Hachinan tte, Sore wa Nai Deshou!

Episode 98: Earn military funds.

In the end, we, the Royal Army and the Earl of Mizuho, were moving to the town of Thurcut to be expelled from around the Imperial City.

The waist purse under and below the Emperor came to explain the situation in a magnificent way, but it is necessary to strengthen and prepare the governing system in preparation for the coming harvest to defeat Duke of Nuremberg. It is said that there is no need for foreigners.

We can endure that, but telling it to Mizuho's senior county would be a fool.

After the messenger returned, he had cut the old helmet of his Majesty the Emperor, who had previously been restored in two and then repaired by the royal artisan, into two pieces again with Mizuho's sword.

As always, he is a sword capable of falling in love.

"The helmet. It was fixed ... "

"Eina. If you don't fix it, you'll be able to make it in two. "

"That's right ..."

"As expected, it is difficult to repair it when divided into four."

"Hah ..."

Eina looked at the helmet that had become doubled again and twitched her face. Senior Earl Mizuho answered with a full smile.

It may have been that stress was alleviated by cutting the helmet.

However, the craftsmen holding the Mizuho Senior Countess are excellent.

In a short period of time, the two helmets were completely restored.

Indeed, breaking things given by the emperor would have been corrected because of bad weather.

Wouldn't the correct answer be that bad weather would be bad if it was seen by an outside person exactly as broken?

Showing it in front of us seems to be treating me as a friend.

"But it's safe no matter how many. An excellent craftsman will fix it. "

"It's a perfect fix so you can't see the seam, but that's not the problem ..."

From Luise's point of view, if it can be fixed, it is safe for Senior Earl Mizuho to cut the helmet in half due to stress.

From Katarina's point of view, what is the idea of the goods given by the emperor?

"We don't have the best craftsmen, so we can't make two jackets."

"Really. That's a shame. ''

Vilma and his mentor say something ridiculous.

The gift of honor to me is a little worn out jacket.

The material is good, but it is old and the design is not modern.

I can't wear it anymore, so the clothes that Erich gave me on a birthday in the past are much more nifty.

I had the feeling that I wanted to burn it, but as it was, it could be used as a source of attack that I was rude to the emperor.

Determine semi-permanently to fertilize magic bags.

"Vilma and my uncle. You have to save these items properly. "

Since ancient times, there have been cases in which rewards have been deceived by giving favored items, saying that nobles and kings without money are honors.

It is the same as a daimyo who cannot refund money borrowed from a merchant in the Edo period, giving clothes and loved goods worn by the lord in order to cancel it.

"It's not worth it now, but will it be an honor in later generations?"

Neither can anyone be disappointed in front of the other party.

Elise explained that he was pleased, and now, even if it's a loss, he's proud to show it to the mansion a few generations later and say it's an honor.

"In the long run, can we recover a little?

"you. The idea is that of a merchant ... "

"The real problem is the problem of food and money."

The emperor has the idea of launching a suppression army of the Duke of Nuremberg after the autumn harvest and rewarding us with its loot.

Because I can't put it out right now, I guess she's being deceived in such a ragged helmet or jacket.

"There is food supply from Therese, but that's just the limit, and the finances of the Duke of Philip should be quite tough."

Aristocratic people usually save money in preparation for such situations, but have fought civil war for several months with lords in the northern empire.

The inside should be a fire car.

"If you do not move troops until the autumn harvest, my Mizuho Army will have to reduce its troops and the financial situation will be severe."

He had about 15,000 people, of whom 1,247 were killed.

Despite the fact that the Duke of Nuremberg prevented the means of attack quite a bit, it is one of the few princes who sacrifice for his strength.

Earl Mizuho had declared that he would return to his territory temporarily, leaving some 5,000 people in the town of Thurcut in case something had happened.

"I have to blast the craftsmen. There is also an analysis of the remnants of the captured golem. We must improve the magic gun as much as possible and increase the number. ''

It appears that the senior Mizuho Earl was disappointed that he did not defeat Duke of Nuremberg.

By the fall, he had declared that the military of the Earl of Mizuho would be further strengthened.

"Therese also hears that he will return to the Duke of Philip once."

According to information from Earl Mizuho, there was a conflict between the Therese and the Emperor, but they came to a compromise with each other that, in the event of a conflict, they would only use the Duke of Nuremberg.

"Even though he has seized the imperial capital, the emperor's authority and governing ability have fallen to the ground."

