Hachinan tte, Sore wa Nai Deshou!

Episode 126: Dr. Wendelin gives practical guidance.

"Count of Bow Meister, a new archeological site is calling."

"I just call you ... I think that's the only thing you think"

"Of course, there is a benefit to Earl Baumeister, too."

"I don't deny that ... but I got motivated suddenly."

When Elise and others enter the stable period, we have breakfast together in the mansion, and there is a demonic archeologist Ernest there.

Together, he prepared that meal was something unusual, and suddenly began talking about exploring new archeological sites.

Until now, you have been busy writing your dissertation, including what you explored while you were in the Duke of Nuremberg, but it seems that you're finally done and want to start exploring new underground archeological sites.

For me, start eagerly explaining the position.

"It's postponed because the Elises are on maternity leave."

I'm sorry, but I'm completely short of strength.

If I try to work as an adventurer at a sparse party now, it's impossible because Roderich doesn't give permission first.

"Wow! What an accident. But this underground archeological site is safe and should not require much strength."

The location of the underground archaeological site that Ernest wants to explore was certainly not in the Demon Forest.

He points at the map, saying that it's underground on a vast plain that's not yet developed, and is often found in the county of Baumeister.

"Wait until Elise's maternity leave is over"

Elle told Ernest that the search for the underground archeological site had been suspended for a while.

"If you think you've finally got a child, you're almost all together. You should make some family planning."

"There's a situation here too."

Because north of Baulburg, there are a lot of Ojisan and Jiisan who want me to have many children.

And I can't always follow Ernest's wishes.

"However, it's a throwback."

"A throwback?"

As I tilt my head, Ernest begins to talk about artificial wizards that existed in the ancient magical civilization era.

Sexual activity increases the magical power of the opposite sex, and the offspring and their offspring become wizards even to their offspring.

Thanks to this technology, there were many wizards during the ancient magical civilization era.

And Ernest says I'm the throwback of the wizard.

Or, if true, why didn't he ever give me that important information so far?

I get lost in the reason and judgment.

"I'm new to that story. First, is there a point of contact between the child and the artificial wizard?"

"It is natural. Artificial wizards of such nature attract many women, many children are born, and the number of wizards increases. It is an artificial wizard aiming for it. It's an efficient system. "

"Human sex ..."

"That's right, Erwin. You can make a good wizard, so many women come together to give birth to children. Humans are also animals, so it's natural."

"It's a story without a lid ..."

I knew, but I didn't want to hear.

According to Ernest's explanation, it is fate of artificial witches to increase the number of women around.

Is it the nature of human beings or the nature of all living things?

Women also seek wealthy partners who can stabilize their lives if they want to safely raise and raise children.

I've heard many times in the past that they would love each other, even if they were poor, but the reality is that many women gather in the rich.

In this world, there were many cases where such a reality could be shown in various ways.

Sometimes my heart is shaken by some exceptions.

"I understand that artificial wizard, but tell me that important information sooner."

"I have no choice but to be heard."

"Can you hear what you didn't even know!"

"I wanted it to flutter the wings of the imagination."

Ernest argued that even a lack of words seemed evil, he convinced in his heart, "Speaking of which, this was such a guy."

Perhaps the Duke of Nuremberg had the same difficulties as me.

I can sympathize with him only in that regard.

"In other words, will every child born be a wizard?"

"Even though there are individual differences, no matter how little, you are born with intermediate or higher magic."

When you make a child with me, all the children born are magicians.

I had such a premonition, but once I realized that, I wanted to escape.

"By the way, did you tell that story?"

"I did it only for the Duke of Nuremberg. I don't know if he leaked out."

"I see ..."

I really think this guy has good guts.

"Don't tell that story to others."

"I'm not a biologist or a medical scientist, so I don't need to leak it out on purpose."

Before that, I am not interested because I am out of my field of specialization.

Ernest did not disturb the attitude that he had heard from people before.

I guess I heard from other demons in the demonic country.

"Let's help search for underground archeological sites instead of hush fees."

"I have it every time."

I don't know why it's every time, but it's cheap because it's quieter by studying underground archeological sites.

