Hachinan tte, Sore wa Nai Deshou!

Episode 91: Is this hypocrisy or a service activity?

"I'm going to give Wendellin von Benno Baumeister a rank of Empire's Honorable Earl and a PLA staffer, but what do you think of the Lords?"

The following day, at a meeting that reconvened, Therese had announced to the nobles who had gathered me an award and an appointment to a formal position.

"No ... there is no objection."

"If Earl Baumeister has actually paid off ..."

"I've never heard of the title of both countries, but the honorary title is only for one generation ..."

I didn't know what I thought in my mind, but none of the aristocrats explicitly opposed it.

As a nobleman from another country, many people don't like having the power in the PLA.

However, if we remove us, which are the most powerful forces in the PLA, at this point, we are likely to lose in a battle with the rebels.

There is no doubt that complex emotions are fighting in your heart.

"How will you be appointed?"


"If the Imperial Palace is controlled by the Duke of Nuremberg."

An old noble spoke of sole concern.

Only the emperor can appoint the Imperial Throne, and it is said that the Arkart XVII, a captive of the rebels, is under house arrest, and the Duke of Nuremberg pretends to be the Emperor.

Because it was a coup d'etat, it was not widely known among the rebels, but it was still reported that it had begun to give its rank and status on its own.

It seems that he has begun to give his child's vassal the nobility and territory of nobles who were killed during the coup or killed by the PLA.

"No matter how the man suppressed the Imperial Palace and claimed himself the throne, it was nothing more than a fake thing. It was only necessary to officially receive the order after the liberation of the Imperial City. Now it is time for war, so it is not a temporary order. "

Thus, I became an imperial aristocracy for one generation only.

I really have to ask the Royal Majesty, but I can't get in touch because of the jamming device.

It seems that the range of effect is strangely wide due to the limited magic, and it has been more than a month since the civil war started, but no information comes from the kingdom.

Even if you send messengers here, the southern and central empires should be difficult because they are territory of rebels.

Speaking of which, what happened to the Counts Schulze who left the Imperial City?

It seems that several wizards have been killed, but I want to believe that Duke of Nuremberg is not stupid enough to reach out to the aristocracy.

If you were killed, you would have to consider punitive troop dispatch.

There is a state of the nation before profits, and in the long run, punishment is more profitable if given punishment.

It was certain that it was not a world where only beautiful things were enough.

"According to intelligence from the spy, it seems that the Duke of Nuremberg will eventually lead his army."

Therese seems to have been seriously gathering information on the rebels.

The two armies have produced tens of thousands of dead in two major battles, but they may have thought that this would not help.

It was reported that the rebels were mobilizing extensively.

On the other hand, the friendly Liberation Army is also trying to gather as much strength as possible.

However, since the messenger using Hayama became the mainstay, information could not be entered in real time.

It was frustrating to take time.

"So what's the strength ratio?"

"Is there about 120,000 rebels and about 90,000 of us?"

I don't know the maximum number of mobilized troops in the empire, so I couldn't tell if this was more or less.

"Is this a marginal force?"

"So far, both sides can't use their strength."

Given the population of the Empire, mobilizing one million soldiers is theoretically possible.

However, in order to increase troops to that level, it is necessary to recruit ordinary people who are usually farmers and craftsmen.

However, doing so reduces the productivity of the noble territory and the territories under the control of the Empire.

The recruited people lose money and cannot pay taxes.

People who are recruited as soldiers are guaranteed a minimum amount of food, clothing and shelter, but receive only a small allowance.

If you play an active part in the war, you may get rewards, but there is a trap that people who can play an active role are already professional soldiers, so honest things should not be tolerated.

Plundering has been acknowledged in past wars because it was necessary to make up for their loss of income.

If you talk to a woman who is assaulted against a woman, she seems to save on customs.

It's a terrible story, but a war is like this.

"The right answer is the last minute strength that can be collected so as not to lose productivity."

Nevertheless, it will be a headache for both sides.

Due to the decline in productivity, there is also the problem of reduced economic activity due to paralysis of traffic and distribution, as both parties have stopped distribution to the enemy sphere of influence.

"The concubines are underpowered, and the Duke of Nuremberg is struggling harder than he had imagined because of the coup."

Despite some success in removing the disturbing aristocrats to the Liberation Army, the defeat seems to have raised concerns about Duke of Nuremberg's military talent.

In the previous battle, the victory was achieved because all of the bases that were once deprived were strategically recovered, but tactically the fact that the number of casualties was overwhelmingly higher for the rebels.

This large-scale mobilization seems to be a solution to this concern.

"As a Duke of Nuremberg, I couldn't have killed this force more than I had imagined.

Therese's strategy was to intercept at this field and accumulate damage and encourage withdrawal, and nobody disagreed.

"We'll announce the layout tomorrow, so make sure to prepare for each one."

The meeting ended with two announcements: medal and rebel interception.

