Gunfire, Punk and Necromancer

Chapter 538 Chapter 535 The Dead World

Master Lich proposed that the information compiled on Zhuang Xuteng's pillar of knowledge should be returned to its original owner. This was of course no problem. But what is the point of imprinting them all on the sick lady?

"Why don't you just compile a book for me?" Zhuang Xuteng asked.

"No. The book can be stolen and read by anyone. Only you can summon the Ghost Banshee. It is safest to put it on her body. Don't worry, the text will be on the inside of the bandage. You don't have to worry about it being used by the Ghost Banshee. See."

"Actually, I can destroy the book after reading it and keep it all in my mind, so that..."

"No!" Master Lich raised his hand and said: "Those things are worth reading over and over again. Merely reciting them will only make you stop at the inherent impression. There is a principle called always reading, always new. Maybe you haven't heard of it, but It’s absolutely right.”

"Well...if you insist, I can't stop you. Um, will this kind of tattoo make summoning more difficult?"

"Essentially, it is just a decorative modification. The difference is that this decorative modification is very complicated and cannot be completed by ordinary apprentices - I am talking about you. If I do it, it will not affect your summoning the ghost banshee - As it has been in the past, so it will be summoned in the future. You summon the Phantom Banshee now and then sit back and wait."

Zhuang Xuteng did as he was told. After the sick lady came out, she stayed in place according to Zhuang Xuteng's order and remained completely still. At this time, the Lich Master began to cast spells. He summoned streaks of blood-red light from the haze, and then threw them at the sick lady, eventually disappearing into the ghost's body, and so on. Zhuang Xuteng was a little worried about the condition of the sick lady, but after careful observation, he found that these light spots would not harm the ghost or even make her feel anything, so he completely let it go.

The whole process lasted three hours, during which Zhuang Xuteng ate something, dug a hole to go to the toilet, and slept for a while using his arm as a pillow. The Lich Master said that it is summer now, the temperature is good, and the ground of the salt lake will not make people feel cold. Zhuang Xuteng confirmed this statement. He took a good nap. After getting up, he yawned and stretched. The fatigue from the previous battle with Isabella was basically gone.

"It's done." The Lich Master lowered his hands, letting the remaining bloody light from his fingertips drip down and return to the earth. "Your ghost has added a command. You say to her: Read, and she will show you the text."

"Let me try!" Zhuang Xuteng rubbed his hands, called the sick lady to him, and then gave the order. I saw the sick lady tilting her head, and then made a gesture of holding her head high. The bandages came off her body and the words were on her skin.

Starting from the neck downward, the chest and abdomen are all densely covered with words, about ten thousand of them. Zhuang Xuteng scratched his head and said: "It feels a bit weird to read like this... Although the ghost's body is flat, I always feel like forcing her to take off her clothes."

"That's a problem with your imagination, and it has nothing to do with spells." The Lich Master said: "After reading a page, just slap it with your palm: slap to the left for the next page, and slap to the right for the previous page. She always remembers where you were last reading. The only thing you can't do is jump to the table of contents: you can only go from page to page."

Zhuang Xuteng tried it, and sure enough he could turn the page. His slap will directly penetrate the body of the sick lady, which will cause some damage to the sick lady, and Zhuang Xuteng can repair it with a little resentment. From this perspective, turning the book will consume resentment, and maintaining the sick lady also requires resentment. This book cannot be read indefinitely.

"Thank you, I like this very much. You took the trouble." Zhuang Xuteng expressed his gratitude to Master Lich, and then asked: "What should we do next?"

"What do you think?" Master Lich asked him instead.

"I don't have a specific plan. This time I came to the Shadow Realm. Firstly, I want to verify whether Dr. Booker's words are true. Secondly, I want to satisfy my curiosity. Thirdly... I'm here to avoid disaster. I'll kill there. If you lose Isabella, the senior manager of the business development department of Dingxin Mochuang Peicheng Branch, you understand that this will definitely produce a series of reactions..."

"It's understandable. When you come here, it will be difficult for the company to track you. But you have to be careful, there are companies in this world." The Lich Master said: "All shadow servants are dug out here. There are also some who are mining, treasure hunting, and those who are called archaeological research but are actually stealing. The company's development team operates in the film world, and they are much more powerful than the business development department."

