
Chapter 1212: Angels Sadness: The End

Li Jianguo, New York, just after 11:30 in the evening.

Although Shi Lei arranged a strict plan to cut off the external communication of Governors Island, Governors Island used the signal bomb to ask for help from the outside world.

Six signal flares in the sky, drawing a ‘s’ letter, representing the SOS distress signal. This is the distress signal agreed by Governors Island and the outside world. After receiving the distress signal from Governors Island, it will rescue Governors Island.

However, after six signal flares were launched, less than thirty seconds later, six signal flares were lifted again. The six signal flares that were lifted for the second time formed a ‘c’ letter.

This letter, which means both 'cancel' and 'cross', means the meaning of 'cancellation'. That is, the previous distress signal is cancelled, and two illumination bullet signals appear at the same time, representing the island of Governoras, and military exercises are underway.

"Oops!" Ryan looked at the second flare, and after emitting a pattern of the letter 'c', the expression became a bit ugly.

Gabriel asked: "Ryan, what's the situation?"

Two flares were fired in succession. Gabriel thought that this was the normal distressing process on Governors Island. There was no doubt that an abnormal situation had occurred.

Ryan explained to Gabriel the letters composed of the flares. What is the specific meaning? "Michael, we have a big trouble. Who are you getting? How do they know the help signal of Governors Island? Specific content? This is top secret information!"

"This... Ryan, the person who chased me. It is the hacker at the peak of the world. Did you put the content of the signal for help in the computer?" Gabriel asked.

Ryan shook his head and denied. "No! This information is the top secret information of our Coast Guard Eastern Command. Not to mention that there is no specific information in the computer, that is, there is no relevant record in the paper. The specific meaning of the signal bullet in Gavners I know only one person on the island!"

"What? Ryan, if only you know it, why do the enemies know the letter code to cancel the rescue?" Gabriel stared at Ryan, hoping Ryan gave a definite answer.

Ryan smiled and smiled. "I don't know! Anyway, I can guarantee. On the island of Governoras, I only know the meaning of the rescue letter code. I can also swear, I have never told anyone else. No more betrayal. you!"

Gabriel no longer doubts Ryan, he can see that Ryan is not lying.

"Wait! Michael, I know. I know what's going on!" Ryan snapped his hand. "It's not that we lost the island of Governoras, but it was leaked by nyafb!"

Ryan waited for Gabriel to ask the specific situation. He explained again: "nyafb is a secret underground air base near New York State. When the island of Governors was attacked, or something unexpected happened, It is nyafb to come to the rescue. The content of the signal bomb for help information is jointly developed by us and nyafb. Only I know the specific content information on Governors Island. And nyafb knows that there are many people who ask for specific information about the letter code. ”

After a little pause, Ryan continued: "After all, nyafb as a rescuer, they need to judge whether we need to be rescued. If you don't tell the specific information about the flares, please pay attention to the observers who specialize in Governors Island. The observers of nyafb, how do you judge whether the island of Governors needs to be rescued? On the nyafb side, there are quite a few people who know the meaning of our help signal on the Governors Island lighting. It is difficult to find out who it is. , leaked the relevant secrets."

Gabriel was listening to Ryan’s explanation while observing the situation outside the window. “Ryan, prepare me a Clipper, I am leaving Governors Island!”

"Michael, the situation is very dangerous now. What are you leaving? Although we can't get foreign aid for the time being, it should be safer on Governors Island. Let's go, I will take you to the underground security room!" Ryan persuaded .

Gabriel shook his head and refused. "No! Ryan, I am still leaving! Look at yourself. Those who chase me have even sent such things. If I hide on Governoras Island, I am afraid I will die." !"

Gabriel pointed to the outside of the window, and twelve illumination flares illuminate the entire island of Governoras. The second generation of the black light, although the concealment is very high, is also exposed to the illumination bullet.

"Ryan, look at these robots. Do you think your underground safety room can stop them?" Gabriel said with some anxiety: "Ryan, hurry up to arrange the Clippers, I will leave Gaffner. Island!"

Ryan looked out in the direction pointed by Gabriel. Not far away, a second-generation Twilight, left-handed shield, right-handed sword, easily withstood the fire suppression of more than a dozen people, rushed to wave The alloy epee, all the members of more than a dozen Coast Guards were cut to the ground.

"Damn! What forces have these robots developed?" Ryan asked nervously, and he also preferred to send Gabriel to Governors Island. As long as Gabriel leaves the island of Governoras, these horrible robots will naturally leave.

