“Celebrating the New Year!”


One week after “Carnival” when I felt doubt about its significance.

The calendar had shifted to a new year.

It's New Year in Japan.

Eating dishes, rice cakes, and, in recent years, crabs, tuna, and fine Japanese beef.

Ameyoko and Tsukiji and other places were crowded with many people, and I, a food-related trading company, was busy buying ingredients related to the New Year.

By the way, in this world, there are no tight sermons or masses at churches, and children sleep but adults often hold New Year's parties.

In the garden of Baron Bauister, obtained after the exorcism, many dishes, sweets, alcohol and drinks are prepared in large quantities. I have.

"Is it true that it should be a New Year's party for Baron Baumeister?"

"Really a great treat."

"Nevertheless, it's good not to be too stiff, because it seems to be a lot of trouble for a big noble family's New Year party."

"Helmut, have you ever attended?"

"No, I just listened to you. Paul, too, do you think I would be called to that place?"

"I don't think it's there, but I asked it just in case."

Erich, Paul and Helmut were invited to enjoy cooking and drinking with their wives.

"Thinking about the twelve years in the Baumeister Knights, I wonder if we can eat a feast in the future."

"Ah, my New Year's dishes are subtle."

Erich laughs lightly as he remembers.

Even in noble territories in rural areas, there is no feast in the new year even if there is no party.

As with the Baumeister family, at best, there were a lot of meat dishes obtained by hunting, and it was about the level that we usually eat in the royal capital.

"But I used to look forward to it. The roasted venison came out on its own."

"Yes, there was a dessert of boiled figs with honey purchased from the branch house. I thought that until the royal capital, I wouldn't have any more feasts. The amount of honey I was laughing was laughable,

Paul and Helmut also seem to remember the old days.

Speaking of which, I remember once a year when I returned home from the wilderness, there was a bit of a huge meal.

"But it seems it costs money."

"Of course it depends, but we are saving money."

"Oh, do you have Arterio?"

Paul's gaze heads to Arterio, who is chatting with Roderich.

"I have it, but thanks to this."

"A magic bag?"

"Yes, I buy all the necessary ingredients together at a cheap price. I got the meat through hunting."

As in Japan, even in the kingdom, ordinary people tend to eat feasts from the end of the year to the new year, and as demand increases, almost all food prices rise at that time.

From the perspective of the merchant, the end of the year is the time to earn.

That's why I was told by a business partner's president in the days of a trading company.

"You should buy ingredients that will be preserved during the New Year by the beginning of December at the latest."

I remembered that, and for a few months, I was busy trying to find the ingredients to use at the New Year's party.

If you have a magic bag, there is no expiration date, so it would be fortunate that the ingredients were collected in the best condition.

"It's a magical bag ... because noble family doesn't have to be a fairly high rank."

General-purpose items that can be used without being a magician are expensive because they take time to make.

First, it seems that nobles below the baron have few.

It seems that there are cases where you use the wizard's magician's thing, but that means that the aristocrat does not have it because it is owned by the wizard.

It seems that there are many wizards who are full of their own things, and there are also many cases where they can refuse to keep custody.

"But is it so rare?"

"Oh, that's because merchants like ours dominate."

On behalf of Paul, Arterio, who has finished a conversation with Roderich, answers my questions.

"No more than one or two magic bags from a nobleman. Not much space is needed, but it's a must-have for merchants."

Before storing food, if you buy a large one, you can move tens of tons of luggage in a single bag.

A merchant who wants to be a big guy is sure to buy it even if he borrows money.

"I had a reward for exterminating the old fire dragon and a share of the material price at the end of my active life. I was able to buy a large magic bag suddenly. I don't have it. "

Still, merchants need business talent, and the price of the magic bag was earned by Arterio.

It would not be possible for just a prospective merchant.

"That's why his former partner, Blanctag, isn't coming."

"He would prefer the party of the Breichrader frontier union."

The common people are at home alone, and their relatives often hold parties together.

If a merchant becomes a big player, he or she calls a business partner and organizes it, and in many cases, peers of similar size take turns every few years.

Aristocrats are often hosted only by large houses, and in many cases, Yoko bring food, sake, and festive money.

"I'm doing it on a moderate scale every year, even in the royal capital of Breichrader, on a remote frontier house. Well, the mansion on the territory is my favorite."