When I tried to get out of the room, she was abducted by Therese, smiling with a smile and somehow struggling with a lot of documents in her office.

"Why ?? And so full?"

In front of me, a lot of documents were piled up.

Even in the days of a trading company, I have never wrestled with so many documents.

"Are you a staffer?"

"Is that an ornament?"

"Even if it's a decoration, it's okay if there are fewer concubine documents."

"Before that, processing documents isn't the job of a staffer!"

"If the greatest concubine of the PLA commands, the staff must also process documents from that moment."

"(What an arrogant thought ...")

As long as it is natural, the greater the army's movement, the more documents will be generated.

The rebels are holding back the imperial capital, so you can leave it up to cooperative central bureaucrats, but the PLA will overwhelm the Dukes of Phillippe's vassal.

Although the Mizuho High Earl and the Duke of Baden are also helping, other nobles have never gathered so large to form an army.

He wasn't very helping with unfamiliar military action.

"I don't think it's very useful ..."

Still, he starts reading documents immediately due to the habits of the office worker era.

Ena and Elise are likely to help together, so start sharing with the content written in the documents.

"Eina. What about Luise?"

"I ran away"

"I thought so"

He isn't bad, but he can't do paperwork for Luise who lives with half-intuition.

In terms of personality, I was not good at such a slick job, and had already escaped like a rabbit.

"Elise, what about Vilma?"

"Is it difficult for Vilma ..."

Vilma was good at writing, but basically had no experience in paperwork.

Because my father-in-law is that person, I would definitely not teach.

"What about Katarina? He's surprising."

"It's another job"

According to Elise, she was entrusted with the training of wizards with the wizards, along with Blanc-Taak.

I don't have any magical powers right now, but I'd like to have veteran Blantaak teach me to fight efficiently.

Asked by Therese. Katarina seems to be assisting Blantaak.

"What is your guru?"

"Well, do you really want your guru to do the paperwork?"

"You, I think it's the most unfit job for my uncle."

When they said so, I could only silently nod.

Surely the guru processes a large amount of documents quickly, and it seems strange just to imagine it in my head.

I feel troubled right away, and I feel like I'm going to bite my nose with the documents.

"My uncle is going to dig a groove for a horse guard outside the base."

It seems that you have been working on increasing the number of grooves that keep the cavalry from approaching, which was also useful in the previous defense battle.

However, in terms of image, it can be said to be the job that best suits the guru.

I could easily imagine a guru digging a ditch in a garbage dress.

"So these three?"

Eina is studying the most seriously, with Elise, the perfect superhuman.

Let's start with documents that seem to be easy for three people.

"Are you ready for the military formation? Earl Rosas and Viscount Heinen are not so close to each other, so don't place them near .... Proposal documents from Viscount Singelorz?"

"I'm currently thinking about reorganizing 90,000 people into three corps."

According to Terese's strategy, he would become the general of the Central Corps and leave either the left or right to the Duke of Baden.

"Is the other one a Mizuho Senior Earl?"

"No. Incorporate it in the center. That house is special. Even if you suddenly give it higher command, the nobles below will repel. I don't want to be commanded by this. ''

Here is the difficulty of commanding the noble lords.

The number and skill of the troops being led vary, and if even a senior commander depletes too many specific lords, this will be a source of disputes later.

Before that, the upper commander deliberately exhausted the army of the noble family, or on the contrary, they did not listen to orders, so the PLA consists of all lords, so just think about the formation plan It was a painful problem.

"Rebels may be easier, but it's a matter of degree."

There are many nobles who are obliged to follow, so if you struggle poorly, you may betrayed on the battlefield.

If you are cautious of the formation, the strength of the army and the efficiency of command will decrease this time.

Therese anticipated that only rebels of the Duke of Nuremberg and some Imperial troops would be relied on by the rebels.

"But the rebels are still better in number and skill."

"I have an imperial army."

It is a permanent and practical experience of maintaining security, but it is in a good category because it is trained regularly in groups.

"In the end, only the Dukes of the Philippe and the Army of Mizuho can count on ..."

It is only a part of the difficulty, such as the previous application form.

There are too many combinations to consider, and it is not enough to divide 30,000 troops into 30,000 troops.

Only the center will have 40,000 people, and if the least 20,000 corps struggle, it will be forced to reinforce.

If left unattended, it will be attached to the earth wall of the field base.

"Besides, the stockpile situation, the equipment purchase list .... Why is it so expensive?"

As an amateur, you know, the unit price was extremely high, even though you were buying and selling daily necessities.

"There are many such rats."

Terese marks the documents I have found in red, and immediately instructs her vice servant to punish the responsible person with a doorbell.

When nearly 100,000 people gather, there is a certain number of people who do wrong.

Other cases include theft in the unit, quarrels between soldiers, not paying peddlers who visited the bases, and several people breaking into neighboring villages to rob or commit village daughters. When.

