Hachinan tte, Sore wa Nai Deshou!

Episode 86: Therese-sama, go to the front.

"Frank! Do it!"

"Uhh .... Mom ..."

A few hours after the end of the terrible battle, I was helping in a field clinic with Elise.

He had depleted his magical power, so he could recover to some extent with a few hours of nap, and he was also using his magic stone to rescue many injured people.

Healing magic relied on Elise and he did not practice much, and he could not use all the magic crystals.

Treatments are prioritized, and some may not be able to make it in time.

Even now, the consciousness of the seriously injured was stunned, and I encountered a situation in which a fighting friend was calling out for encouragement.

A boy, not much older than me, was fighting the impending death.

"Count! Please help Frank!"


I want to help the mountains, but I didn't have enough magic to recover from the nap, and I used quite a lot of magic crystals.

Because we don't know what's ahead, Alphonse has decided that the preservation of the manganite is strict.

I'm sorry, but I have to put it on his life force.

"I'm sorry, but the magic is ..."

"Such ... Frank! I'll do it!"

When I see a boy talking to a friend who is about to die, I feel only guilty.

I can't help, but helping him would be unfair without helping the other injured.

What if the enemy army invaded again after the depletion of demon stone?

It was a pity, but now he has to ruthlessly forsake him.

Cold, battlefield calculations.


"I'm sorry"

The magic power of Elise next door is already exhausted.

I used up all the magical power of the magic stone and the ring I gave before.

If you look closely, the monk's clothes are dirty with blood, and she seems to have been hard at work until now.

"Frank! Certainly!"

"Oh ... the deceased mother ..."

It seems that Frank, a seriously injured boy, has already lost his mother.

The fact that you can see the illusion probably means that he is about to be called to heaven.

The boys of the companion continue to call out, but his consciousness gradually goes away.

The death of Frank was approaching right there.

"I'm sorry, if I could use more powerful healing magic ..."

"No. The magic you can use is your personality. Katarina isn't bad."

"Mr. Wenderin ..."

As for this, there is no choice but because there is direction and unsuitability.

Katarina's magical power has also been exhausted, and her healing magic is doing her best to treat minor injuries.


"Mr. Wenderin ..."

All three were filled with sorry feelings, and I had no choice but to comfortably hold their shoulders.



At that moment, when he thought it was no good, that person appeared at the best time.

He is invisible to the protagonist, but always seems to be at the center of the disturbance.

"Is the injured here!"

A guru who participated in the chase after appearing to be conserving his magical power for the sake of the operation and not even requesting anyone appeared.



"I'll talk later!"

It is unknown why the guru took part in the pursuit.

With a hexagonal stick often used by the Armstrong Earl family who got it from somewhere, he jumps out on a Dosanco horse.

Suddenly Alphonse was stunned, but he has successfully returned.

But the robe was bloody and the Elise was bare.

Because of the limitations of mobile magic, three-dimensional combat was not possible, so I anticipate that various stresses might have accumulated.

"Youth! I'll do it!"

The mentor learned the healing magic of Holy, but he must hug him for it to work.

He was spreading his hands out of his hand, wrapped in the light of the pale “saint”.

"Hurry up (what ?? It's a very good story, but it looks ...")

"Um .... Please, uncle."

According to Elise, who grew up in a gay banned church, it would be a nightmare sight, with her revered uncle hugging a boy.

But this is also to save the life of the boy.

She asked her guru for treatment without thinking too much.

As the teacher embraces the boy while emitting the pale light of “Saint” from the whole body, the wound gradually disappears.

It still doesn't work unless you hug it, but the effect was amazing because the original magic power was terrible.

"Ugh .... Mom."

The boy who was about to die seems to have gradually returned to consciousness thanks to the treatment from his guru.

There is only one poor reality.

"Mr. Frank. Your mother is hugging you ..."

"No good! No way to say that!"

Serious Elise tells the fact, but he can't say it here.

"That boy was saved. Anything more ..."


A guru who saves a boy who is about to die with healing magic.

From the perspective of church officials like Elise, it is a miracle that you might want to leave in a book, but it is a scene that you want to seal your memory from the picture.

Because the muscular father is hugging the boy with all his might.

If you definitely leave it in a book, you will be banned from the church.

"Guru. I wish I could use healing magic as usual ..."


Turning from my sadness, I and Elise only have a dry laugh.

And the tragedy had spread to the surviving Frank Boy.


"Hmm. I'm not a mother, but I'm glad I was saved."


It is natural that a boy would spell a word.