Apparently it was being done inside a mansion, and the light was visible from the neighboring Bleichrader remote frontier house.

"Is it difficult to hold two places at the same time as a frontier uncle? By the way, Mr. Arterio?"

"I'm at the edge of the politics and commerce, so I'm naturally hosting it. Kami and my son are partitioning, and I'll be back a little more."

"Is it okay to show my face to a small party like this for a long time?"

The Baron Baumeister family was talked about by exterminating dragons, but from the aristocracy's point of view, he was only Baron Hoi.

It is common to call only family members, vassals and servants and their families, and Yoko and their families.

Therefore, the party of Baron Baumeister had no more than thirty participants.

For me, a former small citizen, I think that's still a large number.

"There's a dilemma there."

"What is that?"

"I would like to go to the Baumeister Baron's party, which is now talked about in the royal capital, but the scale is only according to custom?"

If a baron like the upstart has a party that is bigger than other great nobles, it will be a criticism by itself.

So, the only guests who were invited were his brothers and their wives, and the only merchant who was invited was Arterio, who had a relationship.

It was Roderich, who came from a merchant himself, who arranged for parties other than cooking.

How large will the party be?

I think they adjusted the spoon well.

"When you return to the house party, many merchants would say, 'Can you somehow introduce me to Baron Baumeister?'

Mr. Arterio overflows with bitches while drinking wine at once.

"Is it a merchant world that stands out as a live horse?"

"That's it. I'm just lucky to be called, but it's troublesome."

While we are talking like that, the date changes and we reach the new year.

"Happy New Year"

"Happy new year, mansion"

We exchanged greetings while toasting again, and the party broke up around midnight.

"Like Wendellin, let's sleep a little."

"Is there a greeting tomorrow?"

"I will be with you tomorrow."

Fortunately, there is no first visit to the church in this world.

But instead, there are greetings around the New Year.

It was like Japan for some reason, but where to go to say hello and in what order to go to say hello is decided by custom, so it seems to come with Roderich.

"Please take a rest for your house, your wife and Elvin"

I go to bed when prompted by Roderich and wake up at about 9 am the next day.

Waking up a bit late, but probably more tired than expected.

I did not wake up at the usual time.

"Then let's go out. Mansion."

There is no breakfast, only mate tea and go out for New Year's greeting.

I, El, Elise, Eina, Luise, and Roderich have a total of six people. Everyone except me has a large basket.

In the basket, there were candy and cookies wrapped in paper.

What is this used for?

"happy New Year"

"Please, please."

After leaving the residence, there were commercial districts and wealthy ordinary children waiting for the children of other noblemen's servants and vassals.

This is how they wait in front of the noble mansion and get money and sweets from the nobles and great merchants who go out to greet the New Year.

I think it is custom like a New Year's ball.

The amount of money and sweets to prepare is largely determined by the status and wealth of the aristocrat, says Roderich, who taught the custom.

The money is supposed to be a copper coin when wrapping sweets in paper.

Of course, Roderich taught me.

"Hi, Fu, Mi, yo ...

"Even new aristocrats like us are quite a gathering."

"Vell is a celebrity."

El, Ena, and Luise hand out sweets to nearly a hundred children.

"" "Thank you, nobles, older brothers, older sisters" ""

The children who receive the sweets thank them and go rushing to find other nobles.

"I see, do you meet as many aristocrats and merchants as you can and get sweets?"

"Yes, it's bad manners to get the same person over and over again and get sweets. You'll get angry when you get home and find your parents."

"So I wrote my name on the wrapper."

At the end of the year, Ell, who helped make the wrapper for sweets, is convinced.

If you have more than one wrapper with the same house name, you have received duplicate sweets.

"At the end of the year, the aristocracy is still a thing."

"Yes, if you're a knight without a job, you don't have to prepare so much sweets, but some people look good and prepare a lot."

Elise explains that the house name is written on the wrapping paper, which is a kind of publicity.

"It seems that this aristocrat sprinkled so much sweets and money."

When a family sees a child open a wrapper at home, the nature and the name of the aristocrat will be advertised.

"Will the children desperately run around the noble district to get more packages of sweets?"

"There seems to be a reason that children should be fine."

If you want a lot of sweets, meet many nobles on your own feet and earn.

It is necessary to guess the time to go to the New Year's greeting, and to efficiently wait in front of the house.

