Gunfire, Punk and Necromancer

Chapter 551 Chapter 548 The Prince Sleeping in the Wind

In the shadow world, Zhuang Xuteng focused on the practice of sensing tentacles and did not care about food. He ate rice porridge that grew out of water. However, his "simplicity" disappeared immediately when he relaxed a little and encountered a large portion of delicious food. Zhuang Xuteng first used the Wraith Jelly and Eye of Shadow to investigate the surroundings to make sure he was not being monitored or followed. Then he jumped to the table and started feasting.

Real cultured meat tastes much better than synthetic meat, but the taste is... a matter of opinion. In fact, synthetic meat can be added with any flavor during production. As long as cultured meat pursues naturalness, there is no way to compare with it in this regard. Moreover, Zhuang Xuteng has mainly eaten synthetic meat since he was a child and is already familiar with the taste. Therefore, he feels that the taste of cultured meat is "a bit weird" and even has some "smell". He has to rely on cooking techniques and spices to cover it up before he can accept it.

"It just tastes juicier when you bite it, and it tastes better the more you chew it. Nothing else matters! It's so expensive, are you defrauding rich people of their money?"

It doesn’t matter if you don’t understand what you eat, as long as your body can absorb the nutrients. Zhuang Xuteng was eating and drinking, expressing various layman's opinions on the diet of the "rich". He missed his wife very much at this time, because Morgana would definitely be able to explain to him the mystery of "cheating money".

Because the food tastes good, chewing and swallowing is a kind of relaxation, but the implant that monitors his body's health issued an alarm, telling him that "the digestive system is not working efficiently." In the past, only toxins or unclean food would cause the implant to alarm. This is the first time that "low working efficiency" has occurred. In order to clarify the specific situation, he opened Brother Flathead, connected the back, used it as a personal assistant processor, and then transmitted the specific analysis results to the Eye of Kaho.

"I lack digestion ability. I need to supplement the following flora medicine? What is the flora medicine?" Zhuang Xuteng wrote down the weird and long pill names, and then turned off the system. Without these medicines to strengthen the digestive system, the most likely outcome would be indigestion and dry stools. There were no other dangers. Zhuang Xuteng could just avoid overeating. Having said that, with the taste of these foods, overeating does not exist.

If Morgana were by Zhuang Xuteng's side, she could explain to him what was going on. Synthetic foods use artificially added energy and nutrients, so they are bound to be cheaper and require some digestive enzymes (synthetic enzymes) to ensure absorption by the body. In this regard, food companies have conducted quite in-depth research and have long understood the human gastrointestinal environment.

Digestive promoters are added in proportion to every portion of synthetic food, saving everyone the trouble of taking medicine. Generation after generation, people become more and more dependent on the constantly upgrading digestive hormones, and the body's original digestive ability begins to degrade, or at least it has become weaker. It is normal for your body to feel uncomfortable when you suddenly start eating natural foods. Even Morgana needs to take some digestive medicine with her meals when she enjoys natural cultured food.

Why aren’t these digestive stimulants directly added to the seasonings? The cheaper the digestion-stimulating hormones, the better, and they are sold to the public; the more advanced and complex the digestion-stimulating drugs are, the better, for the elites to enjoy!

Zhuang Xuteng knew little about this and couldn't enjoy it. After finishing his meal, he rubbed his slightly bloated belly and felt that it would be more convenient to strengthen the energy bar. Just one bite and you have a meal, no need to fill your stomach.

"It's time to find a place to sleep."

Since he is unclear about the current situation in Peicheng, Zhuang Xuteng needs to always be wary of the company's investigative power. He opened two rooms, but he didn't dare to sleep in either room for fear of being caught in a trap.

Make the bed to make it look like someone is sleeping there, and turn on the bathroom light to give the illusion of getting up and going to the bathroom. After that, Zhuang Xuteng jumped out from the balcony of the prince's suite, came outside the building, curled up in the corner of the staircase frame, and slept here.

It's really a shame to spend so much money to sleep here. The only reason Zhuang Xuteng did this was for the sake of the Internet. The hotel has an information network with sufficient speed, and you can use Ping Tou Ge to connect to it. Use Brother Flathead's security filtering function for basic protection, and then follow the methods taught by Nightingale and Rock Bird. Instead of using keyword searches, you just rely on your feelings and use links to click on the relevant news information columns step by step, and then read them.

Do not read for more than a minute at a time.

