Half-elves Fall in Love

Tetes Whole HowMatch [Tetes]

It was worth the trick, and at last Naia's armor took shape as well.

One street is because I haven't let it try on, so I can't help but need some adjustment work yet.

"What do you say on the spot where Mr. Sharon is... Me, I think this is the greatest masterpiece of all time"

"Never mind. … Indeed, I thought I was watching that Mr. Smythson was getting a better grip"

As Mr. Jackie and Sharon say, Naia's armor is somehow, aura is different.

I have never been out of hand before, but there is still a part of me that feels unwieldy compared to this.

The beauty of the finishes, the balance of appearance and the "reliability" they produce overall.

I could do something to make you feel the difference there.

"Bo may soon grow up as a protective blacksmith."

"Ha. Well, I haven't grown up in any other field at all..."

It was only with the backing of Mr. Jackie's work that I was able to make it this far.

Jackie's serious personality, which she couldn't possibly have been clueless, and her steady arm made me feel uncomfortable about the trial and error of working efficiently for that finish.

"Anyway, I have to put this on Naia.... Maia!


"Mr. Smythson?

Jackie and Sharon look strangely at me calling out a little louder as I try to look up at the ceiling.

...... then the silence lasts for a while and suddenly the front door opens in a gutter.

"Did you call?

"Ugh, Mr. Maia, where are you from?"

"Chi, were you nearby...?

"Mmm. I was on the baron's roof."

"Maia. Baron's, Mansion's, Roofed"

"Yes. That."

From the baron's mansion to the blacksmith, there is a suspicious degree to which humans can hear each other scream with all their might.

But well, Maia would have won easy.

"Naia, can you find me?

"Are you bringing him in?


"... wait a minute"

Maia never boasts of her sobered loyal dog action, and tries to leave with a pale nod.

... and it makes me happy to see the hair decorations put together the other day.


Looking back Maia.

"Hair decoration.... you're so cute."

"... yeah"

Maia smiles shyly and leaves.

Sharon, who was watching it, laughed bitterly. And Mr. Jackie blushed a little and stroked his jaw.

"Or you're cute...... no, when you laugh like that"

"Mr. Jackie, that's mine."

"And I'll take it, there's no extinction. I have a wife too."

"Let it be..."

"... Isn't that cute? Position. Not like this. A man would come crappy."

"... well,"

Attractive things are fascinating. Sure it is.

Such a beautiful Maia makes me proud.

"No more. You haven't seen me in your eyes."

"Yes, no, even Sharon is beautiful. Hey, Mr. Jackie."

"Oh, well, no more."

Me and Mr. Jackie accidentally go get Sharon in the mood.

Sharon laughs softly.

"It's a joke. That smile was so sweet and cute."

"Yeah, right."

You know what I'm talking about?

"I'm sure if you gave me a gift like that, I could laugh at you like that."

"... ugh, yeah"

Pressure hissing, smudging.

Naia arrived in no time.

They were doing example sensory exercises in the woods.

"This is my new armor..."

"What do you say? That's pretty cool."

"Yeah... honestly, I'm impressed"

Naia took her hat and glanced at her armor.

It wasn't the wind so attached to the armor, but it's kind of a strange delight.

"... may not be very interesting compared to the previous awesome arr..."

"No, I don't know... awesome, knightly..."


... because it's a knight's armor. That's right... Ah.

No, you liked history, Naia.

"Maybe... happy because it's like an old knight legend?

"Ah, haha. The... actually."

Naia puts her ears to sleep and laughs shyly.

"I know that that suit armor is also the best made by craftsmen in my country... something, I didn't have a choice, and I wanted to try on these armors. When you put things in front of you...... after all, that's good!

I'm gonna make it. I wasn't all that enthusiastic when you said you wouldn't make it.

But it's not a bad thing to be pleased.

"Okay. Try it on."

"Yes, okay?

"Who do you think it's armor for? I mean, it's the first time we've adjusted to suit Naia."

