Hachinan tte, Sore wa Nai Deshou!

Episode 108: Is the Giant Cannon a Man's Romance?

"Confirmation of surrender of forward rebels"

As you advance, your reconnaissance squad will report the presence of enemy troops on the path.

However, when I noticed this, I surrendered without fighting.

"I'll see you again ..."

"But again, I can't ignore it."

This is Phillips's theory of the past several times, but this is not the last thing, so I am troubled.

"His enemies have surrendered," a history book can be done in one line, but I want you to write down the troublesomeness of handling this in your book.

"I know, but it's troublesome ..."

"You have to show your face."

Yes, as Elise says, even a nominal commander with a fancy decoration is not without a job.

"Let's have a tea break when it's over. We baked cookies yesterday."

"Is it true? The cookies baked by Elise are less sweet and delicious."

I am grateful that Elise makes sweets according to my taste.

Listen to the excuse of a nobleman who surrenders quickly and have a fun time with Oyatsu.

"So, what is the name of the nobleman who commands the surrendered army?"

After retiring his rival Therese as the new ruler of the Empire, Peter quickly repositioned and began to fight back against the Duke of Nuremberg.

"Clean up by next spring"

He declared so he began to recruit troops from all territories under his control and cut down on the territory of the rebels, led by Ziwajiwa and the Duke of Nuremberg.

Speaks to the nobleman whose territory is in the southern part of the west and east, whose affiliation is ambiguous, saying, "If you descend now, your royal crown and territory will be preserved," and you will succeed in dropping most of them.

Peter considered the location of their territory and did not mind being attached to the rebels.

Instead, they were required to recruit troops and join the Duke of Nuremberg.

Fortunately, little fighting has occurred since the Duke of Nuremberg did not follow up on reinforcements or the like.

Some nobles resisted violently, but they were either defeated by the Imperial Army, or some of them joined the Duke of Nuremberg with their families and troops; Under the influence of.

Successfully succeeded in occupying the northern part of the southern region, which had been destroyed by the former suppression forces.

For imperial nobles and folks here, the Imperial Army is nothing more than an enemy that has destroyed their homeland.

Naturally, resistance is fierce. Nevertheless, Peter presents conditions such as support for recovery, and manages to occupy and establish a supply system by mixing hard and soft weaves.

The southern territories controlled by the Duke of Nuremberg gradually came under the occupation of the Imperial Army, and parts of the Duke of Nuremberg were already occupied.

Aristocrats whose territories are in the southern region are those who surrender on the condition that they have surrendered or reduced their territories.

They are different from those who have joined the Duke of Nuremberg with their families and some troops.

But it's not that hard compared to the large battles and deadly battles that have occurred.

In the southern territory, the Baumeister army, composed of Royal troops and some mercenaries, together with the Mizuho army moving alongside, in the process of responding to the surrender of a small group standing forward. Was.

"Um ... who's army?"

"It's the coat of arms of Viscount Casilla"

As usual, I am originally a foreigner, and I am in command of the Countess of Baumeister.

"I don't understand well"

"The concubine isn't very familiar with the Southern nobles. I just happened to remember the coat of arms of Viscount Casilla."

"It just happened, even though I no longer remember the name, even the noble kingdom."

"Is it your coat of arms? I don't mind. First, the empire and kingdom have too many nobles."

For some reason, there was a call to the Countess of Baumeister, saying, "Too much time is too much trouble."

I think it's okay because not much time has passed since that retirement, but she told Peter directly and decided to join him.

"Would it be better to mix Wendelin's army with those who know the Imperial nobility?"

Obviously, saying so, he simply acknowledged the reunion of Therese.

In any case, we cannot join the Duke of Nuremberg, and there is still uncertainty about the human resources in terms of negotiations in the country.

Even though the guide employs local people, there are no rebel nobles or those who negotiate when the army wants to surrender.

There, a white-headed arrow stood at Therese, who had retired and lived a temporary retreat.

"If you can use it, you must use anything."

From Peter's point of view, the fact that Therese works under the Imperial Army may be important.

From the surroundings, she appears to have completely descended to Peter's gate.

The reason we are working together with us and the Earl of Mizuho is because they are jerky when working in the Imperial Army, and some people who worry that Therese will work with us and rebel against Peter. There seems to be some, but it would be too worrisome.

If the war is prolonged and the war is prolonged again here, I won't know what made the struggle so far.

Peter doesn't even care about that.

No, he pretends not to care, and appeals to his boldness.

"If you really tell me, you're short on human resources. Therese is a lot of work that can be done without having to lead the army. "

This is the true intention of Peter.

Terese is a first-class human resource who can protect himself as he has killed enemy soldiers himself, and can dexterously conduct command, military administration, negotiations and anything.

We do not leave the army, but it is still useful in this way.

"Duke of Phillip?"

The aristocrat, led by the surrendered group, looked at Therese and made his eyes round.

No way, she probably didn't think she was here.

"I'm retired in various ways. And what does Viscount Casilla want?"

"In the past, due to geographical conditions, the only option was to obey the Duke of Nuremberg, but now he has gone into extreme defense tactics and withdrawn, where the regents who took hold of the Empire I have to cling to Peter ... "

I wonder if I can change affiliation so easily, but this was also the sorrow of the lord.

Even if you do something badly on one side, it is only the cause of destruction.

"I think my concubine would like to surrender. I can't say it's free."

Unlike the eastern and western nobles, the southern nobility couldn't afford to forgive if they descended.

"Isn't it necessary to give something?"

"Whether part of the territory or money is normal. After that, regroup and join the Imperial Army."

Because the troops consume their own food and other items, the burden on the minority is considerable.

Still, it would be better than destroyed by the Imperial Army.

I think it was a pity, but this was also the fate of the small lord.

"I want you to refrain from shrinking the territory, so you have to manage the negotiations with money. Is installment payment possible?"

"That's a consultation. If you don't have to wait for payment, you'll be fine."

The size of the territory for the aristocracy was a barometer of power that was easily understood by the world.

Eliminating it is not easy to accept, even if the profits do not drop.

-Nevertheless, there were many aristocrats that were sealed or remodeled in the war.

"At times Peter was single, right?"

"Visit Cassilar, I don't know how you feel, but I advise you to stop it."

Peter of the same year as me was single.

For some reason, there is no topic, and he loves Emera, a magician he usually keeps nearby.

I see Peter only arguing for Emera, and she only coldly denies it, but still Emera does not leave Peter, so that is probably the case.

It is nostalgia to look into such things in detail.

"Because the regent isn't happy with the aristocrats who are trying to present their daughters and sisters to enhance their position under the new administration."

"Is it irritating and angering?"

"No, I don't think it's that far, but it's definitely not."

Peter himself sees directly his father, the former emperor, who changed the empire's politics in consideration of his wife.

I advise Viscount Casiller that giving her daughter would not be a good result.

"Okay. I will negotiate to get fined and served."

"Let the concubine acknowledge the letter. I don't know if it's useful, but note that there was no resistance or fighting."

"Thank you"

Viscount Casillah bowed deeply to me and Therese before heading to the headquarters under Peter's command.

