Hachinan tte, Sore wa Nai Deshou!

Bonus 5 episodes Blacklist.

"Okay, please check this list"


It seems that you usually only hunt, gather and do civil engineering, but I sometimes work as an aristocrat.

You are given a document from Roderich and you have to confirm it.

The points are summarized, but you have to read them and confirm the contents.

I trust Roderich, but this is also the main cause.

"Non-recruitment personnel list ..."

"Even if you have a shortage of people, it's rather troublesome to put in these people."

Countess of Baumeister is basically short of manpower, so it will be almost recruited if there is no good thing.

If you want to succeed, you need the right skills.

However, there are some people who have various problems and are not allowed to do so.

Most of these are people who have caused a big problem in a noble home they served before and are on the list of dangerous people.

Choro the public money, shake violence against colleagues by getting drunk, or reach out to the wife of a person.

Speaking of which, I was told by a great person when I was a trading company man.

Humans have the potential to be broken by money, sake, or women (men).

There are other things that are overwhelmingly lacking in skills, but is there a simple job at home, so if there are people who take it seriously, do you have a case?

It seems that nobles are blacklisting each other so that they do not know and hire such problem children and do not suffer any damage.

Röderich had such lists from the Marche of Breichrader, Military Sir Edgar, and Treasurer Lookner.

“Everyone wants to sell my favor at home,” Roderich told me.

But it seems better to get these lists from several big nobles.

The information is constantly updated, and there are people who know or do not know between factions.

"Count of Bowmeister, the kingdom government is better on the list of bad luck."

For some reason, a young man drinking tea alone in his office, he was the Crown Prince of Helmut.

"I brought it just in case. Please refer to it."

"Thank you"

"The development of Earl Baumeister is key to the southern development of the kingdom. Don't worry."

And the Crown Prince who speaks gracefully and easily.

Nobody is young, handsome, competent, and has a bad impression when actually contacting them.

However, this person is inconspicuous.

I have the impression that he is always hiding behind His Majesty.

I think he's under some curse.

"Is your Highness busy?"

"That's right. But I've gotten my work done ahead of schedule for today."

It seems that he wanted to come to the Count of Baumeister.

Or rather, why is this person inconspicuous?

It's really strange.

"I'm told she will take me to hunting today."


Moreover, this person came alone.

What if I went to the Royal Palace and no one accused the Highness of going out alone?

"Maybe His Majesty recognizes our escort ability?

Is it most appropriate to think like Roderich?

Because there is something wrong with him, Roderich is dispatching only the most educated and highly respected elite guards to the hunting grounds.

Baurburg has abundant prey even in places that are not so far away, so saving time would be a save.

Your Highness is drinking tea because you wait for it to be ready.

"Is your wife going to participate?"

"Of course, your Highness."

Elise came to say hello to the brewing of tea in her Highness and was to accompany her in hunting as a treatment.

Eina also participates in hunting.

Since you are visiting the Crown Prince, there is no excuse that your wife will not come.

It is common to entertain the whole family.

"The wife of Earl Baumeister has excellent skills. I'm looking forward to it. I'm looking forward to the fact that there are few cases where other noble wives participate in hunting."

Well, usually it is.

Lower nobles aren't, but royals don't go to such people.

Because it will take a little longer to be ready, I checked the recruitment list before that.

It's a paper with only the names of the people who need attention, but I don't know who it is.

"It's difficult to hire people."

"I agree"

Some people, like Roderich, support Count Baumeister, while others destroy it.

The most important thing in any organization is people.

"Yeah yeah, these guys cut it ..."

He nodded that he found some of the names on this recruitment list and was convinced.

"Do you know your Highness?"

"They are basically capable, but they won't be taken by any noble family."


"Because there is no coordination and trouble only occurs with the surroundings."

Even in this world, it doesn't seem to be good just to be excellent.

"Do you endure if you use it for a short time?"