"Oh... right. Well, excuse me..."

Naia stares at the armor with a cheerful face, looks under the prepared armor, hands on the clothes on the spot...... turns to me and Mr. Jackie in a few seconds with a hackingly noticed face.

"Naia.... dressing space, because I set up a partition there"

"Say it quickly!

"I'm surprised this one because Naia suddenly tries to take it off. Mr. Sharon and I said the other guy was a little open."

"That's not true!

Naia holds it under her armor and rushes into the dressing space behind the store.

Yeah. That's not my fault, is it?

"Nothing. I think you can change here."

Maia, shut up.

"Shh, if Mr. Smythson really says so."

"And Sharon!

You're in trouble about what Mr. Jackie should look like.

A few minutes later, Naia was wrapped in armor.

"... after all, warriors are different races"

"Yeah. It's better than I thought."

Me and Mr. Jackie snort.

At the stage of making it, the heavy-duty armor that even seemed like a "kid's swallow tail outfit" would spin when Naia was worn, and such chaotic discomfort would disappear.

"What is more than I thought?... but well done. Mine too...... more than I thought, let me say. It's easier to move than I thought, this."

"I was careful there."

"I thought this kind of armor was something I couldn't move more.... a little heavy, but I just don't think my body is used to it. This will be enough to move."

"For moving?

"... If you're defensive, you won't know until you've been attacked"

"Oh, you know what?"

At least, he got a good pass in terms of ease of movement.

"I will try not to break it"

"... no, don't hesitate to break it"


"Mr. Smythson!?

I'm a little surprised by Mr. Jackie and Sharon.

Well, that seems inconsistent with the other day's statement, "If you're going to end up intact, that's the best".

"Don't hesitate to break it if it helps. You're the type of warrior who can do it."

Offensively, take an enemy blow.

Naia can do that. If that helps, it's worth making.

"... right. It's gear to fight."

Naia nods.

"Most of all, you don't need that kind of impotence as long as you fight normal demons. Unless Ohn is back."

"So is that."

Naia is strong.

You don't have to worry about me, you know what you can do.

Beyond that... it's not up to me or Naia to decide if Naia will be free from the fight yet. I just hope so.

So, at least until then, so we can protect Naia.

"Then Naia, try meeting with Sharon or Maia lightly. See how the fittings are doing. Because it shouldn't be too tight, and it shouldn't be loose."


"I will. It's okay to be light."

"Please, Mr. Maia"

Two chick super warriors go out on their backs and set up a wooden sword and a tulara.

"Then the decree is mine.... Begin!

When Sharon issues the decree, each of them moves at a rate that disappears.

... Ma, he said he was fine with the demon opponents, but on second thought, Maia was a strong enemy who could afford to beat most demons.

"Heh... lightly, really lightly!

Me pushing in cold sweat. When I saw that, Sharon and Mr. Jackie blew it out.

"Is Naia's armor complete, too? … and then wait for the snowmelt to resume the operation."

Inn dining room.

Mr Deane listened to my report and tilted the ceramic cup satisfactorily.

"Huh. Are we finally done with the long and short ultra-radical vacation?"

"Naris. It's time to join the workout. That's just too lazy, lately."

Almeida puts a drink in Naris, who says it in a neat way.

"Let me at least give Mr. Almeida and Deane a break from rehabbing a hundred long opponents. And the chief knight Sharon, if he can."

"Ho. Then I can play with it."

"Seriously, give me a break about that! Especially since it stings like a dragon body!

"Kukukuku.... my exhalation is just right for my selfish daughter."

"Oh, Mr. Almeida, Angelos, ten more chiefs. Tetes, let's do it. Yeah, I'll do my best."

"The guy named you..."

"Oh, boy. Already."

Almeida and Angelos, caught one arm at a time by Naris, give a similar look of weakness.

And Tess, the last one called, said.

"Heh. Pretty exquisite."

