Hachinan tte, Sore wa Nai Deshou!

Episode 89: Tactical victory, strategic defeat.

One week after we dropped the Tarvel Mountains, we were still besieged by the rebels.

The number of rebels surrounding this is estimated at about 10,000.

The siege battle has not been set up, and at first the messenger of surrender is sent to the ceremony street, and the second is looking out from outside the range of Vilma's sniper rifle.

After the war, it was probably because Vilma made a magician snipe in order of decreasing magical power to kill at first glance.

Naturally, the top witch tried to prevent it with “Magic Barrier”, but I piled up “Boost” on the bullet and penetrated it.

Many of them died after their heads were shattered, and the magic of revenge flew from the remaining wizards, which were prevented by Mr. Blantark, the guru, and the wizards of the Mizuho Army.

The rebel witch was far inferior to his allies, as he was defensive except for snipers.

Due to the lack of an advanced wizard originally, the rebels who lost the magic battle retreated out of range of the sniper rifle and returned to their original operation, the siege operation.

"Don't come."

"Hunger and weaken and then drop, or encourage surrender."

Along with Takeomi-san, he sees enemy forces far away from the top of the wall, but they do not move.

We calculate that our food will run out in time, so it seems that we will not overdo it.

Now it was Takeomi, Haruka's older brother, who was with me, but this person would have been terrible unless my sister was involved.

There is nothing wrong with that statement.

"The food isn't exhausted though ..."

It was unclear if Terese had joined me in anticipation of that, but the food in the magic bag had outweighed the shortfall.

"The Earl has a lot of food. A long time ago, the Breichrader expeditionary army expedition returned it. '

"I bought it separately."

"If you are prepared ...?

"What about Blanc Tak?

"I, Guru and Katarina's daughter are my own."

Human doesn't know what is, and it doesn't rot anyway, so it's no problem to store it.

In addition, if there is money, impulse buying will inevitably occur.

Some of the hunting and gathering materials in the Demon Forest have not been sold, and some have been purchased in large quantities since coming to the empire.

Thanks to that, allies are not hungry now.

Thanks to the master, she kept a large amount of food in her magic bag.

However, it is overwhelmingly individual.

It was almost the limit to feed 1,500 people.

"Still, it's amazing because I'm going to feed 1,500 people for more than a week."

"I'm the type that doesn't just pay attention to meals"

"I can see it, but you know"

In addition to the food brought by the military from the beginning, there is also a little food left in the fort, and we are securing this, but it will be one week indeed.

According to the plan, dedicated garrisoners and food would arrive shortly after dropping the fort, but could not come under full siege.

"Do you notice it soon?"

"You should not notice for a few more days"

Takeomi is usually an excellent military officer and swordsman if his sister Haruka is not involved.

The reason why food seems to be in short supply is that if you find that you can afford, you will create an unnecessary offense.

I think we must finally fight, but before that, we had to prepare for the Kagojo battle.

It seems that the Tarvel Mountains did not receive much budget.

Contrary to what I saw from a distance, there were places where there was a lack of repair and I was worried about my defenses, so I had to endure various magical corrections.

"By the time you return the prisoners, you should have no doubt."

When the siege was first besieged by the rebels, they released all those captured in the previous siege.

It is troublesome to manage, and they consume food.

Because of the unconditional release, Toyotsugu said to the rebel commander that he was saying `` a sign of respect for the struggling enemy soldiers, '' but the enemy army wasted POWs that waste food I was convinced that it seemed like a burden.

Because they have returned without ransom or POW exchange, the other side should think that we have made a tough decision to curb food consumption.

"I need to be a little more alert"

The fact that we were besieged by the rebels who suddenly appeared shortly after we occupied the Tavel Mountains should have happened in other occupied territories.

Therese must definitely send troops afterwards.

It is highly likely that we will fall behind in terms of the number of troops and their importance, so it would be better to save time.

"Because they will give priority to the Duke of Baden."

"Yes ..."

He is a Duke of Baden who self-destructs himself with an extra offensive plan, but he is a powerful ally and cannot be killed.

If he died in war, the Duke of Baden could turn over to the rebels, in the wake of his father, Duke of Baden, being held captive of Duke of Nuremberg.

"And it doesn't fall right away."

"I agree"

After leaving the repaired and fortified wall, they went to the position of the Mizuho Army, where executives under Toyotsugu were eating.

The main menu is baked bread and vegetables and meat boiled with showyu.

In addition, they also supplied fruits and chocolate from the Demon Forest.

Normally, military meals have a big difference between soldiers and knights.

Some of the aristocrats bring some special cooks, but this time they all had the same meal.

Because the morale and mental state of the soldiers are important in the basketball battle, there is a possibility that an unexpected defeat may occur if only executives are eating alcohol and delicious food.

"I want to eat fish"

"I want to kill those guys early and do my best."

"It would be luxurious just to eat enough. Without Count Baumeister, you would run out of food now."

Executives of the Earl of Mizuho are eating their meals fast.

Because it's during the war, eating early is important and manneral.

"Is it going to offer rice tomorrow?"

"Yes. It's southern rice ..."

I answer Toyotsugu's question.

