Hachinan tte, Sore wa Nai Deshou!

Episode 84: Finally set out.

The carriage that has left the Earl of Mizuho safely enters the Duke of Philippe.

Duke Philip, the northernmost part of the continent, is now cold in the midwinter and has snow on its vast fields.

The carriage was proceeding smoothly to the suburb of Felin, where the lord's house was located.

"It's a wide field."

"Even though north, Duke Philip is a major agricultural area."

Wheat, barley, rye, and potato are the main crops, and sugar is also refined from sugar beet.

It's probably two crops.

Crops are planted in the fields despite the midwinter.

"However, it is less efficient than sugarcane in the south. It is grown in large fields."

It seems that varieties have not been improved as much as the earth.

Still, sugar from sugar beet seems to be an important industry in the Duke of Philip because it is cheaper than imported due to distance.

"After that, fisheries and livestock are thriving."

"Are you raising cattle?"

"There is a lot of land, but it's cold."

Due to the unremitting efforts of the ancient orchids, there is not much demonic territory in the Duke of Philip.

It can be said that this is a possible trick.

In other lands, cattle, pigs and bird meat obtained from livestock were of high quality.

Agriculture is thriving because of the large amount of land, but there is a land at the northern end that becomes extremely cold in winter, so it seems that he is grazing a large pig called “hair pig” there.

"It's a domestic animal like a wild boar that's approached a little pig. It's grown by feeding on sugar beet squeeze."

They are large, resistant to cold, have a strong fertility, and are grazed a lot because they eat anything.

In the Duke of Philippe, Therese explained that the meat of "hair pork" was also popular among the common people.

It's bacon and sausage processed to improve its preservation, and it is said that it is also exported.

"After that, breeding of wagons and war horses is also popular."

"The military and the economy are strong?"

"For the time being, he is said to have the most power among the electors."

There are many other mines, and the industry seems to be developing.

Indeed, the gradually appearing Fehling was a metropolis that was as competitive as Breichburg.

"In terms of economic size and strength, we are above the Duke of Nuremberg.

The ruling group is following the Empire, but the orchids who are the northern champions have a strong sense of independence.

The northern empire seems to be a very special area, given that the dominion of the Duke of Philip, who is supposed to be the ruler, mainly requires brown skin.

"Because there is also the country of Mizuho"

While Therese laughs and explains, the carriage enters the town of Felin and heads for the consulate.

When you arrive at a palace-like building, two young men in their late twenties and mid-twenties jump out from inside.

"Are you safe? Mansion"

"I was relieved."

"It's a gift of bad luck.

We are addressed to the room by the difference between the two young men and we calm down, but the telese who is with us will tell you softly.

"My brothers."

"It's complicated."

"That's right. What are you thinking in your belly?"

I didn't seem to lack the ability, but I couldn't succeed in the Duke because her skin was white.

There may be some emotions that have been put on the chest.

"One thought was that shortly after arriving here, Therese could be caught or killed by his brothers' rebellion."

While drinking a bit of the aquabit hot water that I got to warm my body, the guru begins to speak fuss.

If you try to do that, it will be immediately prevented by your guru.

"Even if you think about it, everyone will be killed by the guru and the count."

Blantark also had the same idea as me.

It is just a reckless extremity, such as fighting against a small number of people even though it is not a magician to the guru.

"No, Blanc Tak, you can't do that before that."

"Is your skin white?"

"That's it."

For the orchids who have been ruled by the empire, it seems that their brown skin is a condition that they cannot afford.

So, it seems that there is nobody following therese's brothers trying to make a coup.

"My brother's children have brown skin. Even if I set my nephew on my head, it is obvious from everyone's eyes that it is a puppet."

Furthermore, the war that children can win with the general general cannot be won.

Therese explained that no one should follow him.

"But there is a possibility that the Duke of Nuremberg will start to adjust?"

"I can't prevent it, but are they like each other?"

Before coming to this room, Therese ordered his older brothers to call on soldiers to defeat Duke of Nürnberg and recapture the Imperial City, and to notify lords in the north and elsewhere.

"Would you like to join the Duke of Nuremberg and take part in the rebellion or join our Duke of Phillippe who wants to defeat it?"

They seemed to have sent a very radical statement.

"With the information that 'The Earl of Mizuho is here.'"

In the process of unification of the empire, many ethnic groups have become vassals and are under them.

The only one of them, the Mizuho Countries, which has maintained the form of a semi-independent state, was seen in awe from other nobles and their nations.

Moreover, therese seems to be thinking that this is the first time they have deployed an army outside of defense, and coupled with their legendary strength, will have many ally.

"Aristocrats with other ethnic groups will be afraid of the movement of Duke of Nuremberg.

"Are there so many races?"

Although there were Arab and Chinese buildings in Baldesh at first glance, the only people who could see immediately were the orchids with brown skin.

Mizuho people know their hair and eyes from wearing their Mizuho clothes because they have black hair. The appearance looks like a half of a Westerner and a Japanese, so there are many people who actually don't know unless they look good.

