Hachinan tte, Sore wa Nai Deshou!

Episode 142: Zonutak Republic.

"A totally troublesome job ..."

"I can't help it because it's an order from His Majesty."

"That's right ..."

Eina, that's right.

The troublesome thing is troublesome.

"A man can't complain about his decision once."

"Yes, I understand"

Well, if Amarie sister-in-law says so ...

"Vell often hears what Amarie says ... a child?"

"I'm an adult!"

One week west on a small magic airship.

We have finally arrived in the demonic country.

You can come by “Momentary Movement” next time, but I don't want to return again for now.

When I heard the stories from the malls, it seemed like a country with no taste.

The country, called the Republic of Zonutak, is located on an island or subcontinent that is about a quarter of the lingua continent.

The demons have a population of about one million and live in about a quarter of the island. The rest of the area is occupied by nature and demons.

In the past, most of the subcontinent was inhabited by people, but demonic populations were gradually decreasing and abandoned, and those were naturally swallowed.

There are many archeological sites in the uninhabited area, and Ernest seems to have occasionally excavated it.

However, it seems that large-scale projects could rarely be done because the nation has not raised funds for the last few decades due to lack of budget.

That dissatisfaction led to Ernest's smuggling to the Ringuaia continent.

"Ernest, hometown of nostalgia"

"It's an efficient society, but it's boring."

Ernest responds to the harbor scenery seen from the window of the small magic airship without any particular emotion.

Sure, it's a port that serves both as a seaboat and a magic airship, and it is made up of only inorganic concrete, containers, cranes, and prefabricated buildings.

I think it's amazing ...

Unlike the ancient but emotional Sirius, it is unlikely to be a tourist destination with efficiency first.

There are few human tourists who want to see here.

Government officials of the kingdom and empire will want to visit.

It was not only the harbor that was extremely efficient, but also the cityscape that could be seen from there.

Similar box-shaped houses are neatly arranged and the roads are straightened, as if they were stones on a go board.

"You allowed me to follow you often. Are you not treated as a traitor in your homeland?"

A guru who accompanies us visits Ernest.

Actually, not only Ernest but also the malls accompanied us.

They are treated like our caretakers and advisors.

As expected, the demons weren't stupid, so they noticed their existence, but he seemed hesitant to punish Ernest's smuggled country and the desertion of the malls.

Ernest's smuggling was no longer a felony after the demons stopped interacting with the continent.

It seems that he is punishable for him.

I've heard that few demons have ever thought to go abroad, and Ernest is a long-awaited smuggler.

The smuggling into the continent should be handled by the Holy Empire of Urquhart and the Kingdom of Helmut, and if the Republic of Zonutak speaks out, it will become a domestic political interference.

Originally, both sides have no intention of punishing Ernest, and do not think that they will be punished.

Although it was already under the shelter of the Earl of Baumeister, there was a situation that it was impossible to get it.

"They remained because of the bilateral friendship!

Furthermore, it seems that Democratic Party officials who were in the diplomatic corps protected them and could not say anything even as a defense squad.

Many people in the Democratic People's Party have a sense of refuge in the existence of the army, and they have restrained the defense squad trying to punish the malls just because they are deserted.

The defense squad did not expect anything from the military who only hired young people for the administration's popularity.

It seemed that they had no time to punish them when they had escaped.

The guards are busy these days, so it may not be possible only for malls.

The distress during the break, that we have rescued.

Regarding the work of military personnel, the employment relationship was terminated because we were hired.

To be honest, I have some thoughts on the Democratic Party and other diplomatic corps, but this time they have been saved by them.

"Uhh ... I'll order you to accompany the Count of Bow Meister

The defense commander had no choice but to escape the malls while chewing on the worms.

Perhaps it was the gift of Siberian control, or simply thought that public opinion would blame the government for simply disposing of them.

After all, it seems that newspapers have complained that youth military personnel are disposable and disposable.

"Mall, just like buildings."

Eina seems to feel a little uncomfortable with the state of the town, which is too orderly unlike the kingdom.

"It's so rich to build a house with your own design."

Malls explain that the housing market is almost dominated by several major companies, and that every company is starting to build houses of almost the same shape.

It seems like they process some materials in a factory like a modern Japanese house and then assemble them locally.

Everything seems to be a house maker that prioritizes efficiency and sells a lot to survive at low profits.

It seems that small and medium-sized housemakers and carpenters have reduced the number significantly in recent centuries.

"It's cheaper and more efficient to build a house of the same shape. It's fast and cheap."

It looks like a cheap contract, but it looks spacious and durable and livable.

"Still, everyone buys a loan."

It's just like a Japanese office worker buys a house.

I remembered my previous life and felt a little sad.

At that time, I wasn't married and I didn't buy a house, but at the company drinking party I heard married seniors and bosses often complaining about loans.

"People who have money are mansions and custom-built houses. Even if you are unemployed, there are cheap apartments borrowed by the government."

"These people don't live in the same houses, because there are residential areas for the rich."

"We have no connection"

On the other hand, the poor can rent free apartments where no one lives because of the declining population, even if they have no job and money to buy a house.

It seems that neither unemployed nor serious enough, because basic clothing and food are provided with a reasonable level of welfare.

Instead, it seems that few people get married.

I have nothing to do with hunger, but I can't get married because I have no job and no income.

Is this something without killing or alive?

"I think it's a wonderful world."

"I see."

"There may be no competition, but it's better than the kingdom poor."

Elise, Eina and Luise say that a demonic country that can eat without working is a wonderful society.

Indeed, the condition of slums that always exist in urban areas of the kingdom is terrible.

Children often die because of poor hygiene and poor nutrition.

It is not easy for direct starvation, but it is easy to get sick.

By comparison, the demonic nation may certainly be wonderful.

"But welfare guardians can hardly get married. Children cost money."

"Educational expenses for adults"

"It may be more luxurious than a house and a magic car"

As demons have long student periods, they cannot raise children without paying for a long time.

Therefore, it seems that many poor men and women are single.

"Because if you live alone with a little hobby, you can manage it."

"The demonic unmarried rate is already over 40%."

"A lot of divorces, right?"

Listening to the malls, I felt as if I had returned to modern Japan.

"Let's land at the military port ..."

"Blantaq, there is no army in the demonic country.

"I feel like a word game. Do you have that much equipment?"

The warship is made of sturdy metal that can't be made in kingdoms and empires, and is faster than magical airships.

There are plenty of guns too, and in the event of a war, the air force of both countries would be destroyed instantly.

According to Blantaq, it seems sophistry to say that there is no army in a demonic country equipped with such a ship.

"Because there was no concept of another country, think that it has been changed to an organization that maintains security and suppresses the reactionary forces."

"The Earl is surprisingly quick to adapt."

I don't feel very uncomfortable because the image I feel to the defense squad is close to the SDF.

As previously discussed, the small magic airship carrying us landed at the defense base.

"Don't go all the way, Earl Baumister. My name is Lage Second Class."

The young guard of the guards greeted us with a smile, but the malls that escaped and Ernest, who had smuggled away, expressed a sober expression.

I want to say a lot, but I can't say it from a standpoint, but I guess it's not so divisive that I can put it into my heart completely.