The final ruling of this was to use Telese, and her face had a tired color.

"After overcoming this difficulty, there is a decisive battle with the Duke of Nuremberg. How much will it cost to drop the Imperial City and the Duke of Nuremberg without ever finishing ..."

And after the war, you have to elect a new emperor.

It seems that therese is almost determined by the empress, but if you throne, you will have to struggle again with the rebuilding of the ragged empire.

I think it's a pity, but if you sympathize here, therese could be asking for fulfillment of established facts.

This should be a business-like, with your heart as a demon.

In other words, we need to process this large amount of documents silently.

"Is it finally finished ..."

"Wendelin is likely to do well for his lord."

"I'm still a lord.

Speaking of which, did Roderich successfully develop the Count of Baumeister?

I didn't think it would be inconvenient for information not to come in.

"Speaking of which, does Elise not go to the first aid station?"

"Today, if an injured person appears, my uncle seems to be in charge of it."

Did Terese have Elise go to the field rescue she was in charge of, and in the meantime try to persuade me?

Elysee didn't leave my side just because the idea was transparent.

"What is your guru?"

"Actually, I recently learned the magic of 'Healing'"

"He will overturn the common sense of the magical world in various ways."

It is no surprise that therese is surprised.

Normally the magical power that stops around 20 years old continues to grow even after 40 years old, and until now I was able to use some `` holy '' magic that was barely activated Because.

The soldiers, however, were not well-received for the treatment, which also practiced the guru, because they could not attack or treat without holding the opponent.

"I want Elise to cure"

"Ola. Even with the same effect, it's different from the guru. "

"is able to say"

I understand the feelings of the soldiers well.

I would definitely choose Elise if I would be treated with magic.

No one would want to be embraced by a guru who was too forty and muscular, and the yakuza had a deep blue face.

"I can cure myself to some extent"

The teacher seems to be quite talented, but my healing magic is based on “water,” so it's a little different from Elise or Guru.

There is no difference in healing the injuries, so it can be said that it does not matter, but is there a little unfamiliar point because there is no chance to practice?

"I'm going to practice because there's a big battle soon?"

"I think it's good. I'll help."

"It's encouraging"

The healing magic of Elise was really excellent.

I have seen treatment before, but if the injured or sick, if it is a minor injury, collect it on a specially woven rug with the magic circle of the effect expansion that you have, and treat it at once Because it will.

Elysees became very popular among soldiers as their magical power increased and the number of people who could handle them per day increased.

We called “Saints”, and even some soldiers worshiped, but my reputation fell in proportion to that.

“Earl Baumeister, married to Elise, dies! ], Mainly among single soldiers.

In addition, one more thing, “Four other people will bring their beautiful brides! Even Baumeister dies! ].

Of course, there is no one who says it is a table, but even in this world, there seems to be something deep in jealousy of men.

But I think what's after all.

"It's natural because we're married, because we can use healing magic together."

Elise's statement had thorns.

I'm sure you're talking to Therese.

"Certainly, magic cannot be used for concubines. But Elise is a" holy "magic, and Wendelin is a" water "healing magic.

However, Therese also replied that she would lose to Elise.

"I don't think amateur Therese-sama knows, but the healing magic is the same regardless of system. There are many things in common, such as how to image and control magic."

"I don't know that."

"I'm going to be sorry soon."

Elise said that, leaving her office with her arms crossed.

I was worried about the expression on the back there, as Elise crossed her arms, but she was scared and she didn't dare to look behind.

"(I couldn't say anything. I'm scared ...)"

"(I'm afraid too ...)"

I muttered at me so I could only hear me, and I agree with that opinion.

After Elise and Therese collide, Ena quietly kept her paperwork until she left.

After all, it seems that the person's personality comes out at such times.

"He won't be careless."

"I ended up making Vell an imperial noble."

Although only one generation, nobles are nobles.

You also considered the possibility of misrepresentation of rewards, but did you think that therese was refused for that reason?

This is a condition that allows for the continuation of the current salary system.

Due to financial concerns, we are paid only after the war.

If you win, you will have enough assets of the imperial government and the Duke of Nuremberg to be demolished, and if you lose, you do not have to consider it, and this is where you realize that therese is a noble.

"I had to accept the crown anyway."

"I agree……"

The dispatch of troops to the Tarvel Mountain Fort was refused unless we were mercenaries.

I wasn't sure what kind of decision would make that kind of order, but now I am one of the staff members of Therese, the Earl of the Empire and General of the PLA, and a close associate.

If she keeps me by her side, she's unlikely to be used up by reckless orders.

Elyse seems to think that temptation will increase, but that was actually happening.

"I look at Vell's current situation and understand that I have to accept it, so she's evil."

As Iena says, giving me the honorary title has to do with Telese because it has a benefit.

That's why it can be said that you are at the mercy of Therese's nobility.