The mother who died when he was conscious of his death came to mind, but when he woke up his muscles were clumping and the yakuza was embraced by a deep blue strong face.

At the same time, the guru was smiling at the boy, but he was still a guru and could not receive it at face value.

To him, the guru may look like a muscular grim reaper.

For a while, he remained rigid.

"It's hard!-Mother is hard!"

Apparently he couldn't stand the reality that happened to him.

I was screaming like tearing my ears.

"Ahahaha! If this is fine, it will be all right!"

"Hey Richter! Konrad! What is this?"

The injured healing boy asked his friends, but he couldn't say anything strange in front of his guru, and the friends looked down and looked down.

"The guru helped me."

Only one word, just tell the facts in a whisper.

"Frank. I'm glad I was saved."

"That's right. A boy! If you live, you can still enjoy life!"

The precious scene was ruined by the guru, and the surviving boy was sent a sympathetic gaze by the other injured.

But they will soon notice.

They will soon be embraced by the guru and scream utterly.

"Guru. Is the magic OK?"

"I use very little in the chase. I just caught up from behind and beat and killed with this stick."

"Is that so……"

Regardless of whether the wizard went to pursue and beat and kill enemy soldiers with a hex stick, it was a fact that many injured soldiers were saved thanks to the guru.

I think everyone was hugging and screaming in my heart.

"Don't you die or be hugged by your guru? Help me choose the latter, but I'm confused by my emotions."

"The only salvation is that there is no love feeling."

"Don't say anything terrible. Katarina's young lady."

"Teacher. I'm already a married woman ..."

"Oops, I'm sorry. But how about being a hugging woman as an old woman?"

"I won't get injured, but I'll leave it to Elise or Wendelin."

"An extremely ordinary answer."

"What do you want from me?"

The day after the battle, I, Blantaq, and Katarina continued talking while repairing and renovating the field base.

Although it helped to prevent enemy soldiers, Alphonse had been asked to build an additional body in the latter half of the battle, as the corpses collapsed and became short.

After that, construction work to increase the depth and number of moats to prevent the cavalry squad is also being requested, but this will be scheduled tomorrow.

Because there is now a large body of enemy troops scattered there, buried by soldiers and hired locals.

Now that it is winter, the rot progresses slowly, but it is impossible to leave a large number of dead bodies forever.

Other wizards who were participating in the war dig a hole, and those who can confirm their identities take notes, then peel off usable objects and throw them into the hole.

Finally, witches ignited by igniting burning objects and oils.

If you do not reduce the volume by cremating, the processing of more than 10,000 corpses can not be completed easily.

The act of fishing for loot from the corpse was also a normal practice, as this was also a part of war costs and rewards, so it wasn't clean.

While watching, it was not a very good sight.

In front of the stone wall where the field battlefield was built, the smell burning the corpse sticks to the nose.

This was also a battlefield reality.

"Still, I'm sorry to lose and join that corpse."

"It's a newlywed."

"I and the Earl. By the way, what is Elle's shaven?"

"Is it a date?"

The escorts have been newly arranged by Alphonse, so El and Harka need not be so escorted.

So I was immersed in training to learn sword techniques as soon as possible.

Haruka is a teacher and participates in training together.

"I'm having a hard time following the chase."

In the pursuit performed by the elite including the elite of the Dukes of the Philippine army and the Swordsman of the Earl of Mizuho, about 20,000 of the 40,000 rebels had exposed their dead.

There were some injuries and prisoners, but only about 2,000.

If you lose and return, your lord may be executed, or if you surrender alone, you may harm your family.

Treatment was given priority to allies, so many injuries died yesterday.

Too many corpses, everyone was processing while genuine.

"It seems that allies are quite dead."


The total number of allied casualties was 2,567,67.

Despite the overwhelming advantage in terms of kill rate, the rebels were not as elite.

If it is useless, it is a force that disposes of it, causing more than 10% damage here.

The Duke of Nuremberg will never consider themselves disadvantageous.

"Mr. Alphonse holding his head?"

"That's it."

You have to fight seriously because you kill if you get out of hand, but the more you kill, the lower the national power of the empire.

Even from the viewpoint of Therese, it may be a headache.

"It's better to add a stone wall than to fight."

"I know ..."

After the requested restoration and expansion work has been completed, go back and plow the wasteland.

It was not a tundan soldier, but to plant certain crop seeds.


"I was waiting"

While digging the wasteland at the site with magic, Eina and Luise, who helped sow the seed, show up.

"What seed are you sowing?"

