Gundam: The wind blowing through the universe

Chapter 155: Change Turtle Ba tomorrow and then sell him

"So? That's not Miss Lux?"

"You've asked me this for the eighth time, please let me go."

"No, this is too unbelievable, isn't it? Someone is even pretending to be Lux?"

"That illustrates a problem. The bullshit treaty signed by Kanaba is so unpopular that the new speaker needs to pull off such a clumsy trick to restore the morale of the military."

Dragging his tired body, Sieg flew back to the room and fell on the bed. Shopping is extremely suitable for women. Even Stella, who has never shown much emotion, put on a smile, but For a straight man like him, it was comparable to a high-intensity MS battle.

While Lars was kind enough to rub his shoulders, he also told all about Mia. After all, the three of them are now a team, and Siegfried is not speechless. Keeping such stories in his heart will do no good except arouse the suspicion of his teammates.

He didn't know if this Armory City was the unlucky Armory No. 1 in the future, but Mia's sudden appearance tonight made him feel that something was wrong even more.

Kanaba's resignation is actually more like an act of taking the blame. From the perspective of the Junius Treaty, PLANT is definitely the party that suffered a loss, so "the resentment belongs to Kanaba, the cheer belongs to Durandal" is originally a It is a very good way to soothe the grievances of veterans, especially now that Mia has come out ahead of schedule. With Lux's identity, the ZAFT veterans gathered here should have been coaxed into submission.

But on their way back, many people still noticed Siegfried's white hair, either explicitly or covertly. Combined with the unknown whereabouts of Councilor Jour, and Durandal's extremely bad reputation in Siegfried's heart, so He didn't dare to leave Lars and Stella outside for too long, so he felt a little relieved after returning to the hotel early.

"We can't leave now. It's said that Mia will stay here for two or three days. The flights outside have already started queuing up. Besides, the bidding meeting will start tomorrow. If we leave now, it will be clear that we have a problem. "

Siegfried changed his posture and signaled Lars to use more force and then continued, "So in the next few days, we will maintain a two-point-one-line life trajectory and do not have any contact with Actaeon. We will see what happens then." Let’s talk about development.”

"Huh? Why are you so smart all of a sudden? Brother Casper~"

"I told you not to call me that. It's not like you don't know my name. Actaeon must settle this debt, but not now, and the dead golden retriever is of no use to us. The atmosphere here is too weird. , I feel that something will happen to us first even if we don’t have to take action.”

"Casper, Casper~"

Lars ignored Siegfried's protest and instead shouted his pseudonym even more vigorously. Seeing that the movement of her hand did not stop, Siegfried just let it go.

"I don't want to call you Asha~"


"No, I want to ask you if this intensity is okay?"

"Okay, okay, I spent half my life in vain."

The next day, as the bidding meeting officially began, Actaeon inevitably met with HCLI Development Company. Siegfried's eyes slid from V.V's neck to his heart, and then he immediately sat upright and pretended to be full of emotions just now. The murderous gaze was not the same as what he did.

V.V was a little disappointed after seeing that the talented girl from the other party did not accompany him. He is not a fool. East Asia first canceled the Hyperion G order, and then gave the development plan of Thunderbolt Gundam to Fujisan Corporation and HCLI. This made Zheng Zheng prepare to work hard on the "Initial GAT Series Strengthening Improvement Plan" Actaeon suffered great losses in the field.

In fact, during Matisse's attack on Orb, V.V did not know the contents of the entire plan in advance. Jerfenit, as a body that had already failed in bidding, had been sold to an intelligence dealer by them. As for those AI pilots The M1 was originally one of his test products, and the actual finished product 'AI80' was used on three improved aircraft: Blue Calamity, Ocher Predation, and Crimson Forbidden.

It was not until the Orb terrorist attack occurred that V.V realized that he had been tricked by Mattis. As the planner of the terrorist attack, Matisse did not show any flaws. The only person who could leak her personal information was Yuna, who was killed by Siegfried in a rage. So V.V couldn't bear to think about what kind of revenge Actaeon would suffer as he provided the murder weapon.

Originally, he wanted to use this tender meeting to find a way to explain to Orb through HCLI Development Society. Regardless of whether he regarded Shuguang Society as a competitor or not, the massacre of the Sailan family had always left a big shadow on him. Moreover, just explaining what happened does not mean that he will surrender to the Dawn Society, so V.V was still a little disappointed after not seeing Hilde.

But in Siegfried's eyes, there was another explanation for his actions. As a supplier of weapons in the terrorist attack, when he saw the real owner, he didn't even want to kowtow to him. Instead, he dared to show a regretful expression. If it weren't for the purpose of arresting him, If the mastermind is revealed alive, Siegfried can make V.V evaporate that night.

With two very different ideas, several companies began to take turns explaining their bidding projects. Not surprisingly, Actaeon once again found nothing. Their proud MS technologies did not fall into the eyes of ZAFT at all, including ZAFT, which mainly adjusts people, has no use for confidential technologies such as intelligent assistive AI, and V.V cannot afford all the remaining proprietary technologies, so they basically ran away in vain this time.