When I first got it as a child, it was from Breichburg I thought it was delicious, but it tastes worse than rice from Mizuho.

The southern climate is warm and the water is abundant, so double cropping is possible.

Rice is more delicious when the temperature difference is severe.

This is a story that I have been listening to since the days of the trading company.

That is why rice from Niigata and the Tohoku region is highly regarded, and rice in western Japan is not so famous.

In addition, the quality of water also depends, but this is also advantageous for the country of Mizuho, where snowmelt can be used.

Although the yield drops further, rice grown in the mountains is also likely to taste better.

In fact, rice produced in the mountains with rice from the county of Mizuho was expensive because of the low yield.

I also bought it, but it tastes really good when I try to cook it.

It's like eating Koshihikari.

Instead, the price was 10kg for 2 sh, and the Japanese yen was about 20,000 yen.

It is said that it will be this price because it is exported throughout the empire as a luxury item.

"I have no complaints if I can eat rice, and I'm grateful for the sake."

As a one-time exception, everyone was given a glass of alcohol.

It was like a rum that was forcibly brewed using the sugar it had in large quantities as a material, but was popular with soldiers who were unable to prepare for sake in a sudden battle with Kagojo.

"Actually, there are many more ..."

All items that could not be distributed to all soldiers were sealed.

If you eat delicious foods on your own, you will be disappointed by soldiers.

Since the dissonance in the closed space called Kagojo explosion explodes from trivial matters, it is forbidden for executives to eat and drink special things alone.

"I'd like to buy and drink the Bourmeister's treasured wine, even at five times the market price, but let's get through it here."

"If you can survive, I'll sell you cheaper. No, I'll give you one."

"Thank you, that wine will rampage later."

In addition, the company has already made profits.

Most of the food I needed for Kagojo was provided by me, but it's not free.

All claims are sent to Therese, and the amount is much higher than the market price.

Because they charge extra for transportation costs.

"Vell. Is it really OK at three times the market price?

Ena, who keeps a book of the food she needs to write an invoice, once asked for confirmation in my instructions.

I guess he thought it was too much.

"It's because of the outrage of Therese that caused this situation."

Failure to replenish was the responsibility of the general, therese, who was responsible for wiping the butt.

And it is not good for Therese to borrow me.

"Your other vassal or aristocrats should have thought that they were a tortured man, despite the results of the war."

Because they think they don't have to borrow or lend themselves.

As you can see from the past war situation, even if Therese wins, the empire will have to struggle to rebuild itself for a while.

It was troublesome to think that I would go out to the empire.

It's actually better for her to get a bad luck as a mercenary.

`` I think you understand Velle's thoughts because you are Therese, but you'll be spending more and crying. ''

"I can't take responsibility so far"

There is such a conversation, and therese must be struggling to generate rewards for us.

If you give poor land and interests, there will be rebound from the surroundings, and if you borrow, you can borrow again from us.

Therese has an obligation to pay us all in one lump.

"As a person of the Earl of Mizuho, it would be more convenient for the imperial government to be somewhat weaker."

Despite being a protected nation, there is no shortage of people like Duke of Nuremberg, so the Earl of Mizuho must always survive the Empire as a virtual enemy.

This troop was not undertaken solely by good intentions.

"In any case, you can't get that reward unless you win."

"Sure, it doesn't make sense to win."

A few days after the story, the rebels were finally working.

I was climbing the mountain path in front of the front gate of the Tarvel Mountains, as if I saw it little by little.

Due to the width of the mountain path, only about 2,000 troops can attack the front gate at one time.

However, if attacked by turns, there were 10,000 rebels, and there was a danger that the Tabel Mountains would be dropped.

"Is the witch guarding the key figures ..."

Being wary of the sniping by Vilma earlier, they were reduced in number and they were guarding nobles and others.

Looking closely at the army, they appear to be a mixed unit of princes who joined the rebels.

It seems that they are directly watching the end of the sniped wizards and focusing on protecting themselves.

"It's not wrong, because the aristocrat's head dies when he dies."

Because the top disappears, confusion among the lords is inevitable.

Many people seem to be trying to avoid war casualties alone, but I can't say anything because that is probably the difference between what they have done so far.

"What do you want? Vell"

"Test new weapons"

"Should I throw this huge linen bag?"

"I'll ask you with the power of Luise."

"I'm just increasing my power with magic, but not usually ..."

Although she seemed to be a bit dissatisfied with my treatment, Luise was throwing a huge hemp-sack ball of about a few meters in diameter at her feet toward the enemy army during the march.

The soldiers hurriedly avoided the hemp bag that flew hundreds of meters due to magic, but I magically ignite the hemp bag just before falling to the ground.

For some reason, from the hemp bag that caused a big explosion from the center, there are sharp pieces of rock, metal pieces that can only be used by melting, bullets created by me, etc., scattered around and injured many soldiers Let it.

Due to power, debris that fell on the aristocracy was prevented by a “magic barrier” by an escort wizard, but the target is not aristocratic.

We were trying to kill and injure as many soldiers as possible and gave up the siege.

"Throw everything"

"It's such a weapon. It's amazing power."

A total of ten hemp bags containing debris that had been prepared, all exploded safely near soldiers marching, causing many casualties.