Isabella died quietly, at least Zhuang Xuteng did not see the relevant news reports. At this time, you must not directly look for content that directly exposes yourself, such as "The impact of Isabella's death on Peicheng". Just look at whether the four major companies and the city government have carried out targeted actions. Zhuang Xuteng clicked on the government page - which was also jokingly called the source of gossip by the two sisters - and the first thing he saw was a piece of news that surprised him: the former PCPD chief Brewer Pace was successfully elected as the new mayor of Peicheng. long.

"It's not time to re-elect yet?"

Zhuang Xuteng browsed quickly and found relevant news: The former mayor and leadership team were attacked by terrorists and died while inspecting the construction progress of the new stadium. The Gardeners organization claimed responsibility for this.

The next news was even more shocking: PCPD's long-term operation successfully closed down the network, the Gardeners organization was wiped out, and Director Brewer Pace became famous.

"Really or not? With PCPD's level of combat effectiveness and work efficiency, can it kill the Gardener Organization?" Zhuang Xuteng expressed doubts. "Is it possible that this is actually the company's doing?"

Of course it is possible, but there is no way to verify it. Zhuang Xuteng quickly browsed the tidbits of Peicheng and felt that except for Brewer Pace's unusual promotion, everything else looked the same as in the past. He also saw in the corner of a news article that Ge Gongdao went to receive an award on behalf of Moat Company for his outstanding contributions in maintaining social order and combating organized crime.

"It seems Brother Dao is safe. In other words, the mercenary and middleman industry is still there." Zhuang Xuteng kept the time limit in mind and immediately disconnected the network and went offline. "Only Morgana's condition is still uncertain. But she will be fine as long as she goes home, right? If something happens to her, it must be me, and there is definitely a wanted order for me on the Internet. Hmm... It looks like there’s no problem, let’s see here first today.”

After his anxiety was relieved, Zhuang Xuteng opened his resentful tentacles to fix himself in the corner of the frame, closed his eyes and slowly fell asleep. The spotlights, neon lights and flying aircraft in Constitution City, the capital, brought him flashing light shows and whistling noises, and the constant wind between the buildings was not suitable for sleeping. However, Zhuang Xuteng used the implant to reduce environmental noise, used meditation to focus on sleeping, and reduced external influences, and finally fell asleep with difficulty.

Just as Zhuang Xuteng fell asleep, five blocks away from him, in a dimly lit motel, Palovich sat on the bed with his upper body naked, letting his left and right hands change his bandages. Zhuang Xuteng never imagined that the Gardeners organization that had been declared "annihilated" still had survivors, and that it was not far away from him; Palovich also could not imagine that the culprit that caused the Gardeners organization to be taken seriously by the company and make great efforts to eradicate it, was five blocks away. outside.

Palovic's bandage stretched from his right shoulder to his left abdomen and was stained gray by blood and exudate. He carefully cut the bandage with his left hand and then slowly peeled it off. A stench spread from the wound. With his right hand, he positioned the infrared lamp to illuminate the wound and held the lit incense closer, hoping to neutralize the stench.

The smell wasn't the main problem, the hard-to-recover injuries were. Palovich did not dare to confront the company's reinforcements like Zhuang Xuteng did, and the enemy he encountered was not the senior manager of the development department, but the special operations team from Dingxin Magic's headquarters, that is, Colonel Taft Guy at that level. He and his left and right hands had no intention of fighting it, and immediately started running away when they sensed something was wrong.

"It was just a scratch, is it so bad?" Palovich looked down at the wound. His skin was in tatters, and pus was flowing out from near the wound that never healed. He has tried various treatments, but none of them have been effective externally or internally. The wound was deteriorating slowly and unstoppably, and would kill him sooner or later.

"We have to make a decision as soon as possible. This skin can no longer be used. Implant surgery is necessary." After observing closely with his right hand, he said: "Currently, the wound is mainly on the skin. If it is penetrated, this strange influence will penetrate below. organs, the situation is even more difficult to deal with.”

"The company monitors all channels for implant surgeries, both covertly and covertly. As long as we walk in, we may be discovered. Our bank account must also be under surveillance, or it may have been sealed, and we only have this little money left... "

"Money is not a problem." Zuo Zuo said: "There are so many rich people in Constitution City, the capital, and they can get money just by moving their fingers!"

