No matter how heroic, and no matter how many traps you've prepared around you, hunting hundreds of thousands of demons isn't easy.

Even demons are powerful. He has an endless appetite and endless desire for destruction, and even trained soldiers have bad minutes one-on-one.

Even Renfangas, one of the continent's leading defensive forces, is impossible to combine properly. It is best to fight not to reduce our numbers by castles and ambushes.

... but.

"Maia, can we still go"

"You don't have to worry about my strength. If you care, you can fly from the edge of the continent to the edge."

"Oh well.... So can we get rid of the herd around that mountain"

"I can, but I'm worried about Master Andy"


"Won't you go back?

"... yeah"

The power of the dragon was immense.

In the days of the Fire Dragon War, as few humans could do to a flying dragon, so could the demons.

Looking back, the great plains of killer demons are mostly covered in ice.

The Blizzard brace that Maia blew turned all the demons into statues.

And although the temperature changes caused by the widespread freezing don't have any effect on the Blue Dragon himself, it's hard on me, being just a human being.

"... or shall we go back to Catalina..."


I grabbed it in the corner over Maia's head and shivered in the cold, I don't think there was a dragon rider piercing, maybe no matter what.

Originally the town of Catalina was visible, so Maia, approaching its high rooftop, wings up and slows down, returning to the human body hooked a little in front of Catalina.

Naturally, Maia caught me thrown out in the air.

I land on the roof of Catalina while the girl holds me with a princess.


"Oh, thank you, Maia"


Me gently getting off Maia's arm and standing on the roof.

There is no one on the roof.

... No.


Gachan, and it was Luna who opened the rooftop door and popped out. Following that, Mr. Hilda, Apple.

Later everyone in the squad continued to gather on the roof.

"Ha, I'm home"

"Andy, it looks pretty cold..."

Touch my face, apple surprised by its cold.

"That's a lot of flashy stuff."

Mr. Hilda admires the view around the city.

It's a dark night without a moon, so I can't easily see what's going on around me.

I wonder if what you see is Mr. Hilda, the dark elf, and Luna and Cairon of the Beast Clan, and then about two of the Augs.

"I did it flashy"

Gu, and thumbs out Maia. All right, all right, and Irina stroking.

"It's so cold."

Rants trembles in the night breeze. That's right, other boys laughing bitterly (we all see misery around).

"Oh, is it me that there's no sign of the demon from earlier, maybe you did it all with the Blue Dragon"

"Looks like it. Al, can you see me? Magic or something."

"Ma, I'm not good at magic. The art of dark vision is not so quick..."

"Our elves are useless."


The three Red Arm daughters were called civil strife, or Tess told the other two to do whatever they wanted.

... Well I don't think it's uncommon to have an elf that doesn't like magic.

"Well, give me something warmer than that."

I had a hard time with me. The same goes for the face touched by Apple, but I can't help but freeze all over my body.

Even though flying in the night sky means you will continue to be exposed to cold winds, because of Maia's braces, the winds around here are similar to cold in winter.

I was alarmed and to the extent that I wore a vest on one shirt, it was not cold proof of any kind.

"Oh. You're gonna catch a cold, this is it. Just drink this."

I'm a little surprised you touched my body. Mr. Hilda gives me one pill.


"Ngu. Bad."

"He's just a bio-pharmaceutical rounder with intestines. I made it just in case it's cold from now on."

"Oh, thank you"

A pill that goes through my throat and falls into my stomach warms my lukewarm body from the inside... I feel it.

"If it's cold. Because I'm still in the flames of my body because I'm in a hurry."

Tingling, and Aurora sticking to her body.

"Oh, right, human skin is the best,"

Apple leaning on the other side.


"... oh, you know"

After throwing up the braces (even in the human body), Maia, who seems to have a hard time getting the body surface temperature up, and Angelos, who doesn't stick because of the armor, looks a little grumpy.

"Oh man.... but I think I'm gonna get some sleep tonight"

Cairon shrugs his shoulders.

"Deane, the hundred captains and Mr. Lyla..."

"Investigation of the demon flow, he said he'll be back in a day or two"

Answer Naia's question.

Not everyone else is flirtatious. We all know that's more or less the case.

The next day, we woke up at the dawn when the mayor flew into the room.

"sorry for the early, oh, is that... is that the business of the dragon (on purpose)?!?


Trying to say that it's not this way, it's the women's room, that we should jump in first, and I do convince his morals that we can't jump into the women's room at dawn.

"... Oh, and excuse me"


the town mayor who suddenly turned right when he saw me softly waking up half of

When I saw him, Apple and Irina slept with him hugging me. I didn't take my clothes off.

... I saw me so cold yesterday that Apple offered to go to bed. Irina is hitchhiking.

"Uh... uh, that's..."

"It's a demonic corpse outside."

"... uh, yeah, mostly"

Me waking up the sleigh of so I wouldn't wake up Apple and Irina.