"Telesee was a negotiator."

"Yes, I don't know this."

Eina, who was standing beside me as an escort, sighs of relief looking at the back of Viscount Casillah.

He is no longer a Duke of Phillip, and is a lone staffer. I don't need honorifics. "

"As expected, it's a former duke. Therese-san."

"Just having a lot of face-to-face experience with a disgusting nobleman is no big deal."

Only Elise puts "san", but this is something of her habit, so she doesn't care about Therese.

"But there's no such battle and no negotiations."

"Nothing goes without battle"

"Ugh ... Vilma is serious about what he says."

"As a 'Shin-speed sniper,' it's the only guesswork that can be said of Vilma, who has shot a lot of snipers. You can't kill anyone if you like."

"That's right."

Not only Vilma.

Luise has also defeated many soldiers with stones and has helped destroy mass-produced dragon golems.

It seems that they are eager to return to their hunting life soon because of the war.

"The concubine has to be successful here and win immigration to the county of Bauister."

"Did you really emigrate to Baumeister?"

Katarina, who also calls Terese with "san" in her habit, asks her there as if to confirm.

"You can send the Honorable Earl's pension, and if the empire and kingdom come back to life, you can go home and get back. In any case, you don't need to have a concubine in the empire where Peter took control. He would have retired because he did not want to kill his concubine, but if he stayed in the Imperial City and a strange guy approached him, he would have to take the reluctant and hands to dismiss the concubine. ''

"Is that too much thinking?"

"Catarina. That's what the powers are. They sometimes sacrifice small things for the big. Powers who do the opposite are also a problem. I also trust the power as a power at the same time. ''

Katarina gets stuck in a reply to Terese's ironic words.

"I don't mind Katarina, the mother of the next Weigel patriarch, so the concubine is working this way to get permission to move from Count Baumeister."

"Are you really moving? The climate is different in Oita."

Migrate to thousands of kilometers away on your own.

For me, I'm worried that it's really good.

"Because it's warm, you may not need to pay for the costumes, because you've said that all the maids and guards in the Imperial City residence are short-term hires. Is heading alone. "

"Is it up to Peter and my Majesty?"

"That's a relief. I'll be sure to get permission."

I don't know what the grounds are, but therese seems to be convinced he will be allowed to emigrate the Count of Baumeister.

"I can do anything about my concubine later. Why don't you advance faster?"

"That's right, the Mizuho Army is waiting."

The two armies began to advance again, but this time they were spared nothing.

I wondered if he would launch it in a defense battle, but it seems that the Duke of Nuremberg has really consolidated his strength in one place.

"Would Earl Baumeister have defeated the captain of the Duke of Nuremberg before?

Duke Nuremberg had declared himself his right arm and his chief of service, Sauken, had disappeared, and Duke of Nuremberg lost more than 10,000 troops.

This was Philip's idea, but it would not be wrong.

"It has the advantage of the land. The death of Sauken, who was supposed to lead it, such as a surprise attack in a separate squad or a raid on a transportation route, should be painful."

"Is that low resistance?"

There are some, but abandoned nobles and lords, most of whom have been victims of previous Imperial wrongdoing.

They are desperately resisting the Imperial Army, believing they will be devastated again and taken away.

People are often persuaded by persuasion, but humans cannot easily forget the damage they suffered in the war.

[Duke Nuremberg and the Empire have no trust! ], And there were those who performed severe guerrilla warfare.

"It's a small number, and the Duke of Nuremberg will defend it with the elaborately chosen money and food. It would be difficult for Peter to beat it."

I don't struggle until I hunt down, but it's difficult to hunt down.

Perhaps Peter is not aware of Christoph's inference, so he may be working hard to counter it now.

"In any case, the imperial civil war will end soon, so we can return to the kingdom."

"My brother, what about student education?"

"I taught you about the elementary"

Philip, who has educated Elle, who is currently at the forefront with Haruka, expresses an emotional expression that this work is about to be done.

Indeed, in this short period, Elle was leading a force of about a thousand troops.

Philippine, both as a commander and an educator, is proof that he is superior

"Isn't it the first time yet?"

"Everything Baumeister, there's nothing else. In other words, if you tell me this far, you won't mature as a commander until the time has passed."

"I say something like wine."

"It's like wine. Apart from a young genius commander, a normal commander needs some skill."

Because you are on the commander, middle-aged and elderly people are usually more experienced and safer than younger ones.

If your boss is much younger than yourself at the company, it may be the same feeling that you are worried and worried.

"Some army commanders feel like they're working around fifty years old? I guess that's what Military General Edgar is like. Some years later, Earl Armstrong has the muscle to make up for it. What?

As seen by Military General Edgar, Count Armstrong's body size and lean muscle mass seem to be nothing wasted as a military commander.

Certainly, middle-aged Ojisan seems to be more reassured by soldiers than commanders.

"Some of these talents come along with age, so they're similar to wine. They're similar in that ripening what's useless from the start just rots."

Philip probably must have mentioned Marquis Reeger, who came under his command.

"The Duke of Nuremberg is young"

"So some people are young and have that kind of talent. I've never actually seen a face, but the eyes are sharp like an eagle, and when I stare at it, I can't resist that command It's a rare talent as a commander, and he has the abilities and he's an exception. "

"Is it also Peter?"

"That regency is ... he's not a soldier. He's leaving Gilbert a cool face, isn't he? There's no such thing as a top that can do that. I'll call that general general."

"You're a young talent of the empire ..."

Unfortunately, the Duke of Nuremberg was supposed to be a Buddha, but if the remaining Peter recruits human resources without being restrained by his family, etc., it may be surprising that the national power, which had declined due to the civil strife, could be recovered faster than expected.

"But maybe the worst thing is Earl Baumeister."

"I am? Why?"

"Even if you lose, you can restart as long as you survive.

"If you think so, don't be against me."

Are you praised, or do you think it's like a cockroach?

To be honest, I am bullish because it is a bit complicated.

"I know it enough, Christophe."

"I do not do that because I have no hostility or financial resources."

The army will continue to advance.

Occasionally surrender and rearrange the surrendering army, and leave the occupied towns and villages to a military service unit.

The scenery of late autumn spread in front of the eyes, and since the two armies had not yet battled, everyone was walking non-billy.

"What was the struggle so far?"

It's no wonder Eina wonders.

Already, it has already entered the Duke of Nuremberg.

Still, there is no resistance, and the residents of the occupied villages and towns are under the rule of the Empire.

Workers were recruited in Oita, but none of them want to help their families or fight back against invaders.

It sounds extra scary, but they may be thinking this way.

"As before, the invaders will be attacked by the Duke of Nuremberg anyway."

"It seems that the house and the city center of Nuremberg, Count Baumeister were occupied bloodlessly."

Early Mizuho, who appeared with the latest reports, was so sober that everyone could understand.

"Where is the defense base?"

"About 5 km south of the building. It seems to be a rocky mountain."

"A mountain fort?"

That Duke of Nuremberg cannot leave the museum unconditionally.

