Hachinan tte, Sore wa Nai Deshou!

Episode 120: Dr. Wenderin.

"Well, I can't hear the baby's heart sound when I put my ears ..."

"You can't hear unless you're hungry."

"Is that so……"

Today, I took Lisa and worked on civil engineering in the county of Baumeister, then returned to the mansion and tried listening to Elise's stomach.

I heard that the baby could hear the baby kicking her stomach, but unfortunately she couldn't hear anything.

"It's gender, since I'm getting hungry."

"It's good after birth. It's fun."

Everyone, including Roderich and his followers, Cardinal Hohenheim and Elise's family, and many of his Majesty and his nobles, put pressure on Elysees to give birth to men.

I don't say it directly, but should I say it's silent pressure?

Perhaps Elise would give birth to a girl, and Eina and Luise would have trouble giving birth to a boy.

In the case of Katarina, it's no problem if you're a boy because you'll inherit the Weigel Baron.

"I know your gender."

"It's a kind of holy magic, but if you ask someone who can use it, you can tell me."

Elise says the magic of judging a baby's gender is a very special kind of magic, with fewer people available than holy healing.

"It doesn't mean that the advanced holy wizards will always be usable. It's the same as Baron Rembrandt's Relocation. I can't use it."

The fact that it can not be used with Elise is a very special holy magic.

A few users seem to be busy with their baby's gender determination.

"I hear you're particularly busy with nobles and merchants."

In this world, homes are as important as in Japan in the past.

It is important that a weird son is born, and if it becomes known before it is born, a request will naturally occur.

"Well, that's right."

"Do you not mind?"

"I don't care so much. I know when I'm born, but I want to be born healthy."

My mother once said that it was like a rural area in Japan, but if I were born safely, I would be all over the age.

"Since there is a half chance between men and women, if you are born two, one will be a man."

Actually, there are people who only produce men and women who produce only women, but there is no point in thinking about such things.

Rather than that, how do you listen to the baby's heart now?

"So, with the magic of this" listening sound! "

This is a magic of the wind system, and it is a magic that acts like a stethoscope.

I knew that I had a child, so I quickly read and learned from the teacher.

-But what did the teacher intend to remember this magic?

"If you have this magic!"

After listening, I touched Elise's stomach again.

Then you can hear your heart beat regularly.


"Vell, unfortunately, that's the sound of Elise's heart."


"The baby isn't big enough yet."

Sure, that's exactly what Ena says.

The four were still in their early pregnancy, and at first glance they were completely invisible to pregnant women.

"Sorry ..."

As a reminder, I tried listening to my ears in the order of Eina and Luise, but I could only hear the sound of their hearts.

No, only one person could hear the sound of a stomach screaming "goooo".

This is Luise.

"I'm hungry if I get pregnant ... I have five meals a day now."

"Is it okay to eat so much?"

I see Luise again, but it doesn't look fat.

Even though she said she was pregnant, there seemed to be more people who didn't believe me.

"Surely my kids will be strong if they are boys and nice buddies if they are girls."

Luise dreamed, but I didn't feel like a little cute girl like her.

"I thought Vell would try to learn the magic of telling a baby's gender."

"I tried to learn it ..."

The special magic seems to be true, and I couldn't learn it like "Relocation".

If I remember, I was not going to use it for Elise and others.

"Why not use it?"

"It's fun since I was born. Well, I can't use it after all, but I don't use it.

"is that so"

Eina looks strange.

Because I became an Earl, I thought I was expecting a heir.

"If you give birth, there will be about one man mixed. Let's feel free to feel like that."

I purposely said lightly so that the Elise and the men would not build up the stress under the pressure.

"Mr. Wenderin"

"What is it? Katarina"

"I still don't feel like a baby moving, but I'm glad to check it just in case."

"Huh ..."

I put my ears on Elise, Eina and Luise's belly, but I haven't done that yet with Katarina.

You may have felt unfairness there.

Looking like this, Katarina has such a lovely part.

"Naturally, listen to it, maybe it might sound."

Finally, I put my ears on Katalina's stomach, but I couldn't hear anything.

I can only hear the sound of her heart when I use Hearing Sound.

"It's difficult to use that magic ..."

"I want to remember"

Aside from Katarina, it might be a useful magic for Elise who is a healing magic user and has basic medical knowledge.

You don't have to move if you learn magic, so you may take the time to learn it.

"Have you heard, Venderin?"

"I still can't do it"

"We are pregnant at about the same time."

I couldn't hear the baby, but I noticed only one subtle change in Katarina.

Yes, it was a slight change, but I noticed when I put my ear on her stomach.

And now that I know, I couldn't help but mention it.

Why you ask?

Everyone has a button in front of them and "Do not press!" If you have a poster that says, "Isn't it a feeling that you want to push?

It doesn't matter at all ...

"Katarina, are you a little fat?"

"Wendelin Saa!"

"Well, did you put your ears on your stomach for that?"

"I can't do that!"

Katalina, who I was told to be fat, was angry at the moment of striking the angry hair, and I had to make a great deal of trouble fixing her mood.

"My husband, it's forbidden to ask a woman if he's fat, and my sister says that too."

Lisa nodded, "Yeah," beside Kachiya's attention to me.

"Well, it's no exaggeration to say that this is a common rule for all women, regardless of birth or status."

Therese didn't do my side either.

After fixing Catalina's mood, we went for civil engineering work.

The members are Lisa, Therese, and Katya, a total of four members. Because therese is soon practicing, Katya is following Vilma as an escort.

Vilma was in charge of Elise and El was participating in the guard's wildlife hunt.

The wilderness is great for hunting because of its abundance of wildlife, but it is necessary for people to live there without exterminating them.

They are also regularly trained, as they also serve as guards training.

"No, I just noticed and just came out of my mouth."

"No, my husband. Katarina is pregnant and I have to say that."

I can't see it, but she's older, so I got her attention.

He acted out of control at the time of his family's uproar, but he is usually a surprisingly common sense person.

It's the same name as Roderich's wife, but the type is completely different.

If they meet, they say, "The same name! Or say hello?

In this world, there are actually many people with the same name.

If you are an aristocrat, there are many people who wear middle names.