The amount of sweets you have for each noble is also fixed, so you need to meet and get some sweets as soon as possible.

"Did you get Elise as a child?"

"No, noble children don't go for sweets. They're just servants and vassals."

Even with the vassals, children who belong to the family of the Lord cannot participate, which seems to be a custom for non-noble children.

The difference in that area seems to be large in this world.

"Instead, I've given you New Year's money. Vell."

"From the end of the year to the new year, I understand why it's going to be a lot."

I don't know if this is the case, but it was customary to pay lump sums and servants lump sums and give their children pocket money of tens of cents.

This may be a real New Year's ball.

"Okay, first let's head to the mansion of the Bleichrader frontier."

Roderich will tell you the first greeting, but it may be natural because the mansion is next to you and your parents.

When he told the guard who was guarding his purpose, he immediately appeared.

"Mr. Blanc Larck, happy new year"

"Hello, happy new year. The palace is busy on the territory. I'm dealing with visitors in my name."

Blantark, a magician holding her, has been staying in the royal capital for a long time, partly because of my magical instruction.

Therefore, it was often the case that he was in charge of being responsible at the Bleichrader Frontier House of the Imperial Family.

"In a few days, the mansion will have a separate New Year's party, so we want him to come out."


"I'll tell the palace that the shavens have come."

We will have a party together with the mansion in the territory and the royal residence.

It seems that the big noble New Year is busy.

In this world, it is not “New Year” but “New Year”.

"Next is the Hohenheim family?"


It's the home of Elise, who will be my regular wife.

It would be natural to visit early.

"It's hard, because if you make the wrong turn, some nobles will bend your stomach. Well, there's no problem with Roderich."

"No, Mr. Blanc Tak. I checked the order of visits many times and my stomach hurts."

"It was hard."

In effect, Roderich, who is the family of Baron Baumeister, must definitely do this kind of work.

If you make a mistake, not only will you be guilty of yourself, but it will also cause Baron Bauister to be attacked by other nobles.

"Well, the Baron Baumeister now doesn't need to visit so many nobles ..."

Breichrader's House of the Frontier, Viscount Hohenheim and others are Erich's Brandt's, Paul's, and Helmut's Baumeister.

It seems useless to go to a house like Lord Lookner's Finance because he is not a parent.

Later, Breichrader Hakuba will meet and greet her at a party hosted by the Imperial House.

It's a formal custom.

"It's awkward just to listen ..."

"That's because it's a noble creature. I have to tell the visitor that I'll have a New Year party later, so I can't follow a shaven today."

"Okay, so please say goodbye to Bleichrader."

"Leave it to me"

After giving the New Year's gift, he tells Blantaq, and then heads to the house of the Hohenheim family, the home of Elise.


"I'm sorry."

On the way, many children ask for sweets, and since they are still there, Ell will give out one by one.

"My parents' home was the same as Vell's, but I didn't have this custom."

"Well, that's right. Ell's family is not that different from me."

Like the Baumeister family, they are poor and can't afford to give out sweets to their children.

"Some of the new year's meals are a little bit better."

"I also don't remember much ..."

I feel like a meat dish or a lightly sweet dessert, but it wasn't so delicious, so I didn't really remember it in my memory.

"Vendelin has arrived."

When you tell the gatekeeper to visit, Cardinal Hohenheim comes out from inside the mansion.

"Happy new year"

"I'm here, my son-in-law. Happy new year."

You will be guided to the house immediately, and you can recommend snacks, sweets and desserts.

"(As expected, the church's influential. Hospitality is sophisticated.)

Eina was impressed alone.

People who go to New Year's greetings must visit several other noble homes.

However, if you eat a huge meal, you will not be able to eat your stomach with a full stomach. If you do not eat anything, you will be rude and will be forced to eat.

To avoid that, the Hohenheim family seems to have prepared only food that can be eaten lightly.

Certainly, at home, it may be difficult to consider such considerations.

But you may have a treat, but your customers may only see it as a snack.

"(Oh ..., no customers will come before that ...)"

Because it takes three months to go and go over a mountain, it is not worth visiting.

“What ’s wrong?

"No, by the way, do you not have a father-in-law and a brother-in-law?"

"I'm going to New Year's service."

Just as we distribute sweets to the children we meet, churches also distribute sweets to children in slums and poor homes.

