Half-elves Fall in Love

White, Black and Cat Collar [Luna Irina Hilda]

The day after Angelos and I had a flirt, Mr. Hilda was rarely out in the morning dining room.

"Ah, Mr. Hilda"

"Oh... hey Andy..."

Since Lenfangus came, there was no need to study the medicine because of the difference between the raw materials available and the fact that dark elves were often delayed in the morning because of the fact that they were only able to lose their minds at night.

But the face was sometime exhausted.

"What's the matter? If I do, I'm going to sleep."

"I haven't slept for about two days with your medicine purification... Huh... Huh?"

"If Mr. Hilda breaks his body, he doesn't have an ex or a child. Who will see the injured person if they have trouble?"

"Yeah, it is...... but here, the purity of the medicine you can buy is not low. You can't prescribe it confidently without purifying it yourself."

Huh, and Mr. Hilda, who cuts the stretch. Doctors who make medicines and cure them directly are separate in the trot, but Mr. Hilda, a long-lived species, both possess more than first-rate skill and combine the two.

That's why they weren't satisfied with the commercially available product.

"I took painkillers, but my body moves just dull, and it doesn't really ease the pain, or something like that. Andy, you're a jerk, right?

"Well... but wouldn't Mr. Hilda be able to do as much magic as anesthesia?

"I can do what I can, but medicine is easier than magic, and it's easier to mismatch other therapeutic magic, so basically I'm going to use medicine where it's needed."

Call yourself a magic doctor. They can't always do anything magically.

"But the truth is, it's a gut job to formulate your medicine, so for the genius Dr. Hilda, it's hard to scrape nerves all the time."

"Well... good luck"

Basically, it's a self-refining choice when you think about us, so if you do this, you can't say it at an amateur's discretion.

"Fortunately, we have expenses from the royal family, so I'm glad you can use a little expensive raw materials all you want. Ma, to make Deane and Naia feel safe and work hard, so I have to work hard too."

"... if there's anything I can do to help"

I'll say something special when I stick around.

Not that I'm ever free, but if Hilda, who is usually bright and naughty, is so worn out, I think I need to help him with something.

Teacher Hilda thought for a while as she smoked vegetable soup with a sloppy spoon...... she dropped Cashan and the spoon and lost her sleep for a moment and wakes up in a hurry.

"Aww. I spilled it"

"Yes, sir."

I rush to grab the cloth towel and soak up the scattered soup from the spoon.

If this is going to help, it has to help.

"... sooo... oh, yeah. Andy, give this a try."

Mr. Hilda takes the little paper wrap out of his inner pocket while letting me wipe the table and knee.

When I take it, there's a pill inside.

"What is this?"

"I had extra ingredients while I was making the main medicine, so I tried to formulate it in one piece. A little sensory enhancer. In the meantime, I think if I drink it now, I'll feel a little different by about lunch, so when it works, come to my room and let me know what you think."

"... human experiments?

"I'm making sure it's safe. I used to be taught in the Oriental Mountains because it's the right medicine."

That's what Mr. Hilda says and gives me my own wooden cup, so I have no choice but to swallow it.

It is a medicine that tingles just by putting it on your tongue.

"It shouldn't be dangerous, but just in case, you better stay away from Naia or Tetes, okay?


"We'll find out soon enough."

Mr. Hilda smiled all the time.

My mouth and chest looked slightly glossy.

I'm a little nervous about what Mr. Hilda said, so I'm going to go to the workshop.

This is almost my occupied space, so rare things shouldn't happen.

And as I looked at the material shelf to make something because of it, I was reminded of Irina's bold remarks the other day.

"... collar"

Honestly, I also feel bad about putting it on Irina. Exactly. I feel like I'd be mad if Gorks or something found out.

But I am also certain that the other day I said I would make Irina a female slave when I toured the family estate.

"... if you just want to make one. Well, that's good. You're free to wear it, and it sucks when you can't wear it, you just have to tell your husband to take it."

As I excuse myself for the bumps, I find a smooth leather with many varieties.

I just thought of the sight of a naked Irina inviting me to wear a single collar, and somehow my penis burst to the brink of ejaculation.

I want to see. I want to see it super. And I want to offend it as it is.


