Gunfire, Punk and Necromancer

Chapter 574 Chapter 571 Full of meat buns

The raindrops beat rhythmically against the glass windows, and the crackling sound mixes with the last heat of late summer, making people just want to stay in an air-conditioned room. Garlic is cooking in the pot, and a slightly spicy aroma spreads from the kitchen. The kitchen was empty with the lights on, and the small alarm clock that had been set for countdown was ticking. Morgana was sitting on the sofa in her pajamas and reading a book. Her feet without socks rubbed the white fur of her fleshy bun. The latter was groaning and wanted to sleep but couldn't.

The sound of sirens came from a distance and then went away. Morgana turned her head and listened for a moment, curled her lips, and focused on the novel in her hand again. She is no longer on duty on the front line, and the work in the Physical Evidence Analysis Section is monotonous, boring, and boring, so the conditioned reflex formed by the siren has not been completely eradicated. To be honest, the security situation in Peicheng is much better now. The PCPD has regained control of all neighborhoods and patrol work is safer than before. Investigation after investigation by the company forced the gang to downsize. The middleman led the mercenaries to beat up the fallen dogs and steal or rob a large amount of gang resources. Eventually, gang activity all but disappeared, a situation that would have been unimaginable just a year ago.

The helicopter flew over the roof of the building, and the tremor caused by the airflow made Meat Bun prick up his ears. Morgana shook her head, mentally cursing the helicopter pilot. "You don't fly a plane like this. Flying so low is just to show off, you bumpkin!"

Meat Bun turned his head and stared at Morgana with his big eyes. Suddenly, it sniffed, its ears stood up, and it stood up suddenly, pushing Morgana onto her feet.

Before Morgana could raise her hand, Meat Bao had already rushed out, threw himself at the door, scratched and scratched, and made a whining sound from his mouth. Morgana was stunned for a moment, got up from the sofa, took out the gun under the pillow, hid it behind the pillar in the living room, and looked in the direction of the door with one eye.

The lock turned and the door opened. Roubao whined and rushed over, and then he was wrapped in someone's arms, his head pressed and rubbed. "Haha, let me see if you have gained weight? Do you miss me? Do you miss me?"

It was Zhuang Xuteng who came through the door, and Morgana stood out from behind the wall, holding a gun in one hand and covering her mouth with the other, about to cry in a minute. Zhuang Xuteng hurriedly moved the meat bun behind him, rushed forward, hugged Morgana, and said, "I'm back. Are you okay?"

"You can still come back... I thought you had been killed..." Morgana felt the strength and warmth of Zhuang Xuteng's embrace until his hands began to become dishonest. So Morgana slapped her lover on the head, grabbed his long hair, and asked him to look at the east wall of the house.

"Eh? Why is there a black and white portrait of me? Is there a fast energy bar underneath? This can't be what I thought..." Zhuang Xuteng looked down at Morgana and said, "I'm not dead! This thing doesn’t bode well.”

"I know, but I always need a way to see you. I...I couldn't find your photo at all, so I had to ask someone from the Criminal Investigation Department to draw a portrait of you."

"No wonder he looks like a wanted criminal. His eyes are a bit fierce, not like me..."

"Being fierce is good, being fierce is powerful. Wouldn't it mean coming back alive from the outside?" Morgana raised her hand to touch Zhuang Xuteng's face and stared into his eyes. Reality and memory finally met in perfect harmony at this moment. , only a little bit worse.

"Ouch! Why are you pinching me?" Zhuang Xuteng grinned, not daring to struggle or break free, let alone use the disintegration effect or bone shield technique or damage transfer to defend himself. "I'm not dreaming, you're not dreaming! Ouch, ouch, hey..."

"Roubao, bite him and see if it's true? Hey, why are you running away? Don't you dare to bite him? It seems like it's true."

"It's true, it's true! I'm back with all my beard and tail intact. Stop touching me, I can't stand the meat bun anymore. There were people from Dingxin Magic who checked me on the way back, and they let me come over. .”

"What? People from the company checked you and then released you? Which identity did you use at that time?"

Zhuang Xuteng curled his lips and said, "I must use the identity of Sen Gang. There is no need to be inspected for anything else."

"Great, it seems that the company has eliminated your suspicion and no longer wants to spend resources on you." Morgana said: "More than half a year ago, someone from them came to talk to me and gave me a lot of life advice. I I can tell that what they mean is that they want me not to care about you, and if something happens to you, I'm not allowed to go crazy."

Bastard, you actually said such nonsense to Morgana? ! Zhuang Xuteng's eyebrows immediately rose and he asked: "Who is it? What bastard did it?"