"Right. There's an artistic side to it, and perhaps Renfangas can put it on the ball..."

It was swarming on Maia's head with Sharon.

Or for the hair decorations Maia is wearing.

"I won't give it to you."

When Maia tilts her head but says it in a threatening voice, the two laugh, "I won't take it".

"I'm going to order from the Smythson Ten."

"Yeah, I'm just inquisitive."

... it's decided without me...

"Andy. They say that, okay?"

Though Mr. Deane worries me as I lean my liquor.

"... well, if it's two or three... I've already done my blacksmith job"

"I hope so.... for that matter, all the daughters who tie their hair could be killed."

Don't you need Mr. Deane?

"... I guess it suits you."

Mr. Deane looked sideways at the uplifting Sharon and Tetes and looked just a little envious.

"Oh such a gorgeous atmosphere would suit the ornament, though. Besides, given the danger of falling into battle, it's pretty good."

"Ho ho. Deane doesn't look good on me."

"Mmm.... I'm sure you don't look good either, Lyla"

"I'm just a pain in the ass. I'm not ashamed of spills."

"Well, I say so!

A little mucky, Mr. Deane.

Well, I know there's a part of you that's definitely Wu Bone, but I guess you're really taking it to your own heavy air because you don't want to strain me.

"I'll make it for both of you. I don't know if that's what you're gonna like."


"Here. You don't need to. I'm tired of ornaments."

Lyla lets Charin Charin and ear decorations and bracelets out of the air.

"You've been collecting these."

"It's not so much a collection as a part of the offering. Especially the lizards on the helicopter devoted a lot of money. I'll carry it with me to the point where four or five of you can decorate your whole body."

"... I feel less confident when I see something like this"

Exactly. There are parts of my craftsmanship that embarrass me when I look at large gems cut with craftsmanship, beautifully arranged bracelets, etc.

"Then I don't need my share."

"... at all"

Play the ear decorations that Mr. Deane rolled over with his disgruntled face. Lila falls into a phantom space after receiving it.

Is it the same that we are both reluctant to reason differently?

"Then you two will have another chance..."

Let me sweeten you while I thank you in my heart.

But I want to form an ass someday.


"Smythson, can you do it?"

"I can do it. My job is expensive."

I was just about to go back to my room, and Tess asks me to work in the hallway. Two hair decorations.

"Is it expensive? It's like I was giving Naris a lot for free."

"It's my friend's price at birth."

I don't mind for free what I've had so far, but it's only your friend's price because Naris doesn't like it to be an impure restraint of unseen benevolence.

"... so how long is it"


Me niggling.

The truth is, I rarely take gold, but I just get in from the tannins because I have trouble being too impotent.

Tess with a slightly more alert face.

"Or is it the body...?

"... that's it"

Adopted as is because the answer Tess said was interesting.

"... now it feels like a snake."

"It's my fault. Right..."

While I watch Tess react, I wonder how I'm going to play.

If you think about it, the more porn you do, the more pot Tess thinks. It's not a good idea to get your hands on a virgin in particular.

That doesn't mean anything else, but Tess doesn't like it when she decides to get her ass... hmm.


Wait a minute.

"Two shots in one. Four shots in total, let me play with your butthole."

"... it's expensive, sure"

Tess just feels happy that it's "one job instead of letting me fuck one shot," but when I set the number of times specifically as the price, Tess also calculates the price as soon as possible.

Leave yourself to a man twice for one hair decoration. Continue with that for two.

There is probably no woman who says this is cheap. Except for the type who thinks of sex as a pure reward.

... Everyone around me, yeah.

But Tess and Naris won't think so. They're not just going to be my personal toys, they're couches who want to take a stand around that step, even if they think about the food of pleasure.

This rush works because she is such a daughter, not female slaves and cat beasts who welcome porn without loss.

... and I have a little suspicion about Tess.

Tess is tall with her expression and her back, and she's subtly ignorant of things... not suspicious of anything.