There were not many dead, but many soldiers were injured by debris.

Serious injuries are lowered backward by safe or slightly injured soldiers.

"I can't take part in an attack until the treatment is over."

In addition, the burden on service priests, which should not be very substantial, will increase.

If you treat many injured people and lose their magic, and if you forcibly increase the offensive without recovering the magic, you may be unable to treat the injured and help them.

It was completely prepared just for time.

The dead were more than three digits, so they were effective as an offensive weapon.

"It's awful. Vell."

"Yeah, let's take it as a compliment."

"As long as my husband is reliable, but why did it explode?"

"I used unused gemstones."

I would use gunpowder on the earth, but I have no knowledge of gunpowder manufacturing.

I heard that charcoal, sulfur, and saltpeter were the raw materials, but it was troublesome to actually mix them, and it would be troublesome if an explosion occurred during mixing.

In addition, why can I use magic in this magic dominant world, why should I spread gunpowder?

Once someone invents, there's no use for it, but I don't really worry about that.

This is because the Mizuho Countries have commercialized a magic gun that shoots bullets with magic power.

No doubt, the two countries will be working hard to spread this.

"A magic stone?"

"I need some ingenuity."

Many of the magic stones obtained by hunting monsters are small or have little magical power and are not very expensive.

There is also a way to use consumables like firewood and charcoal when making magic tools, but since there is no demand so much, it is bought and beaten by adventurer guilds.

In the age of ancient magical civilization, there seems to be a technology to produce a gemstone from a large amount of debris, but this is unfortunately under study.

There was no increase in demand with the amount of the magic guild and the magic guild being prototyped, and I wasted the collected waste magic stones.

Put this junk magic stone in a hemp bag to make a dodge ball-sized core, and use the “tune” magic to change the quality of the magic.

Next, make a huge hemp bag by putting it in the center of a large amount of stone chips, scrap iron, bullets, etc., and throw it far away to generate explosion magic at the right time.

It aims at the same effect as the explosive bomb, but the key here is the “tune” of the magic power.

" Synchronize "the magical qualities of your magic power and the slightly different magic power.

If you do this, the magical power of the waste magic stone will be reduced to about half, but if you do not do this, you will not be able to ignite from a distance.

While it seems to be a turbulent method, now we are in war and the opponent is a large army, so we want to save as much magic as possible.

In this way, magical power can be overwhelmingly reduced compared to casting similar magic at long distances.

"I can only use a certain thing."

Because the magic of the mobile system was sealed, the guru who could not use “High Speed Flight” continued to throw stones by strengthening his arm with magic.

Because there are so many stones to throw, you probably chose them.

The soldier struck by the stone is stuck, but not very efficient.

The serpent's release magic, which can be used by the mentor, was not used at the moment, as it consumes so much magic for its power.

Since there is a distance from the rebels, he seems to think that stoning is enough.

"They don't stop marching."

The rebels gradually approached the front gate while hundreds of people were sacrificed by the grooming stone of my homemade explosive bomb.

The aristocrats have no sense of danger because they are protected by a few magical "magic barriers" and seem to intend to continue their attacks.

Blantaq is watching the movements of the wizards, while magically strengthening the attacks of allies' bows and arrows.

"Isn't the wizard turning into an attack?"

"It looks like no one can give you an attack order until you release your defense."

Rebels are mixed units, less skilled and less equipped than the combined units of the Imperial Army and the Electors who fought before.

By the way, he doesn't seem to be used to commanding the army.

You may think that if you can get to the front gate with many people, you win.

"It's also terrible over there."

Blantaq is a stunned face.

Allies struggle for Telese to take full control, while the rebels seem to have a complete grasp of the sovereignty of the Duke of Nuremberg, but have reduced the power of disturbing aristocrats and imperial leaders. It seems that they are forcing aggressive attacks that are willing to sacrifice, or inducing them.

It is good to be able to cut down the enemy even a little, and even if it is not good, it will be sacrificed and lose power, so it is convenient for the Duke of Nuremberg.

"I think it's a good hand in the short term."

"Worst in the long run, isn't it?"

The empire needs a lot of time and money to recover the sacrifices it made.

Maybe it's regeneration after destruction.

"Mr. Wenderin, you're approaching."

"It's almost time."

"Magical squad! Aim properly! Shoot!"

Suddenly, shooting by the magic guns that had gathered on the castle wall began, and a large amount of captured baristas and ordinary arrows were also fired.

In front of the main gate, many soldiers were shot and fell to the ground, and the rebels started bowing slightly from behind, but Katarina alone prevented them.

"I can't do too much."

Katarina uses the magic of "strong wind" to deflect bow and arrow attacks from the rebels.

A lot of arrows fanned by wind magic fell on the ground with flutter.

"I will treat you"

"Excuse me"

Occasionally an arrow hit, but it was overwhelmingly small compared to the rebels, so he was immediately treated by Elise and several other healing wizards.

"The ally is overwhelmingly advantageous, but don't give up."

El, along with Haruka and Takeomi, was attacking the enemy with a bow and arrow beside me.

Because no enemy has climbed the wall yet, the opportunity to swing his sword has not yet been visited.

"El. Don't you use a magic gun?"

