"So... shall we start again today?"


Armor production in collaboration with Mr. Jackie continues today at Polka's blacksmith workshop.

Although Naia's armor is not very twisted in its own form, it takes a lot of leather to combine ease of movement and silence.

That inevitably means that there will also be more engraving to ensure defense.

"If a normal guy uses it, even an engraved leather armor would suffice... because it's Naia"

I've never been over there to make sure. She is a warrior who actively "uses" armor. If you were doing something sweet, it would lead to an accident.

"You're quite a warrior, aren't you, that guy?... doesn't seem like such a martial arts character."


I hear Mr. Jackie feels that way when he sees Naia, too.

The truth is, I can't find a place anywhere but in battle, clumsy...... just the way I deserve to live to call her Wujin, but again, that's what she deserves.

The inundated humanity makes me think that times will surely allow me to live gently.

In order to survive her like that, this armor needs to be well made.

Even if it doesn't extend to the original, it's the least Naia can do to create something that she can safely believe and respond to.

"It's also a big deal to have a squishy one. It's like magic."

Mr. Jackie impresses by playing the engraved parts with his fingers.

It would be strange to see that leather has no less hardness than iron. I'm still a little strange, too.

But the possibilities this creates are really immeasurable. On the other hand, it's exciting to think that more research is going on and that processing would be popular, so scary.

Well, there will naturally be more failures like I did, and maybe not in a world where engravings sweep all at once.

I need to remember my liver. This is only an effective processing because it is a highly complete product, and if you try to make the halfway product into a first-class product, you will always be unable to do so.

Everything is about the basics. I'm not in a hurry, I'm not trying to have fun.

... I'll have to get Grandpa Dan and Peter together somehow once the mission is cleared.

So, while I was distracted by the cats' worries and the blacksmiths, Isaacs had finished one of the battalions.

"Hey Andy, did you see that? Arr. of the Isaacs."

Keel tells me to nod at the new tavern I stopped by for lunch.

"Uh, a battalion building? I just saw it. I knew it was early. Auga architecture."

"It's not a monster to be early. You just started making it the other day."

Keel waves as he sifts his hand with a frightening subtle face and mouths on the beer.

"Don't drink from daytime..."

"That's nice. About a glass. Stand at the gates of town this afternoon anyway."

"You can't afford it. What if something comes?"

"You know, it's only natural for my grandparents to drink to keep me warm at work. Well, you guys would be mad at Mr. Deane if you drank and worked."

"That pisses me off..."

It makes me realize that I may not be able to get back to being the person here yet, seeing Keel hooking up as I naturally am.


"Mr. Keel, alcohol is not good before work..."


Next to Keel is Keel's girlfriend who could be...... a girlfriend cat daughter shows up and says something with a troubled face.

That's right, Keel looks like an awkward guy, too.

"So, but it's cold."

"If you drink so much that you don't know it's cold, it's dangerous."


"Mr. Keel, you're so drunk, that's it, right?

"... Yes"

You understand it's too sentimental to be mean with booze when you say you're just starting to hang out... Keel soothes and puts the jock down.

I mean, even though we've only known each other for a few days or so. I've been holding my hand a lot.

and Johnny also appears there.

I laugh queasy all the time while paying for the hood on my coat.

"He's mad at me."

"Ugh, let it go. Even Johnny drinks."

"I don't drink as much at lunch as you do. Hide the Great Ice Plains a little in a vial, like licking the tyrosis when no one's watching. This Is Quaid Family Secret Cold Drinking Style"

"That's not even Locke!

The guests around me laugh doedly. It's not the Isaacs that haven't come up yet with the interior work, it's the polka men.

"Well, Keelboy's grandfather was an alcoholic. Keelboy does have suspicious feet sometimes, and maybe we should refrain."

"Well, put it on the cold and drink it. I don't even know what it's like."

"Gatekeeper, I'm bored. But we did it when we were younger."

Well, I almost got fooled for a second, but I knew booze was a joy after work, nationally.

to the Baron's residence before work this afternoon.

"Pu Ha! I knew this booze was the best."

"Ho. Certainly, compared to this, this liquor is too elegant for some things"

... The figure of Jeanne and Lyla, who had been drinking with all their strength since midday, was there.

Well, Jeanne's a dwarf, so you can drink instead of water, and worrying about getting drunk on a dragon sounds like worrying about a fish drowning.

But you weaken in many ways, at this time.

"... I think we should have fun with everyone when the sun goes down."

"Don't be so tough."

"Ho. I'll keep the owner's share."

"That's for sure."

What the two of them were drinking was the liquor they drew at the "Fountain" of the Dwarf Colony.

It does smell rough, but you can't miss it as a liquor lover.

... Speaking of which,

Celesta Souvenir I bought Maia hair decorations when I bought them at Basson Don't even make them now.

By the way, the key souvenir is already in the hands of the Horny Brothers. No problem.

