Hachinan tte, Sore wa Nai Deshou!

Episode 80: The Story of a Sleepy Politics I Hear Somewhere

"I'm back"

"It looks like something was going wrong."

The meeting for information exchange ended at the end with the news of the demise of His Majesty Wilhelm XIV.

Even though he was elderly, it is hard to tell that he is elderly, as a person who was fine until yesterday died suddenly.

After returning to the guesthouse after the meeting, Eina will be greeted, but the servants and maids in the hall seem to be quite upset by the emperor's emperor in their country.

You can see a few people gathering and talking to each other.

Your boss might get angry immediately, but the great people who should be angry gather and talk to him, so it's a great incident.

"So what happens now?"

"The event of the Goodwill Delegation seems to be postponed to next year."

The work of wizards is finished, but the work of other trade and technology exchange departments is not finished.

The person in charge will be busy at the Emperor's funeral, and while the Goodwill Delegation is coming, Baldesh should be bustling, but now he has to submit to the mourning of his deceased Majesty.

Most members of the Goodwill Delegation had been decided to return home.

"That's the case. We're making noise at sightseeing and shopping, or unscrupulous."

Until the new emperor is decided, Luise realizes that she cannot play in the city of Baldésh, so she seems disappointed.

However, not everyone returns home.

Since the two nations dispatched condolences to each other when the emperor and the king died, some were left to form the condolences as they were.

Because you are already in Baldesh, you will be selected by members of the Goodwill Delegation to save time and money.

"Other people are going to the Majesty's coronation ceremony."

"It's going to take time"

Eina had the expression, "How long are you bound?"

"It's only a couple of weeks at the longest."

"If it takes time to select a successor, you will see a chance in Helmut."

"Yes, that's what Vilma says."

As Vilma says, if you take the time to make a void in the power of the absence of the emperor, you will create a gap in Helmut, a virtual enemy now.

As soon as the Emperor's funeral is over, an extraordinary aristocracy parliament will be held to vote for the new emperor.

"You choose the emperor by vote"

"Because ordinary ordinary people can't run for the candidacy, it's no different from the kingdom."

90% of the members of the Aristocrat Congress are aristocrats.

The remaining 10% are large merchants in the politics and commerce classes, or large masters who run large-scale workshops.

"Because I can only run from the head of the central Imperial Family and seven Electors."

"That means, therese-sama?"

"I told you before. I will decline this time."

Therese was unequal if the emperor came out of the same house for a short time or continuously, so Terese said that the Duke of Philip would not run again.

Because the person himself says so, there must be no doubt.

The rest may be another problem if you run for a woman head.

"Balance of hometown ..."

"Complete rigging"

"I know ..."

As Vilma pointed out, I don't care because it is not my country.

It is common in ministerial posts and in our country.

"So, can we remain?"

Some people are already preparing to return to the country because of the situation.

In particular, all wives and children brought by the noblemans cannot return to see the scenes of the Empire being busy preparing for the funeral and playing in the mourning Bardesh. Preparations were underway.

"Because it's an escort, it's left"

Elle is a pure escort and can be left half-escorted because the Elises are also adventurers.

Despite returning family members and associates, other nobles left the same butlers and guards, so it was a natural right.

"Is a fun overseas trip a funeral ceremony and a nervous new emperor's coronation ceremony?

Lell sighs and complains, but I feel the same.

The nature is worse than funeral at the travel destination or rainman.

At least I had to pray that I was not a funeral man.

"I'm glad you brought a formal dress that can be used for funerals."


As Luise says, while preparing for departure, Roderich told me to put on a magic bag with a formal dress that could be used for funerals for all.

Because I'm a magician, I don't mind wearing a robe, but the nobles left me saying that if I could, I would like them to change clothes and get dressed with them.

"Roderich is like a mother."

"I can tell you."

That's exactly what Ena says.