"Even idiots"

"This is the real thing."

Eina shows a big turnip like a radish of Sakurajima.

Although the name is stupid radish, it is actually like a fellow cub.

"It's going to feed the horses."

Baka radish seems to be a horse food crop.

Hard and unsavory when eaten by humans, but easily grows on any wasteland.

Water was needed to some extent, but this was done by digging a lot of wells.

It is said that it can be raised by any idiot, so it is called idiot.

"It was originally from the country of Mizuho. It seems to have been born in the process of breeding turnips."


I was quietly listening to Luise's explanation.

When you hear radish, Odenya Sawaan wants to eat.

I remembered the combination of baked saury with radish and shirasu, so I was thinking about how to get it from the country of Mizuho.

"If you sow the seeds, you can do it in two months. It's strong in the cold. Even in rough terrain. Is it the only thing that tastes bad?"

It seems that there is no problem for the horse to eat.

After harvesting radish in the wasteland, sow the seeds of the grass, then mix horse dung with the soil and plant hee, millet, buckwheat, etc.

It seems that the soil is gradually improved to make wheat and the like.

"Is it possible to grow it in the Count of Bow Meister?"

"It's no good. It seems weak to heat."

Ena who was sowing the seed answers my question.

"It's a shame"

"I think it's faster for Vell to clear it than to use such a sloppy hand."

"No, no, I can't just clear it."

Originally, most of the soldiers usually work as peasants, so Tonden should leave them to them.

Because I have work such as digging wells and paving roads.

"It's not much different than when I was in the Count of Baumeister."

"It's a plus killing, but this is unavoidable.

"Yes, but it's completely endurance."

Suddenly crush 40,000 troops and fight those who don't think it's damage.

It is speculated that the gambling of the invasion of the Imperial City may not have been possible with a single reversal.

"I'm growing horse feed."

It may be to reduce the burden of supply.

Since barley and the like are not possible suddenly, baka radish is used instead.

The field battlefield continues to expand its function as a kind of defense fortress.

The stone and wood processed by the wizards were piled up, and barracks and watchtowers were being added.

"Because there is a limit to the endurance game. As expected, I plan to do something within a few months."

Alphonse with Blantaq appears there.

As a general, he was always escorted by Blantaq.

"Therese seems to be putting his army here."

"Are you all together to some extent?"

"It looks like, hey. Alphonse."

"Will all the northern lords and most of the northern eastern and western part be individually joined or declared neutral?"

Since the civil war is divided into two nations, determine which is the winner and decide who will win.

Besides before building, it is hard to be a noble since you have to judge who will win in the real intention.

Seki is the same as Hara, and if you make a mistake, it will be the worst.

Depending on the aristocrat, a house that had lasted thousands of years would disappear, and stomach would have been painful depending on the choice of where to go.

"So when can you come?"

The more girlfriend she spears as a general, the better her morale will be.

Although the danger increases, nothing is said to be the sword swinging at the forefront.

It will be necessary to decide here and go ahead.

"It's early morning tomorrow. It's a great army."

"Roger that"

On that day, he cast magic on the expansion work on the field base, and on the morning of the following day, the army led by Therese appeared safely.

"Alphonse's achievements in defeating more enemies, even in defense, are great. Here's a reward."


Therese, dressed in a chainmail made of Mithril more luxurious than what Carla was wearing before, spoke directly to Alphonse, who had left, and then handed a bag full of gold coins.

"Others get rewards, but they will give it later."


Therese immediately sets up his head in a fort made of stone.

Furthermore, gather lords and vassals and start a simple strategy meeting.

"Did you fight close to 20,000 people? It's a result of the war."

A battle in which half of the enemy's army is casualties is rarely a result of the war, so it is natural to praise and raise morale.

However, it was not always a situation where you could be pleased with your hands.

"There was a difference in the quality of the wizard from this being the defender."

In Alphonse's statement, the gaze of all the main guys, including Therese, turned to us.

"We have defeated the enemy wizards quite a bit, but most of them are lords of the Electors."

Although he seemed to have read the report in advance, Therese's face was dark.

"The kingdom and the empire are beginning to widen the gap in terms of national power. Earl Baumeister."

"Well ?? I'm a mercenary."

"No, I don't blame you. I just thought you were jealous of Helmut."

Therese didn't call me Venderin as usual.

"The poor aristocrat was only scratched."

"Your struggle has rained down on the kingdom as a bounty of rain. On top of that, the empire will be depleted by rebellion. You must end it as soon as possible and increase your national power, including trade. No, it's really painful. "

"Anyway, now I'm a mercenary."