"Thank you for your hard work ..."

"There may be a lot of thoughts, but it's impossible to punish myself. If I look into it, I'll have to laugh with a law full of holes."

Ernest had no habit of escaping from the demonic country and no guilt.

In fact, he said he looked into the law when he had time, but there were no penalties for smuggling.

I understand that, but if you show a bit of remorse, you think that this young officer will be convinced.

Well, it would be impossible to ask Ernest for such consideration.

"Smuggling is illegal, but there is no penalty. Did you be a second-ranking Lage commander in the defense squad? Don't let it go too far to build a multi-layered structure of law."

Despite the fact that there was no penalty for smuggling like an Ernest scholar, the demons' officers were even more excited.

But it's not the law he made, so it's wrong to blame.

"It seems that the defense team is not an army, so there is no penalty for escaping. In the government's view,"

"Accurately, even regular defenders have penalties of up to one year in prison and fines of less than one million een."

"But youth military doesn't fall within that range."

If you were a teacher or a teacher, you were a student.

I'm uselessly smart, so Tsukkomi who made a mistake in the law is relentless.

Lage second-class commander was even more jealous.

"You guys have only been acquitted for the sake of politicians, and have only served as guides for the Count of Baumeisters. That attitude risks deteriorating even the image of Count Baumister. ''

Although the politicians are all, many elite officers of the defense squad seem to be capable.

Because he responded to Ernest's dislike with a resolute attitude.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry. I couldn't find any archeological sites in this country. It's an archaeologist's bitterness. I'm glad I forgot."

"I do my job, but I just wanted to complain about a word."

"Unlike the elite you, we were unemployed."

"I didn't have any dreams or hopes for working as a youth military. I can do it in public."

"I see. I wish you all the support you could have during your stay with Count Baumeister."

It was good that Lage Second Class Officer and Ernest were able to settle safely.

I thought it was troublesome to rub, but the Ernests seemed to be more adults than I thought.

I mean, it feels like a great loss to be unemployed at this level ...

But is there a case of Rhoderich so is the kingdom the same?

"Teacher, it was a terrible thing."

Lumi who followed us seemed to have been squeezed by the behavior of his teacher and juniors.

He complained to Ernest, who provoked Lage Second Class Commander.

"Don't ask off the record."

"I can't write in the articles! Well, I've got permission from the headquarters because I'm dedicated to Earl Baumeister, and there's no problem writing other articles."

Perumi will continue to write articles about us.

It is unusual for a rookie reporter, but it is true that the short-sighted Rumi first applied to us, and again the mainstream of politics was the negotiations taking place in the Terra Hares Islands.

Even if a new reporter, Rumi, is in charge, he will not be jealous of other reporters.

"He's a reporter who overtakes himself in the fight for credit ..."

"News reporters have become corrupt in making articles a tool for success."

"Newspapers are also companies. There is no point in making money."

"Your juniors are twisting ..."

While complaining to the malls who criticized the media, Lumi quietly began preparing for the interview.

"So what do we do?"

"Goodwill diplomacy"

"Goodwill diplomacy ..."

I tell Elle what I was doing this time.

We don't have any bargaining powers, but the government of the Republic of Zonutak wants to release the captured Lingaia and its crew members.

However, voters suddenly criticize the government of the Republic of Zonutak for being weak if it is opened unconditionally.

So we are acting friendly in the Republic of Zonutak and trying to make public opinion have a good impression on the kingdom.

This is the idea of His Majesty.

It may be surprising that your Majesty thinks that they are politically advanced, but so is the king and the emperor in popular business.

"The article of Count Baumeister is extremely popular."

This is an article about us written by the new journalist Rumi Curtis of Everyday Journal.

"Unlike the aristocracy we hold, the Count of Baumeister is a common man, he is kind to his wives, and he takes care of his children if he has time."

People in demonic countries seem to consider me a very noble young aristocrat.

If the new generation of aristocrats is like this, the harmony between demons and humans is also close.

It sounds like a misunderstanding, but your Majesty felt that sending us to a demonic country might help a little in negotiations.

Wifes and children were also accompanied to create a reconciliation mood.

"In a demonic country, a politician is a must-have for a local politician. Also, bringing a child will make a good impression."

For some reason, Elise and the babies came along with Rumi's supportive opinion.

"I and my child are already traveling abroad before turning one year old."

"But isn't it dangerous?"

Lel seems a little worried because she is still in the Republic of Zonutak, a kid-friendly country with children.

"In the case of Vell, there is a danger of breaking the house."

If the demons try to harm us, they will involve all your spouses and all your children.

"There are certain people for that."

"Yes, don't earn time."

I used Escaping to escape the Elises in turn, while the Guru and Blantaq escorted.

"Whether the magical power has risen due to the Imperial Rebellion or the teacher has said that the training of accuracy has been strengthened," Momentary Movement "is ok to 15 people at a time, so two round trips are OK."

Because of that, we left maids and vassals.

"So demonic nations are not barbaric nations that kill diplomatic envoys."

Permi seems to be dissatisfied with her country, but she does not dislike it.

The demons affirmed that they would not break such rules.

"Well, that's fine."

"Mr. Elvin, please trust me."

"Worst, I wish Vell escaped, because Vell is still young."

If I'm there, I'll have a child again, so the Baumeister Countries won't be cut off.

Although there is always a jumbled part, the idea is surprisingly dry.

"Isn't there a maid who wears hands and feet?"

"I'm here. Well, maybe it's going to be. I've never started traveling abroad."

"Women are strong ..."

However, there is Amarie step sister.

Ell just admire her, who does not feel anxious about the demonic country.

"The demonic country is a killing scene. But with Vell, it's interesting to go to various places."

"It's an extremely efficient society. Because the Empire has to negotiate in the future, it's hard work for Peter, too."

As Terese says, the empire has to come in contact with the demonic nation.

There are more jobs for Peter who are still trying to rebuild the country.

"How did Telese respond?"

"Everyone can expect to come in contact with the demons. We can only negotiate little by little while watching the situation.

"Politics is hard."

Amarie-sister-in-law continued with the best friend Therese, looking down on the base of the defense squad.

"Welcome, come!"

I was greeted by a great man who was commanding the base, but what about a deadly base to welcome us as diplomatic envoys?

Actually, I heard that there is a private airport in the Republic of Zonutak.

"Actually, for airports ..."

The command of the base makes a face that seems apologetic.

Because ...

"Defeat the kingdom with the old evil monarchy and let our demons pass on good democracy to the lingua continent!

"For that, resurrection of the national army! Make your army ten times larger and advance your troops to the continent!

"Welcome, Count Baumeister. Let us tell you the greatness of democracy. And first, make Count Baumeister the birthplace of democracy on the continent. '

"That's how it would be a shame for the Republic of Zonutak if we don't secure the security of Count Baumeister ..."

It was a base command that seemed very apologetic.

Because democracy we believe in is better than monarchy, we have to teach that to the less advanced people.

No, it takes time.

The demons must control all continents and teach democracy.

It seems that civil and political groups with such ideas are rushing to the airport.

"The defense team is the most intelligent ..."

They are free to make political assertions against us at the airport as a prerequisite for democracy.