Speaking of which, when my mother from a previous age tried to go out as a child, he often said, "If it's a weather forecast, it may be rainy, so please bring a folding umbrella."

Similar to it is similar.

"Vel-sama, Therese-sama will not return."

"I will not return as expected."

I don't do it.

Because she is a duke who has been elected Elector, she must lead the funeral preparation.

Surely, he is busy preparing for the night.

"When is the funeral?"

"I don't think it's so far. It's a funeral service for the Emperor."

Elise seems to be worried about the funeral schedule.

However, it is not the day after tomorrow, like a Japanese funeral.

Since we can't go out to play, we spend time training swords and magic in the garden of the guesthouse, but the funeral date will be decided a week later.

The messenger officially came and left the invitation.

And therese-sama never returns to the guest house.

I think you are busy preparing for the funeral.

"Are the local nobles in time?"

"Everyone will not be in time."

After the funeral, there will be an aristocracy parliament to decide the next emperor, so that nobles who are members of parliament should be in time.

No, those who don't make it are not considered worthy of lawmakers.

So a funeral after a week would be fine.

I tell Katarina my thoughts.

"If you are elected as a nobleman, there will be a magic communicator in your residence!"

"Guru. Where have you been so far?"

"I'm eating!"

"Is that so……"

If other nobles seem to go to play, they can actually think of some sort of information collection, but it is unlikely that a guru who pushes me to the reporter of the meeting.

Because it's your guru's favorite guru's meditation technique that you usually really do clowns.

However, he really enjoyed himself, so there was no need to worry about it.

"I heard that they were using a magic communication device that was excavated from underground archaeological sites in the past, not a small portable device!"

It is difficult to move because a large radio is a magical thing, but it is said that it will be rented and installed in a mansion if elected as a nobleman.

They can receive urgent communications, so they can make funeral or meet for the next emperor.

"If you're late, you'll get the worst disqualification without a member of parliament."

Continuously, Mr. Blantark also appears.

He was also nominated as a surviving group on behalf of Breichrader.

"The sovereignty is owned by the Empire, because if you become a member of parliament, you will be loaned out, and if you leave the parliament, you will have to return it."

Every year, a small number of members are replaced.

(4) Those who are newly appointed because of the prosperity of the house, and those who decline and are removed from parliament.

The scene where an imperial officer recovers a magic communicator from a resigned parliament mansion seems to be a sad sight in an empire as written in a book.

On the other hand, if a concubine is appointed and a magic communicator comes to the mansion, some people may have a party or a festival.

It's exactly the rise and fall.

"Because of the early information, the members of parliament are ready for this funeral. Domestic patriarchs in the center and those whose territory is closer to Baldesh are also in time."

People who can't make it in time are going to attend a prayer or pray, since a preliminary funeral will be held after the funeral.

"There, it's split up and down."

We are invited to this funeral, so we will go to it.

"So was it the parliament for the next emperor election?"

"It's decided by voting by members of the Diet."

The number of members is about 500.

From there, candidates from the Imperial Family and the Seven Duke's are running, and they will give a speech at the appointed time.

Talk about your domestic and diplomatic policies within a set time, and listen to them and vote for those who are deemed the best by lawmakers.

"If you take the majority, you win."

If the vote is broken, it is said that the lowest candidate is removed and the ballot is repeated.

The rules around here were common on the earth.

"But it doesn't take much time this time because there are only four people this time."

The late Majesty heard that the duke of Metternich was from the family.

The predecessor says that there is no candidate for the duke of Philip because there is a great grandfather like Therese.

In that case, I feel like it would be useless if six people did not appear.

"They have declined because they are old."

It seems that there is a custom that only the owner can run for the company, and if the owner is over 60, he declines.

"If you die soon, it will take time to select again, and the longer the reign of one emperor will be, the more stable your reign will be."

It is possible that the country will decline if a useless person maintains government for a long time, but it is a vote to eliminate it.

It is not absolutely the same in every world.

"Does it end in a day?"

