Gunfire, Punk and Necromancer

Chapter 427 Chapter 424 Don’t cause trouble

Zhuang Xuteng weighed the pros and cons and decided to rescue the foreign mercenary. If not for anything else, just because he has expertise in explosions, and making him a favor would be beneficial in the long run. If he was just a mercenary with no special skills and no nickname, Zhuang Xuteng would only express regret and would never take action.

But how to rescue is very particular. According to Zhuang Xuteng's standards, unplanned actions should at least not delay the commissioned task itself. So he made an arrangement: "Sister, you get in my car and meet at the meeting point of Plan C; sister, prepare for frontline support and you choose a location yourself. How long will it take?"

Yanque's voice cut in, and she said: "I'm rushing over there, give me twenty minutes, and I promise to set up the base station. But, what's the situation over there now?"

"I'll send it directly from the information network. Please explain it to the captain in detail!" Nightingale's voice sounded breathless during the call. She was probably running. "I'm going to start the car. It's so cold and the steam pressure is slow to build up."

Steam cars have this problem. They must increase the water temperature and pressure before they can run. Moreover, the efficiency of the vehicle battery will also decrease at low temperatures, and the total consumption will increase a lot when driving the same distance. When going on a mission in this kind of weather, a white beast with a gasoline engine would definitely be much better than a steam locomotive, but Zhuang Xuteng also had his own considerations when switching to an armored ferret.

He drove the white beast to the meeting place according to the arrangement of plan No. 3. Nightingale arrived just in time in the armored ferret, and the two vehicles parked side by side. Zhuang Xuteng carried the bag containing the mission tools, opened the door of the white beast's cab, and said to Nightingale who hurriedly left the armored ferret: "The loot is in the trunk, wrapped in petroleum. Please check carefully in case there is a tracker inside. such as."

"I understand, please pay attention to safety and don't act forcefully."

Zhuang Xuteng smiled and nodded, his expression full of confidence. He bent down, got into the cab of the armored ferret, and soon drove the car into traffic. The biggest advantage of choosing an armored ferret is that it is inconspicuous and has a better ability to blend into the Peicheng environment. Especially now that it is daytime and it is still a sunny day, the white beast is easy to track due to its relatively taller size and relatively small number.

The armored ferret, which has been heated up and has sufficient pressure from the steam engine, can run faster than the armored car, which mainly takes advantage of the light weight of the car body. Zhuang Xuteng rushed to the area where Bullmore was trapped while listening to Yanqiao describe the local surrounding environment.

Boomer's job was quite simple, and he did it well. After the blasting alarm was sounded, he did not hesitate at all and immediately began to evacuate. Everything went well at first. He got into his yellow Beetle and headed down the mountain road. But at this moment, he felt that he was being targeted.

The mercenary trusted his instincts. Even if he looked back many times and found no sign of the stalker, he did not dare to take it lightly. Following the common techniques of mercenaries, he drove the car around on the road and into narrow alleys, using this method to screen out potential followers. He failed, and the feeling of being tracked became stronger, but he just couldn't find the source of this feeling.

"Will you encounter a powerful enhancer or a shadow follower?" Bu Moor's inner worry became more and more serious. Fortunately, the worry did not turn into fear. The experience of his mercenary career allowed him to still think calmly. Although it is a bit embarrassing to call for rescue, it is better than losing your life for no reason.

"Yes, I'm being tracked. I'm on the rotating parking lot in the middle of Marshal Street, near the Tasty Pie Shop. I'm on the seventh floor, please come and save me."

Boomer drove the Beetle and hid in a corner, paying full attention to the surrounding situation. He did not truthfully tell the truth about his speculations about "Enhancer" and "Shadow Spellcaster". He was mainly worried that after hearing the news, no one would be willing to risk saving him. Ordinary mercenaries, regardless of their sophistication or cost-benefit considerations, would not take the initiative to get involved in such muddy waters. Boomer knew that concealing key information like this was unethical, but becoming a dead man had never been in his plan.

After quietly getting out of the car and using the cover of other vehicles parked here, Bumore came to the corner of the parking lot, used a dusty semi-scrap medium-sized station wagon as a cover, and huddled up behind it. He held the remote control in his hand, and anyone who checked out his Beetle would be in for a surprise. After hiding, he continued to be vigilant. Although he still saw no one, the feeling of being tracked still did not disappear, and even became stronger.

"What's going on? Are you caught in something dirty?"

