Half-elves Fall in Love

Mountains, Hunting and Late Fall Taste 1

Eventually, I spent half a day in Mr. Hilda's bed in a meat futon state.

No, it's a subtle thing if you were resting.

And around lunch, Mr. Deane and Lyla had been the ones who had caught a whole bunch of buffaloes from somewhere to make a jump.

"Buffalo, etc… did you get around here?"

"I can't believe the two women brought cows. Celesta, wow!

"I can't believe ordinary animal meat, not dried meat or demonic meat, is coming to this time of year in this city"

"Oh, can I get a recommendation? If it's money, I'll let the team camp."

I keep it a secret that Lyla is a dragon, so there's some air that subtly wonders about the hauling laws, but Appetite seemed to prevail over that.

... Well, yeah. We all prefer regular animal meat to demonic meat.

"The demonic situation is not imminent this year, and you can afford food and you're done with it. Dragons vary."

"It's usually tough for Catalina, too. Regardless of the type of beast you can drop and fight, you still have to challenge the rock system on your own, and the robustness and material reserves are no match for the Gibbs Fortress, so the Catalina assignment is a hassle lottery."

The mayor and the telecom mage elf nod. I knew there was something off about the hit.

"Whatever it is, mobilize the dragon to go hunting. There won't be much more at times."

The mayors face to face when Mr. Deane offers to do so.

"... I can't even thank you enough"

"What, half is also training for our team. Because demand is a good excuse for hunting."

Mr. Deane smiles.

And we were gathered around the buffalo, giving orders to our secret service.

"Keep the combatants armed! As you heard, we're hunting this afternoon! The entourage decides after him!

Salute everyone.

Well, if you're hunting, we did it all the time in Basson instead of shooting training, so we're all good at it. There is no problem.

On the move, we decided to split it it between Lyla and Maia.

Each squad has one crossbow soldier, one swordsman, and one scout.

Dragons don't serve hunting directly. That's kind of training.


Lyla team has me as a crossbow soldier, Mr. Deane as a swordsman, Luna as a scout.

Maia has Crossbow Soldier Rants, Swordsman Naris, and Scouts are Special Agent Becker's Hundred.

"... I mean, this is training for a squad, but why would Naris do that?"

When I go in, Naris laughs and opens his cape.

A bow and an arrow in his hand while carrying a short sword to his waist to the extent of his apologies.

"Hehe, I actually like hunting a lot. It's more dangerous than the Holla Labyrinth, and you don't have to pay for it."

"You, you're following me as a swordsman, aren't you?

"Huh, because the Elf warrior class is numb with bows and swords!


"No, I don't know. I said I'm sorry."

I don't know what it is, but he's tense.

I guess it's the kind of thing that cheers me up when it's something other than my original job. My kind.

"Well, you do have a bow and the tide of numbo is in every clan."

Irina nods and Almeida turns away.

... He doesn't look like he can do anything but play tricks.

"Can Sharon do a bow or something"

When I asked him, he returned a loving laugh.

"I wasn't originally in the warrior class..."

"... Are you a princess"

"It wasn't as clear as the human family lineage, but it was the lineage that was entrusted to the civilian. Berga is from the warrior class and should have been good at bows."

Berga sounds like an invincible multiplayer when he hears something.

"What about Irina?

"Wrinkles are magic, white, and they're not the daughters of the chief clan. I don't care if it's a bow or something."

"... you can't"

"Ya don't just do it! Nali can't pull a strong bow like this in the first place!

"You can't."

Well, I thought so.

Maia has nothing more to pay attention to than flying this time. We'll split up after we're out of sight, and we'll rendezvous before we get back to the city.

"Becker. You know, supervise closely."

"Copy that, but you won't have to worry about a hundred-year-old gauntlet and Basson overseeing a sniper."

"Don't say that. Sometimes it's unexpected"


... I see. Special Agents Becker and Deane are overseeing it, and me and Rants, Naris and Luna are on the training side.

"I need to show you something nice, Luna."

"If you're not a demon, you're good at hunting..."

"No, you're hunting me. You're a part of the search and push."

"... yeah"

Well, in a role, Mr. Deane can hunt it straight away.

... It's advantageous over there in that sense. Neither of us is hesitant to play the role of prey.

"All right, then, encourage me. Limits are dusk. Hunt as many as you can."

Copy that.

Rants and Special Agent Becker. Hundreds of men fisted in the chest, and Naris crossed arms to salute.

We stick each other out.

Luna doesn't seem too motivated by words alone, but the truth is she can tell by the motion and restlessness of her tail that her instincts are nodding off quite a bit of fun.

"Lyla, we're that mountain over there"

"Ho, okay, hold on!

Make sure the Maires fly off, then Lila hits the wings too and takes off.

Fly to the hunting stage.

Demons have the characteristic that they don't get out to high altitudes very often.

It is a common theory that the flow of mind is similar to the wind, because it is fast at basic heights and precipitates in low places.

So wildlife without demons escapes demons, usually on mountains and plateaux.

There are a lot of theories about knowing it's safe in the rules of thumb, or that the power to feel distracted is stronger than mankind. Well, anyway.

"Andy, pig! I'm gonna scare you out now!

I set up a crossbow while I received Luna's voice with a sharp hearing.

Hearing enhancement is Mr. Deane's magic.

Full support of sensory enhancement magic has been around for a long time and can be a bit difficult to adjust consciousness. Too much sight. Too much hearing is confusing if you're not used to it.

As long as I get used to it, I can kick unnecessary information out of my consciousness.

Footsteps of pigs. The sound of leaf rubbing. Respiratory sounds. Especially unrelated bug sounds. The sound of the wind. The sound of the water in the creek flowing somewhere.