"I can't help but care. Would you like to go to the guru?"

"Yes, you can expect the screams of the patients."

As expected by Ina, when they went to the field rescue camp with three people, there was a guru who screamed and screamed at the patient one after another while emitting pale light all over the body. .


"It's not a serious injury. I don't want a man to scream at that much."

"(I just don't like being hugged by a guru ...)

In addition, the guru may be a lightly hugging consciousness, but the soldiers should feel like they were strangled with a vise.

From the viewpoint of a fractured patient, "Does injuries get worse? ] Is not surprising.

Soldiers waiting for treatment gathered in one place and were trembling like a kitten.

"Guru. I will replace you."

"Is it Count Earl Baumeister? Are you OK?"

"I'll do it while teaching Elise."

"If so, are you safe?"

As the teacher says, I'm not so good at healing magic.

At least do not hug.

When he was replaced, there were more than a dozen soldiers and sick people injured in the construction of the field battlefield that began three times.

There was no battle, and it was like this because the guru and other healing wizards were healing first.

Immediately start with the treatment of a young soldier with a cut in his arm.

If the wound is disinfected with shochu and a light healing magic is applied, it will be completely cured immediately.

"If it's a minor injury patient ...?"

Continue to treat patients who have been broken under wood.

Because it was a simple fracture, fixing the broken part with a splint and then applying a healing magic healed immediately.

"Thank you very much"

Healing more than a dozen patients one after another, but there were no serious injuries.

"I don't teach"

"Because I think you will be taught properly."

I will end up following Elise, who had never been able to teach and was relentless.

"I didn't really practice healing magic ..."

"If so, why don't you participate in mobile nursing?"

"Patrol nursing?"

"Yes. I go to a small town or village near here for treatment."

The elder priest who manages the field nursing home can recommend something called patrol nursing.

Because of the trouble caused by the war, it seems that there is also a plan to visit villages and towns where healing wizards are not usually available and treat them free of charge, and to raise the approval rating of the PLA.

Telesees are likely to think, or to some extent a noble noble.

"I'll go if you're not that far"

"It's about a half-day round trip from here, but using a horse."

It's a healing magic practice, much better than a battle.

We were riding on a horse and heading for mobile nursing.

"Can Vell not be in that field base?"

"The army of the Duke of Nuremberg has not yet arrived."

I was answering the question of Luise, who was riding on the Dosanco horse, which was finally used to riding.

I am accompanied by Luise, Elise and Ena, El and somehow a guru, and I am aiming for a village with three Dosanco horses.

The other members were busy and remained in the field for other work.

"Because you can't use the magic of communication magic, you're seriously scouting, so there's no sudden assault. It's safe to go on a patrol nursing today."

"Because it is troublesome when called by Therese-sama."

"If you think that the chief of staff is a decoration, today is suddenly a paperwork ..."

"I like Vell, and by putting a wizard as great as Vell, Telese-sama can show her power to the surroundings."

As Luise says, I have been locked on by Terese as both a man and a nobleman.

It would be safer to be away here as a job.

"I'm used to horses, but it's hard not to use magic wheels."

"Really ..."

"The Magic Wheel" was a car that came out of the underground warehouse in that Demon Forest.

In addition, there are motorcycles whose official name is "Magic Two Wheels", shovels and bulldozers called "Magic Construction Machines", and cultivators called "Magic Farming Machines".

Everything was sold to the Magic Guild of the Kingdom, but it is expected that it will take a considerable amount of time to reproduce it because the technology gap is so great.

I also put it in a magic bag, but it doesn't work at all because of the example device.

I don't know what the mechanism is, but it was a really troublesome device.

The traveling of the magic tool may be recognized as “movement” magic.

"If used here in an imperial territory, nobles and merchants may fly in May to get it."


It can be said that the experiment on whether the four-wheeled magic can be used here was done secretly when El and Haruka were not present.

If you could use it, it would be convenient to move, so I thought I would use it while treating the flies in May, but the Duke of Nuremberg has developed a ridiculous device to stop even the moving magic tool.

No, should it be excavated?

"You, we're almost there."

"Isn't there any serious injury that would kill you suddenly?"

"As expected, there are few people like that ..."

"Ell. There's no enemy?"

"If there's an invasion in the complete PLA territory, it's the responsibility of Therese-sama. It's close to the field bases and impossible.

As Elle said, there were no enemies on the way, and upon arrival at the village entrance, many villagers were greeted.

"Today, he will be able to treat you with magic. It's very thankful."

The village mayor, who looks over 70 years old, and an old man with a supposed gray hair give greetings on behalf of the villagers.

"There is no healing wizard in this village ..."

Even if there are priests in the church, not everyone can use healing magic.

Many priests who can't use magic study and study pharmacy on their own, formulate medicinal herbs, and administer them.

In order to get the support of a church in a rural village, it is not enough to just preach.