Just when Bullmore was completely confused, Zhuang Xuteng had already driven nearby, one intersection away from the parking lot. He parked the car temporarily on the side of the road and looked at the quiet parking lot from a distance. From his observation, the parking lot looked normal, and there were no people blocking or monitoring the entrance or exit. Three full minutes had passed, and all the people on the street in his field of vision had changed. If there is a pursuer, they must leave sentries at the door and at the intersection, right?

"Uh, is there any news in the information network?" Zhuang Xuteng scratched his head, hoping to get clues from Yanque.

"No. The network is very quiet, and there is no other encrypted communication except PCPD in the entire area. Well... PCPD's encrypted communication is also very small, and it can basically be judged to be daily official information. I simply filtered the plain text information, and there is nothing worth noting. Yanque finally concluded: "I think everything is normal."

"Everything is normal... I thought so too. It's strange. Could it be that Bang Bang got it wrong?" Zhuang Xuteng sighed and said, "Since we can't find the problem, let's act according to the original plan. I'll go up and pick him up." .Send him a signal and keep me posted."

Zhuang Xuteng came to the entrance of the parking lot and showed his driver's license to the toll collector at the booth, saying that he was parking temporarily and paid a deposit of 50 euros. Then, he went up the circular passage and reached the seventh floor. He parked the car directly opposite the exit passage and honked the car horn twice quickly.

"Beep." The horn of the armored ferret spread very clearly in the semi-enclosed parking lot, and it was impossible not to hear it. Immediately afterwards, Zhuang Xuteng saw someone sneaking over quickly along the wall in the rearview mirror. He got out of the car and opened the rear and driver's doors at the same time, waiting for Boomer to approach while keeping a vigilant eye on the surrounding area. It's not quiet in the parking lot. The main noise comes from the main road outside downstairs. Cars were driving around in the rotating passage behind me, and there was also the sound of steam engines boiling water and supercharging from upstairs and downstairs.

In addition, Zhuang Xuteng felt a curious gaze sweep over him.

"Who?" Zhuang Xuteng immediately became alert, and his shadowy eyes focused on him. He didn't see anything unusual. The parking lot was still the same as before, as if the feeling just now was just that he was suspicious. At this time, Bumore came over and raised his open palms in front of his chest to indicate that he did not hold a weapon. "5200." Bumore reported his income from this foreign aid operation.

"Notice one hour in advance." Zhuang Xuteng responded and told the time requirements for the foreign aid mission. One talks about the benefits, and the other talks about the task time requirements. Both of these pieces of information can be determined before the task begins, so there is no need to communicate after a problem occurs to request assistance. Because after problems arise, there is a risk that the communication channel will be leaked, so the secret code when meeting again must be avoided to be renegotiated. Using old information is a long-standing experience of mercenaries, which can save time and improve rescue safety.

"Get in the car." Zhuang Xuteng pointed to the back seat. Boomer nodded. He looked very nervous. There was still a lot of sweat on his forehead in such a cold day. "Tell me, where is the person chasing you?"

"I haven't seen it, maybe it's not ordinary people. I just have that kind of intuition. Do you understand the intuition?" Bumore's voice was hoarse when he spoke, and he kept swallowing saliva, as if his mouth was dry and he was about to become dehydrated. His brows were frowning, and there seemed to be a black streak between his brows that couldn't be healed. His overall condition was very abnormal.

Like what? Zhuang Xuteng felt that Bu Moor was haunted by resentment, or that the side effects had accumulated too much and were about to exceed his body's load. But previous intelligence said that Boomer had not worked for a long time. When he went to Lucy to accept the task, he would definitely not be in the current state - Lucy would not let a person who was about to collapse from the side effects take on important tasks. responsibility, so Bumore's pressure comes entirely from the current feint mission.

Is this task so tiring? Zhuang Xuteng thought this was abnormal. He called to Bumore, placed his hand on his head, and cast necromancy. Yes, the resentment stemming from Shadow Clan's side effects is very strong, but it does not come from Bumor, but from other places.

Looking for the source according to the spell, Zhuang Xuteng turned his head and looked at the yellow Beetle near the corner. There was resentment from the same source there, and it was even stronger. He then focused the Eye of Shadow and enveloped the Beetle. The ordinary car suddenly emitted a strong shadow energy reaction, and then a figure slowly appeared on the roof of the car, a middle-aged man wearing a sky blue suit.