Nevertheless, the attitude of choosing any means for Ernest's research is horrible.

If you have to live in the county of Baumeister for a long time ... I have to help excavating underground ruins.

It would be good to have some benefit.

"But I don't have any strength."

On this day, El and Haruka were eating breakfast together, but if you think of it, there is no one other than El to be a force.

Because Haruka was pregnant, she couldn't take her.

"Even if you call Blanc Tak ..."

I, Elle, Blantark, and Ernest.

I think it is enough in terms of strength ...

"Are you just a bastard and not too painful?"

"Yes ..."

Even if you invite a busy guru to give a lecture here, it will still be too hard.

Although the degree of safety will surely increase, there is also a reason that Guru and Ernest are not compatible.

Because they both have “good personality”, they will have feelings like close hatred.

"Because the underground archeological site will be surveyed by the Baumeister Earl, if you take good students from the Adventurer Preparatory School, it will be a good experience."

"I thought about it ..."

There is no safe underground archeological site, so I wonder if you would take a minor there.

If anything happens, it becomes a responsibility issue, and the aristocrat's push will make public hearing worse.

"If you get paid, you'll get away with that kind of criticism. You'll have to pick the best. You're an adventurer, and you've built that much danger. I think "

"I agree with that opinion. Anyway, those three daughters will take me?"

He seems to know the students at the preparatory school very well because of his habit of not going out at all.

Agnes, Cindy and Betti are already as good as active adventurers.

"Even my scholars can search for magic. The three have quite the magic of humans."

He is young and his magical power is still growing.

Ernest hit the drums, saying that it shouldn't seem strange to take him.

"Let's ask the person directly ..."

"It's the best."

After school the next day, I immediately asked three of them if they would be willing to assist in searching for underground archeological sites.

"I definitely want to participate"

"This is an opportunity for a minor."

"I have a teacher and it's safe."

Agnes accepted the request without hesitation, and immediately flew with Ernest, Elle and Blantarch to the site.

"Teacher, no underground ruins"

"It's buried ..."

We arrived at the site and Betti overlooked the meadow, which is believed to have underground ruins.

I can't find anything, but if there were any signs, I would have found them as a child.

The underground archeological site may have been completely buried underground according to Ernest's information.

"It's justice to dig this side"

Because it is an underground archeological site, you must first excavate it.

I start digging the ground with soil magic together with Agnes to search for traces of underground ruins.

"I'll do my best"

"Ernest, help me out"

"You have the energy to investigate. Leave it to your daughters."

I thought it would be as hard as a tunnel, but the excavation work at the entrance to the underground archeological site took about an hour.

Fortunately, we were able to close the point with the entrance immediately.

"The teacher dug the entrance."

"Well done, Cindy."

"Hehe, I was praised by my teacher."

Cindy seems lucky.

The underground archeological site where you can only find the approximate location is dug in a short time.

Because adventurers also need luck, she may be suitable for adventurers.

"Something ragged ..."

We go into the underground archeological site while searching for "detection" from the dug entrance.

The first Elle frowned at the air in the moldy underground ruins.

"I'm sorry. Inside is annihilation."

The underground ruins were clearly out of place.

It doesn't have the advanced “state preservation” like a tunnel, and the inside is ruined.

It's a desolation that you don't even know what the origin was.

"Nevertheless, there may be something. Don't search for everything."

Everyone will spend half a day exploring the underground archeological site, but it is cruel that it has been 10,000 years.

The thing inside was passing through the decay and turned into dust and mold.

Underground archeological sites seem to be mostly such things.

We've been lucky so far ... Is it bad? ...

"Sometimes, there are things like this."

"About this construction style and the pattern on the wall ..."

Even such a ragged archeological site seems to be valuable to archeologist Ernest.

While checking the decoration of the wall that had collapsed in the middle with a loupe, he was eager to take notes.

"Isn't there anything?"

"I'm okay because I can go home early"

Mr. Blanc Tak, whose tension has been abnormally low this morning, does not look sorry even if the underground archeological site has come off.

I had an expression that seemed to have returned earlier than that.

"It's different when a child is born. I want to go home Blantaq. I used to go straight to the red light district before."