I'm thinking that I'm going to defend somewhere and ask the senior Earl Mizuho about that place.

After planning, he seems to be fighting in a mountainous area near the mansion.

"It seems that the main of the defense facility is underground. There is a vast underground archeological site, and it seems that it is using that facility."

"You abandon everything else and bet everything on defense there."

Already, most empire territories are in the hands of Peter.

The Duke of Nuremberg, which has no advantage over the national power, may be trying to withdraw from the Imperial Army in defense combat, causing bleeding and lack of supply.

"It can be said to be heartless."

"So it's a battle to capture that."

I don't know how strong the fighter was, but the attackers have heard that they can't win unless their strength is at least three times as strong.

Dropping this will definitely be a tricky one.

"So what does Peter think?"

"First of all, there is no gap for ants ...

Because it is a defense facility using ruins under the mountain range, there should be a hole somewhere even if surrounded by a large army.

The reason why the people of the Duke of Nuremberg were obedient was that an underground organization that secretly supplies food and communicates information has already been formed.

"Is there a win?"

"Okay? We don't seem to have to join in a hurry."

I'm convinced that we won't be doing any more.

The battle is already late, and the genuine Imperial nobles will defeat the Duke of Nuremberg alone.

"Because we don't have to work over there, let's do some proper camp today."

"I agree"

The place is located between the mansion of the Duke of Nuremberg and the Climb Mountains, and there is a flat area that can be opened properly.

"Preparation for camping!"

It seems that the way of giving instructions by El, who leads about a thousand Royal Army groups, has also become Oita-like.

"Is the Imperial Army going to take on the tedious and costly underground fortification warfare? I should return to the kingdom without any further sacrifice."

Philippines don't seem to be willing to fight any further, while leading all army camp preparations.

The Kingdom Army advance squad, which initially had 8,000 people, has only a small number of 4,000 after the twists and turns.

Nearly half became dead in the empire and couldn't live back to their homeland.

War is a proof of how miserable.

"Ah, let's have a banquet today?"

However, it is not constructive to be sad forever.

The mentality of the people of this world seems to be stronger than those of the earth.

Christoph was planning a banquet for the main people.

"Because it's a battlefield, I'm going to eat better without drinking."

"Is it okay?"

"I just eat a little bit of a good meal. Everyone is tired of coming out in front of the surrendering rebels."

Even though the palace of the Duke of Nuremberg was at the forefront, if the existence of an underground fortress in the Climb Mountains became known, it would have been lowered by the Imperial Army, so everyone might have been beaten.

"Because my brother has a defensive system in place, such as surprise attacks and sabotage."

"If it is good"

The Peters Imperial Army says they don't have to come in haste.

Maybe there will be a turn later, and I will relax now.

"It's like a dinner party? I'm sorry that there is no alcohol."

"Sometimes, good food is enough."

With the approval of Mr. Blantaq and the mentor, a dinner party will be held at the headquarters of the field base established.

Although I can't serve sake, the meal was mostly Mizuho dishes familiar to me because the senior Earl Mizuho provided the ingredients.

Because it is a basic Japanese food, this is not a bad dinner.

"The season is late autumn, and in the country of Mizuho," Fruit Autumn "is the season when food is delicious. We have special seasonal ingredients so please enjoy it."

"I'm glad I didn't rush to the Climb Mountains."

It was originally an imperial civil war.

It's said that we will end with ourselves at the end, so we can leave it to us.

We were shining with the large number of dishes in front of us.

"Sweet potatoes, chestnuts, pumpkins, rice, new rice, saury, oysters, salmon, salmon roe, and matsutake."

It seems that Mizuho's senior Earl gathered the ingredients with great enthusiasm.

Autumn ingredients, almost the same as in Japan, were cooked by professional cooks and lined up in front of everyone.

"Mizuho Senior Earl. Is this mushroom delicious?"

The teacher pointed at the baked matsutake and asked the senior Mizuho for the taste.

"In the country of Mizuho, it's a very expensive mushroom. Many foreigners don't know the value."

"It's a characteristic scent. It tastes good."

The guru is likely to eat anything delicious, but he seems to like Matsutake.

I ate dozens of bottles alone.

"Guru, it seems like a high mushroom.

"Blantaak, these are delicious if you eat them brilliantly, and even if they are expensive, they will not cost a million cents a bottle."

"That's right. In that currency, it's about fifty cents to one hundred cents."

It is much higher than foreign-made goods seen in Japanese supermarkets.

Is this all the harm of the country of Mizuho?

Originally, I think of and others.

"That's why if you want to eat, you can eat a lot if you defeat a flying dragon."

"The only people who can do that are guru and a few ..."

If you are interested, it may be appropriate for a guru who can earn as much as you want.

Blantaq seemed a little amazed.

"Is this mushroom so expensive? ... It's a completely different mushroom from my parents' home in autumn."

El was shouting Matsutake in his mouth.

"That? Normally delicious, but is it so great?"

"Matsutake is expensive because of its aroma. Its taste is often called maitake or shimeji."

Haruka explained to El, and he was eating a mushroom pot using other seasonal mushrooms.

The same is true for Takeomi-san, as this brother and sister are not born in a wealthy house, so they may not have ever eaten Matsutake or any other product.

"As Haruka says, the mushroom hot pot is delicious."

"Eating this feels like autumn has come."

"Are you there every year?"

"The Duke of Phillippe is next door. Mushroom pots are easy to order. It's popular with women for beauty, and it's not very expensive except for Matsutake."

Terese explained to Elise that mushroom dishes were popular among women in the Dukes of Phillippe.

"But it's difficult to distinguish mushrooms. It's nice to buy them occasionally and pick them up on your own, but some people ate poisonous mushrooms and die, and is that a feature poem?"


I think I don't like such a poem.

"Someone is like that ... I've been laughing for a week at a dojo school student hitting laughing mushrooms.

"My acquaintance was watching the hallucinations and fighting hard with it."

Since mushrooms can be collected throughout the continent, people often go to pick them up at the level of their homes, such as ordinary people, Eina and Luise.

It's nice to be able to eat for free, but it's the same in this world that you can't find the right kind and die the worst.

"Isn't it possible to do" Mushroom appraisal "with magic?"

I tried sending magic power to Matsutake, but nothing happened.

"Mr. Wendelin. First of all, if you don't have the knowledge about mushrooms, wouldn't it be difficult to distinguish by magic?"

"Yes, maybe."

I'm convinced by Katarina's opinion.

"In the county of Mizuho, cultivation techniques for shiitake, shimeji, nameko, maitake, etc. have been established.

It is a contempt for the Mizuho Countries to have mushroom artificial cultivation technology.

After all, I'm a commoner, so I think Shimeji and Maitake are more delicious than Matsutake.

Shiitake can be used as stock when dried.

I have purchased it, but this was also necessary for my diet.

"Fish. Delicious."

"The saury is delicious."

Speaking of autumn, saury would be the best.

Should we call it the Mizuho Countries?

Orosi radish and blue citrus like Kabos were also attached.

"Well, is this like a garnish?"