"It's faster than that to fill the bridge."

"I had Ernest today too."

"I can't help my family without water."

"No, there are plenty of construction workers around ..."

Actually, Ernest was also involved in today's construction.

The reason is that we are constructing a new bridge today.

Buildings can be managed even by rough work using “relocation”, but bridges are very difficult to construct.

"Even if you bring a bridge over another river, it was helpful."

Baron Rembrandt also asserted that he had never relocated the bridge.

The river width is different, so relocation is useless.

I can't laugh if she's just moved away.

For that reason, building a bridge takes a lot of money and time.

In a territory of a nobleman, "The completion of the bridge which was the longing of the third generation of XX family!" There was a story like this.

Even in the county of Baumeister, only the bridge on the way from Baurburg to the branch of the Guild Demon Forest Branch, the adventurer's guild who first met Catalina, was completed.

The construction of a bridge was necessary because three large rivers flow through the county of Baumeister.

However, even if you make an appropriate bridge in a hurry just for time, it will be washed away immediately.

Therefore, the special concrete used in the tunnel that was excavated earlier and the extreme steel that I have successfully produced come into play.

We will make piers using these, and build a sturdy bridge that will not be washed away by a slight increase in water.

Once the foundations such as piers have been completed, the upper part should be able to handle enough ordinary construction.

"So how many bridges are you planning to build?"

"Roderich's plan is more than thirty."

"Wow! Earl Baumeister is a hard worker!"

"Do you praise it? Ernest"

More than a hundred, including small river bridges.

In addition, the number could increase depending on Rohderich's plan.

"I guess the bridge was too practical to be archaeologically boring."

"Are you going alive 10,000 years later and intend to excavate the archeological bridge?"

"No, I just thought that my juniors and future juniors were poor."

Extreme steel bars and special concrete piers were simple in design and only changed in size according to the width of the river to be bridged.

Because I'm the only one making it, it's not a problem to say elaborate designs.

I'm not an architect.

"Instead, mass production is possible with magic power."

We manufacture a large number of bridge piers and other bridge parts and assemble them locally.

If you want a fine decoration, Roderich will ask separately.

"So why do we need three magicians?"

"Telese, do your best"

"I'm bored with just a little training. Such practices are very welcome."

The work sharing is like this.

First, I expose the riverbed where I stand the pier.

Because a part of the river flow was blocked from the upstream for a long time, it was my turn with the greatest amount of magic.

"Next is a concubine?"

Therese digs a hole in the exposed riverbed to fill the base of the pier.

At first, it took time for unfamiliar work, but the time required to dig a hole gradually became shorter.


Finally, Lisa moves the pier with "telepower" and fills the hole dug in the riverbed.

After filling, do not forget to harden the riverbed around the pier.

Precise work is required so that there is no tilt, but Lisa did it without difficulty.

"The above is repeated to set up the pier of the bridge and pass the bridge over it."

All the upper bridges are also made of extreme steel and special concrete.

Because it is wide enough to allow many carriages to pass at once, it was made for heavy weight.

"I'll leave the details to you. Let's go to the next place."

"Yes ... the bridge is almost completed in a day ..."

The vassals at the construction site are stunned to see the bridge whose foundation has been completed in no time.

Sure, he is a newly appointed officer, not yet used to magic.

"Thanks to the new material"

After all, special concrete and extreme steel are useful.

Large and sturdy bridges can be easily made.

"It's amazing how easy it is to make such a bridge ..."

Although it was not possible before, it is a great fact that the ultimate steel manufacturing method has been obtained.

Ernest also knew how to make special concrete, which was helpful.

The amount of rare metal was included in the material.

"In any case, Roderich will ask for additional bridge construction, so let's hurry up construction."

In just one month, nearly a hundred bridges, both large and small, will be in the county of Baumeister.

The reason for the significant increase from the initial thirty is that Roderich has placed additional orders.

"If the infrastructure, such as bridges, roads and ports, is perfect, the territory will develop."

People in this world fail to develop a new territory because they can't get the infrastructure they need to get there and move.

I still have to make roads, but I feel that the ports, bridges, leveling, etc., both in the air and sea, have been settled.

If you think , etc ...

"Ok, I know that the Countess of Baumeister is convenient to move, and the number of people who want to move is increasing. I would like to hurry up the basic construction of the town and the planned village."

"Rodelich is good at using the Lord"

"My husband is doing well while complaining."


Telese, Katya and Lisa came to follow civil engineering work in place of Elise who couldn't use Momentary because they were pregnant.

But Lisa hasn't talked to me yet.

"I'm sorry, sister"

Still, I grew up enough to smile at me, so I thought it was only a matter of time.

"Vell, our" Dragon Busters "are in a difficult state of action."

"It has been so long since Oita"

Now, exactly as El says.

The cause of “Dragon Busters” not functioning was due to Elise's pregnancy.

I was contraceptive during the honeymoon and during the civil strife.

The Countess of Baumeister has many children, including heirs, and if no more can be pregnant, other nobles will try to send in concubines.

So it was a great congratulation to Elise and their pregnancy.

The vassals are also very pleased.

I will also be my father.

I don't feel bad.

This is a major advance since we couldn't even get married in the last life.

"The strength is down because there are four maternity leave. I can't always participate."

Lel, who learned commanding in the recent civil war, is still gaining experience in territorial security.

Therefore, I only occasionally started working as an adventurer.

Well, this can not be helped.

"Do you get angry if you ask me to lend me Haruka?"

"No, I'm not angry, but that's ..."

Elle reports that Haruka is also pregnant.

"Congratulations, but what is it? Isn't it early?"

"I have a quick talent."

"It's not a compliment. It's an adult conversation."

Blantaq has a strange hand, but it's more of a party member problem.

"As I said earlier, I can't always keep up, and Count, Vilma, Katya, and ... have to train a little more."

Blantaq's policy is to be cautious about combat aside from construction.

In the case of Therese, there's also a reason that if anything is in her body, it's a matter of responsibility for the Countess of Baumeister.

"Huh? Isn't it strong enough?"

"Uncle, unfortunately, it was banned to go to the Demon Forest with four or five people as before."

"What? Who is banned?"