"Even though Elvin has a child, I don't like vulgar talk. A red light district ..."

"Mr. Blanc Turk, if you suddenly say that, it's scary on the contrary ..."

Mr. Blantaq, who has been transformed from the ultimate bachelor into a cute and invincible own home dad.

Like that change, El was pulling seriously.

"I'm sorry that there is no souvenir to Franziska"

Blanc Tak's child was his daughter.

She said, "I'm sorry I wasn't a trace son."

You have the option of taking a groom, so you probably don't care.

"Well, will you marry my child?"

"Huh? What is Elvin saying?"

Blantaq seriously frowns at Elle's joke.

Apparently, the idea of having a daughter-in-law has not yet been reached before taking a son-in-law.

"I can't stop for the survival of the house, but only the man I recognize will be recognized as Franziska's son-in-law. Elvin's children are likely to inherit the nature of their parents.

"Blantaque, you can often talk about people ..."

Blantagh taught her to play with her, but she returned her palm as soon as she had a daughter.

I guess it looks like a betrayal that you can't understand from Elle's point of view.

But, Elle, people in the world create shelves in their hearts.

Is it a double standard?

"I'm a serious man"

"I'm serious too."

Ernest is busy analyzing the crumbled wall decorations while the conversation continues.

And the Agnes who brought me ...

"That's not it?"

Apparently, he went to another place.

This seems boring.

"Mr. Blanc Turk, I'll look for you a bit."

"Are you bored with your daughters? There's no traps or demons here, so it doesn't matter."

Leave the room where Mrs. Blanc Turk is and walk down the wide corridor to the innermost room which has already been explored.

The room was large, but no matter how much I looked, I could find nothing.

It may have been something in the past ...

"Agnes, Cindy, Betti. Did you find anything?"

"No, I wish I had something ..."

Agnes responds on behalf of you, but it seems that you were just bored and somehow walked underground.

"The advanced traps attacking adventurers, the oncoming heritage golems of the ancient magical civilization era, and the treasures of masses were all missing."

"That kind of thing. Did you learn? @Betti"

"Even if you study the same, there is something more ..."

Ruins from ancient civilizations have been found throughout the continent, but not all have treasures.

Thus, there were usually a certain number of complete loss ruins.

"I had no luck this time. Will Ernest go home after the investigation?"

"I agree"

"If you're an adult, you'll find amazing underground ruins, what is Cindy doing?"

Betti calls out to Cindy, who rarely talks to me and turns his back on us and tinkers with the wall.

"The decoration of this wall has collapsed, and a beautiful ball is in it. Maybe a treasure!"

"let's see"

In order to show us the ball found by Cindy, we touch it as we dig it out, and at the same time, the underground ruins shake suddenly, and the wall in front of Cindy rises up.

Apparently, the ball Cindy found was a switch to open a hidden room.

"Teacher, something moved!"

"Which one. Oh, this is ..."

The ball hidden in the small statue was a special switch.

When the wizard sent magic, the door to the hidden room was opened in response.

It was a type of magical tool that wouldn't fire unless the magician sent magical power, and wouldn't easily get caught in "Detection."

"Cindy's luck is God ..."

The switch ball is in a small statue that is a decorative piece on the wall, and no one would have noticed the ball unless the statue degraded over time.

In addition, there is no reaction unless the wizard touches it.

It is said that you found the entrance to this underground archeological site, and Cindy is really lucky.

"Well, the back room ...

The hidden room is quite large, and you can see the golden glitter behind it.

It is a treasure room, and you can see a lot of gold coins and jewelry, expensive accessories, decorated swords and artworks.

The condition of the room is not bad.

Apparently, the owner of this underground archeological site kept only the most important treasure room, strictly.



"You did it, did not you!"

The three were overjoyed, but a statue of a dragon about 3 meters long was placed in front of them.

I remember this and instantly switch my consciousness to battle mode.

"All three prepare 'magic barriers'"

I immediately command Agnes to go into combat.

"Why? Why?"

"Because the statue of that dragon ..."

"It's one of the treasures, right?"

"No, that's the guardian deity of treasure."

Immediately after I said that, the Dragon Golem roared, and we entered the battle in a devastating manner.