If the environment were different, the man would be an ordinary office worker. Although blue suits are not common, they can definitely be worn by middle-level or above leaders of the company. They have some power and can decide their own style within a certain range. However, it is impossible for a civilian employee to squat on the roof of Bumore's car with nothing to do, and the material of the suit looks very hard, and it is most likely to have a strong protective effect.

But the source of Ying Cong's energy is not the suit, but something invisible in the hands of "office workers".

"Optical invisible skin?" Through the man's movements, Zhuang Xuteng felt that he was folding some invisible thin object, and he thought of the opponent who had sneaked up on them naked.

"The cloak, not the leather." The middle-aged man quickly folded it four times, then rolled up the invisible thing in his hand and put it behind his back. He stood up from the roof of the car, twisting his shoulders and tilting his head as if doing warm-up exercises. "You shouldn't find me, that would be bad for you."

"What do you mean?" Zhuang Xuteng focused on the Eye of Shadow and found that the guy on the roof of the car was covered in implants. These implants are symmetrically arranged and evenly spaced. Generally, only a set of implants planned in advance can achieve this effect. In particular, the pentagonal implant in the middle of that guy's chest showed extremely high activity, and its quality exceeded all the implants Zhuang Xuteng had seen so far.

"I wanted to continue tracking and find the mastermind behind this matter, instead of being found out by hands and feet who knew nothing. Your senses are very keen, and it seems that the quality of the implant is good. No wonder you are left alone. Come to the rescue. is true that only people like you can do good reconnaissance, and rescue missions require reconnaissance the most."

"Who are you?" Zhuang Xuteng gradually felt the pressure, and the movement analysis from martial arts told him: This guy on the opposite side is difficult to deal with. "How about we just pretend we don't see each other? I owe you a favor. If you have any orders in the future, I can help you."

"Oh? Then can you tell me, who is dealing with Camby James? If you can tell me, I can think about it."

"Camby James? The agent with the big house, the old man who slept with Bridgley Doll?" At this time, Zhuang Xuteng's expression was extremely surprised. It felt like he had just learned about this matter, and he was very innocent. "Is someone dealing with him? Why, a woman? I guess it's a woman, but there's no need to let this little fat guy pass. He'll just put a bomb... Wait, what happened? You exploded..."

"Very good. Whether you are acting or you really don't know, you didn't tell me the name of the mastermind behind the scenes." The man wore blue rubber surgical gloves, rubbed his eyebrows vigorously with his fingers, and twitched his face quickly at the same time. muscles and make many weird expressions. Finally, he opened his mouth wide, yawned hard, regained his serious expression, and said, "You are of no use anymore."

"You're useless." Bumore hid half of his body in the car, covering his right hand and pressing the detonation button. In an instant, his Beetle turned into a bright ball of fire, suddenly surrounding the blue suit. There was no explosion or roar. The fireball seemed to appear out of thin air and then burned violently. The outline of the blue Beetle disappeared in the firelight, and its approaching vehicle began to melt like a candle.

How high is the temperature of this flame? Is this normal? Zhuang Xuteng moved his vision upwards and found that the ceiling above the Beetle parking area showed no signs of melting, which was inconsistent with the physical characteristics of upward accumulation of heat. At this moment, Boomer fainted with a "Gah" and fell directly onto the back seat of the armored ferret. In this regard, Zhuang Xuteng had a guess: Bumore used some kind of shadow follower technology in the incendiary bomb, which became the last straw for him, directly leading to the side effect of fainting.

Okay, feel free to faint, as long as you can... Before Zhuang Xuteng finished saying his wish, he saw the blue suit walking out of the fireball, almost unscathed. I say "almost" because there are some blackened spots on the surface of his suit, and his eyebrows and a handful of hair are gone from the fever, but other than that, he is really uninjured. The man in blue suit reached out and touched his eyebrows. His whole face immediately became ferocious and twisted, and he gritted his teeth at Zhuang Xuteng.

Wait, I didn't light the fire. Why are you glaring at me? You're angry at Boomer! Zhuang Xuteng pointed at Bumore with both hands. This is not called scapegoating, this is called justly identifying the person responsible.

"You're dead." Blue Suit said.

"Oh, I knew I shouldn't have come." Zhuang Xuteng shook his head and flexed his muscles while saying: "Since you are so confident in letting us die, can you let us know clearly? What is going on? I just drove here to pick you up. Human, you won’t die, right? I’ll discuss it with you, I’ll leave this guy here for you, can you let me go?”

"No." Blue Suit squatted down slightly, accumulated strength, and then rushed forward.

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