"Now is not the time to make money!" The right hand shook his head and said: "I suggest that you directly hijack the doctor who can perform implant surgery and ask him to replace the skin for you. Then kill him afterwards so that he will not be exposed. This It is the only way and the fastest way. Your current situation does not allow you to wait any longer."

Palovic nodded directly and said: "I also thought of this method. This is indeed the best solution at present. But, which implant doctor should we find?"

"There are also a small number of mercenaries and middlemen here in the capital, and there is also a black market for underground transactions. I can put on makeup to investigate. There must be implants for sale there." The right hand said to the left hand: "I will keep sending you location information and situation Report, you and the leader are hiding nearby and are ready to take action at any time under my command. An implant doctor can easily be taken down."

"Don't use force as soon as you come up. We still need him to treat the leader. If he secretly uses means to kill the leader, it will be troublesome." Left hand said: "Use money first if you can use it. Killing him afterwards will do the same." Get your money back—guaranteed treatment first.”

"Okay! Check the communicator. Without further ado, I'll set off right away. I'll go to the Black Market Liaison Station in the Capital City's Xianmin Mall first. You guys can look for a place nearby. It's best to find a car."

After the three of them decided on a plan, they took all their cash and set off. The left hand then stole a car parked on the side of the road and took Palovic with him to wait near the Pioneer Mall. They can only rely on themselves now. Not to mention the police and mercenaries outside, even the remaining members of the Gardeners organization dare not contact them. At this time, no one is sure whether other survivors have surrendered to the company and become bait for their own arrests.

"Who killed Isabella? Who killed Kaho?" Palovich was lying on the back seat of the car. Unable to move, he could only turn on his brain at full power. The Gardeners Organization was definitely framed this time, but it wasn't necessarily a frame-up. The person who killed Isabella didn't create any "evidence" related to the Gardeners, so it wasn't a frame-up. It's just that the company needs an answer and a gesture, so it framed the Gardeners organization and started fighting them.

The destruction of the Gardener organization is not a task that can be completed overnight. The investigation teams of several companies began to make arrangements when Colonel Taft came to Peicheng, and have already penetrated into the Gardener organization. This time, the Gardeners organized an online meeting. Everyone only needed to access their encrypted network to talk, and they didn't even need to show up to complete the meeting. Everyone felt there was no risk. But the company knew the news in advance through an informant and asked the technical staff to prepare the situation. As soon as the participants went online, their location was immediately exposed, and the company's special operations team set off.

Palovich has been a bit "rebellious" recently. He has accepted some of Zhuang Xuteng's ideas and believes that the Gardener organization has no future in conducting explosions against civilians. Even if you don’t dare to blow up the company headquarters, what about the company’s warehouse and production workshop headquarters? He was dissatisfied with some of the bureaucracy within the Gardeners' organization and had been fighting for the right to act independently. For this online meeting, he planned to show his dissatisfaction by being late to attract attention-which saved his life, at least for now.

Although the Gardeners organization was finished, Palovich still felt that he had gained something: now it was certain that someone had killed Kaho and Isabella, and the whole process had not been discovered by the company. This had never happened before. Although it is not that no one can defeat the company's enhancers, the company's enhancers are all organized into teams. If one party is in trouble, there will be support from all directions. It is completely possible to gather a group of enhancers in a short time. No one can defeat such power. Therefore, the Gardener Organization has been studying how to kill enhanced people quickly and quietly.

The study concluded that both cannot be achieved simultaneously. It is currently believed that the best way to deal with enhanced humans is a violent explosion of sufficient magnitude. No matter how strong the armored skin is, there is an upper limit, and the protection of the eyes, ears, throat and other parts is relatively weak and can always be penetrated. The Gardener organization has carefully studied explosions, especially special explosions that can focus energy, in order to prepare for the ambush, elimination and strengthening of people.

The explosion is destined to make a huge noise. The advantage is that it can be controlled from a distance. Even if it fails, there is still the possibility of escaping safely. It's a pity that the explosion technology of the Gardener Organization was destroyed before it matured. But the good news is that someone actually managed to kill the company's enhanced people quickly and silently.

"That person must be found." Palovich said to his left hand: "Even if I die, you must continue to look for clues and find the killer."

"You won't die, and we're not good at finding people. You have to do this."

"Who could it be... This person took action twice in Peicheng. He doesn't look like someone from outside Peicheng. But is there still such a person in Peicheng?" Palovic was confused and took the Safe Blue Painkiller. Slowly fall asleep under the influence of it. In his dream, he vaguely saw Zhuang Xuteng.

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