Half-elves Fall in Love

bikini armor madness

I started making armor for Sharon in Mr. Jackie's workshop for five days.

Armor making was going well.

Bikini armor is one of the easiest armor to structure as long as it fits perfectly.

If this is a chainmail or lamellar armor, it won't last a month, but Sharon's armor is... it was going to be finished sooner than I thought, with Mr. Jackie's hands-on hitting of parts.

"You're only squishy, you're focused on shape for a long time.... It's really good to make it perfect, but when you have a swordsman, it's a working profession. It's natural to squeeze or increase kilometers in a day, and it's also a thought to pack too many dimensions."

"'Cause it's okay.' Cause I'll adjust it with my engravings."

Take out the engraved sword Diel gave me. It's an excellent piece that can be engraved in the first place.

I have never used this sword as a sword since the Battle of the Holy Beast, I used it all the time with a sheath cut off to expose only a few centimeters of cuttings and a bolo cloth wrapped around it for added safety.

"I'm often tempted to work on that. I wouldn't be in my way, anyway, that length."

"I saw you sell a real engraved pen once in Krabeth, but you do five thousand and hundred of those gold coins. If there's anything I can do for you, it's your word."

"Huh... I see. But if you're gonna make money with that arm any day, you should buy that pen. I told Smythson that if you're not a craftsman's tool, you shouldn't put a thread on the gold if you're familiar with it."

"My mother was always blurry that my father was overbogged."

"Hahaha. But some of my fleas don't have to be five grand, there are a thousand or so with gold coins."

"... your wife didn't piss you off?

"Actually, a little"

Kishi and Jackie and I continue our work with a sneak laugh.

Mr. Jackie can't get into a bikini armor, he's coaching me while hitting hooves, carpentry tools, etc.

I carve the tattoo fine on the bikini armor. The guy I made for the flirting with Mr. Deane was a tattoo to make it clear, but this time it's purely an intensity manipulation.

Because engravings can trap the properties of the material itself, a variety of additional features can be applied to make it supple and resilient to metals that should not bend almost by manpower, or to make it snug on the back of the leather to avoid slight or gentle unevenness.

Immersed in such a task, time passes to fly, and the sun that leans at some point is dazzling.

I look up, and in this familiar workshop that used to be my home, I miss my childhood asexually when I hear Mr. Jackie waving a hammer in the same rhythm as my father.

The sound of Mr. Jackie's hammer sounds splendidly the same as my father's, at least for what I hear.

Nostalgia, the sound of a blacksmith repairing the city.

Soon Sarah, tired of playing, will come in softly and jump "ready for dinner" on that big back.

... a long time ago, he didn't suspect that I would, too.

Now that we have the women to protect, the way we are aiming again.

"Hey, Mr. Jackie. I wonder if I could be a blacksmith like my father."

"I don't know."

Nor does Mr. Jackie move to my abrupt sentiments, laughing a little as he wipes the sweat off his forehead by hand.

"I'm still a hunchback, and I've never seen a workshop in Wangdu where my parents came out. I don't know what to do to be like my parents."

"Oh well..."


Mr. Jackie turns to me and tells me to count on you.

"I'm sure if you're a parent, you'd say, 'You've decided to leave me alone,' cause you're that Andy like me, right?

"... uh, say it"

I laughed. I wept a little.

Mr. Deane was about to open a letter when I got back to the inn.

"Letters? Polka but rare"

"I just arrived on a Feilong flight"

I will silently read that letter for a while, Mr. Deane.

Feel free to turn around here and steal... to the extent that I don't do anything, I'm a soldier too. Wait quietly.

"All right, they're ready."

"They've finished adjusting in Celesta territory. We fly to Renfangas in a few days too. For once, I have the face of Northern Elves and Felios and others. We need to go through it."

"Uh, eh?

I get in trouble when they fly now.

I want two or three more days before Sharon's bikini armor is complete, no, just one day.

Look at me in a hurry. Mr. Deane smiles bitterly.

"Don't worry. I'll wait for you to make your armor.... but hurry, Smythson Ten Chief. Winter approaches if you relax any more. It's still summer, but if you grew up in polka, you'd know how much winter in the demonic realm prevents you from exploring."

"Ri, I understand."