"Oh, my house or His Majesty. Because I wasn't there, Kinbury did it. Fortunately, the Earl wasn't hurt, but if he had no more strength, he wasn't allowed to get into the realm of demons. That was a cautious argument. ''

When I was told such a thing, I was completely lifted.

Because of that, recently, only civil engineering work is done every day.

"The man can be a father. Here for the children, the further development of the Count of Baumeister!

Myself, a child who was just born, Roderich, was carrying me well and was working on civil engineering work on the territory at a rapid pace.

"The count of the Baumeister family has grown further, including awards from the Empire. This enabled efficient and quick development. It is impossible with other noble families. '

In any noble territory, you can make a development plan immediately.

Because the problem always comes from the preceding thing, that is, the funds, it is possible to be unreasonable while it is there.

Since I have to do the most labor-intensive and costly foundation work with magic, I can make any plans for development.

And since people are gathering in the county of Baumeister, where money is spinning, Roderich also used them to promote development.

Land preparation, reclamation, highway construction, river improvement, port construction.

According to Roderich, the first work was completed much earlier than planned, so it is now underway for the second work.

Well, the story of the third construction plan will come out soon.

The construction of the main road that runs east, west, south and north around Baulburg and the branch road that stretches like a spider web has been completed, and now the construction of the narrow road that connects to it and the improvement of the river flowing near Waulburg With the prospect at hand, renovation of rivers flowing in the east and west has begun.

The construction of the bridge is almost finished.

The only thing left is to build a small bridge as needed.

When a petition from a local resident comes out, Roderich will judge the necessity, and we will actually build it.

In the future, there may be a lot of petitions and a lot of bridges, but I think Roderich will take care of the spoon.

"Isn't it necessary to work as an adventurer after a child is born?"

Lell says he should be an adventurer again after maternity leave.

"Oh, but ..."

He glanced at Lisa, and she shook her head happily.

It seems to help me as a new party member.

"… But, Mr. Wenderin, he wants you to take responsibility."

The translator Katarina tells us about Lisa's hope.

Even if you saw the nakedness ... then did you know that the hair below was not growing?

Some women in this world are troublesome.

"That kind of thing comes to know each other a bit better ..."

Apparently, the case of Katya last time was partly breaking down, so I'm a little cautious this time.

Or rather, if you're not careful, I'm going to increase my wife.

The problem may be that people around them will be pleased with it.

"... It seems good at first."

However, Katarina also interprets the law.

He accurately conveyed the words from Lisa.

"What can this do?"

"I wish a guru would come."

Elle seems to be expecting a guru to come as a helper.

"Erwin, the guru is no good."

"Well, why? What's Blanc Turk?"

"The guru is busy speaking."

Many people want to hear about the Imperial Rebellion, but I'm busy with development because I'm a noble territory.

As a result, he is a nobleman of the Hoi, who has few jobs as a royal palace mage, and he seems to have turned his turn.

"Guru, I will not refuse your Majesty's request."

Because they are childhood friends and loyal ministers.

Although everyone else, including me, admits that I'm completely selfish in other areas.

"That guru's lecture ..."

Lel seems to be worried about what the guru is talking about.

"For a while, it's no use going to the territory of the demon, and it seems that the monster's materials and gatherings are gathering without the Earl hunting anymore."

Currently, there are dozens of villages and towns around the Demon Forest, from which many adventurers are hunting.

We no longer need to do our best.

"Vell, who is that? See, Ernest."

"No, he is ..."

Ernest today was immersed in writing reports indoors without even showing us before us.

"I think it takes more time to write a dissertation based on archeological common sense than with archeological excavations.

Ernest, who has been studying the tunnel for more than two weeks beyond schedule, writes in a thick bundle of paper in a room.

After searching, analyze and compose a dissertation.

He is a natural archeologist.

He seemed to be very concentrated and did not come out of his room except for taking a bath every day and eating three meals.

"I'm comfortable here. The Duke of Nuremberg was hassle-free and excavated. ''

It seems that there is also a description of the paper, and in addition, there is also the location of archeological sites in the territory.

Ernest today has not been able to lever away from the desk.

Of course, he continues to watch, but Roderich reports that the vassals in charge seem to be free and unable to maintain tension.

"He's a real scholar."

Because it's a demon who has that much magic, it is dangerous to leave it open.

It is easier to live in the county of Baumister by feeding them underground ruins.

"Soon we'll talk about new archeological sites."

There are many underground archeological sites within the untouched county of Baumeister.

It seems that there are many places where there is a magical forest, so it is necessary to have some strength to search there.

As long as the Elises were on maternity leave, there was no need to overdo it.

"After all, are you waiting for Terese to finish?"

"I think it's such a place, but I'm actually asking the Earl to work."

"Is it work? Where is the dragon? Or a mysterious underground archeological site?"

"No, no, it's not that exaggerated."

Blantaq denies you, but you can't trust it unless you actually see it.

Until now, that kind of unreasonable pretense had been done.

"I'm a temporary lecturer at the Adventurer Preparatory School in the Royal City."

"Is it a temporary lecturer ... before that, we haven't attended any adventurer prep school in the royal capital, right?"

"That's right ..."

I belong to my school and have graduated, but I haven't seen my face.

All necessary training was done elsewhere.

"When it comes to the royal capital's adventurer prep school, there are wizards in their own way."

It seems that there are a certain number of magicians who come to the royal capital to learn because they don't enroll in local prep schools and are at the forefront of magic.

There is also a reason that there are many cases where there is no proper magician instructor even in a big city like Bleiburg in rural areas.

"Because the instructor is good. Temporary and famous wizards do short courses. I've done it a few times."

Blantaq seems to have given Lisa magical guidance at that time.

"This is also a wizard's duty, because the Earl has become famous. It's a daily allowance, but this is a sparrow's tears and think it's a service."


I decided to accept the request.

The next day, I will head to the royal capital with "Momentary Movement" with Mr. Blantaq.

It is my first experience as a lecturer, but I can't help but fail.

Because it was not suitable.

Elysees came down to the house garden.

There was an option to take him, but it was stopped by Mr. Blantark.

"Because" momentary movement "is useless for pregnant women"

It seems that this has been the case for a long time.