"Isn't this different from garnishing? Oroshi radish is greasy when eaten with ginger and eats with it. You can eat it with flavor. "

"I'm really studying, Vell-sama."

I just knew that I was studying.

"Is it that way? I thought it was strangely sour ..."

"Guru, did you just eat Cabos?"

"I thought there were many seeds and it was strange."

The guru ate Kabos as it was and was sour in his sourness.

"But there's nothing you can't eat."

"But you don't have to eat kabos ..."

"Ah, I guess Earl Baumeister quickly absorbed the Mizuho culture. Perhaps the previous life was a Mizuho."

Senior Mizuho is glad to like the food served at the banquet.

Thus, late in the autumn night, we had a good time forgetting the civil war.

"I lost when I attacked while watching"

"No, I don't think I've lost ..."

The next morning, the two sides tried to join the siege slowly toward the Climb Mountains, but if they were urgent, a messenger came from Peter and they had to hurry to the site.

He arrived next to the Imperial Army headquarters where Peter was, and headed for a greeting. The new Imperial leadership was in a panic and instructed the entire army.

Gilbert seems to be busy too, greet us lightly and stay immersed in the work.

"What? Baron?"

"Because there are many injuries, we went to relief with healing magic."

The baron who was the lord of the slums was truly assigned to Baron by Peter.

Now he is treated as a robe, and he is leading the slum volunteers as lords, but when the civil war ends, the territory of the demon that we have defeated the Lord will be given as territory.

After all, he didn't say where he came from.

There are quite disgusting memories, and apparently the parents' house was converted from Peter by excessive submission to the Duke of Nuremberg.

As soon as the barn was rebuilt, his family seemed to be hawking, and he decided to certify his family as a former family and erase it from his memory.

Because the person himself does not hate and talk, it is probably only the person and Peter who know the circumstances around that.

"You and I will go to treatment."

"Yes, please ...

"If I'm only a minor injury"

"Some go"

Four people are in a hurry to treat the injured.

The number of injured people was large, but since we had already completed more than half of the treatment, the treatment of all injured soldiers was completed in less than an hour when we came in to help.

After returning to treatment, Peter will explain last night's military operations.

"Because it is an underground fortress using a mysterious underground archeological site. I attacked while watching ..."

The underground fortress had a large number of strong fangs.

Small versions of the non-attribute breath-spelling equipment that the Dragon Golem was equipped with were installed in various places, and the Imperial Army who was drawn to the last minute seemed to have counterattacked by Moro.

"Three thousand two hundred and seventy-four dead, four hundred and eleven injured.

"Anything from me"

If you drop this underground fortress, the civil war will end, so it is not politically wrong to respond with the Imperial Army alone without letting us do anything more.

And there's no guarantee we can win just because we attack.

"Peter Peter, isn't there much sacrifice to wait and see?"

"Therese, there was an aristocrat who was noble for me."

It seemed that they were forced to show good points to Peter and earn their achievements because this was the last battle with the nobles who joined the Imperial Army in the later years, the former nobles who were formerly in rebels.

It seems that there were several people who shouted loudly and died.

"The underground ruins seem more troublesome than I thought."

"According to information from local people, it was originally a huge underground ruin from the ancient magical civilization era."

Emera, who is waiting for Peter, has disclosed information about the underground fortress to let us know.

"Is it a legacy of ancient magical civilization?"

Blantaq complains.

Perhaps because of the magical tools excavated by the Duke of Nuremberg, they have been devastated.

"Plunge into holes with the concentration of firepower by multiple wizards. Is this method useless?"

At first glance, the mentor's strategy sounds rough, but it is actually the most efficient.

If you do poorly, such as in a strategy of gradually narrowing the siege by surrounding all troops, there is a possibility that extra damage may increase.

"That's it. I tried ..."

Peter gazes at Emera.

In the current empire, she must be the one who has the most magical power.

It seems that she and the remaining Empire's leading wizards jointly fired a large-scale magic at the underground ruins.

"So what happened?"

"I was prevented"

"It is a such a fool……"

Despite the reduction in the number of wizards due to civil war, there is no guarantee that multiple attacks will not cause any damage.

Blantaq was wondering about the strangeness of the “magic barrier” that protects underground archeological sites.

"Try it. I'd especially like to ask Wendellin."

"Let's try, Earl, my guru and Katarina's daughter will cooperate."


Four people head for the underground archeological site of the Climb Mountains.

Apparently attacked by a considerable army, corpses that have not yet been recovered are scattered.

Probably, priority was given to accommodating the injured.

"I won't shoot over there."

"I guess it's just useless because I can prevent this too."

Although only four people were standing at the foot, there was no response from the underground fortress side.

You may be laughing at the idea of what you're trying to do and saying, “Try it if you can.”

"What do you do if four people suddenly break?"

"That's what Peter thinks."

"Left, all you have to do is concentrate your magic."

"I'm a little weak at fire-based magic ..."

Still, all four are magicians with higher magical powers.

Make “fire bombs” that converge at a high density and hit them in the same place four times in a row.

It's the same tactic that Vilma shot through the head of a rainbow assault.

“Even if the“ magic barrier ”that is deployed is strong, if you eat“ high-convergence fire bombs ”four times in a row at the same place…”

I thought, but the “High Convergence Fire Bullet” is repelled by the “Magic Barrier” that suddenly occurred just before it hit the rocks in the mountains.

"Mr. Wenderin, it's a very strong 'magic barrier'."

"It's a withdrawal."

"That's right."

It would be a waste of magical power even if you forcibly released magic.

We finally withdrew to the headquarters where Peter was.

"Huh? Isn't he giving up early?"

"It's impossible to break that" magic barrier "with ordinary magic."

"Isn't it even possible for Venderin ..."

I definitely affirm.

The only way to create such a strong “magic barrier” is to use some special method.

The only way to break it is to use something special.

"Have you mobilized a lot of wizards?"

"No, that's inefficient."

It is necessary to monitor 24 hours a day so that you can be attacked anytime.

"Oh, yeah. You have to be prepared not only for surveillance but also for magic. It's extremely inefficient."

"So you must be using some kind of hand."

Some of the devices that cancel “move” and cut off “communication” include a device that generates a master's wooden figure.

I heard that this is an ancient magical civilization excavated from underground archeological sites, so it is likely that many similar excavations are being used to protect the underground fortress.

"Is this a legacy of the ancient magical civilization? We are often involved."

We are fighting with two dragon golems along with our adventurer debut, fighting with the golem corps in the Hertania valley, and also fighting self-destructive golems in this civil war.

Mr. Blantaq, who is not a magician, does not want to be involved with old magical tools.

"Have you come up with something?"

"I just came up with an idea, and ultimately had to break through a strong 'magic barrier'."

"That's right, but that's the problem."

The magical powers are in the top three. I released the magic with Guru, Katarina, but the “Magic Barrier” didn't do the trick.

It will be difficult to defeat this without using any special hand.

"It takes a little time to prepare, but there is nothing to do."

"Tell me tell me"

I gently listened to Peter.

"The brave Duke of Nuremberg is also ...

