Gunfire, Punk and Necromancer

Chapter 303 Chapter 300 My Body

There is no absolute safety in the world. Even the White Flag Grocery Store, which claims to be "uninterrupted", will still be forcibly expelled from this world. The same goes for installing a detoxification device. It is impossible to take advantage of all the benefits and not take any risks.

"With a nose with enhanced sense of smell, I can detect risks, and then manually open it for forced detoxification. There should be enough time. Just use this method. As long as the implants installed for me are genuine and good products, there will be no problem." Zhuang Xuteng said .

Dr. Jian Hei smiled and said: "Good products depend on how they are compared with each other. Really good products are in the hands of several major corporate groups. What I use for you are all medical products that come from regular hospitals. They are used daily." The best of the mass-produced models. Thanks to the new legislation, implants are getting cheaper and cheaper."

Ge Gongdao chuckled and added: "Not only are implants selling well, but there are more shops on the street that eliminate side effects. These additional medical implants can also support a new business."

"Yes, there are some shops, but I don't recommend that you go there for maintenance." Dr. Jian Hei said: "Either come here to see me, or buy a set of equipment and keep it at home. I have some news here about those maintenance services. The store may use some unsafe drugs to improve the maintenance effect. I feel that if this matter continues to develop, Blue Savage will be used sooner or later."

Both Zhuang Xuteng and Ge Gongdao can slowly eliminate the side effects of implants through dormant martial arts, and they have no urgent need for street maintenance shops. The two people said they would come to a regular place for maintenance, and then pretended to ask about the price of the maintenance equipment.

With the current wealth of the two people, they can buy maintenance equipment at will, but cheap things often mean poor results, especially in the implant-related industry. Good implants cost a lot of money to maintain. There is no way the company can get cheap and efficient maintenance equipment onto the market, let alone privately purchased.

Dr. Jian Hei then suggested that they take this opportunity to install some cheap medical implants or professional implants, and it would not be a waste of time. He knew very well what the two people did, and recommended several interesting things to them based on the situations they might encounter.

The eyelid protection implant adds a protective eyelid with a lateral switch to the eye, which can resist damage to the eyeballs from strong light, wind and sand, and some dangerous gases. Some people who are engaged in related work - such as electric welding and gas cutting - will install this thing, and some people who need to work underwater for a long time also have this need.

The military also equips some soldiers with similar implants, plus night vision, infrared vision or simple battlefield situation analysis functions. Except for the need to replace the eyeballs at the same time for battlefield situation analysis, night vision and infrared vision only need to replace the additional eyelids and do not require overall reinstallation.

It is said that the battlefield situation analysis function is very powerful and can be regarded as something that all mercenaries hope to have. However, the surgery involving replacing eyeballs is extremely difficult. Even if they get eyeballs from the military, tattoo and plastic surgery shops cannot perform this kind of surgery. Replacing a complete set of driving assistance sets is basically the upper limit of Dr. Jianhei's medical skills, and it is also the limit of what the hospital equipment can bear. Although he dared to try more difficult surgeries as long as he worked hard, no one wanted to be used as a test subject to gain surgical experience for others.

Dr. Jianhei also recommended them a concealed carry gun implant, which essentially installs a special shadow gun on the metacarpal bone. This function is very practical for mercenaries, especially the ability to install some non-metallic, or even invisible, small shadow guns. If you have larger hands - like Ge Gongdao - you can still install a normal-sized shadow gun, which is not visible at all from the outside. Ge Gongdao was very interested in this, but for Zhuang Xuteng, he had the bone spear spell, so this function was useless.

"It's too expensive. I have no money." Zhuang Xuteng said: "The cost of this operation, plus the newly installed nose and eyes, have almost exhausted my savings. Even if you recommend a better one, I will only You can make a choice. But you can ask Brother Dao, he has been in the industry for a long time and may still have money."

Ge Gongdao came to his senses as soon as he heard this: they couldn't show themselves to be rich, lest they be linked to the treasure train theft.

"I still have some money, but I'm not in a hurry. I want to see your skills and Nike's reviews before making a decision." Ge Gongdao said to Dr. Jian Hei: "He will operate first, and he will choose these. You Just take care of him first.”