"It really takes three days"

One person has half a day to give a speech and a question and answer session.

It seems to be a three-day schedule because it is decided by voting on the last day.

"It's long. I don't care because I don't participate separately."

Until the new emperor is decided, he will stay in the guest house.

Before the new emperor takes the throne, the entire Arkart Holy Empire is mourning, so regardless of his or her status, going out for play purposes will be self-restrained, and theaters and entertainment areas will also be closed.

"No, we go to the conference hall, too."


"Because the neighboring emperor will be elected, it will be normal to gather information. It is an important work of the Earl."

Blantaq has an expression saying, "What are you taking for granted?"

(4) Since the visiting friendship group was dispatched by the kingdom, as long as the members remain, there is an obligation to examine and report on the policies and people of the new emperor.

"This country is not so powerful as an emperor. The other candidates who are defeated are political forces that cannot be ignored depending on the number of votes."

Because it is like a leading opposition party, it may be necessary to gather information on this.

"I know that, but why can't we go without it?"

"Being a member of the Goodwill Delegation"

To Blanctaak's obvious opinion, we drop our shoulders.

Former non-partisans who have never even been elected in the past, I longed to return home early in anticipation of the boredom that will last for more than half a month from now on.


"Don't sleep. Earl."

Eight days after the sudden death of His Majesty the Emperor, I was listening to a long speech while shrinking at a visitor seat at the Aristocrat Congress Hall near the Imperial Palace.

The funeral held yesterday was finished safely by the preparations of Therese-sama.

Many attendees, from nobles to ordinary people, came to the funeral, and we had to listen to the priest's sermons on a fairly large head as the representative of the Helmut Kingdom.

In such a seat, the shaven preaching is common in every world and every country.

After sweating in the morning training, taking a bath and eating breakfast, we could only hear the magical spell of sleep, and were going to fall asleep many times.

I thought I was angry, but looking closely, the counts of Schulze were a bit sleepy.

Unlike our decorations, they may have been tired because they were busy collecting information.

And the same goes for today's extraordinary parliament for the election of the emperor.

At the time of the first Duke of Brandenburg, everyone seemed to be asleep.

If you look closely, unlike us who are just visitors, you're a legislator, but there's a person who's just sleeping.

You may have been busy at the funeral, but what about the parties sleeping?

I'm a little worried about the empire's politics.

"You're sleeping."

"It's a bad adult sample."

"Mr. Blanc Turk. There is a bad sample next to it."

As Luise pointed out, the trainer slept lightly when he thought he was quiet.

"I'm a guru."


"Is your eyes open?"

"I think it's rude to say this, but it's really creepy."

The guru did fall asleep, but his eyes remained open.

I think it's quite dexterous, but as Eina says, it's just creepy.

Combined with its appearance, the child will surely cry when seen.

Counts Schulze and others did not even look at the guru and listened to the speech while fighting sleepiness.

He would have avoided the risk of accusing the teacher of falling asleep face-to-face.

"I can get the manuscript of the speech without asking separately."

Along with the question and answer session, the stenographer will write down the information, put it on paper, and distribute it to lawmakers and officials.

Because you can get it here, there was no problem even if you slept.

"It's just important, though."

"Nevertheless, no matter who, there's not much change in policy."

Because the emperor was elected in a peaceful and stable era, no matter who came to the conservative middle class, there was no change in policy.

Continue the ceasefire and gradually conclude a non-war treaty and expand trade.

Do you want to lift the ban on people going in and out?

Continue efforts to increase national power by opening the territory of demons and developing undeveloped land.

Proceed with the development of magic technology as before.

From the afternoon, Duke of Baden will give a speech and a question-and-answer session, but their policies were not so different.

The reason why development priority areas are different is that the area where one's territory is located is prioritized.

Otherwise, you won't be able to get the votes of lawmakers from the same area.

Because people do not move without interests.

Even after eating lunch, I slept so much that I died.

