Gundam SEED’s Final Destination

Chapter 721: : Arrest Yuna

"The defense line of this island is completely disintegrated! If it is not reorganized, it will be completely destroyed!"

The command room frequently received reports of defeat from various war zones, and Colonel Sokai was as anxious as an ant on a hot pan.

But I saw that the supreme commander of the national army, Yuna Roman, said that it had nothing to do with him: "Then you should reorganize quickly! Hurry up, what are you waiting for! Really!"

Where does this look like a commander!

Suokai tried his best to suppress the anger in his heart and continued to ask, "So, what is your order...?"

If you give him advice, he will be refuted, and he will not be able to give specific instructions. Where have all the strategic theories that he usually talks about all day long?

"First Evolution"

At such a time, why didn't he take out his best joker and use it?

As soon as these words came out, Yuna put on a "don't try to lie to me" face and said, "What? My order? Isn't this what you should do? If you lose again, that's all. You hurt!"

Seeing him triumphantly, Suoke was stunned.

In such a critical situation, is this person's mind only thinking about who to put the blame on?

If he commanded the front line in Crete in the same tone, then Colonel Tadaga and others who died in that battle would definitely be dead.

Now the surrounding officers and soldiers looked at the supreme commander with a look of disgust, and some even tutted unabashedly.

Morale plummeted.

At this moment, an operator exclaimed: "Colonel Sokai! There are new friendly troops in the open air!"


newly joined? What does it mean? Sokai looked at the operator, who turned his head in surprise.

"Their identification number... is the carrier aircraft of the Jian Yulei!"

"What did you say…?"

Suokai couldn't believe his ears, but Yuna, who was beside him, felt guilty.

Jian Yulei - that was the flagship of the expeditionary force that sank in Crete.

How did its fighter plane appear until now?

I heard another operator report back: "In addition, there is an unknown MS! It is flying towards the headquarters with Murasame!"

After the words were finished, the front screen had already reflected the body.

"What is that?"

Yuna couldn't help crying.

Leading the three Murasames, it was a golden mobile suit that was full of brilliance.

The four airframes shuttled in the line of fire, shooting down the Zaft fighters that surrounded the defense headquarters one after another.

――Could it be... allies?


When Suoke was staring at the sublime radiance emanating from the body, the communication channel was suddenly turned on.

"I am the daughter of Uzmi Yura Asghar, Kagali Yura Asghar! Defense Headquarters, can you hear me?"

As soon as this voice entered the command room, there was an electric shock that shook people's hearts immediately.

"Lord Cagalli?"

Sokai fixed his eyes on the golden fighter plane.

The communication was sent from this unidentified aircraft that was constantly approaching.

"It happened suddenly, and you may question my authenticity, but I still have to speak to the commander. Please—"


The call, which burst out before she could finish her sentence, startled the officers and soldiers.

I saw Yuna, who was standing beside Suoke just now, grabbed the operator's phone at some point, and shouted with joy: "Ka... Cagalli! You're here, my honey, Thank you, you are my goddess! Commander is me! It is me—!"

The speed of turning his face was faster than turning a book, making everyone present dumbfounded.

Many people have heard that Yuna clearly recognized Kagali's attack on Blossom in Dardanelles, but still insisted that it was a fake.

"...Yura, you admit that I'm real - it's Kagali Yuna Ashar, the representative head of the Orb United Chiefs?"

With a smile that was even a little deliberate, Cagalli asked again and again.

"Of course! Of course! I know very well—!"

Yuna seemed to regard the fact that she had determined that she was a fake and ordered to fire on her as completely non-existent, and after answering with joy, he solemnly assured Suokai and the others: "She is the real one!"

I wondered what he would say.

This guy is doing everything he can to clear his responsibilities. Seeing the defeat of the battle, how could he let go of the opportunity to escape.

Sokai, who sensed Yuna's intentions, had long since collapsed due to this boredom.