But drugs are expensive and the villages are financially deprived of the war.

Although it was near the northern highway, the number of traffic decreased, and the fruit disappeared.

(4) The purpose of carrying out circuit nursing was to avoid their criticism.

If you leave your dissatisfaction as it is, you may have been cooperating with the rebels at any time, so follow-up will be essential.

"So, let's start right away."

"Can you treat me?"

"I'm still immature, but leave it to me!"

Mr. seems to have thought that the guru who accompanied us was an escort.

It was obvious that he was a magician because he was in a robe, but his first impression did not seem to be that he would use a treatment magic with a perfect destroyer.

Elysee, who usually dresses as a priest, seems to have seen me as a healing magician somehow.

"Large people are welcome"

"Are there so many injured or sick people?"

"It's not just our village. Duke Philip has contacted us in advance and patients are coming from nearby villages and towns."

"Is that so too?"

It is more efficient to collect and treat in one place than to visit each village.

Terese must have issued a notice, thinking so.

"Let's get started."

Divide the large number of patients immediately into two groups.

One is a group of women, children and the elderly, and the other is a group of men.

If you ask why, there is naturally this person.

"Is my leg sprained? Let's treat him as soon as possible."


"Large man should not scream with this degree of injury!"

"No, I think this person is screaming for another reason."

There is no other man who is unhappy if he is treated as a sprain, while being held by the guru.

I can't help complaining that it's normal and complete, but I'm just going to say that the man being treated is screaming because it's exactly what El is saying was not due to injured pain.

"As Elise said, women, children, and the elderly were good to be in charge of Vell."

Luise calls out to me while lining up the patients waiting for treatment.

I think it's ethical to have a guru embrace a woman, a child will be traumatized, and an old man will be picked up sooner, so I'll be in charge.

I sometimes give healing magic one after another while receiving advice from Elise.

"It hurts!"

"Hahaha! I can't help it! I'll keep you better, Elvin!"

"Yes yes ..."

Male patients are treated one after another while being hugged by a guru.

Some were rampage, so they all helped Elle hold down.

"Something, it looks like you're doing bad things ..."

In El's case, we replied in our hearts, "I understand."

"This healing wizard is quiet and nice."

The old woman who gave me healing magic leaked my impressions, but healing magic is usually done as if I was doing it.

A mentor is a rare exception.

"I'm getting used to Oita."

"That .... is that okay?"

Treat hundreds of people safely and become the last person.

The patient was a young woman, not particularly injured or sick, but her face had marked burns on her face.

Everything seems to have burned his face a few months ago.

"I don't care about my life, but this girl is going to get married next month ..."

"If so, it's better to have a beautiful face."

As the same woman, Elise was eager to treat her.

"I agree, but how do you treat?"

Actually, this burn scar seems to have been cured by healing magic once.

The burn was healed, but severe marks remained.

It seems that there are many cases like this, but even if healing magic is added here, the trace will not disappear.

If you are in trouble, Elise will tell you how to treat.

"The first thing you need to do is give me a sharp knife."

Give Elise a knife and she calls out to the burned woman.

"Be patient, because you'll cut the burns once."

Speaking of that, if it is not anesthesia, but if you apply it to the wound at the time of treatment of the injury, it will relieve the pain, apply a medicine to the burn, and begin to cut the keloid-like burn with a knife.

Occasionally a woman moves with pain, but Elise cuts all keloids without worrying about it.

Both the affected area and Elise's hands were bloody.

"You. Powerful healing magic."

"all right"

The idea is that the keloid-like part is cut off and the skin is regenerated with healing magic from scratch.

Although the magic power was slightly increased, the skin gradually regenerated from the wound.

After a few minutes, Elise wiped the affected area with a damp cloth, and the scars had disappeared completely.

"Wow! Great!"

"Awesome, not the magic of Vell"

Louise says, but he had just failed to treat without knowing how to cut the wound.

"But it's a beautiful cure ..."

It seems that if you just use healing magic, it will not completely cure all injuries and illnesses.

The accumulation of such know-how may be the strength of the church.

"Now you can get married with peace of mind."

"Thank you"

The young woman whose burn has healed has thanked me and Elise.

"My husband will be relieved."

"Actually, he's here too, because he was protecting me at the time of the fire, and he had more severe burns ..."

"Huh? Is that so?"

Everyone's gaze rushes to the guru.

I was very worried about the safety of the fiance's man.

"Is it a mark of a burn? Let's cure it."

"Guru. Because healing magic alone is impossible!"

"The thing is a person who tries it. Look at a certain mystery.

The mentor grew a pale aura more than ever before, and at the same time was hugging a young man who had severe burns on his face.

It doesn't look like healing, and it feels like a powerful and evil monster can be defeated.

"Hip! Puffy!"

"Would you get married? If you're a man, be patient!"

We will be spelled out of that insane sight.