"That's right, I'm a little too anxious." Dr. Jian Hei smiled and waved his hand and said: "That's it for now, so what I need to install is the driving assistance suit, the filtered blood pump, the sniffing enhanced nose and the anti-glare basic eyelids. During the surgery, the contents of your injection kit will be modified and the support muscles will be connected to the driver assistance kit."

"The driving assistance package also includes pressure support muscles. They are installed on the legs and have no additional effect, so change them to the arms to improve the strength of your arms..."

The strength of the arms here can be used for tearing, pushing and pulling, and pressing and holding, while the leg muscles are already the best product currently. Adding one more can only increase the speed of jumping and accumulating force, but cannot further increase the load. If you really want to increase the load-bearing capacity, you must make major changes and upgrade the frame. Zhuang Xuteng did not have this type of implant, and he had been eating titanium alloy pipes like lollipops, so his skeleton was slowly strengthening.

"The operation will cut off your current eyelids, install them and then put them back, so it will affect your appearance. Your eyes will look slightly more bulging than before, which is the effect of thickening of the eyelids. And the corners of the eyes on both sides will be The environmental detector extends laterally outward, about two centimeters long and two millimeters wide. You can customize its color, like a tattoo."

Zhuang Xuteng said without hesitation: "Skin color."

"Hide it? It's also an option. But it will be a little reflective..." Dr. Jianhei smiled and shook his head and said, "What am I blabbering about... There is a special eyebrow pencil that can cover it. After the operation, I can teach you You. In fact, there is only one question left: Do you have any needs for beauty and tattoos? I can do it for you by the way."

"No, just keep my original face." Zhuang Xuteng thought for a while and said, "Let's tattoo a word on my chest, where the heart is. Soaring Teng, as big as my thumb, printed in flesh-colored letters."

"Flesh color? Then you can only see it if you get closer?"

Zhuang Xuteng smiled and said, "That's exactly what I want."

After the contents of the operation were decided, it was time to leave a will. There are risks with any major surgery, especially one involving full-body implants. No one wants to get into trouble, but they must be prepared for it, and Zhuang Xuteng is the same. He adjusted his mentality, suppressed his fear of not waking up again after falling asleep, and told Ge Gong one thing: "If I die, supervise Lucy to give my rights to my family."

Ge Gongdao solemnly agreed, and at the same time he also said: "I am the same as you. I promise you that if they torture you to death, I will avenge you."

"Stop putting psychological pressure on the doctor. His hands are shaking, and I am the unlucky one."

Dr. Jian Hei shrugged and said, "It's okay, I'm not affected. People who come here say so. I'm used to it, and I'm still standing well now. This is proof of my medical ability."

Zhuang Xuteng shook his head and said, "It may also be proof of your fighting ability."

The doctor was noncommittal. They all understand that to be able to open this implant hospital without being overwhelmed by regular hospitals, occupied by gangs or PCPD, or banned by companies, there must be quite strong protection.

Zhuang Xuteng was pushed into the operating room by doctors and nurses. He turned off the toxin filtering kidney and opened the injection component in his neck, allowing the doctor to insert the anesthetic agent from here. He was lying on his side, and the ECG monitoring equipment in front of him was shaking in his field of vision, giving people an interesting feeling. He wanted to share this point of view with the doctor, but before the words came out, he fell asleep.

When he opened his eyes again, he was already back in the ward, lying on the white bed with two sling bottles connected to his neck. At his feet, Ge Gongdao was holding a magazine and looking at it. The woman on the cover and back cover had big breasts and fat buttocks, which reflected an artificial and exaggerated beauty.

Ge Gongdao made a tut-tsk sound, picked up the drink on the side, and drank through the straw. If it is outdoors, surrounded by beaches, and equipped with a parasol and sunglasses, it will really look like a vacation and leisure. Zhuang Xuteng sighed and said, "Does Prince want you to read this kind of magazine?"

Only then did he realize that his voice was hoarse.

"Eh? Are you awake?" Ge Gongdao put down the magazine and drink, looked up at the big face, and asked at the same time: "Are you feeling uncomfortable somewhere?"

"My body is a little numb, my eyes are very dry, and I'm thirsty."

"The painkillers have given you some numbness. We can't stop now. We have to continue..." Ge Gongdao looked at the clock on the wall and said, "It will take at least eight hours. Your eyes will feel uncomfortable. , I will give you eye drops every hour, don’t worry. You can’t drink water yet, the water your body needs is obtained from the hanging bottle. The doctor said not to irritate your gastrointestinal tract. "

"I didn't have a gastrointestinal implant?"