But that doesn't mean there's no reconciliation or shit in "I'm going to release you because your country is useless" or "I'll teach you democracy."

Other nobles may get sick.

"We were relieved at this visit to the Special Envoy for Foreign Affairs, Earl of Baumeister. Anything that we knew very much about the situation in the Republic of Zonutak."

"Aren't the weird guys at that airport ridiculed?"

"That's Mrs. Bowmeister, and those guys have a lot of Democratic Party sympa ..."

It seems that many politicians of the Democratic Party are so-called campaigners.

If you complain to them, you couldn't say it because they were in danger of losing immediately.

"During the stay of Earl Baumeister, the defense squad will ensure that you are safe."

"Um ... it's hard, but please love yourself."

At this point, I realized that the job of the diplomatic envoy was more challenging than expected, given the fact that the most trusted in the Republic of Zonutak is the defense squad.

"Count Baumeister will appoint you as a tourism ambassador for the city of Celtonia"

"You, what is this?"

After arriving at the demons country and being guided to the dorm and unpacking, we were told by an older demons.

The demons, who seem to be small officials, seem to be the mayors of depopulated areas on the outskirts of the Zonutak Republic.

Main industries are agriculture and tourism.

Like the local cities in Japan, they are worried about the outflow of the young population and are working to stop the population decline.

"If trade negotiations are concluded between Japan and the Kingdom of Helmut, travel could be liberalized. Therefore, I would like you to come and visit the city of Keltonia ..."

"Well, Baumeister is a celebrity."

No, maybe because you wrote it in a newspaper article.

Rumi, a reporter of the demons by her side, knows or doesn't know and says as if she were another person.

"The city of Celtonia is wonderful.

That's why the mayor gives us a tourist information brochure.

The demons' printing skills were better than kingdoms and empires.

"Nature is rich ..."

Although it seemed like an escape that didn't criticize straightforwardly, the city of Keltonia is a country with rich nature or a country with only nature.

When it comes to sightseeing, neither the king nor the imperials would have come to this city of Keltonia with high travel expenses.

"(Is nature rich and tourism resources?)

Lell asks me in a whisper.

According to Elle, who lived in the countryside where nature is rich, he wouldn't know who would spend a lot of time and money looking at such things.

"(Ummmm, how about?)"

If the demons started to interact, it would not be possible to say that there were no people going sightseeing because they were foreign.

Well, once you look at it, you may end up with a conclusion that tourists may not come.

"I would like Count Baumeister to come and visit the city of Celton once."

"Huh ... I wish I had time ..."

Actually, we arrived at the inn as a goodwill ambassador, but our schedule had not yet been announced. I've been there, but it looks like I'm wondering what the important government will do for us.

"Yes, I'm sorry. Please consider sightseeing during your stay."

Then, the mayor gave us souvenirs and left the room.

The souvenir was a crop from the city of Keltonia.

The variety was common, but the breeding and cultivation techniques were better for the demons.

"Good vegetables"

There is no doubt that Elise is like that.

I felt that too.

"What did he come to?"

"I've appointed a tourism ambassador for advertising, but I don't want to pay, so I can't afford it.

Telese explained to Katarina instead of me.

"Is that meaningful?"

"Let's go. If that mayor is really capable, maybe the problem of depopulation in the city of Keltonia might have been solved by now."

Terese's remarks were harsh, but I don't think the depopulation of the city of Keltonia will be resolved just by making me a tourism ambassador.

Even in Japan, the problem of depopulation is not easily solved.

"Isn't the one who does the few jobs anyway first? Husband"


"I'll confirm the safety of the Lingaia sailors."

"I was so."

As Kachya and Vilma point out, we head to the defense camp.

There were captured Lingaia sailors detained.

Because security limits the number of people visiting, I, Elise, Guru, Blantaq, and Lisa head to the incarceration facility.

"I wondered why there was a blizzard, was it a wizard and a friend who suddenly released magic?"

"Yes. I've taught a little in the past."

"Something goes wrong"

The statue of Lisa, which Blanctaak knows, was a sister type with fancy costumes and make-up and rough language.

Now that she has become a beautiful older sister, she seems to feel quite uncomfortable.

"Or do you want to make up again?"

"No, just as it is now"

Blantaq shakes and denies Lisa's proposal.

No matter how much you feel uncomfortable, Lisa used to find it more difficult to get along.

"It's Count Baumeister, this is it."

When guided by a member of the defense squad and headed to the incarceration facility, the inside is beautiful despite being made of an inorganic concrete building, and it seems that the Lingaia sailors have not suffered severe damage.

"Violence and abuse of prisoners are forbidden."

In that area, the demonic country was a civilized country, so I could trust it.

After passing through several caged entrances and passages, we arrived at a meeting room-like place, where four men were waiting.

Lingaier's captain and deputy captain, both of whom were acquainted when I defeated the corpse dragon.

The other deputy director, he said, had issued a mysterious attack order.

The noisy scion of the Earl of Platte.

The other one will be a magician who suddenly releases magic.

You can feel the magic power.

However, the amount of magic is between the beginner and intermediate level, less than any demons.

Escape will not be possible even if you release magic

"Wow! Isn't it the Count of Baumeister! Look! The demons' unreasonable response to me, the scion of the Earl of Platte! Immediately report to your Majesty and protest the demons!"

I would be glad to see Dopomo after a long absence in a foreign country where no one other than the inmate was a human being, but I don't think he would say that suddenly.

I couldn't miss the appearance of the guards standing inside the room, except for him.

"That's right. I'll release me in a hurry, and my father will thank you for doing that."

"(Why is this so great?"

Even so, I also have trouble answering.

"(Isn't that because you're stupid?")

I was just trying to answer Mr Blantark in a whisper.

An answer that has no twist.

"Sorry, I just came to confirm your safety and I don't have the authority to negotiate the release. Please wait for the results of the ongoing negotiations."

"Isn't it somehow! I alone!"

"I'm a helpless man."

The mentor publicly criticized the Squire of the Countess of Platte, saying that he should release himself only, without diminishing his voice.

“Thank you!

"If you forget a certain face, you are not qualified to be involved in national defense! Or was it blurred by a long incarceration?"

The relentless word from the mentor, the scion of the Earl of Platte shrinks like a salted slug.

This guy is stupid, but he seems to understand the scary thing when angering his guru.

"Okay, guru. It should be released after the negotiations. By the way, there's a young man like Anakin who wants to ask you."

Anakin was the name of a wizard who cast magic at the command of the Squire of the Earl of Platte.


It's easy for kids to know what they're listening to.

His expression that he thought he would be punished is dark.

"Another bad thing, but I'm not really listening."

Blantaq introduces Lisa to him, saying so.

"Huh? Did you meet somewhere?"

Anakin knows only Lisa, the old fancy costume and makeup, so she doesn't seem to know who she is.

"I don't know?"

"Um, who is this beautiful person I know?"

"Oh, I'm going to get my tone back for a while. Anakin's fucking !! Even though people taught me magic and did it all alone, I'm getting sick and releasing magic! Yes! "


Thanks to returning the tone to the old days, Anakin finally noticed Lisa.

"I'm sorry! I'm sorry!"

"Now, let's be honest."