The member of Parliament who has been dozing in his previous life is "Kishikara! This is certainly sleepy.

Almost all members of the parliament seemed to be fighting sleep.

"Is there tomorrow too!"

Elle was standing by my escort all day, and was tired uselessly.

I'm just listening to a spell-like speech while standing up, but I feel more tired than when I'm moving.

"It's painful for adventurers a whole day just to hear the story."

Katarina was walking on the road to the guesthouse, rubbing her sleepy eyes.

"I'm sleepy and hungry."

"Let's go home and eat something."

"Yes, Elise."

Vilma was falling asleep halfway, but Elise was a perfect superman, so she took notes and listened seriously to the end.

It is a feat that ordinary people cannot imitate.

"Is Elise not sleepy?"

"The cure magic of 'Saint' is the magic that makes you sleepy."

"I did not know……"

This magic was developed to prevent the priest from falling asleep during his boss's sermons.

Indeed, it's a magic that never touched me who wasn't approaching the church except for donations.

In addition, the priest seems to be a human after all.

"Tomorrow, there will be a speech from one of the most popular people."


"Someone has a slightly different policy."

"I know that information well."

"I'm from my grandfather, so I'm going through the church."

Although the religion of the Helmut Kingdom was Catholic and the religion of the Arkart Holy Empire was Protestant, in fact 30% of the people of the Arkart Holy Empire were Catholic.

The church may have obtained information on its own.

"Well, do you know the Duke of Nuremberg?"

Suddenly you hear a voice from behind, and your arms are folded at the same time.

The wonderful softness that you feel in this arm will definitely be that person.

"It's been a long time since His Majesty passed away."

"The concubine stayed at the Imperial Palace in preparation for the funeral. It's been Venderin after a long absence."

The chest was pressed further on my arm, and I felt a sense of bliss in its softness.

"(Just like a drug ...) And who is the Duke of Nuremberg?"

"I'm a bit extreme guy."

The other emperor candidates are around the mid-thirties to mid-forties, and their policy is only based on the policy of His Majesty Wilhelm XIV.

However, the Duke of Nuremberg is 22 years old this year.

It is said that he is a young ambitionist with blue eyes, like a sharp eagle, on a large, forged body with short mowing blondes.

"The territory is adjacent to the territory of the Imperial Family and is a house that has prospered in Bumon for generations. Most of the head is a little cheerful, but the modern generation Max is a pure culture and a genuine nationalist."

If you want to further grow the Urquhart Holy Empire, you need a southern cruise and now you are ready.

She seems to have no hesitation in speaking around.

"It's dangerous"

"It could be dangerous, but it could be bluffing."

Since all candidates will only say the same thing in their speeches, they may say extreme things to stand out.

However, at present the war is difficult, so if you actually become an emperor, it is unlikely that a war will occur.

Mr. Therese expected that.

"Is there a budget increase to get military support?"

"Can it be normal?"

It will be tomorrow, so it would be useless if we could predict it any more.

I finished my talk, returned to the guest house, enjoyed a dinner with a bath, entered my room, and there was a negligee Therese-sama waiting again.


"This room settles down because my Majesty died and my concubine was busy at the funeral and couldn't return."

Therese-sama talks to me again while drinking aquabit hot water.

"I'm taking care of my deceased Majesty."

He was only ten years old and succeeded to the Dukes of Phillippe, and he seemed to be a very good guardian of Therese, who did not know anything.

"Otherwise, the concubine would still be a puppet."

Furthermore, if you think that your life may have been shortened due to unnecessary efforts due to your own son-in-law, etc., Therese-sama makes her expression dark.

"(Is the beauty of melancholy beautiful after Carla ...) I've heard that His Majesty's public affairs are intense, so nothing is to blame only for Therese-sama, and because she loved Therese-sama. With such a dark face, your Majesty cannot go to heaven with peace of mind. "

"Wendelin, you're kind."

That's why I feel like I'm going to lose my reason because of the feeling of Telese-like.

