Half-elves Fall in Love

Polka Spirit Fountain and Testimony of the Brave [Irina Maia Luna Apple]

As summer draws to an end, polka comes autumn at once.

"The leaves in the woods were already yellow."

"You're still a shirt in Basson for another month, aren't you?"

Night liquor store.

Cairon and Rants, who had gone hunting in the woods instead of training, say they were stingy.

"Well, it'll snow in two months."

As I tilted the beer, both Cairon and Rants looked surprised.

"In two months!?

"Too soon!?

"Half the year in the snow is no exaggeration or anything."

Yes, it's not exaggeration or anything. Maybe it's snowing faster enough to know.

"It's time for my mothers to start putting out their sperm for the preserved food."

"That said, thanks to the Elf Forest guys, you don't seem as desperate as you used to be."

Johnny and Keel, who were drinking nearby, also supplement me.

Late summer of the calendar is the fall of the polka.

We're getting ready for the next one, experiencing a seasonal shift as soon as possible.

Luna's initial training seems to be going well.

Apparently, it's because I have no idea what the education program as a special scout is.

"The ability to scout depends on the ability to knit an overall view of the reconnaissance object from fragmented information in a short time. And then there's the abundance of means of escape. … Selene was an abnormally complete scourge in that regard."

"That's kind of a dead end problem. Hey, on a half-elf girl's journey,"

This is the counter where the girls are gathered.

Selene prides herself a little on Mr. Deane's dimensional review.

Well, I think you can brag. There won't be any amateurs to let Mr. Deane, who is also a former intelligence agent, say so far.

"Luna is no less pale to Selene when it comes to her physical abilities. Good luck and good memory. And then there's the ability to choose and build information, the ability to be judgmental."

"I think it would be better if I had more than no combat skills... even though it's going to be a lot of stuff with a little teaching"

Aurora pointed her mouth, but Mr. Deane said, "No."

"It's not until we get more experience teaching those things. I only want scouts, not infantry, and I tend to imitate recklessly when I learn to fight poorly before I get used to working as a scout first. Now it's only a stage to remind me to take the information home."

"... I see"

"If we beat each other up, we can do as much as we want. You don't have to let Luna do it.... sooner or later, if you think about going to the formation instead of the SWAT, that would be good for you, but now it's a waste of time."

"It's almost winter..."

Mr. Deane and the others also seem to have a sophisticated understanding of the winter of the demonic realm, the same north, due to the fast cooling of the polka.

While it may not be as long as polka, exploratory rows in winter snow will extreme difficulty.

I don't even want to prolong my mission. You should clean it up as soon as possible.

"Let's not rush. If there's a dead man in a hurry, you won't regret it."

I smile as Serene tilts the cocktail all the time. Absolutely.

When I returned to the inn, Angelos and Lyla were just about to leave the front door.

"Where are you going?

"Ho. Baron Hall."

"To help Jeanne."

You two look happy together.

Jeanne and Peter are still in trouble at the Baron's Hall.

He was graciously loaning me a room to Peter, who cried at four or six o'clock and demanded that his boobs be replaced. It would be difficult to take care of him in a restless makeshift inn. Thank you, Baron.

... or I often see the Baroness (mother of five children) teaching Jeanne that and her mother's heart, so I don't even feel like maybe there was a strong recommendation from the Lady.


"Andy's kid means he's ours."

"Ho, a human child can be taken care of."

Angelos and Lyla are caretakers. And more than that, he seems to be inspired by unparalleled maternity against an object called a baby.

"Peter, aren't you cute..."

"Um, so I'll leave Jeanne's help to you."

We'll both take him away and head to the Baron's Hall. I appreciate it, but I'm a little lonely.

"Mix me up too -!

"Yes, sir."

"Don't be abusive to Peter, kid is delicate."

... so.

When I go to the hall, the system of thorough support by the free aunties and the Baroness is laid down, and there is no gap in my entry and I withdraw awesomely.

Aid for the sparsely populated and entertained city, first-born daughter, seems to be a kind of entertainment in itself.

How about if you don't have a complete place for a man's parents? Even though I'm a parent.

"It's Andy. If this happens, you can take a bath and change your mood."


The Baron, who had been slandered by his wife in an attempt to engage Peter as well, and the two of us go for the hot springs.

Warming is also the only way to the back mountain overlooking women's water through the basement.

Today's Women's Yu Peek Team (tentative name) is Baron and me, and Gort. Gort, an ogre, followed through as he shrunk his body down the basement.

There were bathers in the hot springs before the bonfire fell.

Luna, to Apple, to Maia, Irina. And.

"Mmm, maybe today's a hit!

Baron's eyes glow.

There was Naia.

"Heh heh heh, that girl had a little academic interest in her shape."

"That's just great, Baron."

"I'm gonna fall in love with that honesty."

We gaze softly.