Sleeping voids and rants wake up following it and weave their jackets.

"Though, we haven't looked closely either,"

"Shall we go and see"


The three of us follow the mayor as he rubs his eyes.

The surrounding meadows that were lit up by the morning burns were amazing.

Nearby are the cumulative bodies of demons (mostly by Mr. Deane and the others).

In the distance, the frozen tree ice-like sights of the demons.

Like a lie that the Great Invasion was beginning, there was silence all around the city.


"Blizzard braces freeze so much... the demons can't even get close"

Rants and Boyd groan as they looked over and were impressed.

The mayor remains in motion.

"Oh, so much... in this condition, is that all"

"Well, it's Maia."

"Dragon, I know it's amazing."

".................. ha"

The mayor of the town is poisoned by the pale or lax reaction of the Rants. Well, isn't it impossible for me to come to the fight?

and Angelos appeared there in tank tops and cotton trousers.

"I think you should send scouts, just in case."

"Oh, oh, yeah."

The mayor rushes down to the jar.

And Angelos slaps Boyd on the hips (shoulders can't reach if he wants to), and, hey, invites him with his fingers.

"Boyd, go with the archery.... I haven't been very busy with the gauntlets lately, but I need to work out until you're full of avant-gardes."

"Ugh, yeah!? Up to this point!?

"You won't make it when it's time."

"Well, that's right..."

Rants and I groan sadly.

No offense to Angelos, but the training she gives Boyd is intense for what it takes.

"Angelos, finish by breakfast."

Boyd, don't die.

"Oh, hey, Mr. Rants, ten Smythson chiefs!?

Dogon, and Rants and I went down to wash our faces as we smiled and heard the sound of the orga blowing away.


Regardless, I didn't come to Renfangas with my bare hands either.

Before leaving the polka properly, Mr. Deane advised everyone to prepare cold clothes.

"Wear this and you'll be fine with some cold."

"It's not cool."

"Ugh, shut up"

As Cairon pointed out, it wasn't cool.

Sourced in polka are cold proof clothes for hunters to hunt in the snow. Cold protection is origami, but to be honest, it's too mockingbird, not a cool picture on a dragon.

"Maia, then, White Irina congratulates you on that. Protect Morinawa. Peace be upon this land, if you will, with the power and will of the dragon."

Irina is blessing Maia. Only the shape, but it seems important to keep "Irina" issuing permission to storm Maia.

Bless you, Lord Smythson.


Irina gives me and Maia permission and smashes the demons out of my way.

It doesn't matter if I'm a dragon user or not if I'm in this shape, and it makes me look good as an investigator.

So yesterday is a continuation of the monster crusade that I left behind because of the cold.

The plan is to sweep away the demons around you so that Catalina can feel safe even if she's left alone for a while. No, I said a plan, but I just made up my mind.

"Deane, Secret Service, everyone."

That's how the mayor comes where he's in charge.

"Mr. Mayor."

"May I? I'd like to talk to you about something."

"I communicated the current situation to Rennest and if you don't mind… so I was entrusted with a project that I would like to ask you to do."

"About six days east of here, the easternmost fortress in our country... do you know about Fort Gibbs"

"For once."

It should be the furthest fortress from Rennest that the Great Knight of Annette is being turned.

"I'd like to send backup there if possible. That is the land of the fiercest battles. I wouldn't wish for direct support from the Blue Dragon, but it would be easier if I could turn the red arm a little bit from the others."

I can tell it's time there was no commentary from Mr. Deane or Lord Buster.

Yes, even without a direct dragon attack, the dragons support us… that's a morale boost to the soldiers on the front line.

"I mean, once we get to Rennest, we'll carry reinforcements to Fort Gibbs... so..."

"Hopefully. It's only a favor, and I'm saddened that I can't get more rewards from this place."


Calculate in your head.

Whether it's a horse or six days on foot, so how far away is Maia's wing conversion... I can't do a decent calculation, but Renfangas is much narrower than Celesta or Trot, so it's not even a story that takes that long with Maia's wings.

Will Mr. Deane be reluctant? No, Mr. Deane and Lyla were saying, "Show the power of the dragon and attach cooperation".

Nor is there a clear element of reluctance to cooperate right now.


I'll take that request.

... Just for a moment, I was also interested in that place called Fortress Gibbs.

I wanted to see Renfangas, who would make buildings like Catalina as just an experimental defense facility, a "fortress" that I really made.

"However, he told Rennest that the reinforcements could be held by the dragon, so that he could wait in a carriage or box-shaped thing..."

"Okay. Hey, tell the communications magician."

I'm rescheduling, so I'll try to recruit someone to follow.

"I'd better stay here until Mr. Deane gets back..."


"Oh, leave Boyd alone, too. I'll work out in the afternoon."


Ace Night Group & Boyd remain.

Decline that the other men want to rest.