"Telese-sama. Is it timely unscrupulous?"

I try to do something, but Terese-sama makes a ridiculous statement.

"My Majesty was also worried about her son-in-law. I will give her the right to fully seed her concubine to reassure him."

"(I'll do it again!)"

It was a radical statement that jumped out again, but today it was stopped by intruders.

In opposition to Therese-sama, the Elises in the form of silk nightgowns took off all at once when they entered the room.

"I had that kind of invisibility."

"I bought this at a lingerie shop last time."

Elysee is black, Eina is blue, Luise is red, Vilma is green, and Katarina is yellow to compete with Therese.

We were showing us our negligee figure.

"Therese-sama, it's married couple time."

"That's too bad"

"I'm sorry. The couple is the priority."

"Yes. The couple has priority. The color is like the quadruplet at the last banquet ..."

"Interruption is strictly prohibited ... Everyone. Isn't this embarrassing?"

It was Mr. Therese who was overwhelmed by the appearance of five negligees, but she was immediately taken out of the room by being held by Virma, who is proud of her power.

"You. I'll keep guarding everyone, so don't worry."

"I'm saved, but are you OK?"

There are many doubts about my attitude toward Therese.

Because she hasn't used to women since her last life, she feels bad if she denies too strongly, and she also thinks that she is a big noble and may cause a conflict between the two countries.

I understand that the other side is using it, but she is troubled because she is attractive as a woman for bad things.

Actually, I noticed recently, but I may like older women than I thought.

"In your position, we think that it is difficult for Terese to refuse face-to-face, so we have eliminated it, making it seem to be purely a female battle, not a noble family."

If I directly eliminate Therese-sama, some people will assume a relationship between the nobles, but if Elise eliminates it, it can be thought that it is the result of a fight between women.

Elise explained to me that.

"Instead, you must have loved us enough."

"It's exactly what Elise says. The couple's misconduct provides a chance to exploit Therese-sama."

"In other words, it means that we have no eyes except for us."

"Therese is persistent. You have to do it thoroughly."

"It's exactly what Vilma says. He's stronger than Wendelin thinks, so he can say a little bit more."

These Elises saved me a lot, but I have to answer with gratitude.

I forgot that I was mourning that night, and I was squeezed out of five people.

"Well, too, was captured in a prison called marriage. So, even if Her Majesty the Emperor is decided, I can't go to the red light district."

"Mr. Elvin. As I said before, there should be no play woman for Wendelin."

"Ell is still the same."

"I say that, so I'm frustrated by my favorite woman."

"Ell has no sincerity."

"That's right. If you meet in the afterlife, you won't get married."

The next morning, when he got out of the bath, he was teased last night by El, who had finished his early training, but he was knocked out from the morning after receiving a verbal counterattack from Elise and others.

"Everyone is too merciless. I try to heal the shock of broken heart ..."

After preparing to go out again, enter the visitor seat of the aristocratic assembly hall, and the third candidate will start speaking immediately.

He was a good calm man in his mid-thirties, dressed in good-looking but expensive clothes.

He will be about as old as Breichrader.

"It's Walter, who ran from the central imperial family."

The Arkart Holy Empire votes for the emperor, but there is an imperial family in central control of the territory.

The Duke rank is the Great Duke's house above the Duke, and if no emperor comes out of this house, they are treated like the bureaucracy supporting the emperor.

The emperor was able to hire the human resources he used within the budget he set, but that was not all.

The rule of the Empire required the cooperation of the imperial family.

That part may be an advantage for the imperial family.

"The emperor from another house cares about the imperial family. This is it."

Because they manage the territories and generate budgets, they are very careful.

Indeed, it doesn't matter if the other family members become emperors by voting.

"I can't do anything very innovative."

"That's it."

By the way, the candidates all say something similar in their speeches.

"But it's still His Majesty the Emperor. The imperial family will try to regain it, and the rest of the house will run for honor and interest."