In front of Lisa, the magical teacher whose head does not rise, Anakin begins to testify to the incident while squeezing like a locust locust.

Actually, this was also requested by His Majesty.

"The stupid son of the Countess of Platte just needs to make sure he's safe. And just ask about the case just in case. '

That's why I decided to listen first to the culprit of the unauthorized magic launch, which is the heart of time.

"Platte's order. If you don't shoot, you'll be punished for breaking the order."

"Thank you! Do you push the responsibility of the dogma to me!"

A scion of the Countess of Platte, sitting next to him, complains to Anakin's testimony.

Apparently, this guy somehow pushes responsibility only to Anakin, and he is going to escape.

Then I think I shouldn't do that from the beginning.

"Would you keep me silent?"

"What ?! Who am I!"

"You're the Prince of the Platte, aren't you? I'm Earl Baumeister, but what?"


I don't like it, but the only way to silence these stupid aristocrats is by pushing them up.

He is still a tracer and not an Earl.

I mean, I'm lower than me.

"In addition, records from the defense squad have long been transmitted to the kingdom."

The father of the stupid son, Count Platte, and his crew are complaining that the stupid son has runaway and that the demons are at the mercy, but most nobles are beginning to think that they are almost as documented.

This stupid son is usually quite good, but when something sudden happens, he seems to take strange actions.

In this case, the arrogant part that was hidden in such a state will appear extremely.

In a sense, it may have been unfortunate to get on Ringua.

"Count Baumeister, by the way, when do you end the negotiations?"

"Is it coming soon?"

Of course, it is a great lie.

But honestly speaking, negotiations are not going to come together, but they will only make them anxious.

Rather, I came to the demons' country and noticed that the linguarial liberation bargaining authority was still limited to those in the Terra Hares Islands.

Then, I didn't know what I came to do.

I can only think of it as a human face.

"Is it possible to insert?"

"I'm sorry, if it is used for breakout ...

A member of the defense squad seems very apologetic.

Books could be set on fire, but alcohol could not be used, and bottles could be used as weapons.

"I want to drink wine from the kingdom."

"" "" "..." "" "

Only one person could not read the air, and only the scion of the Earl of Platte had spoken out of his own self, and even the guru had spelled out.

"Um, Captain Furga and Deputy Captain Beguim. If you have any trouble, please contact me."

"Thank you. I have been imprisoned in this way, but I hope that the negotiations will be completed and released as soon as there are no inconveniences."

"Yes, the meals are not bad, but can you still win freely?"

As well as other sailors, it is truly a crew of a super large magical airship.

They responded to their dignity without emitting weak sounds.

"Release me as soon as possible, or I will turn the Countess of Platte into an enemy."

There was one person who couldn't read the air ...

"May fly flies in May!"


Because of his terrible behavior, the scion of the Earl of Platte was reaped by the guru's arrogant chops.

It seems that the members of the defense squad were not able to respond at all to the leader's too early work.

I was rigid on the spot.

"It looks like he fell on his own and fainted. I want him to throw him in bed."


The members of the defense squad also seemed to be tired of the attitude of the scion of the Earl of Platte, and did not accuse the guru in particular, but moved to a solitary cell with several of them.

"A totally fool who can't help."

"Guru, will you turn the Countess of Platte into an enemy?"

"Blantaq, I always get a duel."

The reason why it is fine to hit the aristocrat straight to the noble who the teacher does not like.

It was because he declared that he would take a duel whenever there was a complaint.

Everyone doesn't really want a duel with this person, so few people protest against the grooming of the guru.

I think only a guru can use such a hand, but ...

"I'm sorry for the stupid annoyance. That's not so many."

I have become aristocrat for the honor of the kingdom aristocrat and explain.

I feel like I've come too far.

Considering the previous life, I have a higher affinity for the demonic country ...

"I think that the fact that a certain number of stupids always appear is the same in demonic countries."

"Yes, politicians, big bureaucrats, and big business owners. Stupid sons in their homes can sometimes make a fuss or an incident."

There is no difference between the monarchy and democracy in that situation.

The power of money and power hides the scandal of stupid children.

"I don't want to starve that thing. Keep it alive until the end of the negotiations."

"Yes, I will deal with it obligatory."

The demons who are negotiating with the kingdom now seem subtle, but there are many decent demons who work on site.

I can have a good feeling several hundred times better than the stupid scion.

I thought there was another idiot who was sanctioned because he could not read the air.

"But I heard the rumor, sister. You got married. You got married."


"Ah ... idiot ..."

Since it was too late to close Anakin's mouth, Lisa, who was silent and silent, cast magic appropriate to those two names.

Instead of freezing, create an ultra-hard ice cage and confine Anakin.

"My sister is cold here."

"Even if it's cold all day, humans won't die"

"I'm sorry, my sister, I'm sorry! In other words, I'm too masculine to have Count Bauister make his sister a wife!"

"It's really stupid. This guy ..."

In addition, Anakin who had to say too much was doubled in a cold ice cage and had to spend two days there without heating.

"Well, work is over"

"I'm serious, my husband."

"Oh, I don't know what to do."

After returning to the hotel where the crew members of the Ringaia crew have been imprisoned, the schedule has not yet been announced tomorrow.

Elle looks at the wrapping paper while eating the snack that was left in the hotel room, and Haruka seems to be thinking that she will be able to recreate the snack after returning to the Countess of Baumeister.

Elise, Amarie-in-law, Eina and Vilma are taking care of the children.

I went as a goodwill ambassador, but I couldn't see anything at all, and I was sitting deep on the sofa and thinking, but it was just like Katya.

"First, we have no authority to negotiate!"

Instead of not being able to decide anything, it is thought that negotiations will break down due to differences in values, and there is nothing we can do that is not a negotiating team.

If we thought, we were taken to various places the next morning.

"Count Baumeister and his group visited a special nursing home and had a good time with the elderly."

After finishing breakfast at the hotel where we were staying, we were taken to a nursing home by a bus-type magic wheel, which is popular in demons.

This is that.

Even in Japan, overseas politicians are planning to come to Japan.

It would be to take images that are close to the old people and broadcast them to give the people a sense of closeness.

Lumi Curtiss, a reporter with us, was taking notes to write an article while saying himself.

"(Do you really think so? @Rumi)"

"(Well, politicians in demonic nations like this kind of picture. Isn't the general public happy about it?)"

, Lumi says, Ernest and others are awakened somewhere.

First, at the time of talking to the general public, I think Rumi is awake somewhere.

"(Some are still caught up to some extent, but half see it as a political performance.)"

The Ernest and Demons had pretended to be my escort and avoided interacting with the elderly.

"(Mall, help me)"

"(Well, I don't want to)"

"(But, take a look)"

I don't seem to understand the meaning, but they all listen to the old man and play with the ball together.

Especially, the picture of the guru playing ball with the old man was surreal.

As long as the malls are also hired by us and the government, we have to deal with old people, so I forced them to work.


"(You guys don't like it from the bottom ...")

"(But ...")

Like human beings, there has always been an idea that demons should value the elderly.

Therefore, nursing homes to take care of old demons are continuing to be expanded, but now the number of old people is increasing so much that young demons seem to be paying off.