Although Elise, an expert, says that healing magic is not enough, he ignored it and restrained the patient with more magic and power than ever before.

It's a treatment, but it doesn't look like a treatment.

Too tight a young man kept screaming, but no one could stop it.

Despite the fiance being in such a state, the shock was too great and the woman could not say anything and stood there.

And a few minutes later, an impossible sight will be witnessed.

The mark of the burn had completely disappeared from the man's face.


"It's a very powerful 'holy' healing magic."

"But if I do, I'll choose the Elise method."

"Yes, it's a bit painful ..."

Although any injuries heal, the greater the degree, the more strength and time you will be embraced by your guru.

It was a magic that I didn't want to take care of except in an emergency.

"Sendrick! Are you OK?"

A fiancee who was also cured of the burn was helping a young man who had recovered from the burn but was conscious.

He woke up about an hour later, and although both of them had healed, none of them paid tribute to the guru.

"That person, Sendrick. Is that OK?"

"Isn't the mark of the burn completely cured?"

"No, it's better for my heart ..."

Travel nursing has been successfully completed despite its popularity.

All the patients were treated by me and Elise's healing magic, and now it's already dark so I will stay in the village.

Fortunately, there was one vacant private house, so we decided to borrow it with the permission of the village chief.

"that……. It's a vacant house with nothing ...

"Because I bring furniture, don't worry"

Beds, chairs, cooking utensils and furniture are all put in magic bags, so we think we're a hassle-free customer.

I think that this is good because the villagers are losing their income due to the civil war and demanding so much that they make them more distressed.

However, there was something unpleasant if I didn't do anything too much, so only food was offered.

Elise and Luise make dinner from them.

Miso stew with a large pot on a magic stove, a dish that Elise independently developed.

It was a dish that looked like a color to the former Japanese, but it was delicious when actually eaten.

It is a strange stew that goes well with bread and rice.

I also make salad, bake the demon meat that was in the magic bag, prepare ready-made desserts, etc. It was becoming.

"I'm so hurt, so far ..."

"Well, what if Vell was in Sendrick's position?"

"I guess you don't want to."

I was honestly leaking my heart because the teacher was on a walk that also served as a view of the village.

No matter how much you die, there is something you want to avoid if you can.

If you really die, you have to accept it.

"The bride also thanked the guru with a subtle face."

In a village in a village, men and women who had been close to childhood since they were children were involved in a fire.

The burn was healed by the priest's healing magic, but the scar was not helped by the priest in charge.

It is more severe to ask a priest who is in a village to have such skill.

Rather, it's normal to appreciate the miracle of having a priest who could use healing magic in the village.

However, it is a pity if the scars of burns remain on the young men and women who will be married.

This is why they came here.

"For women, Elise has healed neatly, and for men, the guru has healed neatly.

"Is this a good story, as Ver says?"

Elise's healing method was wonderful.

Healing magic by magic can be reconstructed even if the lower body is blown off, provided that it has enormous magic and the image power of the caster.

Such a person should be alone in a hundred years.

How to cure a lot of heavy patients with limited magic.

Here is the secret of healing magic, and the church that actually accumulates its know-how is the church.

At churches in each village, many priests, especially those assigned to rural areas, have acquired pharmacy and simple medical techniques.

A minor injury or illness can be cured to some extent without using healing magic.

It seems that the local priest sometimes calls a priest who can use healing magic in the surrounding area, while being kept in first aid.

In recent years, the church has become a problem of corruption, but with such practical help, it still holds a great deal of power.

Because it is useful, you can get a certain level of support.

"It looks like Elise did something great."

"It seems like a normal hand in the church, but I'm not familiar with magic."

It is surprisingly difficult to restore the skin that has become keloid after treatment once to its original beautiful state.

It requires a huge amount of magic, so we use a unique method of cutting off that part and then applying a healing magic.

In the case of a fracture, of course, restore the position of the broken bone once.

If you do not do this and cast a healing magic as usual, the bones will stick together in strange shapes.

"Elise has some simple medical skills."

"It's amazing"

"Oh, maybe 10,000 times as smart as Elle."

"I can't argue ..."

Although he was self-taught on how to command the military for the future, he had the disadvantage of being a little slow to remember.

Eina, who read the material later, has an overwhelming understanding, and now she seems to be studying while listening to her commentary.

"I'm a stupid fool anyway."

However, this is not to say that Elle has no talent as a military commander.

I'm fighting on the front line several times now, but I'm good at slashing and breaking down the weak parts of the enemy army quickly.

As a front commander, Tristan and others evaluated that it would be the best.

"Elise doesn't get upset when I see blood unexpectedly."

"I was almost vomiting at first."

At first look at the pile of corpses on the battlefield, everyone started to vomit equally, but Elise wasn't.

She may have seen a corpse during the course of treatment.

In the past, he received a request from the Adventurer's Guild and said that he was also treating adventurers attacked by demons.