"Ryan, I don't have time to elaborate with you. These robots should be from Wonsan. You can arrange the Clippers quickly, I want to leave!" Gabriel's attitude with a tough, his forehead On the top, braving the cold sweat, apparently Gabriel’s heart felt the real death threat.

Ryan quickly told him to do it. In less than a minute, he said to Gabriel: "Michael, I have already prepared a speedboat in Nangang, and I have already told my men to lead the robots to the north."

"Thank you!" Gabriel went out of Ryan's office without returning. He had been to Governors Island several times and was very familiar with the entire route of Governors Island.

After leaving Ryan’s office, Gabriel quickly rushed to Southport while remaining hidden. In the process of running, Gabriel is thinking. This time, Rafael is working with someone.

After Gabriel saw the second generation of the Twilight, Gabriel suspected of being in the country. Because Gabriel had seen the metal exoskeleton plan of the Wasang State. It was only when Gabriel discovered that Wozang had secretly raised the metal exoskeleton plan. The metal exoskeleton plan is very rudimentary, and Gabriel does not see it.

Until this moment, Gabriel remembered the metal exoskeleton plan of the country.

‘Damn Rafael, did he get together with Wonsan? Gabriel’s heart is full of doubts.

On the island of Governoras, five second-generation Twilights caused very large casualties. The Coast Guard personnel have at least a loss of more than 50 people. The injured are not too many. After all, the second generation of the Twilight's combat power is very strong, and the members of the Coast Guard who are confronted with the second generation of the Twilight are basically not left behind.

"Ye Boss. No target people have been found for the time being!" Zhu Xi reported that he was led by three coastal guards to the north of Governors Island.

"Feng brother, did not find the target!" Zheng Sangun also reported. Simultaneously. Zheng Sangun was also a member of the Coast Guard. Leading to the north.

Ye Feng was in the north of Governors Island. Because the underwater cable of Governors Island was in the north, Ye Feng destroyed the underwater cable and boarded the island of Governoras.

"How come you all gathered?" Ye Feng asked strangely.

When the four people who punish the mercenary team have not answered yet, Shi Lei reminded Ye Feng in the voice communication channel. "On the 1st, you are all being guarded by the Coast Guard. The north side of Governors Island is led. Analysis of the current situation. The target person should be in the south of Governors Island. There is a small port in the south. You will quickly block the target person and leave Governors Island."

Ye Feng led five second-generation Shuguang, no longer entangled with the Coast Guard, and rushed directly to the south of Governors Island.

In Shi Lei and Raphael's voice communication channel, Raphael asked nervously: "Wisdon, is Gabriel going to escape?"

Like Raphael, Rafael does not want Gabriel to escape. If Gabriel escapes, Raphael will not be better off.

"Mr. Fini, don't worry, Gabriel is still on Governors Island, we have a chance to stop him!" Shi Lei seems to comfort himself with the comfort of Raphael.

On the island of Governoras, Gabriel is moving fast in the darkness. He is getting closer and closer to the Southport. It takes only one minute to reach the Southport and then board the speedboat provided by Ryan. Governors Island.

Gabriel is a local snake in New York. If you get back to a familiar environment and want to find a good chance to kill Gabriel again, it must be difficult.

The size of Governors Island is small, and can even be said to be relatively small. It does not take much time to run from the north side of Governors Island to the south. Ye Feng took the members of the mercenary team and quickly rushed to Nangang.

However, Gabriel’s action seems to be one step ahead!

When Ye Feng five people are still a short distance from Nangang, Gabriel has been less than 50 meters away from Nangang. When Gabriel drove a speedboat and was about to leave Nangang, Ye Feng and others still did not arrive in Nangang.

Gabriel drove the speedboat and drove away from Nangang. His mood relaxed. He thought he had escaped from birth!

After all, in Gabriel's view, the second generation of Twilight's weapons are alloy giant shields and alloy epee, just melee weapons, and do not have the ability to threaten long-range targets. Besides, can these robots in Gabriel's eyes still fail to get into the water?

But unfortunately, Gabriel has not seen the power of the second generation of the Twilight!

After Ye Feng asked Shi Lei, he raised the exclusive electromagnetic sniper of the Twilight. He did not directly aim at Gabriel's rear vest, but aimed at the speedboat at the foot of Gabriel.


The high-speed object sounded empty.


Gabriel's speedboat engine was blown up, Gabriel was also smashed by the engine and the hull, and a blood mark was drawn on his face. What's worse, Gabriel seems to have ushered in his end...

(To be continued.)


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