"That's right. If you let me serve you, it would hurt other vassals, and I think Roderich's decision is correct."

The views of Roderich and His Highness were in agreement.

After all, no matter how competent, there seems to be no use without coordination.

"The rest is just a blacklist that everyone agrees with.

"that's true"

After signing the documents and giving them to Roderich, the hunting ground seems to be ready.

Head to the stables on the grounds of the mansion, and everyone rides on a horse to the hunting ground.

`` It looks like you have been treated to a horse, Count Baumeister. ''

"It's pretty easy ... because I usually fly by magic."

I think that thanks to the civil war, I can now ride horses normally.

I didn't get out of the ordinary area.

Your Highness was good at handling horses.

Perhaps they have received the emperor's study.

Elysees are all on horses because they are all good at motor skills.

Katalina doesn't have such a good motor nerve, but she continued to practice regularly because she was a nobleman and she was good at it.

"Count of Bow Meister, will your concubine tell you later?"

"There was a man who had undergone imperial studies here."

This time, therese was also accompanied.

At first, she withdrew, but your Highness told her.

It seems better to have a large number of people.

"I'm better at hunting."

"I guess."

When you arrive at the scene, the guards who were first placed by Roderich look out around you, and the human role as a seizure will drive your prey here.

Being a noble and royal hunter, you don't walk on your own to search for prey.

"Your Highness is a deer. Use your first arrow."

"It's been a long time, I hope you hit it."

While saying, His bow's skill was great.

An arrow pierces the deer's neck and succeeds in defeating with a single blow.

"As expected, Your Highness"

"I'm glad I hit you, because hunting is rarely invited."

"Is that so……"

Are you busy and rarely able to go hunting, or are no one inviting you?

We tell each other by eye contact that we never listen to it.

"El! I went!"

"please leave it to me!"

Next was Elle's turn, but he could not fall down with a single blow because the prey was a boar.

I suddenly release the second, and the boar falls to the ground.

"I guess Count Baumeister will do it too."

"I've been doing this since I was a child. In the past, I couldn't eat meat without catching it."

Hunting will continue, and everyone else will aim for prey one after another.

"I rarely use a bow, so it's hard to hit it."

"I am also"

Ena and Luise, who usually do not train their bows, performed poorly.

"Katarina is better than I thought"

"Mr. Vilma, hobby hunting is a noble taste."

Catalina seems to be practicing the bow secretly.

Succeeded in catching one rabbit while removing it several times.

"I can't beat Vilma."

"Hunting is my life"

"It's a word like philosophy ..."

Definitely, Vilma is the best at hunting.

Two bows and two arrows were fired at the same time, and shot together to kill two rabbits at the same time.

It seems that such a trick cannot be performed even at the Imperial Highness.

He praised Vilma for free.

"As expected, Military Lord Edgar can only adopt her."

"It's amazing skill"

While praising Vilma, Therese himself casually took down the rabbit and showed off her skills.

I guess it's thanks to Emperor Studies that everything can be done without difficulty.

"This hunting ground is rich in prey."

"It's not a special hunting ground."

There are many places where there is a lot of such prey in the wilderness.

If you go out to the suburbs, you can hunt.

However, if you are careless, you will be attacked by a group of wolves and bears and fed.

A security guard was required.

"It was a hunt, and will we return soon?"

"Yes, let's go back."

After several hours of hunting, we return to Waulburg with your Highness.

"I'm looking forward to dinner"

"I'll serve you dishes made from my territory."

When you go to the house while riding a horse, you notice that there is a middle-aged woman there.

"Are you at Count Baumeister?"

"Yes, it is"

The middle-aged woman left my impression in a sense.

Thick body shape, thick makeup, clothes worn are barely a hobby, and they seem to be making every effort to fight aging, but they do not seem so.

On his face, he wears glasses with gold chains studded with jewels. In a word, he is a typical example of "Aunt Zama".

I knew for the first time that such a person was not in the creation but in the real world.