"I'm sorry, but I was told to lend me because I'm not enough. I'm already over and I'm not used to it, so I have no choice."

"Because the army of Mizuho has priority,"

Maintenance had been borrowed with a magic gun, but El, Haruka, and Takeomi were not as good at Virma.

This time, there seemed to be few magic guns brought by the Earl of Mizuho, and they returned it to the point where they could be used more effectively.

Because Haruka and Takeomi who are the same companion are the same, Elle must have been obedient.

"When it comes to that, it's only Virma's thing ..."

However, Vilma did not use a sniper rifle.

You need to replenish the magic power for each shot, and even if you aim at the aristocrat, it is prevented by the wizard's “magic barrier”.

"This works better"

Vilma was dropping previously collected rocks into the rebels one after another.

She drops a rock, about two meters in diameter, under the wall with her power.

Naturally, the underlaying person is not alive.

"I don't give up"

There has already been considerable sacrifice, and the healing magician's magical power may have been exhausted by treating the injured in the earlier explosion.

The wounded soldiers who were lowered backward did not return after several hours.

"I wish I could give up soon."

"If you can do that, you won't attack from the beginning."

"Guru. Don't swear right. Just a joke."

I understand Blanták's feelings, but if he can't recapture a fort with only one-seventh garrison, it's likely he'll be involved in pride, even if it's hard to drop.

The aristocratic commanders seem to be willing to sacrifice and issue orders.

If you look closely, you are issuing an attack command with a violent gesture from a distance.

There is little danger because the magician nearby is always protected by the “magic barrier”.

I feel nothing about wasting my army, and I am only giving orders from a safe place.

Perhaps because of these people, the Duke of Nuremberg may nominate them because they thought they could be used in a number-based tactic.

I don't think it's particularly regrettable if they wear out.

"It's a defense against this sacrifice."

I can't help seeing what other capture units are doing, but this number can't help.

If ordered, they will have to reject it.

You have to manage to escape to the Soviet wasteland where Telese is.

Naturally, the Tarvel Mountains must be abandoned.

Because there is no supply, such a mountaintop fort cannot be maintained.

"Magical squadron! Replacement with the 2nd platoon!"

The rebels continue to attack vigorously, and this painful counterattack has increased casualties.

The injured were recovered and sent off, but the dead were left untouched and folded in front of the front gate and the castle wall.

"Aim well and shoot!"

They keep shooting bullets and bows while avoiding bows and arrows flying from behind the siege squadron.

Occasionally there were casualties, but the loss ratio is poor.

"New weapon 2"

Because there are few allies, I would like to take rest as much as possible.

I thought I needed to add to the victims, so I was removing a new weapon from the country of Mizuho from the magic bag.

"A magic gun ..."

It was not a dagger or an old man gag, but a cannon that fired shells with magic.

In fact, this weapon has a similar concept developed in the kingdom.

I've heard that story before.

However, shells do not fly very much, their magic efficiency is poor, and they have not been adopted yet.

Even in the country of Mizuho, the performance was somewhat good, and it was judged that it was useless to be lent to me.

The magic gun, which has a barrel of about one meter, is mounted on a wooden bogie such as a Daihachi car for easy aiming.

This was also a retractable ceremony, like the demon gun.

"Vell. What's the bullet?"

"I'll load it now"

At this point, load ammunition that would normally be used for shot put.

However, it is not so powerful, so load a few kilograms of waste magic stone first, and then load a large number of bullets and iron waste in a cloth bag.

Next, touch the magic stone attached to the magic gun to “tune” the waste magic stone in the barrel, and you are now ready to fire.

"Aiming at places where enemy soldiers are as dense as possible"

"Roger that"

"I will help you too"

Eina and El move a magic gun on the trolley to align its barrel with the rear unit, which was then assembled to approach the ramparts.

"Ena. Is it OK here?"

"Allies are going to be able to get on the wall right now. It's more efficient to shoot enemy units that are coming together to attack."

"So that's it"

I was convinced of Eina's opinion.

"El. You have to study hard."

"Is Ena really talented as an officer?"

"I don't think there is such a thing ..."

The two were able to set the aim of the magic gun safely, and I exploded the debris stone inside the gun barrel quickly.

Along with the sound of the explosion, bullets and scrap iron fly to the target, and then slash the enemy army's avant-garde, which had gathered to attack the wall, into shreds.

"Service priest! Healing magic!"

"It seems that the magical power has been exhausted by treating the injured with the explosive bomb just before."

"Why didn't the palace attack tomorrow!"

The rebels had further increased casualties due to the bombardment, which had been raised with kuzuma stones to increase power.

The explosive type seems to be more effective than the round cannonball.

Because you can't expect a fuze, a round cannon will have limited effects.


"I got it"


Continuously attack with explosive bullets.

If possible, bombard the area where the rebel soldiers are gathering, but the rebels who have arranged their troops because they thought it was safe in a place where the bow could not reach were confused, out of magic, and the medical treatment remained.

Did your heart break at last with the increasing number of sacrifices?

The withdrawal had begun only after noon.


"Leave it to me"

Of course, rebels are overwhelmingly large, so do not pursue.

But Vilma had to sniper and reduce enemies.