The reason seems to be that miscarriages and baby malformations increase.

"Momentary movement" is sober and scary magic.

So, Elise, Eina, Luise, Katarina, Katya, Therese, Amarie-in-law and Lisa are off.

"Please go, you"

"I'll buy souvenirs too."

"Please do your best, teacher"

"If Elise says a teacher, I'm shy"

Elise doesn't seem worried because I'm not going to hunt as an adventurer.

Talk to me with a smile.

"Vell, is it okay to act as a teacher?"

"Ena, that's what I'm thinking of. 'I wonder if it's okay to have a temporary teacher on the other hand but a teacher."

"I'm not wrong with what Vell says. I don't think Vell's magic can be copied so easily ..."

Because it is a duty fulfillment, the bare minimum work is done if you show your face.

"May be fine if you practice"

"It's hard work, but there are talents."

Maybe you could come across a terrific talent, but I thought there was a strong luck factor.

"That's like reading something hard at night."

"I'm no good, but the teacher's theory is useful, so I read it and remembered it just in case."

"But, unexpectedly, Vell's theory could be helpful."

"I was praised suddenly. Luise, no way to increase souvenirs."

"Kora, Vel is not a type of magic that I think unexpectedly. I'm intuitive."

Luise says she is not good at teaching.

But there is, but she has no magic available, she said she wouldn't be called in such a seat.

"Mr. Wenderin, I think I'll be working as a temporary lecturer later, so please tell me about the temporary lecturer when you return."

"I see. Katarina will soon be working as a temporary lecturer."

"I'm pregnant now, so I won't talk."

Katarina is now a very famous wizard.

It was not unusual for a temporary lecturer to come in.

"Before that, there was guidance from Kachiya and Therese."

"Because my concubine is quiet"

"Because there are few types of magic that I can use, I have no obligation with such a duty. My husband is also hard."

"Vel-kun, go, because Elise and others can't move until they're stable."

Therese and Katya have also come to see it off.

Amarie-in-law was in a job to take care of Elise and others.

"I'm still having two children, so it's a little useful."

Elysees seem to be relying on Amarie's sister-in-law as a strength of the experienced person.

"Who? Lisa"

I suddenly pulled my sleeve, and when I turned my eyes, Lisa was behind Katarina.

I'm still shy and I can see why she had been making and dressing for so many years.

If you don't do that, you won't even be able to go to the guild reception.

But it's like a different person from when you fought the other day.

"... Lisa seems to help Kachya and Therese, too."

"Thank you, Lisa"

When I thank you, Lisa smiles happily.

"It looks like another person."

Mr. Blantaq, who knows only Lisa when she was in fancy makeup and costumes, seems to be embarrassed by her.

I don't seem to know what to do.

"And I am Vessel's escort"

Ell still cannot leave Earl Baumeister for guard-related work.

So I flew to the royal capital with Mr. Blantaq as guide and Virma as escort.

I only went a few times, but I remembered the place, so I jumped into the backyard of the adventurer's prep school by "momentary movement".

Since the time is morning, many apprentice apprentice boys and girls were preparing to take a lecture in the classroom visible from the outside.

"Everyone is new."

Actually, there are surprisingly many people older than us.

Even after the age of thirty, some people aim to become adventurers by making new business money.

Still, more than half were minors.

"Isn't that the same age as the Earl?"

"No, teens have a great age gap."

The adventurer prep school in the royal capital is not much different from the prep schools in other areas.

Because there are many applicants and direct funding from the Kingdom, the site and building are larger and have more instructors and staff than Bleiburg's prep school.

Enrollment is from the age of 12, and there is a tuition exemption for those who have excellent grades. If you are not 15 years old, you will not be able to enter the demonic area, so hunt in nearby forests.

It was just like Breichburg.

"Let's greet the principal"

Under the guidance of Mr. Blantaq, we head to the principal's office.

While walking through the school while holding hands with Vilma, passing students began to make noise.

"Blantaq, you're a celebrity."

"I'm also famous, but maybe even more like an Earl."

"Everyone is surprised to see Vell-sama."

"That's right. I know my face."

When you enter the principal's office, the same principal as a few years ago welcomed you.

About 60 years old, romance gray is cool and one arm is a man with prosthesis.

"Herrick, I brought you in."

"I'm sorry, Blanc Tak"

His name is Herrick Clemens Heinkes, originally a renowned adventurer.

One arm is a prosthesis because he was cut off by a demon when he was young.

What's great about him is that he didn't retire there, continued his adventures with his prosthetic arm, and was more active than before he was cut off his arm.

"Herrick of the prosthetic hand" was a celebrity who appeared in the adventure story.

After retiring, he was bought his name and became the principal of Adventurer Preparatory School.

Blantaq was taking care of him when he ran out, so he probably brought me a request for a temporary lecturer.

"Actually, Johannes' grandfather has retired."

Grandfather of Johannes is a regular lecturer who was in charge of magic lectures at this preparatory school, but he is over 90 years old.

Even at the royal capital's preparatory school, it was difficult to secure human resources who could teach magic, so there were many magicians who did not retire as long as they could be taught.

In many cases, even if the student wants to quit, the prep school will keep it.

"Finally, I'm blurred, and I'm starting to forget the magic. My grandchildren came and left my resignation because the lecture would be hindered."

"If you go that far, can you really be stopped?"

Even for such an old man, the preparatory school seemed to be in trouble because the regular lecturer had disappeared.

"Most of the old wizards who can give lectures take on other lucrative jobs. The old man of Johannes was precious."

I keep looking for the next regular teacher, but it takes time.

Therefore, the Royal Palace seems to be working as a temporary lecturer, dispatching a magician, and so on.

"So even a month ... a week can be saved."

"Because my wives are pregnant and the adventurers are off work, if it's between developments"

"Thank you, Count Baumeister."

That's why I decided to take on a temporary lecturer three times a week until the Elises gave birth.

Well, such an experience should be useful for life.

And “Vendel-sensei” sounds good.

"By the way, there are people who seem to be free at the Royal Palace."

I don't say anyone, but I'm a busy speaker recently.

"Is it a guru? He's useless."