"Performance is the mass-produced type used by the Duke of Nuremberg in the Empire ..."

The battle with the Dragon Golem has begun, but I have not yet launched an attack.

We rolled out "Magic Barriers" including Agnes and waited for the opponent to come out.

In addition, we are also conducting a dragon golem fighting ability analysis.

"Because of my small body, the ratio of mythril mixed with armor is slightly higher. Breath's power is lower, but it does not work well."

Small dragon golems have higher mobility than dragon golems that have faced them so far.

I tried to tear us with my claws while flying in the low altitude, and breathed out while I was in the air.

"Is the energy source that pedestal ..."

If you make a flashy attack, you will sit on the pedestal at regular intervals.

The magic power used may have been recovered by the magic stone installed on that pedestal.

It's like a mobile phone charger.


"The Earl ... What is there!"

Blantaq and Elle, who noticed the noise and magic of the Dragon Golem, jumped in in a hurry.

"What is Ernest?"

"That kind of toy, Earl Baumeister, can afford it, so keep investigating."

"That guy ..."

Sure, you can't lose to this kind of dragon golem, but you're a demonic who is really good at investigating without helping sponsors.

"Is the newcomer useless?"

"Well, no wonder"

They looked convinced when they saw Agnes scared by the sudden Dragon Golem.

Ordinary adventurers rarely have the chance to encounter a Dragon Golem in their lifetime.

It is encountered before being hit by an adult.

No matter how many wizards, it was natural to be upset.

"Do you want to beat us?"

"No. Agnes!"


When I called out to Agnes, she seemed to be out of panic.

With Cindy and Betti, turn my face.

"Three people are the winners. We can beat, but do we?"

If you fight together among the three now, that dragon golem is not an opponent who can not win.

However, it is true that there is fear in the first battle.

Because it is still a minor, there is no need to force yourself.

Whether you fight or not, it's up to you.

"I'll do it!"

"Even the teacher beat the bone dragon at the same age as me!

"Such a junk! I'll blow it away with magic!"

"I'm so grateful! I want to fight with the least support, but with as little help as possible."

"""Yes teacher!"""

"Remember the contents of the lecture"

The three of them started fighting against the small dragon golem, with the oldest Agnes as the leader.

"Betti!" A magic barrier! "

"Leave it to me!"

First, Agnes orders Betti, who is best at "Magic Barrier", to provide the most important defense in combat with dragons.

Three people who have fallen out of my "Magic Barrier" will prevent the attack from the Dragon Golem with Betti's "Magic Barrier".

"The strength of 'Magic Barrier' has passed ..."

"Early, Sparta!"

"What really makes a dragon golem between twelve and fourteen?"

While monitoring the battle of the three, Blantaq and Elle come to the side.

They both lightly beat, but they were ready to rescue at any time.

"My teacher, , had a twelve-year-old child fight an undead dragon alone."

"It was because the shaven, now the Earl, was stronger than the three daughters combined."

"I thought at the time of the first battle that there was no such thing."

"Somehow, I'm still fine teaching my students. Don't worry."

Agnes and others were turning to attack while talking to Blanctag.

Let Betti take control and defense of the "Magic Barrier", Agnes shoots a "Fireball", and Cindy shoots a "Dance Spear" for a small dragon golem.

"Is the power enough?"

To reduce the amount of magical power, the magic that converges to the extreme is flying, so if it hits it should be damaged.

However, small dragon golems are quick.

Skillfully dodge their attack magic.

"Is it small enough to be mobile ..."

"Mr. Blanc Turk, it's small, but it's three meters long."

"Erwin, at that point it's common sense to put it in a small category."

Smaller than any dragon golem I've seen so far, but will be big enough compared to other demons.

And, it looks terribly fast, contrary to appearance, and moves around without crashing into a hidden room that is far from spacious.

Because you are flying to extremely low altitudes, you probably have a very good artificial personality.

"It's dusty"

Lel complains while hand-wiping a large amount of dust soared by the high-speed maneuver of the Dragon Golem.

"I won't hit you!"

"Agnes, let's drive into the corner of the room with their magic!"

"Yeah, let's match the timing!"