Salute in haste with his right fist on his chest. Mr. Jackie, it's all right.

I've been up all night, but I have to finish it somehow.

"Me, Bo, you should rest a little..."

"We don't have enough time! Sorry about the mess, but just be patient tonight and tomorrow!

Mr. Jackie, turn your workshop into a night castle and challenge the finishing touches.

I really wanted to sprinkle a little more surface paint, but just a minimum of luster would put up with it.

The shoulder area is also adjusted… so this needs to be tried on. I was going to call Sharon tomorrow and make it work.

Yeah, after. I have to shape the lower back armor more than that. Sharon's butt is voluminous, so I was worried about whether to focus on the defensive range, or whether it would be lighter with the awareness to move, but with machining difficulty priority, let's take a larger defensive range.

"Ugh, I've got a lot to do and not enough time to do it... even if I do Cancún from this hour on, it's annoying to Jackie and the others..."

"... not at all"

Looking back at his voice like that, Sharon was there.

In fashion with a northern elf-style grassy tone, he looks at me with a panicked arm and smile at me with no choice.

"If it sounds, you can erase it with my phantom magic."

I scream as I finger and count the work process to Sharon, who keeps his fingers circled.

"Saki! And take it off!"

"Huh... Huh!?

"Come on! Get naked!

"Ha... yes... but already, all of a sudden..."

I pull Sharon's clothes off and rush them off, helping her take them off.

It was Sharon who resisted a little, but she gave up or took it off for good.

Try to tighten the stopper with the chest armor just processed on that milk.

He also put on a temporary shoulder armor.

"What do you say, uncomfortable?"

"Well, it feels a lot better..."

"All right, down next."

I'm spinning my brain at high speed, so I don't hesitate to take my underwear off at all. I mean, when I pulled it, the string broke, so I already pulled it off and threw it away.

"Ki, yah!?

"Open your crotch!

"Hey, that's the way to put it..."

"I won't say four or five!!

Wear trousers shaped lumbar armor with round naked strands open.

Instructions are given immediately to see the balance between the weight and movement of the armor protecting the sides.

"Move. As hard as you can."

"What... Oh, no"

"Do whatever you can."

".................. ugh"

Stan, repeat the steps with a slight blush.

... I don't know much about good or bad armor attachment conditions with such front and rear exercise.

"Turn. Turn your hips, be as violent as you can"

"Sa, isn't that oddly oppressive from earlier?

"I can't afford it anymore, see, hurry up"


Sharon that lets you rotate like you were told. Let it even spin and kick as fast as possible.

Exactly a problem with obedience......? No, he doesn't seem to move spicy.

Is this okay?

"All right, stop. Then it's my turn."

He was resisted trying to strip off his armor by clinging to Sharon.

"No, stop it, I can take it off myself!

"Come on, man, just keep it together!

"Hi... yes"

Sharon may be surprisingly careless around stopping moving after a drink.

Then he hits off all the armor from Sharon and starts adjusting.

I just want to rebuild the shape using the furnace.

but although the furnace has been on fire since just now, the heat hasn't gone up yet. In this heat, it doesn't make much sense to put it in the furnace... No, wait.

"No, the thermal resistance of the material is also going to be taunted with engravings..."

"... Mr. Smythson?

Sharon peeks strangely at me with his chest and groin hidden by his hand as I take the sword out of the weird sheath just a little bit ahead of me, shoulder armor in front of me and start barking engravings in my head.

I thought about it for about three minutes, and then I wrote down the lines all at once. Its speed, yet like the bubbling hand of the cook's clerk.

"... Mr. Smythson, that... magical traits...?

"It's a stamp. An empty family, an array of traditional Krabeth techniques.... if this."

If you gently put it in the furnace for 30 seconds, the shoulder armor feels good red heat even though it's not much heat.

I can do this.

"All right... sound extinguishing junction please"

"Ha, ha. ─ ─ ─!!

Kang, Kang, and Kang shake the hammer.

The material is quickly reworked to its ideal shape, although it is an inch of help with engraving.

... No, I might be able to hit the material with less force if I weaken it a little more with this application. Unlike Auga and Dwarf, my arm strength is no different than that of the ordinary townspeople around there. It's important not to force it.

But the counter shapes seem a little hard...... no, you'll manage with guts.