"I can't break the wizards of the future. I think training should be tough, but I think there are limits to everything."

"Ah ... there's a person here who's been trained by a direct guru for two and a half years ..."

"It worked out because Count Baumeister was strong."

I've been recognized as a race with a guru, even a former brilliant adventurer.

On the surface, he laughed and deceived himself, but he felt sad at heart.

"Vell-sama, are you nervous?"

"If you think about it, you don't have that kind of experience."

After finishing greetings to the principal, we immediately head to the classroom where wizards are gathered.

After finishing the meeting, Blanták broke up with us because there was an errand in the capital city.

Vilma is treated like a temporary lecturer because she has magical powers.

I tried to enter the classroom, but I didn't have any experience as a teacher, so I was suddenly struck by a tension that could tighten my stomach.

On the other hand, Vilma doesn't seem particularly nervous.

To be honest, I was very enviable.

"(I didn't feel nervous before or in front of the great guy ...)"

During a trading company era, there was a presentation of a new project before the executives.

Even at that time, you should not have been nervous so far.

"Yeah! I won't be eaten separately!"

Enter the classroom with determination.

There were about 40 boys and girls between the ages of twelve and fifteen.

As expected, there are a lot of royal capitals and wizards.

Because they are only minors, wizards are sent out for training immediately after adulthood so that they can be used immediately.

Patterns like the telese are rare.

In her case, it is because of me that magic has been realized.

"Hello, everyone. I'm Vendelin von Benno Baumeister, a temporary lecturer."

I feel like my voice has gone up a bit, but I managed to say hello.

"Vilma Etre von Baumeister"

Vilma introduces himself as usual.

There is no fragment, such as tension.

Maybe that is the sniper ability.


When I open my mouth, the eyes of the students concentrate on me all at once.

But there was one problem.

"(Vilma, what should I do in such a case?)"

Sometimes my head is completely blank due to tension, but I don't know what to do if I'm suddenly a temporary lecturer.

"(Vel, what was your preparation last night?)"

"(That's why I can't use it unless the students here know how much training ...)

It was a complete mistake that I did not hear from Principal Herrick.

"(I don't know how to do it. Well, it's the first day.)

I ended up answering questions to the students who raised my hands one after another.

The questions included only questions about extermination of bone dragons, capture of underground labyrinths, and times of civil war, and were not magical training at all.

"Everyone, my eyes were glittering. I had such a time."

"No, Vell's eyes haven't been sparkling since he first met him.

After the lecture on that day, I and Vilma return to the mansion.

I'm talking today while spreading souvenirs. Elle who heard my story says something rude.

"When I was younger, my eyes were glittering. Like an angel."

"It's more like a fallen angel."

"Rude things. Go back to your wife soon."

"Roger that"

He gives him a souvenir and he returns to his house.

Your wife is pregnant.

You should return early.

"You, what will you do next?"

"I'll go there on the fly, based on my teacher's teachings. Vilma will help me."

"I will do my best as a temporary lecturer"

My job as an instructor is three times a week, so three days later.

I and Vilma went to the classroom again.

As I can't really talk about myself, I will give a lecture on my own.

But before that, I heard about the lecture contents of Mr. Johannes who was a lecturer before.

"What kind of lecture did Mr. Johannes give?"

When I asked the students questions, they all met each other and then went silent.

"Huh? Did you teach me the secret magic or theory?"

So you can't teach it to others?

"No, no. Teacher."

"Teacher? Oh, me. Um ... you?"

"Yes, I say Agnes Furst."

A girl raised her hand from among the screaming students.

The girl is about one hundred and fifty-five centimeters tall and wears glasses with light brown hair inside.

At first glance, she looks like a class chair character.

"(Glasses girl!)"

Because it is a beautiful girl even wearing glasses, I think that it might be more beautiful if you take it off, so I think it's a mess.

"I'm Johannes, but ..."

It seems that his blur started about a year ago.

"Even though I said the same thing many times and taught magic, the story turned into an old adventure tale, and everyone was almost self-taught and magic ...."

Magic is self-taught from the beginning, but since there are many famous instructors, I would like to hear and refer to new magic and training tips.

Even though he is a blurred lecturer who breaks his hopes, he cannot afford to skip the lecture.

Because you cannot graduate without taking credit here.

"Two-thirds of the total number of lectures will have to come out ..."

The number of students seems to be close to 60.

However, since everyone is willing to attend the last minute, it seems that only about two-thirds of students are present at all times.

"So that's it"

If so, can we start with the basics as we thought last night?

I thought so, so I decided to start my own lecture immediately.

"First, the basics of the basics, daily meditation"

This is what is written in books that are widely distributed to the public.

Spread the magic path and magic bag every day while imagining the flow of magic.

This increases the amount of magic and the power of magic, so I had to do it every day.

"Who's sure every day?"


Virma looks disappointed with the small number of students raising her hands.

She also teaches me and Blantaq and she does meditation every day.

Even that guru has never missed it.

That is the basic of the basics.

"You have to do it every day."

"But, sir, I've stopped rising magic."

One boy student refutes.

Magical power was at an elementary level, lower in this class.

By the way, Agnes, the chairman, had the greatest magical power in this class.

For the moment, there is a condition.

"Still, the magic path can be expanded."

"Are you on a magic path? I think the magic might be the power of my magic."

"If the magic path is narrow, control of the amount of magic used and magic power will be less sweet."

"Huh? Is that so?"

The boy seemed surprised to hear the story for the first time.

"Whether you are using a large amount of magic or a small amount of magic, it is better to have a wider path of magic power, especially the former, which affects the magic activation time."

The narrower the magic path, the longer it takes for the required magic power to end.

"Is that a slight difference?"

Another schoolboy asks me a question.

"It's a bit, but it's fatal in a real battle. It'll end if your opponent shoots the magic first, or you'll die if you're rushed by a monster before you cast it."


Everyone, not just the student, is silent in my response.

Yes, there will be no difference for a second, but it is often fatal.


"What is it?"

"It's meditation ..."

Another beautiful girl with black hair, who seems to be at the very end of age, asks a question.

"The book says there is an image of spreading magical power by spreading magical power, but I don't understand the specific examples of that image well ..."