"You are always rude."

"It's all true."

This is the deepest part of the underground fortress built using underground archeological sites, and it is the center of this underground fortress that no one but the Duke of Nuremberg can enter.

Nonetheless, there is nothing special in this room.

The demons are just sitting in their chairs and relaxing, reading a large number of books and materials, and reports of the excavations they have used.

"Improvement of the adsorption magic circle is a great success."

The maintenance of the breathing equipment installed in the underground fortress, the strong “magic barrier”, and the canceller that hinders “movement” and “communication” are all performed using the power of this demonic.

The magic circle that absorbs magic power is written on the ceiling and walls of this room, and the magic power absorbed by this demonic is used to maintain the underground fortress.

Thanks to the demons, the Imperial army was beaten unilaterally with no hands or feet.

I've seen it too, but its power is overwhelming, and I don't like it, but with this guy we should be able to stand up for ten years.

Ten years ago.

The occupied occupants of the Duke of Nuremberg will not be able to miss it so easily, and there is a possibility that my internal affairs and diplomacy will fail and come to me.

Some confusion may occur even in the now solid Helmut Kingdom.

There is no event that has no effect on this world.

Earl Baumeister has overwhelmed others in the Imperial Rebellion.

Just returning to the kingdom can cause confusion in that country.

There was a possibility that Helmut 37th, who had that clear name, or his unremarkable Prince, would jealous of Earl Baumeister and attempt to eliminate it.

And that Count Baumeister.

You can't get rid of it.

Even if you don't want the confusion to expand, people around you can sneak into the kingdom to protect him.

If things go so far, Count Baumeister will be prepared to turn the opposition.

I don't want that man to die young.

Yes, if you keep it, I will have a chance again.

"I'm in a lot of clever and political thought."

"Well, because I'm a dwarf, I can't survive without thinking a lot. Why do you help me?"

"Because you used the actual heritage of various ancient magical civilizations that were repaired after the excavation in actual battles, and received reports, etc. Analysis and maintenance of other excavated items, There's a lot of places I haven't looked into yet, and if we did that, it would be a decade long.

Is it not for me but for my archeologist's desire for knowledge?

Yeah, this guy has been misleading, but in fact, he may be sending information to the demons and holding hands with the continent advancers.

It seems that we haven't communicated with the outside world at the moment, but we can't let our demons know.

"If there is nothing as it is, it is possible to have a castle for many years, but my enemies are even thinking, aren't you thinking?"

"You're thinking."

I am now earning time with a solid “magic barrier”.

During this time, the highest priority is to create a system in which family members and soldiers who stay together do not lose their morale in the long-term castle.

It would be best to rebuild this underground archeological site and create a daily life in it.

"In the end, most of the difficulties can be prevented if my elites are well aware and able to react to the subtle changes. Now, the construction of an underground town is a top priority."

"Don't create a daily life for a long time, but I often came with such a reckless cage."

Great care, this demons.

I guess how hard it was to build this corps.

Well, this demon can use it, but you can use it.

Let's use it up and prepare for Kagojo now.

"I see, use a powerful magic gun to break that 'magic barrier'."

"Yes. To do that, we need the power of Earl Mizuho and Kanesada."

"Can I use the techniques I gained from swordsmithing for my new gun?"

"Yes. This is a tremendous amount of magic, and I want to use a large amount of magic to prevent the barrel from cracking due to the firing of special shells fired."

"Well, it's definitely a challenge."

The plan I showed Peter was straightforward.

The strategy was that if "Magic Barrier" was strong, it would be better to break it with a stronger gun.

Hint is a huge sniper rifle that Vilma used to snipe a rainbow assault.

This time, you don't have to worry about aiming accuracy so much. In short, it is the most difficult thing to make a barrel that does not break when firing shells with enormous magic power.

This kind of metalworking technology might be dwarf in other fantasy worlds, but since it is not in this world, it is best to leave it to a skilled Mizuho.

"Is there a magic gun likely to meet Wendelin's request, Earl Mizuho?"

"Once for the design drawings ... this is it."

Senior Earl Mizuho shows Peter a blueprint.

The blueprints of the huge guns were drawn in detail.

"Do you really make this?"

"If it's not this big, it won't break the" magic barrier "in our calculations."

"Will the worst gun barrel explode if you shoot with such a big cannon?"

"Yes. In the test of this prototype, some people have died in the past. The gun barrel burst and the craftsman sacrifice could not withstand the impact of firing ..."

"Are you OK?"

"It seems that Count Baumeister has a solution."

"Can Wendelin use the magic of metalworking?"

I can't help even if I'm worried any more.

Right now, it is the first decision to make this cannon to break the "magic barrier".

"If you can't break that" magic barrier "you won't be able to attack."

With Peter's permission, I was working with Senior Earl Mizuho to build a giant cannon.

`` A huge magic gun that was said to be impossible, metal material to obtain the strength of the lacking barrel, how to cut the muzzle accurately and straight, manufacturing a huge special shell, a magic crystal that stores the magic to fly shells The connection of stones and the development of peripherals.Many difficulties hit men, but they will overcome them. "

"Vell. I guess it's right, but why is it so intentional?"

Because I immediately started making the “Daima Gun”, I tried to use a certain project X-style narration that I saw when I was a child in the previous life.

I think this is a difficult issue to broadcast.

"But it's clear that the difficulty of making this artillery can be clearly understood."

Earl Mizuho was waving his head to convince with my narrated remarks.

"The first difficulty is working on the metal that is the material for the gun barrel."

Mr. Kanesada immediately talks about the first problem.

"Is it made of strong metal?"

"Erwin, you should just make all the strong metal from Orichalcum."

"No, I can't collect so much Orichalcum."

According to the blueprint, the barrel alone has a diameter of almost one meter.

The barrel was about 20 meters long, and it was impossible to make it all with Orichalcum.

Even if you collect all Orichalcum on the continent, it is natural that the quantity is insufficient.

"So what do you do?"

"Make an alloy"


"We make high-quality steel and mix it with traces of Mithril and Orichalcum."

Senior Mizuho explains to Elle how to make a strong alloy.

"That's where Kanesada's experience and knowledge live."

"No, I'm honored to be evaluated by Elvin, but I can't."

Mr. Kanesada asserts that making the alloy is not very useful.

"I don't have any problems. First of all, the steel must have the same strength to equalize the strength of the alloy, and the material must not be biased when mixing Mithril and Orichalcum."

Aside from a sword, it is a huge gun barrel.

The materials must not be cast and melted uniformly to make a sword. It seems that there is no technology to make such a huge casting in the usual way, regardless of the material of one sword.

"Well, what do you do?"

"I guess I could make it if Count Baumeister was there."

"Maybe it is"

Lell looks at me.

You can magically make high-purity ingots from the collected metals, and you can magically adjust the composition of clay even when making porcelain.

I haven't done the adjustment of the composition of the alloy, but I don't think it can be done.

"Because this is my first attempt, I have to practice first ..."

I take out the stick and start by turning a lot of steel into steel.