"If you don't talk about him, it's over. Now that you've come back well, you've already swollen their faces." Morgana was afraid that Zhuang Xuteng would have another conflict with Dingxin Magic's people, so she changed the subject: "During this period , where have you been?"

"I can't say the content of the commissioned task. I can only say that I have been living indoors with a bed and windows. When I buy things, I go to the shops in Constitution City, the capital. I have no shortage of food and clothing, but I am a bit boring and lonely." Zhuang Xuteng used the ghost The Eye of Shadow scanned the entire room and found several suspicious shadow energy reactions.

Morgana raised her hand, put her fingertips on her furrowed brows, and gently rubbed them away. "Okay, don't worry so much, that's it for now. Come, let me check if you are messing around outside..."

Zhuang Xuteng was quickly disarmed and pushed into the bathroom as if he was a newborn. In this case, Morgana immediately discovered that there were new surgical marks on his body, mainly concentrated on his legs, chest and abdomen. Especially on the chest and abdomen, the sutures were very rough, leaving obvious centipede scars.

"Unfortunately, I met someone from the Gardeners' Organization and was in a hurry, so I couldn't sew properly." Zhuang Xuteng saw what Morgana was worried about, so he honestly confessed: "It's definitely not as good outside as at home, but in order to make money, There’s nothing we can do.”

Morgana didn't want to answer this question, she was busy examining Zhuang Xuteng's body carefully. After the implant is installed, thermal conductive strips are generally left on the skin, especially for implants that need to be used with force. On the one hand, it is for heat dissipation, and on the other hand, it is also so that the accumulated shadow energy can have a way to slowly evaporate when the energy is accumulated but not released. Near the heat-conducting strip of the original driving assistance suit implant, Morgana found a new one, which looked and felt more advanced.

Since Zhuang Xuteng was in good spirits and didn't seem to be suffering from the side effects of the implant at all, the new implant was installed and there was no need to ask further questions. But the wound near the elbow of Zhuang Xuteng's right arm was obviously the latest, and it was definitely not a sign of surgery. From the perspective of a PCPD Physical Evidence Investigation Section detective and a student of forensic techniques, this was an open trauma, pierced by something.

"Does it still hurt?" Morgana not only touched it, but also squeezed it hard.

"Hiss... you are so cruel! I don't have armored skin. If you pinch hard, it will definitely hurt me!" Zhuang Xuteng quickly withdrew his arm and pretended to shake. It's true that the broken bone hasn't healed yet, but it can't be seen from the outside except for the scab. "Be careful when you torment me, don't torment me into the hospital."

"Hmph! I might as well break your legs and send you to the hospital. At least that way you can rest assured - I can afford to support you anyway." Morgana asked Zhuang Xuteng to turn around and reached out to untie his hair tie. A long hair was seen flowing down, directly covering Zhuang Xuteng's shoulders and half of his back. At the same time, the smell of expired potion spread, causing Morgana to retch several times.

After staying in the Shadow Realm for more than six months, there was no barber shop, and he did not want his hair to "pollute and damage" the Lich Master's final hometown, so Zhuang Xuteng neither shaved nor cut his hair. After leaving the shadow world, he shaved off his beard with a knife to reveal his face, then tied up his hair, sprayed on a smell-masking agent, and started on his way.

"Do you still want to grow your hair long?" Morgana held her breath and turned Zhuang Xuteng's hair. "No, it's in such bad condition that I probably won't be able to wash it out. Did you cut it?"

"Cut it!" Zhuang Xuteng nodded, and then added: "Take care of everything and let me feel refreshed again!"

They later discovered that the hair was hard and astringent and difficult to cut, so they simply shaved their heads. Morgana took out the brush and rubbed a layer of mud on Zhuang Xuteng, finally making him look "red" and moisturized. The two of them tidied up the house and the cut hair in a tacit understanding, and put them all in the fireplace to burn them.

Soon after, the rain outside became much lighter, so Zhuang Xuteng opened the window a crack to let the smell in the house escape. Morgana sat on the head of the bed, pulled the quilt to cover her lower body, and said straight to Zhuang Xuteng, "What are your plans?"

"I want to gradually withdraw from the mercenary industry. Unless there is a particularly profitable job, or I am helping my former friends, I will not be busy. I also have to guarantee the safety of my master, so I cannot disappear completely and can only be semi-retired. "Zhuang Xuteng stood naked by the window and wiped his sweat with a towel. These words were spoken not only to Morgana, but also to potential eavesdroppers. "I'm going to run the industry well on the market. It's enough to continue to make money and make enough money for daily food and clothing. I've saved a lot of money, which is enough for us."