"(The consumption tax has risen to thirty percent, and when I shout out about reducing the welfare budget for the elderly, I won't be able to win the election, so I will never talk about it. right)"

As long as the politicians are determined by the election, the policy will be to give preference to the elderly who have the most votes.

For that reason, it seems that the turnout of the younger generation has been steadily falling recently.

"(Everyone is white ...")

Still, the job was a job, and the malls were able to write newspaper articles in nursing homes.

"Is this a political activity? I don't know."

The guru who left the nursing home was leaning on his head for doing this.

"Are nobles and merchants donating to orphanages and participating in charities in churches? I think it's the same. Well, it comes with votes for the elderly, …… ”

"Elections and nobles get a similar impression."

"Is there a lot of cases where children earn their votes by grabbing interests and their children inherit the foundation?-It's a similar feeling ..."

"Guru, Blanc Tak, we're in the press watching them."

In fact, Rumi may have some doubts about the current state of the demonic country.

After all, he was a disciple of Ernest.

"Reporter's sister, even kingdoms can be forced into useless nobles."

"But I'm not going to lose my job because I'm out of employment .... We can't help but fight here. After all, our next visit is a nursery school. We are selling excellent facilities that have been experimentally developed to increase the birth rate. ''

We did the job of letting reporters take care of and play with other children while leaving the care of their babies to others.

I suppose it is a society closer to Heisei Japan, but I do not like this demonic country.

"First, what is our significance?"

Negotiations have a difficult time in another way, and we treat them like pandas.

"Return to Friedrichs ..."

"I agree……"

Elysees seemed tired of the strangeness of this demonic country.

I will return to Amarie's sister-in-law who cares for Friedrichs.

"Welcome back, everyone is fine"

About a week later, we went to various places.

He visited various places, met politicians in the demonic nations, attended other dinner parties, and appeared in many newspapers, including Rumi's Everyday Journal.

"Vell, I'm reflected."

Luise is happy to see her in a newspaper article.

However, after ten days from visiting, articles about us disappeared from the newspaper.

"Well, the shelf life has expired."

"Count Baumeister, it's pretty dry!"

Aristocratic people from a human land who had not interacted for more than 10,000 years, visited many places with many wives, and provided topics to the people, but it seems that they were tired of it.

One side of every newspaper says, “At the National Zoo, you will have black and white bear twin babies! ] Had become.

"That's terrible. What about demons?"

"Ena, we're still good."

Articles are being driven to the corners of politics, such as negotiating groups that are continuing negotiations in the Teharales Islands.

We are the ones who have published articles all over for 10 days.

"And it's not the top article in politics ..."

Shortage of nursing homes and how to maintain them?

Should the legislation be revised as food production disguise has increased?

Reduction of welfare expenses.

These articles are so large that most demons prioritize familiar issues over foreign countries they have never seen.

Because I have never been conscious of foreign countries, there is probably little sense of crisis.

"The demonic country is more blessed than the concubines. But ..."

There are many unemployed people, but they do not mean they die of starvation.

The minimum amount of food, clothing and shelter is guaranteed.

Nevertheless, for some reason Telese noticed that there was a sense of obstruction in this country.

I'm not even settled here, even though this is a world close to the previous Heisei Japan.

"Wendelin, is the work of the Goodwill Ambassador almost over? Is it better to get out early?"

"I wish I could do that"

I think it's exactly what Telese says.

I came to a demonic country without any negotiations going on, but it's unclear if we're doing anything useful.

Because there was no practical meeting, it was just taken to various places for the sake of the demons and made into a show.

But I'm here with His Majesty's orders.

Because the negotiations between the two countries have not progressed, I could not leave this area until a certain degree of prospect was established.

"I want to go home already"

"Ell, I can't do that."

Because it is a country similar to Heisei Japan, I decided to look around a little more, but I seem to have adapted to this world.

I didn't feel any difficulty in the demons' country, but it is a reality that I cannot return home without permission.

Because there is no help for him, she has to spend her days at the hotel, giving priority to caring for the baby.

"Well, isn't the government usually making various plans?"

Blantaq asks a question to Rumi, who is now working with us, but her response is unexpected.

"I think in the first week, the Counts of Baumeister have lost value."

"What is it?"

"It's bad for a change of government."

The Democratic Party, which had managed to run the administration despite being severely criticized, voted for the Democratic Party for change.

Most of them are political laymen, and the Democratic Party has conservative and innovative forces, who are willing to talk to themselves.

Loud voices were prominent, they seemed incoherently expressing their opinions in the media, and the government seemed to be caught by it and could not decide on policy, and in some cases it used us to fool it. .

"It's an alibi that has done the job of accepting a diplomatic envoy. I'm going to falsify that no negotiations have progressed."

"It's a terrible story."

"It's hard to criticize the press because there are many Democrat supporters," he said.

"The people who work in the press have some sort of anti-power / anti-state character. I guess they want to help because of the civilian Democratic Party regime."

"Wow! Earl Baumeister knows the situation well."

Lumi praised me, again because he had knowledge from a previous life.

"I don't know if the Democratic Party has the ability to act as a government."

I can't imagine that there is a sloppy response so far.

According to a newspaper report, a reporter stated that the Democratic Party was still a novice and should watch for a while.

Aside from peacetime, nowadays, the human and demonic nations are struggling with each other.

If you look at it a little longer, it will be troubled.

"Don't criticize the politics of a person's country. Because I'm a nobleman of Helmut, it's interference in domestic politics."

"The demons seem full of interference in domestic politics,"

Every day recently, some civil and political groups came in front of the hotel where we were staying, but they were removed by security guards.

According to the guards, "it's just a waste of time for the other party."

I don't have the authority to accept their request, so I guess I shouldn't have met.

Earlier, it would not be easy to say that the Helmut Kingdom and the Urquhart Holy Empire were late feudal states and should shift to a democracy of choosing politicians in elections.

From the perspective of Eena, they have more interference with domestic affairs.

"They aren't politicians, so they don't have to."

"Well, who are you?"

"I'm unemployed and free time."

According to Ernest's explanation, there are many unemployed people in demonic countries.

They say they can live, so many people use the extra time for political activities.

"Are you killing time?"

"There are so many people. When I criticize humans and governments, I feel like I'm getting bigger, and that just releases stress. I have enough time to do it well. Some people, like Democratic Party politicians, can run for election and be a member of the Diet.

"Is it a job?"

"Of course, some people are just trying to improve the lives of the people, even a little. The number is small, and it's a reality that such serious people are inconspicuous."

Ena seemed surprised by Ernest's radical explanations, which he did not know.

"In any case, it's unlikely that you'll be in a good position when it comes to demonic lands. You can leave negotiations to foreign servants, who have been free until now."

We visited the demonic country under His Majesty's orders.

Isn't that enough?

"Ernest, I'm tired of the hotel food."

"That's right, Count Baumeister is interested in eating for the common people."

"I can't eat at hotels and places to visit."

We decided to go out to town because the treatment was getting better and we didn't have any work.

While bad for the guards to escort, they are bored and die any more.

"Doctor, are you going to guide the Earl to a chain restaurant at such a time?"

"I'm tired of the food of a luxury hotel. I like the hamburger set here."

Ernest guides us in large households with children to a restaurant similar to a family restaurant.