"So that's it"

The central elite, Duke Walter's speech, did not differ much from the previous day.

In the current political situation, it may be difficult to make a novel policy.

"If he wins, he'll be Arkart XVII."

It was the name of the emperor, but when the person of the central imperial family was elected, he chose the name of Arkart, and when another person came, he chose among several candidates.

His Majesty's Majesty chose Wilhelm, who has many reputed emperors.

On the other hand, there are several emperors whose reputation is bad and cannot be chosen again.

"Finally the last duke of Nuremberg"

I heard you're quite a hawk, but what kind of speech do you really give?

I'm a little interested and listen, but his speech was extreme.

"My Urquhart Holy Empire is facing a serious crisis now!"

Suddenly, there were surprises, such as Therese-sama sitting in the upper legislative seat, other candidates, and even the unappointed Duke of Hohenzollern and Duke of Meissen.

"Now the neighboring country of Helmut is about to grow big!-Why?-Because a hero has appeared!"

The point where the Duke of Nuremberg turned his gaze like a hawk on me was sitting in the seat.

He may be a mentor, but he still snores with his eyes open in this situation.

It can be said to be the mental power of the threat.

"(Huh! Me?)"

"The hero defeated the legendary ancient dragon at the age of twelve, opened the Parquenian meadows by defeating the old dragons. Parquenian meadows are now being developed as large granaries."

Indeed, the Parquenian grasslands we opened are being developed as large-scale granaries.

The Duke of Nuremberg seems to be collecting information without a hitch.

"And even more! The number of large, magically-operated airships in the workshops of the ancient master craftsman Earl Ischlberg has increased! The number has already more than doubled the difference between the two countries ! There is also a trial run and training of a super giant magic airship with the name of! The official assignment of this will be a matter of time! ”

Both countries do not have the corresponding size of the magicite, and they store a large number of large magical airships that do not move even when excavated.

It was clear that the balance was broken because of us.

"Development of the southern tip of the undeveloped land has begun! Furthermore, the opening of the large mining area of Hertania Valley has been completed! Unless this gap is filled, Japan will not be able to avoid the northern campaign of the Helmut Kingdom in the future. Yes! "

Earl Schulze, who had been on the tour seat, uttered a word on the threat of the Helmut Kingdom, who did not wear clothes on his teeth.

In the past, it seems that nobles of the Helmut Kingdom occasionally toured Congress, but none of them drankly discussed the threat of our country.

"It's because it's diplomatically rude or irritating something strange?"

"That's right."

More than two hundred years since the ceasefire, there are no experienced combatants.

After passing through the throat, forget the heat, or the opinions of non-mainstream and younger generations who want war are growing so large that they can not be ignored, and both countries are using their efforts to extinguish the fire.

"Because the elderly and the mainstream people are in good shape now."

On the other hand, there are many non-mainstream people who want to get up, some who want to get a job start in the military, and some merchants who think that it will be profitable if a war occurs.

It is no use telling them to consider the whole interest.

Because we can not get up with the current system, we want to destroy the current situation by war.

Actually, most of the military members who gave a strong opinion were mid-sized and smoking.

"Expansion of trade is a matter of course in promoting domestic development! But we also think that we need to strengthen the army! In fact, the military budget in the Helmut Kingdom is slightly increasing!"

As the opening of the Parkenian prairies increased the number of defense districts, so did the number of soldiers and posts, and the Air Force increased its staffing to make the basement dog a magic airship hidden underground. I have.

The work and posts of the Guard have also increased in the Hertania Valley.

Because it is necessary, the military budget is increasing, albeit slightly.

"To counter this, the armament must be enhanced in quantity and quality even in my Arkart Holy Empire!"

While listening to the speech, cheers and applause are heard from members of the law who are closely related to the military.

For those in the army, increasing the budget is welcome.

There aren't many reasons why you really want to go to war.