"Mixed and mixed over the past millennium. Most ethnic groups are not so different in appearance. Language has been unified on the continent since the ancient magical civilization era."

For the time being, the ethnic group living in the center since the Empire was still claiming the kingdom was called the Urqut tribe, and this is the main ethnic group.

The Duke of Nuremberg started a coup d'etat to centralize the Empire with them.

"However, the definition of the Arcarts is ambiguous."

It may be like the people in the center, and this area may be similar in treatment to Chinese Han people.

Biologically, there is no Arkhart tribe.

"In short, you're going to be centralized, but will you give way to the disturbing orchids and mizuhos that you can see right away?"

"If you crush it and put it in enslavement, you'll hear the East and West guys afraid."

Lan and Mizuho tribes are destroyed because they are easy to understand.

Duke Nuremberg seems to think that if he gives in, he will easily be able to dominate other ethnic groups.

"So what's the upcoming schedule?"

"I'm going to have a squad for tomorrow."

They will be intercepting because their troops will be disadvantaged, but Terese says he wants to put the enemy in territory and prevent the territory from being destroyed.

"In order to prevent the retreat of the northern lords, fighting in their territory is not legal.

Therese spreads a single map on the table.

On the detailed map of the Empire, a red circle was drawn just halfway between the central territory and the northern region.

"Is it" The Soviet Wasteland "..."

I saw it only along the northern road leading to the Dukes of Philippe, but the "Soviet Great Wasteland" is a vast wasteland as its name suggests.

Although it is under the direct control of the Empire, it is located at the border with the northern region, water can not be secured unless a well is dug, and development is delayed because old mines and deposits are scattered as waste ore. The location was.

"Build a base here and prevent the northern part of the Duke of Nuremberg"

"Isn't it a short battle?"


Therese nodded at the teacher's question.

"Because this is a civil war, a short battle is preferable if possible ..."

It is easier to impose on the imperial capital, as Telese, who does not yet have all the northern lords, is more disadvantageous than the Duke of Nuremberg, who now has complete control of the south and is now leveling the center. You can't advance your troops.

"Because it's better to hit the Duke of Nuremberg on the Soviet Wasteland and prevent him from hitting the ground, you can put Ret on his ground."

He will be hit by the loyal, imperial and southern princes in the coup, and will inevitably upset the princes following the Duke of Nuremberg.

"It is a strength to control the imperial capital, but it is also a weakness."

Especially, the communication and the magic of movement and the device that hinders the operation of magic tools were not good.

Because it damages traffic and distribution, the Duke of Nuremberg, who owns the imperial capital, is more likely to be damaged.

"Duke who doesn't do anything good."

Blantaq says so, but in fact the kingdom cannot participate in civil war because of this device.

Since the effect of this device should have reached the northern kingdom, it is impossible to put out troops by taking advantage of civil war.

Even if you send troops on a temporary bridge or ropeway to the rupture of Gigant, local Imperial troops and nobles will thoroughly resist the invaders.

Even if the occupation succeeds, the land needs to be governed this time.

It will be taken out for a while, but you cannot use a magic airship to carry it.

The war is not so sweet that you can win with a serious defect in supply.

"If the kingdom poorly handles the civil war, the kingdom will be consumed on the contrary."

Only the soldiers who want to be successful in the war, or some merchants who want to sell supplies to the army, will be pleased.

"The prolonged civil war will exhaust the empire, but at the moment it is impossible to make a short-term decisive battle. Because there is no concubine to overdo it. However, since it is a wicked concubine, if you lose you will give up and go to exile Probably. "

Apart from that, Therese's idea is not wrong.

It may be impressive in the description of a historical story, such as being ruined, but in reality it is just a fool.

Waiting for another opportunity even after exile in another country.

It may be said that this is an ordinary authority.

"If so, the concubine will be tired, so will he be a Wendelin's concubine and leave it to a child?"

The Philip family may be revived if they use their offspring, grandchildren, or descendants as the kingdom moves north.

Although it is a possibility, the aristocrat connects the house because of the possibility.

"Telese-sama is still the same ..."

Louise is stunned, but now there is something more important than that.

"So what is our job?"

"Of course, secure Soviet wilderness and build a permanent battlefield in preparation for the endurance battle. It is a mission suitable for Wenderin who is called a civil adventurer."

"Is that nickname known to the empire?"

The policy has been decided, so we have to leave quickly tomorrow.

Because "flying" and "momentary movement" cannot be used, anything takes time.

"It's a big horse."

"It's a northern specialty" Dosanko horse. It doesn't have much speed, but its power and endurance are great and it can withstand rough eating. "

The morning after we arrived in Duke Philip, we were heading south on the northern road to the Soviet Wasteland.

(4) The troops are the princes of the Dukes of Philippe, and the lords of several aristocrats who have prepared their troops in advance in response to the change in the imperial capital.