Zhuang Xuteng frowned and asked, "Master Lich, what happened in your hometown?"

"A huge catastrophe. I used defensive spells to save my life, and I was also trapped by defensive spells. Wall of Sighs, do you remember?"

"Of course I remember. The Wall of Sighs is the name of the company, a barrier they cannot penetrate. Master Lich, you said that the catastrophe was related to the magic experiment. You said that I had low magic power and lack of knowledge at the time and could not understand. Details. Can I understand now?"

Master Lich lowered his head and thought for a moment, then said, "Let's go, let's talk while walking."

The two people were walking on the hazy salt lake. At this time, the surroundings began to gradually darken, as if the night was coming. Zhuang Xuteng was patiently waiting for the Lich Master to find an entry point to explain the history, but suddenly he found that the haze in the area above his head gradually became brighter, while it continued to dim horizontally.

"Dawn has arrived." Seeing Zhuang Xuteng's confusion, Master Lich said: "The haze here is not a completely natural phenomenon, at least it is different from your world. The fog is filled with shadow energy, and it will glow at night. When the sun When it rises and the sky breaks, the haze will fade away and gradually dissipate. After a while, you will be able to see the endless salt lake."

"So it was night when I came?" Zhuang Xuteng sighed: "It's amazing, I really didn't expect this!"

"I didn't expect... You're right, our situation at that time was like this: I didn't expect it." Master Lich said: "If we talk about the most important things in the history of our world, there are probably two things: the establishment of the magic system, see To the gods.”

"There are gods in your world too? I've never heard you mention it. The gods of your world...wait, didn't your gods save me?"

"Seeing God does not mean that he is our God. Don't interrupt me or affect my thinking - I don't want to recall this period of history." The Lich Master rubbed his hands and left the ground to float. He locked his position relative to Zhuang Xuteng, as if this could save some of his energy for telling history.

"Our world is dominated by magic, and everything is done with magic. Planting, breeding, hunting, manufacturing... Magic is used in every aspect of life, just like you used divine magic before and later used technology." Lich Master Said: "There is no god in our world, and there is no such concept at all. If we encounter something that cannot be explained, we use magical elements to temporarily refer to it. Our powerful spellcasters firmly believe that everything in this world can eventually be understood. Interpret, learn and master.”

"That day, we saw the gods, the ascended gods. The power, eternity and beauty they displayed shocked everyone in our world, including me. We saw it as a new phenomenon that could be studied and learned, the gods It immediately became our most popular topic. Later...actually a few years ago, after learning your language, I finally understood: Those gods left your world."

"Our two worlds are very close. Don't misunderstand, physical distance and crystal distance are not the same thing. There is a vast and huge universe outside your world, and every star is the sun. There may be infinite worlds—— The same goes for my world. But in a certain measurement scale, our two planets are very close. This measurement scale is the interlayer of the divine world used by the gods when they ascend. This name was given by some of our great mages. You don’t need to go into it. , just know that there is such a thing.”

"After your gods left, they moved in the interlayer of the God Realm, and then appeared in our world and were seen by everyone. At that time, we only thought that the scene was too spectacular, but now we think about it, it is only terrifying. Not every god is Able to move on, we watched the two gods fall. They stopped, motionless, across our night sky like companions to the moon."

"We have conducted research on the gods, and at this moment we discovered and penetrated the interlayer of the divine world. Your world pursues money, and our world pursues a life that will never be boring. The eternal state of the gods is considered to be the ultimate answer to eternal life, even better than mine. The skeleton frame is much stronger."

Zhuang Xuteng scratched his head and asked, "Is it that good?"

"From a magic point of view, it is indeed very good." Master Lich said: "Eternal life is the ultimate pursuit of life. We have developed a total of seventy-two methods in three directions. Lich transformation belongs to the entity undead method in the direction of death. The other two general directions are living body transformation and body abandonment reincarnation. Among them, the method with the least impact on the body and thinking focuses on body abandonment reincarnation, which is to transfer the mind, will and soul to the newborn baby by some means to live a new life. "

"Then the newborn..." Zhuang Xuteng asked: "Wouldn't the newborn be replaced?"