"You wrap the cookies that you keep or the candy you bought from donations on paper with the church mark printed on them."

Although it is a pure service activity, there seems to be some background.

"Everywhere in the royal capital, children begging for sweets is also to keep slum kids from begging for sweets in commercial, wealthy, and aristocratic quarters."

It seems like a service in which political intent is working, fearing security deterioration.

The severeness of that area is probably different from Japan.

"Well, any kid can smile if she gets some sweets. I think it's good."

Greetings to Cardinal Hohenheim and a New Year's gift, and then greets Erich's Blunt's house, Helmut's royal city of Baumeister, and Paul's house.

"Baby is cute."

"True, warm when you hug it"

"Wow, that's true."

The Elise and the others are talking happily, holding the baby Miriam-in-law's newborn baby in turn.

His father, Erich, his mother, Miriam, his sister-in-law, and a cute newborn baby are all at a glance.

"Vell will have a child in a few years."

Next, when we went to the house of Baumeister, the house of Mr. Helmut, and the house of Mr. Paul, the wives were both pregnant.

I know long ago that I was at a party for the New Year, but the Elises do not break their enviable faces.

"Baby is really cute."

"I may have wanted it too"

"Vell, do your best at that time."

I am a little surprised at what Elise said.

I was particularly frightened by Luise's remarks.

"Well, is this over?"

Now I went around a few places to visit and distributed everything I had for children who begged for sweets.

I thought I'd just return home, but Roderich waited.

"The rest is the guru's mansion."

"Is it a guru's residence"

"Mr. Roderich, are we okay to visit?"

The worst thing about this is that the guru is a house that is independent of the army's army, Count Armstrong.

Because it is not my parent, I have trouble deciding whether to visit.

"That's why the order of visits is lower than that of Erich and others. Because they have been trained in magic, it is safe to visit."

If you make a visit right after the Hohenheim family, this may be a problem if you despise your relatives.

There is no problem after my brothers.

"Troublesome story"

Lel makes an annoying face from the bottom of her heart.

"Since your brother's ranking is not a simple age difference,"

It seems that Erich's Brant family was the best brother, because he couldn't visit the house of his parent, Lord Lookner.

Next was Helmut because he took care of Military Lord Edgar, the patron of the Baumeister family, and lastly Paul, because he had just earned the Holy Knighthood. .

"It seems like the reason and excuses are mixed ..."

I just feel awkward while doing what I have to do.

It was good to throw a round to Roderich.

Eina seems to be thinking the same way.

"Ina-sama, that's the noble practice."

"So, if you don't like that, you can relax with a guru's house."

Luise says so, so hurry and visit his mansion.

"Hello! Happy New Year!"

When you tell the gatekeeper again about this visit, the guru comes running like a rushing boar.

"Get inside!"

When you were guided inside the mansion, there were a large number of dishes on the table and a bottle of sake.

"I could imagine ..."

"Elvin boy! It's a toast!"

The dishes are meat dishes, but many of them are gutsy.

Wyvern roast was placed on the center table.

Drinks, tea and juice will come out if you ask, but basically only sake.

"Anyway, it's going to be the last place. I'm going to eat and drink until I'm full, even for dinner!"

It's not an atmosphere that can be refused, and it is a huge meal if you think it is dinner.

We give new years to children with many gurus and grandchildren who already have three and then join the party.

"Is it a Wyvern roast?"

"Um, there is a shop that has a large oven that specializes in baking! The ingredients are from certain people!"

For other nobles, the cost of ingredients would be ridiculous, but the guru can eat expensive Wyvern roasts at the expense of cooking alone.

Other customers also concentrated on carving because they rarely could eat.

"Sake is often too hard."

The main thing is distilled spirits, which is ridiculous.

Wine is available, but it seems to be a substitute for aperitif and juice at the teacher's residence.

"It's a party that Blanc Turk would be happy with."

Speaking later, I might say I wanted to participate.

"But we're minors?"

"Ms. Ina, I don't care for the New Year!"

Although underage drinking is useless, there is no particular legal penalty.

In addition, when a child's age reaches double digits, an inner banquet or party says, "Get used to it now! ] And parents often give them a drink.

In the past, my father said that it was like that in Japan.

"May Elise get angry?"

"I have a lot of thoughts, but it's a seat for the New Year celebration."

