Half-elves Fall in Love

Christie's Depression

A luggage truck using a unicorn horse was continuously assembled in the Silver Clan Estate.

Filled inside is the relief supplies Irina asked Christie for.

Or a relatively easy to prepare essentials such as booze and dried fruit for comfort in Catalina, as well as old clothes.

"Even if you bring so much, you can't carry it with personnel..."

Irina laughed nigga when I was stunned.

"Lord Lyla can carry it. We just have to hide ourselves in the phantom."

"... right"

Lyla can't fly Renfangas. That preconceived notion stood first, but on second thought, Lyla could magically disappear.

Accidentally blushing into a mistake, Christie turned around, instructing her to unload from the carriage all the way.

"That's all I've arranged. Although it was sudden and only brought from white and cherry blossoms and blue"

"Hmm. I was wondering if you could move about Gorks."

"The Gorks are out in Forklore in the Kingdom of Trot right now. But he's pretty busy working for me."

"Right. Amount is not enough."

Horses in the corner are sensitive to climate change, and they don't like to go outside the ancient juncture, especially in winter. It's a selfish livestock.

But supplies are appreciated.

"That's right, Catalina doesn't do laundry and bathing that often, and I'm glad you change a lot of clothes."

"Uh-huh. Plus, they still resent me for sourcing whatever they want."

"After all, 'rough whale'?

"Whatever." The Great Ice Plains "is also hard to throw away, but there is not much foreign currency at all. It's not a good idea to tell the restaurant owner that you can't afford to entertain guests."

"I see."

Even the blue clan's specialty "rough whale" doesn't mean it's free, but it seems like a lot of liquor in circulation in the woods for once, and I guess it's much easier to prepare than to shred the amount of liquor prepared for the size of a few hundred or so polka people.

As I was convinced, I bow my head to Christie, who took these arrangements into his own hands (or the Elf Territory negotiating desk at Polka in Irina's absence).

"Thank you, Christie"

"No, this is Irina. Thank you for being so selfish with me. She's like this, but she's important to the woods... thank you so much"

"I don't know who she is. I mean, why talk like a frivolous mother?

"Oh. I'm not old enough to be your mother, am I?

"You smell older than you are because you're okay with that attitude."


Forgive me.

... Well, I do find the style that has led half the woods, including Gorks and Diel, oddly older, even though they are quiet for what they are.

I'm younger than Mr. Hilda. You're younger than me when you see it.

... Let's not think about this because I feel like Osama unnecessarily.

Actually, I have kids, so maybe it's time to keep my mouth shut when they say Osama.

"Is it more true than that, Mr. Smythson, that you have handled even the glorious knight princess Sharon?

Christie has been shaking a very difficult story to answer to me, either to mislead the poor situation.


I don't want you to talk like that even though it seems somewhat futile to say anything.

"... I didn't mean to be handy, but before I knew what to do with you or anything like that, I collared on my own... Yeah, I didn't do anything. No matter what I remember, I didn't do anything."

"Kukukuku, what a strange hero to make to be forgiven by that knight princess for doing nothing."

I've told you many times, heroes are Mr. Deane and Lyla.

"Do you want me to rephrase that? You want to stop by those heroes and be loved, the strange, low-end soldier who makes them?

... Wonderful increase. What the hell am I?

"But... I feel it's dangerous to experience Mr. Smythson first"

Christie puts her hand on her cheek and squeals with a troubled face.


Lord Smythson is the only one who knows the womb.

"... Even if Irina can't help it anymore, the Princess of Glory may want to keep her in mind"

"So what?"

I say things that make me very anxious.

Christie looked at me and said, "Chilla, sigh."

"You may become unsatisfied with the elves. A man of the human race… but only Mr. Smythson knows that, by comparison, the union of elves is very long and gentle."

"Oh, really?

Well, even I don't know the average of other people's sex.

"Besides, Mr. Smythson, on top of his intensity, some breath lengths don't resign to prolonged mating like an elf. All of a sudden, Mr. Smythson's hands teach me..."

"Hmm... as a woman, I think I might run out of others"

"Nothing, I don't mean to be so sexist..."

"Therefore, at a time when there are not ten females and no one has exhausted their love, it is good to be aware that they are out of touch."

... Well, I have no objection to being sketchy.

But I don't know if I'm good at etching. I don't have to blame Hilda for more than half of it.

"... Speaking of which, Irina, its collar"

"... Lord Smythson will hold me if I don't put this on, or I'll say something vicious."

"I didn't say it!

"... well, if it's your own will"

No, it's not good.