Now, even the reign of the central empire is not perfect.

Therefore, he says he will temporarily outsource the governing of the Soviet Great Wasteland to Terese.

"It seems that edicts have been issued, such as increasing the number of territories. It seems that he actually does it after the defeat of the Duke of Nuremberg ... "

Even if you are still confused, if you change the territory, it will only be necessary to promote it.

However, since it is also a freeze of rewards, the dissatisfaction of the aristocrats participating in the PLA is accumulating.

"Some nobles still have to take their heads out of debt because of their debts ..."

"So leave the Soviet wasteland north to Therese. Many of us were in the PLA. "

The intention of the emperor to direct his dissatisfaction to Therese was obvious.

"Is that eastern and western too?

"Of course it is. After all, the Electors are not functioning properly. '

You have been killed if you think you were taken hostage, and your vassals and troops have been worn away in battle with us and the PLA.

The budget has deteriorated due to the war expenditures, and it seems that all but the Duke of Philip and the Duke of Baden are almost dead.

"In the Duke of Baden, the Duchess officially succeeded the patriarch, but it also caused damage."

He was exhausted in combat with the rebels, and he joined the PLA by ruthlessly cutting his father in the imperial capital.

After all, all the officials of the Duke of Baden in the imperial capital had been executed.

"I still think it's good, but he was seen as a Teleseian and hated by the emperor."

Similar to Therese, he will return to the eastern territory and coordinate the lords, but among the eastern lords closer to the south, there are nobles who have stated that they will be attached to the Duke of Nuremberg.

Already, skirmishes with the anti-Duke of Nuremberg aristocrats have begun.

"Is it alright? What is the new Duke of Baden?

"In the past I was treated as a kid because of an impossible invasion strategy, but I'm getting a bit sad."

After failing, Duke of Baden has been seriously and steadily commanding a wing of the PLA and has been successful.

Due to the hard work, the senior Earl Mizuho was no longer embarrassed.

"The eastern part still won't work. The problem may be in the west. '

There are three electoral homes in the western region.

It is impossible for them to have a stable reign in the west, and many lords in the south as well as the east have a side to the Duke of Nuremberg.

The skirmish has started, of course, and it seems to be the most confused area.

"Before that, there are some houses that are struggling with their own fights."

It is said that some duke families have been killed by the Duke of Nuremberg without the deceased head nominating the next successor.

Several candidates say, "Send to yourself! ] I appealed directly to the emperor and started an ugly fight with the other nobles.

Naturally, your territory is confused, but it is impossible to control the western part.

"Because the emperor is unreliable, there are no successor candidates who ask for support from Therese. The emperor who knew it was the crown. '

He seems to be furious that therese is a way out, even though he lacks the ability to adjust.

"My head is getting hurt. The Duke of Nuremberg is a terrible person. ''

"Ah. Choose the means for the purpose "

When you abandon the Imperial City, it is becoming advantageous, although it would normally be disadvantaged.

I can now understand why he used the emperor differently from the Elector, as he is now a tactician.

"Count of Bow Meister. This is another turbulence

"is not it"

The emperor is soon crushed by the Duke of Nuremberg.

Most of the Imperial City, the central and western empires will fall again into his hands.

"Make sure you have a reinforced army that makes up for the deficiencies of the wizard with the relics of the ancient magical civilization."

I know, I, Terese, and Mizuho's senior Earl.

However, as long as there is an emperor in the imperial capital, no measures can be taken.

-That would be the only way to wake him up in the coup and drag him out of the emperor's chair.

If you do that, you will carry the same stigma as a rebel like the Duke of Nuremberg.

'So the eagle is ready on the territory'

A lot of preparation is needed, and garrisoning all troops here puts a heavy burden on the town of Sarkat.

As it is a problem that there is no support, the emperor has said that he will exempt the central tax from the town of Thurcut until autumn.

It seems that you intend to use the funds to survive until autumn.

However, it would be a problem if 20,000 troops were stationed in towns and forts that had only 50,000 members from the beginning.

Since we can't reduce the number, we will send 10,000 people in total, half of which will be sent together with Therese.

"I want to bring food and trade goods, so I want to raise 10,000 people through the sales profit until autumn."

"I'll do it somehow"

"The Count of Bauister has a deep understanding of our culture and temperament. It is popular among vassals and soldiers, so you can leave it with confidence. In this case, I'll be rampaging after autumn. ''

"I agree. If I have more freedom here,

I want to move a little more freely because it is dead anyway.