It seems that they have begun to devise themselves, but the small dragon golems dodge their magic without difficulty, even if they were driven into the corner of the room, and then attacked as if they were.

"Agnes! Cindy! Hurry!"

Betty notices that the magical power is gradually decreasing due to the “Magic Barrier” that is constantly deployed, and he has lost his tone to the two from impatience.

"Even if you say that, magic won't hit!"

"Shit! I'm off again!"

Speaking of their magical power, they were still able to fight well, but the first time they were fighting, they couldn't afford.

If you keep this, you will gradually lose magical power and lose.

"Teacher, do I need to give advice?"

"I agree"

It would be enough to fight so much at this age, but hopefully you noticed the weakness of that small dragon golem.

It certainly has high performance, but it was placed in a hidden room of such a ruined underground archeological site.

After all, performance is inferior to golem protecting other superb treasures.

Considering the amount of treasure, the cost of the golem may have been somewhat stingy.

I guess that there is no treasure to put too much money on the golem, so the judgment of the owner of this underground archeological site is not wrong.

"Agnes, that little dragon golem has a weakness. Do you understand?"

"Huh? Is it a weakness?"

"If you think a little, even a child can understand. I'm just upset by the first battle, so I just can't think of it. Think calmly."


Agnes had been thinking for a while, but he finally noticed the weakness.

"Teacher! I found a weakness! I will go!"

Agnes deploys Wind Cutter and releases it to the pedestal on which the small dragon golem was seated.

Yes, the weakness of this small dragon golem was its pedestal to replenish its fuel economy and magic.

No matter how high the Golem's performance, it can't move quickly to its pedestal.

"But I understand it as a small dragon golem."

As predicted by Mr. Blanc-Taak, the small dragon golem protects the pedestal by receiving a “wind cutter” by itself.

The small dragon golem has been damaged, but its fighting power has not diminished.

"Still, the offense and defense have reversed!"

If Cindy also fires the “wind cutter” at the pedestal, the small dragon golem will prevent attacks by itself and accumulate damage.

Somehow he fired his breath in an attempt to prevent Agnes's magic attack, which was completely prevented by Betti's “Magic Barrier”.

"Push it as it is!"

You probably thought it was time for the game.

Agnes and Cindy fired their magic at the pedestal, and a shot that could not be prevented hit the top of the pedestal and shattered.

The equipment that replenishes magic has been destroyed, and you can no longer replenish magic.

The small dragon golem who recognizes it attacks the three with terrible momentum.

This is the last blessing before stopping due to lack of magic.

"Awesome power ..."

"I help!"

Agnes and Cindy cooperate to release a “wind cutter” while piercing the small dragon golem.

The cracks gradually increased in the body and neck of the Dragon Golem, and we succeeded in separating the wings that created its high mobility.

You should no longer be able to maneuver at low altitudes.

"Teacher, did it!"

"I will stab you!"

Agnes and Cindy continue their magical attacks against the small dragon golem that crashes and flutters.

"Fireball", "Iwajari", "Ice bullet", "Wind cutter" and hit all sorts of magical attacks alternately, and gradually the small dragon golem becomes tattered.

"A little more!"

"This is the end!"

As soon as this stopped, the two hit the increasingly powerful "wind cutter", which caused the small dragon golem to completely stop moving.

"Agnes, Cindy, did you?"

"Confirmation of suspension of activity"

"Betti, I did it."

They finally defeated the formidable enemy, and they were delighted to hug each other.

But it is still early.

Because he is still a newcomer, he has little experience and may be alert.

"Not yet! All three have fully opened the" Magic Barrier! "

"Hmm? That golem is already ..."

"Hurry! I'm an order!"


With strong orders from me The three hurry up and set a strong “magic barrier”.

And at the same time, the wrecked small dragon golem self-destructed and spilled its shards throughout the room.

Debris that gained momentum from the explosion hits the “magic barrier” one after another and makes a violent noise.

If you had been living, you would have undoubtedly been seriously injured or dead.

"No way, it's a self-destruction ..."

Agnes seems to be disappointed that he didn't see it.

Forgetting the pleasure of defeating the small dragon golem, he bites the end of his lips.