All the munitions needed to move the army are carried by magic wagons of me and the Dukes of Philip and other nobles in magic bags.

A lot of horses and carriages are mobilized to increase the speed of movement, but more than half of the soldiers on foot are inevitable, so they have only weapons and only winter clothes.

Heavy armor is all in a carriage or magic bag.

If the enemy army was blocked before, we were supposed to magically eliminate it.

"Even as fast as possible, two days ... No, three days?"

We are given a horse, but the horse was at least two times bigger than a normal horse.

It looks like some other animal when it is so big, but it seems that this horse is a horse unique to the north, called "Dosanco horse".

"Moving on a horse means you can't get through with your best, and that's fine for a slow horse."

It seems to be a horse used for pulling heavy loads and farming, but it is still faster than people walk.

Therese's brothers had prepared in advance to pull a carriage to carry the goods.

"Are you working right? I thought I'd be looking for a betrayal."

"You. That's too much to say ..."

Terese said it was impossible, but I doubted her two brothers.

Duke of Nuremberg, "The new Duke of Philip prefers whiter skin. If so, let's re-use it in the New Empire. '

"The cousins are not so stupid. I understand that if they succeed in betrayal, they will be next purged by the Duke of Nuremberg."

The horse was riding on me and Elise, and the normal horse running alongside was one brown-skinned young man.

He is a cousin of Terese, the head of a branch, and a general of this advance squad named Alphonse, who is only twenty years old.

"Skin color is important"

"Yeah, maybe it's not down to other people."

Succumbed to the Empire, but the chief of the Duke's family was rich in orchid blood.

This is absolute. In the past, people with white skin were forced to be the main owners, but they never worked.

"And my cousin's children are all brown skin."

If you defeat the Duke of Nuremberg, the next emperor should come to Therese in view of the situation.

Since it is impossible to serve as the Emperor and Duke of Philip, it is natural that the duke will be given to his own child.

"I see. It's safe."


It's more trustworthy than ever-broken belief or fanatical loyalty.

"What's surprising, though, is that Count Baumeister can't ride a horse?"

"The poor knight has no time for horse riding training."

The old Baumeister family had only a few war horses.

Nor does it buy and maintain a dedicated warhorse like other noble homes.

He simply picked a good horse from the farming horse and put on his harness to make it look like it.

To those who don't know the outside, it looks like a beautiful warhorse.

Compared to the horses actually owned by the Breichrader Marsh, the horses look sad and sad.

However, even at first glance, the horse seemed to have been useful in the past Demon Forest Expedition.

Because he was an agricultural horse, he endured rough eating, and his endurance was higher even though his speed was slow.

It seems that the expeditionary forces had survivors because this horse was crushed for food on the way.

When I was a child, I didn't visit Yao for horse riding training due to lack of horses.

In addition, if you have “flying” and “momentary movement”, there is no need for a magician such as a horse.

In the previous life, I experienced horseback riding at a facility where an amusement park and a ranch where I went on a school excursion joined.

A common thing is that the person in charge goes around the designated course on a horse and goes around.

With that level of experience, I can't get on such a big horse suddenly.

So now Elise is controlling the horse, and I'm just clinging behind her.

"Okukata-dono is good at handling horses."

"This horse is so quiet. I'll be fine even if I learned a little."

I say humblely, but Elise was good at riding.

Sometimes he went to the vicinity of the royal capital for church service activities, so he learned that it was necessary.

Because it can be remembered, Elise is probably a perfect superhuman.

"It's a good opportunity, so I'll tell Elise in the meantime."

"Yes, because riding a nobleman is essential."

Moving magic and magic airships are not so easy to use, and it is most convenient to use a horse for everyday traveling.

However, horses cost money for maintenance and training.

Especially, it was a testimony of a high aristocracy that the cost jumped, especially for horses that would become war horses, and that riding a good horse was possible.

Even the Breichrader marginalist, whose motor nervousness that both himself and others recognize, can train and ride on horses properly.

"As a man, it's great to be on a horse with Elise."

Needless to say, mainly the feel of the buttocks.

"I understand how it feels, but I think it would be even better if Earl Baumeister learned to ride and put his wife behind."

Indeed, exactly as Alphonse says.

He was a wonderful man who understands a man's romance, though his country and ethnicity are different.

"Alphonse, you're a wonderful man."

"Count Bauister, no, Wendelin, were you a man who understands that?"

Me and Alphonse shake hands from the horse.

It was just a desire to have a lifelong friend.

"Are you happy about that? We're a couple ..."

Elise asks me shyly.

Even though the couple are already naked with each other, they may be wondering what makes the ass and chest feel from the clothes.

"Elise. That's it. This is this."

"Huh ..."

It may be an eternal wall between a man and a woman.

Elysé tilted his head, apparently he couldn't understand it, but it was pretty cute.

"Actually, my wives don't even understand."

Alphonse is a cousin of Terese and head of the branch, so he has three wives.

It is natural that he is so appointed as the general of the advance squad.