Sure, strong and sticky steel has a small amount of various metals mixed in, and I think it was tungsten, chrome or nickel.

Ore types were also placed along with the iron material, and when they were searched for by "detection", they could be collected in small quantities.

Because it is an alloy material, it should not need much amount.

The rest, carbon, should have been mixed, but Japanese steelmakers have not disclosed the distribution ratio of special steel.

Naturally, it's a trade secret, but I don't know how much to mix.

Furthermore, mix with Orichalcum and Mithril.

Because these two metals do not exist on the earth, I honestly wonder how to know the mixing ratio.

"Once, there is an ancient document ..."

Some of the documents presented by the Earl of Mizuho show the proportions of special alloys that are more durable than steel produced by Mizuho's ancestors during the period of ancient magical civilization.

"It's a technology that's been lost. It doesn't succeed even if it's made according to its mixing ratio."

That would be the case.

It would be possible if used in a special furnace, but in a furnace where hair grows in a reverberatory furnace for magical fuel, iron cannot be mixed with impurities to succeed.

The requirement to mix the ingredients evenly also hinders success.

Even if it is completed, it will be unusable due to lack of strength if a little bit is included.

"Is it okay to Count Baumeister?"

"Trial and error"

Anyway, magically remove impurities from iron as much as possible and measure the weight to determine the mixing ratio of other metals.

"I mean, I don't know the criteria for success."

Peter, who brought in valuable Orichalcum and Mithril owned by the Empire, asked the rightful question to Earl Mizuho.

"In the literature, if steel, Orichalcum, and Mithril are mixed in a controlled distribution ratio with a certain degree of distribution, a pale light is generated for a moment. The alloy produced in this state is called" extreme steel " It is said that the material will exhibit the best performance as a material. ''

"If there is a measure of success, I am relieved. I wondered if I could give out valuable Orichalcum and Mithril every time I failed."

"No, I don't use any more materials."

If you make it in a furnace, there are some mistakes, but if you make it by magic, you can make mistakes and start over.

In addition, Orichalcum and Mithril need only be in proportion to the weight of steel.

More problematic is the fact that even in the ancient magical civilization era, tungsten, carbon, chromium, nickel, etc., had low recognition, and the literature did not say how much to include in the material steel.

"(Everywhere is trial and error.)"

It will be necessary to repeat thousands and tens of thousands of trials and errors by repeatedly changing the compounding ratio.

"Is it all day long to test compounding such a complex alloy? It's impossible for me."

Katarina, who came to see him, gave up just to hear the story.

She also collected iron for cash, but she said she wasn't very good and couldn't buy it.

The quality of the collection of iron and other materials by wizards varies by individual.

Some people have more impurities and can only buy them at about the same price as iron ore, while others like teachers can support the finances of their orphanage.

The point is how to remove impurities with an image that suits you.

In my case, I try to image the atoms of iron as if they are in order and the other atoms are discharged outside.

The same goes for other metals, so the metal ingots I made were of good quality.

That's why classes in my school days were also helpful.

"Mr. Wendelin is good at such magic soberly."

"Ahhhh! I haven't trained alone in Date yet."

"I'm trained, but I don't think it's so great ..."

The reason Katarina thinks so is simple.

Just like me, Blantark, who has a great child network than Bocci, feels great.

"Mr. Blanc Tak, will you still be the teacher?"


No wizard is as good at teaching.

Because of that, Peter was asking for a lot of rookie wizards.

As some skilled empire wizards were exhausted in the civil war, to replenish them, eggs of wizards from the ages of 7 to 8 were collected from the ages of 12 to 3 years old, and while working under the Imperial Army, Brantark Had been teaching.

"I hope this is where the second Earl of Baumeister is!

"Guru, you can't use too much practice!

"Why? At this age, Count Baumeister ...

"Because the Earl is a rare example."

Recently, a guru who seems to be idle has joined the guidance, and he seems to have been nailed by Mr. Blantark to train like me.

"We will shift the blending ratio by one-hundredth of a percent to make a large number of blending patterns exhaustive."

"It can only be done by Wendelin, who has a lot of magic."

Rough blending and molding have already been completed.

On a special stone table prepared by Earl Mizuho, there was a barrel of one meter in diameter and twenty meters in length.

"In order not to make any material, we will gradually change the mixing ratio while remembering the image of evenly distributing the metal ..."

The same work is repeated, but it looks like you are holding a stick in both hands and continuously casting magic on the barrel material.

All day long, so I spent most of my magic in the evening and just slept.

"I'll continue patiently"

"It's the type of job that's not the best for me."

The next day at noon, Eina and Luise brought lunch from Elise and talk to me sitting in front of the gun barrel.

"Because the composition pattern is infinite if you care, there should be some tolerance. Otherwise, there is no way to make it even in the ancient magical civilization era."

If it is within the allowable range, the barrel will flash blue for a moment.

I just aim at it and patiently continue to adjust the ingredients magically.

"Maybe it's Alfred, who fought before?"


It seems at first glance, but if you repeat this magic, it will be a practice to correct the “control clutter” that was previously told by the teacher.

It can be said to be a test for me who struggled with much greater magical power than the master.

"But Blantark was saying, no matter how genius Alfred was, it wasn't a big deal at the age of Vell."

"I also gave Alfred the same attention."

Although the magical power has attracted attention, young witches have less control over magic.

At that time, Blantark was also a young man, so he might have received the same attention from an old wizard.

"Either way, you have to complete this before you can penetrate the underground fortress. I just challenge."

Right now, we just need to complete the barrel material.

Just spend it every day.

"Vel, lunch box"

"Thank you, I heard Vilma was firing and aiming."

"Bought a track record of subduing Rainbow Assault"

"Well, do your best."

"Yeah, I'll do my best"

Since it is a magic gun treated like a cannon, it does not need fine aiming, but he seems to have bought experience with a large prototype sniper rifle and hitting the bullet twice in the same place when using it .

"Manufacturing around gun mounts and launchers has begun."

Many peripherals are required to operate this large artillery.

The aiming machine, the launching device, and the magic stone that stores the enormous amount of magic power are mounted on a solid mount that supports the gun.

In Helmut, this technology was also considered difficult because it was a technique that failed to be used for giant magic airships.

In addition, a high-performance cooling device is required.

"Vell's ammunition has begun polishing."

This was also made of tungsten etc., but it seems that there is still a difference in unevenness and size with my molding, and several craftsmen are carefully polishing.

As you can see, many people are involved in building a large magic gun.

So no failure was allowed.

"Is Luise mobilized?"

"As an auxiliary magical power supply officer. I have to tell myself to do my best."

"Louise should do his best"

Luise fired his fist in a fist in the Rock Gigant Golem against the Hertania Valley.

Taking advantage of that special skill, he had the role of assisting the supply of magic through magic stone.

"I'm standing with strange lines in the training, but I'm not really struggling."

The other magician uses magic stone to store the magic power to the limit of the fist and sends it to the large magic gun with mysterious code.

Along with the magic from the connected magic crystal, a large amount of magic is exploded at a stretch to shoot out a large caliber special shell.