Could be.

I suspect that this guy has a tremendously susceptible body to that kind of personality.

I'm not proud of it, but I haven't had much fun with a girl's butthole, and I don't have enough tech to please a girl in the first place. I have no confidence that I am otherwise actively pleased, even if I will eventually be satisfied with the furious force push.

So, I think that even Mr. Hilda's planting nashi would be happier if his qualities were bigger.

"What do we do? I think it's in your demands that you want to be horny."

"... well, my butt needs half a dozen hair decorations in one go... there's something I'm a little uncomfortable with..."

"If you don't like it, that's fine. Sharon, I'll make Sharon's share."

"Yes, no, do it"

I agree with Tess in the face that she is slightly uncomfortable.

Well, that's fine. Cheap! Have them make more and more! Because I would have trouble even if they played with it.

"Well, then..."

Put Tess in the room and let her get her hands on the bed.

"Skirt yourself up, put your pants down... butt probably, open it and show it"

"Yes, all of a sudden...? Well, I can't let you use a little lotion or something to prepare it..."

"No.... one of these days I'm gonna attack you with no hesitation? And that practice."

"Uh... Are you sure about that"

'Cause I'm gonna have a bigger and bigger attitude about who I'm gonna fuck. "

"I'm not saying it myself..."

Feeling reluctant, Tess skirts around in front of me and shows her ass.

Slowly lower the pants wrapping that ass in front of you.

"Really good."

"Um, the dimensions are good."

"Really good. It's a great way for a girl to take her pants off."


On purpose.

No, it's true that I really like the trick of taking my pants off, but it's also important to embarrass them.

I want to keep away from him because he's a troublesome kid...... what a pre build, but I can't deny how far I can play with this kid anymore, or the part that's getting fun.

I can't help being told I'm a totally sexually harassing father.

But it's like it was originally marked as a de pervert, so why don't we just reopen it?

... thrilled to death to think Sir Buster would have seen what I'm doing now.

"Look, Tess.... Horny as it is, show it to me. You're gonna wet this stinky hole, thinking you're gonna get fucked by me. Apply the manko juice."

"Ya, do it... I know, so keep your face away from me like that..."

"We're going to be in Zamen four times in the future -... butt"

"What are you talking about...!

"Heh heh"

Something's getting high.

Following my instructions, Tess tries so hard to spin her love fluids in her ass hole when she masturbates.

And I'll be watching that up close.

I have a feeling I'm going to get caught, or my little brown butthole is going to crack.

I push my own urine stick in there, imagine the moment and I'm sudden.

"Get lost..."

"Ugh, what..."

"I'm twitching. Your hole is just for my cock."


"Grow up horny... because I'm gonna plant you... a hole to love my dick"

"Well, if you can do that, you can whisper it in the hole in front of you..."

"This way is good. You, you look more like a slut over here..."

"Yes, slut......?

Gikri, Tetes stops at a tight pace.

I whispered in the shade as I rubbed my cheeks against Tess's ass as I moved those hands from the top to get her masturbation back on.

"Right, slut. You're still a pervert who had his ass rounded out of himself by his little girl habit and invited a man to yoga around even though he swallowed his cock up his ass for the first time. I'm looking forward to putting all those slut holes in my face.... with a real sketchhole like this one I grew up with for my dick shabu-shabu, I guess I'll be drinking my samen hundreds of times in the future?

"... is, uh..."

Tess obviously tenses up as she hears my nettled porn curse.

My body lights up, my breath gets rough...... my vagina looses and I obviously secrete love fluid.

"... ah... all you have to say... is that it..."

Tess provocation.

Nasty demands of a clean girl.

I, uh, want to see how far I can respond to that, and I'm going to spin the all-around Gesu porn circuit.

