Gundam SEED’s Final Destination

Chapter 753: : Matisse's Desperate Situation

【Gundam SEED: The Last Place】【】

At the same time, another battlefield.

The Minerva took the troops to the coordinates of the Hill team.

However, when they saw the enemy fighting against the Hill team, they all showed disbelief on their faces.

"What a joke!"

"how come!"

"Destruction Gundam!?"

"Blowing Snow Divine Will!?"

"Trial Type Savior Gundam?"

"Why are they here!?"

Arthur exclaimed loudly, looking at the picture mapped on the screen in disbelief.

Destruction Gundam, a full fifteen!

In addition, there are dozens of warships affiliated to the Union, as well as old rivals who thought they had died with LOGOS.

It can be said that the enemy's strength in the front is not too conceited even if it is compared to the Alsace base.

But the Alsace base is the big main base of the Union, and there's nothing here.

"Damn Durandal!"

In Genesis Alpha, Mattis couldn't help but scolded when he saw the mighty Zaft fleet in the distance.

One step is wrong, one step is empty, and the whole is passive.

Now things are in trouble.

If he is the first to appear, then he must be greeted by a strategic weapon strike from the direction of Zaft.

But the Genesis Alpha would never be able to resist this kind of fortress-level firepower.

But if you don't expose it, you will have a chance to survive, but the universe is Zaft's world, and he is fully capable of covering himself with the power of search to find out.

At that time, having lost the combined force, he has no choice but to escape.

At that time, Durandal had a high probability of becoming a 'god' who controlled the world.

I have become a street rat—

To fight is to die, not to fight—

and many more!

Suddenly, Matisse's eyes lit up, and it didn't seem like this was the case.

What is Durandal thinking about, otherwise he shouldn't have to act according to his own ideas, he doesn't need to forcefully use Requiem to destroy the Alsace base.

So what is he worried about?

Lacus Klein? Aub?

Does he want to use his own hands to destroy Lux Klein, along with himself and the remaining forces of the Earth United?

Therefore, when Genesis Alpha appeared, he would not attack immediately, but would first let Lacus Klein and them attack him.

Then he settled everything from behind once and for all.

Sandpipers and clams compete for the fisherman's profit, and now he and Lux ​​Klein are snipe and mussels, and Durandal wants to be a fisherman.

But now that I have become a snipe and clam, how can I break the game—

Bombing Requiem - No, although it can solve Zaft's remaining troops, it can't break the situation.

And the Messiah was not found—


Suddenly, Mattis had an immature idea: "All members attack immediately! Hit them all back to me!"

Durandal has not yet fully found his position, so he will not take the lead in attacking. What he has to do is to completely fight back the Minerva and the fleet to which it belongs without relying on Genesis α.

After Lux and the others solve the Requiem, they will watch the plot development and choose what to do next.

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【Gundam SEED: The Last Place】【】

However, in this way, his own strength will inevitably be greatly weakened.

Also, he will completely lose the initiative.

After all, it is not so easy to stop the Minerva, and if the Messiah has been hidden, he will always be locked here.

In addition, he belongs to the Earth Federation, and Lux ​​Klein belongs to PLNAT.

If the other party targets him, he will also be in a desperate situation.

Hiss, no, that doesn't seem to be the case.

Now Durandal is carrying out his destiny plan. If he can't suppress Aube and Lux ​​Klein, his destiny plan will be hindered.

Without the aura of invincibility, people's trust in him will also be problematic.

Without the deterrence of Requiem, the major forces that were forced to carry out their destiny plans would also reverse.

In this way, Durandal has to act, so he is more urgent than himself!

However, in this way, in order to prevent the opponent from jumping into the wall and locking himself, the position of Genesis α must be readjusted.

However, Genesis α has already entered the opponent's field of vision. Once the engine is started, the movement will inevitably be detected and locked by the opponent, thus returning to the original point.


Thinking of this, Matisse couldn't help but slammed the podium hard.

He seemed to be in a dead end.

She thought of another picture.

Durandal mobilized the strength of defending Requiem, and waited for Lux Klein and others to solve Requiem, with their kind of bad guys and so-called justice.

He will inevitably come to stop the battlefield in front of him. As a result, no matter how he chooses, there is only one result when Genesis α cannot move, and that is to be completely locked in this space by the troops in the direction of Zaft.

At that time, the self who lost the combined force will only have the locked **** of Genesis α.

With complicated thoughts, Matisse's fleet and the Zaft troops brought by the Minerva began a slaughter.

Regardless of the outcome, the only thing she can do now is this.

"The No. 1 relay station is probably about to fall."

In the Messiah base, Durandal did not know or care about Mattis' struggle.

Mattis was disqualified from becoming a chess player when the Hill team discovered the trail of Mattis.

A venomous snake hiding in the dark is indeed deadly and dangerous, but once the darkness that protects it is lost, the venomous snake just looks scary.

Lei stood there calmly and did not speak.

Shin Asuka and others had already left at this time, and went to the driver's guard room in the port to stand by. Only him and Durandal were present.

"But... Forget it, it's just an introduction anyway."

While muttering, Durandal asked the secretary: "Messiah started to move silently according to the predetermined plan, be careful not to expose it in advance."

Matisse's options are running out, and they're all death options.

Unless she's willing to drop the Genesis Alpha.

But because of her personality, there is a high probability that she will not choose this. In the end, she will definitely order the use of Genesis α.

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【Gundam SEED: The Last Place】【】

And as long as she uses Genesis, no matter where she goes, she will definitely be besieged by Lux Klein and others at the first time. At that time, she only needs to reap the benefits when they fight hard.

Of course, if she can find the Messiah's place in advance - unfortunately this is my home.

"General, Matisse—"

Murmuring a smile appeared on Durandal's face.

The old era is finally coming to an end, and the new era is about to begin—

Relay point Yuyu, the battlefield remains the same.

"Dear Captain Inzak, what should we do now?"

Diaka, who was ready in the cockpit of the plane, urged Inzac on the Voltaire bridge.

Command has ordered the expedition of the Eternal and the Archangel and the Archangel that attacked Relay No. 1.

Wearing Zavot uniforms, they had to go.

But to tell the truth, in fact, Diaka is not uncommon for Requiem, if this thing is to be broken, let others break it.

"...Why don't you go out, be killed by them and come back?"

That's at least benevolent.

But seeing Yin Zach glaring at him on the screen, he immediately yelled, "What nonsense! If you are so ignorant, don't go out in the first place!"

"Hey, but ah..."

Diaka sighed.

Even if he is full of fighting spirit, once he encounters those three guys, he still has nothing to do.

He felt that he would definitely be killed by the three of them.

Liberty, Justice, Covenant.

Diaka, who fought side by side with them in the previous war, naturally knew the combat skills and airframe performance of these three people better than anyone else.

It's not that he looks too high, it's just that the three animals are too difficult to win.

You may not live long if you are singled out, let alone when they get together three times.

Diaka has even vaguely seen himself being divided by three people.

Especially that guy Nuoer who has been doing nothing light or heavy, in case... Yes, I haven't found a wife yet.

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