"On my last holiday, I made my dream come true."

"What is a dream?"

"That's right. Let's do a dream three-person apron strategy ..."

Although they are big wives of a branch house, they seemed to have them cook with naked aprons and watch them grin from behind.

It was a terrible thing, but at the same time I realized I had forgotten something important.

"Oh! I haven't done that yet!"

"If you do it with your five wives, it's more beautiful, but it's inevitable."

"That's true! Let's do it next time."

"I highly recommend it."

Alphonse also helped me, so I decided to do it.

"That's why I'm my friend!"

"You. Is anything good to wear an apron naked?"

Elyse asks me with a look that she doesn't understand well.

She knows the basics of men and women in education, but she borrowed a strange book from Breichrader Margin and had no knowledge of her hands as compared to the older Ena.

"Children are more likely to be born"

"I didn't know. That's how children are more likely to be born."

Apart from that, I am not lying.

Serious Elise seemed to have decided not to cooperate.

"Vell, you are ..."

The younger Eina said something, but now she's working hard to learn horseback riding and can't afford it.

There are few members of senior aristocrats at any party, so few members can ride.

Elise, Vilma who learned riding with the help of Military Lord Edgar, and Katarina can ride a horse unexpectedly.

In her case, the aristocrat seemed to take the horse for granted and practiced secretly.

Bocchi also in horseback riding practice.

She may actually be the master of Bocchi more than me.

"Mr. Wenderin, are you thinking of something rude?"

"Isn't it determined to be nothing? Just be fascinated by Katalina's splendid riding appearance."

"It's the minimum taste .... It's embarrassing. Mr. Wenderin"

Apparently, they seemed to be misled.

Katharina dyes her face red to compliment me.

Actually, riding on a horse looks so good, so there should be no problem.

"Vilma. What about Ena?"

"I think I'll learn right away because my motor nerves are good."

Definitely, I should take the most time to learn riding.

My motor nerves were normal, no matter how favored I was.

"Wow! Katarina's chest hits her back! Ver.

"Louise! Isn't that embarrassing!"

Katarina, who teaches Rueise to horseback, was complaining with a red face on her father.

"Was there anybody behind Wendelin who could understand the romance of a man?"

"Don't say anything extra, Alphonse!"

Catalina also complains to Alphonse, who has recognized Luise as a comrade.

"It's absolutely ... I'm a worried general ..."

Katalina says, but I have no doubts about the qualities of Alphonse General.

I always say something like stupid, but the advance team is well organized.

"Alphonse is. I usually just say stupid things, but for some reason everyone gets together well. '

I have a strange charisma and my subordinates work happily.

Actually, the advance team is in such a state.

That's why Therese probably appointed him as general of the advance squad.

"But it's unsightly ..."

Alphonse's gaze pointed to Mr. Blantarch and his guru on a Dosanco horse.

"Certainly ... It's not good ..."

Blantaq holds a reins in front of him, and a guru is behind him, but there is nothing in his heart to see.

The reason for this combination is that a normal war horse can ride on a horse for the first time, but a normal war horse is a strict Blanc-Taak and a guru who is too big and collapses if it is a normal horse.

"Even a Dosanko horse is painful if you are a guru?"

The speed of the two horses was slightly slower, as it was actually three people.

"You guys. All you want to say ..."

"Blantaak's back has a stiff chest of Armstrong's guru. It's impossible for me. It's impossible. I'll be asking for a replacement."

"It's rumored, Alphonse!"

Although Alphonse is right.

I'm not happy unless I have a special hobby, such as the feel of a 100% muscle breastplate.

"Somehow, I'm patient."

"Don't tell me, guru."

In addition, the mentor also says bad things.

I couldn't get on the horse, and I had Blantark carry it.

"But it was surprising that the guru could not ride the horse."

Because the Armstrong family is of military descent, I thought that horse riding training would be normal.

"Because the members of the Earl Armstrong family are bigger and bigger, they train and train big horses on their own ..."

I was able to train when I was at home, but when I left home it became difficult to get and maintain a big horse.

And the guru is a wizard.

There is no need to forcibly ride a horse, and it may be the correct answer if you do not overdo it because it is a long time rather than you can not ride.

Speaking of the past, it seems like a paper driver.

"If it's this horse, it looks good to buy it later."

He was happy to find a horse that he could ride normally.

"Dosanco horses are banned for export."

No horses are so good at dragging carriages and carriages, so they seem to be banned from getting out of Duke Philip.

The only exception is that the castrated stallion was used in the Empire.

"In fact, the Dosanco horse on which we are riding is also a neutered stallion."

As Alphonse put it, all Dosanco horses had signs of neutering.

It is said that all horses recruited as war horses should be castrated in consideration of capture on the battlefield.

"Before that, Dosanco horses can't live in hot places."

Because of the size of the body and the ease with which heat can be trapped, Alphonse predicted that at best the northern kingdom would be the point of survival.

"I'm sorry, but ..."

The teacher seems to be worried about one thing.