Since I only wrote the image, I do not know exactly how to image it.

The girl says that she just ends up sitting and meditating properly.

Some other students had similar problems.

"(Can I do that ...?)"

I used the TV programs I saw in Japan to image the magic path.

Educational TV programs at schools showed images of blood flowing through blood vessels, and it would have been nice to see similar images in my mind.

However, in this world, the human body mechanism cannot be learned without going through a doctor or church.

It is mainly books, and there is no material video.

"I expected it and prepared something like this."

Hang the wild boar intestines, which are not particularly large, and are also sold at stores in the royal capital.

This can be cheaply purchased because it is used for filling.

The intestine hung sideways has a slope, and I draw magically water from the right entrance, which is hung at a high position, and drain it into the intestine.

When the amount of water is increased, the intestine swells, and the water that has finished flowing falls down from the lower left outlet.

The fallen water was collected by Dr. Vilma, who was preparing Talai.

"The magic of water and the intestine of the wild boar is the concept of a magical path. It has the image of constantly expanding the intestine with a large amount of magic."

I increase the amount of water and swell the intestines where water flows.

If it breaks, it is no good, so carefully adjust the amount of water.

"I would like to meditate once a day on the image of your magical path expanding like this. Then ..."

It's a magic bag, but it's easier.

Boar bladder is also sold cheaply as a material for intestinal stuffing.

Add water to the limit and swell.

"Teacher, are magic paths and magic bags like this?"

"It's just an imagination, but the teacher is training every day. This is the best way for a teacher to use a large amount of magical power to swell. You can do that, and if it works, it's the best way for that person. "

"So that's it……"

The students listened to my commentary and took notes hard.

"(Dazzlingly straight young people)"

"(Vell-sama, a little stingy)"

I was impressed by their innocence, and Vilma's tongue pierced me.

"Even if you have the magical power of your teacher, are you still doing basic training?"

"In the case of teachers, the magical power is still increasing."

It's not surprising because he's only twenty years old.

However, my magical power is already the best on the continent, and I can only win the demonic Ernest, so everyone looked round and stared at me.

"Even if the amount of magic does not increase, it is better to do image training to expand the magic path. If it is widened, it will be advantageous for magic quickness and power adjustment etc."

When using magic to use magic, if the magic path is wide, magic will flow quickly.

"It is recommended to do this every day, as it will affect the accuracy etc."

In addition, I will teach the teachers and tell the students about the basic training that I am thinking independently.

The first is self-introduction, the second is the basics of basics.

The lecture content is appropriate.

"I was impressed when I was watching the lecture, Count Baumeister."

After finishing the lecture and heading to the principal's office, I and Vilma received praise from Principal Herrick.

"It's the foundation of the foundation?"

"That's right, but there's no one to tell me unexpectedly."

Johannes' grandfather had begun blurring when he organized the current class.

If it was true, they should have been teaching, but it was unclear.

"If you ask a renowned instructor to a famous wizard, this is also a lot of mistakes."

Most of the wizards taking lectures have only beginner to intermediate levels of magic.

Although it is still valuable, wizards who come as temporary lecturers certainly have intermediate or higher magical powers.

Although they are capable, they are also geniuses and selfish.

Show off your flashy magic and say, "Please refer to this! It is not uncommon for people to end with .

"Not helpful"

"That's right, my wife. You can't use more than half of the class, like flashy magic or tornado magic."

That is why wizards are increasingly self-developed or biased toward the teacher-discipline system.

On the other hand, the teacher-discipline system had the same traps as temporary lecturers.

The disciple cannot necessarily imitate the teacher.

"I'm not a magician, but sometimes I'm anxious that the magician here is really capable of everything."

He seems to think that if he gets formal training, he will become a more usable wizard.

"Um, I'll do my best until I accept it."

"Thank you!"

So I seemed to like Principal Herrick.

"It's a systematic magical teaching ... it depends on the teacher and the ability depends on your ability."

Returning home and having dinner, she talked to Elise and she did not deny it.

"How was Elise?-I, Luise, and Vilma are completely late, so Vell and Blantarch are like teachers."

"It's the same with Katya. In the case of Katya, there was some magic from the beginning."

"But I'm having a hard time learning the magic that I can use ....

Eina, Luise, and Kachiya talked about their situation.

"In my case, I was instructed in the church."

Elysee was confirmed to be magical at an early age, and was soon trained in a church at Cardinal Hohenheim's Tute.

"I immediately discovered the properties of healing magic, so I was instructed by other healing wizards."

It is urgent for the church to secure human resources who can use healing magic.

-And my grandfather is Cardinal Hohenheim.

I couldn't afford to give my guidance.

"But, isn't the magician precious? In that case, I didn't care much because there wasn't much magic to use. Although the adventurer guild wasn't bad,"

Even if you have the magical power of the previous Katya, if it is a type that can increase the fighting ability, it will be useful for adventurer guilds and troops.

But it's not exactly a wizard.

There was also the reality that it was strong.

"If you have healing magical talents, you can receive the strong guidance of the church. For other wizards ..."

Wizards are busy because they are few.

If you spend much time teaching, it is more profitable to work by yourself.

It's going to be something magical enough.

Nevertheless, it has become famous for a while, and do two or three students take disciples with a sense of social contribution?

It looks like this.

"For those who are troublesome, tea will be muddy by a temporary lecturer at the preparatory school. There are many strangers who do not even do it."

Still, the government and various guilds do not say anything.

Because your opponent is a magician who is both talented and profitable, it is not good to be angry at you and bend your navel.

"Is it easy to understand why the witch teachers at the preparatory school are so poor ... so what are the feelings of Katya and Therese?"

I will ask you how they finished.

"Yes. It is the same system as Eena. Therese is actually the most good system is soil. It has a high suitability for civil engineering magic etc. The advanced fire system can be used. I knew that I had a duel with me before. ''


I couldn't hide my surprise.

It's not the magic of Katya and Therese.

Pisa: The ultimate shyness, Lisa, gave me a quiet voice.

"Kachiya-san ... Sister ..."

Kachiya knows only Lisa before.

Suddenly he was called “san” and seemed quite embarrassed.

"Lisa spoke!"