Naturally, the barrel material of an ordinary magic gun will burst.

It depends on the work of “extreme steel” that I make.

"Let's do our best too"

"Good luck with"

"I'll do my best"

Then, one week later, the fine adjustment of the compounding ratio was progressing, but the gun barrel did not readily glow pale.

Near, gun mounts and peripheral equipment were gradually taking shape.

"Are you all right?"

`` Reproduction of the ancient lost parts is also difficult for Wenderin ''

Today, Elise and Therese were showing up with their lunches.

"Is Elise a safe in a rescue station?"

"Yes. I haven't been fighting recently because there's no fighting.

The underground fortress is covered with a strong “magic barrier”, so it only surrounds the surroundings and there is no battle.

Occasionally, supporters and spies of the Duke of Nuremberg attempt to invade, and only minor battles occur.

"To that extent, even the wizard of the empire can do something. And ..."

"What is it?"

"Young soldiers are making abrasions and cuts on purpose to treat Elise."

When he wanted to be treated by the saint, he was intentionally making a wound and lining up in a rescue place.

"I understand my feelings ..."

"Do you understand your feelings? Peter said the same thing."

Since he is the same age as me, he seems to understand that he wants to be treated by beautiful Elise.

However, it will be a waste of precious magical power. ] Was issued.

The rescue service advertises that free treatment will be provided to local residents, in part because of the demolition of the Duke of Nuremberg.

The treatment of them cannot be tolerated by the injured soldiers.

"The rest is also furious."

"What has evil feelings for my niece! If you are so injured, somebody will cure it!

They, who had been making wounds on purpose, all seemed to be embraced by the guru and saw hell.

"That's why it's surprisingly peaceful. If Vendelin didn't complete the material of the cannon, the war wouldn't work."

"It's peaceful, but the Imperial Army, which is mobilizing on a large scale, is worse."

"It's exactly what Elise says, because the army spends money and food just mobilizing."

The Duke of Nuremberg is fighting in a cage castle with treasures and food taken from the Imperial City and protected by a strong “magic barrier”.

I'm sure they're earning time and waiting for the imperial exhaustion.

"Is it dangerous to be frustrated by aristocratic soldiers for punishment?"

"It would be tough to show me the night with the Duke of Nuremberg."

That's why I have to hurry up and complete the material for this artillery.

"It's already 45,000,822 times."

We are patiently and carefully continuing this pattern, with a one-percent-percent increase or decrease in the metal content.

When will you find the answer?

To be honest, I was a bit tired, but when the barrel material was reconstructed in a certain combination, the gun barrel glowed pale for an instant.

"I did it! I succeeded!"

"You did it."

"I did it!"

I was just happy and hugged the two at the same time to complete the alloy lost during the ancient magical civilization.

"This is unexpected ... but not bad"

Therese, who was embraced by me, did not look full.

But she is still a great noble.

I immediately become a serious face and whisper to me.

"A lost alloy that can't be smelted in today's furnaces. Wendelin-class magical precision is required, but if you know the exact content, it may not be possible at all."


"I'll take care of you. I'll advise your husband."

Therese quietly speaks to me.

"Don't divulge the content of that alloy to Peter or the Earl of Mizuho. In the manufacture of the alloy, your descendants may be able to eat."

"I'm grateful to the senior Earl Mizuho for showing me the old material."

"It's a material where the conditioning of steel is ambiguous, otherwise Wendellin would not be able to try and error for days. "Thank you very carefully. After all, Wendelin is a great nobleman."

Terese's advice was exactly what he deemed a nobleman.

"I can't say thank you anyway."

Indeed, the composition ratio of “extreme steel” was complicated.

There is no problem if Orichalcum and Mithril are mixed according to the materials.

But steel contains chromium, nickel, silicon, tungsten, and carbon.

I didn't write this ratio, so I had to try and error for days.

"Wendellin, did you succeed?"

"Finally, the all-purpose metal of the age of ancient magic civilization," Extreme Steel "!"

Peter and Mizuho's senior count jump in like a roll, but immediately speaks as expected by Therese.

"So, what is the detailed composition ratio of" extreme steel "? After all, are there any metals we do not recognize?"

"Count Baumeister, will you sell it at 50 million Ryo?"

It's weaker than pure Orichalcum and pure Mithril, but it's rushed to me to get a method of producing "extreme steel" that can be used for weapons.

"Wendelin, can you sell me?"

"I'm the one who published the data on the mixing ratio of Orichalcum and Mithril, so I'd be happy if you could tell me."

It was as expected by Therese.

With the strength of “extreme steel,” not only high-performance magic guns and guns, but also conventional weapons and armor could be easily strengthened.

"No, such technology is secret"

"Well, I want you to sell it."

"We will consider as many trade conveniences as possible."

"Huh ..."

I was so grateful that I was glad I had been nailed from Therese first.

If not, he would lose his strong push and say "yes."

"After the successful completion and operation of the Great Demon Gun, let's talk again."

"Early Baumeister, we're bringing a lot of high-end ingredients."

When you're trying to get the ratio of “Extreme Steel” somehow, Telese tells me with a meaningful smile.

"It's really hard to be a royal or a big noble. I'm glad I'm retired."

I shook my head vertically as if I was convinced of Telese's statement.

"Once the barrel material is completed, it's my job to carve the muzzle there."

In front of the completed barrel material, Mr. Kanesada appears as if he was enthusiastic.

Changing in a new robe, two disciples standing behind obeyed him with salt and offerings on three sides.

"There is only one material for this barrel. If you fail, you can rebuild it, but it is difficult to succeed if you think about it from the beginning. Only one material is required."

Mr. Kanesada bows out in front of the completed barrel, and then gives his disciples an item on three sides in front of the barrel.

And soon he was working on finding the center point of the barrel.

If you do this, you will fail to cut the barrel.

Because there is no machine tool, engraving is all by hand, so if you fail, you will be farther away from completion.

If you fail, you seem to be exploring the center of the gun barrel with a feeling of incision.

His nervousness was transmitted to here.

"Here it is"

Kanesada marks the center point, and then receives large fleas and a hammer from a disciple who stands behind, and begins to sharpen from the body with power and speed that can not be imagined.

"Eh! Do you cut by hand?"

I don't call it a machine tool, but I wondered if I was going to use a magic tool to cut it, but I would like to shake it with my hand to cut it ...

In addition, Kanesada's main job must be swordsmithing.

I felt the greatness of a superb Mizuho craftsman with my skin.

"And the gun barrel is" extreme steel. "

Although it is inferior to All Orichalcum, it is much harder than steel.

When I looked at the flea for thought of shaving it, it was made of Orichalcum.

"There is a magical tool that cuts the muzzle of the cannon, but" extreme steel "is not strong enough ..."

One of the helping disciples gently explains the situation to me.

"If you cut it by hand, you can only be a teacher."

Kanesada is not only a swordsmith, but also a master of metal forming.

It's amazing because it cuts the cannon with one flea.

"How long does it take?"

"Yes, the teacher is planning two weeks."

The young disciple answers Elise's question.