"I'm Herruga von Stiel. I'm the wife of Viscount Stiel."

"(What did you say!)"

Another thing I heard for the first time.

No way, there was a woman who put the word “za” at the end ...

"(Viscount Steyr?)"

It is the name of an aristocrat you do not know.

I mean, it's too much to remember yet.

"(Did you know Elise, Viscount Stille?)"

"(Yes, a child of Count Belz, a rich and famous financial aristocrat.)"

As expected, Elise-sensei seems to know the identity of this aunt.

"It's been a long time, Mr. Elise. You've been like me when I was young. I'm getting more and more beautiful like me."

"" "" "(That's hey!)" ""

Definitely, I think everyone's thoughts were the same except for this aunt.

Even if you rejuvenate, take on that heavy makeup, or get thin, she doesn't become an Elise.

Elysee seems to be having trouble answering how to answer.

"Oops, I don't think we came here today as a small talk. In fact, we came here for Leopold."

"Are you Leopold?"

"My cute son"

Leopold seems to be the son of this aunt.

But what is the matter of the son?

"I don't use Leopold, but ..."

Here Roderich raised his voice, and everyone knew everything in one word.

Mrs. Pozama's son tried to serve, but was rejected because he was on the list of problem children and came to complain about it.

Apparently, there are also monster parent people in this world.

"The outfield is silent. I'm talking to Count Baumeister."

"Ah, Roderich is the chief of recruitment at the home, but ..."

I think that there is no outfield in my family.

"Well, that's not good. Mr. Roderich may be a better person, but Count Baumeister needs to see more people directly."

"Huh ..."

This Aunt Aunt isn't wrong.

If true, examine the servants I hire, the head of the Count of Baumeister.

Sure, it's an important job for you.

So my big mistake was trying to hear her.

"Leopoldo was rejected because of something wrong. I came to correct it. Would you like me? Leopold-chan ..."

For more than two hours, we were hungry after hunting, but we had to listen to the aunt's son's pride in front of the house.

"I'm sorry"

"No, there was no direct danger."

Long time I heard my aunt's son's pride, and everyone became mentally tired.

Roderich continues to apologize to us for failing to prevent her son from boasting.

"It would be a problem if Vell couldn't prevent her while she was in danger, but it's not dangerous."

"But Ina-sama"

"I'm tired mentally. I'm the same woman, but why can I talk so long?"

When I ask Eina, I can't help wondering how long I can talk unilaterally.

"It was amazing, all over two hours, Leopold boasts"

Luise, who is relatively healthy among us, talks about the greatness of Aunt Zamas.

Pia, the completed moving story.

From the birth of Azamas aunt's son Leopold to the present, a magnificent and impressive episode.

I wonder if it can be done on TV for two hours.

Of course, this is true, but the story has some adaptations.

How much the adaptation has been done ... I don't want to investigate ...

"Thanks, Leopold-chan has become quite detailed. We, Dr. Leopold-chan."

In a word of Vilma who entered at the right time, everyone is about to blow out.

Certainly, if you have a Leopold-Chan test, you may be able to aim at intermediate level as much as the beginner can afford now.

If you work hard and aim at the advanced level, we are also good Leopold chanists.

"It's just useless to memorize such useless knowledge.

"Katarina, that's because of that aunt."

I don't want to hear, but that Aunt Ama's preemptive ability is great.

And once you start listening, we will not allow you to leave.

I think that is a kind of talent.

The way of speaking that is memorable is amazing, I think she should be a school teacher.

"I was impressed when Leopold saved her cousin from a stray dog when she was three years old."

"There was Mr. Therese, but in a way it was amazing."

The former duke of the Empire had a great speech for a long time.

In a sense, it can be said to be terrible.

It would be true that you have never read the air.

"I was there too ..."

"That's right ... He's against your Highness ..."

And His Highness also heard Aunt Zama's speech.

Is she really aware of His Highness?