No, it's a long way from home. I can't even see my shape in the hot water.


Gort began to tinkle naturally as he enlarged firmly with Dwarf's binoculars and peeked. Masturbation while peeking with cylindrical type binoculars should have a hard time shaking his sight, but isn't that an issue for him?

"Gort, lend me your glasses."

"Excuse me, Smythson. Ten chiefs, all this. Oh, but after I pull out about three more bottles..."

Are you going to pull three rounds like this? You thug.

"Chip, change the point"


"Smythson Ten Chiefs!

Don't stop. Both of you.

I can't keep my academic interest in how much Naia's boobs actually are, either.

I tried to get as close as I could and the distance approached about half an hour earlier.

Not as good as the baron, but I'm confident there to secure the point of a female water peek, too.

And from that position, Naia's limbs and even her speaking voice were in a clear position to reach.

Naia's body should be described as compact glamour, which was quite palatable in both breasts and buttocks compared to the size of her back length.

but its body shows another trait when viewed nearby.

"Um, Mr. Naia... that's amazing..."

Naia laughed bitterly when Apple said she was naughty.

"It's ugly, isn't it?

... Her body was covered in ancient wounds.

Numerous nail marks, burn marks, and convulsive wounds are engraved on the back, chest, belly, arms and feet, large or small.

I did have to think it was a little terrible.

"I'm not saying it's ugly, but I think it's just how much I've done"

"Seventy percent are wounds during training. Thirty percent of it is a mark of battle with demons and demons."

"Hmm. So much for training..."

"It's because it's training. Because if you get a wound like this in action, you'll die."

"Nevertheless, it is a relentless training"

Naia returns only a troubled grin at Irina's thoughts.

"... brave men are the strongest warriors who fight behind their backs. It has to be the strongest. Whatever time you show up, it has to be a hope that you can think of the people as' okay now '. There are never many who die during the training phase. But that's what people do when they let them live."


"Or maybe Naia was dying in training, too"

"If you look at the wound, you'll see, right? I can't say I was fine with a spear penetrating my back."


"... me, I don't want the soldiers to do that for a bit... Deane is such a painless boss, good"

"If it's for Andy, I can stand it."

Apples who say their thoughts orally.

"Nevertheless, when you become such an ugly body, it's a human being that you really don't want to show your skin to others. I apologize for being so hot and bitter when I said it was summer and all the time I was wearing armor."

Naia keeps smiling horribly, without being too muddled.

Stay right there. Brown nudity approaching.

"Well... hey."


Hugging Naia without hesitation was a new intruder, Mr. Hilda.

"Hey, why so awesome!?

"Hmm, it would be really hard if your skin had all these scratches, wouldn't it? It's going to be a complex, and muscles and skeletons are going to be distorted, and your skin is going to be cramped and ripped, and you're not going to think it's going to be bulky."

"Ugh... well, yes"

"Right, Ra.... the magic doctor will take care of this place."

No, and Mr. Hilda shoves Naia down the washroom with a hanging voice. "Ya, stop!?" or confusing Naia. And.

"... there!

Maia makes ice balls over her head to get up and throw. Baron and Gort are hiding in the rocks.

Landing. A scream called ghee.

"Of, is that a peek!?

"Hmm. There were some signs, but there they are."

"Yeah. When Hilda pushed him down, he said Muho or something, so I knew."

"Didn't you hit Andy?

"That's okay. Master Andy's not over there."

He's found out!?

... I don't mind anything about the area, Mr. Hilda was horseback ridden by Naia and even slept around with his scratchy fingers.

"Hey, it kind of hurts..."

"Cancer with KIAI. I'm opening the wound I screwed up once."


"Naia won't know you very well, but this is the best healing spirit fountain on the continent. Even a fatal wound can heal without a trace if it's still alive. But I've already settled on my body for such a deep, old wound, it'll take me a while to undo it. You have to unwind the scratches that stuck together once."

"Ha ha..."

"It's okay, trust Dr. Hilda. ♪ I'll put you back on your beaded skin like Apple in a week. "

"Oh, that's...?

"I can. I can't do it anywhere else. But I can do it here. So it hurts a little, but I can't stand it. "

... That's Mr. Hilda.

"So-so. Irina."

"I know.... I've already hit my hand. Maia, Yuki"


Turn your gaze towards me, Irina. Shit, my body doesn't move anymore when I think.

Irina's original spelling, the "Viper's Eye" that binds the opponent with just her gaze.

And in that hidden bush of mine, Maia broke in with a stirrup.

Lift me up a little while as I solidify in a pitiful mid-waist peek pose.

"Su, Mr. Susu Smythson!? Oh, so close!?

Naia turns and confuses her eyes as she is treated.

Mr. Hilda thumbs up to Maia while treating him with one hand. And.

"I'll take a bath peek at the girl without any dust. Bad husband will relieve you of a bit of stress."