"I wonder where Maia is"

"Example place."

"Example of... uh"

I'll call it outside to try.

"Maia, come"

... In seconds the chatter opens and Maia appears.

Turns out he was on guard on the roof of the Baron's mansion.

"I'm in the workshop right now... and I'm going to make you something to thank Maia for your day"


"With hair decorations, rings and brooches? Whatever."

"... mmm"

Maia was troubled.

"That's what Maia wants."

"Ho. Don't you want to make it for other daughters?"

Jeanne and Lyla get stuck sipping booze.

"Well, even when the other kids are requested... Maia, you see, she's a worker, and she rarely rewards me for what she's doing outside."

"Uh, no, Maia's the center of the deal over there."

"Ho. Right. Sometimes if you don't feed them, they'll disqualify you."

... I also feel that Lyla is demanding me to go away.

"Uh, Lila want something, too?

"If I could decorate myself, I'd rather decorate myself with seed juice."

"... how about this, tonight?

"Kukukuku, I don't mind if I stay here now."

That's not what you do in the middle of the day before work. Even now.

"Ka... hair decoration"

And finally Maia makes a choice.

"Can I decorate my hair again?"

"... the kind of decorations you wear on your clothes, don't take them off with you... the rings and the bracelets are conceited..."

I'd like to try stylish, but don't you like it when people think you're conceited? A little bit of a discovery mood.

"Ho, yeah. I hear whores in the south hang their rings wearing holes in their nipples and women's shadows."

"I'm not gonna make it."

"I'm not telling Maia to do anything. Why don't you try it on me?"

"I don't like accessories that look painful like that!

By the way, it's not like you don't know nipple piercings or clipiercings because they were on porn scrolls.

"I miss the owners these days without radical imitation."


Two nodding drinkers.

Give me a break.

More vans and doors open there.

"Good, wear a wound to my chest for Mr. Andy to enjoy...... I just want it!

"Oh, um... I don't mind, but please don't hang on to Laurier, okay? Whatever it is, it hurts too much."

"Pregnant women, nipple piercings, Mr. Andy. It feels like you're finally advanced."

"Uh... I really hope so... I'm a female slave..."

Aurora and Fennel in maid clothes, and Selene holding her grown stomach and Apple trying to accompany it.

"You said you wouldn't make it because I don't like it now!?

I want you to listen. If I were to call you my husband, I'd talk about sexual preferences.

Beside working in the afternoon, make hair decorations properly.

"... Boo, what's that?

"Oh, hair decorations for you to give to Maia"

"Ha... I can make that kind of thing"

"Is that it? I'm pretty good at it, Mr. Jackie, haven't you seen it?"

"I know you were making a ring. I wish I could make anything."

"Compared to blades and stuff, the accessories... just look good"

Of course, I'd be concerned about the thickness so it wouldn't break easily.

"It's splendid around making something that looks good sassy. I used to make it too... but it was very badly appreciated."

"Heh. To whom?

Mr. Jackie is a giant, but he should be clever enough.

If you make it without tight clues, it should look pretty good.

"... it's Kami. When I was single."

"Bad reviews... you're married after all"

"After being bombarded, oh man. Every time I took it to do this, I was made to start over... after all, 17 times actually by the time the brooch, which doesn't look like the first one, was finished"

"... haha"

"It's not funny."

"Maybe Mr. Jackie didn't have a really bad taste... I think he married me because he's Mr. Jackie who's going to start over so much for himself"

"... I don't know. They said," I'll never take your little things, so don't make them again. "

"Ha ha."

If you really made a small item out of Mr. Jackie's arm, that would make it a fine piece of craft.

You eventually took it and even got married, so I guess the truth is your wife doesn't think that either. Don't you just want me to have Mr. Jackie's accessories besides myself?

"So I'm jealous that I can make it well."

"... next time ask your wife if I can make it for Sarah"

Somehow I feel like I'm going to be allowed. Sarah, your wife's drowning you.

But even if you're not allowed, that could mean you want to monopolize Mr. Jackie's "secret arm".

... Either way, I think maybe Mr. Jackie is very much loved.


When I went to the Baron's Mansion and put the finished hair decorations on Maia, although Serene instantly reworked the way I tied my hair, it looked better than I thought and applauded me from around.

"Ho ho. It suits you."

"Yeah. I'll have the Atashi made sometime."

"Please let me have some free time."

"That's your husband,"

"Kakatsuki...... Look, Maia, here's the thing." "

"Oh Selene, you can't run!

Maia looks at herself in a different hair shape, put together with hair decorations, tilting her mirror with a chirp, even as she blushes her cheeks in embarrassment.

"Even the guy I bought it from before would be able to do the same hair."

"It's handmade by Master Andy,... all the time, okay"

"... I'm glad to hear that, but I bought it so you can put it on sometime."

I said that with just a little bit of light, but Maia was obsessed and staring into the mirror.

(cont 'd)

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