"What about the Almeidas?

"Can I go?

"Haha, well, it doesn't look like we're much use to you here."

"No, no, I'm off, right? If it's not a mission, it's not a rush, but it's not funny and I don't want to go to Gibbs on purpose and have a full-blown battle, right?

"Naris, you're being too honest."

Tess and Almeida are going to follow.

"It is the duty of the brave to fight or to avoid"

They're willing to follow Naia, too.

"I'd like to see the proud fortress of Lenfangus."

"Yes, Irina can't be a light-hearted person."

Irina and Mr. Hilda also naturally remain. Apple, who is afraid of heights, is out of the question because flying travel itself seems so infrequent that it cannot be done.


"Brilliantly, the Secret Service man, only ten Smythson men."

"... if you ask me"

"Well, the mission is a mission, I'll protect you properly, so don't worry, Andy Smythson"

"Mr. Smythson will be protected by the dragon, unless there's more to it."

"Yes, with intent!

"Because there's no such thing as a spear woman. I can protect Master Andy."

"Stop fighting. Or because we're not going to fight bees like that. 'Cause if it's a terrain and situation Maia seems to be able to help, she's just gonna blow a little brace and come home."


"You can't blow your braces anywhere near your side. Maia's braces, they spread quite a bit."

With all the chatter, we arrive in Rennest.

Sir Buster made me look weird when I landed carefully in the courtyard of Rennest Castle.

"... what, not Lord Irina or Lord Deane"

"It's not convenient for both of us, so I'm your guide."

"Besides, it's still such a good time."

"... the Blue Dragon spits ice, just in case"

"Ma, fine. What I want you to have is a carriage there. Can you hold it?"

It was a rather large carriage that was placed. If I were to pull, there would be five or six horses.

"Are you already on board?"

"Oh. Don't fall off because you're good."


Let Maia grab the carriage and take off again.

I left Catalina around nine in the morning, but Maia's wings are just fast.

By the time I was around noon I had reached the point where I could see the Gibbs fortress.

"Is that okay there, Tess?"

"Maybe. I haven't been there many times either."

"Well, when we get there, you know what I mean?"

Exactly on the road, there were many hordes of demons.

Because it's still daytime, or even though I didn't hear much disappointment or anything like that, it's still so many that I can only say it's reckless to form a formation with half the power.

"Is this the Gibbs fortress..."

Breathtaking in its beauty as it swirls over the sky.

Originally a complex mountain of terrain… or a complex fortress of structures that gave several stone walls to odd rocky terrain.

It is designed to lure a few into the gap between the wall and the wall that has become like a small room, allowing for a concentrated attack.

And using that terrain, a large number of warriors were actually fighting.

Some of the spare time was surprised to see the blue dragon dancing in the sky, but the vast majority were busy fighting the demons in front of them and couldn't even afford to look up.

"... Andy Smythson. Let me support them."

"Wait, Almeida. Let's get this carriage down first."

"After a second, one second is too late.... I'll listen to you later!

Almeida can no longer wait for the battle, or she jumps off Maia.

Though the altitude is still quite high...... he kills the fall velocity while turning the iron wand in circles and cleverly goes down to the battlefield while triangulating the chopping odd rock.

"Still bullshit..."

"Fair enough. Let's get to work, too, Smythson Ten."

Tess hasn't moved at all. What if I could do that to Tess?

Make a sighting around what should be called the main circle of the Gibbs fortress and land Maia there.

The soldiers are confused by the appearance of the dragon, but a man, believed to be the Fortress Commander, appeared to quiet the soldiers around them.

It's a Lizardman man. I feel something decent about standing and behaving, but I feel a little odd about my attitude about whether it atrophies just when I deal with dragons.

"Welcome, Celesta... No, Elf Territory Dragon"

It looks like I'd rather not be out here.

Whisper to Chibi Maia and let Maia talk.

"I asked a friend for a favor and came to lend me a hand"

"Oh, thank God..."

"I want you to take my souvenir"

Maia lowered the carriage.

And that carriage door opens.

"Is this the Gibbs Fortress?"

"Sounds robust."

"It's going to be hard to attack. I'm glad Renfangas isn't the enemy."

From inside, men in armor appear one after another.

I thought it was Gauntlet Nights because it's elite, and that's not true.

but he looked familiar to me.

"... Ah, uh...!

When I raise my voice from the top of the dragon, a bearded man in deep red armor looks up at me and laughs nigga.

"That's a coincidence."

"... Grants... Hundreds of people!

A cape of men dances in strong winds.

That was supposed to look disturbed by the wind, but it was unusually picturesque.

Looking straight back at the Sword Saints behind him, Grants Hundred says in an upbeat mood.

"Come on, it's been a while since I've started, my lords. I don't even seem to have the eyes of a loud Celesta here.... It's been a long time since I've seen Kensei. Let's protect him."

(cont 'd)

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