Suddenly, when he turned his gaze to another, he saw Elle and Haruka riding the same Dosanco horse.

"Because we were poor aristocrats ..."

"Please do not pull the reins too hard"

"Is it a horse?"

"I agree"

Like me, El is also a poor nobleman, so he had very little riding experience.

Haruka has the same conditions, but she is trained there because she is a skilled sword squad.

Ell was trained on a horse with her.

"You're good."

"No, I'm still worried ..."

"I'm used to that."

Serious Haruka taught Elle horse riding carefully, and he also took her guidance seriously.

But I'm aware.

The same is true of Guru, Blantaq, and Alphonse, who are rejoicing in the heart of Haruka, who is so eager to push the body against Elle's back from behind.

"(Mainly my chest ...)"

"I guess."

"(Are there others?)"

"(It's a push setting. Haruka-kun has a high point ...")

There is not much difference in what the man thinks, and at the same time we mutter the same thing in a whisper.

And for the next two days we arrived safely on the Soviet Wasteland while continuing to train.

"Well done. I'm also eager ...

Three days after the lead squadron of the Duchess of the Duke of Philip arrived on the Soviet Wasteland, I found a reconnaissance squadron of the Duke of Duke of Nuremberg looking far away while working on the south.

"I'm Count Baumeister. I'm glad I can keep the construction because I'm going to take care of it."

"I'm not worried about that."

In preparation for the northern part of the rebels below the Duke of Nuremberg, I had several horse-covered moats on the south side of the Soviet wilderness, helping to build a field base.

It was an action to block the northern highway, which is responsible for the traffic and distribution of the Empire, but this is not a problem because the rebels first banned merchants and travelers from moving to the north.

This is also the same as prohibiting the movement of merchants and residents in the north.

The imperial distribution was divided into north and south due to civil war, but it is not my fault, so there is no other way.

And the enemy reconnaissance squad regularly sees the construction, but it has been quickly removed.

Because ...

"Because there is a sword sword troop that boasts of the Earl of Mizuho"

Several elite sword troops from the Earl of Mizuho, lurking in rocks scattered in the Soviet Great Wasteland, are slashing at knights and soldiers in the reconnaissance squad.

They try to prevent it with a sword or shield, but their entire body is cut off by the equipped sword.

Only a few cut bodies were left behind.

The members of the sword squad that have killed them will collect their bodies and horses and return.

"How many times was it?"

"It is the fifth time. Mansion."

"I'm persistent. Don't forget to clean up every time you come."


The members of the sword corps report to the senior Earl Mizuho, laying down a horse and a corpse, hiding again and waiting for the enemy.

The enemy who has disappeared is suddenly cut by a sword, and even a steel sword or shield can be torn even if prevented.

This magic sword, fuel efficiency and maintainability seemed to have some drawbacks, but the terribleness is clear from the past history.

They are themselves elites who have gone through rigorous selection and training, and I have realized why soldiers in the county of Mizuho are afraid of imperial people.

"However, is the war situation disadvantageous here?"

In the Soviet wilderness, a defense field has been successfully constructed to prevent rebels from moving north.

Because I also participated in civil engineering, I lost to “Sumamata Overnight Castle”, but in the past three days I have finished the rough part.

The defense force has exceeded 10,000 with additional reinforcements coming from the Dukes of Phillippe, and the senior Earl Mizuho also participates with 10,000 troops.

The northern lords have also stated that they will stay here, except for some, and some nobles have already sent troops.

Most of the eastern and western lords, most of the aristocrats whose territories are in the north, are here.

However, as the situation gradually becomes known, the disadvantages on this side have become apparent.

The southern and central areas have fallen largely into the hands of rebels, and it now appears that there are only a few aristocrats, and a few orchids and Mizuhos underground.

After all, the Duke of Nuremberg has even taken over the Lan and Mizuho capital and sent them to camps.

Although not economically praised, it will prevent the destruction of magical tools that prevent information leaks and example communications and movement.

"No way, all the remaining electors will betray you."

Is it a betrayal, or is it necessary to do so because the captain is taken hostage?

If you don't resist, nobles are likely to have been killed, but many are under arrest.

Why do you know …….

"I won't put it on here because I forsake it."

"I guess."

A man dressed in a black costume who reports to Earl Mizuho.

I can't see my face, but I think I'm about 30 years old.

He seems to be the head of the intelligence agency of the Earl of Mizuho, who has inherited the name "Hanzo" for generations.

The appearance is the ninja that often appears in historical drama.

"I am in trouble because communication and movement are hindered, and the speed of information transmission has dropped dramatically."

"It's the same over there, but ... it's been troublesome."

The Duke of Nuremberg took advantage of it and dropped the confused center and other electors in the absence of contact from his head.

Although not all fell physically, some Electors were immobile and were effectively rebels.

After hearing a report from Hanzou, Alphonse sighs.

"How does Hanzou know information about the Imperial City?"