Everyone thought that they would guide an Earl of another country to a common place in a demonic country, and in fact Ernest wanted to eat the menu here.

"It's a very beautiful shop"

"The menu is full"

The family restaurant in the demonic country was very similar to the family restaurant in the previous life.

There are many menus and the price is rarely more than 1,000 ane.

All the dishes are above standard.

However, it is ready, so it is not very delicious.

Rooky and retort-filled rice comes out.

I turned around Doria's plate only for tasting.

"Okay. If you go out in the middle of the hunt, you may feel a little more delicious. Haruka's rice is better."

Elle is married and her tongue level has risen considerably.

Haruka next door seems to be happy that his meal is said to be more delicious.

"Husband, desserts are quite delicious."

"That's true. I didn't have to force me to order."

Jewel was fed crepes from Haruka.

"Die! Elvin, die!"

"Now, the flame of jealousy burns me down."

"At this moment, you are no longer my friend"

And the malls who saw the sight were furious with three people.

I understand my feelings because I was the same as before.

When I sympathize, I don't want to be sympathized with you! I was silent because I could be told.

"The juniors with small vessels ..."

"What does it mean to be married or single?"

"" "Seniors and teachers do not know!" "

The malls were crying against Rumi and Ernest with tears.

"Returning to the story, the demonic nation only has such a shop or a unique personal shop. I like it because I can eat easily and casually."

Because of the declining population and fierce competition, there will be only low-margin chain stores and unique, individual-owned stores that have been supported by customers.

"I like having sake."

"Blantaq, don't drink too much."

"It's just a bit.

"Sister, bottle wine"

Although it should be a little, the guru ordered wine in a bottle.

In addition, we order french fries and fried spinach as knobs.

"I can only enjoy drinking. It is a poor life."

"Noisy demons. Having a good year and not drinking alcohol is a poor life."

Ernest and guru are a little incompatible.

Ernest was sarcastic at the guru who drinks alcohol during the day, and the guru replied quickly.

"Okay, don't quarrel. It's annoying around."

For some reason I was going to arbitrate, but in a restaurant similar to a family restaurant in the daytime, the Earl's family (including nine babies), two uncles, a guru and Blantaq, and five demons It is in a state where the back seat is monopolized.

It was natural that other customers and clerks paid attention.

"Teacher, why don't you have a private room in this case?"

"Yeah? I wanted to eat this restaurant's hamburger set."

"Isn't that delicious enough to eat especially?"

"This cheap taste is good."

Maul criticizes Ernest's choice, but he can't afford to consider the circumstances of others.

He guided us because he wanted to eat the food in this restaurant.

That's good, but don't say it's not delicious or cheap in front of the clerk!

"Well, it's not bad, but it's fine."

"But I sometimes want to eat doria here."

Lamul and Cyrus were a bit dissatisfied with wanting to go to a better place, but they seemed to be familiar with the store.

I finished eating right away and this time I was pouring drinks at the drink bar.

There seems to be a drink bar in the family restaurant in the demonic country.

"It's amazing how many drinks are the same price. What kind of mechanism is it?"

"No matter how much you can drink, nobody can drink dozens of such drinks. You can pour yourself and save on labor costs."

"Count Baumeister, you know a lot about restaurants."

Permi is impressed, but he had been selling ingredients to family restaurants in his previous life.

"I wish I could drink all-you-can-drink!"

"It is impossible if it is not a pub"

"Count Baumeister, do you know there is an all-you-can-drink bar in an izakaya?"

"Ah ... it was written in the newspaper."

"So what?"

What is an all-you-can-drink bar?

I was glad that I misled Lumi.

"Is there all you can drink?

"Keep it here!"

But, unfortunately, Mr Blantark and his guru had already emptied one bottle of wine each.

I am fortunate to have no all-you-can-drink.

"Count Baumeister, is the money OK?"

"Because I redeemed it."

Because I don't have the gold of the demonic country, I handed the gold bullion to a human in the hotel and asked for cash.

A hotel employee exchanged gold bullion for Ein currency at a cash shop in the town.

With this alone, you shouldn't have trouble paying for a family restaurant.

"Is a gram eight hundred seventy-nine expensive?"

When I was in Japan, the price of gold was around 4,000 yen.

I think it would be expensive if the value of the yen was similar to that of the ane, but I don't know the amount of gold in the demonic country.

"It's been much higher than before we joined the military."

"Yes, it used to be about 7,500 hundred ane."

"When I was in this country, it would be about 6,000,800 ane."

"Teacher, money is the subject of speculation."

According to Cyrus, the population is declining, the income of the people is declining, and economic growth can not be expected, so stocks, bonds, futures trading etc. are becoming more active, and gold prices are continuing to rise due to scarcity. It seems.

"It's also due to human contact."

"Trade may start."

Then, you may settle trade in gold or silver.

Therefore, Ernest predicted that companies and others were buying gold and catching money, so that the price could rise.

"Being quick"

"These demons are dominated by those guys."

"Is the politician just fed by those guys?"

"So no matter who takes power, the world will not change that much."

In every world, the one who has money is the greatest in the world.

In the demonic nations, royals and nobles have fallen, and owners such as merchants, businesses, and banks have become new rulers.

Politicians are just their pet dogs.

There is a part that leads to the past life.

"You, it's time ..."


This family restaurant rice was normal.

Score is about 65 to 70 points.

The taste is not bad and the price is low, so the shop is filled with customers as it is during the daytime on weekdays.

It seems that a group of female demons have been eating out and ordering drinks and desserts before engaging in small talk.

We've been in the newspapers, and we have nine babies so they stand out.

I'm talking to him while watching it in a distant winding, but maybe it's because of the escorts not to talk.

It would be a burden for them and they would return to the hotel soon.

"Something is free."

"That's what I thought. Ernest seems to be busy."

I didn't get much distraction, but I didn't want to return to the hotel.

Friedrichs who drink milk and change their squeezing focus on sleeping, the baby's biggest task.

The Elise and the others talk while drinking tea, and Ernest begins to organize archeological materials with the help of the demons and Rumi.

"Everyone has forgotten the romance of archeology."

"Because employment is long"

"I am so too"

"That's why, archeology doesn't make money."

"Because I can live on welfare, I want to be motivated to find something somewhere without money. I'm a student of my age."

"Teacher, we just happened to be in archeology, so we just entered. That's the moratorium before we get a job."

"It's a long time."

"I may be unemployed until I die"

As expected, Ernest seems to have been amazed at the mall's own pace.

Unusually full of bitches.

"That's really helpless seniors."

"Why doesn't Rumi want archeology?"

"Teacher, I still wanted the culture department when I joined the newspaper. Even though the top was packed, it was sent to the politics department."

"What a tragedy. Indeed, the demons do not starve and die, but they are not energetic. If this is the case, the decline of the race will be decisive. Do you think? "

"Even if I ask ..."

Or do you shake me there?

I don't know the feeling, but the people on the continent who praise Ernest for its vitality are equally difficult.

Many people are slum dwellers due to poverty and have many children, but the lower children are treated more sloppyly.

Although there are many people who can't get married, I think that a minimum life is guaranteed even without employment.

Human, you don't get anything.