"Why did the teacher understand?"

"It's a trace, but the wreckage was still wielding magic."

I might have left the remaining magic power, but I felt that remaining magic power was moving.

Since the small dragon golem was severely wrecked, it was an expectation that it would mean that he would be doing something at the end.

They quickly deployed the “Magic Barrier” to the three and were right.

"I'm really a teacher. I've been careless ..."

"I will reflect on you."

"I'm scared of the golem in the underground ruins ..."

This is the first golem with a self-destruct function from an underground archeological site in the kingdom.

Why did you notice that it was used in large quantities during the Imperial Rebellion?

I'm so skeptical.

"Oops! There's a lot of excavated items! There isn't much data collected by the self-destruction!"

And by this time, Ernest is invading and approaching the remains of the small dragon golem.

It seems that he is sad about only the case where valuable materials have been destroyed.

To complain only without participating in a battle is an outrageous demons.

"If you helped, you could have been captured almost intact."

"It's the same because I would have self-destructed, and I'm not good at fighting."

"Tell me."

In the small dragon golem, the body part was almost blown off, but it was lucky to say that the head part was almost intact and remained.

Means that the artificial personality that controls that movement may be safe.

However, magic guilds that have not been able to analyze even the artificial personalities captured from the previous Golem Corps may be "cats to oval" or "pigs to pearls".

Still, I'm sure you want it.

"If you think about it later, are all three okay?"

I call out to Agnes.

Under strong instructions from me, I could set up a “magic barrier” before the small dragon golem's self-destruction, but I was stunned by the power of the unexpected explosion.



"Only three people ..."

"I can't help it at first. And they are still minors."

The explosions seemed scary, and the three had tears in their eyes.

No matter how much magical talent you have, they're girls of the right age.

When you stroke your head for comfort, you will finally begin to calm down.

"Failures are the source of the next success. I think I was doing well except for forgetting the last" Magic Barrier "."

"" Teacher! ""

A smile finally appeared on the faces of Agnes and I was relieved that I managed to comfort myself as a teacher.

It's five years younger than Cindy, the youngest, and three years younger than Agnes, who will grow up next year.

"Teacher ... I'm a mote, Vell."

"Ell, you have a job."

"I'm already doing it."

I don't know what you're thinking, but Elle teases me.

But, to me, Agnes are students.

You must attach the kejime around here properly.

And it's still young ... Doesn't it look so different from Luise?

No, it doesn't matter.

These three are my first students.

You must raise them safely and let them graduate.

"Oh, the treasure in this hidden room."

"I'm blowing away ..."

If you were to give it to people, would it be an idea to get involved in a self-destruction of a small dragon golem and blow it off?

Or maybe you couldn't have predicted that much?

Gold coins are not so damaged, but jewelry, ornaments, and artworks are often broken or full of scratches and their value drops.

"Did the owner of this treasure think that he could bring his property to the world?"

"Come on? Possibly a security dragon golem grabbed a bad product?"

"No, it would have been a mechanism that would self-destruct if damage accumulated or magic power could no longer be supplied."

"I think that magic replenishment system is flawed ..."

I couldn't replenish the magic by destroying the joints on the pedestal.

"That's not it. It's that mobility and combat. It's impossible to attack the pedestal without a great wizard."

According to Mr. Blanc-Taak, is it not a defective product but a reasonably high-performance defense device?

"But, by the way, does this underground archeological site have material value?"

Blantaq gives Ernest looking at the floor of the secret room with a loupe the gaze of seeing a mysterious creature.

They have deteriorated over time and have been tattered, so you probably think it's worth investigating.

"Are archeologists such creatures?"

"Speaking of which, it was. I guarded underground ruins during the active adventurer era. I was watching the walls and floor patterns for hours and it was a really incomprehensible race."

The exploration of the underground archeological site has been completed in a day, but we do not know what historical value it has.

The treasure has come out, and the three have gained their first combat experience.

"The form of this hidden room is a type that was custom-made in the late magical civilization era in many cases ..."

Even though we started preparing for the withdrawal, Ernest continued to observe the walls and floor of the underground ruins with a loupe.

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