There was such an animation in the past.

That was, ○ Lara stood ...

"No ... this guy can talk from the beginning. Lisa."


Perisa has become able to speak normally to me, but remains silent in response to questions from Blantaq.

The shyness doesn't seem to have healed yet.

"Ignore me!"

"Teacher, Lisa still seems to be able to talk only to men with Wendelin."

Katarina follows up hard on Blanc-Taak, who is disgruntled by Lisa.

She was in a position like Lisa's facilitator.

Catalina is good at taking care of her, despite being told what it is.

"If you don't have that makeup and clothes, it's like this ..."

"Katarina, I'm really taking care of it."

"Don't you feel very sympathetic ..."

I'm not shy, but… Is it similar?… From Katalina, who was also a Bocci, Lisa would seem to be an insatiable type.

Actually, I'm the same, so I'm letting you like it.

"Count Baumeister, take me to the civil works. Katarina is already ..."

"That's right."

You can't take a pregnant Catalina to the construction site by “moment transfer”.

Perisa is in the weather, and raises her hand to help her instead.

"It was a big success in the construction of the bridge. Are you good at the magic of the earth system?"

"I'm better than the magic of the fire system."

The precision and power of Lisa's magic has already been experienced.

If so, we will ask you for help.

As an aristocrat, I should not refrain from developing the Count of Baumeister.

"I will take care of Mr. Therese"

"Yes. I have some experience with my concubine, but I'm worried if I'm alone.

Thanks to Terese, who has a short history of using magic, it seems thankful to be accompanied by veteran Lisa.

"Is there no problem with helping us with our development?"

"Elysee is also serious. You should say that you are a part-time job because your concubine is retired."

"Do you have a return order from Duke of Philip?"

Elise was worried that there would be a return order from the Dukes of Phillippe because of the magical use of Therese.

"It's not. A man like Alphonse can't give such a stupid command."

If you call back poorly, the problem of Duke Philip's succession will be lit again.

No matter how much magic there is, it cannot be recalled for that reason.

"For Peter, you wouldn't want that."

Similarly, it could be a story about Therese to the next emperor.

Because the empire is still in turmoil, it will take time to reorganize the parliament and run the imperial election.

When Terese returned, the guys planning her run could have appeared.

"Officially, the concubine is a guest of Earl Baumeister, but she is considered to be a loot and a mistress. This position is just right without the hassle of the concubine. It's not going to be paradise. ''

From the next day, Lisa and Therese will go to help with civil engineering work, and I will also help or send them to the site by magic, and then the days of lectures at the preparatory school will increase.

"Husband, take me because I'm so bored."

Kachiya also joined my escort and came to the preparatory school with three of them, and Principal Herrick immediately spoke to Kachiya.

"Speaking of which, you lost to Bourmeister and married?"

"Principal always says things straight."

Kachiya is a student here and seems to have acquaintance between them.

"I'm also helping my husband."

"Assistant ... I don't know what life is. I'm a joke, isn't Shinshin an assistant to my husband?"

"Johannes Johannes is finally dead?"

"You are ... don't kill yourself. I just retired because it's blurred."

Three people start classes today, but Katya is also a famous person in the prep school.

It was because it was known that he was making a lot of money in an ambush killer specializing in Wyvern.

After that, do you include the declaration of a son-in-law, the case of defeating a noble or royal child, and the case of losing to me last?

It is a person who has no shortage of topics.

"I will meditate before the lecture, with the image of expanding the magic path."

The lecture starts today.

Even though is about the fifth time, I just added some arrangements to the basics and theory that the teacher taught me.

"Even with" Fireball "using the same amount of magic, the effect range is completely different like this."

One is that the target plate is only lightly scorched with a diameter of about one meter, but when the size is about the size of a pachinko ball, it has succeeded in making a hole in the plate.

"The" Fireball, "which has a wide initial range but is not very powerful, is recommended for use in some cases, but is rarely used for monster hunting. Why?"


Agnes, chairman of the chair, raises my hand to my question.

She is the most serious girl in her class, her academic achievement is excellent, and she is a coordinator of her students.

The classroom chair system did not exist for the classes at the preparatory school, but the surroundings treated him as a real chairperson.

"Because the power is overwhelmingly lacking. I think that it can be used only for eyes."

"It's almost right. There's no point in releasing magic that won't be defeated even if it hits. Sometimes we use it when we're partying and defeating it, but sometimes we should stop it."

There are two reasons.

One is that Fireball at that level doesn't make you look crazy, even if it's a wild animal.

Demons, unlike animals, are not afraid of fire.

The second is actually the most important.

"Because if the fur is burnt, the product value will drop."

Did you think it was a joke?

Laughter spreads throughout the classroom.

"It's not really a joke, because the state of prey is important for adventurers."

The number of monsters that can be defeated in a day is fixed, so it depends on how beautifully you kill them.

"The whole body is charred and full of cuts. These materials are bought because they can not use fur or skin."

It doesn't just mean you can beat it.

If you defeat badly, it won't be easy to lose money no matter how much you defeat.

"In other words, is the magic of the fire system disadvantageous for demon suppression?"

"It's better to stop the whole body from burning"

Respond to Agnes who asked again.

"But I think it's a magician who can only use the fire system ..."

"I am so."

"me too"

Several students raise their hands.

Because this is all compatible, there were cases where even practice did not help.

"That's where magical compression comes in."

Do not shoot a large “fire ball”, but shoot a “fire ball” compressed to the size of a pachinko machine toward the key point of prey.

It is the theory that even if the magic power is small, the power will increase if it is compressed.

"Blow at the monster's key point"

As a sample, we will apply “Fireball” compressed to the size of a rice grain one after another to the board.

More than a dozen scorched holes in the board.

On average, one shot per second, if I couldn't do this much, I would be angry by Blantark.

"With such a hole and scorch, the purchase price will not drop so much. It is necessary to train quickly for spells and control to sneak points. Meditation to widen the magic path is useful for spells of magic quickly. I'll keep it. "

When my words break, the students start taking notes hard.

"By the way, this compression ..."

Continuously generate a large number of small compressed “wind cutters”.

This also made more than ten crescent-shaped holes in a wooden board.