In a vibrant society with an increasing population, many people may be unhappy behind it, and if the fear of starvation disappears like the current demons, the dynamism of the race will be lost.

This may be the nature of living things.

"That's why I can say that to the demons. It may be perceived as domestic political interference."

I am Earl Baumeister.

You have to be careful about your remarks.

"I don't mean to do this in the Republic of Zonutak. If there is another country or community, I can live well there."

"You, don't say unreasonable ..."

While demons have been united in a nation called the Zonutak Republic for many years, there is another nation that will be created there.

You may be considered a rebellion and become a target of defeat.

"If you think that there is a kingdom of Helmut or the Arkart Holy Empire behind it, it could be an all-out war between humans and demons. Be quiet and investigate archeological sites in the county of Baumeister."

Even when working with the Duke of Nuremberg, Ernest's guy, sometimes dangerous thoughts come out.

Because you're not a politician, don't worry about strange things.

"There is no limit to land. There is no redevelopment of completely abandoned areas and no budget for excavation of underground archeological sites in the Republic of Zonutak. "

"I don't know, is it not Ernest's desire?"

"Every person and demons evolve because of their desires."

Ernest says that the current demons do not.

Certainly, most people in the Republic of Zonutak are plain.

I haven't found any demons who have painted my desires in my image.

"As a matter of fact, I wouldn't want to be involved in a war here. I'm fine with that."

I'm working hard on the development of the Countess of Baumeister.

If it is vandalized or robbed, you will be in trouble.

For my wife and children, I have to move conservatively.

"I went there because it was an order from His Majesty, but it was wasted time."

There was nothing fruitful, just development was delayed.

When you return to the Count of Baumeister, Roderich will surely pull my hand and make my schedule.

It's also quite dense.

"Okay, I'm going back to my territory for development ..."

There is nothing I can do in this country.

Everyone thought it was boring, and thinking that we had to make a return to the Earl of Baumeister early, the malls we had hired on condition that we only stayed in the demonic country were desperate I begged.

"Please hire Mr. Ernest as an assistant!"

"If you are unemployed for a long time, you are free."

"I'm fine if I'm fine without employment, but sometimes my parents' eyes hurt."

"Is that so……"

Because you go to college and get unemployed.

Although there are many youth unemployment, some people like Rumi have a job, so their shoulders are narrow.

"Is there a job in a human country?"

"But there……"

Because these three are magicians, their abilities alone will be a lot of draw.

However, the question remains whether humans will hire demons.

"Count Baumeister also employs Mr. Ernest, so we should be fine."

"I'm worried about working in an aristocratic territory that doesn't know anything, but I'll be fine if I'm in the Count of Baumeister."

"So hire!"

Suddenly he says unreasonable.

Don't ask me to hire lightly where the guards have eyes and ears.

Even though Ernest alone is concerned about the Royal Palace, it can be argued that if they hire a demons, they may also be planning to be the worst.

Is it treated as a long-term stay in a human country?

"I think the ability is enough, but there are prerequisites for demons to work in human lands."

"that is?"

"The negotiations between the Republic of Zonutak and the Kingdom of Helmut will be finalized. Agreements on immigration will be signed, working conditions and other regulations, and tax rules will be necessary because you work in another country."

"What about the teacher?"

"Ernest is an exception. Adding more exceptions can be cumbersome."

"" "Such ..."

The malls dropped their shoulders, knowing that they couldn't get out of employment so easily.

From my point of view, the negotiations between the two countries do not seem to be going well.

I think the cause is more on the demons side.

It is natural to make a reluctance to make an unreasonable request to eliminate monarchy and shift to democracy.

In addition, suddenly implementing democracy in the Helmut Kingdom will only disrupt society.

I can't understand the Democratic Party's flower garden ... but maybe you're trying to confuse it and get it under control.

"Democracy doesn't save us!"

"I will not give you a job!"

"Want to get married!"

Three unemployed demonic men shout.

These guys are neither lazy nor stupid.

It's just a bit unlucky because it's like this.

There are many things I want to say to the government.

"It's great that half of youth are unemployed, but this island with the Zonutak Republic has more uninhabited territory, right?"

"Because there are many abandoned areas."

The mall was originally studied archeology and is somewhat familiar with history.

Explain to Ena the history of the demons who have become rich and declining and aging as the population declines and the habitat area is gradually reduced.

"Because there is no need to move there?"

"But then it's social security ..."

Living in an unmanaged land that is not managed by the Republic of Zonutak is free, but at the very least guarantees a minimum living standard.

I think that demons are okay because they have magical powers, but they don't want to be able to live civilized lives.

"I don't like living in the current Republic of Zonutak and want to leave, but isn't it strange to cling to the social security of the Republic of Zonutak?"

"that is……"

In response to Eena, Mall closed his mouth.

Indeed, it is strange that those who want to live free from the influence of the Republic of Zonutak will lean on the social security of the Republic of Zonutak.

Because freedom includes freedom to starve and death.

"I think this country is blessed."

Because there is no welfare in the Helmut Kingdom.

So are pensions and health insurance.

When the last safety net is a church, you know the level of social security in Helmut.

"I think you have to choose one."

"Even if you are unemployed, do you not have any trouble in living with welfare, or you can work freely but only live without social security ..."

Don't get lost in the malls.

In my case, my starting point was the Baumeister Knights, so I just struggled hard.

If you were reincarnated in this country as a demons, you might still be living comfortably as a student.

"Count of Baumeister"

If you're thinking a bit, a young male demon who guards in front of our room will call out.

"Did you have something?"

"Actually, the guests are visible."

"A customer? What kind of person?"

I don't want to be a weird activist criticizing the royal aristocracy.

The guards seem to have eliminated those people, but there is no guarantee of perfection.

"That's what we call the Majesty the Demon King of the Former Sonutak Kingdom and his Prime Minister. Those who believe in the same Noblesse Oblige want to deepen their exchanges ..."

"Um ... were there any demonic kings yet?"

I thought it was something that was turned into a chompa by a revolution.

The main image is the French revolution.

When you look at the people in the Republic of Zonutak, it seems that you cannot forgive the king.

"I know I'll be there ... I've never met you."

The young guard demons seem to know that there is a king.

However, she had expressed that she couldn't be convinced that it was genuine because she had never actually met.

"Are there no dangers through such people?"

Mr Blantark overreacted to the fact that a security officer tried to pass the suspicious people whether they were real kings.

If there's something for me or my kids, it's hard.

"There is no danger."

"Is that so?"

"Yes. Even if you say king, you have no authority right now ..."

According to the description of the young demons, the Kingdom of Zonutak, the predecessor of the Republic of Zonutak, has finished its nation as a bloodless revolution.

Royals and nobles were not killed, but most of their assets were confiscated by the Republic and fell to the commoners.

Due to the spirit of democracy, it was free to name a king or aristocrat without permission, but a person with only the power of the common people could call himself a royal or aristocrat.

The demonic youth explained that the number of royals and nobles gradually decreased, and that they were almost gone.

"Even though you've lost your strength, isn't the royal and noble approaching dangerous?-I don't want to find a painless belly."

I don't want to think I'm trying to provoke the royal family and put the Republic of Zonutak in chaos.