"This is indeed an ethical issue. We have a special ethics committee. Anyone who abandons his body and reincarnates without approval will be severely punished. Except for a few special cases, the basic principle is to kill." Lich Master said : "Abandoning the body and reincarnating is controlled by others. The transformation method is too difficult to achieve. The success rate of the undead is the most stable, but the side effects on thinking are great and the risks are not small. In summary: everyone who is alive must eat, and the world cannot accommodate so many people; The brains of dead people are diseased, and they will go crazy at some point."

The Lich Master waved his hand in front of him, as if wiping off the dust on the cover of the book titled "Painful Memories", and then opened it. He said: "The gods do not need to consume additional energy, and their spirits are also perfect. We thought we found the optimal solution at the time. Don't rush to refute it. Of course we know that it is only the optimal solution within one stage. The world is so big, it must be There is something better, but we haven't observed it yet. Only with eternal life can we hope to see the splendor of the entire universe."

"With the help of magic, we don't have to worry about eating, so everyone gathers together to study and study the gods. We know about ascension, and we know about going from eternity of existence to eternity of concept... It's too far away." Master Lich shook his head. , paused for a moment before saying: "Everyone is studying the gods, and new results are constantly appearing, and the magic system has been expanded. I was among them at the beginning, and my results were relatively obscure, called "Liches and other entities, undead and gods" "Irreconcilable Contradictions."

To put it simply, a lich cannot take the path of immortality as a god. This research report by Lich Master has been reviewed by experts and peer-reviewed, and is considered to be of great academic value. It is a sad announcement. The living conditions of the physical undead are only better than those of the incorporeal undead (eternal ghosts), and they have always been a "last resort" option. The Lich Master has always wanted to improve his immortality. He has tried almost all conversion methods without success. Now, the path of "God" is also unavailable, so it is indeed sad.

"Everyone is researching, and the wisdom of all the people combined is powerful. Finally, the method to become a god was found. Two people succeeded one after another. They used their own practical examples to prove that the method of becoming a god is feasible, and the simplified method is also feasible."

"As soon as this incident came out, the world was in shock, and everyone asked to become gods. With the approval of the committee, we concentrated our efforts on building a magic circle for becoming gods that belongs to all people. Any magic ability reaches level 11 - the highest level is 20 - and there are already two The magicians of the above descendants are all qualified to use this ritual."

"I'm not interested in this - even if I am interested, there's nothing I can do about it. Seeing other people become gods only makes me feel irritated, so I drove them away and studied alone, determined to find a better way to live forever than gods. Pattern. The problems occurred when I wasn't looking outside."

"There is no free eternal life in the world." Master Lich turned to look at Zhuang Xuteng and asked: "Everyone wants eternal life, everyone wants to become a god, everyone has this strong desire - this state makes Have you thought of anything?"

"Believer," Zhuang Xuteng thought for a moment and then added: "Safe Blue."

"Both are correct. In fact, gods also have consumption, but because it is a new concept to us, some basic research has not been completed. We have taken too big a step. In addition to basic research, we have The subject of research is the Ascended God. The Ascended God is of a higher level than the gods that have been stable in your world for tens of millions of years."

The Lich Master shook his head and said: "We directly turned ourselves into ascended gods. It's okay to say that one or two people have this idea, and this is a problem. When the mass-produced gods exceed a certain limit, it will affect the will of the believers. The demand has created a chain reaction, just like a flood breaking a dam, everyone is dying quickly. The entire world, as long as there are living things with self-awareness, is dying. In less than half an hour in total, the world will die. ”

"Unfortunately, I was the last one to die. Sometimes, I also regret why I had to support the protective shield at that time. The wall of sighs, I did try to sigh at the wall. A dozen students and servants in my protective shield It’s just that death is slower and more painful, and even emergency transformation into a lich cannot stop this process.”

"Besides the protective shield, there is another reason why I am not dead: In this world, I am the person who is most firmly convinced that a lich cannot transform into a god and live forever. My will is completely insulated from the god, and I have long since ceased to transform into a god. Thoughts of the gods.”

"This is how my world has become dead and silent," said the Lich Master: "The sky is about to break, the smog is about to dissipate, and you can take a look at this dead and silent world."

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