Start the work with a grin that you find disgusting yourself.

I was surprised myself when the work progressed in a breath without having to pull the chalk on the leather. It was like the only line I could see was drawn to the leather surface beforehand.

collar is completed in the dozens of minutes of the thing.

The fit was excellent with the help of engraving.

"I wonder if this is also the power of Mr. Hilda's medicine..."

It feels more like I have a headache than a feeling. My own hands moved indulgently, and there was no instant waste.

And as I was roaring through the mansion to give him the collar I could, silver hair I just met.

Irina, or I thought for a moment, but the eyes I saw this one hooked up with were characteristic cat eyes.



I'm not angry about a tight hanging eye, a cat girl with a decent appearance.

Recently, she also seemed to be doing Mr. Deane's chores like a parasoldier, with fewer opportunities for face-to-face contact with me.

No, this girl is also my female slave, and she stares at her supple hands, feet, neck, and chest licking with all her emotions.

The erection that's been going on since I imagined Irina's naked collar earlier seemed to drive me naturally into nasty consciousness.

It's not good.

Surely the now erect lower body is awkward for Tess and Naia to show.

... Could it be that Mr. Hilda knew this would happen?

"Hey, Andy."


When I realized, Luna was staring at my hand.

In that hand is a collar I just made.

"... to me?



Speaking of which, I didn't even make a collar for Luna.

Luna totally dyes her cheeks in anticipation and looks me in the eye.

"... no?


Look around Luna's body again.

A supple, tight body. A tail that swings like a drawing of a letter of every eight. Beautiful milk that grew up just fine.

Just being a little aware, I feel like I can see all the details of that body.

The nipples under the shirt, the curves on the buttocks, even the pale bushes in the groin.


I can recall it in real life, even the feeling in its vagina.



I ejaculated just watching Luna.

I feel bicumbicum and sperm scattered in my pants, and my vision narrows with the indissolubility and embarrassment of the phenomenon and Luna's desire for her body.

What the fuck.

Oh, my God.

Am I... just looking at a girl who hasn't even taken it off and ejaculated without touching it?

"... uh, Andy, ejaculate... do, ru?


It was an immediate prospect for Luna, the cat beast man.

He stares at my freaking groin and looks amazed.

"Luna.... you know,"

I was panicking unconsciously in an unprecedented event called Zamen Toys.

And naturally.

"Let him do it."

"Oh, hey... Andy...!?

Suddenly I pushed Luna down the hallway.

I can see the blue sky from the window in the autumn, that it's noon in the morning.

In that hallway, I lay Luna down and take her belt off with one hand.

"Ya, Andy, here, down the hall... let it be, at least, the room there..."

"No. I'll offend you here. It's your fault, I leaked it."


I'm not sure what I'm talking about myself. However, he brutally covers himself with Luna and kisses him to mumble, with words appropriately lined up so that Luna doesn't escape.

Luna looked surprised at the sudden act, but when I snuggled down and got naked and started rubbing my chest like a dog on Luna's hips and thighs, she began to focus on tangling her tongue with me, whether she gave up or switched on.

Its tongue is wider and thinner than that of a normal human being and is lightly zackled.

It's good for rubbing your tongues together with a kiss, but if I let you lick your penis, my epidermis will be scraped and I think it's going to be terrible.


"Huh... Luna, let me in. Take off your bread. Here, now."

"... Andy, it's like that colony night..."

"Don't like it. If you don't like it, I'll go elsewhere. Make up your mind."

Make the worst reminder in many ways.

And Luna grabbed my hand the other way.


With that said, I lowered my shorts and the pants inside all the way down.

"... I hate this, but because of this, I won't let you get away with it..."

And then I turn my hips around and push my own ass against mine.

"Come on, I'm done... if I can, my embarrassing fit, I don't want to show anything but Andy..."


I stroke one of those round asses and shove my penis in between them.

"Huh, ahhh... Huh!!

All over his semen because of ejaculation in his narrow pants earlier, he slips loosely into Luna's vagina.

One hand remains taken by Luna.

I start offending Luna so hard that she just pants down to her knees, with no idea how tense she is.