Regulate consciousness. Use concentration to squeeze the sound of caution. Limit consciousness to one point of vision.

There is not much information that human consciousness can process at once. That's why over-fixing delays the reaction when Ate comes off.

Find the right point.

Balance the input and output within you.


A little to the left of the point the pig was after pops up. I can't react. Still out of focus of consciousness.


"Wait three seconds..."

It doesn't sound like Luna, knowingly, whining to herself to predict the pig's movements.

Look for the intersection of arrow speed and pig speed, and exactly three seconds to add a feel there.

"I took it!

I feel at ease the moment the arrow pops up on the string.

Without overaiming, the pig's head is punched out by a thick arrow.

All right. I've been remembering some tips for adjusting your senses.

"Well guessed"

"Mr. Deane."

And while I was stalking the pig, Mr. Deane was stalking one deer with his bare hands.


I didn't realize this one was enhancing my senses.

"Look, I was over there earlier, and I did a cockroach where I was alarmed."

Lyla says as she sits on a rock beside me and drinks deliciously.

"How about breaking a deer's neck with your bare hands...... at least do it with a sword"

"It gets dirty. And the sword can be troublesome with blood and fat."

The middle sword is lowered on Mr. Deane's hip, which I will say all the while.

Neither does Naris, but I'd like you to take care of the subject for now.

Deane, who was surprisingly clueless, and Luna's activity as a pretty good hunter...... or a hound, and my sniping arm, which wasn't as dull as I thought, led me to pile up a significant amount of prey, including pigs, deer, buffaloes, and other rabbits and bamboos, before sunset.

"It's no use hunting and collecting any more. Even the Catalina population cannot eat out when eating. That would be salted or smoked."

"I guess it doubles because Maia and the others are hunting too."

"Including that."

Mr. Deane ropes each animal together for easy portability. Though it is a dragon's hand to carry it.

"Do you even want to use 'Silk Chain'?

"... if you have such a convenient thing, say it quickly"

Mr. Deane looks delicate as he receives a thin string-like treasure from Lyla.

Lyla laughed Xysi. You made a bad offer in between on purpose.

When I finished retrieving the arrows (as much as I could) and was sitting on the rock inspecting the crossbow, Luna stopped by to finish helping Mr. Deane.

"... was interesting today"

"Good for you. It's good to have fun training."

Originally, Mr. Deane leaps to prey in style, and he says it's the cat beast man's way of hunting to hit the steeple with a knife or something (when he's strong, he'll hunt with nails or kicks), but Luna was even helpful in pushing him into it today.

I thought I might have been unhappy with that, but it seemed like I enjoyed it a lot more than anything else.

"Crossbow, you're strong."

"Well, it's a bow you can't pull with manpower. Orga can handle it, though."

Crossbows have the advantage of being high-tension, high-powered yet not having to maintain it with arm strength, and being able to snipe calmly. Well, I can't shoot a normal arrow.

"If it was us, it would be a bit of a long battle with pigs and cows, but it was one shot"

"Even demons are one shot away if they hit it well."

The Sword Saint Brigade who was showered with this from nowhere would have had no fear.

"... my body is still on fire"

"Get some rest. Good luck today."

Take off the string by finally checking for any frame rattling.

And when I saw Luna, I was surprised that her face was unexpectedly close.

"... as much as when the full moon"

"Oh, hey, Luna"

Shh, Luna's face approaches and her lips overlap.



Like a child, just a overlapping kiss.

And Luna, who opened her eyes again, had a clear eye as if she'd just woken up... and was obviously excited.

"Andy. I want to"

"Shh, that's straight."

"Eh, you've been doing a lot in the morning. I can smell it. As a matter of fact, I've just been guessed."

"... dude"

Certainly sperm hell will also smell strong for the amount it produces. I think it's extra stained because I used to get some rest in bed afterwards, and occasionally put it in Irina or Apple.

That must have been very irritating.


There, Mr. Deane appeared softly.

"We'll rendezvous at sundown."

"Oh, yeah, Luna. If I were here, I'd keep Maia and Rants waiting."

"... but I want to"

Luna puts her ears to sleep and says herself.

It's cute, but you shouldn't spoil it.

"Though... you still have an hour until sundown"

Mr. Deane laughs bitterly.

"Don't say that when people are working hard and enduring temptation. Makes me want to offend."

"Allow. Chief Smythson, offend Brigadier Basil,... Oh, my God."

Mr. Deane smiles and removes his hipster.

The pants are exposed.... wet.

"Actually, I noticed a little bit of your sexual stink, too.... but even hunting is bloody..."

"... a hell of a slut captain"

When I told him half the joke, Mr. Deane laughed couscous as he also lowered his pants.

"It's your woman now. There is only your woman.... to a hell of a slut, one more hour, punish me."

"... I got permission, so I offend you too..."

Luna also takes off her pants and pants. They're both just soapy in the lower body.

If you look at Lila properly, the liquor is as good as ever on rocks a little further away.

You don't come, and when you invite your fingers to see, if you drink this, gently mention the cup.

"... then, both of you"

I'll put my pants down too. Everyone is naked just from the waist down. Kind of fallacious.

"Squeeze me"

Everyone's been talking strangely lately, so I wanted Mr. Deane and Luna, as well as Lyla.

"... yeah"

Mr. Deane kneels.

"My tongue, it's rough, isn't it?

Luna looks a little worried.

"You don't have to lick it, you just suck it."


"Then I'll sit back and enjoy myself."

"... let me in here later, huh?

"I know. I can get you both in. offend."

Of course, that can't be done for the two of us that our bodies are on fire, and I'm not willing to.

Late autumn mountains.

Three perverts with rounded lower body.

It's a weird situation... but my chest sounded strangely loud.

(cont 'd)

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