"I was supposed to teach you a relationship. I'm gonna teach you how to smell a man in your ass hole... no, I'm gonna teach you how to live a couple in your ass hole. You're gonna marry my dick with your ass... you're not wrong, are you? Your ass is a hole that needs a dick. You're in the most natural condition with your dick screwed in your anus, Tess. It's not normal, you're such a dick and happy ass hole. I've only ever licked my dick in the hole before."

"... hiccup, uhh..."

Tess trembles every time she is heard a word.

... definitely. I'm having fun.

This is how Tess enjoys sex.

Let me tell you how nasty I am... and let me go.

On top of that, leave it to my penis to stab a corrupt todome.

Tess needs to be convinced.

Reality and convincing go hand in hand, leading to sexiness.

Become a ticket to pleasure.

You mean I pushed that switch the last time I was on track?

"... well. Well then... you're in a good shape and you seem to want a hole, Tess. You want that much dick in your ass hole."

"Ha, ha, ha, I can't get in... eh...?

"Feed me."


"Let my butt eat your octin... hungry, give me a simmer, yeah. Say it."

"... hey, pervert... right, Smythson Ten Chiefs is the bottom of my heart..."

"I'm gonna stick my ass up that pervert and wait for you, too."


Tess pampered her butthole.

"... otin, feed me... give me a full simmer... love this hole, let me see..."


It's like I'm drunk somewhere.

Like I shook it off.

It's like word play, and then it's like a confession of naked love.

Put your questions with Tess to that point, and I'll stick my dick up Tess's ass.

Tess shakes her whole body violently, given the convincing feeling of "dodgy self".

Bushu and Love Liquid to snub and soothe with a loud voice that is hard to make into a language.

"Dude...... Tetes"

"Ha, ha..."

"Four shots today...... all the time, you're gonna fuck without pulling it out. Are you okay with that?"

"Ha ha..."

Whisper to Tess, who brings in covetousness, as he hits his hips intermittently.

Tess turned her eyes to me.

"... so... I'm not okay..."

"Until you're satisfied with yourself, of course, you're gonna faint and you're gonna get your ass framed."

"... ugh, heh..."

Tess slowly waved her hips and pushed me back.

"Come... ♪"

"... good courage. Don't think I won't pull it out and get about four bullets."

Hit Tess with a hazy feeling as it is.

Tetes rings.

Healthy my penis with the carnal desire of a woman who has been knocked out and freed by my words... greedy, embracing.

Tess is "a slut and a perverted ass hole shark lover".

That's what I whispered, and Tess forgave herself, "You can be."

I forgave such a corrupt Tess. When I liked him, I whispered forgiveness.

It's like a coincidence, but as if to break the curse, Tess was awakening everything as her own woman.

If you think that's reasonable, you can change yourself flexibly. Flexible, corruptible.

Tess is the owner of that kind of "sex."

... Well, in short.

"Damn... I didn't know you were a good fit de pervert to me until you...!

"Wah, I... Shh... Smythson, to the ten chiefs... look good...!?

"That's right, pervert...... happy or my ass hole slave......!!

"Hih, uhh..."

"Sora, let's get it out...... ooh, ooh!!

During the first stage of ejaculation into Tess's butthole, Tess is extremely impressed and faints.

... and I ejaculate plenty of good in the back of that meat hole...

As promised, I decided to go on and commit it.

... I noticed sanity once on the way, passed out again, ended up ejaculating for the fourth time, and then had to go get Mr. Hilda for Tess, who didn't come home from the stun with his butthole in it.


"Wolf design (design) Please put it in. to an insignificant degree."

"How about a Renfangas soul to that point... a wolf in a girl's accessory"

He said, "I paid for it."


As promised, I'll be making two hair decorations for the price of four butt-holes.

"Oh, and. Next order, okay?

"What the fuck?"

"You can make buttons, right? It's for my coat."

"... the kind of guy with the loop on the back? You can go to the clothes store."

"Make it. Five."

"... it's expensive"

"Twice per unit."

... He's awake.

(cont 'd)

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