To do that, let's say that the poor but disturbing emperor is deleted by the Duke of Nuremberg.

But there is an emperor that will be negative if you are really there.

At least, it's worth the decoration.

"Hmmmm. Do that before the senior Mizuho departs."

One week after Mizuho's senior departures from the town of Sircut, Alphonse suddenly visited me and expressed a convincing expression in my story.

He was the only one who came to say hello as the Tereses returned to the Duke of Philip with his army.

"Therese wanted to meet Wendelin, but it's really bad now."

"Because the emperor may fly in May."

Therese has a secret meeting with me to overtake me.

She had only met me once since she entered the Imperial City to avoid such rumors.

"The confusion in the Imperial City is still going on. I can't imagine what will happen. Be careful."

"So, will you send me as much food?"

"The amount is greatly reduced."

"In addition to the Earl of Mizuho, the rest is your own ..."

Currently, 10,000 troops are working separately.

Fortunately, the subordinate officers in the town of Surcutth were friendly to me.

During the short military era, he cooperated magically with development.

He understood the idea of feeding this without paying taxes in the center.

There is also a legal basis from the Imperial City, which has issued a directive describing the matter.

If they have paid, they have no reason to disagree.

"The Royal Army is good at paperwork and the like, leaving it to Christoph and Count Schulze to help them rule."

Since I opened the land, it seems that more people have emigrated there.

Despite the increase in administrative work, the central government was in trouble because the number of employees was not increased.

Isn't it possible because of the harassment to us or the slow work of the officials, or the imperial capital is still confused?

Everything seems to be possible, but I decided to leave it to Christophes who are good at this kind of work.

The other thing is letting the soldiers build a house on the land that I opened up.

The material is stone that I have cut out, so that except for wartime, except the garrison of the fort, I would like to make my life as normal as possible.

Naturally, training is proper, and the house we have built is provided to migrants after we are gone.

We were also planning to build as much as possible the dwellings other than ourselves.

"It also clears the surrounding land."

Wheat is not possible suddenly, but let's make stupid radish and soba, leeks, millet etc for horses.

You can harvest once by autumn.

In addition, they are also taking turns to hunt in nearby monster areas.

To secure meat and sell fur and collected items to gain profit.

The leader was Guru, Blantaq, Katarina and Vilma.

Elle and Haruka have been trained as commanders under Philip.

Some Kingdom soldiers were at the Embassy of the Imperial City, so they helped out.

"The Royal Army has increased. Leave at least a thousand. Remember by autumn "

Despite the sting in response to the first dispute, Philip was respected by us as an excellent commander.

It was also the best instructor for Elle.

"What is Wendellin doing?"

"Abandoned pit fishing"

I went to an abandoned mine near here, and I was working hard on collecting metal.

According to the permit, the deputy of the town of Surcutt will send documents to the Imperial City.

"Is it okay to accept mineral poison?"

There are many wizards who use abandoned mines and extract metals that can be used from mineral poison, so it seems easy to get permission.

Because it is common sense that it is not so profitable, therese is also giving permission easily.

If I am in charge, it will generate extra income than expected, but there is no reason to tell that emperor to bother.

"Wendelin. You are strong."

"I do not think so?"

"Oh, that telese likes you."

"Telese ..."

Recently you are estranged, but are you fine?

"She's quite a part."

"Is that so?"

"I'm a fifteen-year-old who established the dictatorship of the Dukes of Phillippe, but I know that I'm a long-term cousin. She doesn't really want to live that way. I want to throw it out and be a Wenderin wife. ''

But I couldn't do that because there were no other candidates.

"Oh, look and you have a sense of responsibility. If you don't want to give up, you can't forsake the princes of the Duke of Philippe and now the empire's subjects. But I'm really enjoying telese even with that kind of exchange ... "

"Is that so?"

It looks like you're refusing quite a bit. Is Telese a masochist?

"She is the Duke of Phillippe, and no one in the territory opposes her intent. She is a dictatorship lord, but she feels doubting it in her heart. Because she's trying to balance as a human being. ''

"I do not know that"

"It's that much responsibility. And I think it's overwhelming in this case."

"Is it an emperor?"

"Yes, I only tell Wendelin that Telese is not the emperor's vessel."


It was too unscrupulous to speak, so even the guru opened his eyes and was surprised.