"Of course, with the horse and this foot. If we have a" Kusa ", we are always prepared for this situation."

It seems that you are gathering information from the enemy territory by running with Hayama.

It's like each other, but it takes time to do anything, and you're in trouble.

"Is Count Baumeister wrapped up in Momentary Movement and Flying?"

Because you have to cross the continent to escape, you will be in trouble.

I would like to avoid such a worst situation if possible.

"Instead, I'm overwhelmed by other magic. In just three days, the foundation work on the field defense has been completed."

Mr. Hanzou seemed to be surprised, but he was desperate because he could not be attacked by the rebels because the completion of the base was too late.

First of all, in the defense, the purpose is to kill and reduce the number of those who are stained with the rebel army's momentum and doctrine / claim, so set up a dugout and fences to avoid horses, and make stones instead of tents for long opposition The barracks, turrets and fences are being installed.

The material was easily available because the Soviet Wasteland was originally a land of many abandoned mines.

After collecting usable minerals, the remaining rocks are cut or hardened into stone.

The content is insignificant because it is a level of waste ore, but collect this and use other magic every day to increase the amount of magic power.

There must be many more amazing wizards in the empire that is paired with the kingdom.

Daily training will be important so that they are not killed.

"Unuu! It looks like Miss Luise has become stronger."

"The guru pushing us three-to-one is terrific, but ..."

"As the magic power increases, the increased confidence will disappear ..."

"Guru. Too strong ..."

The mentor who has such a powerful magical power, but cannot use any magic that can be used in daily life like me, continued to practice in a combat style against three people, Luise, Eina and Vilma who increased their magical power at the same time .

Luise's fist, Eena's spear, Vilma's ax.

It seems to have hit, but it was all played by the guru's "magic barrier".

"If you are attacked too much, the 'magic barrier' is likely to break."

"The hand gin ...

"It's for practice, but the spear was missing."

"My big ax ..."

Due to special circumstances, all my wives have increased their magical power and strength, but the guru was still proud of Oita's strength.

"Because it's a storm, cut the stones neatly."

"I'm just good at blowing and tearing off with the wind ..."

"I'll do it beautifully."

"Because I'm ahead, it's still a long way to beat Wendelin with magic precision."

"I'm willing to win. Or, if I don't remember this magic, I'll be like a guru."

"It's impossible for me to go that far."

Katarina also helped cut the stone under the guidance of Blantaq.

She still needs some training because there is a problem with the fine precision of such magic.

"Katarina. How do you care about your guru ..."

Leaders are undoubtedly the strongest in the world in single combat.

However, unlike me and Blantaak-san, you cannot play life-related magic such as civil engineering.

Blantaq is actually surprised even if he has learned the magic of healing.

Even Katarina must have thought that it is impossible for a guru to become specialized in combat, so it may be giving priority to learning magic that can also be used for territorial development.

"Thanks to the Counts of Baumeister, construction of the field base is on track. Then, only intercept. "

"Are rebels coming?

"I will definitely come. I'll try hard at the locals. "

Therese, who will come here after clearing up a large amount of government affairs, may want to motivate the aristocrats who are on his side.

What was called the Coup Army, the Nuremberg Duke Army, etc. apart, was officially named “Rebel Army”.

"The Duke of Nuremberg has done something that must not be done. Will the rebels be enough?

Terese told him to the nobles who were on his side.

Alphonse gently told me yesterday.

"The rebels should strive to gain morale and dominate the battlefield without first dropping this field and dropping this field."

The rebels have a greater strength, but many are obliged to follow because they are rebels.

So he wants to win here and draw those guys to the rebels at once.

Alphonse also anticipated the first offensive not too far away.

"Do you lose morale if you lose?"

"I don't think I'll lose."

"So that's it"

While talking to Mizuho's senior Earl, I will work hard to build a field base until the evening.

I had returned to my house because I had consumed my magic as well.

A stone house made of stone cut by yourself is well-built for a quick build, and the interior is designed to let Katarina finish it instead of practicing magic. I was able to send.

There is no problem with cooking, etc., because the Elises are making turns.

"Wife. Please give me my share."

For some reason, Alphonse, who is in charge of this field base and dispatched troops, was sitting at the table and waiting for our meal.

"My friend, why are we?"

"Since I'm simply tired"

According to the precepts of the Dukes of Philip, there seems to be a rule that everyone eats the same meal during the war.

We are treated as mercenaries, and there is no problem because we are ourselves from ingredients to seasonings and cooks, but Alphonse seems to have to eat the same meal every day.

"Vegetable soup with rye bread, steamed potatoes, sauerkraut, bacon or sausage, then a cup of aquabit when it's off duty. As expected, it gets tired after three days."

"What is Mizuho?"

"Because it is special"

We cook rice, pickles, dried plums, miso soup, and fish and meat are usually available.

Japanese food from every angle, but it seems that Mizuho is a country with a high production skill for magic tools, so it seems that transporting ingredients is not a problem.

"If you go, you can eat something strange. It's delicious."