"Elise is stronger than us."

"More than that, it's a guru who is too strong and out of common sense."

He was hugging a patient who had keloids all over his body, and was completely restored with the healing magic of “Saint” alone.

I think it seems like a waste of magic when thinking now, but it can be said that there is no problem if it is cured.

Of course, even if I and Elise used the same method, that male keloid would not have been completely cured.

That is the insane part of the guru.

"A guru can only say" just powerful. "

Even when he entered the battlefield, his everyday behavior was powerful even today, even with healing magic.

It's always normal for the surroundings to be so intense.

"I am hungry. I eat fast."

The guru comes back while talking about that, and the dishes are brought to the table by Elise and Luise, who have already prepared their meals.

"I'm hungry because I did something unfamiliar."

"You. Please eat a lot."

Many people say they don't have to cook because they are the Earl's wife, but Elise did not stop cooking.

The same is true for other wives, and Terese is wondering about it.

I also assumed that it was natural because I also worked as an adventurer, and at the same time it was helpful in avoiding strange women.

"I can do my own concubine."

Terese says , but honestly it's pretty suspicious.

I wonder if the busy Duke will really make the dishes soon.

"I should go to bed today and go back tomorrow morning."

"Yes, there will be no patients anymore."

Due to the movement of the army of the Duke of Nuremberg, it is better to return early to make sure.

Before that, there was a problem that there was no entertainment in this village.

"I'll use playing cards until I go to bed."

I didn't have a bath, so today I did the magic of “washing” and decided to sleep in bed with everyone.

We decided to sleep in the same room with all of our precautions.

Since the time is still early, play cards with Luise's wish.

"Luise is a great poor again with a tail habit."

"I don't want to tell the poor Elle."

Trumps existed in this world, and various ways of playing were popular, but the poor were not the only ones, and I did what I devised.

Since it gets excited when you do it in your spare time, it is often the night you go hunting.

"Vell is strong ..."

"It's a problem if the creator is weak."

You have won the first place for a while, but the guru suddenly puts out four cards.

"Don't be a coup."

"Now! What does that mean?"

"I did it!"


Only Elle and Luise were delighted by the incomprehensible 'coup d'etat by the mentor, and I fell to the poor.

Because it is a great poor, the word “revolution” may be the correct answer, but the word is not very familiar, so it has been changed to “coup”.

In the case of a coup d'etat, "Oh, the county of the Imperial Palace, a military chief, Earl XX has fallen down," and so on, and that kind of history has given me an understanding.

The rebels taking place in the Empire are also coups, according to the teleses.

It didn't seem familiar to the word revolution.

"Damn. The two I have ..."

After all, I remained a poor man until the end of the game.

I didn't have enough luck to get a coup again.

"It's an unusual victory so you can sleep soundly."

"I am so too."

The expression of Luise and El, who rarely won, is bright.

It seems that I was very happy because I and Ena usually make me duck.

I didn't bet, but I was glad to win.

"Let's sleep now. Vel. That."

"I see. Guru. Excuse me."

I cast the magic of “silence” on the guru.

Because it would be impossible to sleep in the same room as the guru without this.

That's how bad his iki was.

"I don't feel like a certain person."

"I've never heard of anyone who gets up with their ibis in May."

"Okay, because the magic of Silence also has the effect of reducing noise around you."

Speaking of that, the guru lay down on the bed and set off in less than ten seconds to the dream world.

It's a terrible speed of falling asleep.

Because he was an adventurer, he might have been sleeping early, getting up early, eating fast, and dung early.

It seems vulgar, but in fact, this word can be taught very early in the Adventurer Preparatory School.

"It's enviable how fast you fall asleep."

Elle was impressed by the speed of the guru's falling asleep.

Ibiki is probably talking, but I can't hear anything thanks to the magic of Silence.

Now we can sleep with peace of mind.

The door is suddenly knocked where I thought.

When Eller opens with caution, there is a village chief and a twelve to three year old girl.

"Mr. village chief. Anything for business?"

"Yes. I am grateful today to cure the injured and sick in our villages and the surrounding villages. Since the civil war has cut off the distribution of the village, there are few things we can thank. but……"

"Thank you is unnecessary."

Instead of Elle, I refuse the reward once and for all.

Although the purpose is to care for the imperial subjects who are bothering you in the civil war, if you receive a reward here, you will fall over.

"But there's nothing to do. So I'm going to serve this Firine beside the Honorable Earl."

"My name is Firine. Thank you."

"Um ... there is enough manpower ..." Thank you very much for that. "

If I try to refuse, Elise forcibly breaks in and takes her daughter.

It was a rainy day, but the village chief seemed relieved to receive it and closed the door immediately.


"Um. You're Filine, right?"

"Yes. Elise-sama."

"It's time for everyone to sleep today, so let's talk more about it tomorrow. Good night."

"Yes. Good night. Elise. Husband. Everyone."