"She thinks it's the limit of Duke Philip. I've been working so hard with the northern princes, but I couldn't make a ruthless decision like Duke of Nuremberg because I was a woman. Did you not prevent runaway? "

"That's the same result for other generals?"

"Maybe, do you think the Duke of Nuremberg will forgive if they are in the same position?"

"No ... I shouldn't forgive ..."

Sure, Alphonse is right.

The Duke of Nuremberg cannot allow military action to hinder his strategic vision.

Even if you exercised power, you must have stopped the operation.

"In some cases, the emperor did not retire. If Telese was a man, he probably gave up."

Because Therese was a woman, the emperor dreamed of her reinstatement and did not retire.

It can be said that the current empire is confused.

It was a feminine discriminatory idea from the point of view of me as a Japanese, but this is the reality of this world.

"Therese should have pushed the emperor forcibly. In fact, I am the Duke of Baden ... I'm a new Duke of Baden. She recommended it, but she said she couldn't disrupt the legal order and took the measure. I didn't do it, she's sweet.

I was struggling with Alphonse's face in distress.


"Um ... please."

"I'm sorry. Elise."

Elise takes care of Alphonse, who rarely talks seriously, and gives out a dark yerba mate, and he drinks it all at once.

"The emperor will prepare for the defeat of the Duke of Nuremberg by the fall, because there is no shortage of food if harvested."

"So how many troops are you going to attack?"

"We plan to mobilize 300,000 people."

"Many ..."

The teacher seems to be surprised at the high mobilization.

"It's collected without much trouble. The empire's governing system is paralyzed, not collapsed. You only need to secure enough food to feed the expeditionary forces. The reward is land because the southern lords disappear. And some of the money and treasures taken away by the Duke of Nuremberg are held by the Duke of Nuremberg, because that house is rich. "

`` War is afraid of human wallet ''

"As an emperor, I have no choice but to say that the safe in the Imperial Palace is empty. On the other hand, the opponent is Duke of Nuremberg. Also, because it is a territorial defense, there is also a land advantage. Yeah, we're not going to participate. "

We and the Earl of Mizuho are out of the question, and therese and Duke of Baden are to keep the empire out of town.

Of course, that's for the ostensible reason, and it's actually hard to get any better results.

"Is it lucky if there is no damage?"

"It's exactly what Wenderin says. Anyway, the emperor loses almost 100% because there is only Jesusman's incompetence around him. After losing, we can only move again ....

"Is it the same thing as a female therese?"

"I can't say this for the Dukes of Philip, but the empress is hundreds of years early in this country. At least for a peaceful era ..."

"But there's no other candidate, what about the Duke of Baden?"

"He is aware of his first defeat. His emperor's talent is inferior to Therese. He seems to be unable to afford this burden."

It seems that the operation of the Duke of Baden, inherited by the death of his father, is at its best.

In the case of, for now, even if you are provisional, you have no choice but to move with Telese at the top.

"Until the fall, I have no choice but to struggle with training soldiers and strengthening the circut."

"I don't think the Duke of Nuremberg is stupid enough to suddenly attack the base that Wendelin defends. I'll just ask."

Alphonse had told her everything he wanted to say and had set off for the Duke of Philip.

"The prospect of the empire is difficult."

"We're also ahead. Mr Blantark."

"I didn't expect it to remain in the empire for more than a year."

Everyone goes back to their work.

I am busy working on clearing vacant land today.

It is now possible to plant seeds so that they can be harvested in the fall.

I have enough food but I don't know what to expect.

He thought that it was better than a poor crop, and ordered soldiers to grow it.

"Count Bauister, fertilizer is ready."

Wizards of the Earl of Mizuho were making large amounts of fertilizer.

The unused parts of plants, manure, garbage, animals and monsters obtained from hunting.

These are mixed and fermented, and then mixed and fermented again to produce fertilizer that can be used in a few hours.

"I'm used to it."

"Yes, because practicing attack magic doesn't increase your productivity."

It is a tradition that Wizards of the Earl of Mizuho do not hesitate to use magic to increase food production and quality.

The work of the clearing wizard was familiar.

"I can make rice in two years."


"It seems that the museum will send rice with priority."

Even on the battlefield, Mizuho were concerned about eating rice.

I told you that bread wouldn't give me any power, and I was convinced of it.

Now, I almost eat rice.

"If the food can be managed, is the problem gold?"