For those at the top of the army, it would be fine to increase the budget, but given the risk of losing, many people opposed the war itself.

"(I want you to increase your military budget because of threats to neighboring countries whose national strength is increasing. That's what I mean ..."

Although it is an inciting speech, the method of increasing support is quite strong.

Even without being an emperor, this young ambition duke of Nuremberg would be something the Helmut Kingdom should be aware of.

"Just because it was safe, crossing it is a milestone to its destruction! The next emperor needs to carry out reforms, sometimes painful, in response to the volatile relationship between the two countries. I promise, Max Erhard Halmin Almin von Nuremberg will lead the true prosperity of the Empire! "

A significant percentage of lawmakers applauded the speech of the Duke of Nuremberg.

It was worth listening to compared to the previous three plain speeches.

In a later Q & A session, the Duke of Nuremberg answered the question with a whirlpool.

I am worried about sharp eyes and eyes, but they are also characteristic and stand out, and I am young and my face is not bad.

Speaking is better than anything.

Looking at the way he answered the questions, he was certainly a very smart person.

"(Just ...)"

In the past, Hitler and Mussolini and other dictators who were good at addressing the earth existed in the past.

And the people who chose them were later unhappy.

"(Maybe it's because it's not my mind, it's not Helmut Kingdom ...)"

Despite feeling a little bit caught, we returned to the guesthouse after the endorsement speech by the four candidates was over.

"Reputation of the Duke of Nuremberg? Not bad"

After dinner, it would be annoying to be squeezed every day with a negligee.

There was also a guru and Blanc-Taak who gathered for Mr. Therese, and they and I were drinking, and Elise were drinking tea and talking about a two-day speech.

"He's been a long-suffering figure of radical southernism, but he hasn't built up his armaments in his territory of the Duke of Nuremberg, which would disrupt financial discipline."

Instead, he seems to be actively working on elaboration by spearheading himself.

`` Demon hunting is included in the military training content ''

Employ adventurers as leaders to hunt in groups and withdraw successfully before the monster group is not activated.

In addition, they helped with the maintenance and clearing of highways, called campsite construction training, and hired unemployed workers to join the military.

Thanks to that, the number of unemployed people in the Duke of Nuremberg is less than others, and the security is not bad because the military is moving around with training.

Terese asserts that the administration is basically a good politics and is popular with the nations.

"It seems that the army is strong in a group."

"I'm not wrong"

The army is unlikely to be a leader, so the army is more likely to be accustomed to group action if a war occurs.

It does not mean that he has neglected his personal martial arts training, and that the princes of the Dukes of Nuremberg are known to be the strongest of the Urquhart Holy Empire.

"What about wizards?"

"It's not that different from other dukes."

Since the center tends to surround an excellent wizard, even a duke can hardly hire an advanced wizard.

It seems that he is turning a limited number of wizards.

"So is the Duke of Nuremberg likely to be the next emperor?"

"It will be difficult"

Many hoped for a young and talented Duke of Nuremberg, but the politics of the Urquhart Holy Empire was not extremely bad.

Regarding policy, many people think that it may be better to change the current flow little by little, and it is generally expected that the Great Duke will win and the emperor will become an arcart after a long time It has been rumored that there is no such thing.

"Sure, the Duke is the most popular bet."

"Are you betting?"

"When I chose the emperor, I heard that it was a must-have!"

While saying, the guru shows us a single wooden wallet.

When you look at it, you bet unexpectedly and consistently bet on the most popular Grand Duke.

"Are you not aiming at the hole and letting others do it?"

"Count Bauister, betting is meaningless if you win!"

"It's a good word ..."

"Before that, there are a lot of questions ..."

Is it okay to bet as a mentor, or is the betting act itself not illegal?

Eina and Luise seem to be quite worried.

"Betting itself is no problem because the body is an empire."

"Is it sponsored by the Empire?"

"Yes, because your Majesty's funeral and entertainment-related facilities will refrain from opening up to the throne of the Emperor. Do you need some entertainment below?"