"Teacher, can't the system of water and soil be made?"

Agnes asks a question again as the students scream.

"I can't do it ..."

Crush the stone that Vilma gently presented with a "wind cutter" generated with the palm of your hand, and then hit it against a board like a bullet.

Furthermore, a water ball was generated, which was reinforced with “boost” and hit the board.

Both have multiple small holes in the wooden board.

"In this way, it is necessary to apply a" boost "of the wind system to increase penetration power, so the use of magic power will increase. In the case of water," ice bullets "will overwhelm the penetration power It's easy to put on, but then you combine the water and wind systems so that the magical power is doubled.

Speaking of penetration power, it is actually greater to apply “boost” to a bow and arrow or a metal bullet.

"It's best to kill monsters with as little damage as possible, but it's also a problem to be killed by monsters with the aim. As long as you have the ability to use magic, study how efficiently you can defeat prey. I guess there aren't many people who become adventurers and do so much soloing, taking into account the weapons and tactics of the other members, and searching for a safe and efficient hunt as much as possible. There is a way to make money with only expensive and expensive collections, use your head there. ''

Even with the same fighting ability, people who use it have overwhelmingly more income than people who do not use their heads.

"You can't work as an adventurer for a long time. You're a magician, so it's unlikely that you'll have a hard time working after retirement.

The third lecture was managed to end successfully.

Since the lecture was over on this day, we greeted Principal Herrick and went out for lunch.

There is no cafeteria in the preparatory school due to the labor, and students bring out meals or lunch boxes.

There are many restaurants around the preparatory school for students in the preparatory school, so we aimed for one of them.

"Is this store ..."

I can only see the feeling of a normal dining room, but in fact, this is a restaurant recommended by a guru.

"Oh! I was waiting!"

When you enter, the guru calls out to us from the back table.

I haven't met much since I've been busy talking recently, but today I was invited to hunt together in the afternoon.

Before that, we will meet at this shop and have lunch.

"This restaurant has a specialty of stewed motu stew."

After ordering the menu recommended by the teacher, continue the talk.

"What is the role of teacher?"

"I'm doing it somehow."

"Is that so? I think my husband is doing quite well."

"I also thought that. I think Vell is a good teacher."

"I do not think so?"

I was praised by Katya and Vilma, but I didn't really feel it.

Even in my previous life, I did not choose a teaching process at the university I attended, so I was not confident that I was doing well.

"Johannes' grandmother gave me careful guidance, but if I didn't understand, she was a type of person who would continue to practice."

"Does your effort feel fruitful?"

"Now Vilma said, 'Efforts bear fruit.'

However, there was not much theoretical explanation of magic.

He showed his magic and practiced while imagining it.

"I really can't remember the magic."

After all, in the lecture of Grandpa Johannes, the magical power increased, but he learned "acceleration" only after learning from Lisa after adulthood.


"Oh, look, my sister is theoretical in magic."

In order to master the magic of the ice system, Lisa apparently went out to the mountains in the northern kingdom in the middle of winter.

He explained to Kachiya that he had experienced the harsh natural environment and raised his magical image power.

"Recently, it seems to be really good."

"Better than before ..."

I don't know how bad you are, but I don't know if you are proud of that makeup and outfit.

"I'm still honestly helping to develop the Count of Baumeister."

I also sent two people to the construction site by "momentary movement" instead of me, who also worked as a temporary lecturer, also as a trainee for Therese.

Because I will not stop the development of the Countess of Baumeister even when I am not giving a lecture

"Love, let's take Lisa, too."

"Don't say irresponsibly"

"No. Not irresponsible. It is said that it is profitable as the family of the Earl of Bauister. It's on many boys, isn't she beautiful? '

Rodelich was impressed by her civil engineering skill and was urging me to take Lisa for severe reasons.

Perisa is skillfully constructing while teaching Therese.

If you think that ice magic is the only thing as the name suggests, you can really use other magic.

The rest is good at teaching people exactly as Katya says.

Until now, it seems that you were losing money because of that makeup and costume.

I couldn't talk to people properly unless I was that good, so I had no choice.

"Sister, I absolutely think so. This is also the benefit of Uchisuke."


I was going to pay the reward later, but I might not get it if I thought so.

However, if you allow that, it may be like confirmation of established facts.

"I'll leave that difficult story later."

The ordered food has arrived, so I will eat it immediately.

Beef stew with stewed monster guts is very delicious.

I guess it has been boiled for a long time.

When you eat it, it is very tender but it melts in your mouth.

"It has no smell and is delicious."

"Count Bowlmeister. Soak the bread in the stew and put the motu on top to eat it."

The recommended way of eating is to spread the bliss in your mouth.

"A cup full of customers"

Vilma was surprised at the number of customers in the store, asking for a replacement.

"Seven cents on a set

"Therefore, there are many students at the preparatory school."

Because there is no cafeteria at the prep school, the restaurants around the school are studying delicious food at cheap and full stomachs for students.

The guru explained that it was delicious.

"Some time ago, I was a student at a preparatory school. This shop opened when I was about twelve years old."

"It was delicious"

After the meal, everyone will go hunting.

The place was a monster area near the royal capital, where gurus often hunt for part-time jobs.

It's not very large, it's a steep hill, so it's not being developed.

"Because the magic power has increased and the fighting power has also increased."

"After a long time, my big ax growls."

"Isn't that reliable, Count Baumeister"

They worked hard to hunt until the evening because there were no monsters that were so strong that they struggled.

Guru and Vilma were as strong as ever, but Katya was able to hunt many monsters thanks to her increased magic.

At high speed, saber the vital points of the demon with a saber, passing each other and killing blood.

As expected, he is an adventurer with two names.

"It's been a long time since we've been hunting.

"What are you talking about?"

"Everybody gets bored even if they talk about serious things.

I'll dodge the follower Therese.

Everyone was laughing and listening.

"Why is that my story?"

Or rather, the private of a person.

Even though the misfortune of a person is the taste of honey, it is terrible.

"Well, if you can laugh at such a story, isn't the kingdom peaceful?"

The hunt for that day ended safely, and today the day ends without any problems.

I feel like my private was exposed to the public and it was not peaceful ...

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