It can't be said that 10,000 people are unpaid.

No, it's actually 5000 people, because the Mizuho military takes care of it.

If you run a crime because of poverty, you will be resentful by the residents of Surcutt.

The army of Mizuho is paid, but there is no destination like Mizuho.

"These captives are finally getting out of the collapse and training and working seriously .... I have to give me even a little pocket money."

Count Schulze sent the surviving spy to the kingdom with a letter describing the situation so far.

There is a survivor list, so if you send it to your Majesty in the royal city, they will respond, but their salary can only be given to families in the kingdom.

Even if the person wanted to spend money, it was impossible to withdraw money because there was no ATM at the bank.

"I will take care of my clothes, food and dwelling here as much as possible, and give me some extra money to do something ..."

Houses are made by ourselves, clothes are purchased and supplied at a minimum, and three meals are served.

I also hand out about 200 cents a week.

This is a general soldier, and there are other commanders and nobles, so you have to consider the amount.

I usually give everything in my lunch, but fortunately the Kingdom Army group was good.

"Well, if you go against Vell, there's no pocket money."

Philipp, Christoph, and the captives were almost penniless, so Elle said it was natural not to go against me who gave me the money.

"Is there any way to make money ..."

A part of the profit from the product of the country of Mizuho, materials of monsters, collected materials, construction and leveling work requested by the town, road construction, and collected materials from abandoned mines.

My income is decreasing as income does not exceed expenditure.

You have to think of a way to make money.


While walking while thinking, Mizuho craftsmen were checking the goods being transported.

If you look closely, it looks like porcelain similar to Imari ware.

"Count Baumeister, what do you need?"

"It's just a walk. By the way, the ware is like I saw it in a store in Earl of Mizuho ..."

"Yes. It's Mizuho porcelain. It's also exported as a luxury item. It's popular with aristocrats, merchants, and other wealthy people."

They have been transported so far to earn cash.

"But there is a customer who buys in this situation ..."

The artisans were worried that there were many nobles whose financial condition was severe, and many nobles who already had it could not sell.

"Isn't the design suitable for imperial people?"

Since it is similar to Imari ware, there are many Japanese dishes, pots and sake bottles.

It seems that it is purchased for viewing, not for use.

"I wish I could make a pot or tea cup"

Both kingdoms and empires use Western-style tea sets when drinking tea.

Both are porcelain, but the quality was inferior to mass-produced products sold to Japanese stores.

The point is how to make porcelain thin and milky.

I hear that the tea set that Elise always uses is a luxury item because it is a wedding tool, but it is thick and slightly dim.

Overall, it may be poor and the quality of the white clay is poor.

It seems that there is no technology to add a picture, so it may sell Mizuho porcelain with a picture even if it is a decoration.

However, this was not practical because of the design.

"I have the technology to make it, but it doesn't sell much."

Although the picture is included, the color of the original ground is not so different from the porcelain from the Imperial and the Kingdom.

It would not be possible to sell a tea set with this.

"I tried painting a tea cup, but it didn't sell much."

"Well, I guess it's because I paint the same picture as Mizuho porcelain."

We can't sell tea cups with Japanese and Chinese style flowers, birds and arabesque patterns.

It seems that some collectors nobles only purchased it.

"If so, is there room for improvement?"

"Early Baumeister has the experience of roasting pottery."

"Uh. I made it with magic."

I show the craftsmen a pot of salt that was made in the wilderness era.

"Um .... The modeling is useless ..."

It was an amateur's work, and it would have been nice if salt had entered without leakage.

Even if the craftsmen denied the molding of the vase, I was crying and demonizing only in my heart.

"Is the quality of the clay OK?"

There is no reason why the color is milky, so it was not much different from popular products.

"Do you sell this vase?"

"It's subtle as a work of art ..."

"I'm an artist with no background ..."

There is no time to be sad, such as.

I can make pottery without a kiln.

There is a problem with the modeling and there is no pictorial, but the craftsmen in front of me are professionals in that way.

You just have to give them clay and let them do the modeling and coloring.

"But there is no difference from Imperial products so the price is ..."

"So I use my own clay."

Of course, I can't have any porcelain manufacturing technology.

Just use technology invented in England in the eighteenth century on earth.

"Bone China" is a porcelain made by mixing cow bone ash with clay as a substitute because it is difficult to obtain white clay.