"But once in Mr. Smythson's hands, it's rumored in the woods that no woman can escape anything... and I've learned too, so I can't say very strongly"

Should I resent Phaser, resent Almeida or Blakecore, who was a sexually useless child for what she was, or overlap my excuses with Christie dyeing her cheeks?

I don't know what to do anymore.

I need the young elves to help me take the supplies out in a man-pulled luggage truck, call everyone in the SWAT, split them up and take them to the Baron's residence.

So wrap up the load, tie it up, and let it be airborne.

Unlike humans, you don't have to worry about thermal insulation, it's just a big mess because it's a shape that dragons can easily hold. It can be connected by a leather belt, wrapped in anesthetic cloth, and tied up in chains to produce a single large cargo mass compared to the usual soldier transport carriage.

"This is still a whole country, and I'm worried about moving it."

The baron looks up at the cargo and messes with his moustache.

And Selene answered.

"If you use the magic of the cover lock, you'll probably have no problem."


Nostalgic magic. I used it when I was General Lucas.

"What kind of magic?

Irina shows interest.... and you don't know Irina.

"It's not that hard. It's a magic that solidifies the state just a little bit and keeps you from untying ropes and chains. Depending on how the spell is assembled, you can't move for a few days."

"You don't know magic."

"Mm-hmm, I remember it in the film. Was it the original spelling of the natives?"

"Maybe. Tell me the spell."


Speaking of magic, Irina and Mr. Hilda, and Lila. Irina, in particular, had the image of knowing everything about magic, but surprisingly, I know magic and I don't know magic.

"Yes, now.... See, even knives don't stand teeth"

"Oh, this with hemp strings? Sounds like a pretty good application."

"I can't develop spells or anything."

"Look at that. When you have a healthy baby, develop something practical and come back."

"Eh heh. That's right."

Selene laughs as she strokes her stomach. He seemed happy.


It's just too slow to sit here any longer, so we'll make the departure plan again.

That doesn't mean I'm spreading the package apart, and if I want to get out, I'll be ready myself. The degree of discipline is to drink, soak in the bath, and enjoy a meal in full, as there is still no leftover.

"Selene, tell me your recipe for cooking by tomorrow, just come up with it"

"That's what I thought. I prepared a special Selene recipe scroll."

Apple tries to teach cooking from Selene in the Baron's Hall. Selene responds with unusual versatility, as always.

Angelos and Lyla are the ones who are interested in taking care of Peter while chatting with Jeanne. I really seem to enjoy the way they both stroke and refresh Peter.

And Peter was obsessed with Lyla's milk. What a heavenly sunny my child.

"Me. Come on. I was wondering if I could live here after my assignment."

Cairon brings his liquor virtue to the hot springs and does a glass with a snow view. Boyd is a companion at the same time.

"We feel the same way."

"Beautiful women and hot springs, lords who solve romance. This is the ideal place for eternity."

Rants and goats that open the underground door of the stripper while agreeing in a completely different way.

There is also the figure of a polka guard combo that is united, naturally. Their way of life is shining.

The new tavern, which was completely dusty, became shiny in a matter of hours with the servants of the Baron's house and the aspiring hands of the townspeople, where our spectacular dinner party is taking place.

Mr. Deane and Mr. Hilda's sisters, Luna, and Maia, Irina, and Naia's feisty little chicks seemed to enjoy a standing party there.

"I'm sorry you've come all this way, Baron."

"It's good. Thanks to full interaction with the Elf Territory, there is no demonic threat, there is no more fright of the Elf arrows, and there is room for food during the winter months. I can't thank Andy or you enough."

"Mmm, yummy I knew food was limited to trots. Even though the original frozen ingredients come out so delicious"

"I prefer not dried meat..."

"The Great Ice Field, it's really good. Better than Renfangas's fine liquor or or something."

"Not at all. Don't you have a good liquor maker in the country or can't you make a good brewery on the ground?"

"Well, in an environment where you don't know when demons will kill you, good alcohol will be difficult. As far as I'm concerned, it's been a long time since I've had hard bread."

Some of them are tongue drumming, like three red-armed daughters.

"Sweet... ♪"

"Sweet pie with fragrant soup, laborious bird flavor baking... Trot is too beautiful a country, including hot springs"

"... I'm telling you, elves can be seen with strange eyes outside of here. Humans are an overwhelming majority."

"I've heard of it. But polka is really comfortable with elves...?

"It was a little surprising. I've heard rumors about Polka Spirit Springs, but I had a reputation not to just go elves."

"... hard to believe, but I hear Andy Smythson took it"



"... how did you seem so convinced... what, don't just look at my throat"

"'Cause Al's the sole."