As Firine was still a child, she started to breathe as soon as Elise laid her in bed.

I guess he was nervous and tired.

"No way. I didn't think Elise would accept it."

"I agree with Luise's opinion"

Luise and Elle are also surprised at Elise's decision.

Even from me, only certain guesses come up.

A nobleman, who can use healing magic even with honor, came to Village, and offered his daughter a reward.

Serving means that the maid or mistress does not involve the village.

"When the aristocracy comes, I hear that the village offers a woman."

"It used to be"

I don't know in the empire, but it seems that that happened when the kingdom was narrower.

Of course, it was only in the direct control area, but there were also reasons that nobles would come and would not welcome them, and that they would put in outside blood.

Now, even if you don't do that, there is some interaction with the outside world, and poor nobles will avoid inheritance.

If you want to play with a woman, you should surround your mistress or go to a prostitute.

"Well, why me?"

"This is proof that this village cannot afford."

In short, that daughter who is sleeping with Suyasuya now is an unnecessary person in this village.

It's probably a way to leave it to me and reduce eating alone.

"A man can cultivate fields and go hunting."

Young women who have children are precious, but on the other hand, they are sometimes out because of low productivity.

As Elle says, many girls are sold to worst prostitutes.

"This girl. Isn't it an orphan?"

"Maybe ..."

Perhaps as Luise says, or otherwise he would not be in the village.

Elise would have noticed that if he declined, he would be placed in more miserable treatment.

"Would you increase the number of maids in this situation ... Let's treat them as apprentices and let them marry somewhere after adulthood."

Since he is still a minor, he may be treated as an apprentice.

Housework will be taught by the Elises, and if you guarantee your clothes, food and shelter and give out your pocket money, it won't cost you much money.

I did not think about the possibility of losing in the civil war and not returning to the territory.

Because it is useless just to think.

"But, do you need a maid for the current vell?"

"Because we are there"

I'm being taken care of by my five wives in rotation, so I might not need a filine.

Also, it seems that the possibility that I will make a hand even if I am still a minor is considered.

"Is it still a child?"

It's almost as old as I got rid of the dragon, but when I look so young I feel like I'm too old.

"I'm only 16 years old. We are."

"I'm facing difficulties that don't fit my age."

"Yes. Luise doesn't think so."

"It's something that gets caught. I'm an adult and sexy, but I don't care about Elle's shit!"

"Well, don't beat ..."

Elle, who treated Luise as a child, was lightly beaten by her.

It can be said that there was no difference between the appearance ages of Figline and Luise.

Rather, many people think Firine is older.

"So what do you do? You"

"If you forsake, your dream is bad ...."

If this is an ossan, you may leave it alone, but it was not good to be a pretty girl.

However, there was a sign that it would induce other women if placed poorly around him, and she was a daughter who had difficulty in being treated honestly.

"The point is, you don't have to think that I'm exclusive."

"Is there a way?"

"Yes! There is!"

"What kind of hand is it?"

"Some of my servants haven't even hired a maid to be a candidate for a minister."

"Is there such a guy?"

"Yes, right in front of me!"

If it's a problem if I accept it, I'll just leave it to Ell.

You can take care of yourself as an adult and give it to your wife.

It was a great idea.


"Yes. If Elle returned to the territory, he would have to build a house and live with Haruka.

"Vell. Are you trying to force me?"

"That's not the case. Do you think Filine is a poor thing too?

"That girl is like a sacrifice. We have to do something. Of course, we can't save all that girl, but I think it's a connection."

When she talked to Elise, who accepted Firine, she persuaded Elle with a good reason.

Ell's ability should not be able to refute it.

"I think Elka is scared."

"I see. I'm already laying on my butt."

"Mr. Haruka is pretty crisp."

Luise also succumbed to Haruka's anger at the time she brought another girl, albeit a maid, to her.

"Is that there ?! Haruka-san is kind enough to talk about it!"

"Then, it's not as good as one of the maids."

"Uhh ..."

Supremely caught by Luise, Elle approves the girl.

"If you like it, you should really do it to your mistress.

"Vell, you are ..."

"This girl. It's pretty cute and she loves women, so she's there."

"Luisse, woman lovers would be your husband."

"Why is that?"

"Because there are five wives"

I can't say anything to Elle's answer and she's silent.

However, I believed that Elle was gradually concluding with the idea of accepting, and I had a trump card here.

"Ell. He's the commander."

"Your lord's command is always the worst in a way, after asking Haruka-san."

Although it was a conditional acceptance, it seemed to indicate the current situation of Elle after hearing from Haruka.

"Vell, as I said? Elle is already ..."

"I'm really laying on my butt."

"No! I'm just consulting because I'm a couple!"

When the decision of accepting Filine was decided in this way, the guru, the oldest elder, was sleeping brilliantly alone.

Thanks to the magic of Silence, the sound didn't leak out at all.

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