"I also have money." Morgana nodded slightly and said, "I have a piece of land in the manor where I can build a small house and we will live in it from now on. Meat Bun can have a larger venue for activities. As long as it doesn't cause trouble to the other animals in the manor, it will be fine. If we live in the manor, we can be less harassed by outsiders, and my parents can rest assured."

Zhuang Xuteng thought for a moment, nodded, and said, "Okay. You pay for the land, and I'll pay for it, and we'll build a cozy little home. Do you still go to work? I want to keep a place to live outside the manor. Either closer to your work, or It’s closer to our industry.”

"Okay! Living in the manor is just for peace and quiet, but I also like the excitement outside."

The two talked a lot and did a lot. The next day, Morgana suddenly opened the quilt and sat up: she was frightened awake by the nightmare that Zhuang Xuteng's return was just a dream. She looked around with eyes that were still dazed and tired. She definitely didn't create the messy room alone. Suddenly, the sound of the toilet flushing was heard, and then Zhuang Xuteng opened the door and came out. The bald head was rubbed with baby oil, and it was shiny like a peeled boiled egg.

"Are you awake? Do you want some water? You said you had a rest today, but I wanted you to sleep a little longer so I didn't call you. What's wrong? Why are you crying?"

"I thought you were gone..." Morgana snorted twice and finally stopped crying. She then felt her mouth was parched, so she drank tons and tons of water and finally recovered. "Hey, put on your pants, are you ready to go out?"

"I see there is nothing in the refrigerator. I want to go out and buy some food. Then we won't go out at noon and evening." Zhuang Xuteng said, "After you go to work tomorrow, I will report to Sister Lucy. If there is nothing to do, , just go to Brother Dao’s place and see how other people are doing.”

"They are all very good - them." Morgana emphasized the pronunciation of "them" and made a circle with her index finger. The "they" here refer to Zhuang Xuteng's parents and sister. Morgana had the contact information of their new identities. During Zhuang Xuteng's absence, she secretly maintained her attention and care. At present, it seems that Dingxin Magic has not found and harassed Zhuang Xuteng's family, which is good news. Perhaps Dingxin Demonic Creation felt that there was no need to invest energy. The influence of those ordinary people was far from comparable to that of Morgana, the descendant of the temple. Another possibility: The amulet that Boss Qian left for Zhuang Xuteng is useful and shields the company from threats.

Even though they haven't seen each other for a long time, the tacit understanding between the two people is still there, so Zhuang Xuteng immediately understood what Morgana meant. "We have to build a house and move. Not only do I want to see what kind of business I will run in the future, but there are still a lot of favors to pay back to the middleman, so social things can only be put in the back burner. I have earned enough this time, and there will be no long-term problems in the future. On overseas missions, we can slowly solve these problems."

As long as Zhuang Xuteng comes back alive, Morgana will be happy. Nothing else matters in comparison. She stayed with Zhuang Xuteng until noon, and finally felt a little shy, so she sent Zhuang Xuteng to "busy his career."

If you report to the intermediary earlier, you can understand the current situation in Peicheng earlier. Zhuang Xuteng drove his four-wheel-drive off-road vehicle to the music restaurant. In order to surprise Lucy, he didn't call ahead. When he pushed open the door of the familiar restaurant, Costa Rice, the old man with ribs and rice, showed an expression of disbelief, rubbed his eyes vigorously with his hands, and then came forward with a wild smile.

"Why are you smiling so happily? Why is it like seeing walking banknotes? I never owe food money!" Zhuang Xuteng stretched out his arms and was about to hug him, but he didn't expect Costa to start searching him. He didn't know why, but he didn't stop him. He just said, "Why don't you let me clear my pockets first to make your job easier?"

"Welcome back, but I don't have an appointment for you here, so I have to search you according to the regulations." Costa asked when he touched something, and patted Zhuang Xuteng all over his body. After taking the photo, he opened his palm to show it and said: "Did you see these thin lines? The newly installed implant can scan covert shooting and communication equipment. Why do you do this? Let the boss tell you in detail. Bar."

Judging by the expression on Mr. Pork Rib Rice's face, he knew without asking that the music restaurant had also been harassed by people from the company using various eavesdropping and surveillance equipment. If the client cannot be kept secret, it will be difficult for the middleman and mercenary industry to attract projects.

"Naike, welcome back." Costa smiled and raised his hand to brush away any dust that might have been on Zhuang Xuteng's shoulders. "After you come back, they shouldn't dare to continue dancing around, right?"

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