Clay used to be a conventional one, mixed with bone ash to make clay, and if it was baked, it would have produced a beautiful milky white porcelain.

"It's an experiment right now."

In fact, bone ashes were made from the bones of the demon that the guru hunts every day.

Since it can be used for fertilizer, the wizard who is in charge of making fertilizers made it by magic.

"(Sure, bone china was porcelain containing more than 30 percent of tricalcium phosphate. It's appropriate because there are no cow bones.)"

By changing the mixing ratio, a lot of clay with bone ash is manufactured and made into a plate, and the firing reaction is magically reproduced as in the case of a jar to manufacture porcelain.

The shape was distorted due to lack of technology, but the production of milky white porcelain was more successful than that of conventional Mizuho porcelain.

"(This is the best. I learned the fine blending ratio.)"

Continue to make a large amount of clay in the mixing ratio and give it to craftsmen to make tea cups, saucers, teapots, plates, vases, etc.

As expected, he was a professional craftsman and had manufacturing experience, so he made wonderful porcelain.

"And if this is fired with magic"

In a few minutes, the milky white porcelain seen in Japan was completed.

"Oh! White!"

"This sells!"

Plain porcelain with a more milky white clarity than traditional Imperial porcelain or Mizuho porcelain.

"What a bone bone China" was completed successfully.

There are still improvements, but you can leave that to professional craftsmen.

I mix clay and bone ash by magic, and the craftsmen shape and paint.

Several days, clay is made in the morning and handed over to craftsmen, and in the daytime, immersed in land reclamation and construction around the town.

"I wonder if the tea cup is a picture of a plum ... It's not bad, but I wonder if I can draw imperial plants and flowers."

After all, the pattern like Imari ware and Arita ware on the Western tea cup is strange.

It would be better to draw the flowers that flourish normally on this continent.

"Isn't that better?"

"Because the customer is from the Empire, it's rare, so let's mix a little Mizuho-style painting. I want the Imperial-style pattern, but is it OK?"

"I'm OK. I'm studying for export research."

As a result of struggling with the craftsmen for about a week, the porcelain drawn by Mizuho porcelain painters on a considerable number of plain white porcelains was completed.

"I'll do something different, too."

"Look at this milky porcelain."

"Sure, it's whiter than the one in the Royal Palace ..."

"It's amazing how complicated and colored the pictures are."

Elyse actually poured mate tea into a tea cup with a teapot and distributed it to everyone.

The yellow-green color of Yerba Mate shines well in a beautiful milky white tea cup, and Blanták and Elise were surprised at the whiteness of the porcelain.

I was used to adjusting the composition of clay, and it was different from tea cups like thick mugs like those from other empires and kingdoms.

"Can you make porcelain without a kiln? Because I was making pots before."

"Is this white bone of a demon?"

I was half bet because there was no cow bone which is the raw material of bone china, but it worked really well.

Perhaps the demonic bones were fortunate.

I feel that the whiteness is higher than the porcelain we saw in Japan.

"A small amount of magical power remains in the demon bones, so it is also used as a material for medicines and magic tools. I used fertilizer here because there is not so much demand."

We sold only a small amount of demand and then turned it into fertilizer.

Then, normal animal bones are used as fertilizer as before, and demonic bones are used as porcelain material.

"This is a strategy to cooperate with Mizuho porcelain craftsmen and sell large quantities by the fall to earn military funds."

The mixing ratio of bone ash and clay and the firing conditions are kept secret on the Mizuho side.

However, there are professionals over there, so if you study, you should be able to make the same thing.

However, if you make and sell as much as you can by autumn, you should be able to get a lot of profits as the first person to make pure white porcelain.

"Will you sell it at a high price and make money before anyone else can make white porcelain so far?"

"It's not good to reduce your money anymore. I don't know what's still there."

I do this because the stupid emperor doesn't even pay a temporary reward.

I couldn't go home until I destroyed that device, and I had to make it myself if I couldn't rely on the rewards.

"As the Earl says, okay, it's a demonic bone."

"I hunt a lot for food, but I don't know there is a way to use it."

The gurus continued to hunt in the territory of demons every day because they could not do military training or town construction.

When the result is achieved, it is as if the demons in the area are extinct.

We're very welcome because we have contributed to securing meat.

"Let's ask Senior Mizuho to hire more craftsmen."

Only available until autumn, mass-produced and sold at high prices.

Thus, I came up with a new business and started struggling to earn military funds.

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