What Eina worried about was the presence of Elise, the church official, who was the most demanding in drinking underage.

She seemed serious and thought she would get angry, but she seemed to come to terms with God in her heart about once a year.

"I'll make it juice"

However, I do not seem to drink alcohol.

"So, do you have a toast?"

I, El, Ena and Luise take wine, Roderich takes a liquor of distilled spirits similar to shochu, and Elise takes a cup with citrus juice.

"So, celebrate the New Year and toast!"


When I toast with my ondo, everyone starts drinking the contents of the glass at their own pace.

"I'm a little thirsty."

Elysee, who did not eat and drink at all places, drank juice at once.

And the guru who had been dealing with another customer comes back.

"Elise, did you drink the glass there?"

"Yes, my uncle. It was a delicious juice ... but that?"

Elise's face suddenly turns red.

"Guru, was this alcohol?"

"Um. It is a mixture of 95% special distilled spirits and just a little juice."


What I thought was juice was actually a really intense cocktail.

And Elise who drank at a stretch without knowing it.

Apparently, the New Year's greeting seemed to get caught up in trouble at the end.

"Ahahaha! @ Mr. Wenderin, this juice is delicious!"

"It's not juice ..."

"Ell! Substitute!"

Drunk Elise was laughing at Ueto.

I don't know why, but she seems to be very happy, and she asks Ell for a juice.

"Yes, substitute"

"Ell ... the taste is different from before. I'll demand the same!"

Elyse demanded that Elise made a stronger cocktail with the sake I mentioned earlier.

Ell is confused by her unusual behavior.

"(What do you do? @Vell)"

"(Make the sake as thin as possible)"

I tell Elle to make a cocktail so that the alcohol content is as low as possible.

But Elise noticed that, and Elle beckoned.

"El-san! This is a man, and you can drink as much as you say!"

"Is that related to masculinity?"

"Which amount of alcohol isn't quite a man!"

"Yes, I see ..."

Ell tries to make the alcohol thinner, and Elise sees it out, and increases the amount of alcohol as if he couldn't help.

The drunk Elise was quite bullish, and Elle couldn't resist it.


The fear of getting drunk has been a terrible experience both as a student and as a trading company.

Of course there is no way to go against it.

"Ummm .... the old nightmare is back again."

"What is it?"

I ask a guru who mutters while watching the drunk Elise for detailed explanation.

"That is, when Elise was about ten years old, a certain person tried to drink a little alcohol ..."

“Minors must not drink! ], And he was more serious than it was now, so he mixed it with juice and gave him a drink.

"So what happened?"

"Elise laughs when she gets drunk ..."

"Ahahaha! A fun party, Mr. Wenderin"

I don't know what's so interesting, but I'm talking to my back while banging.

I felt drunk and couldn't control my power, and my back hurt.

The quality of the pain was similar when my guru hit my back.

After all, I'm convinced that these two are connected by blood.

"In the crying Ueto ..."

"Even though I worked hard, but I couldn't save her .... Vendelin, are you listening?"

"Naturally, humans are not God, so it is impossible to save all injured and sick."

"Well, isn't it? Some people say that the healing of the saint has deteriorated."

"I'm irresponsible for my habit of doing nothing."

"I thought Wendelin would understand."

This time, I suddenly remembered the past treatment failure and began to cry, and I ended up comforting it.

But drunk is horrible.

Suddenly, the topic jumps in a completely different direction.

"The rest is a sermon ..."

"El, you've just asked Blantark to take me to a shop with a beautiful sister!"

If you think you stopped crying, Elle's secret will be revealed.

"Now! Why?"

"Ell, you're a minor ..."

"That's why you should go on your own after growing up ..."

It seems like this was the case, and El was upset, and even Eina and Luise could be seen with a cold gaze.

"Mr. Elle will take on an important position in the Baumeister family in the future, so please be careful of such unscrupulous statements."


El is caught by Elise, who has become a preaching demon, and he is preached and drops his shoulder.

Perhaps it is perfect and lamenting his bad luck.

"Elise, it's almost there ..."

"I would like to say to my uncle as it is a good opportunity. Although he is a childhood friend of His Majesty, I think he has many actions that he lacks in his awareness as a royal palace master magician!"

"... I'm sorry ..."

He was a guru trying to get a helpboat to Elle, but now he had to preach to Elise.