Vilma has a sniper rifle, and I look for the one with the highest magical power among the wizards who turn their backs while supplying magic.

That being said, it was easy to understand because he was near the aristocratic commander.

"He is"

Instruct Vilma to aim and trigger the target immediately.

Although the range was already several times the effective range of the bow and arrow, the bullet that had been reinforced by my magic had destroyed the wizard's head like a grub.

"Next is him!"

"all right"

In response to snipers from impossible distances, the rebels accelerated their retreat.

Apparently one person seems to be at the limit.

"Do not escape"

Vilma's shooting blew off the head of another intermediate wizard, and this was the end of today's battle.

"Elise, I'm sorry."

"No. This is my role as a priest."

After the end of the battle, we will confirm that the rebels have descended to the back of Oita, then open the gate and process the corpses.

However, cannot be buried, as rebels may resume the attack at any time.

Peel off the usable things, put together to some extent, sprinkle the holy water that the Elise priests made in advance and pray.

If you don't do this, the corpse will rarely become undead even if it is not in the demonic area.

"Let's go back?"


After a few hours, return to the Tavel Mountains with the soldiers of the Earl of Mizuho who worked together.

While holding hands with Elise, if you don't do this, you will only be able to come up with insidious thoughts on the pile of corpses.

"Vell. I'm having dinner."

"Thank you, Ena"

Because there will be an attack tomorrow, we need to eat and go to bed early.

Still, we wouldn't be the only one without a night watch.

It doesn't matter if you try to attack the terrain at night, but you'll find it right away, but I was wary of trying to pretend to demoralize it.

"I'm overdoing it ..."

In this situation, it is impossible to live with your wives at night.

We were sleeping in men's and women's tents.

If the wizard does not sleep, the magic will not recover.

Because you don't know when you need magic, resting is always a priority.

Elle, Haruka, and Takeomi are escorting our tents in turn, as they are expected to act as shields to preserve precious wizards.

There are also people from the Earl of Mizuho, and they are three-shifted and keep an eye on the rebels.

Although there is plenty of time to rest, the spirit was not rested by unfamiliar battles and piles of corpses.

But I can't afford to be a man.

Because Elise and the women endure it.

"Everyone. I'm following because the Earl is my husband. Even though I think it's spicy, it doesn't seem to be in my mouth."

"Well, are you sorry not to hear that ..."

"I'm blessed to be treated as an Earl, but it's easy to get caught up in such an unexpected situation. Those who can't stand it aren't eligible to benefit from the Earl. I'm fighting because I'm there. ''

This world is not so sweet.

There is a limit to the number of people I can support, and I need to respond to this benefit with dedication and loyalty.

It is the same with my wife, and there is no room for sweet color love.

From the perspective of the world of romance and creation on Earth, it seems that Mr. Blanc-Taak's values are strange.

"(In Japan, it used to be like that ...) But by the way, it's the end of this stupid operation."

"Terese did not control the command of the army. He did not prevent the courage of the Duke of Baden."

Terese as a cold aristocrat must have factored in some failures.

It is highly likely that they are considering rescuing before a fatal injury and using the loan to gain an advantage over Duke of Baden.

However, the senior Earl Mizuho, who does not prefer to send troops, is not interesting.

We are making useless sacrifices, and we have a lot to say.

"I don't know if I can say that. Let's sleep like I can."

"A guru sleeps well all the time."

"I wonder if the core of Orichalcum passes through the nerves ..."

Blantaq and I end up going to bed because we are tired while enduring the guru Ibiki.

Then, I continued to engage in defense combat for the next three days, so I will omit detailed description.

Rebel soldiers who are knocked down one after another by bows, magic guns and artillery, but do not stop the offensive for some reason.

The damage should have already reached thousands, but it will not stop the offensive at all.

"Is it different from crazy?"

"No, I guess you're thinking you'll drop it soon."

Elise, who is in charge of relief, expresses his opinion that everyone is eating dinner that evening.

"At the moment, the Mississippi Army has killed 123 people."

"A little more than 10% ..."

Of course, there are no dead in us.

Occasionally, Elle and Takeomi were injured, but because of minor injuries, Elise would heal immediately.

"10% is tough"

Aside from the game, if you make more than 10% sacrifice with the actual army, it will be quite hard.

It is not uncommon for morale to drop, but it is not an exaggeration to say that the Mizuho Army without it is a true elite.

"Yes. You should have already lost about 40% over there ..."

It is only an estimate that the total number of rebels is 10,000.

Because of the terrain, the rebels cannot attack the Tarvel Mountains with all troops.

Since only up to 3,000 people can be attacked at a time, it may be adding more damage.

However, concerns about the Rebel Army, which has been introducing new workers one after another no matter how much they killed, have begun to rise among the Mizuho Army.

There is growing concern that no matter how much you kill and win the war, you will eventually be crushed by numbers.

"I'm sorry.

"No, I'm not in battle."

"I'm participating, because an army without logistics collapses instantly, and without Elise the dead would have more than doubled."

She continued to treat a seriously injured person who would be backed up by an ordinary man while becoming bloody.

Thanks to that, Elise is treated as a saint among the soldiers of the Earl of Mizuho.