At the same time, there are manufacture and installation of sighting machine, magicite connecting device, cooling device, etc., and finally, assembly work with the completed barrel.

The young disciple explained that the completion of the Great Demon Gun itself is expected to be three weeks later.

"Mr. Kanesada, it looks very difficult."

Kanesada continues to drop the chisel and hammer intently under the condition that no mistake is made.

The other end of the discipline cuts the roughly finished place with a chisel made of "extreme steel" to clean the machined surface.

While it was almost winter, they sweated like a waterfall and occasionally drank water while licking salt.

"It's hard"

The guru who came to see him muttered while watching Kanesada.

"It's completely manual work."

Blantaq also appears, but he seems to have seen the craftsmen making the peripherals.

Tell me the progress.

"The aiming machine doesn't need that much precision, and it's large, so it's fine. What is there is the connection of the magicite. ''

Most of the large magic crystals owned by the Empire have now been removed by the Duke of Nuremberg into underground fortifications.

It was likely used to hold an underground fortress, including a strong "magic barrier", and Peter had gathered as much of the peridotite as possible to defeat it.

Fill the tank with magic power, connect them all, and shoot the shells at once.

"Once again, he seems to be struggling with the same connection heating that the kingdom has failed, but he says he will do something by the deadline."

"Auxiliary Luise?"

"This is okay because Luise's lady is doing well."

Applies the technique of shooting and storing magical power several times greater than Luise's own in the fist, and sending out the magical power accumulated in the fist with a lead wire as auxiliary power.

Technically, Luise himself had no more work until the actual production, even though he had a little trouble making the conductor to transmit magic.

"The principle is simple but hard."

The gun barrel is made of "extreme steel", but the ammunition has a rifle and a rifling.

Although it is engraved on the new type of artillery and the artillery, it was forgotten this time that even without it, there was no problem in the calculation.

(4) Although it was rear-mounted, the gun barrel exploded due to insufficient strength.

It seems that he avoided the risk of failing to cut the rifling and ruining the barrel.

"Vel, lunch!"

"all right"

Kanesada started eating rice balls, and we came to call us Eina for food.

"I won't do that, but I'm tired of replenishing magic."

When everyone is having lunch, Katarina, who is replenishing the magical stones used by the Great Cannon with magical power, seems a bit boring.

If you replenish magic, you can hardly do other magic related work.

"It's the same for us."

After finishing the barrel material production for the large magic gun production, I was only working on putting the remaining magic power into the manganite.

The other is to organize documents related to the Royal Army together with Ena and Elise.

"I'm just getting used to paperwork recently."

"Is that so? Haruka hasn't done more than half?"

"Still, it's better than before."

El responds to Luise's pointlessly.

Indeed, it was a considerable advance compared to before.

"You destroy the 'magic barrier' by firing a great cannon?"

"that's right, but"

"Isn't" Magic Barrier "revived immediately after breaking?"

A lot of people are not familiar with the situation and have such questions, but Peter is thinking about it.

"Because the" magic barrier "of that strength is broken, and if you stretch it again, you will need a huge amount of magical power."

In addition, the artillery is ready to fire.

Fire to break the "magic barrier" and destroy the new "magic barrier" created by the Duke of Nuremberg again.

This repetition consumes a great deal of magical power, and finally makes it impossible to set up a “magic barrier”.

"The bullet of that mass and strength hits. The underground fortress will be damaged."

By the time the “Magic Barrier” can no longer be set up, the hillside and the underground fortress underneath should be shredded.

The defender should also be confused, and the strategy is to rush into the gap with the entire army.

"In that case, we will also rush in."

"Is it with my commanding unit? I heard from Philip."

About 1,000 kingdoms, led by El and Haruka, will be accompanied by Mr. Blantáak, his guru and Elise.

The target is not the Duke of Nuremberg.

You can leave it to Peter, such as the rebel's fire.

Rather, you have to destroy that device.

It's so different that it can't be reproduced again.

"I agree with the destruction of the device."

"Why do you think so?"

"I think the duke of Nuremberg is useful, but are you being pulled by each other's feet and not losing them?

"It's exactly what El says."

It may have confused the target at the beginning of the coup.

I also think that all the powers are losing.

"Most of the army of the Duke of Nuremberg will be busy with invading Imperial troops, and it would be enough to have a thousand with us."

"Yes, it's not necessarily the place where the army is in an advantage. Haruka-san will help you too."

I feel like Elle is slightly sloppy, but I want to destroy that device first.

If left poorly, Peter may have a strange desire.

"Early Mizuho Earl. May we aim to recover the equipment?"

"I have it. Whether it works or not ..."

"I want it as a research material."

Haruka and Takeomi seem to think that it is better not to pass the equipment to Mizuho, based on their tone.

"Is there no such thing as 'securing equipment for the country of Mizuho!'"

"No. If you had that kind of equipment, you would be able to see not only the empire but also the kingdom."

Haruka seems to see that device as a troublesome seed.

"I've been told by other ministers to confirm the complete destruction. There will be another full basement of magic technology research material coming out of the underground fortress."

That's why there seems to be no obstruction of the Earl of Mizuho.

"Wendelin is back now."

And the telese who had gone somewhere suddenly returns.

"Where was Mr. Therese going?"

"A little talk with Peter, about the example device."

The eyes of everyone below Elise gather in the reply from Therese.

"It's strangely seen"

"Does Peter want that device?"

"Yeah? Did Vilma think so too? I went to Peter to make sure. He said he didn't need it."

There seem to be several reasons.

First, the empire was exhausted by civil war.

I would like to avoid conflict with the kingdom for a while, but if it is known that the equipment is secured, there is a possibility that the theory of troop dispatch will appear in the kingdom.

"The equipment may be mass-produced and used in warfare. An empire holding the equipment that upset the northern kingdom is dangerous."

"That's what it is. I can't help making it a reason for troop dispatch."

Next, the performance of the equipment itself is the cause again.

"It would be useful if only the enemy could disable [movement] and [communication] magic, but that wasn't possible even in the ancient magical civilization era. It would be better to destroy the kingdom aristocracy Wendelin himself before more and more people begin to say badly for future use. "

"Maybe if you say that."

However, right now I only get on that device and destroy it at the tip of the wood.

The peace of both countries that have gone to war can be left to our Majesty and Peter.

"But it's quick for Telese to come up with that."

"Because of the former Duke of Phillip. The concubine is a comfortable day in the county of Baumeister after the war, and it's a job for those who care before that."

Therese says lightly, but this kind of negotiation was not possible with Elise.

If Peter wasn't there, she would have been an empress.

"Peter is motivated and motivated. The concubine was not motivated anyway. That's it. Wendelin."

One month after the production of the large magic gun, the huge magic gun was finally completed.

The end of the barrel goes to the underground fortress, and the surrounding area is crowded with many craftsmen and technicians.

After launching this as much as possible, the rush operation by the entire army will finally begin.

"Now, what kind of sound does the completed Great Demon Cannon play?"

The order of launch preparations by the senior Earl Mizuho has been issued, and the Empire has finally reached the climax.

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