Participating as an Earl of Baumeister and earning achievements can be a nuisance because of reward issues.

"Is it possible for one person to hold the title and territory of both countries?" Politics could be confused by the agenda that the two countries have not experienced since history.

It would be the happiest for both sides to receive only money as a mercenary and not lend or borrow.

"Anyway, it was a problem for the Duke of Nuremberg."

"What was the intention to send the previous 40,000 enemy troops?"

Recently, El, who often trains swordsmanship with Haruka, has asked unusually serious questions.

Did you have a little awareness as a vassal?

"(Are you trying to show Haruka a good place?)"

Either way, I wanted to hear that too.

"Even if you win or lose, you will benefit the Duke of Nuremberg."

If the Tereses were slow to prepare and win, the opposing scales in the civil war would have leaned toward the Duke of Nuremberg.

In the territory of the northern lords, not all orchids live.

There must have been many who betrayed the difference in power.

"Will you lose if you lose half?"

"That's because of that 40,000 breakdown."

I explain my opinion to Ell.

"Because it consists of an incompetent but powerful General Krasern in the center of the Imperial Army, and the army of each elector who keeps her captive. No matter how many deaths, the Duke of Nuremberg will not hurt."

He failed at the command of the Duke of Nuremberg, who controls the center of the Empire by coup.

If you are punished for losing your army and punishing for a failed operation, you can lose their strength without doing anything.

"So was the Elector who sent the soldiers also executed?"

"No. According to information from the spy, the general General Clasen has been converted, but the others are fine."

Perhaps Telese was late here because he was busy rebuilding an intelligence network that did not rely on magic or magic.

"General Krasern was killed in the war.

"The Earl family was foolish, both his head and his taker. For Duke Nuremberg, he would have disposed of without any hesitation. Fortunately, he has also made a catastrophe losing half his force."

"So are the other electors fine?"

"I lost a lot of central force and vassal, and I was fined for failing the operation after all. It seems that it was good to pay the fine for fine in the days of war. It is not unlawful I can't even complain. "

It may not be possible to refuse when the captain is taken hostage.

"There is security for the dead, so maybe Ret has entered the skeleton of the Elector's House?"

"It would be convenient. If we couldn't pay, we would have to make up for the interests and territories. Formally, we paid to the imperial government, but his master is now the Duke of Nuremberg."

It can be said that it is a technique like the Duke of Nuremberg aiming at centralization.


"As El says, it's really nasty."

"Fortunately, the central imperial clan doesn't seem to have been executed."

If you kill the entire clan, there is a repulsion from the central Hoi nobles and the Imperial Army, so they seem to be under house arrest for now.

If he said that centralization would advance, the possibility of being disposed would have been great.

"Then, will the Electors be with you?"

"No, Ansgar is there for me."

Therese introduces youthful young man next door.

"My name is Duke Ansgar Helger von Baden. I have heard of the famous Bauumeister."

He was a blond young man who was still around 20 years old, and was a very noble child with a very good appearance.

"Huh? @ The Prince of Duke of Baden?"

Sure, his father, Duke of Baden, must have run in the election for the emperor.

I remember listening to the speech while rubbing my sleepy eyes.

"My father, Duke of Baden, and some of the ministers remain in captivity, but we haven't sent any troops to that 40,000 army."

The Duke of Baden is located in the northeastern part of the empire.

If you put your troops poorly, there was a possibility that therese could attack the absence.

"The first illegal act was the Duke of Nuremberg, and his temporary and uncertain future is uncertain. My Duke of Baden will be attached to Therese, and my father and his ministers will be my Duke of Baden. I need to be the cornerstone of this. ''

I guess it's abandonment, but it's not a matter of just two parents, so it's no use.

It may be painful that if you can't make such a decision, you won't be the head of the Electors.

"(I guess you shouldn't ask ...")

Forsake the real father.

Because you can't be calm.

"The participation of the Duke of Baden helped me because we were so close in power."

After talking for a while, a dinner was held this time, which was also a meeting with the main aristocrats, and there he was telling everyone his thoughts.

"In this civil war, the reorganization of the imperial aristocrat will happen."

Although not officially declared, therese is a strong candidate for the next emperor against the rebel Duke of Nuremberg.

The Arkart XVII, which was decided the other day, will not be used as an emperor because of the incapacity he was captured even if he was rescued alive.

And the next emperor candidate has stated that a noble restructuring will take place.