At the same time, "I'm glad Earl Baumeister, whose wife is such a beautiful saint. I want you to change it! The rumor was starting to flow.

"I'd be glad if you could tell that."

The healing magic of Elise can cure even severely injured people.

Aside from the main army of the Earl of Mizuho, there is no healing magician comparable to Elise in this separate squadron commanded by Mr. Toyogtsu, and that is why the war dead has been suppressed so far.

"I've got extra muscle on my dominant arm only."

Eina was helping me with the aiming of the artillery by my side and using a throwing machine to shoot a lot of spears.

When the rebels withdrew, they recovered a large number of the spears held by the dead and threw them.

They were all ragged spears because they were collected many times with blood, but there was no inconvenience to throw them.

Magically enhanced spears have killed and injured many rebels, but one more thing seems to be Ena's tactical eye.

Because he was good at precisely setting the aim of the artillery to a position that would destroy the offensive of the attacking rebels, or a position that would impede the cooperation of each unit.

"Ena. Why attack here?

"Because this unit is next trying to destroy the front gate. Units currently attempting to destroy the front gate have already been halted. Withdrawal is only a matter of time, so you can leave it to another ally. '

"Ena is amazing. It's strange why we know it. "

"A commander would make this decision as normal."

"But Ena has no commander experience. Did you read a book? I wasn't just reading strange things

"Ell. I'll make you sick. ''

"sorry. Tell me something like that. Tristan's education has been suspended because of the war. '

It seemed like this had happened, and El was learning tactics from Ena at night.

Surprisingly, she seems to have read such a book quite a bit.

Eina was Elle's good teacher, but only one person was upset.

"Sure, I can't tell you ..."

Haruka burned Yakimochi, but she was the same as Elle, and she could not teach because she had no knowledge of commanding the army with sword skill priority.

She doesn't have it, but she's got the knowledge.

This is probably Haruka's mistake when she wasn't studying.

"Can't your elder teach you?

"Haruka. Samurai just needs to swing his sword. '


Then he asked his brother, but he didn't depend on that.

Originally, it was a small jury who could only hire a servant, and the sword squad was only educated to kill the enemy in front of him.

It was a little different from a normal military.

"My brother is totally unreliable."


Haruka rarely vomits a tongue, and Takeomi was shocked by it.

It might have been a tough blow to the system.

"Haruka-san. I don't imitate my wife! Even if Ena is single, there is no Ena. Because he's scary

"What does that mean!

Elle seems to have calmed down Haruka.

On the other hand, Ena's mood was greatly impaired.

"How is it?"

"Vell has never told you that! Vell praise me for her beautiful hair and beautiful skin

"No, such people's location"

Eina was in a lot of trouble, and her current problem seems to be that the throwing of his spear may add muscle to her arm like a guru.

I was sighing while comparing my arms.

"Isn't it okay? Luise and Vilma don't look like that at all."

"I'm worried," Isn't it possible to get that muscle into my chest and make it bigger? "

Needless to say, the misery of the battle is now obvious.

The reason I didn't dare to say it was to forget it even once.

"I, Vilma, Guru, because I'm just throwing stones."

The guru and Luise have been sealed off from air combat because their mobile magic has been sealed.

Even though the rebels were rushing, he couldn't get out of the Tavel Mountains alone, and was engaged in the task of just throwing "magic barriers" and huge rocks.

Because the rocks are thrown by these three people, it is only a disaster for attackers.

In fact, many rebel soldiers have been crushed and killed by rocks.

"The battle is still manageable, but no outside information comes in."

"Mr. Vilma, the source of that information has come."

In front of Katarina's gaze, there was Takeomi-san, who headed to Honjin where Toyotsugu-san had just been.

When he sits down, he immediately begins reporting.

"Count Baumeister. A swallow flight has finally arrived from the main team."

It is useless to send a message to the isolated Tavel Mountains, so it seems that a paper swallow for communication sent a letter.

"It seems that everyone else has been defeated."

When you can easily drop a thin base where you have deliberately withdrawn troops and supplies, you will be out of supply and besieged by a large army.

It is impossible to go out of the castle due to lack of food.

"The destruction seems to have been prevented by Mr. Therese's postponement. He also did considerable damage in the counterattack."

"It looks good, but what about you?"

We have not lost, but we are still under rebel siege.

Due to food problems, you can't keep a castle indefinitely, so you have to find a way to withdraw.

"Fortunately, reinforcements are coming."

"So, pinch?"

If the reinforcements and the rebels attacking us collide, also hit here to pinch and shoot the enemy.

While it seemed like anyone could think of it, a real war was such a thing.

Because it is not easy to use a trick.

"Are you ready to leave here ..."

After dinner, a strategy meeting will be held with Toyotsugu, and preparations will be made only for withdrawal so that the fighting of reinforcements can begin at any time.

I couldn't bring the fort, but I tried to bring everything else as possible.

In the current war situation, it was reckless to keep this Tarvel mountain fort.

"In terms of time, it's tonight or early tomorrow."

Worst of all, allies have lost all but their main forces aiming to capture the commercial city Harbat.

If you put your hand on it, there is a high chance that even in the victory there will be more large troops taking part in the siege of the Tarvel Mountains.

