oh, what's the rush, Naris?"

"Oh, you know, this way, Mr. Naia's on board too!?

"Uh, don't worry about it enough to play a little bit, okay?

"No, not your husband."

"That, Mr. Naia, don't you know? I have also become a female slave to the ten heads of Ri Smythson."

"Ha ha... Um, Am I interrupting?

The current situation, which is strangely betrayed by Tess, frightening Naia and panicking Naris, is very much such a sharpener of tension.

"Whatever it is, I'm still flying to Mr. Lyla's carriage over there."

"Don't be impotent, you're in flight!

"No, I can't do it..."

It's not even a few dozen meters away because it's so far away that the wings don't bump.

"Tess, no. Don't bother people too much."

Angelos flips Tess. Tess, who seems a little dissatisfied.

"Also.... I don't think Naia can look at me."

"No, I don't care if they show me"

"'Cause, Mr. Naia, you like the Smythson Decathlon a lot, don't you?

"That's not the problem."

Absolutely. I mean, I don't like it. It's a good place to deny it, Naia.

"Mr. Tetes. Except for your readiness as a female slave and your lack of prudence?

"Oh, yeah. Regardless of what Andy wants, it's also as a female slave to be forced to show off..."

Aurora and Almeida also join the sermon.

"Even if it's not, there's a way Andy would be happy."

Luna stuck up from next to me and looked up. When I stroke him, he narrows his eyes and rubs a slender cheek against his shoulder.

... Yeah, I know that's a good idea, but it doesn't change Naia's awkwardness, does it?

"But if you ask me, it's not a good way to spend time orgying in a carriage like this on the move."

"La, it can't be an orgy... so, but if Mr. Smythson wants... please"

Chop on the bloody Sharon put on by Mr. Hilda.

"Don't stir up your new girlfriend because Mr. Hilda knows."


This guy is not at all.

"... but in the carriage over there, you think about Koch, maybe that's what you're doing..."

"... you can't deny it."

Apple and Mr. Deane whisper.

"Naia, you're here!

"... this is not a good way to put it, but Naia Grance is probably one of us if you look from the side"

Naia freaks out at Mr. Deane's words.


When I hear that, Naris and Sharon snort in sighs, too.

"It's strange that Doskebe's ten Smythsons haven't got their hands on these tits."

"This is the state..."

"Oh, um... uh"

Naia will do me.

"... chest, if it's just me, I've already been pranked..."

"Don't tell me!

The atmosphere is getting weirder.

But Naris hits his hand and snorts.

"Uh, speaking of which, they were pranking me when I measured my armor."

"Other than that, about twice..."

"Exactly, Smythson. Ten."

"Comments That's it!?

It's sad the other way around. I did do it.

"Naia, don't you think the collar is stylish?

"Don't even solicit Mr. Hilda!

... nervousness, all shredded.

(cont 'd)

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