However, when it was HCLI Development Club's turn to give a presentation, V.V watched the white-haired boy lazily explain their underwater mobile suit. Compared with Hilde's original explanation, the whole process was neither in-depth nor professional. Sex, but it happened to be like this. When the meeting was over, the ZAFT member responsible for the bidding actually asked the HCLI team to wait for a moment. This result almost made V.V grit his teeth.

Siegfried, who had originally decided to withdraw after speaking, was also at a loss. He knew very well that the performance of the E-type magic crab could never surpass Esho, who had not yet been installed by ZAFT, so he had no idea about the strange councilor in front of him. What does the other party want?

"This is the first time we meet, let me introduce myself. I am the new National Defense Commissioner Edward Lee. I have taken the liberty to leave a few here because I want to have further communication about the MS just now. Is it convenient?"

"It's convenient. I'm not very polite, so if you have anything to say, just say it."

"Mr. Casper Heikmedia, a test driver who is good at practical combat and is also the commercial representative for this trip, Miss Lars Winslet, the daughter of the former WWK president and also the commercial assistant for this trip, and this Armed bodyguard Ms. Stella Lucia?" Councilor Edward reported the names and positions of the three people one by one, and even told them their identities that were not registered on the entry certificate. This made Siegfried's intelligence about ZAFT The system looked a little higher.

"We are very interested in your company's water-based MS. During the South American War, there seemed to be a water-based mobile suit that was your company's test product. But frankly speaking, this E-type magic crab has advantages in terms of cost and versatility. , the overall performance does not seem to be particularly impressive.”

"I think so too."

Siegfried admitted his shortcomings without any burden, and showed no discomfort at all because his products were belittled.

"So, can you please invite your company to customize a mobile suit for amphibious operations based on our needs?"

"Our customization fee is very expensive, and it is non-refundable if the plan is not adopted."

It was Lars who said this. From Edward's words, she keenly grasped the business opportunity. Although she didn't know why this kind of thing happened to them, but with a professional mentality of making a fortune, she quickly Offered his own price.

"There is no problem with the price. If you need it, we will send more detailed content to you later. Simply put, we want an iteration of Zno, which roughly needs to fulfill the role of heavy armor and heavy firepower. No. Know"

"Water battle? Heavy equipment?"

Siegfried had seen the actual Zno. He had never fought against this huge underwater aircraft, so he could not comment on its specific combat capabilities. However, several requirements mentioned by Councilor Edward made him think of a plane that was originally designed to be similar to the Zno. When Erd was discussing "What is the ugliest aircraft", it was used as a candidate for the top three.

"Wait a minute, I think I've really found it. It's this one, Juag. It's a bit ugly, but it perfectly suits the heavy armor and heavy firepower you want."

What Siegfried took out was Juaga's semi-restored concept drawing. For these ancient Jean aquatic products, Hilde had an extremely complete design plan in Chambro's sub-list. What was missing was just a few C.E transformation, but considering the cost-effectiveness issue, even if you modify aquatic products such as Magic Crab, Zokok, and Kapur, it is almost useless.

For no other reason than that, it couldn't be sold. East Asia's high-fighting crab formation has not yet received the physical product. It will take at least half a year from production to actual installation. By that time, Ash is almost at the door of Lux's house.

In addition to East Asia, Atlantic and Eurasia are basically equipped with various styles of forbidden machines. It is completely impossible to purchase other models, so Hilde does not want to go to the trouble of restoring these antiques.

Only Jiu'ag has obvious advantages and disadvantages among all aquatic products. The reduced mobility caused by heavy armor and heavy firepower was originally a fatal weakness, but thanks to the existence of Zno and the black technology battery pack under C.E technology , Joag can greatly reduce the weight of the power system here, and the overall maneuverability can even exceed Zno after leaving the water.

And thanks to the free technology provided by ZAFT, Joag's built-in beam cannon can also be simultaneously replaced with a phonon pulse high-energy cannon. In addition, unlike Zno's torpedoes which can only be used underwater and have a very large shooting angle limit, Hilde can also replace the three rocket launchers on the forearm with PS armor to achieve a certain degree of shield function.

And by replacing multiple types of ammunition, Juaga can achieve a three-in-one strike surface of sea, land and air without being close to the coastline. In addition, the height is much smaller than Zno, which reduces the area to be bombed. The disc-shaped head can use TP armor. Councilor Edward looked blankly at the concept drawing that Siegfried produced. For a moment, he really wanted to conduct an internal investigation into ZAFT to see if someone had leaked some information to the HCLI Development Society in advance. Otherwise, he would not be able to explain why. He just mentioned an idea, but the other party didn't even come up with a very feasible design plan overnight.

"It's a bit ugly, but it meets the requirements. What do you think?"


In the afternoon, the recommendation reached 300+. It’s still useful to cry miserably.

Thanks to book friend 20200210183410373, book friend 20210811013205520, and book friend Xiaocao e for their rewards. Although the extra update line has not been triggered, I think I should add more to celebrate.

I just took some time to revise Chapter 150, and finally restored it to my original setting, which is a two-machine parallel plan, a guaranteed bottom line at dawn, and a surprise from the emperor's heresy.

Thanks to the readers who gave me their opinions, ZAFT’s exclusive ninth brother is given to everyone.

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