It seemed that he was aware of the content to some extent, and the guru quietly apologized for listening to Elise's sermon.

"(Vell lets Elise drink alcohol!)"

"(I didn't drink it on purpose, I didn't know about Elise's bad drinking habit!)"

This time, I get angry with Ena, but I've never seen Elise drinking alcohol since I met him.

If you know this will happen, I'm a little more careful.

"Vell, what can't be done with healing magic?"

"Um ... impossible"

The magic of draining alcohol from human bodies can only be used for Elise for now.

Because it is similar to “poison disinfection,” but the system seems to be different, and I had a hard time learning.

"And there is also tangled sake."

"I'm good, Eina."

Elise, who has finished preaching to the teacher, is now involved in Ena.

"Huh? Me?"

"I want a little more back, straw. Ina-san, I'm fine."

Elise is hugging Eina and is constantly stroking her head.

"Elysees are also about average."

The average height of women in this world is around 166 cm.

Elise should be well within the average.

"Isn't a tall woman looking cool?"

"Is there anything related to height and cool?"


Apparently, Elise was jealous of her height, putting her hand on Eina's head.

Eina seems to be annoyed by her sultry Elise.


"What? I'm short and I'm small."

"I wish my feet were fast."

This time, cling to Luise's feet.

Speaking of which, when we did the basic training before, we played with fun, but overwhelmingly the first place was Luise, the second was Eina, the third was El, the fourth, I and Dobe were Elise I remembered.

Elise's motor nerves are average, his physical strength and endurance are slightly above average, and his running speed is a bit slow.

They looked a little quieter, so they felt like they were.

It might be the only drawback of Elise, who is said to be a perfect superman, and she was concerned about it.

"Washed, my legs are slow.

"Elise, don't slip my feet!"

Elizé further drunk, exposing Luise's bare feet to make her cheeks slippery.

"I'm going to a little dangerous world!"

Luise was writhing with Elise's squirrel attack.

"Well, it's a reaction when you're usually called a saint and behaving appropriately ..."

"Guru, it's nice to analyze calmly, but don't you think it's a problem to have only drinks at the party?"

"If you say that, you're also responsible for Baron Baumeister who didn't confirm before drinking."


Although he should have been drinking a lot of alcohol in the morning, the guru remained as usual.

Because I'm going through my complaints that are close to me.

"Um, next ..."

Elise, who enjoyed Luise's bare feet, turns her eyes to Elle.

"It's bad!"

L raises a sense of crisis.

I'm glad Eina and Luise are still women, but if she's drunk, if Elise embraces her, she'll be forced into a much worse position.

"Huh ... a new adult world."

"Luise should stop Elise without saying something weird!"

Luise, who had a brilliant expression with her bare feet slimmed, ordered Eina to hold down Elise together.

But that worry seemed useless.

"Elise! I'm a tall, well-trained body, and my sword's arms are pretty good ..."

"No, she's especially enviable ..."

Elise went to bed after saying a word to Ell.

Subtle air spreads around.

After all, Elle put her own good point first and put out a precautionary line, but Elise, who was at stake, ignored everything.

"I'm glad I could prevent the scandal, Elle."

"Elise didn't compare that way because El was a man."

"But it's a bit embarrassing. The body you've trained yourself ..."

"This is the worst ending for me!"

Undoubtedly, the shout of Elle, the victim of Elise, who was most drunk, was the soul of the New Year's Armstrong Viscount.


"I'm sorry, Dominick.

Elise fell asleep, so we left the guru's house early and returned home.

Explain why Elise is sleeping to her childhood friend and maid Dominique who was greeted.

"I see ... Elise drinks ..."

Maybe something happened in the past.

Dominique's expression is quite cloudy.

When I heard the details, I felt bad, so everyone stopped trying to ask her questions.

"I don't usually talk about it, but once I do, I'm asking for a replacement."

Indeed, I never gave up drinking at the time of Shiraf.

After preaching by mistake, he preached to Ell about the lightness of his drink.

"In that case, it would be better for Elise-sama not to drink any alcohol in the future ..."

"It will be like that."

Not only Roderich and Dominic, we absolutely swear to never drink alcohol at Elise.

And ...

"Huh? I remember my toast at my uncle's house ..."

"" "" "..." "" "

Elise had no memory of her time when she was drunk, and she swears more to never drink her.

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