The Dukes of Nuremberg, the parties to the civil war, are of course amended.

The territories obtained in this way must be allocated to the winners.

You declare that being with Telese is equal to gaining that right.

"(Well, of course.)

No matter how much the civil war, there is no human being, not even a noble who works in free service.

`` I don't know when the Duke of Nuremberg will attack the whole army, but it will be a battle of the world. ''

After dinner, the aristocrats returned to their bases.

While continuing to expand the field bases and tun fields, they await the army of the Duke of Nuremberg north.

The Duke of Nuremberg cannot unify the empire without defeating Therese.

You must go north.

If the situation changes, the strategy may change, but for now, that is the policy.

"So this is Wendelin's house?"

"Yes, I made it myself."

After dinner, there were no other nobles, so Terese called me Vendellin again and rushed home.

For now, there is an excuse.

It's a confirmation of our reward, and of course it's only nominal, it's clear from everyone's eyes.

Because Blantark went out to be an escort for Alphonse, and his guru went somewhere.

"It's a great deal"

Mercenaries basically pay their own clothes, food and shelter.

Although the land is allocated from Alphonse, the area is quite large with stones cut from waste ore.

Heating is not a fireplace, but uses things like heaters for magic tricks and air conditioners, and complete baths and kitchens.

The interior of the house, such as the wall coating, was carefully put into place, and furniture and other magical tools were also placed. Therese seemed to be surprised at its luxury.

"It's a magic tool I've never seen"

"Because it is an excavated product"

The air conditioners and heaters were found at the ruins of the Demon Forest.

"The concubine's mansion is a stove and a fireplace. Still, it's much better than soldiers. Can you sell the magic?"

"Unfortunately, you need the kingdom's permission."

The Magical Guild also purchased and purchased magical tools from the Magic Forest, but mass production was expected to take considerable time.

It is a magic tool that cannot be made so easily even if there is an actual thing.

"Well done. The empire can be inferior even with magic tools."

"What about the country of Mizuho?"

"Because there is a strong feeling of independence alone. I will not invade, but I will go on my way. If I win this civil war, will I tie it to the Elector?"

The empire could have been hijacked, but Telese would probably think it would be more profitable to go inside.

"By the way, it's a reward for you."

In contracts, you are basically paid in money.

From killing, construction of field bases, digging of wells, cultivation of fields, and treatment of injured persons.

Alphonse certifies by describing the amount of work, and the amount based on the market price will be added.

Even now, it was a considerable amount.

"The rest is a trade permit between the Countries of Mizuho and the Countess of Baumeister ..."

A license to remove minerals from the abandoned ore in the Soviet Wasteland.

Of course, this condition was easily granted because it was done by an imperial wizard in the past.

"Are a lot of gold and silver taken?"


"Okay. That was good."

In such a case, it is advantageous if there is much magic power.

Because it is possible to freely and magically extract from veins that cannot be mined by modern empire technology, such as those located hundreds of meters below the abandoned ore.

With gold and silver collected so far, it was not troublesome to be rewarded.

"(I just don't know the Buddha. Anyway, that underground vein will not be accessible.)"

If it had, it would have been mined long ago.

"I heard from Alphonse, but he seems to have been active."

"As such"

"Don't be humble. It has been reported that there were several higher-level wizards at the forefront of the enemy. The first four brothers were also said to be brilliant in the empire."

I think of myself as a rough wizard who only responds to powerful release magic and strong defense in combat.

It will take some time to reach the teacher's border.

However, many witches in the empire were less confident that they had more magic and less drawers than me, because they had magical powers.

That's why I feel like I'm being destroyed unilaterally by Katarina, Blanc Tak, and my guru.

"Imperial wizard is a guide"

"In other words, what do you specialize in?"

"It's like you're left. It's said that a famous wizard once said anything. If you master something, your magic will become stronger."

I don't think I'm wrong.

Actually mastering one magic will increase the magic efficiency and power consumption.

But there is no guarantee that it will be absolutely strong.

If you're the master, you can be the strongest, but a wizard like me would have more drawers, and only that person could say.

"Now many wizards will die."

Furthermore, since we are a civil war within the empire, we are all witches of the empire except us.

I guess my head hurts as a telese.

"I can't help lamenting. I hope we must end the civil war and increase our empire's national strength."

"Are you the first empress?"

"We are going to be around in this situation, and we also have to win the Duke of Nuremberg."

"I'm going to win. I don't want to die."

Sorry to die in such a civil war.

Because of that, we kill people we don't want to do.