This kind of stupid and irresponsible leader, it was the idiot who let him go.

"Then, I order with the authority of Orb's representative!"

At this moment, Cagalli suddenly changed her soft tone and shouted in a sharp voice: "The soldiers of the headquarters, immediately arrest and detain Yuna Roman Seran on the charge of national rebellion!"

Everyone was slightly taken aback when they heard the words, and subconsciously looked at Yuna.

At this time, Yuna, who was nodding desperately at her words, took a while to realize that he was—what about me?

"I'm sorry, Lord Supreme Commander!"

Sokai's eyes lit up, and he turned to look at Yuna, rubbing his fists and grinning.

"you want-"


Before Yuna finished speaking, he saw a huge fist appear on his face, forcibly interrupting his nonsense.

"According to the order, please let us take custody!"

After Suokai finished the fight, Shi Shiran explained the reason.

The surrounding soldiers also jumped up and punched and kicked.

Hearing his useless screams, Suokai's long-standing anger was finally swept away.

"Let him reveal Jibril's hiding place! Unat is in the Executive Yuan? Turn on the channel!"

While continuing to support the air battle, Cagalli brightly began to order: "All Orb army, listen to my command from now on! Do you understand!"


At her order, all the officers and soldiers in the command room stood at attention and saluted.

——Lord Cagalli is back, at this critical moment...!

The representative of Aub came back in anticipation of everyone, which made Sokai's heart surging with emotion.

Perhaps Cagalli has almost zero political talent, but she has a good talent and vision in the command of the battle situation and the overall situation.

She is not suitable for politics, but definitely suitable for the military battlefield.

"The remaining troops gather at Takamizin, and the two Murakami squads go to the gathering ground for cover!"

Cagalli, who had regained her rights, immediately gave the order.

The orders were given quickly and clearly. In addition to viewing the battle from a high altitude, it was also thanks to the experience in commanding defensive battles during the previous World War.

Her voice also reached the grassroots soldiers.

Seeing Murasame, who was in retreat, the dynamics of Heresy A immediately changed, and the frigate group slowly regained control.

"Everyone, please lend me your strength - let's protect the country together!"

Cagalli's prayer-like words immediately won a response from the frontline battlefield.

——Protect Orb...!

"Lord Kagali...!"

Sokai only felt his eyes warm.

Calgary is back.

As an Orb soldier, she couldn't let her see jokes.

However, the battlefield situation will not be changed by a simple warm-blooded speech.

Under the charge of a Legendary Gundam and three Destiny Gundams, Orb, who was already at a disadvantage, was losing ground even with Cagalli's command.

Drop drop —

"Lord Cagalli be careful!"

At this moment, the Dawn Gundam radar detected a threat from the rear.

Amid the exclamations of Nishizawa and the others, Shin Asuka, who had penetrated the battlefield all the way from the rear, rushed up in the Destiny Gundam.

"Dangling around is annoying!"

Destiny Gundam, holding the Arrondite beam saber, spreads its light wings.

Drag the afterimage to the rear of the dawn.

"Lord Cagalli!"

It was also at this moment that Caesar and the others rushed to Dawn's side with their shields raised.


The Arrondite beam saber suddenly fell.


Arndette's beam saber was blocked, but Murasame's MS was also knocked away.

Without waiting for Nishizawa to adjust the body, Destiny Gundam raised his hand and placed it in front of Murasame's cockpit.


The palm cannon lights up.

The mobile suit Nishizawa was driving exploded instantly.


Chigu cried out in are you looking around at! "

With the sound from the cockpit, Chigu turned his head, and another Destiny Gundam came in front of him.

The Arrondite beam saber fell, and the Ike Valley Machine also burst.

In an instant, Qitai Village Rain, who had escorted Cagalli to this place, exploded.

"Lord Cagalli!"


At the rear, dozens of mobile suits accelerated towards Cagalli's direction.

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