Katarina seems to have no surprise in her explanation.

"I don't understand at all."

"Betting is the most lucrative of the body"

"Vilma is boring. It's an interesting guy. On the other hand," Storm "is serious."

In fact, Virma's words were mixed with poison for the government, but when she noticed, Therese-sama praised her with a laugh.

"Whatever you do, you need something in advance. After all, your budget is limited."

"Does the Duke of Nuremberg become the next emperor by mistake?"

"Is Elise watching the Duke of Nuremberg?"

Like me, Elise seems to be on the lookout for the Duke of Nuremberg.

She was based on information from her grandfather, but I could only think and know from previous life.

"In terms of the number of votes, will we be third if we do well? I don't think there's any turmoil this time."

No matter how popular, it is the legislator who votes.

It is said that there are many people who have to be included in others due to territorial relations, blood relations, factions, interests, etc.

"Well, do you sleep early to prepare for tomorrow?"

On that day, there was no night crawling of Therese-sama, so the day after I slept normally, the voting for the next emperor had finally started.

"I guess I'll repeat voting until someone gets a majority vote ..."

First, the first voting will take place.

Members of the Diet hold a ballot, write it down with a quill and put it in the ballot box.

As soon as all members have voted, the votes are counted and counting begins.

All this work is done in front of lawmakers to prevent fraud.

"The result is another poll!"

Enter the second vote according to the declaration of the official who was the tallyer.

The first result was the favorite Duke, 221 votes, Duke of Nuremberg, 111 votes, Duke of Brandenburg, 97 votes, and Duke of Baden, 71 votes.

Therese was disappointed, and Duke of Nuremberg was in second place.

He seems to be more popular than expected.

First of all, the lowest rank, Duke of Baden, will pass out and the remaining three will re-vote.

"Next, is the Grand Duke taking the majority?"

"It looks like Therese-sama is reading that."

I kept talking to Mr. Blantaq today without seeing a guru sleeping with my eyes open.

"Is it like that in terms of percentage of votes?"

However, the next voting will cause upheaval.

"The result is another poll!"

There were many members of the parliament who were nervous, probably because of the unexpected.

The Grand Duke had 249 votes, and could not get the majority.

After that, Duke of Nuremberg received 154 votes, and Duke of Brandenburg received 97 votes, which determines the drop of Duke of Brandenburg.

Although Duke of Brandenburg is surprised, he does not seem to be able to become an emperor, but rather seems to be surprised that Duke of Nuremberg is in second place.

"Well, I think the Grand Duke is certain to win ..."

The problem is that even Telese did not read the flow of votes.

71 votes from Duke of Baden, who was fourth in the first vote.

The fact that more than half of this has flowed to the Duke of Nuremberg may be the belief that even if a vote for the Duke was rumored to have won, most would not be given any special treatment.

"After that, did a merchant vote flow?"

10% of the seats are non-noble.

Most merchants with overwhelming financial resources, such as poor aristocrats, and large masters of large workshops occupy the majority, but they may be thinking that they want to expect the new economic policy of the Duke of Nuremberg.

"This is the last vote!"

The third voting started, and the counting and counting proceeded quickly.

The Grand Duke has 267 votes, and the Duke of Nuremberg has 233 votes.

The results were as expected, but the popularity of the Duke of Nuremberg could not be underestimated.

"This means that the upcoming emperor needs some attention to the Duke of Nuremberg."

Unexpected results indicated that the Counts of Schulze, who were on the tour seat, were included in the draft report.

It seems that he was alarmed by the rise of the young and radical Duke of Nuremberg.

After all, he is a southernist.

"Because he's still young, he may run for the next emperor election."

"I can't say it's not there."

Nevertheless, the threat will likely be decades later, and it is the Kingdom of Helmut that responds to it.

I have no choice but to worry about it now, and sincerely wished to return to the territory after the coronation ceremony.

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