However, Katarina seemed to have forgotten the presence of His Highness for a moment, and was fooling the way he said it.

"The impact of that lady is too strong ..."

Azama's presence was so great that his Highness might have been painted.

Actually, it's a secret that I forgot a little about His Highness.

"It looks like something was wrong. You're ready to eat."

Amarie sister-in-law recommends dinner to us who have returned.

I was actually planning to cook the fruits of the hunting, but since they were all tired, they cooked out the prey that the vassals had caught yesterday.

"Does your Highness know that lady?"

"Do you know from Therese ... well, well-known in the background. That Viscount Stiel ..."

Aunt Pazama, the Viscount Stil, seems to be quite a woman.

"The old St. Vichy family was leaning on finances. To manage it, she brought her to her wife.

The purpose was a lot of dowry and assistance from his wife's parents' house, but Viscount Stille was also a talented man.

"My wife is a money lender."

"I've heard that rumor."

"Well, is it natural that Cardinal Hohenheim knows ..."

Nobles may need urgently a large amount of money.

Mrs. had the talent to find such a nobleman, secretly lend money and earn interest.

The secret is that Elise, who has information from Cardinal Hohenheim, knows, but some nobles do not.

Rumors flow, but it's the same for everyone who might suddenly need money.

Therefore, she will be hesitant to criticize her and to openly disclose information.

"Thanks to that, the Viscount Steyr could rebuild its leaning finances, but ..."

The humans of the Viscount Stiel no longer have their heads up, including their head.

It is said that he is an aristocrat who is rare in this world and whose wife is the extreme.

"Viscount Steyr is a mediocre and unobtrusive person ..."

It seems that there is no even a concubine with care, since his wife does not rise.

It may be a type similar to your Highness.

"Rather than being inconspicuous, that aunt is just too noticeable ..."

Once you see that figure, everyone will never forget.

It left us such a strong impact.

"I might say so."

"His Highness, why is your aunt so enthusiastic about his son's officer? I have money."

That's right.

With the connections cultivated by money lenders, I feel quite like that.

"That's Vilma, because Leopold is the sixth son."

It's like an aunt, a mother of six boys.

"The eldest son, the second son who became a son-in-law, and the third son who became a son-in-law of a relative's aristocrat. The fourth and fifth sons also decided to serve."

"Is the sixth son useless?"

"Because she's the youngest, it looks like she's unusually cute."

Even though he is a great lender, he is almost blind to his beloved son.

It seems that he was blacklisted as a result of a runaway in an attempt to secure a stable future.

It seems to be a blacklist that includes not only his son but also his mother.

"Is my mother bad? ..."

"I don't know that."

"Huh? Did Roderich have just met?"

"I'm sorry, I played at the time of application because I'm on the list."

I don't mean that there is no other person, and that Roderich is not free enough to pay attention to such blacklisted people ...

"If you actually meet, you will know."

"Huh? Do you meet?"

"Isn't the palace begged by your wife and shaking your head vertically?"

"That's right?"

Azama's story was too long and she listened to her at the end, so she seemed to have unconsciously accepted her request for a recruitment test.

If you're aiming for that long story, you're a careless aunt.

"Okay, but ..."

I fooled and pretended to accept the re-interview, but in fact I was tired of talking about that aunt, so I decided to keep my secretly shaking my head vertically. Was.

A few days later, I had an interview with Aunt Ama's son.

Perhaps she was a bit sympathetic that she might be struggling with that extreme interference.

That feeling disappeared in just a few minutes.

"My name is Leopold von Stiel. To see my hidden talents, Count Baumeister will do nothing unexpectedly."

The youngest child of the aunt, who looks like an 18-year-old woman, was looking at her from the first greeting.

While he is hired, he seems to be very good.

"I think Roderich is a relatively good person, but I have a lot of sweetness. If you leave it to me, your development plan will be about 20% faster."

I remembered a self-proclaimed management consultant I met in a previous life.