"Smythson, if it's ten chiefs, it's no longer surprising, all sorts of things."

Those who are listening beside you, but be surprised. Question it. A little room for explanation and past footprints, please.

Hmm, when I get back to the inn, I see Christie sitting side by side with Aurora and Sharon in the corner of the inn's dining room preaching.

"Love is certainly free, if you're ready to... but we're both highly qualified blood muscles in the elves, and you're young, so just calm down and think about it a little bit. Don't you have to start from where nothing can be a 'slave' to a human man?

Christie looks at the two throats.

Aurora is a flat thing, but Sharon still seemed a little uncomfortable as to whether she was lost or not.

"... purple apple, white anzeroth, deep green selenium. Those three know. Half an elf is unfamiliar and uncomfortable with people's and elf's society, so if you're a man like Mr. Smythson, who accepts it indefinitely and makes you forget the floating world with passion, he wants to be beside you all the time in his capacity as a 'slave'. But you guys would be fine blood muscles as elves."

"I'm not interested in blood or anything. I fell in love with the size of Andy's own vessel and the size of his love. Being that child is a matter of decision. If the clan council broke me in the mix, it wouldn't be a big deal compared to the happiness of having that child."

Aurora takes a seat all the time. He glanced at me and just smiled and left the dining room, "I said what I had to say.

... Christie sighs after losing sight of its refreshing back.

"I'm not talking about breaking doors.... I'm not a clan chief either, I'm still only a surrogate, a successor candidate. I'm not in a very different position from you, princess of glory."


"Still, I've been through two marriages before. I'm going to be able to talk a little bit about my experience with something called a man. … Elves are happy to be tied to elves, Sharon"

"It's... I know, I'm here. If I'm tied to an elf, I'm sure no one will have any trouble."


"But I... because I am one of them, I am not interested in a man who makes a covenant with me because I am a princess of glory"


"... my fiancée was an enjoyable and disgusting person. No, I'm sure the engagement itself remains in the arcus now. I'm sure my parents and family will still be waiting for me to come back, thinking of me as the Black Arm," Be Around, Well Done. "

Sharon speaks out with a dark face. Put a gripping hand on your chest and make it look a little spicy.

Christie smiled in trouble and answered to tell.

"What do I say, but compatibility with men is something you don't know unless you try living. You don't have to try to be together for once."

"... maybe. But I..."

You didn't look so spicy when you told me.

Now with a bitter look, Sharon cuts words and grabs his chest.

"Cherry blossom Christie. Do you know what it's like to be told, 'Is it a mixture?'"


"Because of this overgrown chest. Even though I know my parents are from a famous house. Still, can you like someone who suspects someone else's mother's unrighteous intercourse just to the extent of her breasts?"


"In the end, he didn't look at me or anything. I just wanted an ornament called blood muscle. No, I didn't even want it. I... I didn't even have one desire for my being, someone's love or love. I just had a promise."


"But I... found someone who would greed me as a woman, someone who might love me. Then why don't you want to be that guy's 'possession'?

"... What do you think of Mr. Smythson?

"... I don't know. Maybe I'm in a hurry. Maybe you have dreams about the act of loving each other. But at least... I didn't hate it when they looked at my body. I don't care if I get stuck or kiss you... because I never hated it..."

"... and the last act isn't the same?

"As of now, I don't think I'd like that.... though I still don't understand your desire to have a child like an empty princess"


Sighing again, Christie.

"... Mr. Smythson"

I freaked out.

Aurora saw me, but I was going to ask you not to find me in the shadow of the door for once.

"I may have just done an excerpt. But as a favor to the same race, please.... If she doesn't like it, don't just force her"

"... Smythson,?

Sharon turns around.

I scratched my head at the bad ass.

"... you know, Sharon"


"I'm just a sketch, aren't I? I don't know what you really are... I'm not thinking, I'm just craving you because you're beautiful and you have big tits, okay?

"... Yep. Me too, I still don't know how you feel. But..."

Sharon and I are facing each other directly in front of each other.

From the side, Christie interrupts.

"You don't have to try it together, do you?


"If your mind is so determined, right?

Christie smiles softly and takes our hand and walks out.

Destination is Sharon's accommodation room at the Inn.

And Christie, who sat us in bed, loosens up her clothes.


"Cherry Blossom Christie, what?"

"Is it possible that you are a female slave… one hassle of having sex with a female slave companion or someone who isn't?

Christie taking off her clothes. As I said one day, I wasn't wearing underwear.

"Come on, Mr. Smythson. … but I will stay with you to try the glory of Sharon."

(cont 'd)

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