"It's a true theory. Let's go back to the story, but the one who has the greatest achievement is specially rewarded by the concubine."

"I don't need that night fairy."

"Oh! @Wendelin is a cold man. He wouldn't be able to help a concubine who had no choice but to become an emperor ..."

"Please look for husband from the same country"

"That's exactly what Wendellin says. Since Terese is the prime candidate for the next Emperor, you should avoid espionage with men who have wives."

The door to the bedroom next to the living room where I was talking to Therese opened an Elise in negligee.

It must have been angry again for Terese's explicit temptation.

"Elise? If the concubine is a empress, it would be difficult to select a husband. You only have to lend me a little."

"I don't think men's lending and borrowing is a statement from the imperial lady Therese-sama ..."

"Even if you are unmarried, you want a concubine as much as a child. I promise that I will never leak you as a seed of Venderin."

"It's a sophistry. May we announce without hesitation depending on the political situation?"

Therese did not answer Elise's question.

"If you were to be defeated in this civil war, would you want to be in exile?"

What if you had a relationship with me at that time, and you were pregnant with your child?

The child is qualified to take over the Baumeister family.

If Therese is in exile, his vassals and family will also come together, and I must protect them from a standpoint.

There must be many who become vassal and succeed.

And there is a possibility that such a Telese group may start a political struggle in the kingdom to retake the homeland.

Elise's guess must not be far from reality.

"(I see. Therese is more expensive than any prostitute.)

Even if you become an empress, you may make some diplomatic demands on the kingdom, using that child as an excuse.

That's why the temptation of Therese may be dangerous.

"That's it."

Elise keeps talking while hugging me on her back.

The feel of the chest, which was as good as Telese, turned my consciousness there.

While my wife, it's a big deal.

"Wendelin is in a hurry every night."

Elysee said, Ena, also in the negligee form, was showing from the bedroom.

"Telese-sama. I can't impress the sideways."

"I think five and six people are the same."

"If you are in the Helmut Kingdom, that may happen in the future."

Elena also expresses a willingness to apologize to Telese.

"Telese. Night crawling is impossible because of me and Vilma."

"Yes. It's better for Telese to focus on Alphonse."

"Alphonse doesn't see the concubine as a woman."

While Luise and Vilma are watching, there is no way for Telese to crawl at night.

With her ability, she can't beat Luise or Vilma, no matter how she struggles.

"So how about Duke of Baden?"

"He's his wife, the niece of His Majesty Arkart XVII. I'll refuse over there."

After all, political marriage between the electorate and the imperial family seems to be common.

"It seems to be difficult, but please look for it in the empire."

"Katarina. That statement is the cruelest!"

"Even so, we're busy, and we must make a trace of the Weigel family."

Don't say, Katharina was pulling my arm and moving to the bedroom.

"If you do. No way ..."

"Yes. We all deal with Wendelin every day. What is it?"


Therese seemed to have slightly replied to Elise's face.

Because there is no experience like that of the old Katarina, it may have been instinctively pulled.

"Wendelin, are you all right?"

"No problem"

There was magic from the teacher, but I don't do that every day.

The point is that it is important that the Elises do not make a gap with Therese.

Because there are many days when we talk only until we sleep and we play games.

"One to five?"

It seems that he has no experience with that kind of thing.

Although she was vocal in her strength, her face appears to be rising.

I would be ashamed and unbearable inside.

"Does Telese join as a sixth person? Isn't it the same for five and six people?"

When Elise's word was released, therese was reflexively standing when she heard that.

"No .... That's .... At the first time, I'm alone with me ..."

The tone gradually became muddy, and at the end he declared in a loud voice:

"Because we're going to be alone with Wenderin and make a fact!"

If you say so far, you will leave the house as if you run away.

"Did you do something awful?"

"You. If you're not so divisive, there will be second and third teleses."

"I know ..."

Since Elise's magic has already increased in some cases, it is not possible to increase his wife and mistress.

"You, let's go to the bedroom soon."


Even if you go outside, you will not be entertained with only soldiers, and if you stay in your bedroom at last, your magical power will recover quickly and the possibility of survival will increase.

I'm going to keep it.

"I think Dominic was really hard now."

"I'm feeling like this every day these days."

"A certain kind of escape from reality? No. We need children."

"Because it's a war, there's no way I can raise that feeling. My father-in-law had said before."

"You know Virma well."

"On the bet, do I erase the evidence with the magic of" purification "..."

We took a bath the next morning and talked as if we had forgotten the misery on the bed.

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