"Ha, ha, ha, ha... Ha, ha, ha..."

"I told you to get it over with...!

"... yeah..."

The fierce hipster seemed like a reward to Luna the Beast Man.

As I am, I offend Luna in the middle of the hallway with gas and desire, and ejaculate without waiting for Luna to rise.

The senses zoom, and this feeling of my penis grows even bigger and occupies consciousness.

The semen beats the mouth of the uterus, mixing it with the love fluid that began to flood, and, of course, telling this gap and going outside feels like sweat flowing around your face.

"Ahhhhh... ahhh Andy, too...!?

"Ma, ma...!

I continue my intense hip movements when I say a word.

Start spinning Luna's vagina again without ejaculating.

My brain stains with pleasure. Luna's vagina is comfortable, I want more, and I can't wait to spit out more.

Luna passed out after committing it for a while.

"Ha... Ha..."

I was about to run out of acid, too.

but I can't stop hipping. I hold Luna's hips up with my hands as she relentlessly exhales herself plundering from her hee and throat and perseveres in giving her a penis.

And, for a moment, the scenery felt like it was going away, and when I noticed it, there was Irina and Mr. Hilda in front of me.

"What a place to serve..."

"Ugh, I knew it. Andy, I thought if someone found a female slave girl, they'd attack her." "

"Hi, Hilda............!?

"It's a decent increase in your senses, isn't it? This is the medicine that the other beast man uses to awaken his magical abilities. I heard you awaken your magical senses by consciously putting together your senses and desires in one direction.... but it's hard to say whether or not you have talent."

"Hey, give me a drink..."

My voice is plundering. I want water.

And I'd rather offend a woman than water.

"So... Andy, you can't wait to offend Dr. Hilda, can you?

I'll let you spread your collar a little, Mr. Hilda.

Visible valley.

"Let me do it"

I'll give you a quick answer.

Mr. Hilda begins to take it off without hesitation.

Irina rushes up to me too and kisses me like I'm jumping.

"Yup, no alarm, no gap... this phantom kingdom is frightening!?

"Is it a little exciting for you to be open and edgy?

"You crazy bitch."

"No, I'm a charming lady doctor."

Hilda and Irina take off their pussies to confront me in their underwear.

"Wow, I'm going to calm you down!

"Come on, it's Dr. Hilda's appointment time."

We're both supposed to be in the middle of an intense mission. I'd be fine if I did.

I couldn't breathe, I pushed them both down at the same time.

"Ha, ha, ha...!!

"You want to be in there by then... hehe, good, I'll deal with you straw for as much as I want..."

"Dr. Hilda, I'm gonna pinch you with your tits."

"Mm-hmm... Wouldn't you like to try ejaculating in your soft mouth, Lord Smythson"

"It would be nice to call it a butthole for crackling."

Two provoke with words. I'll just ejaculate as soon as I put it in Mr. Hilda's vagina and figure out where to hit their desires.

That's right in front of us, and Cairon crossed over with a flaw.

I woke up in the evening.

He was put to sleep alongside Luna in Mr. Hilda's room.

Luna sleeps with a satisfied face. Irina looked intrigued by the process of refining the medicine that Mr. Hilda was going through.

"Wake up, Andy.... Not at all, when I was your sister"

Apparently, it was Mr. Deane who carried us.

"Shh, excuse me..."

"I have nothing to apologize for.... but don't be mad at my sister. Do it. That's a lot of stash."

"Yep... well"

Wake up shaking your head.

And then I looked at Mr. Hilda again and froze for a moment.

Something unfamiliar in Mr. Hilda's neck. No, it's not that I'm unfamiliar with it because I made it myself.

"Hi, Mr. Hilda, that collar"

"Oh, thank you, Andy. I'll take care of it."

"No, that's..."

Irina's, trying to say, it was at the edge of her sight that Luna moved her ears perfectly.

I'm awake. I'm awake, Luna.

That's how you're going to have offended Luna in the form of a collar fed.

... Yikes, hard to say...!

Mr. Hilda smiles and turns back to his desk. The side didn't even leave a piece of tiredness that I showed in the morning.

... I wonder what's going on with that guy. For once, I used enough strength to fall...

(cont 'd)

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