"Is Hilda good?

"Hmm, it also means I'm in too much of a hurry because I already have birth control magic. So what? I'm going to focus on Naia's treatment today."


... I'm pretty freaked out that the fact that you can shy away from birth control magic is, on the contrary, directly linked to Mr. Hilda's strength of ambition for pregnancy. I mean, don't you feel like flirting with your husband anymore?

"Dear Andy, pets are here, so don't look away without satisfying everyone."

Maia walks in an upbeat mood behind Pepe and the bush with me hanging over her head.

"Heh heh, if you're so hungry for a woman by then, it's not a rush to comfort you with a soft body."

"I don't have to do this anymore... I'll show you as much as I can in your room..."

"You tricked me into contraception because of it, too, so I should do it every day without a hitch. It's magic to feel at ease, this."

Irina, Apple and Luna follow this up.

And out behind the enclosed wall of women's water, Irina releases the "Viper's Eye," and Maia stretches the Phantom Conclave.

"Now, no matter how much you yank, the problem is no good"

"Mr. Andy, don't hesitate to tell me whenever you want to. I'm here for that, and I don't use birth control magic, so I should inject a lot..."

"Apple...... sloppy. I'm really glad I did, too."

"Luna can help you and Andy."

"By the way, you can have a few more games more often."

"Dear Andy, so am I. I mean, I don't train or anything, so it's okay to leave Andy alone from morning to evening if he's free."

"Don't be too greedy, Maia."

Even though my body finally started to move, it was a little cold the night of the autumn mouth when I was thrown out wrapped around one of my hand tufted hips.

But each of the four of them comes to me with a strange tantrum, and the dew of the hot spring is in front of the beautiful girls with lustrous nudity, and I am not dead enough to be crushed forever.

"Oh, okay, if you want me to frame you so badly, I'll make you so adorable that Mr. Hilda will be sorry!

"Hehe, I did it."

"Come on, come on"

"Dear Andy, Binbin..."

"It's a powerful delicacy whenever you see it..."

Catch Maia, who was nearby, and push her down on soft grass.

Maia gets in a position where she only sticks her butt up while being made of me, without even wrapping a thread around it.

"Let's go...... so much wet, you horny pet!


Blink, and pierce a hole full of null juice without even touching it.

Null and cramped holes greet me with joy.

The narrow hole swallows my delicacies like a strange inhale, and when I pull it out, I feel resistance as if it's a glimmer.

It's like you're claiming in your vagina that you really want to keep me in there forever.

"Look, Irina, put it on over here and line your ass up. Luna and Apple... er, let them enjoy themselves off their backs with boobs"

"You greedy man"

"Mr. Andy's Sukibe..."

"Are breasts a delight to touch like this...?

That's it and the three of you who do it.

Feeling Apple's tits on her right back and Luna's tits on her left back, she strokes her two lined Irina and Maia's little asses around, waving her hips hard as she puts her fingers in her vagina and butthole, occasionally replacing the two asses and even taking pleasure in them.


"It's time to get out, get out...... Irina, where do you want it!?

"Hey there... wah wah wah wah...!

"If you don't want it, go to Maia!!

"Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa!

"... ah"

Let Irina get lost and I'll start ejaculating inside Irina on purpose.


Feeling it, Irina pokes her hips up thoughtfully and tries to get ejaculated in the back of her vagina.

... I knew it.

I mean, with attitude, you want me to do everything in my power to get inside out, so why are you just saying things that are easy to do with your mouth?

"Ha... ha... ha..."

"... sorry, I let you in"

"And you crazy..."

Irina blames me just for her mouth as she moves her hips to apply juice from her turtle head to her uterine mouth.

"... it's the same if I let you out already, or maybe two or three more shots inside?

"... um, maybe it's the same now... I don't mind today, you can pour whatever you want..."

Something like this, you feel like you're making excuses to yourself, Coz.

Even though I really love it because it feels good inside out, I can't conceive half an elf from the standpoint of a clan chief. But (they're festived by something heroic for once) I can't help but say no because I can't help it... Is that an inside excuse?

"You're a crappy clan chief. You too."

"Hey, suddenly I don't know what to say. … it is bad in the first place to seek friction…"

"Irina, if you don't want me to..."

"Maia, please change places once."

"Now me and Apple are in charge of the penis..."

"Shh, Lord Smythson tells me he's going to pour three or four more times into the womb. Then if you're a female slave, don't talk to me!

"Don't get plain watery!

...... I ended up pouring them all three or four times equally.

"Ha... ♪"

"Dear Andy's penis, daisy...... warm and warm and safe to put in or shave......"

"What a waste of contraception..."

"... now I might get pregnant..."

Relaxing on the grass with the four of them, I dreamed of a future where all of them would hold their children and smile like Jeanne while rubbing against tits that could belong to anyone.

(cont 'd)

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