"It seems that some kind of digestive system will cause changes in your glands, causing the implant calibration deviation... I can't remember clearly, there are so many complicated terms, anyway, you can't drink water now." Ge Gongdao smiled and sat on the bed Bian said, "The operation was successful. Everything that needs to be installed has been installed, and your tattoo is done. Hey, do you want to take a look?"

Zhuang Xuteng tried his best to lower his head, but his neck was a little unruly. Only then did he realize that his chin and back of his neck were fixed, and his range of motion was restricted.

"Oh, I forgot, you are still getting the injection and you can't move your neck." Ge Gongdao's expression was particularly insincere, and he was lying at first glance. "I'll bring you a mirror, don't worry."

Zhuang Xuteng nodded slowly. He knows Ge Gongdao very well. You must not say to him "Stop playing with me" at this time. That will only make him have more fun. Brother Dao, I must have forgotten the order of the operations. No matter how he plays tricks on Zhuang Xuteng now, he will be punished on him in the future.

"Did you see it? The words in the mirror are reversed. If you look hard, it's not obvious." Ge Gongdao fiddled with the mirror, trying to find a good angle for Zhuang Xuteng. "Doctor Jianhei's skills are really good. He adjusted the pigment according to your skin color, and the tattoo seems to be invisible. Yes, you definitely want to see your own face too."

In fact, there is nothing to see on the face, because Zhuang Xuteng's nose and eye sockets were wrapped in gauze, and only his mouth was exposed. What can be seen? This was obviously another joke from Gogongdao, and he looked quite happy.

"Okay, it's time to get down to business." Ge Gongdao put down the mirror, took out a notebook from under the bed, and began to recite the contents. This is the instruction manual for the driver assistance suit implant. They had read it before the surgery. They had to follow the steps in it to initialize the implant. No matter how clearly you remember it before, the attendants have to recite it several times to prevent the surgical reaction from interfering with the memory.

The natural body and the artificial implant need to be worn together to achieve full effect, both to prevent the implant from tearing the body apart and to prevent the body from being unable to adapt to the strength of the implant. Adjustment should not be done too hastily, not only because rushing will increase the probability of accidents, but also because Zhuang Xuteng did not operate according to the default method. He has double the arm pressure muscle implant, which means four times the risk.

"Wait until I finish reciting it all, and then you can move again." Ge Gongdao pointed to a square instrument on the bedside and said, "This is the emergency anesthesia syringe. If your body twitches, I will activate it immediately and you will After being anesthetized, the implant's instructions will also be forcibly cancelled. You still need to turn off the toxin filtering kidney, and by the way, now you also need to turn off the blood pump. Make no mistake."

Zhuang Xuteng nodded slightly, indicating that he understood, and then began to listen to Ge Gongdao's chatter. Under his watch, Zhuang Xuteng started the implant one by one according to the steps, allowing the driving assistance suit to self-test and begin to connect with the body tissue, skeletal system, and nervous system.

Soreness, numbness and itching... Various feelings are swimming in the body. They are constantly changing, appearing and disappearing without warning, just like the surface of a lake being beaten by raindrops. Zhuang Xuteng must overcome these sudden stimuli, focus on body control, and perform the actions one by one according to the instructions.

Starting from fingers and toes, joint by joint, part by part, the implant suit continuously collects Zhuang Xuteng's body information for better integration. Zhuang Xuteng soon became tired. Fatigue comes from recovering from surgery, but also from the side effects of implants. Because he is worried that the dormant martial arts will affect the running-in activation of the implant, he cannot transfer the damage now.

After completing the initial set of actions, Zhuang Xuteng breathed a long sigh of relief, closed his eyes and began to sleep. This is also a requirement for implants. After initial setting, it must be left to rest to give the body time to recover from minor wounds. The entire implant operation basically dismantled Zhuang Xuteng, and there were more than 900 stitches alone afterwards. It can be said that he is now sewn back together. Even the simple exercise he just performed, without much activity at all, made him a bloody man again, with tiny blood beads everywhere on his body. Although the total amount is not much, it looks quite scary.

He is now at his most vulnerable.

But when he stood up again, it was different.

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