No, you should take the engravings you chopped once with proper graphite. It would be troublesome if the odd engravings were compounded to get the characteristics of the day after tomorrow.

But this technique seems handsome to me. Though if I show it to Thread's parents and other blacksmiths, they're going to call me Incense. No, I haven't been able to finish my full-time training anyway, so I guess I'm a chicken blacksmith.

Well, if that's what you call it. I take those who make products that satisfy my customers.

"hehe hehe"

"Shh, Mr. Smythson... Hello?

"Ok, if this cools...... is it too quick to cool because I didn't originally add a lot of heat? All right, try it on again, Sharon."


Challenged by time and pushed off again by me in perfectly strong mode, or Sharon, who is pushed down and wears armor.

"All right, move! Shake your hips harder! I don't know about that.

"Oh man...... here, so, so awesome!?

"No, like turning it more like this! Yeah, yeah, okay. How's it going!"

"Ha... Ha..."

"All right, that's enough. You're tired, you're tired, you're tired. I'm coming."

"So, I'm on my own..."

"Yes, yes, that's it"

"Ki, yah."

Hin peel and throw Sharon out onto the bench in the corner of the blacksmith. And Cancun and processing again.

While doing so, I come up with another technique of intertwining engravings in the middle of the process flow.

"I might be a genius..."

"Oh, you know, Mr. Smythson, I'm glad you're obsessed with my armor, but what am I supposed to do when my pants are torn"

"Just rest, I still have it on."

"... ha"

Only the sound of pounding on Cancún and iron is lowered to a minimum, and the talking is normal. Sharon's phonetic phantom skill may be excellent per pass.

And keep working until the next day with the stranded tension as it is.

"Boo, I prepared breakfast, how about... again!?



When Mr. Jackie turns up, there's Sharon bare and slamming on the bench and all sorts of bumps (I don't even half understand what he's talking about) and I keep carving my engravings.

"... Oh, you know, Bo? And that... customer?

"Oh, uh... just a minute, Mr. Jackie, because I'm in excellent shape right now. Now that I've completed this technique, I'll take the world."


With Mr. Jackie with a strange face on his side, I just keep machining with a slightly clear-headed voice.

"Well, that woman over there, don't catch a cold... what the hell... pants?

"Uh, wait for that, too. Hey, Sharon, wake up. Another shot."


"Also, forgive me already... I'm tired already..."

"Just get up. I'll frame you on my own."

Armor into milk.

"Ugh... that's enough..."

Looks like Takuta.

"... I hear rumors that you're thriving, Bo, but shouldn't you be as good as that?"


With a blurry head, I seriously explore the meaning of Mr. Jackie's words while holding a bare ponytail boob elf in one arm.

... a few seconds later, thought renounced.

"... no, I'm in a hurry"

"Sort of. Then I'll take it. But when I feel like it..."

"Look, Sharon, tell him to get up. He said if you don't move, it won't start."


After noon, there was Sharon wearing a bikini armor made from a new method devised by me with a weary face.

"... Mr. Smythson, it's amazing when you do it..."

I relax with my back rounded while wearing it. I guess it doesn't mean I'm not strong enough because I have a black arm, but maybe it was a strain on my nerves to try it on and move as directed.

"... Could it be you, you put it on something and even committed Sharon"

I came to see how things were going. Angelos looked at me weirdly, and I do it right.

Sharon sighed half-eyed and fluttered.

"... it could still have been more of a story to be offended at last..."

"Suddenly, there's no clapping."

"... spiritually already... somehow, every corner... ku"

"Hey, don't go to sleep!

Thank you from Sharon... well, I'm off with a "thank you, thank you" half asleep.

I tried my best, so it's not as good as Angelos. I just wanted you to let me see it.

Nevertheless, it was the day I realized all sorts of new possibilities for engraving because of the long overdue drive.

By the way.


"Berga. What do you think of that conversation"

"In common sense... Sharon has been defiled."

"You mortal...!!

"Well wait, Felios. Calm down. It's not too late for Sharon to cry. There's also a line called misunderstanding."


"How many times have you failed with that?"


Something tells me that that night, Felios and Berga were sneaking up near the workshop to listen.

I was stared at with great eyes when I was wrong, but I don't think I did anything wrong.

(cont 'd)

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