"We are in danger of annihilation?"

"is there"

As Eina says, we are in danger of annihilation.

No matter how much we struggle, the damage to Mizuho's army under Toyotsugu is gradually increasing

Even for food, I wasn't hungry right now because I happened to put a lot of magic bags.

In this case, it was calculated that food would run out in about one week.

"Reinforcements may have a night raid tonight."

"Is the skill so high that a night raid can be made? The duke of Philip's army"

"I should have done the minimum training"

Despite the great defeat, even the Blois frontiers and lords were able to perform a night raid.

It should be possible to attack from behind the rebels who are looking to the Tarvel Mountains.

"I don't think there's much reinforcement for us because we're devote ourselves to saving our flagship. Vell's idea may be correct ..."

"I may have said it too."

"No. It's not that ridiculous opinion."

"That's exactly what the guru says. Let's pack up the luggage."

Toyotsugu also came to the same conclusion as we did.

Collect all your luggage by night, equip all horses with harnesses, and sleep on Goza except for watch to prepare for the night fight.

Just before the sun changes, the fire rises suddenly from the foot of Mt. Tavel.

The sound of running horses, the shouts of people, and the screams were mixed together.

"Count Baumeister, let's go."

"Is there a possibility of saying camouflage due to enemy measures?"

"I don't know."

"So, let's go home?"

We raise the whole army and go out of the Tarvel Mountain Fort at a stretch and descend to the foot of the only existing mountain path.

Then, the rebels who had been attacking us for many days were confused by the night attack of the friendly support forces from behind.

A fire arrow was fired at the base, trampled by the cavalry, and casualties increased, no longer serving as an army.


I, the highest among them, will naturally issue orders.

What we need to do now is to help the reinforcements attack the night and destroy the rebels and prevent their pursuit.

"It's OK!"

It may be to relieve the resentment that could only be thrown in a defense battle until now.

When the mentor puts the “magic barrier” on his body, he enters the enemy army, which has not yet defeated alone.

"What! That monster!"

"I don't want to tell myselves who started the battle that never goes down!"

When the mentor fires a punch or kick, even a knight wearing a full plate will bend his neck, and the head and clothing plate will be dented to the impossible and prone to the ground.

In that case, the brain and internal organs will be fatally damaged and will die immediately.

Not to mention the soldiers.

The only way to keep him from being killed is to escape without blocking his path.

With a simple fighting power, there is no doubt that the teacher can not win.

"Count, don't be impressed."


We will cut into the rebels together with the Reichs Army with the Earl of Mizuho so as not to slay with reinforcements.

The sword squad, Takeomi-san, Haruka, and Elle also make incisions to try out Orichalcum swords.

"Hello! I am!"


Stupidly, there was a stupid noble who raised his name in this situation.

If the dispute was with the Blois frontiers, it would have been courteous, but now it's just stupid.

Ell's blow cut his sword and lost his weapon.

The power of the Orichalcum sword has been proven, but cutting metal requires a fair amount of skill, and Elle seems to have improved his skills through rigorous training.

"I am Viscount Hildesheim. Treat me as a prisoner."

An enemy noble who has had his sword cut down tries to surrender, but in this situation he cannot afford to take prisoners.

Elle was beheaded by a blow.

"I wish I could escape"

"Haruka-san, let's go ahead."

"Yes, Elle."

"Sister, I'm there too ..."

The three go out in front of us and cut and kill enemy soldiers one after another.

Mr. Blanták and Katarina also cut through enemy soldiers one after another with a small Wind Cutter.

"Let's make it happen! I'm Allen of 'Gust!'"

"I don't know. I have to get killed if I run away."

"Han! @Adventurer hired by the poor Duke of Philip!

Myself was an odd employer, and the wizard who stood in front of Mr. Blantaq was proudly speaking.

"I don't know the teacher ..."

"Katarina's lady. I don't have to know the face of a man. And ...

"Jijii! It looks like you can afford it!"

"Oh, you are already dead."

"Is it dead?"

Blantaq's secretly released “Wind Cutter” cuts the wizard's neck from behind.

I was flying the "wind cutter" like a boomerang, even though I didn't notice the "gust".

"Beginner level. I quickly knew I couldn't afford a 'magic barrier' behind."

Blantaq glances at the gusts without a neck and immediately begins searching for another target.

The attack continued, but in less than an hour, the rebels were almost completely defeated or out of position.

"I don't have a turn ..."

"Vell must leave magic power."

"Because it's a war until we return safely"

Luise says something like an elementary school teacher.

I guess it was like “excursion is an excursion until you get home”.

"No. Luise, because the war itself is not yet complete."

"Yes, I'll fix it for battle."

The rebels that attacked the Tabel Mountains were destroyed, but it was still unclear whether they could safely retreat to their headquarters.

New rebels could pursue you to defeat them.

"Hello. Are you safe?"

"What? Alphonse is the commander of the reinforcements."

"Please tell me from Therese"

At the end of the elimination of the remaining enemies, we finally meet Alphonse, who was in charge of reinforcements.

He seems to have led 4,000 reinforcements at the order of Therese.

"Unexpectedly, the commander is on the board."

"All my subordinates do it."