So I don't think we need to meet them.

"I don't really have any power, so ..."

"It's alright. From here I'll talk."

Pushed away the demonic youth, the demonic king ... the demonic king ... but not an enemy like RPG, but just an abbreviated name for the demonic king ....

I should have shown it, but no one is ...

"Below the Count of Bow Meister, below."


When I looked down a little, there was a demonic girl dressed as a king.

Is she a queen because she is a woman?

It is only about 120 cm tall and very small.

Are you 7 to 8 years old?

Because you don't know the growth rate of the demons, you may actually be older, but if you do poorly, they look like little girls.

You may be a beautiful woman in the future, but in a nutshell it's like a cute queen.

"A little ..."

"Don't say small!"

Apparently, I hate being called small.

I immediately protest against me.

"Your Majesty is here comfortably .... Your Majesty, the Majesty, must not be furious at this level. The king's vessel is not proportional to the body size. It is. "

"I see, it's almost furious. Is it possible that the Earl of Baumeister has purposely summoned to find extra vessels?"

"Sorry. Your Majesty"

The companion of the cute queen is about 165 cm tall.

A very beautiful woman with a black shortcut and a career woman in a tightly dressed suit.

She is the prime minister ... There is no real authority, so she is the line of the prime minister.

Since Her Majesty is a child, you have to ask the Prime Minister here for a realistic story.


"Count of Baumeister"

"It's amazing magic ..."

As expected, the Demon King, the Prime Minister and Ernest are also considerable, but they have more magic power.

The Queen, in particular, has tremendous magic.

I can understand the fact that her ancestors played an active part in the war as the Demon King.

"No matter how much magic, there is no use in the Republic of Zonutak."

"Is that so?"

"All demons have a certain level of magic power."

Sazai-san explained instead of Demon King.

"In the Republic of Zonutak, magical tools are developing. It is considered that it is meaningless to have a lot of magical power, as the improvement is progressing and the magical power used gradually decreases."

Decrease in energy consumption ... Is the technology advanced and it looks like energy-saving home appliances?

Because all demons have magical powers, why can't they rise without the brains and skills to develop magic tools and the skills to operate this advanced society?

The pattern of the ancient magical kings and nobles playing an active role on the battlefield and obeying many demons is no longer valid.

"So, what are your requirements today?"

"As I said, let's deepen our relationship with those who believe in Noblesse Oblige."

"In other words, few people claim to be royal or noble in this country. We want to interact with the likes."

"I'm sorry ..."

Because there seems to be no particular harm, I invited the Demon King and the Prime Minister to the room.

"I'll introduce you again. The name is Elisabeth Whyl Zonutak 999. This is a minister who is too devoted."

"My name is Laila Meir Laila"

The demon king introduces himself while stretching his chest, but is it sad?

Because I don't have a breast, there wasn't much point in stretching my chest.

If you don't grow up a little more, it won't make sense to get excited.

"Mmmm ... all the wife of Earl Baumeister are hearty ..."

The Demon King first looked at Elise ... Luise ignored the look of his wives, ignoring Elise.

"Oh, after all ..."

Luise, whose breasts did not grow even after giving birth, was ignored by the Demon King and fell alone.

"Your Majesty is only ten years old and will grow in ten years."

"Yes, I can become a Demon King who is loved by people who are outstanding in style."

It's a king who has been out of sync.

Is there any relation between the king's ability and the size of his chest?

"Can a demon be a king even with a woman?"

"What are you?"

"Your Majesty is not just a person because of her appearance."

Mr. Dazai almost understood her identity only in the atmosphere of Therese.

"The concubine was a former duke and could have been a female emperor if her fate had changed. But now she is just a woman."

He seems to have been interested in the Demon King who is in the same position as his former self.

I called her.

"I see, I understand. In the Kingdom of Zonutak, only men could be demon kings, but this is also a trend."

"I am aiming for a demon king who is loved by the people. In addition, there are some people who have been voted politicians just because they are female politicians. Might be popular. ''

What can I say ...?

It's a vulgar reason.

"It's not a strategy to gain popularity."

"I don't think it's a very good place to stay now. I haven't chosen any means. Another thing is that the direct royal family has only survived."

The fallen royal family lived their daily lives while working as ordinary workers.

However, Elizabeth's mother died shortly after giving birth, and his father died in an accident about three years ago.

Therefore, Laila, the only daughter of the family minister, apparently took Elisabeth as a guardian.

"It's spicy"

"I can't think of anything else ..."

Like Vilma and Amarie-sister, I didn't even think of it.

"Because I have only one child, we are now on welfare, and we are somehow living."

"I always take care of me."

Does this country have so much social security that even the Demon King does not have a hard time living alone?

The Prime Minister seems to be taking care of her if she has time.

But it's hard while working.

"I usually do some part-time work to save time."

Is it the Demon King of welfare and the Prime Minister of the freeter?

In a sense, it is a novel combination.

"Is unemployed?"

"Same as us"

The malls seemed to be close to Elisabeth, but she didn't join them.

"I lost my parents and I was a child, so I lived there, and I usually go to school. My parents are alive and well at a university, but I'm lamented that I'm unemployed."

"Oh! It's the same thing as bad faith from the public!"

"Although it's small, it's a great tongue!"

"In the habit of cutting boards ..."

"Don't say a tiny bit! I'm going to grow up soon! I'm going to be a Nine Nine like Elise soon!"

A country where unemployed young people swear that they are better.

Certainly, we may not have much hope in the future.

But is Elisabeth growing like Elise?

"Please be calm, Your Majesty"

"That's exactly what Laila said. There was a very important story today."

"Before that, please have tea and sweets."

It was rude to invite customers and not serve a cup of tea, and Elise and Lisa were preparing tea.

Today's tea maker is a cream puff purchased at a candy store in this country.

Even though it is 500 yen each, the cream is packed in the shoe with an elegant sweetness.

The customer base is also rich, and it looks like a celebrity purveyor.

"Oops! Isn't it a luxury cream puff from Demowirl Puff! It's been a long time."

Elizabeth begins to eat puff cream with delight.

"Your majesty, cream at the end of your mouth?"

"Um, it's a cause"

Elizabeth thoroughly enjoyed the cream puff while having Lyra wipe the cream on her mouth.

If you look at the joy of sweets, you know that this devil is also a child of the year.

I think Laila is more like a sister than a minister, rather than a minister.

"We can't buy this in the form of welfare. In the world, when welfare parents buy expensive items or go banging, they are criticized in the newspapers. Is that right? "

What is it?

This country is very similar to Japan ...

"Hey, my ears hurt."

Remi, who was criticized by the Demon King, scratched her head with a troubled expression.

"Oops, there was an important story. Um. Again, the deluxe cream puffs are delicious."

"How about a souvenir?"

"Oh, it looks like you're urging me."

In the extreme case, is it a Demon King who is wrapped in a high-quality cream puff for 500 yen each?

The royalties and nobles in this country are hard.

Elizabeth, who ate cream puffs and drank tea, continued to talk with a tense look.

"If this goes on, the Noblesse Oblige in the demons will be destroyed. So I'm determined. I'll be a demon king with abilities!"

Apparently, it seemed that we were once more troublesome.

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