"I want to eat it too much, but when I go to the Mizuho precinct, it's troublesome to be treated as a courtesy call."

We are treated as mercenaries, so on the contrary we could easily eat delicious Mizuho dishes.

It was basically Japanese food, so it was a delicious meal for me.

"That's why I ended up with a feast here."

Alphonse sat in a seat between the guru and Blantaq, eating a stew made by Elise.

"My friend's wife is good at cooking."

"Because I am an adventurer, I have to cook for myself."

"I see. That way you avoid my lord."

It can't be the cause.

However, it is only troublesome to marry a duke of another country.

"What if I get Alphonse?"

Since my cousin is competent, I think he has enough qualifications.

"I and Terese are close friends and good friends, but that's not the case."

"Is that okay for a noble marriage?"

"No, uh ... in this situation, the burden after the war is great ..."

Alphonse anticipated that Therese, who had won the civil war, would be the next emperor, and at that time the court was too messed up by the rebellion, so it would be useless if he did not attend the Imperial Palace.

"It's a hassle, but what's going on with the new administration again? There's a guardianship behind this when Therese takes over the throne and her nephew becomes the new Duke of Phillippe. If I don't help, the politics of Duke Philip won't move. ''

"It's hard. My friend."

"In this case, I have to shorten the maid's skirt and enjoy it. I don't see Elvin."

"Oh, if Elle ..."

In fact, he was learning swordsmanship from Haruka.

Ell, who loves swords and also has money, talked to Haruka to get Mizuho's swords as a collection.

"Swords and swords are totally different things. Isn't it sad, such as an unused sword? "

In the empire, there are also people who collect as art works, so a girl named Haruka was seriously saying that even though she could introduce and buy a suitable sword.

I'm always dedicated to our escort, and even if Elise invites me to tea etc., she's a serious person who doesn't quite participate in saying "I'm on duty".

Still, I invited me to say that it was a command, and I was eating sweets with a happy face.

Because she is a woman, she seems to love sweets.

"Then. Do you remember sword art? '

That's why Elle went to the position of the Earl of Mizuho when she had time and learned the sword there.

According to the senior Mizuho Earl, the line seems to be good.

"Is he looking for Haruka? Or maybe?"

"It's both."

I like beautiful girls, but I also like swords and swords.

I also want a sword, but I never thought I would be able to use it myself.

"So, is there a pulse?"

"It looks like there isn't ..."

It shouldn't be a problem with your family, but the problem is that Haruka is too serious to know exactly what Elm thinks.

The other is probably Haruka's brother.

"Haruka's brother is also in the sword corps."

This tracer was a better swordsman than Haruka.

In addition, she loves Haruka abnormally.

I don't complain about my sister becoming our escort because I'm chief, but I don't like the fact that Elle is talking to Haruka in this position.

Thanks to his brother, El was treated strictly every day.

"In other words, there is no problem if you can beat that big brother."

However, from the perspective of El, who has a disliked character, his brother seems to be a middle boss who should be defeated.

"As expected, the sword squad! "

"this man. Stronger than expected ... "

Even with swords and swords, they must kill people in battle.

Haruka's elder brother was alarmed by the fact that she was less dominant in swordsmanship than Elle thought.

"I'm in such youth"

"My friend is very dry ..."

"I don't have that kind of development. Martial arts are refreshing."

Although he is a good commander, Alphonse's sword skill is a good match with me.

I don't understand the idea of exchanging swords with her brother for her favorite woman.

If you can manage your victory or lose, but you will be recognized for your skills, it's a great story, but I and Alphonse will be killed instantly.

"Away from Elle's shaven, is it coming soon?"

"It will be a few days already."

"Guru. Is it like an intuition on the battlefield?"

"It's just a calculation from the distance from the imperial capital Baldesh and the speed of the march."

Alphonse is impressed by the teacher's sharp predictions.

I think it was almost the same as my idea.

The same was true of Mr. Blanták, who killed soldiers during the escape from Baldesh and had no movement.

You must have survived a considerable shambles when you were young.

Does the teacher have any experience killing people in the past?

"I look forward to the success of Count Baumeister."

"Do you bother to say that?"

"If you don't do that, it's hard to eat here"

Eventually, Alphonse flattens the meal for about three people, returns to the main camp with some of the kingdom wine I had stored in the magic bag.

"You have good guts. Alphonse-sama."

Ena seems stunned by Alphonse's mood.

"If that person is a general, we can enjoy it as a mercenary."

I have to exercise magic on the front line anyway, but I can't stand it if I'm left to control the army.

I will reward you for your work with cash and supplies so that the post-war empire will be less affected by me and Earl Baumister.

That's the best way to avoid unnecessary trouble.

"Isn't it okay if Vell can shop freely in the country of Mizuho?"

"That's it."

In Pia, there are high-end compatible soy sauce and miso made by myself.

Because I am concerned with eating, I wanted to get it regularly.

"War for soy sauce?"