Although his martial arts were brilliant, Alphonse seems to have excellent commander qualities.

"Then, let's escape at last. Before that, it's only fifteen minutes!"

What was fifteen minutes was the time available for collecting loot on the battlefield.

Return from the corpse with weapons, armor, belongings, and materials remaining on the base.

War costs money and loot is a legitimate right granted to soldiers fighting for their lives.

Especially since this is a civil war, if towns and other areas are occupied, looting from residents is prohibited.

Since Terese declares that the offender beheads himself, he has no choice but to take away from the enemy army.

"Is the Count of Baumeister profitable because of its small number?"

"Well, it's profitable."

Many wizards have magic bags for expensive armor and belongings owned by nobles and knights.

Naturally, we as a mercenary are profitable because the human beings have rights.

"I can't afford to make money. This strategy is especially ..."

The siege was almost destroyed by useless operations.

We are angry, but the dissatisfaction is spreading especially with the Mizuho military below Toyotsugu.

"Therese is deliberately reducing the Mizuhos for the post-imperial rule of the war.

"Not good ..."

That was why Toyotsugu did not come to Alphonse to greet him.

Officially speaking, it was to reorganize the army for withdrawal and to confirm casualties, but nobody believed such words.

"I'm on the plot of the Duke of Nuremberg."

"Don't blame the Duke of Nuremberg on anything."

It may be a competent enemy, but this time only Terese could not secure the sole command of the army.

As for the types of plots that fuel this dissonance, they are each other.

"In the war, the one with less mistakes wins. I hope there will be fewer mistakes in Therese."

"Um. That's supposed to be. I feel like I've heard it somewhere ..."

The guru, who was fighting alone, returns, but his robe is bloody.

I will return blood with the magic of “washing”.

Guru is not good at such detailed magic for some reason.

No, why is it strange?

"I'm sorry. Earl Bowmeister. Is there any harsh opinion for Therese?"

"That's exactly what the Guru said. It's a tough opinion for Therese."

"If you are a general, you can't help it."

Guru and Alphonse try to protect Therese, but I nailed it.

Because a woman is spoiled, she may make the same mistake again.

"It's time now."

"Let's run away"

After the time to catch the loot was over, the reinforcements and the Mizuho staying forces had begun to move to the main team with a spare time to sleep.

"The pursuit of the enemy army"

"Nothing at the moment"

Rub his sleepy eyes and occasionally continue to withdraw while rowing on a horse.

We were acting in the back, sometimes letting Virma on a horse look back.

If a pursuit unit comes, my role is to relentlessly release magic and defeat the will of pursuit.

"Is pursuit coming? What do you think of Vilma?"

"Maybe not"

"I hope it is"

"The enemy army has been destroyed, so you should hesitate to come back later."

The rebels who attacked us at the Fort of the Tavel Mountains have lost more than 3,000 people in a reckless siege battle, and 2,000 people should be arguing in a night attack.

Furthermore, reinforcements fired during the night raids, which caused fires in the winter forests and grasslands where they fled.

There seems to be almost no people living in the neighborhood, and there is no room for fire extinguishing.

I don't think you'll die so easily, but you can't afford to rebuild and pursue.

It must be painful that the base has burned and has lost all food and other supplies.

"Nobles also defeated a lot."

"A magician"

In the siege battle, there are many wizards, and in the night raids, a lot of nobles and wizards are attacked.

In the absence of a commander and maximum strength, even a reorganization will not be left alone.

"Anyway, I want to go home early and sleep."

"Vell, let's sleep together."

"That's right. Let's sleep together."


"Yes, let's sleep together."

Elise, who is driving a horse next door, agreed with Vilma.

"I don't want to sleep like that, I really want to go to bed and sleep."

"I agree with Eina's opinion"

"I'm going to have my eyelids sticking now."

Today we are going to sleep together with six people.

If you can reach it safely, it will be good.

"That Haruka-san, why don't you sleep with me?"

"Well, but I'm not married yet ..."

"Elvin. Can I rust the sword?"


Is it because you are half asleep?

Is it a joke?

Lel whispered strange things and was buying Takeomi's anger.

Maybe it's like lying in bed, but according to the Mizuho people, it's still legal before marriage.

Mr. Takeomi drew his sword with a scary face and turned to Ell.

"We're not married yet, but I don't hate that. Something like a longing ... In a story book called "Young wife struggles" ... "

It seems that humans have a bad sleepiness and talk about things like sleeping.

Haruka himself was immersed in his world while dyeing his face red.

"I'm sleepy, but we managed to survive."

"But it's too hard ahead. Guru."


The expression of Guru and Blantaq is dark.

We and the Earl of Mizuho won the operation and achieved the only result of the war.

However, strategically it was a defeat, and Toyotsugu and others who killed 321 out of 1,500 in the end, no longer talked to Alphonse more than necessary.

Even the surviving Duke of Baden, we won't be funny.

Although it is unreasonable, human emotions are such things.

"I'm tired of being a catastrophic defeat despite mass defeating enemies."

"The dragon army is still easier."

"is able to say"

The war between humans is tired anyway.

I want to return to the adventurer life of hunting demons quickly.

When I thought about that, the guru and Blantaq continued to complain for a while behind.

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