If you leave it to yourself, you can be confident that it is packed with ideas, you will save a lot of effort and costs, and you will definitely increase your sales and profitability. However, there is no such story.

Rather than being deceived and wasting the consultant's money, some people even crush the store, reminding them that they were treated as watchful in the industry.

"I've been studying since I was a kid, and I've worked hard to acquire a variety of knowledge. How about Count Baumeister?"

I read this book in my study, but afterwards it was like a magical training in the wilderness.

"Don't do it. Count Baumeister will have to become one of the most important nobles in the kingdom, learn well, and interact with many nobles."

I'm not saying what I'm saying about this young Leopold, but it's just bad.

Before I was sent to this world, it was like saying these people were "conscious systems".

But conscious systems are probably not compliments.

If you are a conscious person, it may be a compliment.

During the interview, Leopold unilaterally continued to talk.

The expression of Noh mask is next to Rohderich.

"The future count of Baumeister must also focus on relations with the empire. Young talents like me create something new with people in a similar position in the empire."

What is that “something”?

Someone please tell me.

"The Baumeister family has a weak relationship with the West. I have a lot of acquaintance and I'll talk through it."

Do you really have that much connection ...?

After that, the story by Leopold without contents will continue.

We killed time listening to the story.

"I had a hard time today. I will tell you the result of the recruitment at a later date."

"Baumeister, recruiting and recruiting me will change this Baumeister territory, dramatically."

Leopold resigned from the end with a “smiley” smile.

"Something beat me ..."

"I have this child as that parent."

In terms of the story, the parents and children may be similar.

"I'll ask you just to make sure ..."

"I can't talk to that parent and child anymore."

I might be patient if I was a trading company man, but now I am Earl Baumeister.

I want you to exercise as much power as you do not have to meet with that parent and child.

"So, rejection"

I have promised a re-interview, but I haven't said anything about adopting it.

We have notified Leopold of rejection.

And a few days after the re-interview, I went hunting in the Demon Forest that day, shopping on Baulburg on the way back and then walking on the slightest road to the mansion.

"Even so, that lady was amazing."

"Ena-chan is talking about such rumors before the mansion ..."


Surely that aunt was standing in front of the mansion.

It looks the same as it was at that time, and it is shining with a fancy decoration.

It's like a Buddha statue in Thailand.

"Because Luise rumors!"

"Huh? Is it because of me? That's Katharina's accusation!"

No one wants to hear the story of my aunt, so as a result of trying to escape from it, everyone's eyes, including me, go to Elle.

"Is it?"

"Ell is good at listening."

"Ena! I wouldn't have ever done that for me!"

Ela's correct point was that Ena turned her face.

"Please leave it!"

"But if someone doesn't listen, you'll be there all the time."

That may not be true.

That means someone needs sacrifice.

"Let's listen to Luise."

"I'm too young and I don't think she's convinced."

"You look like a young appeal only at these times?"

Luise was also convinced, and she gently turned away from Elle.

"Mr. Elvin is Vendelin's vassal."

"Oh, those who talk unilaterally will be happy to hear it. First, it's not my job."

"Wow! It's compelling ..."

Katarina and Vilma conversely disagreed, and El was in a disadvantage.

"Ell, can I listen?"

"No, I can't leave that to Elise ..."

Elise probably sought to listen to his aunt in the spirit of priestly tolerance.

However, when he was poorly taken off by Elise, Leopold came again and went round.

Elle knew it, and went quietly to listen to her aunt.

Your steps look terribly heavy.

"Will we fly to the courtyard of the mansion with 'momentary movement'"

Then, three hours later, Elle returns with a look as if her soul had come out.

"Uhh ... I heard Leopold's turbulent life in a greatly increased version. The story of saving a childhood friend entangled in thugs was well done ..."

"Does Leopold have such a skill?"

"Do you know!"

After that, no one could tell if Leopold was able to serve.

To be honest, I didn't want to know.

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