"As expected, that's not all."

I laughed and denied Luise's question.

This civil war is limited to ending anyway.

I don't know if it will end early, but there are too many inconveniences without it.

If the kingdom is dragged and intervened, the empire will be further damaged.

As a kingdom, there should be little to gain and cost.

Domestic development will be delayed and only some people will be pleased.

"But it's too cheap to get a job ..."

Elise is worried, but she has already paid a lot.

After the meal, I put the gold and silver ingots out of the magic bag on the table where the dishes were put away.

"It's pretty big, but how?"

"I borrowed from abandoned mines."

"What is Terese's permission?"

"Of course I got it."

I answer Blantaq and the guru with a nasty smile.

The last squeezing of the abandoned mines scattered in the Soviet Wasteland is naturally done by the wizard who can use the magic of “extraction” and “gathering” in the empire.

There is no metal that can be used on the surface or several tens of meters underground.

But what about below?

In addition, extinct volcanoes also exist in this Soviet wasteland.

As gold erupts from the underground mantle, Japan, which is actually a volcanic country, was a golden country.

I used that huge amount of magic to extend the "extraction" range to hundreds of meters underground.

A lot of magic power is used, but it is perfect for training to increase the magic power, so I always performed it before returning home.

"This doesn't hurt if therese is rewarded."

"I will not step down as expected."

"My father-in-law said, dead heroes are good heroes."

Contrary to that appearance, Military Military Edgar seems to be reading a history book unexpectedly.

Because he is talking intelligently to his daughter-in-law Vilma.

"Even if that device breaks down, it's okay to escape with the worst" momentary movement ""

"Ok, I'll stay with Vell-sama."

Vilma sits quietly on my lap.

"What Vilma says is not wrong."

"That's right. You end up killing your brothers."

Blantaq agreed with Katarina's point.

When we make a contribution by playing an active part, the number of imperial people who hate it increases.

"Have you been Ebbo? There are a certain number of such people."

When you escape from the imperial capital, destroy other carriages so that you do not give a foot to the enemy and remember that you flies in May.

"After the end of the rebellion, there may be cases in which you do not want to raise your reward and execute because you violated the military order."

Make a scapegoat that killed many siblings by foreign mercenaries against imperial people who were dissatisfied with many revolts in the rebellion.

It may not be absolutely impossible.

"I don't think there's any such thing for Telese.

"What if you do? @You"

"I'll give you some revenge."

It's a bit scary, but it's time to sleep, so I'll move to my bedroom.

The house built with stones on its own in the field battlefield is warm without outside cold air coming in because the gap was carefully closed.

But I couldn't afford to build so many rooms, so basically I had two bedrooms.

"Men's room and women's room ..."

"As an aristocrat, it is necessary for Earl Baumeister to have children ..."

It is wartime, so it would be safer to avoid it.

I don't have any hobbies while being asked by a guru or Blantaq.

"I'm back"

"Ell. Training again?"

"I have it, but order a sword."

Elle and Haruka take turns guarding the house with other soldiers at night security.

It's Haruka's turn today, so Elle went to order her own sword.

"So did you want iron sand?"

There are more than a dozen swordsmiths in the army of Mizuho.

They hit Mizuho swords to be used in new battles, and carefully care for them.

Especially because magic swords require special maintenance, they seem to be busy every day with a dedicated magician.

"I can't use a very good one unless I buy it inside Mizuho."

It seems that what you can get here is enough for use on the battlefield.

"Can't I get a magic sword?"

"That's a hassle to maintain. I was nervous when I asked the price."

Even if you capture it, you can use it for only a few weeks without special maintenance.

And the maintenance technology seems to be out of doors.

The price is a terrible price because it is a magic tool.

"Is it possible to get Haruka's bride to get Haruka?"

"No, isn't it impossible?"

As Elle said, it would not be so easily available.

Because it is a technology that supports the superior quality of the Mizuho military.

"Are you going to get Haruka in your wife?"

"Haruka doesn't have a man who promises to get married."

From the lessons of the past, this story seems to be correct.

"If you learn sword techniques, you will kill Haruka's brother ..."

I didn't know if it would be that easy, but Elle would have been more talented than I would be.

"Hahahahaha! My love will be fulfilled this time!"

"If you say that, you have a bad feeling about it."

"I can't do that."

After that, four people go to bed in bed, but there was one problem here.

"Goooooo! Funu! Please squeeze and break that neck!"

"The last minute!"

"After all it is May fly ..."


I wanted to sleep with my wives because of my newlyweds, but I couldn't do it because there was a Haruka bed in the women's room, and my guru was snoring and complaining, and Mr Blantark was frustrated in May.

It has been the same for the past three days since I went to sleep together, and it was a place I couldn't get used to, and it was shattering our pale hopes, which I thought was about the first day.

"A married wife can sleep well together."

"I'm going to be really short of sleep."

I and Elle put on my comforter and started working hard to sleep.

I had to give up immediately and cast the magic of “sleep”.

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